Beltex In Lamb 23

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Friday 8th December 2023 Borderway Mart, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RS




Catalogue for the



MV ACCREDITED PEDIGREE BELTEX SHEEP (sold under the Beltex Sheep Society Rules)


8 Ewes 113 Shearling Gimmers 6 Ewe Lambs Followed by the production sale of


on behalf of W&A McCrabbe Goitaquiqley, Raphoe, Lifford, Co Donegal 30 Shearling Gimmers

and The dispersal sale of


on behalf of A Munro The Stables, Loandhu, Fearn, Tain, Rossshire 38 Aged Ewes

Friday 8th December 2023 Judging - 8.30am Sale - 10.30am Head Office:

Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Tel: 01228 406230 or 01228 406200 E-mail: Website:



NOTICE TO PURCHASERS Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, click on below QR code to complete.

• Payment is due in full on day of purchase. • Interest is chargeable from date of purchase for accounts in default. • Accepted form of payments: Debit card or direct bank transfer. A 2% surcharge will apply to business credit card payments. If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account.

• Anti Money Laundering (AML) & Cash Payments For avoidance of doubt our company AML policy is to accept a maximum of £1,000.00 per trading account per year.

• No Lots can leave the market without a ‘Pass Slip’ being issued by the main office. • All Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling (GBP). Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website:

Scan me!


Purchasers who do not have a live H&H trading account must complete the New account form via the QR link below. On day of sale, to ease your payment process please complete the details below and hand to auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.

Please fold and detach along this perforation

TRADING NAME........................................................................................................................................ FULL POSTAL ADDRESS.......................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE.................................................................................................................................................. EMAIL........................................................................................................................................................... TEL. NO....................................................................................................................................................... HOLDING NO................................................................ FLOCK No......................................................

DESTINATION DETAILS OF ANIMALS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) HOLDING NO.................................................................................. POST CODE.................................. Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website:

n Sca





Notice to all Visitors and Traders Please read and observe the following: • Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival. • All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site. • All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site. • All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance. • All persons delivering livestock to mart must park on the hardcore area at the back of the site and then proceed along the designated route to the biosecurity control next to the supervisors office. • Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading. • Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office. • No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale. • Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock. • Wash hands thoroughly when leaving livestock pennage areas. • Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.

Our on site Biosecurity Officer will only be too pleased to give you assistance.

Our Heritage – Your Future




SORTED By the time you’ve filled up with diesel Livestock claims agreed within 10 minutes We understand that life is busy enough

01228 406290 Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Firm Reference Number 305809


CONDITIONS OF SALE All sheep are sold under the Conditions of Sale as displayed in the market recommended for use by the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association Ltd SCHEDULE 2 – SHEEP 36

Definitions In this Schedule the words or expression: “In Lamb” or “Due to Lamb” means any female sheep carrying a lamb but shall not imply that any lamb due will be born alive and, where the female sheep is stated to be In Lamb or Due to Lamb to a named ram the Vendor shall provide the Auctioneer with details of the ram, his ear tag number and any breed society registration number together with such, if any, further information that may be required of him, such information to be included in any catalogue for the sale and announced at the sale.


Female sheep


Vendor’s warranty Each female sheep is warranted not to be In Lamb at the time of sale. This warranty is a 14 weeks and 5 Day Warranty.


Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to 33.33 per cent of the purchase price. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate or a slaughter-house manager’s or other competent person’s certificate confirming the sheep to have been In Lamb for a period of at least 12 weeks on the day of sale.


Female sheep not described as In Lamb

38.1 Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that a female sheep not described in any catalogue for sale or at the time of sale as In Lamb is not In Lamb at the time of sale. This warranty is a 14 Week + 5 Day Warranty. 38.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty then, at the Purchaser’s option, either the Purchaser may exercise his rights under Schedule 6, or the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to the amount in paragraph (i) of the Appendix. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate or a slaughterhouse manager’s or other competent person’s certificate confirming that the sheep was In Lamb



Female sheep described as correct


Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that all female sheep described in the catalogue or at the time of sale as correct are sound in mouth and udder, that is they are not lacking any of the 8 broad teeth and do not have any damaged or worn teeth or a defective udder. This warranty is a 5 Day Warranty.

39.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty then, at the Purchaser’s option, either the Purchaser may exercise his rights under Schedule 6, or the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to the amount in paragraph (i) of the Appendix. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate. 40

Female sheep proving barren

40.1 Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that any female sheep sold as being In Lamb is In Lamb at the time of sale. This warranty is a 21 Day Warranty. 40.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty he may exercise his rights under Schedule 6. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate. 41

Ewes with lambs at foot


Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that, unless stated to the contrary in any catalogue for the sale or at the time of sale, in a Lot in which the ewes are described as with lamb or with lambs at foot every ewe is suckling one or more lambs, and every lamb has a mother in the Lot. This warranty is a 5 Day Warranty.

41.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty he may exercise his rights under Schedule 6 in respect of any ewe which does not have a lamb or any motherless lamb. 42

Castrated sheep

42.1 Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that, unless stated to the contrary in any catalogue for sale or at the time of sale, any male sheep not expressly sold as rams: a) have been castrated; and b) have not been imperfectly castrated. The warranty in Condition 42.1 (a) is an After Sale Warranty and the warranty in Condition 42.1 (b) is a 14 + 5 Day Warranty.


42.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty then, at the Purchaser’s option, either he may exercise his rights under Schedule 6, or the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to 33.33 per cent of the purchase price of the sheep concerned. If other sheep had been sold in the Lot the compensation payment shall be calculated on the basis of the average price per head of all animals in the Lot. 43

Stock rams

43.1 Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that any ram sold as a stock ram for the amount in paragraph (j) of the Appendix or more is capable of natural service. This warranty is a 10 Week Warranty. 43.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty the Purchaser may return the ram to the Vendor who shall, at the Purchaser’s option, either replace the ram with another ram of equal value which is capable of natural service, or refund the purchase price together with such other costs and charges as the Purchaser may be entitled to under these Conditions. For the avoidance of any doubt if the Purchaser is able to obtain viable semen from the ram for use by artificial insemination he shall not be entitled to any claim against the Vendor for breach of warranty. Notice of a claim must be supported Certificate confirming that:

by a Veterinary Surgeon’s

a) the ram’s inability incapacity or ineffectiveness is not the result of injury, accident or illness happening after the time of the sale; and b) the Purchaser’s breeding stock are not responsible for the ram’s inability incapacity or ineffectiveness.


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1pm - 6pm from 7am

(NO SHEEP WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS TIME) ALL SHEEP FORWARD FOR SALE WILL BE INSPECTED AND SCANNED ON FRIDAY MORNING BETWEEN 6.30am-8.00am Pregnancy Scanning – all sheep will be scanned at time of Inspection. If any ewe or gimmer is found not to be in lamb these will be rejected from the sale. If any empty ewe lamb is found to be in lamb these will be rejected from the sale 1.

All Pedigree Sheep to be sold in guineas.


Commission will be deducted at the rate of 5.25% on all pedigree sheep sold.


Any animals in the Sale Premises which are sold by private treaty after the Auction are subject to the full commission on the price realised and all such transactions must be passed through the Auctioneers.


All sheep will be identified with back-stamp lot numbers.


Sheep will only be accepted into the market and penned for Sale if they are accompanied by an official ministry Certificate of Official MV Status which has been correctly completed. This Certificate must be handed in when the animal/s arrive at the market. Please Note - A representative will be on duty to collect and inspect all Maedi Visna Certificates.


No sheep to be presented while suffering from any contagious disease.


All tags must comply with UK legislation and Society rules on identification. The vendor shall be responsible for the correctness of identity.


Substitutes must be declared to the Beltex Sheep Society by Wednesday 6th December 4pm and must be marked with a red dot on the loin.


Scrapie genotyping is voluntary. All sheep catalogued with scrapie genotype must have valid certificates (whether NSP or Private test).

10. All sheep entered for Society sales must be inspected by a panel of inspectors appointed by the Society. The inspection decision will be final, and any animal will be identified by a neck tag marked ‘Reject’ , or may be removed immediately from the market premises and forfeit the entry fee. 11. The inclusion of any animal in the show and/or sale following any inspection is no warranty that the particular animal meets any criteria or criterion in respects of any standards or will do so in the future. 12. Sale Ring Rule – Any sheep which has not passed Society inspection must not be offered for sale, or advertised or promoted, in the ring. 13. Transfers – Any sheep to be sold at Society sales must be registered in the flock from which it is to be sold by 31st May in the year of sale. 14. Embryos - Females which have been flushed and embryos recovered before sale must be declared in the catalogue and announced at the time of sale. Failure to do so will result in the purchaser having the right to return the sheep. Costs may be incurred. 15

The purchaser must satisfy himself as to the soundness, correctness misrepresentations of his purchase within one hour of the conclusion of sale to the Auctioneers.


The vendors are responsible for taking their sheep to the sale ring and returning them to the pens after being offered for sale.


Errors and Omissions. The Auctioneers CAN ACCEPT NO responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue.

