Monday 9th September 2024
Borderway Mart, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RS

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Monday 9th September 2024
Borderway Mart, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RS
E-mail: Website:
Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, click on below QR code to complete.
Payment is due in full on day of purchase.
Interest is chargeable from date of purchase for accounts in default.
Accepted form of payments:
Debit card or direct bank transfer. A 2% surcharge will apply to business credit card payments. If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account.
For avoidance of doubt our company AML policy is to accept a maximum of £1,000.00 per trading account per year.
No Lots can leave the market without a ‘Pass Slip’ being issued by the main office. All Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling (GBP).
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: Https://
Please fold and detach along this perforation
PURCHASERS WHO DO NOT HAVE A LIVE H&H TRADING ACCOUNT MUST COMPLETE THE NEW ACCOUNT FORM VIA THE QR LINK BELOW. On day of sale, to ease your payment process please complete the details below And hand to auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.
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Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: Https://
Location: The Sale will be held at the Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle, Cumbria situated close to the M6 Junction 43. Motorists (from north or south) should leave the Motorway at this Junction and turn west towards Carlisle on the A69. The Mart is within 1/4 mile of the Motorway (filter left at the traffic lights) on the Rosehill Industrial Estate.
Timetable of Events: Sunday 8th September
Arrival of Stock 4pm - 6pm
Timetable of Events: Monday 9th September
Arrival of Stock 7am onwards
Show 10am
Sale 12noon
Method and Order of Sale: All animals will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order unless any alteration is authorised and announced by the Auctioneers. A commission of 5.25% will be charged on all sales.
Conditions Of Sale: The Sale is held subject to the Auctioneers General Terms and Conditions of Sale (printed in this catalogue) and to the Auction Rules and Conditions of Sale from respective Breed Societies. The latter Conditions are not so printed but will be displayed in the Sale Premises and available to those purchasers who require them, in booklet form.
Settlement And Clearance Of Stock: Settlement in full is due to the Auctioneers immediately at the conclusion of the Sale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official PASS, obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement and all stock should be cleared from the sale premises on the day of the sale.
Commissions: The Auctioneers will faithfully execute commissions to purchase on behalf of buyers unable to attend the sale in person upon receipt of written notice and instructions received in their office not later than 48 hours before commencement of sale. Given the same notice telephone bids can be accommodated.
Insurance: Facilities will be available (through H&H Insurance Brokers Ltd.) for buyers to insure their animals for transit and other risks, from the fall of the hammer.
Glyn Lucas: 07711610255 Andrew: Templeton 07778808464 Ted Fearon: 07768722074 Pedigree Office: 01228 406250
All statements in the catalogue are made on the responsibility of the vendor
All cattle over the age of 41 days moving out of yearly testing herds must be pre-movement tested within 30 days prior to sale.
A completed veterinary TB Test Report (TB52) or a veterinary certificate must also accommpany the animals to the market as confirmation of test.
Our team collect an average of 7 embryos per collection
IVF cen
Cumbria, Y
IVF, Embryo Transfer, Embryo Exports, MOET
N th esh s and ppers
Bull semen collections and pre-planned genetic recoveries
Nationwide MOET and Embryo Transfer
36th ANNUAL SHOW AND SALE of Pedigree Holstein & British Friesian Bulls
Judge - Aubrey Greenhalgh, Enchanted Holsteins
Class Prize List
Class 1 - British Friesian Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
Class 2 - British Friesian Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Class 3 Lots 1, 7, 8, 11, 19, 20
Class 4 Lots 21-26
Class 5 Lots 27-32
Class 6 Lots 33-39
Also a perpetual Chellenege Cup, Presented by A. G. Shirra Gib Esq., Fermiehirst Galashiels will be awarded to the winner of the SPECIAL PRODUCTION COMPETITION; entries for which will be restricted to bulls in the hands of the breeder. Calcultions for this competition will be made on the following basis
• A maxium of 400 to be allocated for judging on inspection, the judge being free to award points as he wishes.
• That only the six bulls with the highest production points will be eligible to complete.
• That the two best consecutive lactations of the Bull’s Dam and the Grand Dam be used.
• That one point will be awarded for every classification point above 80.
• That 1 point will be awarded for every 10kgs of fat and protein.
• That the dam of a bull must be RMX or classified Goods Plus, Very Good or Excellent.
British Friesian Champion will recieve the W & E Bell Trophy
Notice to all Visitors and Traders
Please read and observe the following:
• Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.
• All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.
• All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.
• All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.
• Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.
• Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office.
• No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.
• Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.
• Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.
• Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.
Our on site Biosecurity Officer, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
ANNANDALE 20-22, 25, The Milton, Moffat, Dumfriesshire, DG10 9PT TB4. BVD tested.
Nerewater Farm, Saltcoats, Kirkbride, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 5HL TB4. BVD tested.
WHINNOW 10, 12 Mid Whinnow, Thursby, Carlisle, Cumbria TB 4
Park of Barnaigh Farm, Kilbarchan, Johnstone, Renfrewshire, PA10 2QB TB4, BVD Tested
BOCLAIR 24, 33 Boclair Farm, Bearsden, Glasgow, G61 2TH TB4, BVD negative. Lepto & IBR Vaccinated. Johne’s monitored
GERRARD 28, 35-37 Gerrard House, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8NR TB4. BVD & IBR vaccinated.
HODGSON, H & M WORMANBY 26, 27 Wormanby Farm, Burgh by Sands, Carlisle, CA5 6DA TB4. BVD, IBR & Lepto vaccinated. BVD tag tested. Johne’s screened clear.
Field House Farm, Etton Road, Cherry Burton, East Yorkshire TB 4, BVD Tag Tested, Vaccinated for IBR, Lepto & BVD
Carskerdo Farm, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5PN TB4. BVD negative herd.
WARNELVIEW 19, 23, 29, 31, 32, 34,38, 39 Wood Farm, Thursby, Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 6NP TB4, BVD Tag Tested
1 WINNOCH OCEAN WAVE 01583186202280 UK583186202280, PLI-£263, Born 09.07.22
dam Winnoch Penguin 369 01583186201503 SP LP50 by Winnoch Olympian
g.d. Winnoch Penguin 308 0112062061 SP by Winnoch Warden
3.d. Winnoch Penguin 199 2010808995 SP .............................................. by Newfailand Mr Frosty
4.d. Winnoch Penguin 159 2010113855 BFG+84 SP LP70 by Grove Breadwinner
5.d. Winnoch Penguin 101 2008727651 BFE91-3 SP LP70 by Gornal Pegasus
6.d. Winnoch Penguin 56 2007010672 BFE92 LP80 EC(80) by Petteril Brandy
• Maternal Brother to Winnoch Marshall sold for 5000gns, Carlisle April 2022
• Paternal Brother to:
Winnoch Maradona sold for 4200gns Carlisle April 2023
Winnoch Marquis sold for 3800gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Navajo sold for 3500gns Carlisle
Winnoch Leo sold for 3200gns Carlisle April 2022
Winnoch Lincoln sold for 3000gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Penguin 369 SP LP50
• Maternal Sister to Winnoch
Winnoch Penguin 308 SP
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Warder – sold for 3400gns Ayr Sept 2009
Winnoch Black Magic – sold for 2000gns Carlisle Sept 2011
Winnoch Carlo – sold for 1800gns Carlisle Sept 2012
Winnoch Penguin 199 SP 1
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Penguin 214 9695kg 4.13% 3.5%
Winnoch Penguin 234 8369kg 3.93% 3.31%
Winnoch Penguin 255 7742kg 4.28% 3.57%
British Friesian 2 WINNOCH ODYSSEY 20583186402317
UK583186402317, PLI -£18, Born 22.07.22
dam Winnoch Penguin 455 01583186501933 by Winnoch Counsellor
g.d. Winnoch Penguin 278 0111751484 by Morcourt Hilton
3.d. Winnoch Penguin 224 0111052402 SP LP100 by Ocean-View Zenith -Tw
4.d. Winnoch Penguin 154 2010055694 BFG79 LP60 ....................................... by Catlane Corsair
5.d. Winnoch Penguin 99 2008719042 BFE90 LP50 by Gornal Pegasus
6.d. Winnoch Penguin 79 2007870525 BFG+82 by Collycroft Allan
7.d. Winnoch Penguin 56 2007010672 BFE92 LP80 EC(80) by Petteril Brandy
Winnoch Penguin 455
1 03/09 8889 4.16 3.11 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Highlander sold for 4000gns, Carlisle Sept 2017
Winnoch Geneva sold for 2000gns, Carlisle April 2017
Winnoch Fandango sold for 1800gns, Carlisle Sept 2015
Winnoch Penguin 278 1 03/00
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Centurion Sold for 2600gns Ayr May 2012
Winnoch Drambuie Sold for 2000gns Carlisle Sept 2013
Winnoch Gold Dust stock bull in Winnoch herd
Winnoch Hollywood Sold for 3200gns Carlisle Sept 2017
Winnoch Leduc Sold for 4200gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Penguin 224 SP LP100 1
3 WINNOCH OVERDRIVE 20583186502325 UK583186502325, PLI -£6, Born 26.07.22
dam Winnoch Rose Marie 358 01583186702019 ............................................... by Beaufort Kabana
g.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 329 01583186101572 LP50 by Winnoch Counsellor
3.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 285 0111546445 SP LP50 by Winnoch Uniform
4.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 268 0111116129 SP by J-L-G Grandslam
5.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 180 2009199056 BFE90 by Winnoch Imperial
6.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 142 2008358340 BFV88 by Pottrells Raleigh
Winnoch Rose Marie 358
1 03/00 8119 4.88
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Navara sold for 2200gns, Carlisle Sept 2023
Winnoch Rose Marie 329 LP50
3 05/08
5 08/00 9098 4.47 3.39 297
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Jethro sold for 2000gns Carlisle Sept 2019
Winnoch Karma sold for 2200gns Carlisle Sept 2020
Winnoch Rosemarie 309 7374kg 4.28% 3.52%
Winnoch Rose Marie 285 SP LP50
5 07/01 7766 4.82 3.48
7 09/01 9985 4.91 3.33 305
• Maternal sister to:
Winnoch Brazil – sold for 2200gns Carlisle Sept 2011
WINNOCH OPTIMUM 20583186602326
UK583186602326, PLI +£78, Born 27.07.22
dam Winnoch Penguin 379 01583186301546 .................................................. by Deangate Tarquin
g.d. Winnoch Penguin 295 0111928646 SP by Winnoch Warden
3.d. Winnoch Penguin 233 0111186085 SP by Winnoch True Grit
4.d. Winnoch Penguin 184 0110597051 by Winnoch President
5.d. Winnoch Penguin 126 0109559296 by Mmb Tennessee
6.d. Winnoch Penguin 101 2008727651 BFE91-3 SP LP70 by Gornal Pegasus
7.d. Winnoch Penguin 56 2007010672 BFE92 LP80 EC(80) by Petteril Brandy
• Maternal Brother to:
Winnoch Linmack sold for 4000gns, Carlisle Sept 2021
• Paternal Brother to:
Winnoch Levi Sold for 4200gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Leduc Sold for 4200gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Missouri Sold for 5000gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Navigator Sold for 3800gns Carlisle April 2023
Winnoch Penguin 379
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Penguin 391 9896kg 4.56% 3.48%
Winnoch Penguin 295 SP
1 02/11
3 05/00
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Penguin 336 7828kg 4.30% 3.43%
Winnoch Everest sold for 3000gns, Carlisle April 2024
Winnoch Penguin 233 SP
3 06/08 7451 4.50 3.38 305
5 WINNOCH OSPREY 20583186202329 UK583186202329, PLI +£5, Born 29.07.22
dam Winnoch Carette 139 20583186501506 .............................................. by Winnoch Counsellor
g.d. Winnoch Carette 107 0111749006 SP LP50 by Winnoch United Duke
3.d. Winnoch Carette 92 2011258041 by Winnoch Trademark
4.d. Winnoch Carette 59 2009250398 BFE93-3 LP50 by Winnoch Indigo
5.d. Winnoch Carette 41 2008358341 BFE92-3 LP90 by Pottrells Raleigh
• Same line as:
Winnoch Uniroyal Sold for 7700gns Carlisle Sept 2006
Winnoch Olympian stock bull in the Winnoch Herd
• Paternal Brother to:
Winnoch Marshall sold for 5000gns Carlisle April 2022
Winnoch Magnum sold for 4000gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Medalist – Champion & sold for 6000gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Lorenzo – Res Champion & sold for 3800gns Carlisle Apr 2021.
