Dark Diamonds Cat 24

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• No Lots can leave the market without a ‘Pass Slip’ being issued by the main office.

• All Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling (GBP).

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S e m e n

C o l l e c t i o n

a n d

F r e e z i n g

R a m

F e r t i l i t y

T e s t i n g

A r t i f i c i a l

I n s e m i n a t i o n

w w w . a b r e e d s . c o . u k

e n q u i r i e s @ a b r e e d s c o u k

S e x e d

S e m e n

S e m e n a n d

E m b r y o

I m p o r t a n d

E x p o r t s

E m b r y o T r a n s f e r

I n - V i t r o

P r o d u c t i o n ( I V P )

A B E u r o p e a r e d e l i g h t e d

t o s u p p o r t o u r c l i e n t s

s e l l i n g a t t h e

D a r k D i a m o n d s S u f f o l k s a l e .

B e s t o f l u c k



Notice to all Visitors and Traders

Please read and observe the following:

• Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.

• All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.

• All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.

• All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.

• Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.

• Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office.

• No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.

• Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.

• Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.

• Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.

Our on site Biosecurity Officer, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.

• Artificial Insemination • Embryo Recovery & Transfer • Semen Freezing

• Semen & Embryo Storage

• Cervical AI Training

Tel: 01768 890935

Email: enquiries@sheepbreeding.co.uk www.sheepbreeding.co.uk

General Information & Sale Notes

LOCATION: The sale will be held in the Borderway Mart, Carlisle Cumbria. Motorists should leave the M6 at Junction 43 and follow CARLISLE sign. The Market is on the left hand side of the road within 1/4 mile of M6.

VIEWING - The Sale Sheep will be available for viewing at Borderway Mart, Carlisle on Friday 29th November. Prior viewing of the sheep is most welcome, please contact vendors direct.

CONDITIONS OF SALE - The Pedigree and Description of each lots and all information as to service sire dates and health are believed to be correct. Sold under the conditions of sale as displayed in the market, recommended by the Livestock Auctioneer’s Committee for England and Wales.

METHOD OF SALE - All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order, unless any alteration is announced by the Auctioneers.

COMMISSIONS - The Auctioneers will dutifully execute commissions to purchase for buyers unable to attend the sale personally, upon receipt of written instructions.

SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK - Settlement in full is due immediately at the close of Sale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’, obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement.

MAEDI VISNA - All sheep are MV accredited.

LUCKY PENNY INSURANCE: All sheep sold for will be insured at the ‘fall of the hammer’ by NFU Mutual (Lanark) FOR THREE MONTHS

Contact – NFU Office Lanark, tel: 01555 662271

ONLINE BIDDING: Online bidding facility available via handhmarteye.ie

Consignors Index

Cannon James T Redbrae 38-42

Redbrae Farm, Wigtown, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, DG8 9DJ

Christie Graeme J

Balquhain 8-13, 73-75

Newton of Balquhain, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 5HD

Christie Finn Maidenstone 49-50

Newton of Balquhain, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 5HD

Craft Farming Ltd, Stewart Lakeview 14-19, 51-56

3 Balgeddie Grove, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 3NZ

Douglas J Cairness 33-37

Woodhead Of Cairness, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 5XD

Gibb John A

Cairnton 4-7, 57

Cairnton, Techmuiry, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 7BA

Irwin & Son TA Kings 60-63

Lower Kingstree, Kings Nympton, Umberleigh, Devon, EX37 9TT

Lawrence, R Roundacre 58-59

Netherleigh, Winkleigh, Devon, EX19 8BD

Liggett L & M

49 Manse Road, Carony, Drumquin, Co Tyrone, N Ireland, BT78 4SE

1-3, 66-72

Paterson Craig G Cranorskie 43-48

Cranna Bridge, Aberchirder, Aberdeenshire, AB54 7TX

Robinson A J & NAJ Benrafton 30-32

Summerhill House, Ballyrolly, Downpatrick, Co Down, N Ireland, BT30 8HQ

Stuart George L Birness 20-29, 64-65

G L Stuart Birness Flock, Milltown of Birness, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8EJ

Taylor Dennis Ballynacannon 76-79

34 Cashel Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, N Ireland, BT51 4PW


Lots 1 - 56 (56 entries)

L & M Liggett (Carony)

Service Sires

Carony Cha-Ching - sold for 19,000gns

Strathbogie Sirius - sold for 16,000gns.

1 CARONY DBB:23:01532 ET 01/01/2023 UK1701701/01532

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Ballynacanon Mcgregor gs: Ballynacannon Discovery (KKW:15:00628)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)


Dam: Rhaeadr

Dam: Haddo

gd: Ballynacanon (KKW:12:039)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Limestone Limousine (KPC:19:01232)

A12:20:02330 gd: Rhaeadr (A12:17:01661)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 05/08/24 to Strathbogie Sirius

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

ET sister sold for 2000gns Dark Diamonds 2023. Dam has bred ewe lambs to 3400gns, 3000gns (x2), 2500gns and several over 1500gns. Maternal sister to Lot 65.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

2 CARONY DBB:23:01513 SINGLE-ET 01/01/2023 UK1701701/01513 14

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024

Sire: Mullinvale Ace gs: Rookery Rebel (DND:21:00920)

UJU:22:03200 gd: Pyeston (LVL:18:00425)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Carony gs: Carony Bugatti (DBB:N38)

DBB:20:01035 gd: Carony (DBB:18:00901)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 05/08/24 to Carony Cha-Ching.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

From one of the best lines in the flock. ET sister sold at the Dark Diamond sale 2023 for 1800gns and the Big Bang for 1500gns.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Mullinvale Ace gs: Rookery Rebel (DND:21:00920)

UJU:22:03200 gd: Pyeston (LVL:18:00425)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Carony

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

gs: Deveronside Dugatti (NAJ:K44)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

DBB:18:00864 gd: Carony (DBB:16:00608)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 05/08/24 to Carony Cha-Ching.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Twin sister sold at the Dark Diamonds sale 2023 to the Newark flock.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

John A Gibb

Reference to Service Sire: Strathbogie Showman’s dam is full sister to the 40,000gn Stallone, maternal sister to the 15,000gn Never Say Never and 22,000gn Stradivarious.

