Ryelands 310824

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Catalogue of the 13th Official Northern

Breed Sale

Held under the auspices of the Ryeland

Flock Book Society Ltd

Borderway Mart, Carlisle, Cumbria

Holding Number: 08/067/8019

Saturday 31st August 2024

All sheep must be penned by Show at 10am . Sale at 12 Midday

Ryelands: 64 Females 29 Males

Coloured Ryelands: 36 Females 31 Males

Society Officials

President: Mr JR Morgan

Vice-President: Mr J Reed

President Elect: Mr S Ramsden

Chairman: Mrs C Bateman

Acting Vice Chair: Mrs J Gray

Administrator: TC & AJ Tyne

Address: Tyn y Mynydd Farm, Boduan, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 8PZ

Telephone: 01758 721739

Email: admin@ryelandfbs.com Web: www.ryelandfbs.com


Harrison & Hetherington


Ryelands - Aled Morgan

Coloured Ryelands - Stephen Hipps

Veterinary Inspector: Frame & Swift Vets, Penrith

Stewards: including Dot Tyne

Andrew Owen

Philip Holmes

Chloe Holmes

Sara Holmes

Appeals Panel: Caz Bateman

Jill Gray

Regulations for Sales held under the Auspices of RFBS Ltd

1. The sale will be as per the order of sale page.

2. All animals must be earmarked in accordance with the Society’s regulations. Each animal presented for sale must be paint marked with the appropriate lot number before it is presented for inspection.

3. Any error of description in the catalogue will be notified and announced by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale.

4. Rams must be supplied with a halter by the vendor.

5. Vendors must provide food for their sheep. An initial supply of bedding is provided.

6. Breeders are responsible for the registration of all entries in the Society’s Flock Book. There will be no refund of the registration if the animal is unsold and subsequently butchered.

7. Vendors should notify reserve prices to the Auctioneers prior to the commencement of the sale. Animals for which no notification has been given will be presumed for sale without reserve. The upset price for ram lambs and shearling rams is £100. It is the responsibility of the vendor to set a reserve price if they wish to ensure that their animals are sold for breeding purposes.

8. Certificates of Pedigree for all sheep shall be available for collection from the Auctioneers at the end of the sale.

9. Vendors shall ensure that each entry is adequately prepared for sale.

10. All animals entered or exposed for sale must be the bona fide property of the vendor at the time of entry to the sale and be free of liens, charges, and incumbents.

11. No sheep are to be penned before they are inspected by an inspector and a vet, both appointed by the Council - they have the authority of the Council to reject unhealthy or sub-standard sheep. Vendors of sheep rejected by the inspectors have the right of appeal to the Show Appeals Committee, except in the case of rejections by the veterinary inspector on grounds of illness or infection. Appeals may only be lodged via the administrator and the vendor of the animal is not permitted to be present during any inspection carried out by the Committee. The decision of the Show Appeals Committee is final. Rejected sheep cannot be offered for sale. They will be identified with a red tag around the neck and must be removed from the sale pens. Any relevant feedback will be provided by the administrator or the officiating vet.

12. Each animal forward at the sale must be offered for sale by auction before any private sale shall be permitted or recognised by the Auctioneers.

13. All animals must be forward on the day of sale if at all possible.

14. All members presenting sheep for sale must have adequate public liability insurance.

15. A commission of 5% will be charged by the auctioneers on all sales.

16. Male animals born in the current year are exempt from the Ram Warranty offered by the LAA.

Additional Guidelines re Substitutions:

i) Substitutions are strictly only allowed to replace animals that have been taken ill, are injured, or have died.

ii) The Administrator must be notified as soon as possible. The pedigree certificate of the substitute must be forwarded to the office if time allows, or handed to the Administrator on the morning of the sale.

iii) The breeder can self certify ill health of the sheep or provide photographic evidence of the animal’s injury but the Society retains the right to insist on a veterinary certificate where deemed appropriate.

iv) In the event of the death of an animal, the breeder must provide a copy of the certificate of disposal or other appropriate evidence to the Administrator as soon as is practicably possible.

v) A sheep may be substituted for an original entry provided that any substitution is a sheep in the same class.

vi) The substitute must be clearly marked with a yellow dot at the base of the neck, at least one inch in diameter.

vii) The substitute’s pen must be clearly marked and include details of the animal’s dam, sire, grand dam and grand sire clearly available for potential purchasers to see.

viii) The Auctioneers must be informed of the change so that a clear announcement can be made when the substitute animal enters the sale ring.

It is the Vendor’s responsibility to ensure that all ear tag numbers are correct and agree with the printed catalogue and RFBS registration details. The use of marker pens on ear tags is prohibited

Additional Information: BIO-SECURITY.

Intending purchasers are requested to have livestock vehicles cleansed and disinfected and have waterproofs and wellington boots when coming into contact with livestock.


Market Holding Number: - 08/067/8019

• Intending Purchasers should have their CPH number ready to supply the Auctioneers, so that the correct movement licence may be issued before departure from the market.

• Vendors and purchasers must comply with current DEFRA regulations for Animal Movements in force at the time of the Sale.

• All movement licences must be submitted to McCartneys office once sheep have been unloaded.

• No sheep will be allowed to depart from the market without a licence from the auctioneers office.


Refreshments will be available from the market café.


Important Information for Vendors

must be penned

by 9.00am on the day of sale.