Winnoch Linmack – Res Champion & sold for 4000gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Carette 139
5 08/04 8420 3.90 3.05 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Carette 162 8748kg 4.06% 3.74%
Winnoch Indigo Moon sold for 2600gns Carlisle Sept 2018
Winnoch Joker sold for 2500gns Carlisle April 2019
Winnoch Carette 107 SP LP50
7 10/00 7452 3.77 3.13 295
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Carette 110 8140kg 4.09% 2.91%
Winnoch Carette 92 1
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Carette 72 BFV87 9142kg 3.47% 3.32%
Winnoch True Grit – bred well in the Winnoch herd
Winnoch Universal – Champion Friesian & sold for 2600gns Carlisle Sept 2006
6 WINNOCH ORIENT 20583186402338 UK583186402338, PLI +£73, Born 01.08.22
dam Winnoch Penguin 456 01583186501947 SP .................................................... by Catlane Chad
g.d. Winnoch Penguin 345 0112511103 SP LP60 by Winnoch Counsellor
3.d. Winnoch Penguin 224 0111052402 SP LP100 by Ocean-View Zenith -Tw
4.d. Winnoch Penguin 154 2010055694 BFG79 LP60 by Catlane Corsair
5.d. Winnoch Penguin 99 2008719042 BFE90 LP50 by Gornal Pegasus
6.d. Winnoch Penguin 79 2007870525 BFG+82 by Collycroft Allan
7.d. Winnoch Penguin 56 2007010672 BFE92 LP80 EC(80) by Petteril Brandy
Winnoch Penguin 456 SP
Winnoch Penguin 345 SP LP60 1
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Centurion Sold for 2600gns Ayr May 2012
Winnoch Drambuie Sold for 2000gns Carlisle Sept 2013
Winnoch Gold Dust stock bull in Winnoch herd
Winnoch Hollywood Sold for 3200gns Carlisle Sept 2017
Winnoch Leduc Sold for 4200gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Penguin 224 SP LP100 1
7 WINNOCH OMAHA 01583186502346 UK583186502346, PLI-£132, Born 02.08.22
dam Winnoch Penguin 400 01583186501674 SP ........................................... by Inch Number One
g.d. Winnoch Penguin 303 0111986073 SP by Winnoch Warden
3.d. Winnoch Penguin 119 0109365065 VG88 SP LP50 by Mmb Tennessee
4.d. Winnoch Penguin 97 2008628246 BFV86 by Winnoch Gallant
• Maternal Brother to:
Winnoch Penguin 504 8247kg 5.46% 3.57%
• Paternal Brother to:
Winnoch Ninja Sold for 3000gns Carlisle April 2023
Winnoch Penguin 400 SP
1 02/11
3 04/11
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Penguin 364 7964kg 4.09% 3.07%
Winnoch Penguin 303 SP
1 02/09 7368 4.28 3.15 305 2
3 04/10 8805 4.26 3.30 305 4 05/10
5 06/10 8011 4.44 3.18 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Penguin 364 7964kg 4.09% 3.07%
Winnoch Penguin 119 VG88 SP LP50
5 07/10 9346 4.62 3.20 305 6 08/11 12379 4.52 3.01 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch United sold for 5000gns, Carlisle October 2007
Winnoch Verasi sold for 2400gns, Lockerbie October 2008
8 WINNOCH ORLANDO 01583186102356 UK583186102356, PLI +£16, Born 12.08.22
dam Winnoch Rose Marie 362 01583186402044 SP........................................... by Winnoch Index
g.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 330 01583186201587 SP by Dechmont Ignitor
3.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 305 0112196198 by Romandale Star Chief
4.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 280 2011378387 by Winnoch Olympian
5.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 248 0110682018 by Winnoch Pearl King
6.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 178 0109138779 EX91-4 by A Hilltopper Warden
7.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 130 2007995981 BFE90-2 LP80 by Collycroft Allan
8.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 112 2007582504 BFV81 by Powis Ned
9.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 94 2006721390 by Grove Helmsman
10.d. Winnoch Rose Marie 66 2005352260 BFV82 by Winnoch Star
Winnoch Rose Marie 362 SP 1 02/11
Winnoch Rose Marie 330 SP 1 02/10
3 04/11 8544 5.37 3.87 305
Winnoch Rose Marie 305 1
9 WINNOCH OVERLOAD 20583186102370 UK583186102370, PLI -£2, Born 03.10.22
dam Winnoch Flora 188 01583186501877 ..................................................... by Winnoch Gold Dust
g.d. Winnoch Flora 181 20583186501534 by Winnoch Olympian
3.d. Winnoch Flora 169 2011796067 SP LP70 by Morcourt Hilton
4.d. Winnoch Flora 141 2010808994 LP70 by Winnoch Olympian
5.d. Winnoch Flora 129 0110323979 by Newfailand Mr Frosty
6.d. Winnoch Flora 112 2009385409 BFE90 LP50 by Winnoch Janadema
7.d. Winnoch Flora 91 2008563809 by Huddlesford Doraman
8.d. Winnoch Flora 58 2007709255 BFV85 by Hully Hector
Winnoch Flora 188 1
Winnoch Flora 181 1
• Maternal Brother to:
Winnoch Nova Scotia sold for 2200gns, Carlisle September 2023
Winnoch Illusion – sold for 3000gns Carlisle April 2018
Winnoch Jetstream – sold for 3000gns Carlisle Sept 2019
Winnoch Kingsman – sold for 2400gns Carlisle Sept 2020
Winnoch Lord – sold for £2500
Winnoch Magnum – sold for 4000gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Flora 169 SP LP70
9 10/09 7515 4.68 3.75 305
British Friesian 10 WHINNOW BRAVEHEART 20100756303463 UK100756303463, PLI+£183, Born 19.11.22
dam Whinnow Priscilla 20100756102145 BFV87 by Catlane Chad
g.d. Lismulligan Priscilla 48 2012426613 BFE94-3E LP50 5* by Morcourt Hilton
3.d. Lismulligan Priscilla 41 2011437980 BFE94-7E SP LP70 by Deangate Prince 2
4.d. Lismulligan Priscilla 35 2009598663 BFE93-6E LP80 by Bidlea Tredene
Whinnow Priscilla BFV87
1 02/03 6250 5.23 3.80 305 2 03/06
3 05/00 9364 5.19 3.91 305 4 06/02
• Maternal Sister to:
Whinnow Premier Priscilla BFV86 12166kg 4.78% 3.49%
Whinnow Centurion Priscilla 3 ET BFV86 8092kg 4.86% 3.46%
Whinnow Centurion Priscilla ET BFV86 7972kg 5.06% 3.30%
Lismulligan Priscilla 48 BFE94-3E LP50 5* 1 02/04
5 07/05 10406 6.25 3.76 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Lismulligan Priscilla 53 BFE95-4E 8823kg 4.65% 3.41% Lismulligan Priscilla 57 BFE91-2E 6124kg 5.52% 3.74%
Lismulligan Priscilla 60 BFV87 5953kg 4.06% 3.29%
Lismulligan Priscilla 41 BFE94-7E SP LP70
11 12/06 6285 5.16 3.31 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Lismulligan Priscilla 36 BFE93-2E 6357kg 4.71% 3.63%
WINTON FLICK 01142531402930
UK142531402930, PLI+£116, Born 01.12.22
dam Winton Unix Fleur ET Kcbb 01142531202375 VG86(3YR) SP by Croteau Lesperron Unix
g.d. Bickleygate Goldwyn Fleur 0111094631 EX93-4E SP LP110 6* by Braedale Goldwyn
3.d. Bickleygate Grandslam Fleur ET 0109722953 EX92-2E LP60 6* by J-L-G Grandslam
4.d. Quality Mascot Friscee ET 6406442729 EX92 SP 10* by Singing-Brook N-B Mascot
5.d. A Plushanski Francisco ET 6404482374 VG86 by Hanoverhill Starbuck
6.d. Plushanski Valiant Fran ET 6510846445 EX90 .................................................... by Swd Valiant
7.d. Plushanski Chief Faith 6507194564 EX94 by P Farm Arlinda Chief
Winton Unix Fleur ET Kcbb VG86(3YR) SP 7gensVG/EX
1 02/10 10808 3.54 2.91 305 2
3 05/00 4912 3.95 3.03 113
• Maternal Sister to:
Winton Caviar Fleur 4 ET EX92 12658kg 4.55% 3.31%
Winton Caviar Fleur ET EX90 12217kg 3.73% 2.65%
Barlees Fleur 2 ET VG88 11791kg 4.22% 3.23%
Barlees Fleur 3 ET VG88(3YR) 12685kg 4.31% 3.09%
Barlees Fleur ET VG86(3YR) 10618kg 3.56% 2.89%
Bickleygate Goldwyn Fleur EX93-4E SP LP110 6*
• Maternal Sister to:
Bickleygate Outside Fleur PI EX93 10759kg 3.79% 2.83%
Bickleygate Grandslam Fleur ET EX92-2E LP60 6* 1
7 07/10 8363 3.80 2.76 224
• Maternal Sister to:
Bickleygate Rudolph Fern PI ET EX92-2E 12270kg 3.91% 3.03%
Bickleygate Rudolph Francesca PI ET EX91 10864kg 3.69% 2.94%
Bickleygate Rudolph Fay PI ET EX90 13523kg 3.44% 3.02%
Bickleygate Wade Faith PI ET VG88(3YR) 10964kg 3.58% 2.97%
Bickleygate Rudolph Faith PI ET VG85(2YR) 10123kg 4.02% 3.04%
Bickleygate Grandslam Flicker PI ET VG85(2YR) 10429kg 4.19% 3.21%
Bickleygate Rudolph Flame PI ET VG85(3YR) 10712kg 3.71% 3.22%
WHINNOW PATHWAY 20100756203476 UK100756203476, PLI+£198, Born 12.12.22
dam Whinnow Solo Pauline ET 20100756302007 BFE90-2E LP50 by Collycroft Solo g.d. Skyhigh Quentin Pauline 2012162557 BFE91 9* by Deangate Quentin