Reference to Sire: Bridgeview Balvenie

Sire: Frongoy Firepower


gs: Strathbogie Rock On Tommy (SUT:20:04672)

gd: Frongoy (NAT:18:04752)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Cairnton

Dam: Haddo


gs: Cairness A Star (33H:19:03128)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Cairnton (KLR:17:00558)

Service Details: Served 24/08/24 by Strahtbogie Showman (SUT:24:08479). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d

Sire: Lakeview Bob

Sire: Bridgeview Belvenie gs: Bridgeview The Joker (BLN:20:00800) BLN:21:01107

gd: Ballynacannon (KKW:18:00933)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Cairnton

Dam: Haddo

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gs: Cairness Sir William (33H:16:02371) KLR:19:01191 gd: Cairness (33H:17:02672)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Frongoy Firepower

CAIRNTON KLR:23:01549 SINGLE 31/12/2022 UK0530842/01549

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Frongoy Firepower gs: Strathbogie Rock On Tommy (SUT:20:04672)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)


Dam: Cairnton


gd: Frongoy (NAT:18:04752)

gs: Millhouse Remarkable (SNF:18:02202)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Cairness (33H:17:02676)

Service Details: Served 25/08/24 by Strahtbogie Showman (SUT:24:08479). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

7 CAIRNTON KLR:23:01528 SINGLE-ET 29/12/2022 UK0530842/01528

Sire: Frongoy Firepower gs: Strathbogie Rock On Tommy (SUT:20:04672)


gd: Frongoy (NAT:18:04752)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Cairnton

Dam: Haddo


gs: Millhouse Remarkable (SNF:18:02202)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Cairnton (KLR:16:00281)

Service Details: Served 07/08/24 by Strahtbogie Showman (SUT:24:08479). Scanned 1.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam also bred the 30,000gn Cairnton Stirk. Gdam bred 75,000gn Cairnton Chaos.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Graeme J Christie (Balquhain)

Reference to Service Sire

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Castleisle Blackadder was purchased in 2023 for 28,000gns. Breeding this years reserve overall Champion at Lanark selling for 15,000 from Maidenstone, top 3 sons averaged 8,067gns. Runner up Sire of the year 2024 (photo)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Howgillfoot Sniper gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183)

UTZ:20:00076 gd: Pyeston (LVL:18:00431)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Balquhain gs: Lakeview Under The Radar (JFF:17:02590) PDN:19:00975 gd: Strathisla (FNV:L101)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2.

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520) Service

Dam’s full ET sister sold for 4500gns to the Howgillfoot and the Lakeview flocks.

of Lot 201.

Sire: Howgillfoot Sniper gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183) UTZ:20:00076

gd: Pyeston (LVL:18:00431)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Balquhain

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Lakeview Under The Radar (JFF:17:02590) PDN:19:00975

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Strathisla (FNV:L101)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Full ET sister to Lot 8

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.


BALQUHAIN PDN:23:01501 SINGLE-ET 11/01/2023 UK0524877/01501

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Strathbogie Sylvester gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Strathbogie (SUT:19:03287)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Balquhain gs: Strathisla Stifler (FNV:12:136)

Dam: Haddo


gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Strathisla (FNV:L101)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Dam bred Balquhain Big Brother who sold privatley to the Mullinvale flock. Dam bred females to 3200gns and 3000gns.

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Howgillfoot Sniper gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183)

Sire: Lakeview Bob

UTZ:20:00076 gd: Pyeston (LVL:18:00431)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Balquhain gs: Lakeview Under The Radar (JFF:17:02590)

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

PDN:19:00975 gd: Strathisla (FNV:L101)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2. Full ET sister to Lots 8 & 9. 12 BALQUHAIN PDN:23:01490

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201. 211

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Pyeston Real Deal gs: Limestone Marksman (KPC:21:01708)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

LVL:22:00825 gd: Birness (1W:20:02884)

Dam: Balquhain

Dam: Haddo

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Strathisla Stifler (FNV:12:136) PDN:13:075

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Strathisla (FNV:L101)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 1.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Dam bred Balquhain Big Brother who sold privatley to the Mullinvale flock. Dam has bred females to 3200gns and 3000gns.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

13 BALQUHAIN PDN:23:01489 SINGLE-ET 09/01/2023 UK0524877/01489 14

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Howgillfoot Sniper gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183)

Sire: Lakeview Bob

UTZ:20:00076 gd: Pyeston (LVL:18:00431)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Balquhain gs: Lakeview Under The Radar (JFF:17:02590)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

Dam: Haddo

PDN:19:00975 gd: Strathisla (FNV:L101)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Full ET sister to Lots 8 & 9.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Stewart Craft Farming Ltd (Lakeview)

Reference to Service Sire: Kings Cross was purchased at the National sale for 6000gns. 14 LAKEVIEW JFF:23:02168 SINGLE-ET 01/01/2023 UK0547856/02168 ARR/ARR