Sheep must arrive at the market between 5 - 7pm on the evening prior to the sale or between 6.30 and 8.30am on the morning of the Sale. Stock will not be allowed into the market outside of these times

Sheep will undergo a two stage inspection: An initial check by an RFBS inspector will confirm the correctness of paint marks and ear tags as specified under RFBS rules. If this is passed, animals will be subject to an inspection by a qualified veterinary surgeon.

Vendors are expected to check their entries for fitness for sale before leaving home. RFBS requires vendors to make every effort to maintain the standard of sheep offered for sale.

• All animals must be clearly paint marked with their lot number before arrival at the market.

• In endorsing your sheep for sale, the RFBS must be confident that they are fit for purpose and correctly marked. Please make every effort to ensure that this is the case.

• Entries must be correctly tagged or tattooed in accordance with DEFRA and RFBS regulations. Ear tag numbers (both pedigree and EID) MUST match the details listed in the catalogue and on the animal’s pedigree certificate.

• Animals must be fit for the purpose of breeding i.e. Their teeth are correctly positioned, Rams have 2 evenly sized testicles, females have an udder free from lumps and that all sheep are free from disease and in a good bodily condition.

• It’s the responsibility of the vendor to supply any additional information on the pens of individual entries.

• The length of the tail must comply with the current DEFRA animal welfare regulations

• Entries that are not correctly identified and/or not clearly marked with their Lot numbers will not be admitted to the market.

• Any animals that are rejected by the inspectors or the officiating vet will be identified with reg flag tags around the neck and will be removed from the sale pens. Vendors are asked to note that it may not be possible to pen these animals under cover.

• Vendors are asked to make every effort to arrive as early as possible. Stewards will be in the market to assist you 5-7.30pm Friday and from 6am on the day of sale.

• Vendors who wish to place reserves on lots offered for sale must lodge them with the auctioneers office before the auction begins.

• It is the responsibility of vendors to ensure that they have adequate public liability insurance.

• Vendors are advised to bring spare bedding for the pens. An initial supply of straw will be provided by the market.

• Vendors will be able to remain in the pens with their sheep during viewing by potential purchasers and will also be permitted to accompany their sheep into the ring at the time of sale.

Conditions of Sale.

Vendors and Purchasers are reminded that McCartneys have advised the Society that all stock is sold in accordance with The Livestock Auctioneers’ Association Ltd conditions of sale for all sales of livestock at all livestock auction markets and every Vendor, bidder and Purchaser shall be deemed to have full knowledge of these Conditions and by taking part in the sale agrees to be bound by them. Vendors and Purchasers are advised therefore to familiarise themselves with the conditions as recommended for use by The Livestock Auctioneers’ Association Ltd (Revised August 2017). Please note that the Ryeland Flock Book Society provides no warranty, and none shall be implied, as to title, description, or the quality of any Lot. The Ryeland Flock Book Society shall not be liable to the Purchaser in any respect for any defect of title, error of description or imperfection or for any announcement or statement concerning any Lot offered for sale whether made orally or in writing (whether in a sale catalogue, order of sale, advertisement for the sale or otherwise) and whether given before, during or after the sale, nor shall the Ryeland Flock Book Society Ltd incur any liability in relation to any dispute between a Vendor and Purchaser. For the avoidance of doubt please be advised that the Ryeland Flock Book Society shall not become involved in any dispute between a vendor and purchaser.

The Ryeland Flock Book Society draws Vendor and Purchasers attention particularly to the following extracts from The Livestock Auctioneers’ Association Ltd conditions of sale for all sales of livestock at all livestock auction markets:


Ram Fertility

• Vendors must warrant that any ram sold as a stock ram is capable of natural service. This is a 10 week warranty.

• Where there is doubt over a ram’s fertility, purchasers should contact the auctioneers in the first instance.

• If a purchaser can prove a breach of warranty, the purchaser may return the ram to the vendor who shall, at the purchaser’s option, either replace the ram with another ram of equal value which is capable of natural service, or refund the purchase price together with such other costs and charges as the purchaser may be entitled to.

• For the avoidance of doubt, if the purchaser is able to obtain a viable semen sample from the ram for use by artificial insemination he shall not be entitled to any claim against the vendor for breach of warranty.

• Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s certificate confirming that the ram’s inability, incapacity or ineffectiveness is not the result of injury, illness or accident occurring after the time of the sale and the purchaser’s breeding stock are not responsible for the ram’s inability, incapacity or ineffectiveness.

Animal Health Guidance for Vendors

Management of suspected cases

• Any animal or group of animals suspected of exhibiting signs of illness, infection or infectious disease to be rejected/quarantined pending veterinary inspection by the named veterinary officers. The veterinary officer’s opinion is final and conclusive.

• If infectious disease is suspected then the whole batch to be quarantined pending veterinary surgeon inspection.

• Two options for quarantine: i) move to isolation pens in mart which are located away from all stock and people traffic to prevent potential spread of infection. Ideally this should be outside the airspace where sale animals are penned (location of these pens to be agreed with mart). ii) Return sheep into livestock trailer they arrived in until veterinary inspection.

• If on hand, veterinary officer to inspect sheep immediately whilst in the steward’s enclosure.

• If such sheep arrived in mart in shared livestock trailer then ALL sheep in that trailer to be quarantined.

• The Veterinary Officer(s) is authorised to refuse permission for any such sheep or batches to be admitted into, or to have removed from the sale. The owner of such animal(s) may obtain a certificate from RFBS stating the nature of the disease or infection.