3.d. Blackisle Pauline 71 2011011979 BFE95-6E SP LP100 15* by Blackisle Glenalbyn
4.d. Blackisle Pauline 52 2010181206 BFE90 by Foxhole Panatella
Whinnow Solo Pauline ET BFE90-2E LP50
1 02/04 7278 4.50 3.28 294 2 03/03
3 04/03 10123 4.96 3.61 293 4 05/02
5 06/02 10227 5.01 3.78 305 6 07/02
7 08/03 8024 4.42 3.16 204
• Maternal Sister to:
Gemini Garve Sky Pauline 2 ET BFE93-4E 11862kg 4.32% 3.21%
Whinnow Solo Pauline 3 ET BFE91-3E 9750kg 4.82% 3.66%
Wyevalley Solo Pauline 2 ET BFV89 9262kg 5.47% 3.29%
Gemini Garve Sky Pauline 3 ET BFV88 8816kg 4.05% 3.16%
Gemini Garve Sky Pauline 4 ET BFV88 9925kg 4.44% 3.38%
Leasbeck Benloyal Pauline BFV87 6600kg 3.89% 3.23%
Whinnow Solo Pauline 2 ET BFV85 10986kg 4.50% 3.50%
Skyhigh Quentin Pauline BFE91 9*
1 02/02 7625 4.29 3.50 305 2
3 04/07 5867 3.96 3.20
• Maternal Sister to:
Aintree Chad Pauline 4 ET BFE90-2E 9317kg 4.49% 3.53%
Skyhigh Osbert Pauline BFV88 12503kg 4.73% 3.51%
Aintree Hilton Pauline 3 ET BFV87 9084kg 4.95% 3.34%
Aintree Hilton Pauline 2 ET BFV86 9283kg 4.83% 3.18%
Aintree Garve Pauline ET BFV86 9245kg 4.98% 3.04%
Aintree Consul Pauline ET BFV86 11955kg 4.37% 3.06%
Skyhigh Kilmuir Pauline BFV85 8092kg 3.41% 3.30%
Aintree Hilton Pauline 4 ET BFV85 7374kg 4.02% 3.48%
Aintree Hilton Pauline 5 ET BFV85 10137kg 4.81% 3.08%
Blackisle Pauline 71 BFE95-6E SP LP100 15*
WINNOCH PENTEGON 20583186602382
UK583186602382, Born 12.01.23
dam Winnoch Penguin 341 0112503541 LP60 ................................................. by Winnoch Chinook
g.d. Winnoch Penguin 297 0111931584 by Winnoch Alabama
3.d. Winnoch Penguin 255 2011391897 LP50 by Winnoch Olympian
4.d. Winnoch Penguin 159 2010113855 BFG+84 SP LP70 by Grove Breadwinner
5.d. Winnoch Penguin 101 2008727651 BFE91-3 SP LP70 by Gornal Pegasus
6.d. Winnoch Penguin 56 2007010672 BFE92 LP80 EC(80) by Petteril Brandy
• Maternal Brother to:
Winnoch Leo sold for 3200gns, Carlisle April 2022
Winnoch Navajo sold for 3500gns, Carlisle April 2023
Winnoch North Star sold for 3500gns, Carlisle April 2023
• Paternal Brother to:
Winnoch Marshall sold for 5000gns Carlisle April 2022
Winnoch Magnum sold for 4000gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Medalist – Champion & sold for 6000gns Carlisle Sept 2022
Winnoch Lorenzo – Res Champion & sold for 3800gns Carlisle Apr 2021.
Winnoch Linmack – Res Champion & sold for 4000gns Carlisle Sept 2021
Winnoch Penguin 341 LP60
Winnoch Penguin 297 1
• Sold as a heifer
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Fearless sold for 2600gns Carlisle Sept 2015
Winnoch Juror sold for 2900gns Carlisle Apr 2019
Winnoch Penguin 255 LP50
1 02/10
• Maternal Sister to:
Winnoch Penguin 199 10254kg 3.99% 3.38%
Winnoch Pengiun 214 10884kg 3.77% 3.43%
Winnoch Pengiun 234 10884kg 3.77% 3.43%
Winnoch Chinnok – stock bull in the Winnoch Herd
UK104484 401218, PLI +£184, Born 04.02.23
dam Billincoat Doorman Ashlyn EX92 by Val-Bisson Doorman
g.d. Ravenscar Mogul Ambrosia EX93-2E by Mountfield SSI Dcy Mogul
3.d. Ravenscar Goldwyn Ambrosia 3 ET .......................................................... by Braedale Goldwyn
4.d. Ridgefield Durham Brosia ET VG88 by Regancrest Elton Durham
5.d. EK-Oseeana Ambrosia EX95-2E by Comestar Stormatic
6.d. Tri-Day Ashlyn PI ET EX96 by Marcrest Encore
7.d. Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite PI EX92 by Dreamstreet Odyssey
8.d. Bendy-Brook Star Fonda PI VG86
Billincoat Doorman Ashlyn EX92
Ravenscar Mogul Ambrosia EX93-2E SP
4 05/10
UK104484 501219, PLI +£71, Born 05.02.23
dam Blacksnape Awesome Licorice by Luck-E Absolute Awesome Red
g.d. Blacksnape Armani Licorice ET VG86 by Mr Apples Armani
3.d. Savage-Leigh Acme Light EX92 by KHW Elm-Park Acme
4.d. Savage-Leigh Atwd Light ET VG87 Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood
5.d. Savage-Leigh Dundee Lily ET VG88 by Regancrest Dundee
6.d. Savage-Leigh Licorice PI ET EX92 by Regancrest Elton Durham
7.d. Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda PI EX92 by Maizefield Bellwood
8.d. Savage-Leigh Star Linda PI ET VG87 by To-Mar Blackstar
9.d. Savage-Leigh Glenview Linda EX90 by Carnation Glenview Joe
Blacksnape Awesome Licorice
1 02/06 7514 4.23 3.27 284
Blacksnape Armani Licorice ET VG86
1 02/06 8106 4.72 3.9 305
Savage-Leigh Acme Light EX92
1 02/00 10706 4.80 3.40 365 2 03/05
• Sold for $3,750 South Invitational 2016 as a second lactation cow
• Nominated Junior All American Spring Yearling 2014
British Friesian 14 NEREWATER RELIANT GALLANT 20100675501602
UK100675501602, PLI +£61, Born 08.02.23
dam Nerewater Gladlass 33 20100675400901 BFE94-5E SP LP60 by Nerewater Launcher 4281
g.d. Nerewater Gladlass 12 2011477753 BFV89 by Marshside Roulette 5
3.d. Nerewater Gladlass 5 2010953906 BFE90 by Marshside Performer 4
4.d. Bradash Gladlass 72 2009165642 BFE90 by Gornal Commander
5.d. Bradash Gladlass 49 2007607220 BFV88 RM by Petteril Magnet
• His sire Nerewater Reliant BFE91 is senior stock bull at Nerewater.
• Paternal Brother to:
Nerewater Reliant Lawrence, British Friesian Champion at Carlisle Autumn Sale 2023, sold for 4000gns.
Nerewater Landlord sold at Carlisle Autumn Sale 2023 for 3800gns
Nerewater Reliant Tony sold at Carlisle Spring Sale 2024 for 3500gns
Nerewater Gladlass 33 BFE94-5E SP LP60
5 06/10 10287 4.62
• Nerewater Gladlass family are very high butterfat and protein cows.
• Maternal Sister to: Nerewater Gladlass 23 VG85(2YR) 6570kg 4.28% 3.40%
Nerewater Gladlass 12 BFV89 1 02/10 6893 4.33 3.27
3 04/11
5 07/02 8756 4.34 3.28 305
• Maternal Sister to: Nerewater Gladlass 3 BFV85 9533kg 4.12% 3.35%
LOT RW & J BELL 96% British Friesian 15 NEREWATER RELIANT MISSILE 20100675401608
UK100675401608, PLI+£154, Born 28.02.23
dam Nerewater Mistress 19 20100675701205 BFG+83 by Catlane Chad
g.d. Nerewater Mistress 11 20100675700939 BFE92-3E SP LP50 by Deangate Tarquin
3.d. Nerewater Mistress 6 2011686338 BFE94-4E 4* by Marshside Lancerlot 4
4.d. Nerewater Mistress 2 2010746313 BFE93-5E LP80 by Kirkby Panama
5.d. Ringswood Beta Mistress Morn 2009074411 BFV85 by Sharcombe Beta
• His sire Nerewater Reliant BFE91 is senior stock bull at Nerewater.
• Paternal Brother to:
Nerewater Reliant Lawrence, British Friesian Champion at Carlisle Autumn Sale 2023, sold for 4000gns.
Nerewater Mistress 19 BFG+83
1 02/08 7992 4.78 3.79 305 2 03/08
3 05/00 8591 4.36 3.70 305
• The Nerewater Mistress family are very high butterfat and protein cows.
• Maternal Sister to:
Nerewater Mistress 22 BFV85 8371kg 4.16% 3.53%
Nerewater Mistress 11 BFE92-3E SP LP50
1 02/06
5 06/07 9682 4.76 3.73 305 6
• Maternal Sister to:
Nerewater Mistress 13 BFE90 9261kg 4.31% 3.56%
Nerewater Mistress 12 BFV88 11153kg 4.51% 3.59%
Nerewater Mistress 10 BFV87 10411kg 4.58% 3.39%
Nerewater Mistress 17 BFV85 9404kg 4.55% 3.42%
Nerewater Mistress 6 BFE94-4E 4*
1 03/02 7316 4.17 3.10 305 2 04/04
3 05/04 9329 4.37 3.41 305 4 06/03
5 07/02 9590 4.29 3.24 305 6 08/03
UK100675101612, PLI+£116, Born 12.03.23
dam Nerewater Laura 2 2012380838 BFE90 SP LP70 by Deangate Tarquin
g.d. Blackisle Laura 45 2010653801 BFE96-7E LP80 5* by Fintalex Norman
3.d. Blackisle Laura 19 2009690475 BFE92-2E LP50 by Failand Breadwin
4.d. Blackisle Laura 9 2008976641 BFV85 RM 2* by Huddlesford Desert Orchid
5.d. Blackisle Laura 5 2008170079 BFE92-3E RM BF/EC 5* by Holmland Diamond NEREWATER BRILLIANT LANDMARK
• His sire Inch Brilliant is a top AI Bull
• Paternal Brother to:
Nerewater Brill Jackpot, sold at Carlisle Autumn Sale 2022 for 3500gns
Nerewater Laura 2 BFE90 SP LP70
7 10/04 9376 4.37 3.30 305
• A very high butterfat and protein cow
• Maternal Sister to:
Nerewater Laura BFE90 9909kg 4.22% 3.36%
Nerewater Laura 3 BFV87 9977kg 4.16% 3.74%
Blackisle Laura 45 BFE96-7E LP80 5*
1 02/10
11 14/07 5227 3.97 3.20 152
• Dam of Nerewater Launcher BFE94 who was a very successful Senior Stock bull at Nerewater with 37 EX and 61 VG daughters.