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Salopian Scuderia gs: Solwaybank Rock Solid (FHT:17:01459)

V87:19:00614 gd: Salopian (V87:17:00398)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523)

JFF:17:02587 gd: Lakeview (JFF:15:01684)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 2 15 LAKEVIEW JFF:23:02138 SINGLE-ET 01/01/2023 UK0547856/02138 ARR/ARR 14 210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251)

SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview

gs: Strathbogie Stradivarius (SUT:18:02692)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

JFF:20:01320 gd: Lakeview (JFF:18:03086)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Lakeview gs: Strathbogie Stradivarius (SUT:18:02692)

Dam: Haddo

JFF:20:01320 gd: Lakeview (JFF:18:03086)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251)

Sire: Lakeview Bob

SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Lakeview

Dam: Haddo

gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183) JFF:20:01305

Sire: Lakeview Bob

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:15:01786)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 1

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251) SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Lakeview gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183) JFF:20:01305 gd: Lakeview (JFF:15:01786)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 2 19 LAKEVIEW JFF:23:02101

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05281) SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Limestone Limited Edition (KPC:19:01183) JFF:20:01325 gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:020)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER.

Melvin Stuart (Birness)

The Birness flock was established in 1978 and from the outset emphasis has been aimed at producing quality rams from both the pedigree and commercial market.

The Birness flock once again has had a successful season in both the show ring and sales. The flock won the Oliver Rose Bowl at Lanark for first prize pen of 3 also the Horseburgh Salver for 1st prize in the Elite Commercial ram class.

At Shrewsbury we won the Gippeswyk plate for the 1st prize pen of 3 selling to average 3500gns also selling the 3rd prize single to Gareth Jones, Rowlestone for joint top price of 10,000gns.

Kelso gave us a total clearance with the second highest price in the lamb ring selling to £2600 to Sitlow flock. The week after we took 1st prize pen of 5 and the Overall Champion Suffolk at Thainstone selling 30 ram lambs to average £780.

This years gimmers have all been served by two top lambs both purchased at the Scottish Premier sale at Lanark. Firstly James Wallace’s lead lamb Claycrop Cadillac and also Stewart Craft’s top price lamb Lakeview Double Choice.

Health Status:

• All gimmers at ARR/ARR

• All gimmers have been vaccinated with Toxovac and Enzovac

• Fully Scrapie Monitored

• On the Heptavac P System

• All insured Luck Penny for 3 months

This is the tenth draft sale of gimmers to be sold from the Birness flock, having gimmers peak at 9000gns, 7500gns (x2), 6000gns, 5500gns plus numerous other four figure prices. We also sold ewe lambs to 9000gns last year. We have two ewe lambs forward again this time being selected from the top end of the retained ewe lambs in the flock.

We would like to thank our customers new and old for their continued support and wish them the very best with their purchases and a healthy 2025 lambing.

For enquires of information please contact Melvin 07803 186 746 or Murray 07707 269 719.

Reference to Sires:

Forkins Firecracker ARR/ARR

A son of Mullaghboy Goliath purchased in 2019 where he won 2nd prize in the elite class at Shrewsbury with sons selling to 20,000gns and ewe lambs to 5000gns.

Sportsmans 5 Star ARR/ARR

Purchased at Lanark 2022 for 13,000gns, a son of Salopian Solid Gold who won sire of the year 2022. He bred the Overall Champion ram lamb at Shrewsbury 2023.

Rookey The King ARR/ARR

Purchased jointly with the Pyeston flock, a son of Maidenstone Master Class purchased for 16,000gns. He has bred very well in his only season with sons selling to 13,000gns and a daughter to 9000gns.

Limestone Marksman ARR/ARR

Purchased jointly with Collessi, Pyestone and Claycrop flocks for 48,000gns. Sired by Forkins McCoy with his first sons selling to average 12,000gns.

Reference to Service Sires:

Claycrop Cadillac ARR/ARR

Purchase jointly with Pyeston and Cranorskie flocks for 7000gns. Sired by Ballynacannon Iron Mike and a very much admired lamb with great carcase and colours. His dam is an outstanding ewe which won 2nd prize RHS 2024.

Lakeview Double Choice ARR/ARR

Purchased jointly with the Cranosskie flock for 4500gns Lanark 2024. A son of Ballynacannon Playboy who is sired by Cairnton Chaos, he has a super skin, carcase and colours.

20 BIRNESS 1W:23:03802 SINGLE 10/02/2023 UK0521261/03802

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Forkins Firecracker gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)


Dam: Birness


gd: Forkins (AOR:13:043)

gs: Ballynacannon Noah (KKW:18:00931)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:18:02205)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Sportsmans 5 Star gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Sportsmans (WWZ:21:00909)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Ballynacannon gs: Beechbrook Bombastic (PXL:18:00354)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

KKW:19:01149 gd: Ballynacanon (KKW:15:01094)

Service Details: Served 31/08/24 by Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Rookery The King gs: Maidenstone Master Class (WHU:21:01274)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.


gd: Rookery (DND:19:00745)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Limestone Legend (KPC:16:00655) 1W:18:02103

gd: Birness (1W:15:01566)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Limestone Marksman gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)


Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo

gd: Limestone (KPC:19:01196)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614)


Sire: Lakeview Bob

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:17:02044)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Lakeview Double Choice (JFF:24:02458). Scanned 1

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Limestone Marksman gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744) KPC:21:01708 gd: Limestone (KPC:19:01196)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Birness gs: Limestone Legacy (KPC:17:00772) 1W:18:02129 gd: Birness (1W:14:01247)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201. 211

