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For avoidance of doubt our company AML policy is to accept a maximum of £1,000.00 per trading account per year.
• No Lots can leave the market without a ‘Pass Slip’ being issued by the main office.
• All Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling (GBP).
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/terms/
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On day of sale, to ease your payment process please complete the details below and hand to auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.
TRADING NAME .........................................................................................................................................
HOLDING NO. ............................................................... FLOCK No. .......................................................
HOLDING NO. ................................................................................. POST CODE ..................................
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/terms/
Please read and observe the following:
• Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.
• All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.
• All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.
• All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.
• All persons delivering livestock to mart must park on the hardcore area at the back of the site and then proceed along the designated route to the biosecurity control next to the supervisors office.
• Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.
• Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office.
• No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.
• Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.
• Wash hands thoroughly when leaving livestock pennage areas.
• Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.
Our on site Biosecurity Officer will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
Our Heritage – Your Future
The sale is conducted under the General & Special Conditions of Sale of the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland and under the following Special Conditions of Sale. In any case in which they conflict the following Special Conditions of Sale will prevail:
1. The sale is confined to CHEVIOT HILL RAMS, of ONE SHEAR and Upwards, which will be sold in ONE ring.
2. The Order in which the several lots of sheep shall be brought forward shall be decided by public ballot at least three weeks before the Sale Day
3. All rams entered must be sired by a ram which has already been entered in the Cheviot Sheep Flock Book.
4. Any vendor who has informed Harrison & Hetherington Ltd. of the number of entries by the closing date but has not furnished them with full details of their entries before the time of the ballot, will be withdrawn from the ballot. They may be sold at the end of ballot as long as the details are forwarded to Harrison & Hetherington Ltd. within 48 hrs of the ballot. This draw will not count as one of the last five lots therefore the vendor could be in the first or last five lots the following year.
5. BALLOT – First five and last five lots from the previous year – remove from the ballot. Draw first five lots then fifth last, fourth last, third last, second last and last lot. Draw lots 6 to 10 before returning first five and last five lots from the previous year to the ballot. If the judge for the show on the day is a vendor, then his/ her lot should be added after lot 10.
6. Each lot of Sheep shall be sold in the Order of Ballot, and the owner thereof shall be bound to see that this condition is carried out.
7. All vendors must be fully paid up members of the society
8. All sheep will be identified with numbers stamped on their back
9. The vendor shall be responsible for the correctness of identity and all sheep must have official ear tags to comply with current ministry regulations. Buyers shall have one hour following the end of the sale to lodge any faults or misrepresentations to the Auctioneer
10. A Vendor is allowed one substitute entry but all the correct information must be with the auctioneer before the sale
11. The sheep shall be penned and the Sale shall commence at the time arranged by the Auctioneers, any lot or lots which may not be ready for the ring when their turn for sale arrives will not be allowed to come forward for sale until all other lots have been sold
12. All male sheep to have two correct testicles. No Rigs or Chasers to be shown or sold
13. The particulars given in the Catalogue, or announced at the time of Sale, are correct so far as known to the exposer, but, except as provided kin the preceding Condition, he will not be bound in any way. With the same exception no warranty is given with any sheep, either that he is capable of service, or in any other respect whatever, and is to be taken as he stands, any condition in the Sale of Goods Act, 1893, notwithstanding
14. Errors and Omissions. The Auctioneers CAN ACCEPT NO responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue
15. The vendors are responsible for taking their sheep to the sale ring and returning them to the pens after being offered for sale
16. Exposers are responsible that their Shepherds attend to their pens, take their Rams to and from the Sale Ring, and do not give delivery of any Ram to a purchaser who is not in possession of an Order from the Cashier. After such delivery, Shepherds must hand in to the Cashier all orders so received from Purchasers. Each lot is to be at the sole risk of the exposer before such deliver, and of the purchase afterwards. The Auctioneer will only be responsible for accounting to the exposer for sheep which have been delivered to the purchaser as above.
17. The highest bidder to be the purchaser; if any dispute may arise between bidders, the lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. The Auctioneers reserve the right of refusing the bid of any person, and of regulating the bidding.
18. The Company is empowered to deduct a levy of £5.00 per ram on behalf of the Cheviot Sheep Society, also entry fee of £5.00 per ram for the Society.
19. All rams must be guaranteed correct in their mouths on the day of sale. All complaints including incorrect mouths must be lodged at the office together with a deposit of £20 any time after purchase and not later than one hour after the conclusion of the sale. The deposit of £20 will be returnable if the complaint is sustained otherwise it will be forfeited. A referee will be appointed to act in any disputes and his findings will be binding to both parties.
20. Society Rule that the upset price will be £300 per ram, no ram to be sold under £300 in the ring or outside the ring.
21. Any animal in the Sale premises which are are sold by private treaty after the Auction are subject to the full commission on the price realized and all such transactions must pass through the Auctioneers
22. The auctioneers shall not be liable in any way for any deficiencies in either the vendor’s tagging of his sheep nor the reading equipment being used at the CPRC in accordance with the EID Regulations nor any reading or print out produced by the said equipment
