Please read and observe the following:
• All litter and manure within the cages, crates or baskets must be contained until disposal. Any spillages outside the cage to be cleansed and disinfected immediately.
• All litter and manure must be disposed of in a manner which does not present a risk of spread of disease, eg in sealed bags for normal refuse collection in such a manner that other birds do not have direct access to it.
• All exhibitors/entrants must cleanse and disinfect the show cages, crates or baskets before the event and are advised that they should be cleansed and disinfected on return to the home premises and before they are used to hold any other bird.
• Welfare: Vendors and Purchasers should note that any weakly, unhealthy or injured stock will be refused entry by the Auctioneers. Enquiries should be directed through the market office to the Auctioneers’ Animal Health & Welfare Officer (Mr Andrew Templeton).
• All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.
• All persons delivering birds to the mart must park on the car park area and then proceed along the designated route.
• Owners and transporters delivering birds must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.
• Birds purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised ‘pass slip’ has been issued by the main office.
• No birds will be allowed to remain on the premises after the sale.
• Only staff, transporters, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload birds.
• Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.
• Please observe our staff's instructions at all times.
Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Stuart Graham, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
Entries will be accepted from 4pm - 6pm Friday 20th September from 7am onwards Saturday 21st September
All birds must be penned by 9.00am
Please Note Sale Order:
10.00am – RING 4:
Sale of Geese, Turkeys, Peafowl, Pheasants, Guinea Fowl, Quail, Large Ducks, Calls Ducks, Minature Ducks, Pigeons, Budgies and Crossbreds
10.30am – RING 5
Sale of Large Fowl, Bantams and True Bantams
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS
Tel: 01228 406230 or 01228 406200
E-mail: info@borderway.com Website: www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk
Prospective Purchasers must check the cages beforehand and satisfy themselves of the correctness of birds on display prior to any bidding.
H&H act as agents and are not therefore responsible for any discrepancies.
A System of “BUYERS NUMBERS” will operate at this Sale
Potential Buyers MUST REGISTER with the Auctioneer before the Sale commences
Please note that all lots must be settled on the day of purchase
Completion of a buyers slip is essential for parties who have not dealt with the company before
New customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the companys main office 48 hours prior to a sale
No Lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office
Please fold and detach along this perforation
ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED IN FULL ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE. Purchasers who do not have a live H&H trading account must complete the New account form via the QR link below.
On day of sale, to ease your payment process please complete the details below and hand to auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.
HOLDING NO.................................................................................. POST CODE..................................
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/terms/
The catalogue description is a guide only. Prospective purchasers must check all lots beforehand and satisfy themselves of the correctness of all lots on display prior to any bidding. H&H act as agents and are not therefore responsible for any discrepancies.
1. Neither the Auctioneers nor any of their Officers or Servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for any damage or loss caused by any accident through fire or any other cause whatsoever nor for any damage done or loss caused by any bird or its owner whilst on the Sale premises prior to, during, or after the event. Each Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss , injury or damage done to or occasioned by or arising from any bird exhibited by him and shall indemnify the Auctioneers against all legal or other proceedings in relation thereto.
2. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse entry or cancel any entry already accepted.
3. No substitutes will be accepted under any circumstances.
4. The Auctioneers reserve the right to reject any lot from the Sale which, in their opinion, does not conform to the required standards.
5. Method of Sale: Poultry: All Lots will be sold in pounds (£’s) and the bidding to be for the Pen. Upset Price of £8/pen will be adhered to.
Poultry: All Lots will be sold in Catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auctioneers. There will be a buyers premium charged at 5% (+VAT).
6. ‘Buyers Numbers’ will be used. Potential Purchasers are reminded to collect a number (in exchange for details of name and address) at the Auctioneer’s Desk, prior to bidding.
7. Reserve prices may be placed on any Lot. Such reserve MUST be delivered to the Auctioneer’s Office at Borderway Mart, in writing, before 9.30am on the day of Sale.
8. Settlement is due to the Auctioneers immediately at the close of Sale.
9. Vendor's Commissions: a commission of 10% (+VAT) on the sale prices realised. In the event of any lot failing to reach the reserve selling price fixed by the Vendor, half commission will be charged on the said price.
10. Payment – Card and Cash Payments are only acceptable. No cheque payment accepted.
11. This event is licensed and authorised by the appropriate local authority and by DEFRA, and will be organised and conducted strictly in accordance with the Regulations and special requirements of those bodies.