• Maternal Sister to:
Blackisle Laura 27 BFE90 10881kg 3.14% 2.94%
Blackisle Laura 19 BFE92-2E LP50
1 02/07 7073 4.23 3.41 305 2 03/07
3 04/09
• Maternal Sister to:
Blackisle Laura 18 BFV86 9339kg 4.73% 3.40%
Blackisle Laura 22 BFV85 9381kg 4.00% 3.30%
Blackisle Laura 42 ET BFV85 8793kg 3.89% 3.29%
Blackisle Laura 43 BFV85 6056kg 4.21% 3.41%
British Friesian 17 NEREWATER LAURENCE 20100675301614 UK100675301614, PLI +£30, Born 27.03.23
dam Nerewater Laura 3 2012572535 BFV87 LP60 by Deangate Tarquin
g.d. Blackisle Laura 45 2010653801 BFE96-7E LP80 5* by Fintalex Norman
3.d. Blackisle Laura 19 2009690475 BFE92-2E LP50 by Failand Breadwin
4.d. Blackisle Laura 9 2008976641 BFV85 RM 2* by Huddlesford Desert Orchid
5.d. Blackisle Laura 5 2008170079 BFE92-3E RM BF/EC 5* by Holmland Diamond NEREWATER LAURENCE
• His sire Hollinscourt Penstorm is a top AI Bull.
• Paternal Brother to:
Nerewater Lawrence, sold at Carlisle Autumn Sale 2018 for 4200gns. Nerewater Reliant Lawrence, sold at Carlisle Autumn Sale 2023 for 4000gns.
Nerewater Laura 3 BFV87 LP60
7 09/04 8666 4.21 3.48 305
• Very high protein cow.
• Maternal Sister to:
Nerewater Laura 2 BFE90 11005kg 4.49% 3.41%
Nerewater Laura BFE90 9909kg 4.22% 3.36%
Blackisle Laura 45 BFE96-7E
• Dam of Nerewater Launcher BFE94, successful senior stock bull at Nerewater with 37 EX and 61 VG daughters.
• Maternal Sister to:
Blackisle Laura 27 BFE90 10881kg 3.14% 2.94%
Blackisle Laura 19 BFE92-2E LP50
1 02/07 7073 4.23 3.41 305 2 03/07
• Maternal Sister to:
Blackisle Laura 18 BFV86 9339kg 4.73% 3.40%
Blackisle Laura 22 BFV85 9381kg 4.00% 3.30%
Blackisle Laura 42 ET BFV85 8793kg 3.89% 3.29%
Blackisle Laura 43 BFV85 6056kg 4.21% 3.41%
British Friesian 18 NEREWATER PENSTORM MISTER 20100675401615
UK100675401615, PLI +£39, Born 28.03.23
dam Nerewater Mistress 18 20100675601190 BFE91 by Nerewater Rio Ironboy
g.d. Nerewater Mistress 10 2012506924 BFV87 SP by Nerewater Launcher 4281
3.d. Nerewater Mistress 6 2011686338 BFE94-4E 4* by Marshside Lancerlot 4
4.d. Nerewater Mistress 2 2010746313 BFE93-5E LP80 by Kirkby Panama
5.d. Ringswood Beta Mistress Morn 2009074411 BFV85 by Sharcombe Beta NEREWATER PENSTORM MISTER
• His sire Hollinscourt Penstorm is one of the top British Friesian AI bulls with Cogent.
Nerewater Mistress 18 BFE91
1 02/11 8371 4.27 3.38 305 2
3 05/05 8750 4.25 3.51 305
• Maternal Sister to: Nerewater Mistress 14 VG86 8332kg 4.60% 3.50%
Nerewater Mistress 10 BFV87 SP
3 05/02 9729 4.25 3.53 305 4
• Maternal Sister to:
Nerewater Mistress 11 BFE92-3E 11192kg 4.75% 3.60%
Nerewater Mistress 13 BFE90 9261kg 4.31% 3.56%
Nerewater Mistress 12 BFV88 11153kg 4.51% 3.59%
Nerewater Mistress 17 BFV85 9404kg 4.55% 3.42%
Nerewater Mistress 6 BFE94-4E 4*
1 03/02 7316 4.17 3.10 305 2
3 05/04 9329 4.37 3.41 305 4 06/03
5 07/02 9590 4.29 3.24 305 6 08/03 10065 4.40 3.23 305
WARNELVIEW KESTREL 01100753508499 UK100753508499, PLI+£342, Born 06.05.23
dam Warnelview Unix Kimo 01100753305214 EX90-2E by Croteau Lesperron Unix
g.d. Warnelview Mincio Kimo 01100753504222 EX94-5E by Bertaiola Mincio ET
3.d. Warnelview Bingo Kimo 0112465845 EX94-3E SP by Warnelview Bingo
4.d. Warnelview Final Cut Kimo 0111616793 VG88 SP by Gillette Final Cut
5.d. Warnelview Fraser Kimo 0111222033 EX94-5E SP LP80 by Warnelview Fraser
6.d. Burwren Stormatic Kimo 0110517799 EX92 SP .................................. by Comestar Stormatic
7.d. Painley Leduc Kimo 46 ET 0110006181 by Lystel Leduc
8.d. Painley Prelude Kimo 3 ET 0108447804 EX90 SP LP60 RM 11* by A Ronnybrook Prelude
9.d. Primsland Inspiration Kimo ET 1200090278 EX90 SP RM 57 by Hanoverhill Inspiration
10.d. Calbrett Starbuck Kindle 6404471952 VG86 12* by Hanoverhill Starbuck
Warnelview Unix Kimo EX90-2E 1 01/11
• Maternal Sister to: Warnelview Unix Kimo 3 VG88 13463kg 3.42% 3.00%
Giving 52kg
Warnelview Mincio Kimo EX94-5E 1
• Maternal Sister to: Warnelview Unix Kimo 2 EX91 15482kg 3.28% 2.99%
Warnelview Bingo Kimo EX94-3E SP
5 06/04 8292 4.87 3.20 218
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Goldsun Kimo EX91 12038kg 4.89% 3.21%
20 ANNANDALE POPPER 01582128704159 UK582128704159, PLI+£150, Born 07.05.23
dam Annandale Bill Papoose 01582128403071 EX91-2E SP LP70 by Cogent Bill
g.d. Honeypot Wildman Papoose ET 0111322322 EX91-2E LP110 5* by Ladys-Manor Wildman
3.d. Calcourt Rudolph Papoose ET 0109489390 EX95-4E by Startmore Rudolph
4.d. Brigeen Black Papoose ET 6514438956 EX90 by To-Mar Blackstar
5.d. Hanoverhill M Papoose ET 6512293098 EX94 by Lime-Hollow Elevation Mars
6.d. A Sleepy-Hollow Mi Papoose 6403573107 EX92 ................................ by Paclamar Astronaut
7.d. A Sleepy-Hollow Marq I 6402937273 EX91 by Romandale Reflection Marquis
8.d. Sleepy-Hollow Ivan Papoose 6506646766 VG86
9.d. Sleepy Hollow Sen Papoose 6506121701 VG88
10.d. Sleepy Hollow Grand Papoose 6504039247 VG85
• Maternal brother to:
Annandale Pablo - 1st junior bull and sold for 4500gns Spring Bull Sale, Carlisle 2023
Annandale Pedro - sold for £4000.
Annandale Bill Papoose EX91-2E SP LP70
1 01/09
5 05/10 13512 5.25 3.49 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Bg Papoose 2 EX91 13990kg 3.87% 3.06%
Annandale Marginal Papoose VG87 13752kg 3.68% 3.08%
Annandale Poncho - Champion bull and sold for 3000gns, Ayr 2010
Annandale Pavillion - sold for 3800gns, Ayr 2011
Annandale Four Winds - 2nd prize and sold for 5000gns to Drimchapel Holsteins, Sept 2014
Honeypot Wildman Papoose ET EX91-2E LP110 5*
5 07/10 13392 4.90
7 10/06 12817 3.71 3.16 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Calcourt R Captain Papoose PI EX92-3E 11508kg 3.32% 3.22%
Calcourt Zone R Papoose PI VG88 11077kg 3.14% 3.02%
Calcourt Rudolph Papoose ET EX95-4E
1 02/08 9583 3.85 3.23 305 2
3 05/00 12559 3.77 3.26 305 4
5 07/11 10534 4.87 3.29 305 6 11/00
• Maternal Sister to 5 EX and 8 VG cows and:
Fennshall Mandel Papoose 2 PI ET EX94-4E 11541kg 4.09% 3.12%
Fennshall Mandel Papoose PI ET EX93-3E 12823kg 4.15% 3.00%
Islandpride Mandel Mi Papoose PI ET EX92-2E 13579kg 3.92% 3.29%
Brigeen-N Mandel B Pixie PI ET EX92 14469kg 3.10% 3.00%
Brigeen-N Mandel B Peony PI ET EX92 15503kg 3.10% 2.90%
ANNANDALE KINGSTON 01582128204168 UK582128204168, PLI +£52, Born 01.06.23
dam Annandale Henry Kimberley 01582128603367 EX90 SP by Annandale Henry
g.d. Annandale Gerard Kimberley 01582128602436 EX93-3E SP LP70 3* by Schillview Oman Gerard
3.d. Annandale Golden Kimberley 0111866771 EX92-2E SP LP120 5* by Ridgefield Black Gold
4.d. Annandale Outside Kimberley 0111479976 EX92-3E SP LP120 14* by Comestar Outside
5.d. Brynhyfryd Storm Kimberley 0109928936 EX92 LP60 8* by Maughlin Storm
6.d. Brynhyfryd Raider Kim ET 0108706991 EX94-5E RM 8* ..................... by Hanoverhill Raider
7.d. A Tikvah Sexation Kim 6404497772 VG87 by Ocean-View Sexation
8.d. Tikvah Tony Cris ET 6511931143 EX91 by Marshfield Elevation Tony
9.d. Francroft Chief Krystal 6509424000 EX91 by Glendell Arlinda Chief
10.d. Whittier-Farms Elevation Kandy 6508479599 EX by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation
Annandale Henry Kimberley EX90 SP 11gensVG/EX
1 01/11 10873 4.41 3.06 305 2 03/02 14048 5.35
3 04/03 14028
Annandale Gerard Kimberley EX93-3E SP LP70 3* 1 02/00
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Samuel Kimberley EX90-2E 15035kg 3.74% 3.44%
Annandale Golden Kimberley EX92-2E SP LP120 5*
1 03/02 11182 4.02 3.17 305 2 04/06 14259
• Maternal Sister to 4 VG cows and:
Annandale Marginal Kimberley EX94-2E 14127kg 4.57% 3.05%
Annandale Black G Kimberley EX92-3E 15944kg 4.00% 3.32%
ANNANDALE LANCE 01582128204175
UK582128204175, PLI £12, Born 11.06.23
dam Annandale Bg Leeza 2 0112276455 VG88 SP LP90 by Ridgefield Black Gold
g.d. Annandale Trustee Leeza 2 0111528674 EX90 LP60 5* by Annandale Trustee
3.d. Annandale Leeza 2 0110716089 VG86 LP60 8* by Hiddenvalley Henry
4.d. Den Dogge Leeza 63000289345034 EX90 LP100 8* by Dixie-Lee Aaron
5.d. Den Dogge Lutz-Lucy 63000190120638 GP84 by Etazon Lutz
6.d. S Leilenie 63000780150117 VG86 ............................................. by Southwind Bell Of Bar-Lee
7.d. High-Sights Cleitus Leilani ET 6513422687 VG85 by Bis-May Tradition Cleitus
8.d. Walkup Bell Lou Etta 6511730637 VG88 by Carlin-M Ivanhoe Bell
9.d. Walkup Astronaut Lou Ann 6509174127 EX94-4E by Paclamar Astronaut
10.d. Willowlyn Elevation Lou 6508602608 EX93 by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation
Annandale Bg Leeza 2 VG88 SP LP90 4gensVG/EX
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Fabio Leeza 2 VG89 12988kg 4.78% 3.69%
Annandale Brave Leeza VG85(3YR) 11934kg 4.28% 3.46%
Annandale Bedford - sold for £3800 and bred well for the Coilsholm Herd.