23. Scrape testing is voluntary for this sale.
24. * Denotes eligible for flock book
W J DOUGLAS & SON, Upper Hindhope, Jedburgh
Flock UK561923
Insured £800 or over
Ear No. 16914 Kale Finn
Ear No. 17602
Ear No. 17590
Ear No.17591
Ear No. 17615
Ear No. 17616
Ear No. 17597
Ear No. 17604
9 Ear No. 17585
Ear No. 17595
10 – 2shr
OA Tested
Sire: Kale The Dougger 16358
Sire: Kale The Dougger 16358
Sire: Kale Arthur 15276
Sire: Kale Arthur 15276
Sire: Kale The Dougger 16358
Sire: Kale The Dougger 16358
Sire: Dale Dealer 16363
Sire: Kale Dealer 16363
Sire Becks Rambler 15369
Sire: Becks Rambler 15369
G BELL & CO., Bloch Farm, Langholm
Flock UK581959
Insured £750 or over
Ear No. 14654
12 Ear No. 14678
13 Ear No. 14676
Ear No. 14668
15 Ear No. 14657
16 Ear No. 14665
17 Ear No. 14651
18 Ear No. 14663
19 Ear No. 14667
20 Ear No. 14664
21 Ear No. 14659
Ear No. 14671
Ear No. 14680
Ear No. 14662
14 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Castle Delboy 14949
Pen 6 & 7
Pen 8 - 10
Sire: Glenochar Overdrive 15921
Sire: Bloch Patrick 15401
Sire: Granton Halo 15542
Sire: Granton Halo 15542
Sire: Bloch Oliver 15163
Sire: Castle Force 15423
Sire: Bloch Oliver 15163
Sire: Bloch Oliver 15163
Sire: Bloch Oliver 15163
Sire: Granton Halo 15542
Sire: Castle Delboy 14949
Sire: North Shortcleuch Orbit 16030
Sire: Castle Delboy 14949
All rams used successfully as shearlings
Sire Ref:
Castle Delboy 14949
Granton Halo 15542
Bloch Oliver 15163
Bloch Patrick 15401
Glenochar Overdrive 15921
Castle Force 15423
Sire: Catslack Daredevil 14552
Sire: Castle Editor 15186
Sire: Stirkfield Yates 14686
Sire: Catslack Extra Factor 14763
Sire: Glengeith Lethal Weapon 15002
Sire: Castle Bulldozer 14741
JOHN HALLIDAY & SONS, Granton Farm, Annan Water , Moffat Pen 11 & 12
Flock No. UK586706
Ear No. 12318
Ear No. 12322
27 Ear No. 12336
28 Ear No. 12335
Ear No. 12314
30 Ear No. 12330
31 Ear No. 12327
32 Ear No. 12324
33 Ear No. 12332
9 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Becks Tam O’Shanter 16145
Sire: Becks Tam O’Shanter 16145
Sire: Becks Tam O’Shanter 16145
Sire: Becks Tam O’Shanter 16145
Sire: Becks Tam O’Shanter 16145
Sire: Kale Easy Tiger 16800
Sire: Kale Eye Catcher 16807
Sire: Alemoor Unique 15724
Sire: Kale Eye Catcher 16807
M LITTLE (ESKDALE), 5 Douglas Terrace, Langholm Pen 13
Flock No. UK564045
Insured £800 or over
34 Ear No. 03134
35 Ear No. 03142
36 Ear No. 03132
3 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Eskdale Tam O’Shanter 14801
Sire: Eskdale Tam O’Shanter 14801
Sire: Eskdale Hit & Run 15231
BRIDGEWATER & WOOD, Potholm Farm, Langholm Pen 14 & 15
Flock No. UK581955 1 – 2shr 6 – 1shr
Insured £600 or over OA Tested
37 Ear No. 13684
38 Ear No. 13685
39 Ear No. 13686
40 Ear No. 13687
41 Ear No. 13688
42 Ear No. 13689
43 Ear No. 13690
Sire: Castle General 15794
Sire: Stirkfield Eager Beaver 16473
Sire: Mainstay Invincible 16397
Sire: Becks Scooby Doo 15742
Sire: Stirkfield Eager Beaver 16473
Sire: Castle General 15794
Sire: North Shortcleugh McCoy 15309
J & D HODGE, Dykes Farm, Auchinleck Pen 16
Flock No. UK5803219 2 – 1shr
OA Tested
44 Ear No. 04505
45 Ear No. 04503
Sire: Becks Stuntman 15733
Sire: Becks Take a Chance 16152
MESSRS DOUGLAS, Carlenrig, Teviothead
Flock No. UK561832
Insured £650 or over
46 Ear No. 64434
47 Ear No. 64161
48 Ear No. 64433
49 Ear No. 64535
50 Ear No. 64555
51 Ear No. 64556
Sire Ref
Mainside Attorney 15598
Becks President 14921
Stirkfield Eagle Eye 16481
3 -2shr 3 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Mainside Attorney 15598
Sire: Mainside Attorney 15598
Sire:Becks President 14921
Sire: Stirkfield Eagle Eye 16481
Sire: Stirkfield Eagle Eye 16481
Sire: Stirkfield Eagle Eye 16481
Pen 17 & 18
Sire: Mainside Yorkie 15067
Sire: Hindhope Cavalier 14609
Sire: Drylea Ace of Diamonds 15226
R McFADZEN, Scabcleuch Farm, Ettrick
Flock No. UK562178
Insured £800 or over
52 Ear No. 05480
53 Ear No. 05481
54 Ear No. 05482
55 Ear No. 05483
Pen 19
4 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Sundhope Neil 16489
Sire: Sundhope Neil 16489
Sire: Sundhope Neil 16489
Sire: Sundhope Neil 16489
THOMAS AITCHISON, Glenochar, Elvanfoot, Biggar
Flock No. 562729
Insured £1000 or over
56 Ear No. 25894
57 Ear No. 25899
58 Ear No. 25891
59 Ear No. 25890
60 Ear No. 25888
61 Ear No. 21910
Sire Ref:
Becks Tam
Westerton Casper
Glengeith Nailer
Glenochar Quarterback
Glenochar Quote
10 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Becks Tam 16158
Sire: Westerton Casper 16126
Sire: Glengeith Nailer 15532
Pen 20 & 21
Sire: Glenochar Quarterback 16742
Sire: Glenochar Quarterback 16742
Sire: Glenochar Quote 16745
Sire: Mountbenger Almighty
Sire: Cooms Canonball
Sire: Shortcleugh Maverick
Sire: Potholm Brigadier
Sire: Westerton Casper
Shop VAT free for Safety Wear, Hand Tools, Power Tools and more when ordered in store on the day
Wednesday 9th October