• Evidence of an attempt to conceal disease will result in disqualification from show and RFBS disciplinary action.

• Any costs relating to materials, drugs used to treat animals is responsibility of owner/ agent.

Steward Biosecurity

• Mart to make available suitable DEFRA approved disinfectant for personal cleansing and disinfection and, where necessary, wash floor of inspection area.

• Stewards should wear wellingtons and waterproof over trousers.

• Disposable gloves to be made available for use by stewards and other personnel when handling suspect sheep.

• A suitable disinfectant hand wash for stewards and personnel.

• Paper towels to dry hands.

Some of signs that might raise suspicion of infection, illness or infectious disease:

• Animals shouldn’t be allowed in if they show signs of any fluid or other discharges eg eyes, nose, mouth, diarrhoea, vulval discharge, mastitis (swollen udder, uneven quarters) , discharging skin wound, open wounds, infected cuts.

• Skin conditions – wool loss with lesions, scratching, rubbing, crusts, abscess, discharging lesions (wounds etc), growths. Example conditions : Sheep scab, ringworm (zoonosis but uncommon in sheep), Orf (zoonosis), CLA (contagious lymphadenitis) which is contagious skin infection, skin/lymph node abscess of sheep, lice, active fly strike, other parasites (eg ticks).

• Lameness – Scald, footrot, CODD (contagious ovine digital dermatitis). In practice DO NOT allow lame sheep into show and sale.

• Pneumonia – coughing, abnormal breathing (not to be confused with travelling in hot trailer).

• Eyes – cloudy eyes, redness, discharge, pain, not opening eye(s).

• Any local further actions will be on the basis of veterinary advice eg sheep scab where suspicion contact with stock of other vendors.

• Of course, responsible owners will be vigilant in inspecting their sheep thoroughly prior to travel to show and sale.

Genetic Testing Results : Disclaimer

White fleeced Ryeland sheep have the ability to produce coloured fleeced Ryeland sheep due to the expression of a recessive coloured gene. Not all white fleeced Ryelands carry the recessive coloured gene. When they don’t, they are referred to as homozygous (WW) and cannot produce coloured fleeced lambs. White fleeced Ryeland sheep that carry the coloured recessive coloured gene are known as heterozygous (WH) and can sometimes produce coloured fleeced lambs if mated with another heterozygous Ryeland. The Society offers members a genetic testing service, carried out by Cardiff University, to test white fleeced Ryeland sheep to determine if they have the genetic ability to produce coloured fleeced lambs. Vendors that are submitting animals for sale and that have been previously tested are permitted to publish the result obtained at their discretion in this catalogue as homozygous (WW) or heterozygous (WH). Please note that where genetic testing results are included, that those results are an indication only and no form of guarantee or warranty is offered by the Vendor, Auctioneer, Ryeland Flock Book Society or Cardiff University for the accuracy of the result.

Schedule for the Ryeland Flock Book Society Ltd Carlisle Sale 2024

Saturday 31st August 2024- Borderway Mart, Carlisle.

Schedule of Classes RYELANDS

Judge: Aled Morgan

CLASS 1 Ryeland Breeding Ewe

CLASS 2 Ryeland Shearling Ewe

CLASS 3 Ryeland Ewe Lamb

Sp 1: Ryeland Female Champion - trophy awarded to the best exhibit in classes 1-3

CLASS 4 Ryeland Aged Ram

CLASS 5 Ryeland Shearling Ram

CLASS 6 Ryeland Ram Lamb

Sp 2: Ryeland Male Champion - trophy awarded to the best exhibit in classes 4-6

CLASS 7: Ryeland Wool on the Hoof


Judge: Stephen Hipps

CLASS 8 Coloured Ryeland Breeding Ewe

CLASS 9 Coloured Ryeland Shearling Ewe

CLASS 10 Coloured Ryeland Ewe Lamb

Sp 3: Coloured Ryeland Female Champion - trophy awarded to the best exhibit in classes 8-10

CLASS 11 Coloured Ryeland Aged Ram

CLASS 12 Coloured Ryeland Shearling Ram

CLASS 13 Coloured Ryeland Ram Lamb

Sp 4: Coloured Ryeland Male Champion - trophy awarded to the best exhibit in classes 11-13

CLASS 14: Coloured Ryeland Wool on the Hoof

It is the Vendor’s responsibility to ensure that all ear tag numbers are correct and agree with the printed catalogue and RFBS registration details.

List of Vendors

Lot Nos.

Archer Simon [Archer] Stone Stile, Catton, Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 9QH (1910,1911,1912,1913,1914,1970,1971)

Atkinson-Shaw Katie and Mark [Coxwold] East Wildon, Coxwold Road, Carlton Husthwaite, Thirsk, Yorks, YO7 2BU (2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2029,2036,2037,2049)

Briggs & Michael Whitehurst Steve [Lodgeway] Manor Farm, Nobut Road, Leigh, Stoke On Trent, Staffs, ST10 4QG (1929,1930,1931,1932,1933)

Briggs & Michael Whitehurst Steve [Nobut Manor] Manor Farm, Nobut Road, Leigh, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST10 4QG (1996,1997,1998,1999,2015,2016,2017)

Brownrigg Caitlin [Street Head] The Croft, Street Head Farm, Hesket, Newmarket, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8JZ (1934,1935,1936,1956,1967,1968,1969,1975,1986)