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Limestone Marksman gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744)


gd: Limestone (KPC:19:01196)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Castleisle Capaldi (DDX:19:01145) 1W:21:03090

gd: Birness (1W:18:02112)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Limestone Marksman gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


Dam: Birness

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Haddo


gd: Limestone (KPC:19:01196)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:17:02021)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Lakeview Double Choice (JFF:24:02458). Scanned 1

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Forkins Firecracker gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Birness

gd: Forkins (AOR:13:043)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Ballynacannon Noah (KKW:18:00931)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

1W:20:02889 gd: Birness (1W:17:02014)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201. 211

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Limestone Marksman gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744) KPC:21:01708

gd: Limestone (KPC:19:01196)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Limestone Legacy (KPC:17:00772) 1W:18:02151

gd: Birness (1W:16:01647)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Limestone Marksman gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

KPC:21:01708 gd: Limestone (KPC:19:01196)

Dam: Birness gs: Castleisle Capaldi (DDX:19:01145)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

1W:20:02886 gd: Birness (1W:17:02049)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

AJ & NAJ Robinson (Benrafton)

Flock Health Status:

• MV Accredited

• Heptavac P System

Toxo & Enzo Vaccinated

Fully Scrapie Monitored

Luck Penny Insured for 3 months

We would like to wish all our customers the very best of luck with their purchases.

Enquiries welcome

Norman Robinson

07595 910577

Jubilee Jethro

One of the best breeding rams of both males and females to ever stand at Benrafton, Born end of March, purchased for £5,500 at Kelso. Former NI sire of the year.

Reference to Sires:

Ballynacannon Hakuna Matata

Purchased at NI Premier Sale for 13,000gns, has left a lot of powerful, well balanced females within the flock.


Sire: Ballynacannon Hakuna Matata gs: Tolgus Pretty Boy (SWX:20:02555) (KKW:21:01570) gd: Ballynacanon (KKW:14:00484)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Benrafton

Dam: Haddo

gs: Rookery Apollo (DND:18:00670) (73A:19:01400)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Benrafton (73A:15:00937)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Jubilee Jethero (pending). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Won 2nd prize ewe lamb RUAS 2023. Dam won 1st prize sucked ewe and Reserve Breed Champion RUAS 2023.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Ballynacannon Hakuna Matata gs: Tolgus Pretty Boy (SWX:20:02555) (KKW:21:01570) gd: Ballynacanon (KKW:14:00484)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

Dam: Benrafton gs: Rookery Apollo (DND:18:00670) (73A:19:01408) gd: Benrafton (73A:14:912)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Jubilee Jethero (pending). Scanned 2 Maternal sisters sold for £3000. Gdam has bred daughters to £5000 Dark Diamond Sale 2023. 32

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Ballynacannon Hakuna Matata gs: Tolgus Pretty Boy (SWX:20:02555) (KKW:21:01570) gd: Ballynacanon (KKW:14:00484)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Benrafton gs: Cairness Masterstroke Ii (33H:14:01873) (73A:15:00957) gd: Benrafton (73A:12:086)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Jubilee Jethero (pending). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

From a great breeding female line, a family that has grossed in excess of £20,000. Her twin sister has been retained in the flock.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

J G Douglas (Cairness)

All gimmers are Luck Penny insured if selling to 700gns or more.

Reference to Service Sires:

Theforian Rocket is a top lamb and has grown into a great ram.

Strathbogie Showman was a top lamb in the Strathbogie pen at Shrewsbury, who has turned into a good ram.

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: JALEX Power House gs: Frongoy Rocket (NAT:21:08025) WLS:22:05983

gd: Landale (KFD:18:02788)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Clyda

Dam: Haddo

gs: Castleisle Kilteskin Prince (DDX:19:01130) BYD:20:02463

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Clyda (BYD:16:01872)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: Served 23/08/24 by Treforian Rocket (pending). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: JALEX Power House gs: Frongoy Rocket (NAT:21:08025) WLS:22:05983

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Cairness

gd: Landale (KFD:18:02788)

gs: Millhouse Remarkable (SNF:18:02202)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

33H:19:03103 gd: Cairness (33H:16:02506)

Service Details: AI’d 30/07/24 to Treforian Rocket (pending). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

CAIRNESS 33H:23:03763 TWIN

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Bridgeview Belvenie gs: Bridgeview The Joker (BLN:20:00800)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)


Dam: Cairness


gd: Ballynacannon (KKW:18:00933)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Cairnton Prince (KLR:20:01212)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Cairness (33H:19:03120)

Service Details: AI’d 30/07/24 to Strathbogie Showman (SUT:24:08479). Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Bridgeview Belvenie gs: Bridgeview The Joker (BLN:20:00800) BLN:21:01107 gd: Ballynacannon (KKW:18:00933)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam: Cairness gs: Cairnton Prince (KLR:20:01212) 33H:21:03453 gd: Cairness (33H:18:02989)

Service Details: AI’d 30/07/24 to Treforian Rocket (pending)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201. 211

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Frongoy Firepower gs: Strathbogie Rock On Tommy (SUT:20:04672) NAT:22:09461 gd: Frongoy (NAT:18:04752)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Creagislay

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) PJN:18:02355 gd: Lakeview (JFF:16:02240)

Service Details: AI’d 30/07/24 to Strathbogie Showman (SUT:24:08479). Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

a23% Nitrogen - growth and yield a5% Sulphur - protein a5% Sodium - palatability and animal health

Also available with P, K, Ca, Mg and Se a24% Nitrogen a13% Potash a5% Sulphur a3% Sodium

Also available with P and Se

James T Cannon (Redbrae)

We are delighted to sell at the Dark Diamond once again and we hope everyone has a successful sale. We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a good lambing when it comes.