Thursday 10th October
Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October
A & S SUTHERLAND, Bardnaheigh, Harpsdale, Halkirk
Flock No. UK507469 1 – 3shr 2 – 1 shr
Insured £500 or over OA Tested
62 Ear No. UK561973 17926 Chatto Hells Bells 16237
Sire: Chatton Eiger 15456
63 Ear No. 00650 (Bardnaheigh Ranger)
Sire: Chatto Hells Bells 16237
64 Ear No. 00658 ( Bardnaheigh Johnnie Walker)
Sire: Chatto Hells Bells 16237
L W GOODFELLOW, Townfoot, Roberton
Flock No. UK563696 3 – 1shr
Insured £600 or over OA Tested
65 Ear No. 01985
66 Ear No. 01984
67 Ear No. 01986
Pen 22
Pen 23
Sire: Glenochar Quickfire 16748
Sire: Glenochar Quickfire 16748
Sire: Glenochar Quickfire 16748
ALAN FRAME, High Dyke Farm, Sandford, Strathaven
Flock No. UK0560974 3 – 1 shr
Insured £1000 or over OA Tested
68 Ear No. 05759
69 Ear No. 05758
70 Ear No. 05760
Pen 24
Sire: Crossdykes Rambler 15854
Sire: Crossdykes Rambler 15854
Sire: Crossdykes Rambler 15854
MAINSTAY FARMING, Chapel Farm, Orton, Penrith
Flock No. UK561469 2 – 1 shr
Insured £800 or over OA Tested
71 Ear No. 19163
72 Ear No. 19162
Sire: Catslack Infinity 16221
Sire: Potholm Kittiwake 16037
Pen 25
R H PATON, Castle Crawford, Crawford, Biggar
Flock No. UK560551
Insured £800 or over
73 Ear No. 15015
74 Ear No. 10078
75 Ear No. 14441
76 Ear No. 13590
77 Ear No. 14452
78 Ear No. 14474
79 Ear No. 14473
80 Ear No. 14428
81 Ear No. 14449
82 Ear No. 14472
Shepherds Ram
83 Ear No. 11053
Sire Ref:
Glendinning Invictus 16305
Castle Highlander 16606
Crossdykes Rob Roy 15852
Glenochar Knockout 14809
Stirkfield Batman 15325
Castle Gogetter 16202
2 – 2shr 8 - 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Castle Gogetter 16202
Sire: Stirkfield Batman 15325
Sire: Castle Highlander 16606
Sire: Castle Highlander 16606
Sire: Castle Highlander 16606
Pens 26-28
Sire: Glendinning Invictus 16305
Sire: Glendinning Invictus 16305
Sire: Crossdykes Rob Roy 15852
Sire: Castle Highlander 16606
Sire: Glenochar Knockout 14809
Sire: Castle Highlander 16606
Sire: Castle Colonel 14750
Sire: Glenochar Knockout 14809
Sire: Stirkfield Zoomer 14888
Sire: Bloch Juvenile 14082
Sire: Kale Hamish 15046
Sire: Castle Extravagant 15420
T HALLIDAY, Springwells, Johnstonebridge
Flock No. UK582093
Insured £500 or over
84 Ear No. 06360
85 Ear No. 06355
86 Ear No. 06357
Pen 29
3 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Alemoor Unique 15724
Sire: Eskdale Matt Black 16709
Sire: Alemoor Unique 15724
JW DAVIDSON, Crosslee Farm, Ettrick, Selkirk
Flock No. UK562180 4 – 1 shr
Insured £500 or over
87 Ear No. 15196
88 Ear No. 15057
89 Ear No. 15055
90 Ear No. 15127
Sire: Mountbenger Yogi 15074
Sire: Becks Silver Quartz 15745
Sire: Becks Silver Quartz 15745
Sire: Crosslee Yankee 16280
Pen 30
THOMAS AITCHISON, North Shortcleugh, Elvanfoot, Biggar Pen 31
Flock No. UK562729
Insured £1000 or over
91 Ear No. 25886
92 Ear No. 2021
93 Ear No. 25885
94 Ear No. 25884
Sire Ref:
Castle Gaffer 15799
Castle Inferno 16613
4 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire Castle Gaffer 15799
Sire: Castle Inferno 16613
Sire: Castle Gaffer 15799
Sire: Castle Gaffer 15799
Sire: Castle Destroyer
Sire: Castle Evel Knievel
MESSRS STEWART, Tushielaw, Ettrick Pen 32 & 33
Flock No. UK562175 8 – 1 shr
Insured £800 or over
95 Ear No. 12710
96 Ear No. 12708
97 Ear No. 12669
98 Ear No. 12678
99 Ear No. 12670
100 Ear No. 12668
101 Ear No. 12822
102 Ear No. 12666
OA Tested
Sire: Unthank Laphroaig 16521
Sire: Kale Harrier 15047
Sire: Glenderg Landmark 15892
Sire: Drylea Caledonia 15884
Sire: Drylea Caledonia 15884
Sire: Drylea Caledonia 15884
Sire: Glendearg Landmark 15892
Sire Stirkfield Boris 15330
C M KER, Chatto, Hownam, Kelso Pen 34 & 35
Flock No. UK561973
Insured £600 or over
103 Ear No. 19309
104 Ear No. 19367
105 Ear No. 19369
106 Ear No. 19310
107 Ear No. 19301
108 Ear No. 19311
Shepherds Ram – Helen Booth
109 Ear No. 03182
7 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Redford Beattie 16041
Sire: Chatto Everest 15455
Sire: Chatto Everest 15455
Sire: Redford Beattie 16041
Sire: Chatto Eiger 15456
Sire: Chatto Everest 15455
Sire: Singlie Xtension 16051
J HUME & SON, Sundhope, Yarrow Pens 36-38
Flock No. UK562204
Insured £1000 or over
110 Ear No. 18000 (Sundhope Ooh La La)
111 Ear No. 19812
112 Ear No. 19784
113 Ear No. 19799
114 Ear No. 19795
115 Ear No. 19814
116 Ear No. 19782
117 Ear No. 19776
118 Ear No. 19849
119 Ear No. 19797
120 Ear No. 19781
Catslack Halo 15813
Sundhope Outlaw 16912
Kale Badger 15579
Becks T for 2 16146
Sundhope Orion 16914
Crosscleuch Cavalier 16254
1 – 2shr 10 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire Catslack Halo 15813
Sire: Sundhope Outlaw 16912
Sire: Kale Badger 15579
Sire: Catslack Halo 15813
Sire: Sundhope Outlaw 16912
Sire: Becks T for 2 16146
Sire: Sundhope Outlaw 16912
Sire: Catslack Halo 15813
Sire: Sundhope Orion 16914