Burns Katie, Robert & Tom [Spallander] Glenside Farm, Kirkmichael, Maybole, South Ayrshire, KA19 7JZ (1954,1955,1991,1992)

Cartner & Messrs MacDonald Valerie [Carmac] Ladyhousesteads, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire, DG14 0XN (2034,2039)

Davies Mr Ellis S [Winllan] Arosfa, Llansantffraid, Powys, SY22 6AU (1989,1990,2050)

Deakins Mr Jack [Orchard Heights] Selbourne, Oldfield, Ombersley, Worcs, WR9 0JQ (2035,2038)

Ellis Julie & Charlotte [Ronscliffe] Pashley Green Farm, North Lane, Cawthorne, Barnsley, Yorks, S75 4AQ (1907,1908,1909)

Ellis Rachel and Julie [Eclipse] Pashley Green Farm, North Lane, Cawthorne, Barnsley, S Yorks, S75 4AQ (1994,2030)

Farley Mr Andrew [Farley] 12 Fenton Place, Plains, Airdire, Lanarkshire, ML6 7ED (1941,1942,1953,1984,1985)

Fergusson Glen & Jeanette [Airdmhoire] Airdmhoire House, Kirkmahoe, Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway, DG1 1QZ (1973,1974)

Glover T & G [Night Star] The Laurels, Kilburn Road, Coxwold, York, YO61 4AF (2042,2043)

Griffiths Miss LM [Starlight Sewell] Sewell Houses, Southwaite, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 0EP (2009,2025,2026,2027)

Harrington Ted, Kate, Kitty & Richard [Teejay] Birds Hill Farm, Raugton, Dalston, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 7AQ (1965,1966,1978,1979)

Harrington Ted & Kitty [Rosa] Sprunson Farm, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 7AP (2032,2033)

Henderson E & J [Landriggs] Landriggs House, East Netherton, Milnathort, Kinross, KY13 0SB


Hipps Stephen [Hardgate] Hardgate Farm, Bishop Thornton, North Yorkshire, HG3 3JS (1987,1988)

Holmes Family [Tranwell] Tranwell Farm, Westfield, Tranwell, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 6AF (2000,2001,2002)

Hunter Blair Mr A [Carsfad] 30 Creemills Walk , Newton Stewart, Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway, DG8 6TD (1901,1902,1957,1958,1959,1977)

Kinver Marlene [Jardine] 8 Sellah Close, Allendale, Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 9BB (1918,1919,1920,1921,1922,1923,1943,1944,1945,1946,1947,1948)

McCaig Caitlin Mary [Caigies] Nether Cleugh Annexe, St Johns Town of Dalry, Castle Douglas, Dumdries & Gallloway, DG7 3UA (2040)

Mitchell Mr David [Wellhill] Wellhill Steadings, New Cumnock, East Ayrshire, KA18 1QD (1937,1938,1939,1940)

Mitchell Miss Carla [Grassknop] Grassknop Farm, Skelton, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9TP (1924,1925,1926,1927,1928,1949,1950,1951,1952,1982,1983,1995,2014,2048)

Newman Mr & Mrs C [Croftholme] Croft Holme, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland, NE47 6NE (1976)

Newman Mrs H [Croft Holme] Croft House, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland, NE47 6NE (2010,2011,2012,2013,2041)

Pink A, G & M [Ebor] 24 Millfield Lane, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6HR (1963)

Pink A&G [Minster] 24 Millfield Lane, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6HR (2024,2051)

Redmayne Emma & Thomas [Red Sewell] Old Byre Barn, Southwaite, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 0EP (1960,1961,1962,2028)

Smyth Mr C [Barony] Urrall, Kirkcowan, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, DG8 0EN (2018,2019,2020,2021,2044,2045)

Stainton Mr Douglas [Ochiltree] Burnbrae Stables, Burnbrae Road, Chryston, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, G69 9HR (1972,1980,1981)

Williams Justine [Redburrow] Red Burrow Farm, Packington, Ashby De La Zouch, LE65 1UD (1903,1904,1905,1906)

Williams Justine [Red Hill] Red Burrow Farm, Packington, Ashby de Lal Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65 1UD (1993)

Wilson Ella [Wastwater] 2 Highfield Close, Seascale, Cumbria, CA20 1HF (2031,2046,2047)

Order of Sale

Ryeland Shearling Ewe

Mr A Hunter Blair (Carsfad)

LOT 1901 Carsfad F47317 (UK0582837 01943) 01490/E01943 SINGLE 10 Mar 2023

Sire: Pembroke Apollo (M14823)Dam Spallander (F45468)

LOT 1902 Carsfad F47318 (UK0582837 01944) 01490/D01944 TWIN 14 Apr 2023

Sire: Pembroke Apollo (M14823)Dam Carsfad (F41666)

Justine Williams (Redburrow)

LOT 1903 Redburrow F48308 (UK0200100 00532) 01825/D02 TWIN 08 Feb 2023

Sire: Cagedale Yeoman (M14121) Dam Redburrow (F39007)

LOT 1904 Redburrow F48749 (UK0200100 00552) 01825/D22 TWIN 06 Mar 2023

Sire: Cagedale Yeoman (M14121) Dam Redburrow (F43420)

LOT 1905 Redburrow F48315 (UK0200100 00553) 01825/D23 TWIN 23 Feb 2023

Sire: Cagedale Yeoman (M14121) Dam Redburrow (F45539)