11 INSPECTIONS 1. Tags which do not comply with UK legislation and Society requirements will result in the sheep being rejected at inspection. From 2008 all registered lambs must carry tags with the Society logo. Check that tags are correct at time of entry, so that replacement tags can be ordered before the sale. 2. All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, failure to do so will result in rejection. It is the responsibility of the vendor or their agent to be present at inspection. 3. Sheep which have failed inspection will be identified by a neck tag marked ‘Reject’ , or may be removed immediately from the market premises.. 4. Rejected sheep which are to be penned with the rest of the consignment must be identified by a neck tag marked ‘Reject’. It is a condition of entry that this rule is strictly adhered to. Vendors are advised to check their animals thoroughly prior to departure from home. 5. Inspection will include the following points:- Teeth and Testicles, Mobility Udder, Muscularity and any other points deemed necessary by Council as they see fit. Inspection Standards TEETH –To be inspected and assessed at the discretion of the inspector. MOBILITY – Sheep should be mobile and sound. Rams should be capable of natural service. TESTICLES - Should be of even size, move freely and be free of abnormalities. DOUBLE MUSCLING – Sheep should display double-muscled gigots. UDDER - Should be correct and free of abnormalities. FLEECE – Should be tight. A medium fleece may be acceptable. APPEALS Appeals against an inspection decision may be made to the Chief Inspector or Society Secretary. A deposit of £50 (refundable if appeal is successful) must be lodged and the sheep will then be inspected by an appeals team of three people elected prior to the sale by Council. The decision of the appeals committee is final. Appeal to be lodged within 1 hour of the inspection decision. SHOWS AT SALES 1. Each vendor is allowed one entry in each pre-sale show class. 2. All exhibitors should be dressed in a white coat at all times in the show rings. 3. Exhibitors are permitted to prepare their sheep to the best of their ability. 4. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that each exhibit is available for judging at the correct time. 5. All prizewinners must be offered for sale at auction by the exhibitor at the sale following the show. Awards may be withheld and prize monies will be forfeited unless prizewinners are sold by auction. 6. The decision of the judge is final. ONLINE BIDDING: Online bidding facility available via EXPORT TO NORTHERN IRELAND: As of 1 January 2021, the rules for exporting sheep from the United Kingdom to Northern Ireland and the European Union have changed for moving breeding stock to Northern Ireland – NO Direct Export or Vendor Returns will be available. It will be the responsibility of the purchaser and/or the vendor to make any necessary arrangements for sheep going to Northern Ireland. Disclaimer: The responsibility for export of sheep rests with either the purchaser or the vendor and not Harrison & Hetherington Ltd nor the Beltex Sheep Society. Breed Secretary: Barbara Huddleston, Beltex Sheep Society, Home House, Dale, Ainstable, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 9RH Tel/Fax: 01768 870524


CONSIGNORS INDEX Buckle [Buckles] Buckles Farm, Barras, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4ES


Burleigh Matthew [Matt's] 172-181,208-221 30 Kinawley Road, Shanra, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, BT92 4EY Cowan J W [Brickrow] 3 Brickrow, Auchincruive, Ayr, Ayrshire, KA6 5AD


Jones Sion [Fronarth] Frongoy, Pennant, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5PD


Kennedy W [Lyonpark] Lyonpark, Lyonston Farm, Maybole, Ayrshire, KA19 7HS


Maxwell Grant [Faughhill] Faughhill Farm, Bowden, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9HT


McAllister Elizabeth [Artnagullion] 92 Parkgate Road, Kells, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT42 3PG


McCrabbe W & A [Ardstewart] Gortaquigley, Raphoe, Lifford, County Donegal, Ireland,


McCutcheon Andrew & Jamie [Bodoney] 42 Bodoney Road, Trillick, Co Tyrone, BT78 3SQ


McGarva James A [Horseclose] DG Farming, Dinwoodie Green Farm, Lockerbie, Dumfries & Galloway, DG11 2SJ


Miller Farms [Lurg] North Lurg, Midmar, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 7NB


Morton A [Mortons] Lochend Farm, Denny, Stirlingshire, FK6 5JJ


Munro A [Loandhu] The Stables, Loandhu, Fearn, Ross-Shire, IV20 1RS


Owen D E [Smart Ass] Golygfa'r Dyffryn, Rowen, Conwy, LL32 8TP


Owens M & H [Glantre] Glantre Farm, Pontsian, Llandysul, SA44 4UY


Shirvinton Michael [Shirvindale] Wood Bank Farm, Brisco, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 0QP


Swinnerton Liam [Lipley] 141-142 T/A Lipley Beltex, Lipley Villa Farm, Cheswardine, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2SG Whiteford T C [Tercrosset] Tercrosset Farm, West Hall, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 2EH


Wilkinson J & S [Langlands] Langlands Farm, Barningham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL11 7ED



EWES Lots 101-108 (8 entries) Sion Jones (Fronarth) The adult portion of the Fronarth Flock will be sold as part of the flock reduction which includes all Aged & Shearling Ewes LOT 101

Fronarth Everyone’s Dream ET ET Sire: Muirton Buchan Loon ET YJM.B003 Dam: Quarrymount Penney BLM.12002

SAJ.E006 UK743340 / 06507 02/02/2019 gs: Dean V/H Vrijbos (3112.1776) gd: Woodies Rearend ET (WOO.R038) gs: Quarrymount Nemesis (BLM.10031) gd: Quarrymount Phoebe (BLM.10021)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Wannop’s Hermes ET

LOT 102

Fronarth Extra Special ET ET Sire: Padkin Sugar Daddy PKN.S009 Dam: Fronarth Beauty SAJ.B009

SAJ.E045 UK743340 / 06546 14/03/2019 gs: Callacrag Rocky ET (ABC.R100) gd: Albierigg Mad Maz (MTH.M001) gs: Pantgwyn Wil (HRH.W001) gd: Fronarth Whatever (SAJ.W005)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Clary Dumfries

LOT 103

Fronarth Gwenno ET TWIN ET Sire: Clary Dumfries ET COC.D028 Dam: Fronarth Beauty SAJ.B009

SAJ.G042 UK0743340/08155 04/03/2021 gs: Hackney Braveheart ET (TIP.B759) gd: Clary Bella (COC.B067) gs: Pantgwyn Wil (HRH.W001) gd: Fronarth Whatever (SAJ.W005)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Wannop’s Hermes ET

LOT 104

Lakeview ET SINGLE ET Breeder: G C Beacom Sire: Ainstable Factotum ET HBA.F009 Dam: Matt’s Betty Boo ET MAT.B004

JFF.G011 05/02/2021


gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Dice ET (HBA.D014) gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) gd: Horseclose Tiramisu (MCG.T428)

Service Details: Served 05/10/23 to Glantre Geronimo ET

15 LOT 105

Fronarth Glitter ET SINGLE ET Sire: Matt’s ET MAT.E053 Dam: Fronarth Beauty SAJ.B009

SAJ.G045 UK0743340/08158 05/03/2021 gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) gd: Matt’s Archangel ET (MAT.A006) gs: Pantgwyn Wil (HRH.W001) gd: Fronarth Whatever (SAJ.W005)

Service Details: Served 04/10/23 to Glantre Geronimo ET

LOT 106

Fronarth Goosebump TWIN Sire: Clary Dumfries ET COC.D028 Dam: Fronarth Caprice SAJ.C014

SAJ.G052 UK0743340/08165 05/03/2021 gs: Hackney Braveheart ET (TIP.B759) gd: Clary Bella (COC.B067) gs: Airyolland Thunder (ARY.T104) gd: Wern Roxy ET (TYN.R304)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Glantre Geronimo ET

LOT 107

Fronarth Gwyneth ET SAJ.G035 UK0743340/08148 SINGLE ET 04/03/2021 Sire: Kingledores Forrester ET gs: Woodhow Dakota ET (DNW.D003) KDS.F024 gd: Kingledores Betty Boo (KDS.B041) Dam: Fronarth Everyone’s Dream ET gs: Muirton Buchan Loon ET (YJM.B003) SAJ.E006 gd: Quarrymount Penney (BLM.12002) Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Clary Dumfries

LOT 108

Fronarth Gaga ET TWIN ET Sire: Clary Dumfries ET COC.D028 Dam: Fronarth Beauty SAJ.B009

SAJ.G030 UK0743340/08143 03/03/2021 gs: Hackney Braveheart ET (TIP.B759) gd: Clary Bella (COC.B067) gs: Pantgwyn Wil (HRH.W001) gd: Fronarth Whatever (SAJ.W005)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Wannop’s Hermes ET

Reference to Service Sire: Clary Dumfries was purchased jointly for 7000gns in 2019 Glantre Geronimo was purchased for 3000gns in 2022 Wannop’s Hermes was purchased for 3800gns in 2023


SHEARLING GIMMERS Lots 109-221 (113 entries) Messrs Buckle


LOT 109

Buckles Hopes and Dreams ET BKF.H28062 UK0103174/28062 SINGLE ET 25/02/2022 Sire: Logie Durno Godfather ET gs: Buckles Fury ET (BKF.F013) WCI.G010 gd: Airyolland Bathsheba (ARY.B070) Dam: Buckles Felicity gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) BKF.F052 gd: Withy Trees Clara’s Heart ET (AJW.C021) Service Details: AI’d 02/10/23 to Todhall Harris LOT 110

Buckles Hester ET SINGLE ET Sire: Gyffin Dexter ECL.D011 Dam: Belvoir View Flower Power ET RSS.F012

BKF.H27990 UK0103174/27990 23/01/2022 gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) gd: Artnagullion Buttercup ET (LIZ.B048) gs: Belvoir View Diamond Flame (RSS.D034) gd: Corra Agnes ET (GFC.A068)

Service Details: AI’d 02/10/23 to Todhall Harris LOT 111

Buckles H20 ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fenwick BKF.F108 Dam: Buckles Finsbury ET BKF.F020

BKF.H27999 UK0103174/27999 23/01/2022 gs: Heatheryhall Campbell (TBT.C043) gd: Quadrille Des Quatre Vents (8503.3203) gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007)

Service Details: AI’d 02/10/23 to Todhall Harris LOT 112

Buckles Hip Flask SINGLE Sire: Buckles Fenwick BKF.F108 Dam: Buckles Centrefold ET BKF.C115

BKF.H28004 UK0103174/28004 25/02/2022 gs: Heatheryhall Campbell (TBT.C043) gd: Quadrille Des Quatre Vents (8503.3203) gs: Plumtree Wonderful ET (RWH.W016) gd: Buckles Walnut ET (BKF.W086)

Service Details: AI’d 02/10/23 to Todhall Harris Reference to Service Sire: Todhall Harris was purchased for £10,000 at Kelso Ram Sales 2023

17 W Kennedy LOT 113

Lyonpark Haggle SINGLE Sire: Todhall Explosive WTO.E048 Dam: Lyonpark Feefee LPK.F035

(Lyonpark) LPK.H027 UK0583844/04868 05/03/2022 gs: Callacrag Bull’s Eye ET (ABC.B055) gd: Todhall Brittany (WTO.B153) gs: Matt’s Eagle Eyed ET (MAT.E046) gd: Lyonpark Bertha (LPK.B034)