Sire: Crosscleuch Cavalier 16254
Sire: Catslack Halo 15813
Sire: Catslack Freedom Fighter 15195
Sire Catslack Immorality 16220
Sire: Kale Huntsman 15042
Sire: GDM Columbia 15512
Sire: Catslack Halo 15813
Sire: Skelfhill Oliver 15092
JAMES COMMON & SON, Crossdykes Farm, Lockerbie Pens 39-42
Flock No. UK582060
Insured £800 or over
121 Ear No. 16405
122 Ear No. 16421
123 Ear No. 15081
124 Ear No. 16422
125 Ear No. 15080
126 Ear No. 16418
127 Ear No. 16416
128 Ear No. 15083
129 Ear No. 16411
130 Ear No. 16067
131 Ear No. 16415
132 Ear No. 15082
133 Ear No. 16412
134 Ear No. 16413
135 Ear No. 16423
136 Ear No. 16417
137 Ear No. 16406
17 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Becks Topgun 16149
Sire: Becks Quicksilver 15153
Sire: Becks Revolution 15373
Sire: Becks Revolution 15373
Sire: Crossdykes Sovereign 16278
Sire: Becks Quicksilver 15153
Sire: Hindhope Jackpot 15942
Sire: Crossdykes Senator 16277
Sire: Glenochar Nugget 15537
Sire: Castle Hurricane 16205
Sire: Becks Topgun 16149
Sire: Becks Revolution 15373
Sire: Stirkfield Ace 15106
Sire: Crossdykes Senator 16277
Sire: Crossdykes Silver 16279
Sire: Hindhope Jackpot 15942
Sire: Hindhope Jackpot 15942
W J C & s J WEIR, Mainside Farm, Hownam, Kelso
Flock No. UK563126 10 – 2shr
Insured £1000 or over
138 Ear No. 23671
139 Ear No. 23609
140 Ear No. 23670
141 Ear No. 23677
142 Ear No. 23558
143 Ear No. 25733
144 Ear No. 23402
145 Ear No. 23616
146 Ear No.23650
147 Ear No. 23695
Sire Ref:
Pen 43-44
OA Tested
Sire: Castle Godfather 15801
Sire: Castle Godfather 15801
Sire: Mainside Boris 15297
Sire: Mainside Cossars 16384
Sire: Mainside Cassock 16392
Sire: Stirkfield Craig 15675
Sire: Hindhope Officer 15555
Sire: Mainside Cossars 16384
Sire: Mainside Boris 15297
Sire: Mainside Cannon 16389
Castle Crowford Godfather 15801 Sire: Castle Destroyer 14945
Mainside Boris 15297
Mainside Cossars 16384
Hundhope Officer 15555
Mainside Cannon 16389
Sire: Castle Assasin 14536
Sire: Castle Assasin 14536
Sire: Becks On Top 14724
Sire: Mainside Adder 15604
S & K ANDERSON, Borthwickmains, Roberton
Flock No. UK561824 2 – 1shr
Insured £500 or over
148 Ear No. 28507
149 Ear No. 28511
Sire Ref:
Alemoor Wealth 16542
Pen 45
OA Tested
Sire: Alemoor Wealth 16542
Sire: Alemoor Wealth 16542
Sire: Castle Geronimo 15793
GORDON JACKSON, Toftholm, Newcastleton
Flock No. UK564045 10 - 1 shr
Insured £500 or over OA Tested
150 Ear No. 02256
151 Ear No. 03103
152 Ear No. 03102
153 Ear No. 03147
154 Ear No. 03149
155 Ear No. 03143
156 Ear No. 03135
157 Ear No. 03146
158 Ear No. 03123
Shepherds Ram – Peter Scott
159 Ear No. 03101
Pen 46-47
Sire: Mountbenger Almighty 15612
Sire: Caerlan Gordons Gin 16198
Sire: Caerlan Gordons Gin 16198
Sire: Becks Talisker 16148
Sire: Becks Talisker 16148
Sire: Becks Talisker 16148
Sire: Becks Talisker 16148
Sire: Becks Talisker 16148
Sire: Mountbenger Almighty 15612
Sire Caerlan Gordons Gin 16198
DAWN McCALL, GDM Flook, ,c/o 31 Vallance Drive, Lockerbie Pen 48
Flock No. UK585884
3 – 1 shr
Insured £600 or over OA Tested
160 Ear No. 05707 (GDM Faroe) Sire: Castle Crusader 14747
161 Ear No. 08015 (GDM Fargo) Sire: Castle Crusader 14747
162 Ear No. 08011 (GDM Falkland) Sire: Castle Crusader 14747
Note: Castle Crusader stood RHS Champion 2019
JAMES SMITH, The Burrows, Pen 49-50
Flock No. UK0561949
Insured £600 or over
163 Ear No. 02426
164 Ear No. 02427
165 Ear No. 02428
166 Ear No. 02429
167 Ear No. 02430
168 Ear No. 02431
169 Ear No. 02432
170 Ear No. 02433
Sire Ref:
8 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Sire: Hindhope Ace 16343
Hindhope Ace 16343 Sire: Hindhope Jackpot
T N CAVERS (SORBIE) LTD., Hoghill, Ewes, Langholm Pen 51 & 52
Flock No. UK581943
Insured £800 or over
171 Ear No. 28342
172 Ear No. 28341
173 Ear No 28346
174 Ear No 28348
175 Ear No. 28345
176 Ear No. 28831
Sire Ref
Crosscleuch Claymore 16255
Townfoot Tarmac 16511
North Shortcleugh Pirate 16418
6 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Crosscleuch Claymore 16255
Sire: Crosscleuch Claymore 16255
Sire: Townfoot Tarmac 16511
Sire: Townfoot Tarmac 16511
Sire: Townfoot Tarmac 16511
Sire: North Shortcleugh Pirate 16418
Sire: Bloch Kyle 14294
Sire: North Shortcleugh Oh Boy 16028
Sire: Glengeith Outlaw 15917
J HEPBURN & CO., Crosscleuch, Yarow, Selkirk Pens 53 & 54
Flock No. UK562203
Inured £500 or over
177 Ear No. 06467
178 Ear No. 06466
179 Ear No. 06461
180 Ear No. 06463
181 Ear No. 06458
182 Ear No. 06468
183 Ear No. 06462
184 Ear No. 06459
8 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Hislop Wammy 14613
Sire: Mountbenger Yazoo 15072
Sire: Hindhope Budweiser 15947
Sire: Hislop Wammy 14613
Sire: Mountbenger Yazoo 15072
Sire: Hislop Wammy 14613
Sire: Castle Favourite 15422
Sire: Hindhope Budweiser 15947
LORRAINE LUESCHER, Megdale, Westerkirk (Glendinning) Pens 55 & 56
Flock No. UK581967
Insured £500 or over