LOT 1906 Redburrow F48748 (UK0200100 00554) 01825/D24 TWIN 22 Feb 2023

Sire: Cagedale Yeoman (M14121) Dam Redburrow (F45538)

Julie & Charlotte Ellis (Ronscliffe)

LOT 1907 Ronscliffe Daredevil F48256 (UK0120098 00261) 01945/D00261 TWIN 03 Feb 2023

Sire: Street Head Zayn (M14214) Dam Graceful (F44425)

LOT 1908 Ronscliffe Deadpool F48258 (UK0120098 00268) 01945/D00268 TWIN 12 Feb 2023

Sire: Street Head Zayn (M14214) Dam Graceful (F44426)

LOT 1909 Ronscliffe Dazzler F47237 (UK0120098 00248) 01945/D00248 SINGLE 20 Jan 2023

Sire: Red Sewell Archie (M14555) Dam Hawthorns (F44570)

Simon Archer (Archer)

LOT 1910 Archer Dakota F48324 (UK0106967 08617) 01849/D08617 TWIN 26 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Ebor (F44485)

LOT 1911 Archer Delilah F48322 (UK0106967 08611) 01849/D08611 TWIN 23 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Archer Beverley (F45598)

LOT 1912 Archer Diana F48323 (UK0106967 08615) 01849/D08615 SINGLE 23 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Archer Betsey (F45599)

LOT 1913 Archer Delaney F48325 (UK0106967 08623) 01849/D08623 TWIN 28 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Archer (F41181)

LOT 1914 Archer Divina F48321 (UK0106967 08620) 01849/D08620 TWIN 19 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Archer (F41180)

E & J Henderson (Landriggs)

LOT 1915 Landriggs F47443 (UK0546569 00391) 01694/D31 TWIN 11 Feb 2023

Sire: Dolwen Buccaneer (M14874) Dam Landriggs (F38537)

LOT 1916 Landriggs F48852 (UK0546569 00365) 01694/D5 TWIN 24 Jan 2023

Sire: Dolwen Buccaneer (M14874) Dam Landriggs (F42640)

LOT 1917 Landriggs F48853 (UK0546569 00372) 01694/D12 TWIN 26 Jan 2023

Sire: Dolwen Buccaneer (M14874) Dam Landriggs (F46261)

Marlene Kinver (Jardine)

LOT 1918 Jardine F48854 (UK0440405 00417) 01975/D00417 SINGLE 24 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Babbity Bowsterr (M15230) Dam Jardine (F45908)

LOT 1919 Jardine F48865 (UK0440405 00387) 01975/D00387 TWIN 19 Apr 2023

Sire: Orchard House Will (M13302) Dam Jardine (F44870)

LOT 1920 Jardine F48864 (UK0440405 00390) 01975/D00390 SINGLE 21 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Babbity Bowsterr (M15230) Dam Jardine (F45929)

LOT 1921 Jardine F48855 (UK0440405 00403) 01975/D00403 SINGLE 25 Apr 2023

Sire: Orchard House Will (M13302) Dam Jardine (F43105)

LOT 1922 Jardine F48856 (UK0440405 00408) 01975/D00408 TWIN 25 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Bairn (M15232) Dam Jardine (F41456)

LOT 1923 Jardine F48857 (UK0440405 00397) 01975/D00397 TWIN 23 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Babbity Bowster (M15230) Dam Jardine (F42347)

Miss Carla Mitchell (Grassknop)

LOT 1924 Grassknop Daisy F47147 (UK0102500 09824) 01939/D09824 SINGLE 29

Jan 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Grassknop (F39888)

LOT 1925 Grassknop Dora F47149 (UK0102500 09825) 01939/D09825 TWIN 31

Jan 2023

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42818)

LOT 1926 Grassknop Darla F47151 (UK0102500 09831) 01939/D09831 TWIN 13

Feb 2023

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42819)

LOT 1927 Grassknop Dinky F47152 (UK0102500 09833) 01939/D09833 TWIN 14 Feb 2023

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42817)

LOT 1928 Grassknop Destiny F47154 (UK0102500 09834) 01939/D09834 TWIN 16 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Grassknop (F41678)

Steve Briggs & Michael Whitehurst (Lodgeway)

LOT 1929 Lodgeway Dawn Run F47060 (UK0169947 00180) 01604/D180 SINGLE 10 Feb 2023

Sire: Lodgeway Benefactor (M14778) Dam Redburrow (F35693)

LOT 1930 Lodgeway Dixie F47059 (UK0169947 00149) 01604/D149 TRIPLET 10 Feb 2023

Sire: Lodgeway Benefactor (M14778) Dam Reynards (F40736)

LOT 1931 Lodgeway Denise F47209 (UK0169947 00161) 01604/D161 TWIN 14 Feb 2023

Sire: Cagedale Bollinger (M15259) Dam Redburrow (F41295)

LOT 1932 Lodgeway Diaz F47208 (UK0169947 00162) 01604/D162 TWIN 14 Feb 2023

Sire: Cagedale Bollinger (M15259) Dam Redburrow (F41295)

LOT 1933 Lodgeway Daphne F48485 (UK0169947 00146) 01604/D146 TWIN 10 Feb 2023

Sire: Cagedale Bollinger (M15259) Dam Birchdale (F44986)

Caitlin Brownrigg (Street Head)

LOT 1934 Street Head F48825 (UK0116802 01572) 01961/D21 TWIN 03 Mar 2023

Sire: Grassknop Captain (M15087) Dam Dardenburn (F38829)