12. Clearance of Lots. All lots must be cleared from the Market by 6pm on the day of Sale. No lot will be delivered to any purchaser without the presentation of a special ‘Pass’ obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement, and no bid may be cleared except through the official Stewards. Vendors with unsold Lots should also obtain a Pass from the Auctioneers in order to remove.
13. Vendor Note: When Vendors wish to give further details of their stock for the benefit of potential Purchasers , they may write it on a card which can be displayed on the Sale Pen.
• All birds must be penned by 9.00am on Saturday 21st September.
• Poultry should be carried in suitable boxes, and potential purchasers are strongly advised to bring boxes with them. Birds must not be transported in sacks.
• Exhibitors must provide their own bowls and water containers.
• All birds entered are at the vendor’s own risk.
Important Notice: If you are a bird keeper 'any quality' you must register with APHA. Scottish Keepers by 1st September 2024 and English/Welsh Keepers by 1st October 2024.
Vendors are reminded that all stock must be watered and fed before the Sale.
All Vendors and Purchasers must transport birds in suitable containers to comply with Welfare Regulations. REMOVAL
Appenzellar (Large Fow)
Araucanas (Bantams)
Araucanas (Large Fowl)
Australops (Bantams)
Australops (Large Fowl)
Barnevelders (Bantam)
Barnevelders (Large Fowl)
Belgians (True Bantams)
Booted (True Bantams)
Brahma (Bantams)
Brahama (Large Fowl)
Call Ducks
Cheshire (Large Fowl)
Cochins (Large Fowl)
Dutch (True Bantams)
Faverolles (Large Fowl)
Friesians (Large Fowl)
Game (Bantams)
Game (Large Fowl)
Guinea Fowl
Hamburghs (Bantams)
Hamburgh (Large Fowl)
Houdans (Large Fowl)
Japanese Quail
Jersey Giants (Large Fowl)
Legbars (Large Fowl)
Leghorns (Bantams)
Leghorns (Large Fowl)
Langshan (Bantam)
Large Ducks
Marans (Bantams)
Marans (Large Fowl)
Miniature Ducks
Minorcas (Large Fowl)
New Hampshire Red (Large Fowl)
Orpingtons (Large Fowl)
Pekins (True Bantams)
Phoenix (Bantam)
Poland (Bantams)
Ring 5
Lots 1540-1541
Ring 5 Lots 1843-1844
Ring 5 Lots 1542-1549
Ring 5 Lots 1845-1848
Ring 5 Lots 1508-1510
Ring 5 Lot 1787
Ring 5 Lots 1511-1513
Ring 5 Lots 1782-1784
Ring 5 Lots 1785-1786
Ring 5 Lots 1866-1869
Ring 5 Lots 1514-1539
Ring 4 Lots 1379-1386
Ring 4 Lots 1124-1359
Ring 5 Lot 1504
Ring 5 Lots 1505-1507
Ring 4 Lots 1387-1485
Ring 5 Lot 1781
Ring 5 Lots 1499-1503
Ring 5 Lot 1498
Ring 5 Lots 1870-1877
Ring 5 Lots 1687-1688
Ring 4 Lots 1001-1025
Ring 4 Lots 1099-1112
Ring 5 Lots 1863-1865
Ring 5 Lots 1486-1488
Ring 5 Lots 1489-1490
Ring 4 Lots 1113-1117
Ring 5 Lots 1491-1497
Ring 5 Lots 1689-1715
Ring 5 Lots 1790-1798
Ring 5 Lots 1716-1743
Ring 5 Lots 1788-1789
Ring 4 Lots 1118-1223
Ring 5 Lots 1799-1801
Ring 5 Lots 1658-1648
Ring 4 Lots 1360-1375
Ring 5 Lot 1655
Ring 5 Lots 1685-1686
Ring 5 Lots 1550-1569
Ring 4 Lots 1081-1086
Ring 5 Lots 1747-1780
Ring 4 Lots 1087-1098
Ring 4 Lots 1376-1378
Ring 5 Lot 1802
Ring 5 Lots 1878-1881
Poland (Large Fowl)
Rhode Island Red (Bantams)
Rhode Island Red (Large Fowl)
Scots Dumpy (Bantam)
Scots Dumpy (Large Fowl)
Sebrights (True Bantams)
Serama (Bantam)
Seramas (True Bantams)
Silkies (Bantam)
Silkies (Large Fowl)
Sussex (Bantams)
Sussex Large Fowl)
Swedish Flour
Vorwerk (Large Fowl)
Welsummers (Bantams)
Welsummers (Large Fowl)
Wyandottes (Bantams)
Wyandottes (Large Fowl)
Ring 5
Lots 1656-1657
Ring 5 Lots 1882-1885
Ring 5 Lots 1602-1611
Ring 5 Lot 1842
Ring 5 Lot 1598-1599
Ring 5 Lot 1745-1746
Ring 5 Lot 1803
Ring 5 Lot 1744
Ring 5 Lots 1819-1841
Ring 5 Lots 1594-1597
Ring 5 Lots 1804-1818
Ring 5 Lots 1570-1593
Ring 5 Lots 1600-1601
Ring 4 Lots 1026-1080
Ring 5 Lots 1612-1616
Ring 5 Lots 1861-1862
Ring 5 Lots 1617-1638
Ring 5 Lots 1849-1860
Ring 5 Lots 1639-1654
Lots 1001 to 1485
1001 Grey Chinese Goose