185 Ear No. 20459
186 Ear No. 20492
187 Ear No. 20435
188 Ear No. 20491
189 Ear No. 18388
190 Ear No. 19781
Sire Ref:
Glenochar Ocean Breeze 15922
Glendinning Hi-Spec 15910
Becks Tornado 16157
Castle Colonel 14750
Hindhope Landmark 15257
4 – 1 shr 2 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Glenochar Ocean Breeze 15922
Sire: Glendinning Hi-Spec 15910
Sire: Becks Tornado 16157
Sire: Castle Colonel 14750
Sire: Glendinning Hi-Spec 15910
Sire: Hindhope Landmark 15257
Sire: Glengeith Lethal Weapon 15002
Sire: Castle Colonel 14750
Sire: GDM Columbia 15512
Sire: Castle Assasin 14536
Sire: Crossdykes Landmark 14355
LANGHOLM INITIATIVE, Buccleuch Mill, Glenesk Road, Langholm Pens 57 & 58
Flock No. UK581940
Insured £600 or over
191 Ear No. 15981
192 Ear No. 15978
193 Ear No. 15979
194 Ear No. 15977
195 Ear No. 15975
196 Ear No. 15937
197 Ear No. 16021
198 Ear No. 16141
199 Ear No. 15851
9 – 2shr
OA Tested
Sire: Stirkfield Duke 16088
Sire: Stirkfield Duke 16088
Sire: Stirkfield Duke 16088
Sire: Stirkfield Duke 16088
Sire: Cooms Cannonball 15210
Sire: Cooms Frank 16242
Sire: Becks Rocket 15376
Sire: Cooms Diamond 15467
Sire Cooms Dandy 15468
NEIL MANNING, Tweedshaws, Tweedsmuir, By Biggar
Flock No UK561622
Insured £400 of over
200 Ear No 08324
201 Ear No. 08325
202 Ear No. 08326
Sire Ref:
Pen 59
3 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Castle Insane 16612
Sire: Castle Insane 16612
Sire: Castle Insane 16612
Castle Insane 16612 Sire: Castle Fleetweed Mac 15791
Numbers 08324 and 08325 are twin brothers
NEIL ANDERSON, Woodburnhaugh, Roberton
Flock No UK561824
Insured £500 or over
203 Ear No. 28506
204 Ear No. 28508
205 Ear No. 28509
206 Ear No. 28510
207 Ear No. 28215
Sire Ref:
Alemoor Virtue 16141
Castle Harry 16203
Pen 60
4 – 1shr 1 - 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Alemoor Virtue 16141
Sire: Alemoor Virtue 16141
Sire: Alemoor Virtue 16141
Sire: Alemoor Virtue 16141
Sire: Castle Harry 16203
Sire: Skelfhill Quartz 15654
Sire: Castle Fleetwood Mac 15791
WC ANDERSON & SON, Easter Alemoor, Roberton
Flock No. UK561816 13 – 1 shr
Insured £500 or over
208 Ear No. 07658
209 Ear No. 07651
210 Ear No. 07654
211 Ear No. 07656
212 Ear No. 07660
213 Ear No. 07662
214 Ear No. 07659
215 Ear No. 07664
216 Ear No. 07661
217 Ear No. 07666
218 Ear No. 07655
219 Ear No. 07657
220 Ear No. 07217
Sire Ref:
Castle Geronimo 15793
Skelfhill Quartz 15654
Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Hindhope Syd 15256
Alemoor Wealth 16542
OA Tested
Sire: Castle Geronimo 15793
Sire: Castle Geronimo 15793
Sire: Castle Geronimo 15793
Sire: Skelfhill Quartz 15654
Pens 61 - 63
Sire: Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Sire: Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Sire: Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Sire: Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Sire: Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Sire: Stirkfield East End Boy 16474
Sire: Hindhope Syd 15256
Sire: Alemoor Wealth 16542
Sire: Springwells Nelson 16466
Sire: Glenochar Knockout 14809
Sire: Stirkfield Zoltan 14885
Sire Becks Ronaldo 15370
Sire: Crossdykes Landmark 14355
Sire: Castle Geronimo 15793
JF IRVING & SON, Mountbenger, Yarrow Pens 64-66
Flock No. UK562197 11 – 1shr
Insured £1000 or over OA Tested
221 Ear No. 18247
222 Ear No. 21078
223 Ear No. 21083
224 Ear No. 21090
225 Ear No. 21088
226 Ear No. 21077
227 Ear No. 21076
228 Ear No. 21089
229 Ear No. 21081
230 Ear No. 21086
231 Ear No. 21088
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Mountbenger Crackerjack 16403
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Crossdykes Showman 16259
Sire: Crossdykes Showman 16259
JOHN ANDERSON & SON, Priesthaugh, Hawick Pens 67 - 68
Flock No. UK561842
Insured £600 or over
232 Ear No. 21725
233 Ear No. 21726
234 Ear No. 21728
235 Ear No. 21730
236 Ear No. 21729
237 Ear No. 21727
6 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Glendivan Ditto 15913
Sire: Catslack Hawk 15454
Sire: Catslack Ghost 15441
Sire: Mainside Bonzer 16005
Sire: Mainside Bonzer 16005
Sire: Glendivan Ditto 15913
QUEENSBERRY FARMING, Chanlockfoot, Thornhill Pen 69
Flock No. UK582279
Insured £700 or over
3 – 2shr 2 -1 shr
OA Tested
238 Ear No. 17111 (UK582370) Sire: Stirkfield Chanlock 15682
239 Ear No. 17182 (UK582370) Sire: Mountbenger Basil Brush 16024
240 Ear No. 17183 (UK582370) Sire: North Shortcleugh Moonshine 15308
241 Ear No. 99774
242 Ear No. 99777
Sire: Castle Hooch 16206
Sire: Mountbenger Basil Brush 16024
JIM ROBERTSON, Becks Farm, Langholm
Flock No. UK581958
Insured £800 or over
243 Ear No. 16178
244 Ear No. 16186
245 Ear No. 16176
246 Ear No. 16170
247 Ear No. 16181
248 Ear No. 16204
249 Ear No. 16199
250 Ear No. 16175
251 Ear No. 16191
252 Ear No. 16187
253 Ear No. 16198
254 Ear No. 16189
255 Ear No. 161201
256 Ear No. 16184