Service Details: Served 14/10/23 by Dooley Highlander LOT 114

Lyonpark Habile TWIN Sire: Lyonpark Felix ET LPK.F016 Dam: Lyonpark Elmo LPK.E027

LPK.H029 UK0583844/04870 06/03/2022 gs: Matt’s Eagle Eyed ET (MAT.E046) gd: Lyonpark Cucumber ET (LPK.C052) gs: Lyonpark Best Man ET (LPK.B015) gd: Lyonpark Cloudnine ET (LPK.C008)

Service Details: Served 20/10/23 by Dooley Highlander LOT 115

Lyonpark Heideki SINGLE Sire: Lyonpark Felix ET LPK.F016 Dam: Lyonpark Destiny LPK.D058

LPK.H024 UK0583844/04865 28/02/2022 gs: Matt’s Eagle Eyed ET (MAT.E046) gd: Lyonpark Cucumber ET (LPK.C052) gs: Matt’s Cracker ET (MAT.C003) gd: Lyonpark Wai ET (LPK.W023)

Service Details: Served 13/10/23 by Dooley Highlander ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J & S Wilkinson (Langlands) LOT 116

Langlands Havanna TWIN Sire: Woodies Golden Boy ET WOO.G005 Dam: Langlands Claudia ET JSW.C016

JSW.H019 UK0121742/01111 12/02/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Cleopatra (WOO.C111) gs: Drumchapel Replay ET (AJA.R613) gd: Beautry Trudy (CUB.T009)

Service Details: Served 14/09/23 by Smart Ass Just Class. LOT 117

Langlands Hottie SINGLE Sire: Langlands Gino JSW.G012 Dam: Langlands Elsie JSW.E021

JSW.H026 UK0121742/01118 05/03/2022 gs: Murrays Expert (MRW.E109) gd: Matt’s Exallted (MAT.E135) gs: Smart Ass Alfie ET (DEO.A003) gd: Langlands Annabel ET (JSW.A014)

Service Details: Served 11/09/23 to Langlands Jeronimo. LOT 118

Langlands Halo SINGLE Sire: Woodies Golden Boy ET WOO.G005 Dam: Skiddaw View Ebony ET JCL.E024

JSW.H034 UK0121742/01126 10/04/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Cleopatra (WOO.C111) gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Skiddaw View Beyonce ET (JCL.B003)

Service Details: Served 11/09/23 to Langlands Jeronimo.

18 Miller Farms LOT 119

Lurg Hanky Panky ET SINGLE ET Sire: Woodies Explosive WOO.E099 Dam: Woodies Classy Girl ET WOO.C056

(Lurg) LUR.H039 UK521185/0039 26/02/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Crunchie Nut ET (WOO.C149) gs: Carrigans Bob Lee Swagger ET (KCL.B002) gd: Woodies Wag ET (WOO.W013)

Service Details: AI’d 30/08/23 to Midshawtonhill Gypsy King. Scanned 3. Full sister sold for 12,000gn at The Beltex Beauties Sale 2023 LOT 120

Lurg Hunker Down TWIN Sire: Woodies Explosive WOO.E099 Dam: Aviemore Dolores AVI.D047

LUR.H047 UK521185/0047 02/03/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Crunchie Nut ET (WOO.C149) gs: Airyolland Avicii ET (ARY.A115) gd: Aviemore Alice 7 ET (AVI.A071)

Service Details: AI’d 30/08/23 to Midshawtonhill Gypsy King. Scanned 2. LOT 121

Lurg Hoot SINGLE Sire: Woodies Explosive WOO.E099 Dam: Lurg Fern ET LUR.F025

LUR.H083 UK521185/0083 16/04/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Crunchie Nut ET (WOO.C149) gs: Bailey Brook Chief ET (DJC.C004) gd: Woodies Classy Girl ET (WOO.C056)

Service Details: AI’d 30/08/23 to Midshawtonhill Gypsy King. Scanned 1. Lurg Fern (Dam) Won RHS Champion 2021 LOT 122

Lurg Happily Ever After ET TWIN ET Sire: Vicky’s Gladiator VIC.G002 Dam: Withy Trees Calamity Jane ET AJW.C006

LUR.H060 UK521185/0060 15/03/2022 gs: Orkney Eurostar ET (CBA.E031) gd: Vicky’s Dawn ET (VIC.D022) gs: Broxty Boxer ET (JTB.B025) gd: Woodies Remember Me (WOO.R073)

Service Details: AI’d 30/08/23 to Midshawtonhill Gypsy King. Scanned 2. Withy Trees Calamity Jane (Dam) was purchased for 6000gn LOT 123

Lurg Hissy Fit TRIPLET Sire: Woodies Explosive WOO.E099 Dam: Woodies Diva WOO.D128

LUR.H029 UK521185/0029 24/02/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Crunchie Nut ET (WOO.C149) gs: Woodies Beyond Limits (WOO.B057) gd: Bishops Blue Eyes (ARB.B417)

Service Details: AI’d 30/08/23 to Midshawtonhill Gypsy King. Scanned 2.

19 Sion Jones (Fronarth) The adult portion of the Fronarth Flock will be sold as part of the flock reduction which includes all Aged & Shearling Ewes LOT 124

Fronarth High As A Kite ET SINGLE ET Sire: Osprey Geronimo ET IAR.G010 Dam: Wannop’s Flick ET WNP.F003

SAJ.H008 UK0743340/09547 02/03/2022 gs: Mortons Emmanuel (MAM.E048) gd: Broughton Beckie ET (DSB.B117) gs: Matt’s Edward ET (MAT.E036) gd: Brickrow Bella ET (JWC.B025)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Clary Dumfries

LOT 125

Fronarth Head Over Heels ET SINGLE ET Sire: Osprey Geronimo ET IAR.G010 Dam: Fronarth Beauty SAJ.B009

SAJ.H0100 UK0743340/09549 03/03/2022 gs: Mortons Emmanuel (MAM.E048) gd: Broughton Beckie ET (DSB.B117) gs: Pantgwyn Wil (HRH.W001) gd: Fronarth Whatever (SAJ.W005)

Service Details: Served 04/10/23 by Glantre Geronimo

LOT 126

Fronarth Honey ET SINGLE ET Sire: Osprey Geronimo ET IAR.G010 Dam: Matt’s Dolce & Gabanna ET MAT.D004

SAJ.H005 UK0743340/09544 02/03/2022 gs: Mortons Emmanuel (MAM.E048) gd: Broughton Beckie ET (DSB.B117) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Matt’s Bridget Jones (MAT.B007)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Clary Dumfries

LOT 127

Fronarth Harmony ET SINGLE ET Sire: Rathbone Tony ET RAV.T034 Dam: Fronarth Extra Special ET SAJ.E045

SAJ.H030 UK0743340/09569 08/03/2022 gs: Rathbone Leader (RAV.L888) gd: Rathbone Jackie (RAV.J062) gs: Padkin Sugar Daddy (PKN.S009) gd: Fronarth Beauty ()

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Clary Dumfries

LOT 128

Fronarth Harriet ET SINGLE ET Sire: Osprey Geronimo ET IAR.G010 Dam: Fronarth Dreamwork ET SAJ.D048

SAJ.H006 UK0743340/09545 02/03/2022 gs: Mortons Emmanuel (MAM.E048) gd: Broughton Beckie ET (DSB.B117) gs: Pantgwyn Wil (HRH.W001) gd: Ardstewart A Bonny Lass ET (AST.A058)

Service Details: Served 05/10/23 by Glantre Geronimo

20 LOT 129

Fronarth Hot Stuff ET TWIN ET Sire: Osprey Geronimo ET IAR.G010 Dam: Fronarth Foxglove SAJ.F012

SAJ.H004 UK0743340/09543 01/03/2022 gs: Mortons Emmanuel (MAM.E048) gd: Broughton Beckie ET (DSB.B117) gs: Swffryd Double Trouble ET (AOG.D1605) gd: Fronarth Dreamwork ET (SAJ.D048)

Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Glantre Geronimo

LOT 130

Fronarth Holland and Cooper ET SAJ.H020 UK0743340/09559 SINGLE ET 05/03/2022 Sire: Kingledores Forrester ET gs: Woodhow Dakota ET (DNW.D003) KDS.F024 gd: Kingledores Betty Boo (KDS.B041) Dam: Fronarth Everyone’s Dream ET gs: Muirton Buchan Loon ET (YJM.B003) SAJ.E006 gd: Quarrymount Penney (BLM.12002) Service Details: AI’d 20/09/23 to Glantre Geronimo Reference to Service Sire: Clary Dumfries was purchased jointly for 7000gns in 2019 Glantre Geronimo was purchased for 3000gns in 2022 Wannop’s Hermes was purchased for 3800gns in 2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James A McGarva (Horseclose) LOT 131

Horseclose Hadley SINGLE Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET MCG.E1282 Dam: Horseclose Fox Glove ET MCG.F4373

MCG.H4652 UK0581993/04652 17/01/2022 gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) gd: Horseclose Butterscotch ET (MCG.B842) gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) gd: Horseclose Cameron ET (MCG.C925)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 132

Horseclose Harp SINGLE Sire: Faughill Franz Ferdinand ET FHL.F055 Dam: Horseclose Florence ET MCG.F4364

MCG.H4711 UK0581993/04711 25/03/2022 gs: Mortons Cheeky Boy ET (MAM.C009) gd: Thimbleby Tasha (TFL.T039) gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) gd: Horseclose Butterscotch ET (MCG.B842)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 133

Horseclose Hope SINGLE Sire: Faughill Franz Ferdinand ET FHL.F055 Dam: Horseclose Dandelion MCG.D1127

MCG.H4670 UK0581993/04670 21/01/2022 gs: Mortons Cheeky Boy ET (MAM.C009) gd: Thimbleby Tasha (TFL.T039) gs: Corstane Waitangi ET (MDC.W005) gd: Horseclose Shaun’s Sister (MCG.S288)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale.