1002 6 Chinese White Goslings
1003 Pair Red Breasted Geese
1004 Pair Pomeranian Geese T
1005 2 Female Embden Geese T
1006 Pair Emperors (Pinioned)
Coxhead 1007 Pair Barnacles (Pinioned)
Coxhead 1008 Pair Grey Toulouse
Chinese Geese
Curly Breasted Buff Sebastapol Goose
Smooth Breasted Buff Sebastapol Goose
Pair Dewlap Toulouse Geese
2 Embden Goslings
Trio Bronze Turkeys
Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1037 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1040 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1041 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1042 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1043 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1044 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1045 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1046 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1047 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1048 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1049 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1050 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1051 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1052 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1054 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1055 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1056 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1057 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1058 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1060 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1061 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1062 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1063
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1067 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1068 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1069 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1070 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1073 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1074
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1075
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1078
Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1079 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan 1080 Trio Bronze Turkeys J McGowan
1081 1 White Peacock 2022 Hatched S Anderson 1082 Pair Indian Blue Peafowl T Buck 1083 Indian Blue Pea Hen T Buck 1084 Gold Spangled Peafowl and Chicks J Finlay
1085 Black Shoulder Peafowl 10 weeks J Finlay
1086 Pair Open White Eyed Peafowl J R Gardner
Trio White Pheasants
Trio White Pheasants
Trio White Pheasants
Lavender/White Guinea Fowl 2023
Lavender/White Guinea Fowl 2023
1454 4 Black Rock Hens J Mitchell 1455 4 ISA Brown Hens J Mitchell 1456 4 ISA Brown Hens J Mitchell 1457 4 ISA Brown Hens J Mitchell 1458 4 Lohmann Brown Pullets POL J Mitchell 1459 4 Lohmann Brown Pullets POL J Mitchell 1460 4 Lohmann Brown Pullets POL J Mitchell 1461 3 Legbar Cross Pullets F & M McMillan 1462 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1463 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1464 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1465 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1466 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1467 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1468 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1469 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1470 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1471 Trio Muirfield Black Rocks J McGowan 1472 3 Brown Hyline Hens S Page 1473 3 Brown Hyline Hens S Page 1474 7 Cuckoo Maran x Copper Black Maran Pullets J Richardson 1475 3 Hybrid Hens J P Twentyman 1476 2 Hybrid Hens J P Twentyman 1477 3 Maran x Legbar Pullets 2024 B Walker 1478 4 Silkie Cross Pullets B Walker 1479 2 RIR Cross Pullets B Walker 1480 3 Marans x Legbar Pullets D Watters 1481 2 Silkie Cross Hens M Wheeler 1482 2 Silkie Cross Hens M Wheeler 1483 3 Meat Birds M Wright 1484 3 Meat Birds M Wright 1485 3 Meat Birds M Wright