Annandale Trustee Leeza 2 EX90 LP60 5*
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Lheros Leeza 2 EX90 13924kg 4.43% 3.45%
Annandale Lheros Leeza EX90 13567kg 4.03% 3.00%
Annandale Leeza 3 VG87 13582kg 4.62% 3.15%
Annandale Leeza 2 VG86 LP60 8*
5 06/08 6095 4.26 3.12 155
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Shottle Leeza EX92-2E 15264kg 4.03% 3.41%
Annandale Leeza VG86(2YR) 14744kg 4.55% 3.35%
23 WARNELVIEW FRANZ 01100753508555 UK100753508555, PLI+£197, Born 25.06.23
dam Warnelview Wyman Flo 0112554329 EX92-3E SP 3* by Pirolo Goldwyn Wyman
g.d. Warnelview Winners Flo 0112144353 EX90-3E SP LP60 by Gillette Winners
3.d. Warnelview Bingo Flo 0111712734 EX92 SP LP50 2* by Warnelview Bingo
4.d. Warnelview Cc Flo 0110610334 VG87 SP LP50 by Calbrett-I H H Champion
5.d. Crewilpool Flo 0109925006 EX91-2E SP by Robthom Integrity
6.d. Cardsland Jogger Flo 1200153013 VG88 ........................................... by A Caernarvon Jogger
7.d. Cardsland Conquest Flo 2 1200120544 VG85 LP70 by ElmcRoft Conquest
8.d. Cardsland Star Flo 1200092058 VG85 by Cardsland Star
9.d. Cardsland Eclipse Flo 1200067710 EX96-3E SP EC RS 22* by Walkerbrae Eclipse
• Maternal brother to:
Warnelview Impression Flo VG87 16023kg 3.70% 3.42%
Warnelview Doc Flo VG87 3yr 13291kg 4.39% 3.60%
Warnelview Wyman Flo EX92-3E SP 3* 1 02/03
• Produced over 110 tonne lifetime and still giving 58kg a day in her 9th lactation.
• Maternal Sister to: Warnelview Abbott Flo EX90 13863kg 4.01% 3.34%
Warnelview Winners Flo EX90-3E SP LP60
1 02/02 9296 5.32 3.51 305 2 03/01
Warnelview Bingo Flo EX92 SP LP50 2* 1 02/02 8041 4.94 3.47 305
3 04/03 11442 5.22 3.60 293 4 05/02 12102 5.02 3.68 305
5 06/01 9192 4.48 3.48 234
• Maternal Sister to: Warnelview Glyn Flo EX91-2E 12630kg 4.33% 3.32%
24 BOCLAIR RUBELS RED 01560353603707
UK560353603707, PLI+£192, Born 05.07.23
dam Boclair Solomon Apple 01560353202562 EX91-2E Walnutlawn Solomon
g.d. Boclair Barbwire Apple Red ET Rdc 01560353401738 EX90 LP50 8* by Hylite Barbwire-Red
3.d. Ms Apples Apri ET Rdc 6572227628 VG87 by Hunsberger Alchemy
4.d. Khw Regiment Apple-Red ET 65000135511521 EX96-3E by Carrousel Regiment Red
5.d. Kamps-Hollow Altitude ET Rdc 65000129136431 EX95-4E by Regancrest Elton Durham
6.d. Clover-Mist Alisha ET Rdc 6515149329 EX93 by A Ronnybrook Prelude
7.d. Clover Mist Augy Star ET Rdc 6513950985 EX94 by Meadolake Jubilant
8.d. D-R-A August 6510060254 EX96 by Life-O-Riley Marquis King
9.d. D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader 6509260553 EX90 by Donken Ideal Reflection Brutus
10.d. D-R-A Princess Lad Leader 6507758672 EX
Boclair Solomon Apple EX91-2E
1 02/01 8991 3.87 3.47 290 2 03/01
3 04/04 12670 4.02 3.43 276
• Maternal Sister to:
Boclair Jordy Apple Red 2 ET EX92 12070kg 5.08% 3.48%
Boclair Jordy Apple Red ET EX91 11927kg 3.78% 3.14% sold for 6500gns, B&L June 2021
Boclair Atwood Apple VG88(3YR) 10444kg 4.56% 3.63%
Boclair Usb Apple Red 3 VG87(2YR) 8288kg 4.47% 3.20%
Boclair Crushtime Apple VG87(2YR) 3439kg 3.75% 3.35%, sold for 5200gns, B&L April 2022
Boclair Rubels Apple Red 2 VG86(2YR) 1223kg 3.95% 3.46%, sold for 5000gns, B&L May 2024
Boclair Unix Apple ET VG86(2YR) 13735kg 4.19% 3.56%
Boclair Doorman Apple VG85(2YR) 10527kg 3.49% 3.30%
Boclair Rubels Apple Red, sold for 5400gns Boclair Bright Futures Sale 2022
Boclair Rubels Apple Red 4 ET, sold for 4000gns Boclair Bright Futures Sale 2024
Boclair Barbwire Apple Red ET Rdc EX90 LP50 8*
Ms Apples Apri ET VG87
• Sold for $14,000 Golden Opportunity Sale 2013 (Sale Topper)
• Full sister to:
Miss Apple Aria Red EX95 14501kg 3.3% 3.5%
Grand Champion Red & White World Dairy Expo 2019
• Maternal sister to:
Miss Apple Snapple EX96 11725kg 4.00% 3.60%
Grand Champion North American Open 2020
All American Red & White 4yr 2017
Hon. Mention Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
All American Red & White Jnr 2yr 2015
1st Jnr 2yr Red & White World Dairy Expo 2015
• And to many more Excellent & Very Goods
ANNANDALE KOBE 01582128104188 UK582128104188, PLI £46, Born 10.07.23
dam Annandale Wyoming Kimberley 01582128502407 VG89 SP LP80 ........... by Annandale Wyoming
g.d. Annandale Bolton Kimberley 0111788016 VG86(2YR) by Sandy-Valley Bolton
3.d. Annandale Allen Kimberley 0111184284 VG87(3YR) LP60 by Canyon-Breeze Allen
4.d. Brynhyfryd Storm Kimberley 0109928936 EX92 LP60 8* by M Storm
5.d. Brynhyfryd Raider Kim ET 0108706991 EX94-5E RM 8* by Hanoverhill Raider
6.d. A Tikvah Sexation Kim 6404497772 VG87 by Ocean-View Sexation
7.d. Tikvah Tony Cris ET 6511931143 EX91 by Marshfield Elevation Tony
8.d. Francroft Chief Krystal 6509424000 EX91 by Glendell Arlinda Chief
9.d. Whittier-Farms Elevation Kandy 6508479599 EX by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation
10.d. Whittier-Farms Bruce Lady 6506569700 VG
• Maternal brother to:
Annandale Kingsman - sold for 5900gns, Carlisle Spring Sale 2022
Annandale Klopp - sold for 4000gns, Carlisle Autumn Sale 2019
Annandale Kaden - sold for 3000gns, Carlisle December 2020
Annandale Wyoming Kimberley VG89 SP LP80 10gensVG/EX 1
Annandale Bolton Kimberley VG86(2YR)
3 04/09 12762
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Ms Kimberley VG88 13795kg 4.23% 2.93%
Annandale Allen Kimberley VG87(3YR) LP60
5 06/08 10837 4.07 3.05 264
• Maternal Sister to:
Annandale Outside Kimberley EX92-3E 14383kg 3.98% 3.20%
Annandale Roy Kim PI ET EX91 13929kg 4.69% 3.19%
26 WORMANBY MUDRYK ET KCBB 01101210103417
UK101210103417, PLI+£138, Born 13.07.23
dam Redhead Lambda Mudpile ET 01181296303403 VG87(2YR) by Farnear Delta-Lambda
g.d. Knonaudale Mudpile ET 6412456728 EX90 by Val-Bisson Doorman
3.d. Knonaudale Muddy ET 6411225527 EX94 by Pine-Tree Sid
4.d. Knonaudale Jasmine ET 6408994601 EX96 9* by Braedale Goldwyn
5.d. Knonaudale Elsy ET 6408823985 EX92 by Tcet Lyster
6.d. Knonaudale Anna ET 6410705431 VG88........................................................ by Silky Cousteau
Redhead Lambda Mudpile ET VG87(2YR)
1 01/09 3955 3.16 3.08 124
• Maternal Sister to:
Knonaudale Seaver Sandpile VG88 10692kg 4.10% 3.40%
Redhead Lambda Muddle ET VG87 (2yr) VG89 MS 17094kg 4.20% 3.50%
Redhead Lambda Mudonna ET VG87 at Willsbro
Knonaudale Mudpile ET EX90
1 02/00 9110 4.40 3.60
3 05/00 17094 4.20 3.50 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Knonaudale Mudbaby ET EX94 16838kg 4.40% 3.30%
Knonaudale Muddy ET EX94
1 02/01 9175 4.20 3.50 305 2
5 07/11 15567 4.30 3.30
• Reserve All-Ontario Mature Cow 2018
• Grand Champion, Stormont 2017 & 2018
• Reserve Grand Champion, Stormont 2016
• Maternal Sister to:
Knonaudale Mudpie ET EX94 13662kg 4.60% 3.50%
Sold for $26,000 to Kingsway 2015
HM All-Canadian Junior 3yo 2015
Reserve All-American Junior 3yo 2015
• And over 6 EX & 26 VG cows
dam of Lot 26
3.d. of Lot 26
27 WORMANBY ALLY 01101210103424
UK101210103424, PLI+£201, Born 23.07.23
dam Absolute Kd Technic-Allie ET 01186575500096 EX90 SP by Woodcrest King Doc
g.d. Absolute Doorman Aringadingding ET 01186575700049 EX92-2E SP LP50 3* by Val-Bisson Doorman