21 LOT 134

Horseclose Heidi TWIN Sire: Horseclose Finnegan MCG.F4386 Dam: Horseclose Flamingo MCG.F4395

MCG.H4653 UK0581993/04653 17/01/2022 gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) gd: Horseclose Camilla (MCG.C1024) gs: Woodwick Dasher (RWF.D030) gd: Horseclose Cranberry (MCG.C949)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 135

Horseclose Hazelnut TWIN Sire: Horseclose Finnegan MCG.F4386 Dam: Horseclose Fleur de Lis MCG.F4411

MCG.H4660 UK0581993/04660 18/01/2022 gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) gd: Horseclose Camilla (MCG.C1024) gs: Woodwick Dasher (RWF.D030) gd: Horseclose Chanel (MCG.C940)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 136

Horseclose Harmony TWIN Sire: Horseclose Finnegan MCG.F4386 Dam: Horseclose Flame MCG.F4412

MCG.H4655 UK0581993/04655 18/01/2022 gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) gd: Horseclose Camilla (MCG.C1024) gs: Woodwick Dasher (RWF.D030) gd: Horseclose Dandelion (MCG.D1127)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 137

Horseclose Honeybee TWIN Sire: Horseclose Finnegan MCG.F4386 Dam: Horseclose Florida MCG.F4414

MCG.H4649 UK0581993/04649 17/01/2022 gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) gd: Horseclose Camilla (MCG.C1024) gs: Woodwick Dasher (RWF.D030) gd: Lochend Wooly Jumper (PML.W534)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 138

Horseclose Hannah ET TWIN ET Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET MCG.E1282 Dam: Horseclose Franscesca MCG.F4392

MCG.H4658 UK0581993/04658 18/01/2022 gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) gd: Horseclose Butterscotch ET (MCG.B842) gs: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET (AST.D056) gd: Horseclose Caramel ET (MCG.C934)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale.

22 LOT 139

Horseclose Hebrides TWIN Sire: Faughill Franz Ferdinand ET FHL.F055 Dam: Horseclose Fliss MCG.F4450

MCG.H4719 UK0581993/04719 23/03/2022 gs: Mortons Cheeky Boy ET (MAM.C009) gd: Thimbleby Tasha (TFL.T039) gs: Woodwick Dasher (RWF.D030) gd: Horseclose Blossom ET (MCG.B763)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 140

Horseclose Hedgehog SINGLE Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET MCG.E1282 Dam: Horseclose Daphne MCG.D1176

MCG.H4676 UK0581993/04676 25/01/2022 gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) gd: Horseclose Butterscotch ET (MCG.B842) gs: Tiree Battleaxe ET (TRE.B033) gd: Venus (V/H Groentenhof) (4212.0986)

Service Details: AI’d 11/09/23 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanning details at time of sale. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liam Swinnerton (Lipley) The Lipley flock is vaccinated with Enzovax, Toxovax and Footvax. They are also on the Heptavac P+ System. LOT 141

Lipley Her Majesty ET LIP.H026 UK0165329/01378 SINGLE 02/02/2022 Sire: Ardstewart Fred Flintstone gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) AST.F045 gd: Ardstewart Dixie Chick ET (AST.D043) Dam: Woodies Diamond Girl ET gs: Bailey Brook Chief ET (DJC.C004) WOO.D036 gd: (4061.0317) Service Details: Served 11/10/23 by Logie Durno Hard Ass ET. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 142

Lipley Hermione ET LIP.H019 UK0165329/01371 SINGLE 01/02/2022 Sire: Ardstewart Fred Flintstone gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) AST.F045 gd: Ardstewart Dixie Chick ET (AST.D043) Dam: Airyolland Cassiopeia ET gs: Tercrosset Action Man (JWT.A001) ARY.C008 gd: Airyolland Aphrodite ET (ARY.A068) Service Details: Served 14/10/23 by Logie Durno Hard Ass ET. Scanning details at time of sale. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J W Cowan (Brickrow) LOT 143

Brickrow Honey ET SINGLE Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Epic ET JWC.E009

JWC.H014 UK0583898/02285 18/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Beckbred Crusader ET (BBL.C040) gd: Brickrow Tinkerbell ET (JWC.T031)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator.

23 LOT 144

Brickrow Heidi ET SINGLE Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Epic ET JWC.E009

JWC.H015 UK0583898/02286 18/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Beckbred Crusader ET (BBL.C040) gd: Brickrow Tinkerbell ET (JWC.T031)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 145

Brickrow Hard Luck TWIN Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Foxy ET JWC.F116

JWC.H047 UK0583898/02318 21/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Matt’s Eiger ET (MAT.E115) gd: Brickrow Benidorm ET (JWC.B043)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 146

Brickrow Hazel ET SINGLE ET Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Cranberry JWC.C049

JWC.H007 UK0583898/02278 18/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Jewitt Admiral ET (HCJ.A019) gd: Brickrow August (JWC.A029)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 147

Brickrow Hansel SINGLE Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Digestive Biscuit ET JWC.D055

JWC.H099 UK0583898/02369 20/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Jewitt Bonzo ET (HCJ.B019) gd: Brickrow Aqua ET (JWC.A037)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 148

Brickrow Hayden ET SINGLE ET Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Cranberry JWC.C049

JWC.H035 UK0583898/02306 19/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Jewitt Admiral ET (HCJ.A019) gd: Brickrow August (JWC.A029)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 149

Brickrow Hallelujah ET TWIN ET Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Cranberry JWC.C049

JWC.H052 UK0583898/02323 16/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Jewitt Admiral ET (HCJ.A019) gd: Brickrow August (JWC.A029)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator.

24 LOT 150

Brickrow Hazard ET TWIN ET Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Benidorm ET JWC.B043

JWC.H082 UK0583898/02352 21/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Matt’s Wild Son (MAT.W013) gd: Brickrow Wispa ET (JWC.W005)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 151

Brickrow Heads Up SINGLE Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Devine ET JWC.D036

JWC.H120 UK0583898/02389 18/03/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Jewitt Bonzo ET (HCJ.B019) gd: Brickrow Benidorm ET (JWC.B043)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. LOT 152

Brickrow Hope ET TWIN ET Sire: Ainstable Ferocious HBA.F122 Dam: Brickrow Devine ET JWC.D036

JWC.H055 UK0583898/02326 17/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Engleburt ET (KDS.E060) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003) gs: Jewitt Bonzo ET (HCJ.B019) gd: Brickrow Benidorm ET (JWC.B043)

Service Details: AI'd 25/09/23 by Glanton Gone Gator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elizabeth McAllister (Artnagullion) The Artnagullion Flock is vaccinated with Enzovax, Toxovax and on the Heptavac P+ system. LOT 153

Artnagullion Halo TWIN Sire: Airyolland Eejit ARY.E059 Dam: Artnagullion Angel ET LIZ.A004

LIZ.H057 UK1760616/05302 22/03/2022 gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) gd: Airyolland Bletherskite (ARY.B139) gs: Rathbone Tony ET (RAV.T034) gd: Artnagullion Sabrina (LIZ.S049)

Service Details: Ran from 15/09/23 with Airyolland Goldfinger. Scanning details at time of sale LOT 154

Artnagullion Humble LIZ.H071 UK1760616/05316 TWIN 25/03/2022 Sire: Rathbone Eagle Has Landed gs: Belvoir View Derminator ET (RSS.D022) RAV.E010 gd: Rathbone Candice (RAV.C003) Dam: Artnagullion Francesca ET gs: Greenall Dennis The Menace ET (TCF.D001) LIZ.F011 gd: Artnagullion Chocpop ET (LIZ.C064) Service Details: Ran from 15/09/23 with Airyolland Goldfinger. LOT 155

Artnagullion Hotpants ET TWIN Sire: Airyolland Eejit ARY.E059 Dam: Artnagullion Daisy ET LIZ.D027

LIZ.H033 UK1760616/05278 06/03/2022 gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) gd: Airyolland Bletherskite (ARY.B139) gs: Ardstewart Armani (AST.A012) gd: Artnagullion Willa ET (LIZ.W008)

Service Details: Ran from 15/09/23 with Airyolland Goldfinger. Scanning details at time of sale.

25 LOT 156

Artnagullion Hope ET TWIN ET Sire: Airyolland Eejit ARY.E059 Dam: Artnagullion Echo ET LIZ.E035

LIZ.H018 UK1760616/05263 03/03/2022 gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) gd: Airyolland Bletherskite (ARY.B139) gs: Tercrosset Blaze (JWT.B041) gd: Artnagullion TT ET (LIZ.T072)

Service Details: Ran from 15/09/23 with Airyolland Goldfinger. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 157

Artnagullion Heart Stealer TWIN Sire: Airyolland Eejit ARY.E059 Dam: Artnagullion Whizzy ET LIZ.W018

LIZ.H061 UK1760616/05306 22/03/2022 gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) gd: Airyolland Bletherskite (ARY.B139) gs: Woodies Snoop Dog ET (WOO.S003) gd: Artnagullion Mika ET (LIZ.M032)

Service Details: Ran from 15/09/23 with Airyolland Goldfinger. Scanning details at time of sale. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael Shirvinton (Shirvindale) LOT 158

Shirvindale Harriet SINGLE Sire: Tercrosset Electric Shock JWT.E055 Dam: Shirvindale Basket MWS.B008

MWS.H018 UK0114343/00294 14/03/2022 gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Tercrosset Tangtastic (JWT.T014) gs: Callacrag Avenger (ABC.A038) gd: Edenfauld Summer (JGM.S036)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 159

Shirvindale Hattie TWIN Sire: Tercrosset Electric Shock JWT.E055 Dam: Shirvindale Florence MWS.F011

MWS.H011 UK0114343/00287 10/03/2022 gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Tercrosset Tangtastic (JWT.T014) gs: Beachy Dragon Fly ET (JJB.D010) gd: Shirvindale Catrina (MWS.C009)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 160

Shirvindale Holly TWIN Sire: Tercrosset Electric Shock JWT.E055 Dam: Shirvindale Florence MWS.F011

MWS.H012 UK0114343/00288 10/03/2022 gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Tercrosset Tangtastic (JWT.T014) gs: Beachy Dragon Fly ET (JJB.D010) gd: Shirvindale Catrina (MWS.C009)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 161