RING 5 - 10.30am Lots 1486-1885
1486 Pair Silver Hamburgh T Buck 1487 2 Silver Spangled Hamburgh Hens K Dunbar 1488 Pair Silver Spangled Hamburgh K Dunbar
1489 3 Houdan Pullets J R Gardner 1490 5 Gauloise Pullets J R Gardner
1529 Trio Brahmas S King 1530 Trio Brahmas S King 1531 Trio Brahmas S King 1532 Trio Brahmas S King 1533 Trio Brahmas S King 1534 1 Braham Hen J Mitchell 1535 Pair Blue Buff Columbian Brahmas J Sim 1536 Trio Splash Brahmas 2024 B Walker 1537 Pair Blue Splash Brahmas 2024 B Walker 1538 2 Blue Partridge Brahma Pullets B Walker 1539 Pair Dark Brahmas C Watson APPENZELLAR
1540 3 Black Appenzellar Pullets J R Gardner 1541 3 Gold Spangled Appenzellar J R Gardner ARAUCANA
1542 Trio Lavender Araucans
1543 3 Lavender Araucana Pullets T
1544 2 White Araucana Pullets T
1545 Araucana Chicks as hatched J Finlay 1546 Araucana Lavender Chicks 2024 hatched J Finlay 1547 2 Lavendar Araucana Pullets F James 1548 2 Lavendar Araucana Pullets F James 1549 2 Black Araucana Pullets B Walker ORPINGTONS 1550 Pair Buff Orpingtons S
1551 2 Buff Orpington Hens S
1552 1 Female Buff Orpington
1553 2 Buff Orpington Females
1554 2 Orpington Pullets T
1555 2 Orpington Pullets T Buck 1556 Pair Black Orpingtons H Coxhead 1557 Pair Blue Orpingtons H Coxhead 1558 Pair Buff Orpingtons H Coxhead 1559 2 Blue Orpington Pullets H Coxhead 1560 Pair Buff Orpingtons L Fuller 1561 Trio Buff Orpingtons S Mackley 1562 Pair Chocolate Orpington S Kay 1563 Trio Gold Laced Orpington S Kay 1564 Trio Lavender Cuckoo Orpington S Kay 1565 Trio Lavender Cuckoo Orpington S Kay 1566 Buff Orpington Pullet J Mitchell 1567 Pair Blue & Black Orpingtons J Mitchell 1568 Chocolate Orpington Hen J Mitchell 1569 Trio Buff Orpingtons C Watson
1617 Trio Welsummers (18 wks old)
1618 Trio Welsummers (18 wks old)
Beattie 1619 Trio Welsummers (18 wks old)
(18 wks old)
1633 2 Silver Duckwing Welsummers Pullets
WYANDOTTES 1639 Pair Silver Pencilled Wyandottes 2024
1642 2 Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets
1643 2 Wyandotte Pullets
1644 2 Wyandotte Pullets
1645 2 Wyandotte Pullets
1646 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullet
1647 Trio Blue Partridge Wyandottes 2024
Wyandotte Pullets
1654 Trio Wyandottes
1782 Trio Belgian D’Anvers R W Murray 1783 Pair Black Mottled Barbu d’Uuccle M Simpson 1784 Pair Lavender D’Anvers M Simpson BOOTED 1785 Trio Booted R I Uden 1786 Trio Booted R I Uden
1787 Trio Barnevelders S Mackley LANGSHAN 1788 Trio German Langshan I Fosker 1789 Trio German Langshan I Fosker LEGHORNS
Cuckoo Marans
1856 3 Blue Laced Wyandotte Bantam Hens
1857 2 Blue Laced Wyandotte Bantam Hens
1858 Trio Black Wyandottes R Wilson 1859 Trio Black Wyandottes R Wilson 1860 Trio Silver Pencilled Wyandottes R Wilson WELSUMMERS
1861 2 Welsummer Females T Soper 1862 Pair Silver Duckwing Welsummers G Seedall HAMBURGHS
1863 Trio Black Hamburghs J Eggins 1864 Trio Silver Spangled Hamburghs J Eggins
1865 Trio White Hamburghs A Hamilton BRAHMAS
1866 Trio Dark Brahmas
Blockley 1867 3 Dark Brahma Pullets
1868 2 Female Brahma
Brice 1869 2 Female Brahma
1870 Trio Indian Game 2024
Comish 1871 Trio Indian Game 2024
Comish 1872 4 Indian Game Pullets 2024
Comish 1873 Pair Oxford Game
L M Livestock 1874 Pair Modern Game Silver Duckwing A Mackenzie 1875 Trio White Modern Game P & J Stubbs 1876 Pair Polecat Bantams P
1877 Pair Polecat Bantams P
1878 Pair White Crested Polands
Blockley 1879 Trio White Crested Polish
Brice 1880 Pair Polish
Pair Polish
1882 Trio Rhode Island Reds D Brewer 1883 2 Rhode Island Red Bantam Hens K Dunbar 1884 Trio Rhode Island Reds T Soper 1885 2 Rhode Island Red Females