Flock Health Status:

• MV Accredited


• All gimmers are on the Heptavac P System

• All gimmers are vaccinated with Enzovac and Toxovac

Reference to Sires:

Forkin Samson (AOR:20:02754)

Samson has been one of the most notable sires we have ever used, with the 2024 season being his most successful yet when we sold a son Redbrae Poldark, privately to the Landale flock for £10,000.

Other sons include Redbrae Majestic, Redbrae HRH, Redbrae Kenny, Redbrae The Rock, Redbrae Tango and Redbrae Razzle Dazzle. Many Samson daughters have also sold for 4 figure prices.

Reference to Service Sires:

Cairness Crafty (33H23:03702)

Purchased for 5500gns, his first three sons sold at Lanark this year to average over 3000gns. One of those sons, Redbrae Rockstar sold to Claycrop flock and won best Stud Ram in the west & Central Suffolk flock competition. Crafty has given us one of the strongest crops of ewe lambs we have ever bred.

Sportsmans 7 Up (WWZ:24:01781)

Purchased for 2200gns at Lanark 2024.

Sire: Mullaghboy Magee

Sire: Lakeview Bob

gs: Forkins McCoy (AOR:20:02744) UJX:22:00223

gd: Mullaghboy (UJX:19:00073)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Redbrae

Dam: Haddo

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Limestone Legacy (KPC:17:00772) JKA:20:04406

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Redbrae (JKA:17:03167)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 08/08/24 to Cairness Crafty (33H:23:03702). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Sire: Forkins Samson


gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023)

gd: Forkins (AOR:15:01430)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Redbrae

Dam: Haddo

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Burnview Beefeater (T86:19:01332)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Redbrae (JKA:17:03172)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 08/08/24 to Cairness Crafty (33H:23:03702). Scanned 1

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.


Sire: Forkins Samson gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


Dam: Redbrae

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Haddo


gd: Forkins (AOR:15:01430)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Limestone Legacy (KPC:17:00772)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Redbrae (JKA:17:03167)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 08/08/24 to Cairness Crafty (33H:23:03702). Scanned 2

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

41 REDBRAE JKA:23:05229 TWIN-ET 01/01/2023 UK0583514/05229

Sire: Forkins Samson

Sire: Lakeview Bob

gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023)


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Forkins (AOR:15:01430)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Redbrae gs: Limestone Legacy (KPC:17:00772)

Dam: Haddo

JKA:20:04405 gd: Redbrae (JKA:17:03167)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 08/08/24 to Sportsmans 7 Up (WWZ:24:01781) Scanned 3

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Forkins Samson gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023) AOR:20:02754 gd: Forkins (AOR:15:01430)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Haddo

Dam: Redbrae gs: Castleisle Cruiser (DDX:17:00980) JKA:19:04034

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Redbrae (JKA:16:02790)

Service Details: Served 10/09/24 by Sportsmans 7 Up (WWZ:24:01781) Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.


Craig G Paterson (Cranorskie)

Reference to Sires:

Birness Banter Purchased for 5800gns Lanark 2021, sons and daughters have both sold to a top of 3400gns

Sportsmans 5 Star Cost 13,000gns Lanark 2022, sons have sold to 19,0000gns twice and daughters to 5500gns

Ballynacannon Bazinga Purchased Lanark 2022 for 7000gns with Birness, a son of the 44,000 euros Ballintone Show Stopper.

Reference to Service Sires

Claycrop Cadillac Purchased for 7000gns at Lanark this year with Birness and Pyeston, a son of the 8000gns Ballynacannon Iron Mike

Lakeview Double Choice Purchased for 4500gns at Lanark this year with the Birness flock, a son of the 12,000gns Ballynacannon Playboy

43 CRANORSKIE PUZ:23:01442 SINGLE 11/01/2023 UK0522319/01442 ARR/ARR

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Birness Banter

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo


gd: Birness (1W:19:02556)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Crewelands Megastar (PWN:17:00613)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:16:01684)

Service Details: AI’d 18/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

She was shown as a ewe lamb in 2023 and was unbeaten in the ewe lamb class at New Deer, Turriff, Black Isle and Keith shows. Full brothers have sold for 3400gns at Lanark and an ET sister sold to the Birness flock for 1200gns as a ewe lamb.

44 CRANORSKIE PUZ:23:01437

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob

Sire: Lakeview Bob

Sire: Ballynacannon Bazinga gs: Ballinatone Show Stopper (TDL:21:03062) KKW:22:01863 gd: Ballynacannon (KKW:20:01396)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo

Dam: Knockem


gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Redbrae Rambo (JKA:15:02297)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

gd: Birness (1W:15:01561)

Service Details: AI’d 18/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859). Scanned 1.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Maternal brothers have sold to 2200gns and sisters to 2000gns.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201. 211

Sire: Sportsmans 5 Star gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850) WWZ:22:01146

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Sportsmans (WWZ:21:00909)

Dam: Cranorskie gs: Ballynacannon Noah (KKW:18:00931) PUZ:19:00733

gd: Cranorskie (PUZ:17:00201)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 18/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859) Scanned 2. Dam is maternal sister to our much admired show ewe.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Birness Banter

gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614) 1W:21:03166 gd: Birness (1W:19:02556)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Cranorskie gs: Ballynacannon Noah (KKW:18:00931) PUZ:20:00803

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:15:01581)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 18/08/24 to Lakeview Double Choice (JFF:24:02458). Scanned 1 47 CRANORSKIE PUZ:23:01427 TWIN