Shirvindale Honey TWIN Sire: Tercrosset Electric Shock JWT.E055 Dam: Shirvindale Ellie MWS.E005 Service Details: At time of sale

MWS.H004 UK0114343/00280 04/03/2022 gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Tercrosset Tangtastic (JWT.T014) gs: Beachy Dragon Fly ET (JJB.D010) gd: Shirvindale Blencathra (MWS.B003)

26 Andrew & Jamie McCutcheon LOT 162

Bodoney Holly QUAD Sire: Culsh Elvis JKM.E019 Dam: Bodoney Emmalyn ET JAM.E043

(Bodoney) JAM.H044 UK1701025/ 02/02/2022 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) gd: Matt’s Reckless ET (MAT.R014)

Service Details: Served 29/09/23 by Matt’s Hellboy LOT 163

Bodoney Huskey ET SINGLE ET Sire: Culsh Elvis JKM.E019 Dam: Bodoney Diana ET JAM.D018

JAM.H017 UK1701025/ 03/02/2022 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) gd: Beautry Wanda (CUB.W007)

Service Details: Served 15/10/23 by Matt’s Hellboy LOT 164

Bodoney Hanger SINGLE Sire: Quarrymount Gordon BLM.21021 Dam: Lakeview ET JFF.E005

JAM.H030 UK1701025/0 20/03/2022 gs: Ballinakill Full House (DMM.20021) gd: Quarrymount Evalina (BLM.19019) gs: Woodies Born To Do It (WOO.B060) gd: Brickrow Cocopop ET (JWC.C019)

Service Details: Served 07/10/23 by Cybi Glyndwr LOT 165

Bodoney Hottie TWIN Sire: Quarrymount Gordon BLM.21021 Dam: Bodoney Ellen ET JAM.E015

JAM.H074 UK1701025/0 25/03/2022 gs: Ballinakill Full House (DMM.20021) gd: Quarrymount Evalina (BLM.19019) gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) gd: Airyolland Ankna (ARY.A061)

Service Details: Served 07/10/23 by Cybi Glyndwy LOT 166

Bodoney Halo TWIN Sire: Glantre Digger MHO.D052 Dam: Artnagullion Bitsy LIZ.B089

JAM.H090 UK1701025/0 31/03/2022 gs: Rathbone Brandon ET (RAV.B026) gd: Glantre Angel (MHO.A007) gs: Artnagullion Worzel ET (LIZ.W034) gd: Artnagullion Solo (LIZ.S080)

Service Details: Served 06/10/23 by Matt’s Hellboy LOT 167

Bodoney ET SINGLE ET Sire: Culsh Elvis JKM.E019 Dam: Bodoney Diana ET JAM.D018

JAM.H027 UK1701025/0 03/02/2022 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) gd: Beautry Wanda (CUB.W007)

Service Details: Served 05/10/23 by Matt’s Hellboy

27 LOT 168

Bodoney Hermione TWIN Sire: Arkle Gallant Lad WGA.G028 Dam: Brickrow Easy Street JWC.E032

JAM.H111 UK1701025/0 28/03/2022 gs: Woodies Einstein ET (WOO.E086) gd: College (ELS.T016) gs: Beckbred Crusader ET (BBL.C040) gd: Brickrow Beauty ET (JWC.B046)

Service Details: Served 25/10/23 by Matt’s Hellboy LOT 169

Donaghendry Hope ET TWIN ET Breeder: Neil Kelso Sire: Buckles Fury ET BKF.F013 Dam: Munreary Elma ET PLJ.E014

NRK.H003 18/02/2022


gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007) gs: Hillview ET (DMG.12002.641) gd: Glenkeen Selma (FHG.S026)

Service Details: Served 03/10/23 by Matt’s Hellboy LOT 170

Bodoney Heidi TRIPLET Sire: Murrays Expert MRW.E109 Dam: Glenkeen Fancy ET FHG.F007

JAM.H125 UK1701025/ 24/03/2022 gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) gd: (1133.038) gs: Cothi Elite ET (DAF.E014) gd: Corra Whitely (GFC.W026)

Service Details: Served 25/10/23 by Matt’s Iceman LOT 171

Donaghendry Hailey ET SINGLE ET Breeder: Neil Kelso Sire: Buckles Fury ET BKF.F013 Dam: Munreary Elma ET PLJ.E014

NRK.H005 19/02/2022


gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007) gs: Hillview ET (DMG.12002.641) gd: Glenkeen Selma (FHG.S026)

Service Details: Served 22/10/23 by Matt’s Hellboy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew Burleigh (Matt’s) LOT 172

Matt’s Hvar ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Daisy Duke ET MAT.D110

MAT.H057 UK1750707/0 05/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 1 LOT 173

Matt’s Halloween ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Fully Booked MAT.F162

MAT.H208 UK1750707/0 23/03/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Ardstewart Armani (AST.A012) gd: Matt’s Do Nut (MAT.D162)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 2

28 LOT 174

Matt’s Hola Senorita ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Deeteebee ET MAT.D084

MAT.H108 UK1750707/0 14/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Loandhu Bella ET (ADM.B026)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 1 LOT 175

Matt’s Hot Chocolate ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Desert Rose ET MAT.D045

MAT.H110 UK1750707/0 08/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Matt’s Atomic ET (MAT.A022)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 2 LOT 176

Matt’s Hey Sexy ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Daisy Duke ET MAT.D110

MAT.H069 UK1750707/0 06/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 1 LOT 177

Matt’s Hyperactive ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Fully Booked MAT.F162

MAT.H221 UK1750707/0 25/03/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Ardstewart Armani (AST.A012) gd: Matt’s Do Nut (MAT.D162)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 1 LOT 178

Matt’s Hottie ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Hackney Elanor ET TIP.E2091

MAT.H027 UK1750707/0 04/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 1 LOT 179

Matt’s High Five ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Hackney Elanor ET TIP.E2091

MAT.H016 UK1750707/0 02/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 3

29 LOT 180

Matt’s Hazel ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Hackney Elanor ET TIP.E2091

MAT.H216 UK1750707/0 25/03/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317)

Service Details: Served 15/10/23 to Northern Beltex Crackerjack. LOT 181

Matt’s Honey Loops ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Hackney Elanor ET TIP.E2091

MAT.H196 UK1750707/0 23/03/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T C Whiteford (Tercrosset) LOT 182

Tercrosset Helen TWIN Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET AOG.E2372 Dam: Tercrosset Flirty JWT.F021

JWT.H024 UK0101861/20526 15/02/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Tercrosset Atomic Kitten (JWT.A016)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 183

Tercrosset H2o TWIN Sire: Artnagullion Feux LIZ.F047 Dam: Tercrosset Bossy Boots JWT.B050

JWT.H044 UK0101861/20546 04/03/2022 gs: Greenall Dennis The Menace ET (TCF.D001) gd: Artnagullion Aimee ET (LIZ.A020) gs: Artnagullion Sid (LIZ.S046) gd: Tercrosset Razzle Dazzle (JWT.R010)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 184

Tercrosset Hula Hoop TWIN Sire: Ardstewart Coyote ET AST.C037 Dam: Tercrosset Destiny JWT.D015 Service Details: At time of sale

JWT.H007 UK0101861/20509 16/02/2022 gs: Langlands Trojan (JSW.T018) gd: Ardstewart Skinderella (AST.S045) gs: Airyolland Aragon ET (ARY.A065) gd: Tercrosset Sapphire (JWT.S018)

30 LOT 185

Tercrosset Humpty Dumpty TWIN Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET AOG.E2372 Dam: Tercrosset Fi Fi JWT.F013

JWT.H029 UK0101861/20531 15/02/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) gd: Tercrosset Walk The Walk (JWT.W005)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 186

Tercrosset Henrietta TRIPLET Sire: Faughill Freddy Krueger ET FHL.F038 Dam: Tercrosset Delightful JWT.D067

JWT.H073 UK0101861/20575 12/03/2022 gs: Ryder DIY ET (RYD.D019) gd: Eildon Blossom (FHL.B041) gs: Airyolland Aragon ET (ARY.A065) gd: Tercrosset Babyspice (JWT.B011)

Service Details: At time of sale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grant Maxwell (Faughhill) The Faughhill gimmers are all sired by the 11,000gns Kingledores Godzilla who bred the 1st prize Shearling at The RHS 2023 and sold for 8000gns. LOT 187

Faughhill Hailey ET SINGLE ET Sire: Kingledores Godzilla ET KDS.G028 Dam: Faughhill Dame FHL.D057

FHL.H059 UK0562042/15399 24/02/2022 gs: Skiddaw View Endurance ET (JCL.E026) gd: Withy Trees Champagne’ET (AJW.C047) gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Blossom (FHL.B041)

Service Details: In Lamb to Heatheryhall Fireman Sam. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 188

Faughhill Hawaii ET SINGLE ET Sire: Kingledores Godzilla ET KDS.G028 Dam: Faughhill Dame FHL.D057

FHL.H021 UK0562042/15361 21/02/2022 gs: Skiddaw View Endurance ET (JCL.E026) gd: Withy Trees Champagne’ET (AJW.C047) gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Blossom (FHL.B041)

Service Details: In Lamb to Heatheryhall Fireman Sam. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 189

Faughhill Hunky Dory TWIN Sire: Kingledores Godzilla ET KDS.G028 Dam: Faughill Embrace FHL.E079

FHL.H131 UK0562042/15471 06/04/2022 gs: Skiddaw View Endurance ET (JCL.E026) gd: Withy Trees Champagne’ET (AJW.C047) gs: Eildon Boris (FHL.B021) gd: Thimbleby Starling ET (TFL.S047)

Service Details: In Lamb to Heatheryhall Fireman Sam. Scanning details at time of sale. LOT 190

Faughhill Haberdashery ET SINGLE ET Sire: Kingledores Godzilla ET KDS.G028 Dam: Faughhill Dame FHL.D057

FHL.H036 UK0562042/15376 24/02/2022 gs: Skiddaw View Endurance ET (JCL.E026) gd: Withy Trees Champagne’ET (AJW.C047) gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Blossom (FHL.B041)

Service Details: In Lamb to Heatheryhall Fireman Sam. Scanning details at time of sale.