257 Ear No. 16185
258 Ear No. 16174
259 Ear No. 16172
260 Ear No. 16183
Sire Ref:
Kale the Dougger 16358
GDM Columbia 15512
Eskdale Hit and Run
Mainside Yielder 15062
Caerlan Samurai 15174
Skelfhill Sovereign 16462
Mountbenger Almighty 15612
Becks Scar 15746
Castle Hercules 16208
Shillmoor Endeavour 16045
18 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Kale the Dougger 16358
Sire: Kale the Dougger 16358
Sire: Kale the Dougger 16358
Sire: GDM Columbia 15512
Pens 70 - 73
Sire: Eskdale Hit and Run 15231
Sire: Mainside Yielder 15062
Sire; Caerlan Samurai 15174
Sire: Caerlan Samurai 15174
Sire: Skelfhill Sovereign 16462
Sire: Mountbenger Almighty 15612
Sire: Becks Scar 15746
Sire: Castle Hercules 16208
Sire: Shillmoor Endeavour 16045
Sire: Kale the Dougger 16358
Sire: Kale the Dougger 16358
Sire: Caerlan Samurai 15174
Sire: GDM Columbia 15512
Sire: Eskdale Hit and Run 15231
Sire: Kale Arther 15276
Sire: Castle Aftershock 14538
Sire: Kale Gold Blend 14847
Sire: Castle Angus 14315
Sire: Hislop Victor 14403
Sire: Skelfhill Quantum 15655
Sire: Crossdykes Optimus 14978
Sire: Mainside Yielder 15062
Sire: Glenochar Knockout 14809
Sire: Coquet Ammo 14970
Our 1st sons selling from The Dougger, purchased 2022 for £14,k and Skelfhill
Sovereign also purchased 2022 for £10k
WS & GS EASTON, Langhope Farm, Ashkirk, Selkirk
Flock No. UK562196
Insured £500 or over
261 Ear No. 08615
262 Ear No. 08617
263 Ear No. 08652
264 Ear No. 08596
265 Ear No. 08606
Sire Ref:
Skelfhill Scholar16458
Pen 74
5 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Skelfhill Scholar 16458
Sire: Sundhope Monarch 16092
Sire: Sundhope Monarch 16092
Sire: Langhope Munro 15992
Sire: Sundhope Monarch 16092
Sire: Townfoot Showman 15353
Sundhope Monarch 16092 Sire: Mainside Ziegler 15070
Langhope Munro 15992
Sire: Stirkfield Basil Brush 15329
HAZEL HALLIDAY, Dalgare, Moffatwater, Moffat
Flock No. UK585824
Insured £500 or over
266 Ear No. 00392
Pen 75
1 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Granton Jack 16321
JAN MACKENZIE, Langdale, Strathnaver, Kinbrace
Flock No. UK0503038
2 – 2shr
OA Tested
267 Ear No. 03767 Langdale Chaos Sire: Alemoor Scholar 15145
268 Ear No. 02869 Langdale Commador Sire: Alemoor Scholar 15145
Pen 76
B & M COCKBURN, Form of Stirkfield Farms, Stirkfield, Broughton, Biggar
Pen 77 - 79
Flock No. UK563757
Insured £600 or over
269 Ear No. 10403
270 Ear No. 10404
271 Ear No. 10409
272 Ear No. 10410
273 Ear No. 10414
274 Ear No. 10412
275 Ear No. 10408
276 Ear No. 10405
277 Ear No. 10411
278 Ear No. 10413
279 Ear No. 10406
280 Ear No. 10407
281 Ear No. 10415
282 Ear No. 10416
Sire Ref:
Becks Tank 16150
Hindhope Apache 16335
Springwells Major 16068
Alemoor Uig 15726
Stirkfield Enigma 16487
Mountbenger Chieftain 16405
14 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Becks Tank 16150
Sire: Becks Tank 16150
Sire: Springwells Major 16068
Sire: Alemoor Uig 15726
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Becks Tank 16150
Sire: Becks Tank 16150
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Becks Tank 16150
Sire: Becks Tank 16150
Sire: Stirkfield Enigma 16487
Sir: Mountbenger Chieftain 16405
Sire: GDM Columbia 15512
Sire: Crossdykes Oscar 14981
Sire: Castle Calamity 14744
Sire: Blackburn Flintstone 14731
Sire: Castle Broughton Bomber 15191
Sire: Mountbenger Ace of Diamonds 15616
ANDREW REID & CO., Glendearg, Eskdalemuir, Langholm Pens 80 - 81
Flock No. UK583842 8 – 2 shr
Insured £500 or over
283 Ear No. 15585
284 Ear No. 15586
285 Ear No. 15590
286 Ear No. 15589
287 Ear No.15584
288 Ear No. 15587
289 Ear No. 15591
290 Ear No. 15588
Sire Ref
Drylea Clansman 15887
Stirkfield Dearg 16080
Glendearg Mystery 16297
Mountbenger Zin Zan 15301
Glendearg Mountain 16298
OA Tested
Sire: Drylea Clansman 15887
Sire: Drylea Clansman 15887
Sire: Glendearg Mystery 16297
Sire: Glendearg Mystery 16297
Sire: Stirkfield Dearg 16080
Sire: Mountbenger Zin Zan 15301
Sire: Glendearg Mountain 16298
Sire: Mountbenger Zin Zan 15301
Sire: Mountbenger Zambia 15609
Sire: Drylea Ace of Diamonds 15226
Sire: Mountbenger Zin Zan 15301
Sire: Castle Criminal 14748
Sire: Mountbenger Zin Zan 15301
T TENNANT, Gilmanscleuch, Ettrick
Flock No. UK562190
£700 or over
291 Ear No. 14598
292 Ear No. 14582
293 Ear No. 14591
294 Ear No. 14579
295 Ear No. 14594
296 Ear No. 14581
297 Ear No. 14584
298 Ear No. 14593
299 Ear No. 14586
300 Ear No. 14595
Sire Ref:
Kale Finn 16810
10 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Kale Finn 16810
Sire: Blackburn Judge 16169
Sire: Kale Spock 15041
Sire: Kale Spock 15041
Sire: Singlie Ace 16060
Sire: Singlie Ace 16060
Sire: Singlie Ace 16060
Sire: Singlie Ace 16060
Sire: Single Ace 16060
Sire: Stirkfield Crusader 15674
Sire: Kale the Dougger Blackburn Judge 16169
Kale Spock 15041
Singlie Ace 16060
Stirkfield Crusader 15674
Sire: Mountbenger Almighty
