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This is a one-off opportunity made possible because of our unwavering faith in our junior females. With over 30 calf crops under our belt, we’ve navigated every hurdle and obstacle to build a resilient, high-quality consistent herd.

Our commitment to continuously breed the next generation better has shaped the cattle into the exceptional stock you see today. We have selected 13 females from a selection of our best female lines, with successful sire stacks in their pedigrees. All of these females have proven to be outstanding producers for us, with countless successful calves from the females on offer in this catalogue. Still young with many more of years of productive life ahead for these cows, they will not be half way through their lifetime yet, therefore due to our strong youngstock coming through we have decided to offer these favourites for sale.

Nothing is more rewarding than watching our cattle thrive and perform well for others. We look forward to seeing these favourite Goulding females work for you in years to come...

Should you have any queries either before or after the sale please do not hesitate to contact us.

SAle Details

The sale takes place online at https://dbhh.marteye.ie/ using Marteye online auction system. Once bids start to close and a bid is placed a 30 second counter will start, once 30 second has passed without a bid the lot will close, only then will the next lot start to close. Lots will open for bidding on 18th October. Lots will start to close in lot order from 7pm on 21st October 2024.

Herd Health

We recognize and are aware that increasingly our customers are relying on us to meet and exceed their requirements and expectations in regard to herd health. It is therefore our objective to continue to operate a stringent herd health programme. Our herd is 100% free of TB. The herd has achieved ‘BVD Negative Health Status BHS’ with the Irish National BVD eradication programme. We regularly test our animals for IBR and Johnes and we have never had a positive.

Animals sold requiring export

All animals in the sale are eligible for export. We will arrange testing, export documentation and transport. Every effort will be made to keep costs to a minimum.

Collection of animals

Animals will be available for collection from the 22nd of October. Purchasers will have 14 days to collect animals unless agreed otherwise, prior to the sale. Transport can be arranged where necessary.

Pick of the Herd/Bullcalves

Choices must be made within 14 days of the sale date. The chosen bull can be kept and fed at our expense until he reaches service age. The pick of the herd must be collected by a date agreed when selecting the female.

Pedigree Certificates

Pedigree certificates will be transferred to the new owner after the sale once payment is received.

Conditions of sale

All animals catalogued have been genotyped and dam and sire verified to ensure correct parentage. All animals are sold as they stand, and to give intending purchasers confidence, we have vet checked each animal for correctness and soundness. Intending Purchasers should note that the animal evaluations provided in this catalogue are those available through and computed by the ICBF at the time of going into print. Sale updates on Denis Barrett’s website will take precedence over any printed or social media statements.

All sales will be made in euro. At auction, a commission of 5% of the purchase price is payable by the purchaser. This sale is being run under the terms and conditions of the Pedigree Cattle Breeders Council of Ireland rules for sale of pedigree cattle and the terms and conditions of Denis Barrett Auctions.


DOB: 03/10/2019 ID 372223042460226

Model cows like this are seldom seen and very rarely seen in sale catalogues… but here is your chance! Just take a minute to look and appreciate this girl! The world renowned Missies are stand out cows in every herd that has them and this girl is right up there with the best. Her dam is an outstanding cow, has an outstanding heifer calf and was full sister to stud bull Intelagri Matteo, who has been the most used Angus sire by AI in Ireland so far this year! If you’re wanting to breed a show winner or a future AI centre superstar this Missie is for you… Due february to Clara Swanky.

Hf El Tigre 28u

Gear Blue Moon N294

Gear Miss Bridesmaid

Te Mania Berkley B1

Intelagri Missie E.T.

Goulding K Missie 261



DOB: 06/01/2019 ID 372214806840987

The head, the presence, the power and the volume of this cow is remarkable. She has such milk that means her calves are always weaned one of the heaviest in their group! We were so pleased when Dave and Penny Evans of the great Tree bridge herd gave us the opportunity to purchase her mother the magnificent Jena S580, who has created a dynasty here at Goulding! Jena holds an exciting pregnancy to new stock bull, German import - Donaumoos Paule! Due 26th March approximately.


DOB: 10/04/2019 ID 372214806871030

The proven low birthweight sire stack is a typical example of what great cow families can do. Tofts Evergarth, Nightingale Ploughman, Nightingale Papa, Ayhno Rossitter Eric. It’s like a who’s who of the breeds maternal greats! Belinda is a correct balanced cow with an exceptional topline! All that and the perfect biddable temperament, always the first over to Rita for a cuddle and a scratch! Due approximately 16th of February to Clara Swanky.