31 LOT 191

Faughhill Humble TRIPLET Sire: Kingledores Godzilla ET KDS.G028 Dam: Faughhill Definite FHL.D009

FHL.H032 UK0562042/15372 23/02/2022 gs: Skiddaw View Endurance ET (JCL.E026) gd: Withy Trees Champagne’ET (AJW.C047) gs: Mortons Cheeky Boy ET (MAM.C009) gd: Eildon Answer (FHL.A016)

Service Details: In Lamb to Heatheryhall Fireman Sam. Scanning details at time of sale. Reference to Service Sire: Heatheryhall Fireman Sam who bred Shearlings to 30,000gns and lambs to 10,000gns ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Morton (Mortons) LOT 192

Mortons Hayley TWIN Sire: Gyffin Dexter ECL.D011 Dam: Mortons Efficient MAM.E061

MAM.H052 UK0542898/ 27/02/2022 gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) gd: Artnagullion Buttercup ET (LIZ.B048) gs: Matt’s Dare Devil ET (MAT.D111) gd: Mortons Cinders (MAM.C093)

Service Details: AI’d 08/10/23 to Mortons Gremlin LOT 193

Mortons Haribo ET SINGLE ET Sire: Gyffin Dexter ECL.D011 Dam: Clary Friendly ET COC.F005

MAM.H023 UK0542898/ 20/02/2022 gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) gd: Artnagullion Buttercup ET (LIZ.B048) gs: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET (DEO.D069) gd: Clary Delight ET (COC.D006)

Service Details: AI’d 08/10/23 to Mortons Gremlin LOT 194

Mortons Honey Pot TWIN Sire: Gyffin Dexter ECL.D011 Dam: Mortons Enchanted ET MAM.E004

MAM.H039 UK0542898/ 28/02/2022 gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) gd: Artnagullion Buttercup ET (LIZ.B048) gs: Willy Nine Hundred (4212.09) gd: Mortons Aileen (MAM.A016)

Service Details: AI’d 08/10/23 to Mortons Gremlin LOT 195

Mortons Happiness TWIN Sire: Matt’s Dare Devil ET MAT.D111 Dam: Mortons Elspeth MAM.E039

MAM.H061 UK0542898/ 01/03/2022 gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001) gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) gd: Mortons Bluebell (MAM.B085)

Service Details: AI’d 08/10/23 to Gyffin Dexter

32 LOT 196

Mortons Hedi TWIN Sire: Matt’s Dare Devil ET MAT.D111 Dam: Mortons Educated MAM.E050

MAM.H095 UK0542898/ 04/04/2022 gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001) gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) gd: Mortons Amilia (MAM.A058)

Service Details: AI’d 08/10/23 to Gyffin Dexter LOT 197

Mortons Heather SINGLE Sire: Gyffin Dexter ECL.D011 Dam: Mortons Evangeline MAM.E018

MAM.H055 UK0542898/ 26/02/2022 gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) gd: Artnagullion Buttercup ET (LIZ.B048) gs: Hillview Charlie (NJN.C011) gd: Mortons Cranberry (MAM.C047)

Service Details: AI’d 08/10/23 to Mortons Gremlin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M & H Owens (Glantre) LOT 198

Glantre Honeycomb ET SINGLE ET Sire: Glantre Dyson ET MHO.D014 Dam: Glantre Connie ET MHO.C003

MHO.H026 UK0743096/ 07/03/2022 gs: Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) gd: Ardstewart Attrictive Lady ET (AST.A020) gs: Ardstewart Aragon ET (AST.A011) gd: Glantre (MHO.W038)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 199

Glantre Hapus ET SINGLE ET Sire: Woodies Escalate ET WOO.E024 Dam: Glantre Foxglove ET MHO.F015

MHO.H038 UK0743096/ 09/03/2022 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: (4061.0317) gs: Ardstewart Comanche ET (AST.C054) gd: Glantre Betty Boo (MHO.B063)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 200 Glantre Herb SINGLE Sire: Glantre Dyson ET MHO.D014 Dam: Glantre Franki ET MHO.F009

MHO.H072 UK0743096/ 15/03/2022 gs: Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) gd: Ardstewart Attrictive Lady ET (AST.A020) gs: Ardstewart Comanche ET (AST.C054) gd: Ardstewart Dion ET (AST.D006)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 201

Glantre Hanha ET SINGLE ET Sire: Artnagullion Dupe LIZ.D070 Dam: Glantre Fern ET MHO.F006 Service Details: At time of sale

MHO.H049 UK0743096/ 06/03/2022 gs: Tercrosset Blaze (JWT.B041) gd: Artnagullion Betsy ET (LIZ.B066) gs: Ardstewart Comanche ET (AST.C054) gd: Glantre Betty Boo (MHO.B063)

33 LOT 202 Glantre Heather SINGLE Sire: Faughill Fraggle Rock FHL.F020 Dam: Glantre MHO.D025

MHO.H089 UK0743096/ 26/03/2022 gs: Faughill Elephant In The Room (FHL.E017) gd: Eildon Waikiki (FHL.W024) gs: Airyolland Weapon (ARY.W009) gd: Glantre Ayda (MHO.A011)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 203 Glantre Hazel ET SINGLE ET Sire: Artnagullion Dupe LIZ.D070 Dam: Glantre Fern ET MHO.F006

MHO.H042 UK0743096/ 05/03/2022 gs: Tercrosset Blaze (JWT.B041) gd: Artnagullion Betsy ET (LIZ.B066) gs: Ardstewart Comanche ET (AST.C054) gd: Glantre Betty Boo (MHO.B063)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 204 Glantre Harp SINGLE Sire: Glantre Dyson ET MHO.D014 Dam: Glantre Florence ET MHO.F002

MHO.H059 UK0743096/ 18/03/2022 gs: Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) gd: Ardstewart Attrictive Lady ET (AST.A020) gs: Airyolland Conan (ARY.C112) gd: Glantre (MHO.W038)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 205 Glantre Hive MHO.H080 UK0743096/ SINGLE 20/03/2022 Sire: Glantre Dyson ET gs: Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) MHO.D014 gd: Ardstewart Attrictive Lady ET (AST.A020) Dam: Glantre Ferrero Rocher ET gs: Ardstewart Comanche ET (AST.C054) MHO.F021 gd: Ardstewart Dion ET (AST.D006) Service Details: At time of sale LOT 206 Glantre Honey TWIN Sire: Artnagullion Dupe LIZ.D070 Dam: Glantre MHO.D055

MHO.H061 UK0743096/ 18/03/2022 gs: Tercrosset Blaze (JWT.B041) gd: Artnagullion Betsy ET (LIZ.B066) gs: Rathbone Brandon ET (RAV.B026) gd: Glantre (MHO.W033)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 207

Glantre Henrietta SINGLE Sire: Glantre Dyson ET MHO.D014 Dam: Glantre Exaggerate MHO.E062 Service Details: At time of sale

MHO.H070 UK0743096/ 20/03/2022 gs: Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) gd: Ardstewart Attrictive Lady ET (AST.A020) gs: Ardstewart Comanche ET (AST.C054) gd: Glantre Cinderella (MHO.C054)

34 Matthew Burleigh LOT 208 Matt’s Hot Chip ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Deeteebee ET MAT.D084

(Matt’s) MAT.H114 UK1750707/0 14/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Loandhu Bella ET (ADM.B026)

Service Details: Served 15/10/23 to Northern Beltex Crackerjack. LOT 209 Matt’s Haagen Daz ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Dreameeze MAT.D167

MAT.H160 UK1750707/0 08/03/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 2 LOT 210

Matt’s Hydro TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Atomic ET MAT.A022

MAT.H103 UK1750707/0 25/04/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Warrior ET (TIP.W003) gd: Matt’s Professional ET (MAT.P053)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 2 LOT 211

Matt’s Honey G ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Atomic ET MAT.A022

MAT.H046 UK1750707/0 04/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Warrior ET (TIP.W003) gd: Matt’s Professional ET (MAT.P053)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 1 LOT 212

Matt’s Harriett ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Desert Rose ET MAT.D045

MAT.H086 UK1750707/0 07/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Matt’s Atomic ET (MAT.A022)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 2 LOT 213

Matt’s Hickory ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Deeteebee ET MAT.D084

MAT.H105 UK1750707/0 14/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Loandhu Bella ET (ADM.B026)

Service Details: Served 31/10/23 to Buckles Horrace.

35 LOT 214

Matt’s H2o ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Equipped ET MAT.E042

MAT.H020 UK1750707/0 04/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Matt’s Defender ET (MAT.D125) gd: Matt’s Curious ET (MAT.C024)

Service Details: Served 31/10/23 to Buckles Horrace. LOT 215

Matt’s Horse Radish ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Atomic ET MAT.A022

MAT.H045 UK1750707/0 04/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Warrior ET (TIP.W003) gd: Matt’s Professional ET (MAT.P053)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 2 LOT 216

Matt’s Holly Dolly ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Desert Rose ET MAT.D045

MAT.H065 UK1750707/0 05/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Matt’s Atomic ET (MAT.A022)

Service Details: Served 31/10/23 to Buckles Horrace. LOT 217

Matt’s Halogen ET SINGLE ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Embrace MAT.E083

MAT.H149 UK1750707/0 06/03/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) gd: Matt’s Bliss (MAT.B047)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 2 LOT 218

Matt’s Hooter SINGLE Sire: Matt’s General ET MAT.G205 Dam: Matt’s Daisy Duke ET MAT.D110

MAT.H125 UK1750707/0 27/02/2022 gs: Murrays Expert (MRW.E109) gd: Hackney Elanor ET (TIP.E2091) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 1 LOT 219

Matt’s Highland Girl ET TWIN ET Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Matt’s Deeteebee ET MAT.D084

MAT.H112 UK1750707/0 14/02/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) gd: Loandhu Bella ET (ADM.B026)

Service Details: Ai’d 30/09/23 to Todhall Hurricane. Scanned 1

36 LOT 220 Matt’s Hattie ET SINGLE ET Sire: Murrays Expert MRW.E109 Dam: Matt’s Atomic ET MAT.A022

MAT.H215 UK1750707/0 25/03/2022 gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) gd: (1133.038) gs: Hackney Warrior ET (TIP.W003) gd: Matt’s Professional ET (MAT.P053)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 2 LOT 221