Sire: Stirkfield Willie Wastle
Sire: Stirkfield Ace
Sire: Kale Hamish
J T FLEMING, Hislop Farm, Teviothead
Flock No. UK561833
Insured £500 or over
301 Ear No. 22971
302 Ear No. 22972
303 Ear No. 22973
304 Ear No. 22974
305 Ear No. 22975
306 Ear No. 22976
307 Ear No. 22977
308 Ear No. 22978
309 Ear No. 22979
Sire Ref:
Townfoot Tramp 15704
Townfoot Travis 15703
Hindhope Oor Wullie 15946
Hislop Dashing 16348
Catslack Kolisi 15192
Hislop Domino 16350
Alemoor Ultra 15720
Pens 82 - 83
Pens 84 - 85
9 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Townfoot Tramp 15704
Sire: Townfoot Travis 15703
Sire: Townfoot Travis 15703
Sire: Hindhope Oor Wullie 15946
Sire: Hislop Domino 16350
Sire: Castslack Kolisi 15192
Sire: Hislop Dashing 16348
Sire: Alemoor Ultra 15720
Sire: Alemoor Ultra 15720
Sire: North Shortcleugh Moonshine 15308
Sire: North Shortcleugh Moonshine 15308
Sire: Crossdykes Oscar 14981
Sire: Townfoot Showman 15353
Sire: Springwells Henny 14668
Sire: Hislop Bulldozer 15560
Sire: Alemoor Storm 15355
LESLIE ROBERTSON, Inkstack Farm, Barrock by Thurso Pen 86
Flock No. UK500361 4 -1 shr
Insured over £700 or over OA Tested
310 Ear No. 09255
311 Ear No. 09261
312 Ear No. 09260
313 Ear No. 09112
Sire: Hindhope Director15554
Sire: Hindhope Director 15554
Sire: Hindhope Director 15554
Sire: Hindhope Director 15554
Flotterton Hall, Hepple, Morpeth Pen 87
Flock No. UK0440779 4 – 2shr
Insured £500 or over OA Tested
314 Ear No. 03444
Sire: Mountbenger Belter 16020
315 Ear No. 03449 Sire: Mountbenger Belter 16020
316 Ear No. 03446
Sire: Mountbenger Belter 16020
317 Ear No. 03447 Sire: Mountbenger Belter 16020
J G MURRAY & SON, Branxholm Braes, Hawick Pen 88
Flock No. UK561788 3 – 2 shr
Insured £500 or over OA Tested
318 Ear No. 06803 (Exit Stage Left) Sire: Branxholm Centre Stage 15771
319 Ear No. 06801 (Executive Producer) Sire: Branxholm Centre Stage 15771
320 Ear No. 06802 (Ensemble) Sire: Branxholm Director 16189
WN DOUGLAS, Catslackburn, Yarrow, Selkirk
Flock No. UK562201
Insured £1000 or over
321 Ear No. 32540
322 Ear No. 33306
323 Ear No. 33351
324 Ear No. 33241
325 Ear No. 22335
326 Ear No. 32599
327 Ear No 32174
328 Ear No. 35550
329 Ear No. 35804
330 Ear No. 18707
331 Ear No. 34919
332 Ear No. 35716
333 Ear No. 34773
334 Ear No. 18709
335 Ear No. 35759
Sire Ref:
Catslack Immortality 16220
Stirkfield Dallaglio 16077
Catslack Imperial 16224
Becks Showman 15731
Skelfhill Superior 16454
Catslack Jupiter 16630
Cossarshill Believer 16247
Catslack Jubilee 16628
Granton Icon 15937
7 – 2 shr 8 – 1 shr
OA Tested
Pen 89 - 91
Sire: Catslack Immorality 16220
Sire: Stirkfield Dallaglio 16077
Sire: Catslack Immortality 16220
Sire: Catslack Imperial 16224
Sire: Stirkfield Dallaglio 16077
Sire: Becks Showman 15731
Sire: Castle Gladiator 15796
Sire: Skelfhill Superior 16454
Sire: Catslack Jupiter 16630
Sire: Cossarshill Believer 16247
Sire: Catslack Jubilee 16628
Sire: Skelfhill Superior 16454
Sire: Skelfhill Superior 16454
Sire: Granton Icon 15937
Sire: Stirkfield Dallaglio 16077
Sire: Becks Quartz 15148
Sire: Stirkfield Axle 15112
Sire: Kale Abe 15279
Sire: Mainside Yielder 15062
Sire: Townfoot Showman 15353
Sire: Catslack Halo 15813
Sire: Kale Battleaxe 15580
Sire: Castle Ferrari 15429
Sire: Catslack Golden Boy 15438
ROBBIE OLIVER, Highbrae, Highchesters Farm, Roberton Pen 92
Flock No. UK561830
Insured £450 or over
336 Ear No. 08591
337 Ear No. 08592
338 Ear No. 08593
339 Ear No. 08594
340 Ear No. 08595
Sire Ref:
Catslack Invincible 15822
Skelfhill Torabhaig 16876
2 – 2shr 3 – 1shr
OA Tested
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Skelfhill Torabhaig 16876
Sire: Skelfhill Torabhaig 16876
Sire: Castle Demon 14947
Sire: Skelfhill Quantum 15655
S R E BUSBY & CO., Unthank, Ewes, Langholm Pens 93 - 97
Flock No. UK581948 4 – 2 shr
Insured £500 or over
341 Ear No. 15258
342 Ear No. 15272
343 Ear No. 15262
Shepherds Ram – Brian Kennedy
344 Ear No. 15277
Sire Ref:
Unthank Kilkenny 16125
Unthank Hercules 15137
Granton Impact 15929
Arkleton Kiwi 15729
OA Tested
Sire: Unthank Kilkenny 16125
Sire: Unthank Hercules 15137
Sire: Granton Impact 15927
Sire: Arkleton Kiwi 15729
Sire: Mainside Yardley 15066
Sire: Clenries Craignure 14571
Sire: Mountbenger Xanadoo 14863
Sire: Becks off Spring 14726
M H ANDERSON, East Redfordgreen, Roberton Pen 94
Flock No. UK562192 4 – 1shr
Insured £800 or over
345 Ear No. 07218
346 Ear No. 07219
347 Ear No. 07062
348 Ear No. 07216
OA Tested
Sire: Springwells Nelson 16466
Sire: Springwells Nelson 16466
Sire: Potholm Lees 16424
Sire: Potholm Lees 16424
OGILVIE JACKSON, Cossarshill, Ettrick Valley Pens 95 - 97
Flock No: UK563200 1 – 2shr 10 – 1 shr
Insured £900 or over
349 Ear No. 07731
OA Tested
350 Ear No. 08200 (Cossarshill Logic)
351 Ear No. 08192 (Cossarshill Landmark)
352 Ear No. 08202 (Cossarshill Lord)
353 Ear No. 08199 (Cossarshill Loyal)