Sire: Sportsmans 5 Star gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

WWZ:22:01146 gd: Sportsmans (WWZ:21:00909)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Cranorskie gs: Crewelands Megastar (PWN:17:00613)


Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:15:01581)

Service Details: AI’d 18/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859) Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Birness Banter gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

1W:21:03166 gd: Birness (1W:19:02556)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Birness

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Redbrae Rambo (JKA:15:02297) 1W:16:01689 gd: Birness (1W:14:01228)

Service Details: AI’d 18/08/24 to Claycrop Cadillac (NCX:24:09859) Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Reference to Service Sire:

Castleisle Blackadder was purchased in 2023 for 28,000gns. Breeding this years reserve overall Champion at Lanark selling for 15,000 from Maidenstone, top 3 sons averaged 8,067gns. Runner up Sire of the year 2024

Sire: Lakeview Bob

Sire: Muirton Man of The Moment gs: Mullaghboy Mustang (UJX:20:00126) K14:22:02529 gd: Muirton (K14:18:01770)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Maidenstone gs: Howgillfoot Sniper (UTZ:20:00076)

Dam: Haddo


gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Birness (1W:18:02203)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam won Overall Suffolk Champion at RHS 2022. Dam is a maternal sister to the 16,000gn Maidenstone Masaterclass.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

50 MAIDENSTONE WHU:23:01608 SINGLE-ET 09/01/2023 UK0524877/01608 14

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Muirton Man of The Moment gs: Mullaghboy Mustang (UJX:20:00126)


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Muirton (K14:18:01770)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Maidenstone

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gs: Howgillfoot Sniper (UTZ:20:00076) WHU:21:01273

gd: Birness (1W:18:02203)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 11/08/24 to Castleisle Blackadder (DDX:23:01355). Scanned 2. ET sister to Lot 49.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Finn Christie (Maidenstone)

Stewart Craft Farming Ltd (Lakeview)

Reference to Service Sire:

Kings Cross was purchased at the National sale for 6000gns.

Sire: Salopian Scuderia gs: Solwaybank Rock Solid (FHT:17:01459)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Salopian (V87:17:00398)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523)

Dam: Haddo

JFF:17:02587 gd: Lakeview (JFF:15:01684)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 3

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Salopian Scuderia gs: Solwaybank Rock Solid (FHT:17:01459)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

V87:19:00614 gd: Salopian (V87:17:00398)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Strathbogie Stradivarius (SUT:18:02692) JFF:20:01310 gd: Lakeview (JFF:17:02679)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 3

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)


Dam: Lakeview

gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

gs: Mullinvale Munro (UJU:20:02071)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

JFF:21:01757 gd: Lakeview (JFF:15:01797)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 1

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

54 LAKEVIEW JFF:23:02109 SINGLE-ET 04/01/2023 UK0547856/02109

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

Dam: Haddo

Dam: Lakeview gs: Birness Buckshot (1W:18:02325) JFF:19:01254 gd: Lakeview (JFF:17:02679)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251) SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Strathbogie Stradivarius (SUT:18:02692) JFF:20:01335 gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:022)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520) Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Strathbogie Stallone gs: Stockton Sniper’s Son (72H:18:05251) SUT:22:06849 gd: Strathbogie (SUT:16:00624)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) JFF:17:02680 gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:020)

Service Details: AI’d 16/08/24 by Kings Cross. Scanned 2

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24) Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to


Lots 57 - 79 (56 entries)

57 CAIRNTON KLR:24:01601 SINGLE 26/12/2023 UK0530842/01601 14

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Bridgeview Belvenie gs: Bridgeview The Joker (BLN:20:00800) BLN:21:01107 gd: Ballynacannon (KKW:18:00933)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Strathbogie Stradivarius (SUT:18:02692) JFF:21:01590 gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:096)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam was purchased at the Dark Diamond Sale 2022 from Lakeview, she goes back to the good breeding family JFF:L41

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Ross Lawrence (Roundacre)

We are very pleased to be back at the Dark Diamonds sale 2024. Having only entered two shows in 2024 what a year we’ve had -

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

1st prize aged ewe and 1st prize ewe lamb at Devon County show, with the aged ewe going on to be breed champion and then reserve overall interbreed champion. 1st prize aged ewe and 1st prize ewe lamb at The Royal Three Counties Show, with the aged ewe going on to be breed champion and then take the overall interbreed championship! She stood reserve interbreed champion at this show in 2023. Not many sheep have done that! Both lambs entered in this sale are from the same family as this ewe.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Flock health status:

• MV Accredited

• All sheep on Heptavac P system

• Animax bolused

• Entire flock is tested and ARR/ARR

All sheep sold will be insured for 3 months at the fall of the hammer.

** Any sheep sold from the Roundacre flock to purchasers within the present Blue tongue zone can he taken home and looked after until restrictions are lifted if the purchaser wishes.**

Very best of luck to all vendors and purchasers and wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

For any further enquiries please contact me on 07739 728917.

John A Gibb (Cairnton)

Reference to Sire:

Castleisle Blackadder purchased for 28,000gns at Lanark 2023 with Balquhain and Howgillfoot flocks. Full brother to Kingsman

We are all absolutely delighted with his first crop of lambs - he’s a real breeder of carcass, style, power and hair.