LOT 1935 Street Head F48734 (UK0116802 01556) 01961/D5 SINGLE 11 Mar 2023

Sire: Grassknop Captain (M15087) Dam Street Head Bea (F46254)

LOT 1936 Street Head F48733 (UK0116802 01562) 01961/D11 TRIPLET 20 Feb 2023

Sire: Dolwen Valour (M12843) Dam Dardenburn (F38828)

Mr David Mitchell (Wellhill)

LOT 1937 Wellhill F47294 (UK0586263 00372) 01895/D12 TRIPLET 23 Jan 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Zac (M14142) Dam Wellhill (F38794)

LOT 1938 Wellhill F47304 (UK0586263 00376) 01895/D16 TWIN 06 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Zac (M14142) Dam Wellhill (F40007)

LOT 1939 Wellhill F47293 (UK0586263 00389) 01895/D29 TWIN 23 Jan 2023

Sire: Pembroke Bullet (M14824) Dam Wellhill (F41829)

LOT 1940 Wellhill F47307 (UK0586263 00393) 01895/D33 TWIN 15 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Zac (M14142) Dam Wellhill (F42889)

Mr Andrew Farley (Farley)

LOT 1941 Farley Debbie-do-anything F48165 (UK0562915 00033) 02241/D00033 TWIN 09 Apr 2023

Sire: Broomwell Zephyr II (M14098) Dam Farley (F41645)

LOT 1942 Farley Duchess F48167 (UK0562915 00045) 02241/D00045 SINGLE 15 Apr 2023

Sire: Broomwell Zephyr II (M14098) Dam Garwald (F40222)

Marlene Kinver (Jardine)

LOT 1943 Jardine F48858 (UK0440405 00411) 01975/D00411 TWIN 21 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Babbity Bowsterr (M15230) Dam Jardine (F45927)

LOT 1944 Jardine F48859 (UK0440405 00394) 01975/D00394 SINGLE 23 Apr 2023

Sire: Orchard House Will (M13302) Dam Jardine (F43106)

LOT 1945 Jardine F48860 (UK0440405 00400) 01975/D00400 TWIN 24 Apr 2023

Sire: Orchard House Will (M13302) Dam Jardine (F42344)

LOT 1946 Jardine F48861 (UK0440405 00384) 01975/D00384 TWIN 19 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Bairn (M15232) Dam Jardine (F42346)

LOT 1947 Jardine F48862 (UK0440405 00406) 01975/D00406 TWIN 17 Apr 2023

Sire: Wellside Babbity Bowsterr (M15230) Dam Jardine (F43107)

LOT 1948 Jardine F48863 (UK0440405 00395) 01975/D00395 TWIN 23 Apr 2023

Sire: Orchard House Will (M13302) Dam Jardine (F44614)

Miss Carla Mitchell (Grassknop)

LOT 1949 Grassknop Dakota F47153 (UK0102500 09835) 01939/D09835 TWIN 16 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Grassknop (F41678)

LOT 1950 Grassknop Demi F47155 (UK0102500 09836) 01939/D09836 SINGLE 17 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Grassknop (F41677)

LOT 1951 Grassknop Danna F47157 (UK0102500 09839) 01939/D09839 TWIN 02 Mar 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Grassknop (F41679)

LOT 1952 Grassknop Dixie F47158 (UK0102500 09840) 01939/D09840 TWIN 02 Mar 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Grassknop (F41679)

Ryeland Breeding Ewe

Mr Andrew Farley (Farley)

LOT 1953 Farley F43862 (UK0565897 00047) 02241/A00047 TWIN 14 Apr 2020

Sire: Ebor Xplorer (M13458) Dam Keirhead (F38780)

Ryeland Ewe Lamb

Katie, Robert & Tom Burns (Spallander)

LOT 1954 Spallander Evie F48814 (UK0586971 05255) 02294/E2 TWIN 09 Feb 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Spallander Cora (F46018)

LOT 1955 Spallander Emily F48815 (UK0586971 05256) 02294/E3 SINGLE 13 Feb 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Spallander (F43340)

Caitlin Brownrigg (Street Head)

LOT 1956 Street Head F48735 (UK0116802 01583) 01961/E2 SINGLE 08 Feb 2024

Sire: Grassknop Captain (M15087) Dam Street Head (F41594)

Mr A Hunter Blair (Carsfad)

LOT 1957 Carsfad F48866 (UK0582837 02113) 01490/E02113 TWIN 16 Mar 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Carsfad (F45520)

LOT 1958 Carsfad F48867 (UK0582837 02122) 01490/E02122 TWIN 09 Mar 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Jardine (F45912)

LOT 1959 Carsfad F48868 (UK0582837 02116) 01490/E02116 TWIN 22 Mar 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Carsfad (F45519)

Emma & Thomas Redmayne (Red Sewell)

LOT 1960 Red Sewell F48420 (UK0119673 00325) 01905/E325 TWIN 03 Jan 2024

Sire: Hawthorns Zen (M14426) Dam Red Sewell (F40962)

LOT 1961 Red Sewell F48421 (UK0119673 00331) 01905/E331 TWIN 03 Jan 2024

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Birchdale (F44984)

LOT 1962 Red Sewell F48423 (UK0119673 00332) 01905/E332 SINGLE 03 Jan 2024

Sire: Huntsmoor Xanto (M13580) Dam Red Sewell (F44589)