3.d. Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang ET 6410864250 EX95-2E 26* by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
4.d. Kingsway Dundee Abra Codabra 6407645875 EX90 28* by Regancrest Dundee
5.d. Kingsway Terrason Allie 6409277132 EX95-2E 10* by Innwood Terrason
6.d. Kingsway Progress Ashley 6410692057 EX ................................................ by Duncan Progress
7.d. Nelcam Tab Astra 6404674606 EX-3E by A Kingstead Valiant Tab
8.d. Nelcam Prestar Astra 6404154243 VG88 by A Leadfield Prestar
9.d. Nelcam Count Alice 6403150134 EX by Romandale Bonnie Count
10.d. Nelcam Leader Astra 6402895470 EX by Wholesome Perseus Leader
• Maternal Brother to: Wormanby Lambda Allie VG88, 1st milking yearling UK Dairy Expo 2024
Absolute Kd Technic-Allie ET EX90 SP 10gensVG/EX
• Maternal Sister to: Racewood King Doc Arangatank VG88 11852kg 3.64% 3.42%
Absolute Doorman Aringadingding ET EX92-2E SP LP50 3*
3 04/11 12774 3.90 3.36
• Maternal Sister to:
Absolute Doorman Tangfastic ET EX93-2E 13948kg 5.30% 3.62%
Kingsway Gold Chip Arabella EX92 15531kg 4.90% 3.10%
Kingsway Doorman Tingle ET EX91 13483kg 4.30% 3.40%
Crystalclear Doorman Antigua ET EX91 13587kg 4.00% 3.36%
Ortongrange Doorman Arangatang ET VG89 4651kg 4.50% 3.61%
Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang ET EX95-2E 26*
1 01/11
• 2nd Mature Cow Ontario Summer Show 2016
• Hon. Mention All Canadian 4yr 2014
• 3rd 4yr Royal Winter Fair 2014
• 1st 4yr Autumn Opportunity Show 2014
• 1st 4yr Ontario Summer Show 2014
• All Canadian 4H Junior Yearling 2011
• All Canadian 4H Junior Calf 2010
• Maternal Sister to:
Knowlesmere Goldwyn Abrakaboom ET EX94-2E 16008kg 3.75% 3.31%
All Britain Junior Heifer 2013
Junior Champion Western Spring Show 2014
1st Intermediate 2yo, UK Dairy Day 2015
Intermediate Champion UK Dairy Expo
All Britain Junior 3yo 2016
Grand Champion UK Dairy Day 2016
Kingsway Goldwyn Abrakazoo ET EX92-2E 13386kg 4.40% 3.40%
maternal sister to Lot 27
3.d. of Lot 27
28 GERRARD TONALI 01100806603272
UK100806603272, PLI +£33, Born 16.08.23
dam Gerrard Alexis Ruby 47 01100806201931 EX92-3E SP LP50 by Gerrard Alexis
g.d. Gerrard Stanleycup Ruby 41 0112462788 EX92-2E by Gillette Stanleycup
3.d. Gerrard Sam Ruby 28 0111633267 EX93-5E LP90 by Regancrest -Mr Drham Sam
4.d. Gerrard Journalist Ruby 17 0110539041 VG86 by Ridge-Star Journalist
5.d. Gerrard Matt Ruby 0108433486 GP82 LP50 RM by Meadolake Rorae Matt
6.d. Bricknell Telmatt Ruby 3 0107899359 VG85 RM Ronbeth Telmatt
7.d. Bricknell Ruby 219 0107535006 GP77 by Mmb Linmack
8.d. Bricknell Ruby 165 0106329250 EX93-2E RMX EC(60) by Wenron Baron
9.d. Bricknell Ruby 80 2003867544 BFE RMX EC(70) 9* by Ridgwardine Buster
10.d. Bricknell Ruby 8 2001876444 BFE RMX/RML by Bricknell Enterprise
• Maternal brother to:
Gerrard Remy Martin, stock bull in the Gerrard herd.
Gerrard Syracuse Ruby 70 VG86 (2YR) 8264kg 4.42% 3.2%
Gerrard Alexis Ruby 47 EX92-3E SP LP50
Gerrard Stanleycup Ruby 41 EX92-2E
3 04/04
• Maternal Sister to: Gerrard Outfitter Ruby 54 VG85(3YR) 8850kg 4.28% 3.28%
Gerrard Sam Ruby 28 EX93-5E LP90
5 06/09 12326 4.88 3.21
29 WARNELVIEW REAL DEAL ET 01100753508653 UK100753508653, PLI+£320, Born 23.08.23
dam Willsbro Abbott Roxy 287 01382702710558 VG88(3YR) SP by Willsbro Abbott
g.d. Willsbro Baltimor A Roxy ET 0112223783 EX90 SP LP70 5* by Regancrest Baltimor
3.d. Willsbro Atlas Roxy ET 0111697552 EX90-2E SP LP70 7 by Md-Delight Durham Atlas
4.d. Stardale Leader Roxy 0109653813 EX95-7E SP LP120 46* by Comestar Leader
5.d. Stardale Cinder Roxy ET 0109227279 EX91-2E LP60 10* by Highlight Mr Mark Cinder
6.d. Bond Haven Dixie Rox ET 6404754882 EX93-2E RM 61* ............. by Ocean-View Dixiecrat
7.d. A Mil-R-Mor Roxette 6403567417 EX90-2E by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation
8.d. Glenridge Citation Roxy 6402276186 EX97 by Rosafe Citation R
9.d. Norton Court Model Vee 6401696290 EX90 by Springbank Model Fame
10.d. Norton Court Reflection Vale 6401441566 VG85 by Roeland Reflection Sovereign
• Maternal brother to:
Warnelview Rishi - sold for 5500gns, Spring Bull Sale 2024
Willsbro Abbott Roxy 287 VG88(3YR) SP
1 01/10
3 04/00 9811 4.05 3.56 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Willsbro Cashmoney Roxy 130 EX91-2E 15816kg 4.35% 3.23%
Willsbro Upright Roxy 225 EX90 13903kg 4.01% 3.22%
Willsbro Baltimor A Roxy ET EX90 SP LP70 5*
5 06/04 16631 4.59 3.34 305 6
• Maternal Sister to:
Willsbro Merchandise Roxy 102 VG86(3YR) 14088kg 4.41% 3.44%
Willsbro Roxy Baltimor ET VG86 11321kg 3.69% 3.20%
Willsbro Meridian Roxy VG86 15299kg 4.09% 3.33%
Willsbro Jordan A Roxy VG85(2YR) 12010kg 4.11% 3.25%
Willsbro Atlas Roxy ET EX90-2E SP LP70 7* 1
5 06/00 11141 4.58 3.44 305 6
7 08/00 9904 5.07 3.62 296
• Maternal Sister to:
Willsbro Shottle Roxy 3 ET EX96-7E 17555kg 3.95% 2.97%
Stardale Jed Roxy PI EX94-2E 16581kg 4.21% 3.15%
Willsbro Shottle Roxy 2 ET EX93-2E 14007kg 4.02% 3.17%
Willsbro Shottle Roxy 4 ET EX93-4E 14321kg 4.19% 3.37%
Willsbro Baltimor Roxy ET EX92 13672kg 4.43% 3.25%
Willsbro Shottle Roxy 5 ET EX91-3E 12144kg 4.40% 3.34%
Willsbro Atlas Roxy 2 EX90 12869kg 3.91% 3.50%
Willsbro Shottle Roxy ET VG88 9587kg 4.73% 3.48%
Willsbro Goldwyn Roxy ET VG88 11960kg 4.32% 3.50%
Willsbro Atwood L Roxy ET VG87(3YR) 14679kg 4.94% 3.53%
Stardale Manat Roxy PI VG87 11538kg 4.37% 3.17%
Willsbro Reece Roxy ET VG87 15479kg 3.40% 3.10%
Stardale Durham Roxy PI VG86(3YR) 9578kg 4.15% 3.26%
30 NORTHSHIELDS ELLIS JAY 01541447707812
UK541447707812, PLI £7, Born 18.06.23
dam Witherslack Mincio Joanne 2 01103634301673 EX95-4E SP LP80 by Bertaiola Mincio
g.d. Witherslack Lauthority Joanne 2 0112348283 VG86 by Comestar Lauthority
3.d. Witherslack Sweet Joanne 0111612312 EX94-2E SP LP60 3* by Witherslack Sure Shottle
4.d. Witherslack Boss Iron Joanne 0110904004 by Boss Iron
5.d. Witherslack Lily Joanne 0110484387 GP82 SP by Etazon Lord Lily
6.d. Witherslack Jed Joanne 0109689991 VG89 SP.................................... by Juniper Rotate Jed
7.d. Witherslack Royal Joanne 0108707023 EX90 LP60 2* by Cracin Royal
8.d. Witherslack Jethro Joanne 7 0101369698 GP82 by Hanoverhill Jethro
9.d. Witherslack Joanne 2 2001241387 BFV85 RM by Brinbower Loner NORTHSHIELDS ELLIS JAY
• A good looking bull with good legs and feet and a lot of strength. His sire is classified EX91 and has 17 daughters classified VG and GP Ellis sired Northshields Bute, who sold for 4500gns at Carlisle, September 2023
• Maternal Brother to:
Northshields Pharo Joanne VG89 2nd calver, Reserve Champion, Fife Show 2024 Pharo Joanne has bred Northshields Tropic Joanne VG87 2yr
Northshields Secretariat Joanne VG87
Northshields Lambda Joanne 2, fresh calved and looking promising
Witherslack Mincio Joanne 2 EX95-4E SP LP80
• Interbreed Dairy Champion, West Fife Show 2018
• Interbreed Dairy Champion, Kinross 2018
• 2nd prize junior cow Royal Highland Show 2018
• Champion of Champions, West Fife Show 2019
• 2nd prize third calver and Reserve Champion, Royal Highland Show 2019
• She has bred extremely well at Northshields and is currently carrying her 7th calf.