354 Ear No. 08191(Cossarshill Lucky)
Sire: Kale Battleaxe 15580
Sire: Catslack Hector 15816
Sire: Kale Battleaxe 15580
Sire: Mainside Cossars 16834
Sire: Kale Battleaxe 15580
Sire: Catslack Hector 15816
355 Ear No. 08193 (Cossarshill Leader) Sire: Mainside Chief 16382
356 Ear No. 08196 (Cossarshill Liberty) Sire: Mainside Chief 16382
357 Ear No. 08198 (Cossarshill Lance) Sire: Kale Battleaxe 15580
358 Ear No. 08195 (Cossarshill Legion) Sire: Kale Battleaxe 15580
359 Ear No. 08201(Cossarshill Local Hero) Sire: Mainside Cossars 16834
Sire Ref:
Mainside Bravado
Mainside Chief
Mainside Cossars
Kale Battleaxe
Catslack Hector
Sire: Mainside Zeigler 15070
Sire: Mainside Assert 15599
Sire: Castle Assassin 14536
Sire: Becks Knowledge 13895
Sire: Catslack Formidable 15196
All shearlings registered in 2024 flock book
All rams wintered outdoors on grass
All rams double jagged with Hept P
JAMES CAMPBELL, Kypehill Farm, Strathaven Pen 98
Flock No. 564056 4 – 1 -shr
OA Tested
360 Ear No. 02949
361 Ear No. 02948
362 Ear No. 02946
363 Ear No. 02950
Sire: Mountbenger Captain Chaos 16406
Sire: Mountbenger Captain Chaos 16406
Sire: Mountbenger Captain Chaos 16406
Sire: Mountbenger Captain Chaos 16406
T ELLIOT, Hindhope, Jedburgh
Flock No. UK561925
Insured £1000 or over
364 Ear No. 20364
365 Ear No. 20365
366 Ear No. 20366
367 Ear No. 20367
368 Ear No. 20368
369 Ear No. 20373
370 Ear No. 20376
371 Ear No. 20377
372 Ear No. 20382
373 Ear No. 20379
374 Ear No. 20380
375 Ear No. 20389
376 Ear No. 20391
Sire Ref:
Hindhope Apache 16335
Becks Ring Leader 15368
Becks Sir Alex 15730
Mainside Arthur 15600
Hindhope Anthem 16336
Hindhope Aintree 16334
13 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Hindhope Apache 16335
Sire: Becks Ring Leader 15368
Sire: Becks Ring Leader 15368
Sire: Becks Ring Leader 15368
Sire: Becks Sir Alex 15730
Sire: Mainside Arthur 15600
Sire: Mainside Arthur 15600
Sire: Hindhope Anthem 16336
Sire: Hindhope Aintree 16334
Sire: Crossdykes Oscar 14981
Sire: Mainside Yielder 15062
Sire: Becks Revolution 15373
Sire: Castle Assassin 14536
Sire Hoghill Borderman 15040
Sire: Hindhope Boxer 15550
EILEEN RANDALL, Drycleuchlea, Roberton
Flock No. UK564732
5 – 1shr
Insured £1000 or over OA Tested
377 Ear No. 04649
378 Ear No. 04652
379 Ear No. 04646
380 Ear No. 04645
381 Ear No. 04648
Sire: Becks T for 2 16146
Sire: Becks T for 2 16146
Sire: Mainside Abbey 15597
Sire: Becks T for 2 16146
Sire: Becks T for 2 16146
O THOMSON, Middleton of Glasclune, Kinloch
Flock No. UK544417
7 – 1 shr
Insured over £500 or over OA Tested
382 Ear No. 16223 Glasclune Beinn
383 Ear No. 16265 Glasclune Corrie
384 Ear No. 16268 Glasclune Ceilidh-Boy
385 Ear No. 16269 Glasclune Cullin
386 Ear No. 16280 Glasclune Chase
387 Ear No. 16276 Glasclune Crofter
388 Ear No. 16277 Glasclune Clinton
Pens 99 - 101
Pen 102
Pens 103 - 104
Sire: Sundhope Monroe 16096
Sire: Shillmoor Frenzie 16437
Sire: Shillmoor Frenzie 16437
Sire: Shillmoor Frenzie 16437
Sire: Stirkfield Discovery 16085
Sire: Crosscleuch Craftsman 16257
Sire: Crossdykes Rambo 15869
K & K DUNCAN, West Deloraine Farm, Selkirk
Flock No. UK565772
Insured £600 or over
4 – 2shr 2 – 1shr
OA Tested
389 Ear No. 00651 Westerton Ernie
390 Ear No. 00652 Westerton Explosion
391 Ear No. 00648 Westerton Energizer
392 Ear No. 00602 Westerton Enforcer
393 Ear No. 00709
394 Ear No. 00706
I H G WARDEN , Skelfhill Farm, Hawick
Flock UK561843
Insured £800 or over
395 Ear No. 27111
396 Ear No. 27112
397 Ear No. 20916
398 Ear No. 27113
399 Ear No. 31121
400 Ear No. 31116
401 Ear No. 31124
402 Ear No. 31123
403 Ear No. 31113
404 Ear No. 31122
405 Ear No. 31114
406 Ear No. 31119
407 Ear No. 31110
408 Ear No. 31112
409 Ear No. 31117
410 Ear No. 31115
Sire Ref:
Catslack Invincible 15822
Mainside Bloom 16013
Skelfhill Supreme 16453
Skelfhill Special 16457
Townfoot Showman 15353
Hindhope Commander 15556
Skelfhill Quicksilver 15665
Catslack Five Star 15197
Pens 105 - 106
Sire: Crossdykes Rum 15864
Sire: Crossdykes Rum 15864
Sire: Crossdykes Rum 15864
Sire: Crossdykes Rum 15864
Sire: Crossdykes Rum 15864
Sire: Granton Hawk 15545
Pens 107 - 110
16 – 2 shr
OA Tested
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Catslack Invincible 15822
Sire: Mainside Bloom 16013
Sire: Skelfhill Supreme 16453
Sire: Skelfhill Special 16457
Sire: Townfoot Showman 15353
Sire: Townfoot Showman 15353
Sire: Hindhope Commander 15556
Sire: Hindhope Commander 15556
Sire: Skelfhill Quicksilver 15665
Sire: Skelfhill Quicksilver 15665
Sire: Skelfhill Quicksilver 15665
Sire: Catslack Five Star 15197
Sire: Catslack Five Star 15197
Sire: Castle Demon 14947
Sire Potholm JW 15078
Sire: Kale Foreman 14630
Sire: Townfoot Showman 15353
Sire Glengeith Lethal Weapon 15002
Sire: Catslack Captain 14329
Sire: Stirkfield Zolten 14885
Sire: Caerlan Carter 14306
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