A, G & M Pink (Ebor)

LOT 1963 Ebor F48869 (UK0121561 00792) 01336/E792 SINGLE 04 Jan 2024

Sire: Hawthorns Valyrian (M12971) Dam Melbourne (F38387)

Ryeland Shearling Ram

E & J Henderson (Landriggs)

LOT 1964 Landriggs Dalwhinnie M15368 (UK0546569 00386) 01694/D26 SINGLE 13 Feb 2023

Sire: Landriggs Wild Thing (M13308) Dam Uppertown (F41381)

Ted, Kate, Kitty & Richard Harrington (Teejay)

LOT 1965 Teejay Del Boy M15728 (UK0117630 00111) 02024/D111 TWIN 22 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Bob (M15043) Dam Teejay Alana (F46376)

LOT 1966 Teejay Deman M15729 (UK0117630 00116) 02024/D116 SINGLE 25 Feb 2023

Sire: Bryn Caffo Bob (M15043) Dam Teejay Bella (F45946)

Caitlin Brownrigg (Street Head)

LOT 1967 Street Head Dynamo M15610 (UK0116802 01567) 01961/D16 TWIN 01 Mar 2023

Sire: Dolwen Valour (M12843) Dam Street Head (F35746)

LOT 1968 Street Head Danny Boy M15611 (UK0116802 01569) 01961/D18 SINGLE 05 Mar 2023

Sire: Grassknop Captain (M15087) Dam Street Head (F44031)

LOT 1969 Street Head Disco M15609 (UK0116802 01571) 01961/D20 SINGLE 26 Feb 2023

Sire: Grassknop Captain (M15087) Dam Street Head (F37428)

Simon Archer (Archer)

LOT 1970 Archer Dracula M15601 (UK0106967 08625) 01849/D08625 TWIN 26 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Ebor (F44485)

LOT 1971 Archer Doublediamond M15600 (UK0106967 08613) 01849/D08613 TWIN 23 Mar 2023

Sire: Teejay Bond (M15161) Dam Red Sewell (F43101)

Mr Douglas Stainton (Ochiltree)

LOT 1972 Ochiltree Dinky M15665 (UK0565661 00027) 02080/D2 SINGLE 11 Feb 2023

Sire: Ochiltree Ya Dancer (M13978) Dam Mansel (F43840)

Glen & Jeanette Fergusson (Airdmhoire)

LOT 1973 Airdmhoire Duke M15673 (UK0588012 00032) 002525/D32 SINGLE 06 Mar 2023

Sire: Jardine Young Murray (M14355) Dam Airdmhoire Anna (F46378)

LOT 1974 Airdmhoire Dix M15674 (UK0588012 00033) 002525/D33 SINGLE 12 Mar 2023

Sire: Jardine Young Murray (M14355) Dam Airdmhoire Ama (F46382)

Ryeland Breeding Ram

Caitlin Brownrigg (Street Head)

LOT 1975 Street Head Connor M15418 (UK0116802 01530) 01961/C24 TWIN 16 Feb 2022

Sire: Bryn Caffo Zedric (M14181) Dam Street Head (F44029)

Ryeland Ram Lamb

Mr & Mrs C Newman (Croftholme)

LOT 1976 Croftholme Echo M15732 (UK0110245 00225) 00768/E00225 TWIN 12

Mar 2024

Sire: Red Sewell Dougie (M15580) Dam Croftholme (F43826)

Mr A Hunter Blair (Carsfad)

LOT 1977 Carsfad El Paso M15735 (UK0582837 02115) 01490/E02115 TWIN 22 Mar 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Carsfad (F45519)

Ted, Kate, Kitty & Richard Harrington (Teejay)

LOT 1978 Teejay Einstein M15730 (UK0117630 00134) 02024/E134 SINGLE 26 Jan 2024

Sire: Bryn Caffo Bob (M15043) Dam Teejay Alana (F46376)

LOT 1979 Teejay Ernie M15731 (UK0117630 00135) 02024/E135 SINGLE 28 Jan 2024

Sire: Bryn Caffo Bob (M15043) Dam Teejay Bella (F45946)

Mr Douglas Stainton (Ochiltree)

LOT 1980 Ochiltree Ed M15726 (UK0565661 0031) 02080/E2 TWIN 20 Jan 2024

Sire: Ochiltree Ya Dancer (M13978) Dam Ryeside (F46228)

LOT 1981 Ochiltree Elmo M15727 (UK0565661 00030) 02080/E1 TWIN 20 Jan 2024

Sire: Ochiltree Ya Dancer (M13978) Dam Ryeside (F46228)

Miss Carla Mitchell (Grassknop)

LOT 1982 Grassknop Ethan M15721 (UK0102500 10768) 01961/E10768 TWIN 15 Feb 2024

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42818)

LOT 1983 Grassknop Evan M15722 (UK0102500 10766) 01961/E10766 SINGLE 18 Feb 2024

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42824)

Mr Andrew Farley (Farley)

LOT 1984 Farley Elton M15690 (UK0562915 00048) 02241/E00048 TWIN 18 Apr 2024

Sire: Broomwell Zephyr II (M14098) Dam Grassknop (F44397)

LOT 1985 Farley Eddie-the-eagle M15691 (UK0562915 00051) 02241/E00051 TWIN 22 Apr 2024

Sire: Broomwell Zephyr II (M14098) Dam Garwald (F40222)

Caitlin Brownrigg (Street Head)