• Maternal Sister to:
Witherslack Elude Joanne VG86 13042kg 4.04% 2.71%
Witherslack Lauthority Joanne 2 VG86 1 01/11
3 03/11 9651 3.89 3.06
• Maternal Sister to:
Witherslack Mincio Joanne VG86(2YR) 9386kg 5.01% 3.56%
Witherslack Buckeye Joanne 2 VG86 13501kg 3.15% 2.99%
Witherslack Sweet Joanne EX94-2E SP LP60 3*
1 01/11 10236 4.12 3.32 305 2 02/10
3 03/10 10199 4.69 3.22 299 4
5 06/00 11888 4.82 3.27 289 6
WARNELVIEW ROMAR 01100753508660 UK100753508660, PLI+£339, Born 24.08.23
dam Warnelview Doc Ruby 7 01100753406930 VG86(3YR) by Woodcrest King Doc
g.d. Warnelview Corinthian Ruby ET 01100753604650 VG86(3YR) by Ballycairn Supersire Corinthian
3.d. Warnelview Ruby Iota ET 0112237885 EX92-5E SP LP70 14* by Regancrest Altaiota
4.d. Warnelview Goldwyn Ruby 2 0111135747 EX94-3E SP LP80 25* by Braedale Goldwyn
5.d. Warnelview Igniter Ruby 0110484425 EX93-2E SP LP50 10 by Summershade Igniter
6.d. Stilbrook Ruby 2 0109376879 EX94-7E SP LP100 5* Comestar Leader
7.d. Treetop Jethro-Ruby 1200096385 EX90-2E 12* by Hanoverhill Jethro
8.d. Treetop Thunder Ruby 1200067705 VG85 SP by A Maries Thunder
9.d. Treetop Twilight Ruby 1200045620 VG88
Warnelview Doc Ruby 7 VG86(3YR)
Warnelview Corinthian Ruby ET VG86(3YR)
1 02/03 8764
3 04/03 11864 3.56 3.26 269
• Maternal Sister to 6 VG cows and: Warnelview Corinthian Ruby 6 ET EX94-2E 14553kg 4.16% 3.16%
Warnelview Ruby Iota ET EX92-5E SP LP70 14* 1 02/02
5 06/03 11885 4.71 3.57 305 6 07/07
7 09/06 15298 4.05 3.37 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Jeeves Ruby 4 EX95-4E 14283kg 4.80% 3.43%
Warnelview Ruby 2 Wind ET EX92-3E 10994kg 5.84% 3.61%
Warnelview Ruby Wind VG88 11547kg 4.57% 3.44%
Warnelview Jeeves Ruby ET VG88(3YR) 10737kg 4.26% 3.33%
Warnelview Jeeves Ruby 2 ET VG86 10224kg 5.55% 3.48%
32 WARNELVIEW NAVAJO ET 01100753508681 UK100753508681, PLI+£128, Born 28.08.23
dam Warnelview Final Cut Nita 0111327476 EX97-7E SP LP120 29* by Gillette Final Cut
g.d. Warnelview Lee Nita 0110846820 EX92-2E SP LP50 by Comestar Lee
3.d. Canrikka Brittany Nita 0108551486 VG89 LP80 by Weeton Brittany
• Maternal Brother to:
Warnelview Seaver Nita EX94-4E 15148kg 3.71% 3.25%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 5 EX93-3E 14814kg 3.83% 3.3%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 6 EX95-4E 15337kg 4.0% 3.45%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 2 EX92-3E 14460kg 3.21% 3.21%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 4 EX93-4E 15638kg 3.36% 3.06%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 3 EX95-3E 14954kg 4.1% 3.34%
Warnelview Unix Nita 2 EX93 14075kg 3.87% 3.15%
• And to 4 EX and 5 VG cows, as well as 4 EX and 1 VG bulls
Warnelview Final Cut Nita EX97-7E SP LP120 29*
1 02/03 9487 5.29
7 10/06 12426 5.21 3.41 305 8 12/07
• Now produced over 175 tonner life time yield and is still milking.
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Bingo Nita VG87 8698kg 5.00% 3.37%
Warnelview Lee Nita EX92-2E SP LP50 1
• Maternal Sister to: Canrikka Merrick Nita 2 VG86 11421kg 4.52% 3.16%
Canrikka Brittany Nita VG89 LP80
7 09/09 11780 4.60 3.05 305
33 BOCLAIR HARMONY 01560353203745
UK560353203745, PLI+£289, Born 31.08.23
dam Boclair Doc Rae 3 01560353202520 EX93 ......................................... by Woodcrest King Doc
g.d. Boclair Snowy Rae 01560353202051 EX93-2E by Lookout Pesce Snowy
3.d. Boclair Mincio Rae 2 ET 01560353501739 EX90 4* by Bertaiola Mincio
4.d. Boclair Guthrie Rae ET 0112360631 EX93 6* by Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie
5.d. Scientific Darla Rae ET 65000138904193 EX91 by Picston Shottle
6.d. Scientific Debutante Rae ET Rdc 65000132416603 EX92 by Regancrest Elton Durham
7.d. Scientific Jubilant Rae ET Rdc 6514425291 EX90 by Meadolake Jubilant
8.d. Hanoverhill Tony Rae ET 6404309495 EX96 by Marshfield Elevation Tony
9.d. Hanoverhill Tt Roxette ET 6403845821 EX94 by Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red
10.d. A Mil-R-Mor Roxette 6403567417 EX90-2E by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation
11.d. Glenridge Citation Roxy PI EX97-4E GMD 6* by Rosafe Citation R
12.d. Norton Court Model Vee PI EX90 6* by Springbank Model Fame
13.d. Norton Court Reflection Vale PI VG85 5* by Roeland Reflection Sovereign
Boclair Doc Rae 3 EX93
1 02/00 10773
3 04/09 14905 3.77 3.07 305
• Maternal Sister to:
Boclair Doc Rae 2 VG85 11599kg 3.71% 3.36%
Boclair Snowy Rae EX93-2E 1 01/10 11571
3 04/03 14294 3.09 3.17 287 4
• Maternal Sister to:
Boclair Silver Rae EX93-2E 15985kg 3.86% 3.08%
Boclair Doc Rae VG86 13654kg 4.02% 3.41%
Boclair Mincio Rae 2 ET EX90 4*
1 02/00 8959 3.91 3.29 264 2 02/10
3 03/09 11191 3.98 3.43 274
• Maternal Sister to:
Boclair Mincio Rae ET VG86(2YR) 17018kg 3.39% 2.88%
Lot 33
g.dam of Lot 33
WARNELVIEW NEWPORT 01100753208713 UK100753208713, PLI+£329, Born 13.09.23
dam Warnelview Control Nita 2 01100753605581 EX93-2E by Jk Eder-I Control
g.d. Warnelview Seaver Nita 6 ET 01100753404515 EX95-4E 4* by R-E-W Seaver
3.d. Warnelview Final Cut Nita 0111327476 EX97-7E SP LP120 29* by Gillette Final Cut
4.d. Warnelview Lee Nita 0110846820 EX92-2E SP LP50 by Comestar Lee ET A1a2
5.d. Canrikka Brittany Nita 0108551486 VG89 LP80 by Weeton Brittany ET
Warnelview Control Nita 2 EX93-2E 5gensVG/EX
• Fresh with her 5th calf, giving 58kg
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Sidekick Nita EX93-2E 10394kg 3.64% 3.49%
Warnelview Dalliance Nita 2 VG85(2YR) 12234kg 3.53% 3.14%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 6 ET EX95-4E 4*
5 06/03 15337 4.00 3.45 305 6 07/07
• Maternal Sister to 4 EX and 3 VG cows and:
Warnelview Seaver Nita 3 ET EX95-3E 14954kg 4.10% 3.34%
Warnelview Seaver Nita ET EX94-4E 15148kg 3.71% 3.25%
Warnelview Unix Nita 2 ET EX93 14075kg 3.87% 3.15%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 5 ET EX93-3E 14814kg 3.83% 3.30%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 4 ET EX93-4E 15638kg 3.36% 3.06%
Warnelview Seaver Nita 2 ET EX92-3E 14460kg 3.21% 3.21%
Warnelview Final Cut Nita EX97-7E SP LP120 29*
1 02/03 9487 5.29 3.22 305 2 03/05 12852 4.91 3.28 305 3 04/07 14007 4.91 3.18 305 4 05/09 14318
7 10/06 12426 5.21 3.41 305 8
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Bingo Nita VG87 8698kg 5.00% 3.37%
35 GERRARD NICK 01100806503285
UK100806503285, PLI+£261, Born 23.09.23
dam Gerrard Impression Winkie 113 01100806102476 VG89 by Monument Impression
g.d. Gerrard Fever Winkie 0112279041 EX93-4E SP LP70 2* by Crackholm Fever
3.d. Gerrard Hanno Winkie 32 0111176284 EX93-4E LP60 by Hanno
4.d. Gerrard Gaiac Winkie 18 0109910421 EX92-3E LP70 .................................................. by Gaiac
5.d. Gerrard Lava Winkie 15 0109202965 EX93-5E LP90 8* by Delta Lava
6.d. Gerrard Mosaic Winkie 2 2007047148 BFV82 by Annandale Mosaic
7.d. Greatham Winkie 20 2004604800 BFV RML by Hunday Bellamy
Gerrard Impression Winkie 113 VG89
1 02/03 7209 4.04 3.33 305 2 03/05
3 04/08 9000 4.36 3.38 305
• All lactations produced on 3 quarters. Scored EX96 for Dairy Strength.
• Maternal Sister to:
Gerrard Estate Winkie 91 VG86(2YR) 10119kg 3.89% 3.43%
Gerrard Apps Winkie 118 VG86(3YR) 10939kg 4.05% 3.16%
Gerrard McCutchen Winkie 81 VG85(3YR) 11368kg 3.95% 3.26%
Gerrard Fever Winkie EX93-4E SP LP70 2*
3 04/05 10367 5.14 3.46 305 4
7 08/10 8316 5.33 3.36 305 8
Gerrard Hanno Winkie 32 EX93-4E LP60
• Maternal Sister to:
Gerrard Pro Winkie 22 EX91 11233kg 3.86% 3.06% LOT GERRARD HOUSE FARM LTD 36 GERRARD STAVELY KCBB 01100806603286
UK100806603286, PLI+£229, Born 01.10.23
dam Gerrard Lambda Holly 9 Kcbb 01100806102763 VG88(3YR) by Farnear Delta-Lambda
g.d. Gerrard Caviar Holly 6 01100806202372 VG89 by Gillette Caviar
3.d. Gerrard Avalanche Holly 5 01100806402045 EX93-3E SP LP50 by Silverridge Avalanche
4.d. Gerrard Million Holly 3 0112090053 VG89 by England-Ammon Million
5.d. Gerrard Design Holly 0111408778 EX91 by Regancrest Design
6.d. Bilsrowan Vv Hollywood ET 0109802811 EX90-2E LP60 .......... by Kemview Vanetas Vision
7.d. Bilsrowan Hollywood 71002292002716 VG89 3* by Singing-Brook N-B Mascot
8.d. Fugela 71002290042321 VG89 by Penn-Springs Mr C
9.d. Carlinda 71002287024146 EX95 by Hanoverhill Starbuck
10.d. Arlinda 71002285020993 EX93 by Wapa Arlinda Conductor
11.d. Rillon 7102980025059 EX91
Gerrard Lambda Holly 9 Kcbb VG88(3YR)
1 02/02
Gerrard Caviar Holly 6 VG89
Gerrard Avalanche Holly 5 EX93-3E SP LP50
5 07/03 10906 3.82
• Maternal Sister to:
Gerrard Seaver Hollywood 5
37 GERRARD SID 01100806703287
UK100806703287, PLI+£133, Born 04.10.23
dam Gerrard Flyer Buttergirl 60 01100806302352 EX92-2E by Gerrard Flyer
g.d. Gerrard Dempsey Buttergirl 53 01100806102042 EX91-2E LP60 by Lirr Drew Dempsey
3.d. Gerrard Decker Buttergirl 35 0112111011 EX92-2E by Far-O-La Debbi-Jo Decker
4.d. Gerrard Jordan Buttergirl 21 0111052825 EX90 LP60 ............................... by Roylane Jordan
5.d. Gerrard Hypnotic Buttergirl 14 0110627319 EX90-2E LP70 by Brynhyfryd Hypnotic
6.d. Gerrard Rudolph Buttergirl 5 0109668080 EX90 2* by Startmore Rudolph
7.d. Ingleview Buttergirl 121 0108316372 EX90 by Ingleview Buttingo
8.d. Ingleview Buttergirl 93 0107805646 EX92-2E by Deslacs Midnight
9.d. Ingleview Buttergirl 63 0106790228 EX92 RM EC(80) by Mmb Glenstor Brightstar
10.d. Ingleview Buttergirl 47 0106150754 EX94-3E RM EC 7* by Wenron Baron GERRARD SID
• Bred from 10 generations of Excellent dams
Gerrard Flyer Buttergirl 60 EX92-2E
1 02/05
• Shortened 3rd lactation due to injury.