Matt’s Heart of Gold SINGLE Sire: Buckles Fizzy Pop BKF.F092 Dam: Hackney Elanor ET TIP.E2091

MAT.H245 UK1750707/0 13/04/2022 gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) gd: Buckles Delicious (BKF.D059) gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317)

Service Details: Ai’d 29/09/23 to Muirton High & Mighty. Scanned 2

EWE LAMBS Lots 222-227 (6 entries) Miller Farms LOT 222

Lurg Juicy Lucy ET SINGLE ET Sire: Woodies Explosive WOO.E099 Dam: Kingledores Felicity ET KDS.F028

(Lurg) LUR.J054 UK521185/01398 25/01/2023 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Crunchie Nut ET (WOO.C149) gs: Woodhow Dakota ET (DNW.D003) gd: Kingledores Bessy (KDS.B066)

This years show ewe lamb. Won 2nd at the RHS and 1st at the Scottish National. Full sister sold for 3000gn earlier in the year. LOT 223

Lurg Jail ET TWIN ET Sire: Woodies Explosive WOO.E099 Dam: Kingledores Felicity ET KDS.F028 Full sister to Lot 222

LUR.J001 UK521185/01345 22/01/2023 gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012) gd: Woodies Crunchie Nut ET (WOO.C149) gs: Woodhow Dakota ET (DNW.D003) gd: Kingledores Bessy (KDS.B066)

37 D E Owen

(Smart Ass)

LOT 224

DEO.J021 UK0702312/14818 03/02/2023 gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) gd: Kingledores Pearl ET (KDS.P005) gs: Kingledores Braveheart ET (KDS.B071) gd: Hackney Charity (TIP.C1284)

Smart Ass Jini ET SINGLE ET Sire: Kingledores Drake ET KDS.D043 Dam: Hackney Easy on the Eye ET TIP.E2115

One of this years show lambs who won 2nd at The RWAS, full ET brother sold for 3500gns at The Premier Sale at Carlisle. LOT 225

Smart Ass J Lo SINGLE Sire: Kingledores Domino ET KDS.D006 Dam: Smart Ass Elegance ET DEO.E007

DEO.J034 UK0702312/14831 04/02/2023 gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) gd: Kingledores Bessy (KDS.B066) gs: Chulsey Gate Chris Brown ET (RMF.C004) gd: Woodies Carmen ET (WOO.C052)

A great bodied ewe lamb, packed full of breeding. Naturally born and reared. LOT 226

Smart Ass Jo Jo ET SINGLE ET Sire: Kingledores Drake ET KDS.D043 Dam: Hackney Easy on the Eye ET TIP.E2115

DEO.J010 UK0702312/14807 02/02/2023 gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) gd: Kingledores Pearl ET (KDS.P005) gs: Kingledores Braveheart ET (KDS.B071) gd: Hackney Charity (TIP.C1284)

A lamb with great colours, full ET sister to Lot 224. A chance to purchase some fantastic blood lines. LOT 227

Smart Ass Jessie J ET SINGLE ET Sire: Kingledores Drake ET KDS.D043 Dam: Smart Ass Dream Girl ET DEO.D044

DEO.J009 UK0702312/14806 02/02/2023 gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) gd: Kingledores Pearl ET (KDS.P005) gs: Ardstewart Aristocrat ET (AST.A015) gd: Woodies Rice Crispie (WOO.R081)

A deep body lamb with exceptional pedigree. ET brothers sold for 2,500gns at The Premier Sale.



Ardstewart Hanky Panky ET TWIN ET Sire: Swffryd Express ET AOG.E2388 Dam: Ardstewart Fly-by-me ET AST.F031

(Ardstewart) AST.H064 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Woodies Dapper (WOO.D164) gd: Ardstewart Dory ET (AST.D028)

Service Details: At time of sale. Stock gimmer. LOT 229

Ardstewart Hailey ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Dory ET AST.D028

AST.H076 IE0151403/1514036 01/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Angelica (AST.A061)

Service Details: Served mid September to Ardstewart Jack The Ripper who was sold at the Clary dispersal for 8,000gns. Stock gimmer. LOT 230 Ardstewart Humming Bird SINGLE Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Exotic ET AST.E041

AST.H001 IE0151403/1514036 11/02/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Kingledores Crusader ET (KDS.C040) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 231

Ardstewart Hello Kitty ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Dory ET AST.D028

AST.H075 IE0151403/1514036 01/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Angelica (AST.A061)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 232

Ardstewart Hope TWIN Sire: Hackney FM ET TIP.F2717 Dam: Ardstewart Enchantress ET AST.E033

AST.H010 IE0151403/1514036 12/02/2022 gs: Kingledores Braveheart ET (KDS.B071) gd: Hackney Chantilly ET (TIP.C1549) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Skinderella (AST.S045)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2

39 LOT 233

Ardstewart Hally ET TWIN ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Dior ET AST.D066

AST.H054 IE0151403/1514036 27/02/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 234

Ardstewart Harvest Moon ET TWIN ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Dior ET AST.D066

AST.H035 IE0151403/1514036 27/02/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 235

Ardstewart Honey ET TWIN ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Dior ET AST.D066

AST.H024 IE0151403/1514036 04/03/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 236

Ardstewart Hop Skip ‘N’ Jump ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Flo-rida ET AST.F033

AST.H056 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) gd: Ardstewart Clipso ET (AST.C051)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 237

Ardstewart Holly SINGLE Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Evelyn ET AST.E042

AST.H093 IE0151403/1514036 10/03/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Woodies Snoop Dog ET (WOO.S003) gd: Ardstewart Clarissa ET (AST.C004)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 238

Ardstewart Hazel ET TWIN ET Sire: Swffryd Express ET AOG.E2388 Dam: Ardstewart Alliance ET AST.A026

AST.H013 IE0151403/1514036 22/02/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Ardstewart Mr Bow Jangles (AST.M013) gd: Ardstewart Sweep (AST.S037)

Service Details: Served 25/10/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye. Stock gimmer.

40 LOT 239

Ardstewart Heckle SINGLE Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Fossil ET AST.F035

AST.H101 IE0151403/1514036 15/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Woodies Dapper (WOO.D164) gd: Ardstewart Dior ET (AST.D066)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 240 Ardstewart HeyGirl ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Flo-rida ET AST.F033

AST.H055 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) gd: Ardstewart Clipso ET (AST.C051)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 241

Ardstewart ET TWIN ET Sire: Swffryd Express ET AOG.E2388 Dam: Ardstewart Fly-by-me ET AST.F031

AST.H062 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Woodies Dapper (WOO.D164) gd: Ardstewart Dory ET (AST.D028)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 242

Ardstewart Hocus Pocus ET TWIN ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Foxy Lady ET AST.F029

AST.H065 IE0151403/1514036 28/02/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) gd: Ardstewart Clipso ET (AST.C051)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 243

Ardstewart Hala ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Ella AST.E003

AST.H019 IE0151403/1514036 27/02/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Ardstewart Darth Vader ET (AST.D013) gd: Highlight V/H Vrijbos (3112.2193)

Service Details: Served 16/10/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye. LOT 244 Ardstewart Harper Haven ET SINGLE ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Ella AST.E003 Service Details: At time of sale

AST.H083 IE0151403/1514036 03/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Ardstewart Darth Vader ET (AST.D013) gd: Highlight V/H Vrijbos (3112.2193)

41 LOT 245

Ardstewart Harriet ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Ella AST.E003

AST.H015 IE0151403/1514036 22/02/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Ardstewart Darth Vader ET (AST.D013) gd: Highlight V/H Vrijbos (3112.2193)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 246 Ardstewart Heidi ET SINGLE ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Dior ET AST.D066

AST.H040 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 247

Ardstewart Hug Me SINGLE Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Glenkeen Fortune ET FHG.F059

AST.H094 IE0151403/1514036 01/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Cothi Elite ET (DAF.E014) gd: Glenkeen Beauty (FHG.B012)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 248 Ardstewart Hayden Hadley ET TWIN ET Sire: Swffryd Express ET AOG.E2388 Dam: Ardstewart Fly-by-me ET AST.F031

AST.H061 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Woodies Dapper (WOO.D164) gd: Ardstewart Dory ET (AST.D028)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 249 Ardstewart Harmony ET TWIN ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Foxy Lady ET AST.F029

AST.H067 IE0151403/1514036 01/03/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) gd: Ardstewart Clipso ET (AST.C051)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 250 Ardstewart Hokey Cokey SINGLE Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Fifi ET AST.F034

AST.H109 IE0151403/1514036 29/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Woodies Dapper (WOO.D164) gd: Ardstewart Dolly Parton ET (AST.D029)

Service Details: Served 23/09/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1

42 LOT 251

Ardstewart Heinz ET TWIN ET Sire: Top de Noblehaye 8503.5065 Dam: Ardstewart Foxy Lady ET AST.F029

AST.H052 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: (228.6845) gd: (261.2051) gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) gd: Ardstewart Clipso ET (AST.C051)

Service Details: Served 24/09/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 252

Ardstewart Honey Bee ET SINGLE Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Fossil ET AST.F035

AST.H084 IE0151403/1514036 26/02/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Woodies Dapper (WOO.D164) gd: Ardstewart Dior ET (AST.D066)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 253

Ardstewart Humble Glory ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Flo-rida ET AST.F033

AST.H027 IE0151403/1514036 01/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Swffryd Express ET (AOG.E2388) gd: Ardstewart Clipso ET (AST.C051)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 254

Ardstewart Hussy TWIN Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Woodies Elderflower ET WOO.E077

AST.H003 IE0151403/1514036 10/02/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Woodies Cookie Monster ET (WOO.C048) gd: Woodies Bramble ET (WOO.B019)

Service Details: AI’d 04/09/23 to Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 1 LOT 255

Ardstewart Hettie ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Dory ET AST.D028

AST.H074 IE0151403/1514036 02/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.06) gd: Ardstewart Angelica (AST.A061)

Service Details: Served 20/09/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye. Scanned 2 LOT 256

Ardstewart Helga ET TWIN ET Sire: Swffryd Express ET AOG.E2388 Dam: Ardstewart Alliance ET AST.A026

AST.H080 IE0151403/1514036 04/03/2022 gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) gs: Ardstewart Mr Bow Jangles (AST.M013) gd: Ardstewart Sweep (AST.S037)

Service Details: Served 24/10/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye. LOT 257

Ardstewart Hanna ET TWIN ET Sire: Riverview Fury STU.F003 Dam: Ardstewart Ella AST.E003

AST.H029 IE0151403/1514036 01/03/2022 gs: Tweeddale Dynamite ET (WJQ.D042) gd: Kingledores Daphne (KDS.D061) gs: Ardstewart Darth Vader ET (AST.D013) gd: Highlight V/H Vrijbos (3112.2193)

Service Details: Served 18/10/23 by Aramis De Noblehaye.




