225 1-4 M/s Reed The Heugh 4 Cont x blks/hfrs 12-14m
226a 5 M/s Stobart The Square 103053 1 Char hfr 18m
226b 6-8 M/s Stagg Longrow 16474 3 Cont x blks/hfrs 16-20m
227 9-14 M/s Byers Gimmenbie
M/s McLaughlan The Howes 9953 6 BW/BB hfrs 18-24m 231 30-33 M/s Studholme Ash View VAN 4
43-44 M/s Harrington Grange Grassings VAN 2
x blks/hfrs 22m
45-51 M/s Stewart Sunlaws Hill 1026 7 Char x hfrs 18-24m
236 52-55 M/s Young Ibrak 14440 4 Lim x blks 22m 235a+237 56-67 M/s Bell Mossband Hall 1632 12 Char/Lim blks/hfrs 14-15m
239 68-70 M/s Dixon Haresceugh 1126 3 Limx hfrs 12-14m 240-243 71-100 M/s Skelton Waterloo VAN 30 Sim hfrs 20-24m
244a 101-102 M/s Horn Barton Dale VAN 2 Sim blks 26m
244b 103-105 M/s Watson Howrigg 62633 3 Lim/Char blks 24m
245a 106-109 M/s Ferguson Sandbed 3752 4 BB blks/hfrs 24-26m
245b 110-112 M/s Dobson West End 16507 3 Sht hfrs 20m
246a 113-116 M/s Parker Prior Rigg VAN 4 BB/Lim blks/hfrs 26m
246b 117-119 M/s Benson Gill House 80150 3 Hol/Fries blks 20m 247-249 120-143 M/s Slack Cockley Bank 63637 24 AA/Cont blks/hfrs 24m
250 144-151 M/s Airey Low Greenside VAN 8 Lim/BB/BSht blks/hfrs 12m
251 152-156 M/s Graham Carleton Hill 84950 5 BBx blks/hfrs 20m
252 157-161 M/s Harper Westhouse 65466 5 AA blks 18-22m
255-256 162-179 M/s Litt Greengill 48600 18 Cont x blks/hfrs 18-24m
257 180-184 M/s Eve Stubbsgill 15950 5 Lim hfrs 18-24m
258-259 185-196 M/s Rudd The Grassings 100618 12 BBx/AAx blks/hfrs 18-24m
260 197-204 David Allen Farming 46663 8 BB/Limx blks/hfrs 18m
261 205-208 M/s Grice Newtown 3757 4 Lim x blks/hfrs 24m
262 209-211 M/s Simpson Waingatehead 65390 3 BB blks/hfrs 21-25m
263 212-216 M/s Neve Riggfoot 25141 5 Char/Lim blks/hfrs 18m
264 217-220 M/s Johnston Cote House 62786 4 BB hfrs 18m
265 221-224 M/s Harrison Sleighholme VAN 4 BB hfrs 18-20m
266 225-227 M/s Marr Sherwen Terrace VAN 3 Lim x hfrs 21m
267 228-233 M/s McKie Lawrence Holme 61999 6 AAx/Lim x hfrs 22-24m
268 234-243 M/s Robson Whinneyhill
269 244-247 M/s Watson Floweryhirst VAN 4 Lim x blks/hfrs 24m 270 248-251 M/s Graves Hesket Demain 31527 4 Cont blks 20m
252-263 M/s Hunter Stoneraise 62078 12
blks/hfrs 22-24m
264-278 M/s Reay Park Farm 135443 15 BB hfrs 15-21m
275 279-285 M/s Robinson Gelt Hall 80414 7 Cont x blks 24m 276-277 286-295 M/s Lawson New House 10 Cont x blks/hfrs 20m
278 296-298 M/s Parsons Townhouse VAN 3 BB blks 24m
279 299-302 M/s Briggs Southerfield Hall 132501 4 BB/Lim hfrs 22-24m 280 303-306 M/s Ritchie Croftheads 4 Lim x blks/hfrs 18m
281 307-312 M/s Holliday High Bow 132384 6 AA/BB blks/hfrs 18m
282 313-316 M/s Crichton Lime Kilns 6405 4 Fleck/AA blks 22m
284 317-320 M/s Jackson Moss Side 4 Cont x blks/hfrs 23-24m
Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, available at Business Trading Terms and Settlement of Purchases Payment due on Day of Purchase.
Interest chargeable from date of purchase at 7.25% over Clydesdale Bank base rate at the time, for accounts in default Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law in England and Scotland
Accepted form of payments
direct bank transfer; debit card; cheque - known customers only; bankers draft 2% surcharge will apply to Business Credit Card payments
If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account
NEW CUSTOMERS AND OR AGENTS wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the company's main office at Carlisle at LEAST 48 HOURS
SALE, to provide full details and references for authorisation
Please note that all lots/items must be settled on the day of purchase and prior to clearance of any stock. For the avoidance of doubt H&H reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
• Sold under the conditions of sale as displayed in the mart recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers Association for England and Wales with the exception of rule 53(A) which will be adopted as follows Maiden heifers sold for breeding purposes
The vendor warrants maiden heifers stated in the catalogue or at the time of sale to be sold for breeding purposes to be free from all malformation which would render the animal incapable of breed
The warranty period for any latent malformation is 6 calendar months and 5 days
• All cattle must be double tagged with Ministry approved tags and information supplied on the respective entry forms
• Payment will only be made to the exhibitor.
• No lots can leave the market without a pass slip being issued by the main office
• It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that any animals destined for the food chain are outwith any withdrawal period. This includes antibiotics and anthelmintics that the seller may have given prior to sale
• TB Testing: Animals over 42 days of age and on a 12 month test holding or from holdings which require pre-movement testing (PRMT) MUST to be tested within 60 days of the sale and a respective certificate provided to the Auctioneers.
• The testing interval will be displayed at the point of sale by numbers 1, 1PT, 4 or 4s. The information is given for guidance only.
• TB Post Testing from high risk areas: As from the 6th April 2016, cattle consigned from high risk areas will be subject to a post movement TB tests (60 to 120 days after pre test) but with the following exemptions:
1. Slaughtered within 120 days 2. A licensed finishing Unit (LFU)
The catalogue will indicate (PT) for this requirement.
Please note - All animals must be removed from the mart by 10am following the day of sale
Any costs, interest, fees, or expenses (including any legal costs, haulage, vets fees, collection, feed or housing costs) that are incurred by us, as a result of your breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or any Charge arising out of our enforcement of any of our rights hereunder or under any such Charge shall be recoverable by us from you on a full indemnity basis