Gerrard Dempsey Buttergirl 53 EX91-2E LP60 1
5 06/04
• Maternal Sister to: Gerrard Jordan Buttergirl 43 EX91 11689kg 3.71% 2.79%
Gerrard Decker Buttergirl 35 EX92-2E 1
38 WARNELVIEW EUSTON 01100753208755 UK100753208755, PLI +£36, Born 22.10.23
dam Warnelview Musketeer Enid 01100753203862 EX94-4E SP LP100 by Valleyville Musketeer
g.d. Warnelview Bolivia Enid 0111696719 EX94-4E LP50 6* by Magor Bolivia Allen
3.d. Crewilpool Enid 29 0109838581 EX94-7E SP LP110 by Karnvilla Alto
4.d. Crewilpool Enid 24 0108905909 EX92-5E LP60 5* by Boulet Charles
5.d. Crewilpool Enid 21 0108252176 EX94-3E by Ebyholme Rendition
6.d. Crewilpool Enid 16 0107693916 EX91-4E RM EC ............................. by Hanoverhill Starbuck
7.d. Deri Enid 167 0106581094 VG88 by Grove Samaritan
8.d. Deri Enid 123 2005504638 BFE90 RM by Deri Royal Enterprise
9.d. Deri Enid 93 2004704136 BFV RM by Ridgwardine Jacobite
10.d. Deri Enid 67 2004118874 BFV by Grove Inheritance
Warnelview Musketeer Enid EX94-4E SP LP100
• Maternal Sister to: Warnelview Fever Enid EX92-2E 9849kg 4.96% 3.43%
Warnelview Fever Enid 3 EX92-3E 15933kg 3.61% 3.01% Warnelview Bolivia Enid EX94-4E LP50 6*
• Maternal Sister to: Warnelview Bolivia Enid 2 VG87 14206kg 4.49% 3.21% Crewilpool Enid 29 EX94-7E SP LP110 1 00/00
• Maternal Sister to:
Crewilpool Enid 27 VG88 9317kg 3.63% 3.32%
Crewilpool Enid 37 VG85 11779kg 3.89% 3.26%
39 WARNELVIEW SURVEY 01100753108810 UK100753108810, PLI+£168, Born 14.11.23
dam Warnelview Impression Silverwings Kcbb 01100753205507 EX90 by Monument Impression g.d.
Warnelview Goldfish Silverwings 0112554331 EX91-2E SP by Toc-Farm Goldfish
Warnelview Ivan Silverwings 2 0111491464 EX91-2E by Warnelview Talent Ivan
Warnelview Impression Silverwings Kcbb EX90
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Lemust Silverwings 2 EX92-2E 13792kg 3.28% 3.50%
Warnelview Goldfish Silverwings EX91-2E SP
• Maternal Sister to:
Warnelview Fever Silverwings 2 VG86 13926kg 4.39% 3.20%
Warnelview Ivan Silverwings 2 EX91-2E
1 02/05 9623 4.10 3.43 305 2 03/06
ANNANDALE NESTE 01582128603220
PTA2014 +203M +15.2BF (+0.08%) +5.7P (-0.01%) ProdRel 67% PLI+£140 PLIRel 44% PTAT 1.25. He is by Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul ET EX93 and out of the 16857kg 3.83% 3.29% Aintree Iota Nugget B ET EX92
PTA2014 +396M +5.5BF (-0.12%) +12.2P (-0.01%) ProdRel 84 PLI+£160 PLI Rel 78% PTAT 0.27. He is by Woodcrest King Doc Kcbb EX90 and out of the 10438kg 4.60% 3.20% Walnutlawn McCutchen Summer ET EX95
BEAUFORT KABANA 20352518100668
PTA2014 +157M +6.7BF (-0.01%) +4.9P (-0.01%) ProdRel 99% PLI +£8 PLIRel 92% PTAT 1.32. He is by Catlane Chad and out of the 12089kg 5.53% 3.32% Rodbrook Katja 17 BFE94
BEAUFORT MILKMAN 20352518400265
PTA2014 +251M +13.4BF (+0.03%) +6.3P (-0.03%) ProdRel 98 PLI+£230 PLI Rel 86% PTAT 1.51. He is by Blackisle Maverick ET and out of the 14232kg 4.17% 2.89 Rodbrook Milkmaid 8 BFE92
CLAYNOOK BAROLO SG ET 71120143618749
PTA2014 +346M +23.6BF (+0.11%) +16.8P (+0.06%) ProdRel 73 PLI+£330 PLI Rel 72% PTAT 1.91. He is by Walnutlawn Sidekick ET and out of the 10436kg 4.70% 3.70 Claynook Dishy Andre ET VG85
DEANGATE CASPER 20164923602300
PTA2014 -14M +5.7BF (+0.07%) +2.8P (+0.04%) ProdRel 67% PLI+£131 PLIRel 64% PTAT 0.49. He is by Aintree Percy ET and out of the 10622kg 3.95% 3.05% Deangate Cindy 32 BFE96
PTA2014 -122M -18.7BF (-0.20%) -9.9P (-0.08%) ProdRel 82 PLI-£134 PLI Rel 59% PTAT -0.31. He is by Deangate Consul and out of the 8587kg 4.11% 3.21 Deangate Pam 122 BFE93
PTA2014 +801M +27.0BF (-0.06%) +25.3P (-0.01%) ProdRel 99 PLI+£471 PLI Rel 98% PTAT 1.86. He is by Mr Mogul Delta 1427 ET and out of the 13833kg 4.07% 3.54 Edg Lorette Uno 2198 ET EX91
GEMINI NORSEMAN ET 20221384201034
PTA2014 +105M +2.7BF (-0.03%) +2.7P (-0.01%) ProdRel 97 PLI+£188 PLI Rel 84% PTAT 1.09. He is by Blackisle Garve ET and out of the 9775kg 4.21% 3.41 Skyhigh Quentin Pauline BFE91
GOONHILLY PERRAN 20387868600904
PTA2014 0M +2.8BF (+0.02%) +6.5P (+0.09%) ProdRel 96% PLI +£36 PLIRel 82% PTAT -0.04. He is by Piet Adema 186 VG87 and out of the 9365kg 4.26% 3.28% Goonhilly Chad Maureen BFE90
PTA2014 +225M +10.6BF ( 0.00%) +6.3P (-0.02%) ProdRel 99% PLI -£13 PLIRel 95% PTAT 1.58. He is by Deangate Osbert and out of the 13077kg 5.40% 3.25% Inch Blackisle Daphne 2 ET EX92
PTA2014 +684M +33.7BF (+0.07%) +25.4P (+0.03%) ProdRel 82 PLI+£555 PLI Rel 74% PTAT 1.04. He is by S-S-I Bg Frzzld Riveting ET and out of Larcrest Cia ET VG88
PTA2014 +764M +18.8BF (-0.13%) +24.1P (-0.01%) ProdRel 99 PLI+£314 PLI Rel 94% PTAT 1.62. He is by Stantons Applicable ET and out of Lindenright Superman Moola ET VG87
PTA2014 -71M -0.6BF (+0.02%) +1.5P (+0.05%) ProdRel 51% PLI +£27 PLIRel 34% PTAT -1.75. He is by Adams Counsellor and out of the 7353kg 4.34% 3.63% Lismulligan Dawn 39 BFV88
NEREWATER RELIANT 20100675401216
Pedigree Index +37M -0.3BF (-0.04%) +3.1P (+0.03%) ProdRel 41 PLI+£117 PLI Rel 35% PTAT -0.27. He is by Deangate Quaich and out of the 9678kg 3.89% 3.28 Nerewater Regina 9 BFE91
S-S-I PR RENEGADE ET ET65003142352961
PTA2014 +635M +31.9BF (+0.07%) +25.3P (+0.05%) ProdRel 86 PLI+£624 PLI Rel 84% PTAT 1.68. He is by Jaltaoak and out of S-S-I Mlngtn 10398 11588 ET VG85
STANTONS CHIEF ET 65003129015989
PTA2014 +805M +14.1BF (-0.20%) +20.3P (-0.07%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£294 PLIRel 97% PTAT 1.41. He is by Stantons High Octane ET EX93 and out of the 13725kg 4.00% 3.30% Rockymountain Uno Cheyanne ET VG85
PTA2014 +462M +23.0BF (+0.05%) +10.2P (-0.06%) ProdRel 73 PLI+£228 PLI Rel 67% PTAT 1.48. He is by Siemers Rozume ET and out of the 8587kg 5.10% 3.80 Tappenvale Miss Universe ET VG85
PTA2014 +465M +14.0BF (-0.05%) +12.4P (-0.03%) ProdRel 74 PLI+£269 PLI Rel 68% PTAT 2.14. He is by Oh-River-Syc Crushabull ET EX92 and out of the 11809kg 3.70% 3.50 Ri-Val-Re Bnds Sunrise ET VG86
WARNELVIEW ELLIS 01100753406391
Pedigree Index +281M +7.2BF (-0.06%) +8.9P (-0.02%) ProdRel 45 PLI+£163 PLI Rel 41% PTAT 0.33. He is by Peak Lc Altacordial ET and out of the 17413kg 2.94% 2.79 Warnelview Musketeer Enid EX94
WARNELVIEW NEVIS 01100753207047
Pedigree Index +204M -1.4BF (-0.13%) +1.8P (-0.07%) ProdRel 45 PLI -£4 PLI Rel 41% PTAT 1.82. He is by Oh-River-Syc Crushabull ET EX92 and out of the 13988kg 4.13% 3.16% Warnelview Seaver Nita ET EX92
WILLSBRO ABBOTT ET 01388380500583
PTA2014 +360M +21.7BF (+0.08%) +16.3P (+0.05%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£416 PLI Rel 96% PTAT 1.05. He is by Ste Odile Satisfaction ET and out of the 16332kg 3.62% 3.04% Willsbro Mogul Amber ET VG88
WINNOCH KANSAS 01583186201839
Pedigree Index -787M -18.4BF (+0.17%) -19.6P (+0.08%) ProdRel 45% PLI -£83 PLIRel 41% PTAT -3.43. He is by Catlane Chad and out of the 10706kg 4.27% 3.34% Winnoch Penguin 345
PTA2014 +858M +24.0BF (-0.11%) +26.7P (-0.02%) ProdRel 99 PLI+£407 PLI Rel 98% PTAT 1.35. He is by Morningview McC Kingboy ET EX92 and out of the 15536kg 3.24% 3.34 Wcd-Zbw Mack Daddy ET EX92
Mr Aubery Greenhalgh
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