Melview Gareth K053

Tofts Evergarth R409

Tofts Evergay L821

Nightingale Plowman g376

Goulding Belinda s821

G’ding Belinda m545



This sale is all about selling our favourites, and Jane U937 is certainly that. She has bred sons and daughters to over €5000 each at public auctions. This cow is pure visionary perfection, a maternal tank and she’s breeding consistent serious quality too! Due December 8th to Clara Swanky, it won’t be long till she’s making you money...

Te Mania Berkley B1

Oakchurch Dirk N131

Oakchurch Desiree L043

Abberton Eminem M285

Goulding Jane R682

Goulding Jane K425


DOB: 23/03/2017 ID 372214806820861

This is the kind of cow that is going to be sad to let go! Her dam lived to her 19th year and had 17 calves! This kind of lifespan comes from being productive and functional, earning her keep but also structural soundness and spectacular conformation, something she passed onto her daughter! Due October 20th to Swanky The Carcass King, exciting things are sure to come from this mating!

Te Mania Berkley B1

Oakchurch Dirk N131

Oakchurch Desiree l043

Cartonroe Ernie

Darima Princess c164

Turbridmore Princess



The Perry cow family is renowned for its remarkable femininity and strong maternal traits, and Perry 922 exemplifies this perfectly. Her style and grace, combined with a proven ability to consistently produce outstanding offspring, truly set her apart. She’s one of our top cows, and one of the top colostrum producers, the kind of cow you bottle the surplus for the freezer! Due approximately the 10th February to Clara Swanky!

Oackchurch Dirk n131

Oakchurch Desiree L043 Te Mania Berkley

Nightingale Proud Jake G405

Goulding K Perry 576

Nightingale E Perry 196


DOB: 20/03/2017 ID 372214806830854

Oakchurch Dirk has nailed it once again with Pamela 854! A moderate but maternal powerhouse of a cow, fertile and long living the Pamela’s are a productive and profitable kind of line here at Gouldings! Pamela is full of Aberdeen Angus breed character, a real gem of a cow! Full of stars she’s 5 star across the board! Due approximately 2nd February to Clara Swanky!

Te Mania Berkley B1

Oakchurch Dirk N131

Oakchruch Desiree l043

Abberton Eminem M285

Goulding L Pamela 620

Darima Pamela J372

beef € 137


DOB: 04/03/2018 ID 372214806890926

With one look, it’s clear that this cow exemplifies the power of strong genetics — both permanent and cumulative. She’s the complete package, boasting exceptional depth, thickness, and length, alongside unparalleled maternal traits. As one of the standout breeding cows in our herd, her impact has been immense and will be deeply missed. Bred to Clara Swanky and due around February 21st, her next calf promises to be an exciting addition.

Oakchurch Dirk N131
G’ding Elegant Princess Tonroe Udi
Darima Princess z090
Oakchurch Desiree L043
Te Mania Berkley B1


DOB: 30/03/2018 ID 372214806810935

The females from the Winnie’s are truly outstanding, The 2 winnies we sold at auction fetched €6000 and €4800, both doing a fantastic job in the Ballygannon herd. Winnies’ stand out for their smooth, balanced frames, mobility, and strong legs and feet. Their perfect udders and ideal teat size reflect a standard of conformation that ensures longevity, with many Winnie cows remaining productive and sound for 14 to 15 lactations. This exceptional durability makes the Winnies a valuable investment, giving you a real chance to build your own Winnie empire! Due approximately 12th of February to Clara Swanky.

Te Mania Berkley B1

Oakchurch Dirk N131

Oakchurch Desiree l043

Abberton Eminem

G’ding M Winnie 728

G’ing Pamwinnie m255



DOB: 15/02/2017 ID IE191198970830

We hold immense respect for this remarkable cow, a true matriarch who has significantly contributed to the success of the Princess family line. Following in the footsteps of her dam, the renowned ‘Elegant Princess’—an All Ireland Champion—this exceptional female continues to produce outstanding offspring destined to thrive both at home and in the show ring. Her consistent quality has set a high standard, making it a rare opportunity that we are offering her for sale. Due on February 8th to Clara Swanky, Princess promises to bring success to her new owners.