58 ROUNDACRE NHL:24:00586 SINGLE-ET 07-JAN-24 UK0371451/00586 ARR/ARR

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Castleisle Blackadder gs: Kells T-Rex (C46:20:03050)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Castleisle (DDX:18:01074)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Roundacre gs: Strathisla Speed (FNV:J105)

Dam: Haddo


gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:117)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Probably the best ewe lamb we have ever offered for sale. This massive and powerful girl was this years show ewe lamb. Only shown at 2 shows, the Devon County and the Royal 3 Counties show where she won 1st prize ewe lamb at both shows, amongst very strong competition. Dam is the best breeding ewe in the flock and is by the great Strathisla Speed. She is from the same family as 5800gns (Roxy) ewe lamb. Sired by 28,000gn Castleisle Blackadder who won Reserve sire of the Year 2024.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

59 ROUNDACRE NHL:24:00577 TWIN 05-JAN-24 UK0371451/00577 ARR/ARR 14 210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Lakeview Bob

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Sire: Castleisle Blackadder gs: Kells T-Rex (C46:20:03050)

Dam: Knockem

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

gd: Castleisle (DDX:18:01074)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Roundacre

Dam: Haddo

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.


gs: Crewelands Megastar (PWN:17:00613)

gd: Roundacre (NHL:17:00230)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

A cocky and powerful ewe lamb, out of a fantastic megastar ewe. A natural born twin sired by 28,000gn Castleisle Blackadder who won Reserve Sire of the Year.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

60 KINGS CAL:24:08326 SINGLE 14/01/2024 UK0368940/08326

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Kings Cruiser

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Pyeston Partygate (LVL:22:00805)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Kings

Dam: Haddo


gd: Kings (CAL:20:04922)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Birness Bang Tidy (1W:18:02333)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Kings (CAL:17:02720)

ET sister to ram lambs selling for 6500gns (Lakeview), 3400gns and 3200gns (Wharfe) at Shrewsbury this year. ET sister sold at 2600gns November 2024. Gdam bred lambs at 7000gns, 4200gns and 3500gns. This is a serious machine!

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Frongoy Cannon gs: Strathbogie Rock On Tommy (SUT:20:04672)


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Kings (CAL:17:02733)

Dam: Kings

Dam: Knockem


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Roundacre Manu (NHL:19:00317)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Kings (CAL:17:02731)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Maternal sister to the 16,000gn ewe lamb sold to Rhaeadr, and the retained Kings Cruiser, that has bred so well this year. Dam, Gdam and GGdam all top ewes of their generation. Goes back to a 12,000gn Cairness gimmer.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

62 KINGS CAL:24:08313 SINGLE 10/01/2024 UK0368940/08313

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Kings Cruiser


gs: Pyeston Partygate (LVL:22:00805)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Kings (CAL:20:04922)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Kings

Dam: Haddo


gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Lakeview Lingary (JFF:14:01352)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Kings (CAL:14:00843)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Maternal sister to dam of Lot 60 and to ewe lambs selling to 7000gns and ram lambs to 4200gns. Goes back to a 5500gns Muiresk gimmer.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

63 KINGS CAL:24:08310 SINGLE 10/01/2024 UK0368940/08310 14

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Kings Cruiser


gs: Pyeston Partygate (LVL:22:00805)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

gd: Kings (CAL:20:04922)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Sire: Lakeview Bob

Dam: Kings

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

ET sister to Lot 60.

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gs: Birness Bang Tidy (1W:18:02333) CAL:19:04103

Dam: Knockem

gd: Kings (CAL:17:02720)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Reference to Sires: Crewelands Megastar ARR/ARR

Purchased at Stirling in 2017, sired by the 20,000gn Ballynacannon Taylor Made, having bred the Scottish Area Champion 2018, selling for 10,000gns and females up to 9000gns.

Dunfell Dynamite ARR/ARR

Sired by Salopian Solid Gold, stock ram at the Rhaeadr flock who kindly gave us a few straws as luck penny from Myfryr with sons selling to 20,000gns.

Sire: Crewelands Megastar gs: Ballynacanon Taylor Made (KKW:16:00755)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)


Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo


gd: Ardlea (PNS:11:011)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Limestone Legacy (KPC:17:00772)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Birness (1W:17:02046)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Dunfell Dynamite


gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Birness

Dam: Haddo


gd: Dunfell (TCK:18:00061)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Forkins Firecracker (AOR:19:02666)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Birness (1W:18:02169)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Both of these ewe lamb would be a great asset to any flock having potential for both showing and flushing. They are insured for three months from the fall of the hammer.

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT

Sire: Lakeview Bob


Dam: Knockem


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Melvin Stuart (Birness)

Sire: Sportsmans Scholesy gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

WWZ:23:01457 gd: Howgillfoot (UTZ:20:00024)

Dam: Rhaeadr gs: Limestone Limousine (KPC:19:01232)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

A12:20:02330 gd: Rhaeadr (A12:17:01661)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

One of the favourites this year, a long as a train with her head in the air. ET sister to the current NI Female of the year. ET sister sold to 3000gns twice. Maternal sister to 3400gns, 2500gns and 2000gns with several over 1500gns.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3. Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Birness Thunder II gs: Sportsmans 5 Star (WWZ:22:01146)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

1W:23:03907 gd: Cranorskie (PUZ:20:00814)

Dam: Carony gs: Blackbrae Black Label (E35:21:00786)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

DBB:22:01402 gd: Carony (DBB:15:00560)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam is a massive ewe by the 10,000gn Blackbrae Black Label. Thunder has sired lambs to 5500gns at the Big Bang Sale.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Sportsmans Scholesy gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)


gd: Howgillfoot (UTZ:20:00024)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Carony

Dam: Haddo

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)


gs: Ballinatone Show Stopper (TDL:21:03062)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Rhaeadr (A12:20:02330)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam is a maternal sister to Lot 66, sired by 44,000gn Show Stopper.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Sportsmans Scholesy gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Howgillfoot (UTZ:20:00024)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Lakeview gs: Mullinvale Munro (UJU:20:02071)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

