L A Z O N B Y M A R T , C U M B R I A
C A 1 0 1 B L
T h e O r i g i n a l a n d F o r e m o s t N o r t h o f E n g l a n d M u l e L a m b C e n t r e
A l s t o n M o o r S a l e o f
1 4 , 0 8 0
M u l e G i m m e r L a m b s

2 0 2 3 C h a m p i o n P e n f r o m M e s s r s R e e d , L a n d s F a r m (Kindly provided by Charlotte Ridley Photography)

Sold under the Conditions of Sale as displayed in the Mart recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers Association for England And Wales
The auctioneers shall not be liable in any way for any deficiencies in either the vendor’s tagging of his sheep nor the reading equipment being used at the CPRC in accordance with the EID Regulations nor any reading or print out produced by the said equipment
All Sheep consigned to this Sale must be accompanied by a completed ARAMS1 movement document and all vendors must ensure that holding and flock numbers are supplied
Please ensure that all Sheep are ear tagged to comply with regulations
Please have available the holding number, address and postcode to which the animals will be moving
No lots can leave the market without a pass slip and movement licence issued by the main office
Should you require assistance in arranging transport of livestock purchased please contact the Auctioneer or Fieldstaff
It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that any animals destined for the food chain are outwith any withdrawal period. This includes antibiotics, anthelmintics or sheep dip that the seller may have given prior to sale
Please note all sheep left on the auction premises are done so at the owner/purchasers own risk, Harrison & Hetherington cannot be held responsible for any death/injury sustained after the sale.
B i o - Sec ur i t y
Please observe bio security rules as displayed in the Mart
T r e at me nt
All Sheep at this sale must have been treated with a scab approved product
L e g e nd
O = Vaccinated for ORF
4/5/7/8/10 = Vaccinated with 4/5/7/8/10 in 1 once
4²/5²/7²/8² /10² = Vaccinated with 4/5/7/8/10 in 1 twice P¹ = Vaccinated for Pasteurella once P² = Vaccinated for Pasteurella twice N = Member of the North of England Mule Sheep Association
The legend is believed to be correct. Any errors or alterations must be announced at the time of sale by the Vendor

The mart opens at 3pm for the intake of show lambs which M u s t remain overnight in the mart
Judging Tuesday 24th September at 4.30pm (Lambs to be penned by 4pm) – Pens of 10
Judging Tuesday 24th September at 4.30pm (Lambs to be penned by 4pm) – Pens of 10 All Show Lambs to be tagged with NEMSA logo Show Lambs must be bona fide sold to receive the prize money
All Show Lambs to be tagged with NEMSA logo
Show Lambs must be bona fide sold to receive the prize money
Class 1 – Pens of 10
Class 1 – Pens of 10
CHAMPION – The William Armstrong Memorial Cup will be awarded to the Champion pen of 10 lambs
CHAMPION – The William Armstrong Memorial Cup will be awarded to the Champion pen of 10 lambs
1st £150 & 6 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
Class 2 – Pens of 20
Class 2 – Pens of 20
CHAMPION – The Peter Kidd Memorial trophy will be awarded to the champions pen of 20 NEMSA lambs
CHAMPION – The Peter Kidd Memorial trophy will be awarded to the champions pen of 20 NEMSA lambs
Judging Tuesday 24th September at 4.30pm (Lambs to be penned by 4pm) – Pens of 10 All Show Lambs to be tagged with NEMSA logo Show Lambs must be bona fide sold to receive the prize money
1st £150 & 6 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
Class 1 – Pens of 10
2nd £100 & 5 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
2nd £100 & 5 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
3rd £80 & 4 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
3rd £80 & 4 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
4th £60 & 3 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
4th £60 & 3 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
CHAMPION – The William Armstrong Memorial Cup will be awarded to the Champion pen of 10 lambs
5th £40 & 2 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
5th £40 & 2 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
6th £20 & 1 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
6th £20 & 1 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
1st £150 & 6 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
1st £150
1st £150
2nd £100
Class 2 – Pens of 20
2nd £100
3rd £80
3rd £80
CHAMPION – The Peter Kidd Memorial trophy will be awarded to the champions pen of 20 NEMSA lambs
2nd £100 & 5 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
3rd £80 & 4 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
4th £60 & 3 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
5th £40 & 2 Bags of I’Ansons Feed
6th £20 & 1 Bags of I’Ansons Feed

Kindly sponsored by:
Kindly sponsored by:
1st £150 2nd £100 3rd £80

Kindly sponsored by:

Judges:- Stephen Ridley & Ross Sizmur
Judges:- Stephen Ridley & Ross Sizmur
Referee:- Chris Hewitt

Referee:- Chris Hewitt T h e L a t e J o n t y S t a l k e r M e m o r i a l P e r p e t u a l t r o p h y will be awarded to the best consignment of 60 or more Mule Gimmer Lambs (open to all vendors)
Judges:- Stephen Ridley & Ross Sizmur
Referee:- Chris Hewitt
Kindly sponsored by s
will be awarded to the best consignment of 60 or more Mule Gimmer Lambs (open to all vendors)
Kindly sponsored by

will be awarded to the best consignment of 60 or more Mule Gimmer Lambs (open to all vendors)
Kindly sponsored by

436-447 N UK111028 33183 J&FJ Edmondson, Low Snab, Newlands
448-455 N UK102295 21213 WJ Wilson, Gill Head Farm, Troutbeck
456-465C UK107282 41186 M/s Martin, Hesleywell, Ninebanks
466-475 N UK116840 GT Birkett Ltd, Lonscale, Threlkeld
476-487 N UK102334 15126 CW&Y Dixon & Sons, Haresceugh Castle, Renwick
488-494 N UK103043 30359 M/s Swinbank, Brow Farm, Dufton
495-501 UK111786 A Wood, Moffat Cottage, Alston Moor
502-503 UK113881 AE&SE Armstrong, Eden Park, Kirkoswald
505-511 N UK103424 29229 PL&J Dawson, The Lodge, Jenkin Cragg
512-516 N UK102420 7718 JM Thompson, Town Foot, Melmerby
517-521 N UK102026 15166 AJ Stainton, Croglin Fells, Croglin
522-525 N UK101982 VAN DJ Lamb, Burns Farm, St Johns-in-the-vale
545-546 N UK102589 32656 Messrs Roddam, Fordlands Farm, Hethersgill
547-552 N UK102052 27802 W&J Raine, Randalholme, Alston Moor F o o
561-563 UK103162 33681 WD,DE&RJ Ewin, Close House, Knock
564-569 UK102053 34022 A&J Richardson, Sheepriggs, Alston Moor
570-573 N UK102024 18248 JG Thirlwall, Quarry Farm, Croglin
r Sale of Mule Gimmer Lambs. (Entries close 10 a.m. Monday 30th September)
e d n e s d a y 2 3 rd O c t o b e r Sale of Mule Gimmer Lambs. Sale of Breeding Sheep of All Classes also Bluefaced Leicester Rams & Females & Other Breed Rams (Entries close 10 a.m. Monday 14th October)