LOT 258

ADM.G037 UK0510460/00345 20/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Skiddaw View Trapper (JCL.T014) gd: Broughton Starlet (DSB.S152)

Loandhu TRIPLET Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Broughton Chilli Lass ET DSB.C118 Service Details: At time of sale LOT 259

Loandhu SINGLE Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu ADM.D019

ADM.G064 UK0510460/00372 14/04/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Woodies Ace of Hearts (WOO.A109) gd: Loandhu Bonny (ADM.B009)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 260 Loandhu SINGLE Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Culsh Cinnamon JKM.C035

ADM.G028 UK0510460/00336 18/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Black Jack Wonderboy ET (RTW.W613) gd: Culsh Scarecrow (JKM.S024)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 261

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Esme ET ADM.E016

ADM.G010 UK0510460/00318 08/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Eildon Caper (FHL.C010) gd: Loandhu Tulip ET (ADM.T002)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 262

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Eve ET ADM.E007 Service Details: At time of sale

ADM.G018 UK0510460/00326 12/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Eildon Caper (FHL.C010) gd: Loandhu Tulip ET (ADM.T002)

44 LOT 263

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Barbi ET ADM.B035

ADM.G049 UK0510460/00357 27/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Loandhu Tulip ET (ADM.T002)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 264 Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Eva ADM.E059

ADM.G024 UK0510460/00332 16/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Dooley Caspian ET (DOO.C054) gd: Loandhu Tallulah (ADM.T004)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 265

Loandhu SINGLE Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Culsh Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JKM.C031

ADM.G062 UK0510460/00370 09/04/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Brickrow Bright Spark ET (JWC.B018) gd: Culsh Acorn (JKM.A025)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 266 Loandhu TRIPLET Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Broughton Chilli Lass ET DSB.C118

ADM.G036 UK0510460/00344 20/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Skiddaw View Trapper (JCL.T014) gd: Broughton Starlet (DSB.S152)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 267

Loandhu SINGLE Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Elicia ET ADM.E019

ADM.G041 UK0510460/00349 24/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Eildon Caper (FHL.C010) gd: Loandhu Tulip ET (ADM.T002)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 268 Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Esme ET ADM.E016 Service Details: At time of sale

ADM.G009 UK0510460/00317 08/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Eildon Caper (FHL.C010) gd: Loandhu Tulip ET (ADM.T002)

45 LOT 269 Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Elsie ET ADM.E046

ADM.G050 UK0510460/00358 28/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Loandhu Boss ET (ADM.B036) gd: Culsh Cactus (JKM.C016)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 270

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Catherine ET ADM.C011

ADM.G052 UK0510460/00360 29/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Lugate Tinkerbell (SML.T017)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 271

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Ella ET ADM.E015

ADM.G045 UK0510460/00353 26/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Eildon Caper (FHL.C010) gd: Loandhu Bryony ET (ADM.B018)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 272

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Elderflower ET ADM.E004

ADM.G004 UK0510460/00312 04/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Eildon Caper (FHL.C010) gd: Loandhu Tulip ET (ADM.T002)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 273

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Culsh Calypso JKM.C008

ADM.G061 UK0510460/00369 07/04/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Brickrow Bright Spark ET (JWC.B018) gd: Culsh Red Riding Hood (JKM.R005)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 274

Loandhu SINGLE Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Casey ADM.C028 Service Details: At time of sale

ADM.G033 UK0510460/00341 19/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Feoch Bojangles ET (AIF.B001) gd: Loandhu Andrea (ADM.A013)

46 LOT 275

Loandhu TRIPLET Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Culsh Cactus JKM.C016

ADM.G029 UK0510460/00337 18/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Black Jack Wonderboy ET (RTW.W613) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 276

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Brickrow Chuckles JWC.C058

ADM.G016 UK0510460/00324 11/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Jewitt Admiral ET (HCJ.A019) gd: Brickrow Annie ET (JWC.A034)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 277

Loandhu TRIPLET Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Culsh Cactus JKM.C016

ADM.G030 UK0510460/00338 18/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Black Jack Wonderboy ET (RTW.W613) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 278

Loandhu SINGLE Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Loandhu Cassia ADM.C030

ADM.G063 UK0510460/00371 12/04/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Feoch Bojangles ET (AIF.B001) gd: Loandhu Ailsa (ADM.A011)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 279

Loandhu TWIN Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Culsh Calypso JKM.C008

ADM.G060 UK0510460/00368 07/04/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Brickrow Bright Spark ET (JWC.B018) gd: Culsh Red Riding Hood (JKM.R005)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 280 Loandhu TRIPLET Sire: Culsh Exclusive JKM.E026 Dam: Broughton Chilli Lass ET DSB.C118 Service Details: At time of sale

ADM.G038 UK0510460/00346 20/03/2021 gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) gd: Culsh Tulip (JKM.T002) gs: Skiddaw View Trapper (JCL.T014) gd: Broughton Starlet (DSB.S152)

47 LOT 281

Loandhu Elisa ET TWIN ET Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Tulip ET ADM.T002

ADM.E013 UK0510460/00063 27/03/2019 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Buckles Masterpiece (BKF.M009) gd: Ballydown Maggie May ET (MCN.M298)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 282

Loandhu Electra ET TWIN ET Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Tulip ET ADM.T002

ADM.E006 UK0510460/00056 25/03/2019 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Buckles Masterpiece (BKF.M009) gd: Ballydown Maggie May ET (MCN.M298)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 283

Loandhu Eve ET TWIN ET Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Tulip ET ADM.T002

ADM.E007 UK0510460/00057 20/03/2019 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Buckles Masterpiece (BKF.M009) gd: Ballydown Maggie May ET (MCN.M298)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 284 Loandhu Esme ET SINGLE Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Tulip ET ADM.T002

ADM.E016 UK0510460/00066 20/03/2019 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Buckles Masterpiece (BKF.M009) gd: Ballydown Maggie May ET (MCN.M298)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 285

Loandhu Eva TRIPLET Sire: Dooley Caspian ET DOO.C054 Dam: Loandhu Tallulah ADM.T004

ADM.E059 UK0510460/00109 04/04/2019 gs: Scooby Doo (10510235) gd: Corra Top Totty (GFC.T025) gs: Loandhu Shotgun ET (ADM.S001) gd: Fearn Lips (JSF.L049)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 286 Loandhu Eden ET TWIN ET Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Bryony ET ADM.B018 Service Details: At time of sale

ADM.E036 UK0510460/00086 23/03/2019 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Northcop Sierra P (COP.S012)

48 LOT 287

Loandhu Evie SINGLE Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Annie ADM.A005

ADM.E087 UK0510460/00137 24/04/2019 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Loandhu Tallulah (ADM.T004)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 288 Loandhu Fiona SINGLE Sire: Airyolland Wurzel ARY.W063 Dam: Broughton Chilli Lass ET DSB.C118

ADM.F015 UK0510460/00258 18/04/2020 gs: Airyolland Pagan (ARY.P040) gd: Airyolland Senza (ARY.S177) gs: Skiddaw View Trapper (JCL.T014) gd: Broughton Starlet (DSB.S152)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 289 Loandhu Fona TWIN Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Caley ADM.C018

ADM.F009 UK0510460/00252 15/04/2020 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Loandhu Benny Factor (ADM.B039) gd: Loandhu Tallulah (ADM.T004)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 290 Loandhu Fairfax & Favour TWIN Sire: Airyolland Wurzel ARY.W063 Dam: Culsh Cactus JKM.C016

ADM.F008 UK0510460/00251 14/04/2020 gs: Airyolland Pagan (ARY.P040) gd: Airyolland Senza (ARY.S177) gs: Black Jack Wonderboy ET (RTW.W613) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 291

Loandhu Firefly SINGLE Sire: Airyolland Wurzel ARY.W063 Dam: Culsh Cinnamon JKM.C035

ADM.F028 UK0510460/00271 23/04/2020 gs: Airyolland Pagan (ARY.P040) gd: Airyolland Senza (ARY.S177) gs: Black Jack Wonderboy ET (RTW.W613) gd: Culsh Scarecrow (JKM.S024)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 292

Loandhu Fearnig TWIN Sire: Dooley Caspian ET DOO.C054 Dam: Loandhu Annie ADM.A005 Service Details: At time of sale

ADM.F019 UK0510460/00262 14/04/2020 gs: Scooby Doo (10510235) gd: Corra Top Totty (GFC.T025) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Loandhu Tallulah (ADM.T004)

49 LOT 293

Loandhu Fantasy TWIN Sire: Eildon Caper FHL.C010 Dam: Loandhu Betsy ADM.B008

ADM.F011 UK0510460/00254 17/04/2020 gs: Callacrag Barbarian ET (ABC.B057) gd: Eildon Wilhelmina (FHL.W004) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Loandhu Wren ET (ADM.W006)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 294 Loandhu Claire TWIN Sire: Feoch Bojangles ET AIF.B001 Dam: Loandhu Annie ADM.A005

ADM.C024 UK508635 07/04/2017 gs: Gregor’s Achilles ET (RCG.A006) gd: Brickrow Truly Scrumptious (JWC.T108) gs: Airyolland Wurzel (ARY.W063) gd: Loandhu Tallulah (ADM.T004)

Service Details: At time of sale LOT 295

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Service Details: At time of sale

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