JFF:21:01641 gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:096)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam was purcahsed for 3000gns. ET sisters have sold to 2200gns, 1800gns and 1400gns.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Sportsmans Scholesy gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Howgillfoot (UTZ:20:00024)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Carony

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Rookery Ringmaster (DND:18:00652) DBB:20:01045 gd: Carony (DBB:17:00732)

A lamb with serious stretch and skin. From the same family as Carony Khan, 2500gn ewe lamb and 2000gn gimmer sold Dark Diamonds.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Lakeview Bob

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Knockem

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

71 CARONY DBB:24:01664 SIX 28/12/2023 UK1701701/01664

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Birness Thunder II gs: Sportsmans 5 Star (WWZ:22:01146)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)


Dam: Carony

Dam: Haddo


gd: Cranorskie (PUZ:20:00814)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Rookery Ringmaster (DND:18:00652)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Carony (DBB:13:039)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Sportsmans Scholesy gs: Salopian Solid Gold (V87:21:00850)

WWZ:23:01457 gd: Howgillfoot (UTZ:20:00024)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Carony gs: Rhaeadr Readymix (A12:15:01276)

Dam: Haddo

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

DBB:18:00903 gd: Rhaeadr (A12:14:00964)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Maternal sisters sold to 1400gns and 1000gns to Blackbrae. Dams sisters have sold to 3400gns, 2500gns x2, 2000gs.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Graeme J Christie (Balquhain)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Sire: Castleisle Blackadder gs: Kells T-Rex (C46:20:03050)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Castleisle (DDX:18:01074)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Dam: Balquhain

Dam: Haddo

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Castleisle Comedian (DDX:20:01174)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)


gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

gd: Balquhain (PDN:13:075)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Dam was the much admired show gimmer in 2023. Gdam bred Balquhain Big Brother who sold privatley to the Mullinvale flock. Gdam bred gimmers to 3200gns and 3000gns.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

74 BALQUHAIN PDN:24:01655 SINGLE 07/01/2024 UK0524877/01655 14

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Sire: Rookery Mean Machine gs: Maidenstone Master Class (WHU:21:01274)

Sire: Lakeview Bob


gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

Sire: Lakeview Bob

Dam: Haddo

gd: Rookery (DND:19:00745)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Balquhain gs: Howgillfoot Sniper (UTZ:20:00076) PDN:21:01196 gd: Balquhain (PDN:16:00665)

gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Dam: Knockem

Her pedigree goes back to the great Strathisla X48.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

75 BALQUHAIN PDN:24:01672 TWIN 08/01/2024 UK0524877/01672 14

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Castleisle Blackadder gs: Kells T-Rex (C46:20:03050)

DDX:23:01355 gd: Castleisle (DDX:18:01074)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Dam: Balquhain gs: Crewelands Kingpin (PWN:18:01027) PDN:20:01086 gd: Balquhain (PDN:16:00696)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Gdam is a maternal sister to the 4500gn gimmer sold to Howgillfoot and the Lakeview flocks. Her pedigree goes back to the great Strathisla X48.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.


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Sire: Limestone Springbok gs: Castleisle A Kingsman (DDX:22:01286)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

KPC:23:02331 gd: Limestone (KPC:21:01737)

Dam: Ballynacannon gs: Birness Freedom (1W:20:02711)

KKW:21:01545 gd: Ballynacannon (KKW:19:01154)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Limestone Springbok gs: Castleisle A Kingsman (DDX:22:01286)


Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

gd: Limestone (KPC:21:01737)

Dam: Ballynacannon gs: Rhaeadr Rolls Royce I (A12:15:01299)

Dam: Haddo

KKW:17:00837 gd: Ballynacanon (KKW:15:00602)

gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932)

gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Maternal sister sold for 14,000gns at the big Bang Sale 2022, full sister to the lead ewe lamb for the Beauties sale. 79

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Sire: Limestone Springbok gs: Castleisle A Kingsman (DDX:22:01286)

KPC:23:02331 gd: Limestone (KPC:21:01737)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Ballynacannon gs: Tolgus Pretty Boy (SWX:20:02555)

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

KKW:21:01576 gd: Greenan (PAJ:16:00861)

Dam: Knockem

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

KKW:24:02298 SINGLE 12/01/2024 UK1731441/02298

210 KNOCKEM SUP:18:10024 5 16/01/2018

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2.

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Sire: Rempstone Rassie gs: Howgillfoot New Dawn (UTZ:22:00226) ZNW:23:00488 gd: Rookery (DND:20:00834)

A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564)

gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Benhead gs: Islandmoyle Rory (PJF:15:00126)

Dam: Haddo gs: Rhaeadr Frankel (A12:12:068) (LZW:14:00932) gd: Haddo (LZW:L1520)

D25:17:03106 gd: ()

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 3.

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Another good one crop ewe out of Lot 201.

Dam: Knockem gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A big bodied, tight skinned ewe, gdam is the 7500gn Lakeview gimmer.

211 KNOCKEM SUP:18:00016 -SINGLE 15/01/2015

Sire: Lakeview Bob gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (JFF:17:02564) gd: Lakeview (JFF:13:030)

Dam: Knockem

gs: Middlemuir Maserati (AAZ:14:00260) (SUP:15:00076) gd: Lakeview (JFF:N24)

Service Details: AI’d 15/08/20 to HOWGILLFOOT SNIPER. Scanned 2. A

Dennis Taylor (Ballynacannon)


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