Oakchurch Dirk N131
G’ing Elegant Princess
Tonroe Udi
Darima Princess z090
Oakchurch Desiree L043
Te Mania Berkley


DOB: 24/03/2017 ID 372214806830862

She’s a gentle giant, full of grace and elegance—a perfect example of what the Jane cow family is all about. Her sons and daughters have done incredibly well, finding homes in top herds all over Ireland. One of her daughters even went on to start a new line at Drumhill after being picked up at our Opportunities sale! This family also produced the well-known Jumbo King, showing just how strong the Janes really are. Due approximately 25th February to Clara Swanky!

Oakchurch Dirk N131

Oakchurch Desiree l043

Nightingale Proud Jake

Goulding Jane M 248

Darima Jane K439

Te Mania Berkley B1 DAiry beef € 120



Call 999 in an emergency, but buy 999 because you can! She’s a long, clean-bodied cow with a feminine look and lots of style—everything you’d expect from the Perrys. She’s been a great breeder for us so far, giving us two daughters we’re really proud of. We’re especially excited about her upcoming mating with Donaumoos Lassy Boy; it should be a great match and we can’t wait to see what the calf looks like! Scanned safely incalf, due 8th May!


DOB: 07/04/2018 ID 372214806880941

This exceptional cow has consistently proven herself as a top-tier breeder. Her daughter, Philipa W128, sold for an impressive €5,200 to the Dowagh herd in our 2021 sale! While her son, Philip Y280, commanded €5,000, topping his days trade! At our 2021 Opportunities Sale, six of our Phillipa offering averaged over €5,000 each, demonstrating the consistent value and quality they bring to our breeding program. A line that produces both champion males and females is hard to come by and even harder to buy! She is due around November 29th to Clara Swanky.

Te Mania Berkley B1

Oakchurch Dirk N131

Oakchurch Desiree l043

Abberton Eminem M285

G’ding M Phillipa 705

G’ding H Phillipa 215


Pick of All Females on Farm

Choice of any female on farm, any age!

This is an opportunity we have never offered before, and may never offer again! Come to our herd and take the pick of absolutely any female in our herd, heifer or cow the choice is yours! No cow is off limits! This represents the chance to get the female line, sire stack and performance you choose. Generations of consistent breeding decisions have built a herd we are very pleased with, and which has earnt the title of Champion National Large Herd in both 2023 & again in 2024.

We attribute this to our sire selection over the last 30 years, where maternal ability, correctness and carcass quality have been key! Being a herd of our size allows rigorous culling for any flaws in temperament, maternal ability or correctness & structure. This leaves us a uniformed herd of cows which work for us, not us for them!

We look forward to working with the lucky buyer to find their next matriarch and female line!

15 Pick of the Bull Calves

Choice of the Autumn 2023 & Spring 2024 Born Goulding Bulls

Selling both pedigree and commercial Angus bulls has been the backbone of our family business since our herd began, therefore we take immense pride in the consistency and quality of our annual offering! Bulls from our herd regularly sell to top herds and AI centres across the UK & Ireland, due to their phenotype, figures and high health status. The majority of bulls are sold from home with a few taken forward for public sale on occasion where prices are regularly at the top of the day’s trade. The 2024 crop is looking to be one of the most successful bunches to date, the influence of Dirk, Eminem and Evergarth daughters is

huge. There is no doubt great cows breed great bulls! Swanky and Eveready have clicked superbly with our girls breeding a superb looking bunch of bulls with figures to match, which you can have the complete first pick from! We are happy to house and rear the selected bull until he reaches service age.

Sire Index

Sire to lot: 3 & 12

Sire to lot: 1

Sire to lot: 2

Sire to lots: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 13 Current Herd sire GrandSire to lots: 4, 7, 9 & 13

Abberton Eminem
Drumhill Eveready
Oakchurch Dirk
Blelack Duke J262
Gear Blue Moon
Tofts Evergarth

Clara Swanky Donaumoos Boys

Firstly Clara Swanky, AKA the ‘Carcass King’ he’s a muscle Machine, recently crowned best stockbull in the Munster Herd Competition. His progeny are truly outstanding, with incredible growth, muscle, correctness and locomotion, he’s one of the sires that has really defined our herd and will have an impact for years to come through his outstanding daughters.

Donaumoos Paule Y980

Our German boys, without a doubt the furthest we’ve gone to buy a bull, but they were well worth the trip! Donaumoos are doing some really exciting things, focussing on eating quality, carcass and maternal traits. These boys had figures, phenotypes and bloodlines that really resonated with us. We are using these boys heavily and with confidence, buying lot 2 or 12 gives you the first chance to get your hands on these new lads’ genes! Donaumoos

ALso Check out Our Hereford Sale...

We Don’t just breed the champions... We sell them!

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