LOT 1986 Street Head Extra M15683 (UK0116802 01595) 01961/E14 TWIN 19 Feb 2024

Sire: Bryn Caffo Zedric (M14181) Dam Street Head (F41588)

Stephen Hipps (Hardgate)

LOT 1987 Hardgate Ethan M15734 (UK0128801 00093) 00493/E2 TRIPLET 22 Feb 2024

Sire: Cagedale Brimham Hall (M15260) Dam Hardgate (F42630)

LOT 1988 Hardgate Edward M15733 (UK0128801 00092) 00493/E1 TRIPLET 22 Feb 2024

Sire: Cagedale Brimham Hall (M15260) Dam Hardgate (F42630)

Mr Ellis S Davies (Winllan)

LOT 1989 Winllan Excalibur M15724 (UK0700364 00918) 01806/E918 TWIN 28 Feb 2024

Sire: Hawthorns Dynamite (M15405) Dam Winllan (F47629)

LOT 1990 Winllan Elite M15725 (UK0700364 00914) 01806/E914 TWIN 28 Feb 2024

Sire: Hawthorns Dynamite (M15405) Dam Winllan (F45960)

Katie, Robert & Tom Burns (Spallander)

LOT 1991 Spallander Einstein M15713 (UK0586971 05254) 02294/E1 TWIN 09 Feb 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Spallander Cora (F46018)

LOT 1992 Spallander Eddie M15715 (UK0586971 05259) 02294/E6 TWIN 29 Feb 2024

Sire: Ruslin Captain II (M15121) Dam Jacksmere (F38679)

Coloured Ryeland Shearling Ewe

Justine Williams (Red Hill)

LOT 1993 Red Hill FC16143 (UK0200100 00572) 1081C/D02 SINGLE 11 Feb 2023

Sire: Little Cleaves Capability Brown (MC3131) Dam Red Hill (FC13023)

Rachel and Julie Ellis (Eclipse)

LOT 1994 Ronscliffe Dusk SF1477 (UK0120098 00237) S01945/D00237 TWIN 27 Jan 2023

Sire: Street Head Zayn (M14214) Dam Crosswell (F40325)

Breeder: Julie & Charlotte Ellis

Miss Carla Mitchell (Grassknop)

LOT 1995 Grassknop Damson SF1385 (UK0102500 09844) S01939/D09844 TWIN 13 Feb 2023

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F44398)

Steve Briggs & Michael Whitehurst (Nobut Manor)

LOT 1996 Nobut Manor Davina FC14442 (UK0169947 00136) 987C/D136 TRIPLET 09 Feb 2023

Sire: Stardust Zoom (MC2025) Dam Barony (FC8093)

LOT 1997 Nobut Manor Delores FC14448 (UK0169947 00182) 987C/D182 SINGLE 24 Feb 2023

Sire: Stardust Zoom (MC2025) Dam Glen Cairn (FC11690)

LOT 1998 Nobut Manor Deze FC14445 (UK0169947 00163) 987C/D163 TWIN 14 Feb 2023

Sire: Nobut Manor Bodyguard (MC2943) Dam Nobut Manor (FC11096)

LOT 1999 Nobut Manor Destiny FC14450 (UK0169947 00197) 987C/D197 TRIPLET 28 Feb 2023

Sire: Malt Kiln Zebedee (MC1980) Dam Stapleford (FC10115)

Holmes Family (Tranwell)

LOT 2000 Tranwell Dee FC16807 (UK0106731 00532) 371C/D532 TWIN 08 Jan 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brightside (MC2915) Dam Tranwell (FC4426)

LOT 2001 Tranwell Dawn FC16808 (UK0106731 00537) 371C/D537 TWIN 12 Feb 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Benjamin (MC2911) Dam Tranwell (FC5253)

LOT 2002 Tranwell Dusk FC16809 (UK0106731 00536) 371C/D536 TWIN 12 Feb 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Benjamin (MC2911) Dam Tranwell (FC5253)

Katie and Mark Atkinson-Shaw (Coxwold)

LOT 2003 Coxwold FC15386 (UK0123498 00100) 924C/D00100 TWIN 02 Feb 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brigadier (MC2910) Dam Coxwold (FC11807)

LOT 2004 Coxwold FC15382 (UK0123498 00091) 924C/D00091 TWIN 21 Jan 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brigadier (MC2910) Dam Coxwold (FC10495)

LOT 2005 Coxwold FC15380 (UK0123498 00092) 924C/D00092 TWIN 21 Jan 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brigadier (MC2910) Dam Coxwold (FC10495)

LOT 2006 Coxwold FC15393 (UK0123498 00114) 924C/D00114 TWIN 11 Feb 2023

Sire: Sproxton Zodiac (SM0295) Dam Sowerby (FC7061)

LOT 2007 Coxwold FC15383 (UK0123498 00085) 924C/D00085 TRIPLET 22 Jan 2023

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brigadier (MC2910) Dam Colourful (FC8408)

E & J Henderson (Landriggs)

LOT 2008 Landriggs SF1523 (UK0546569 00398) S01694/D3 TWIN 23 Jan 2023

Sire: Dolwen Buccaneer (M14874) Dam Landriggs (F42641)

Miss LM Griffiths (Starlight Sewell)

LOT 2009 Starlight Sewell FC16041 (UK0102225 00288) 673C/D00288 SINGLE 10 Jan 2023

Sire: Coxwold Angus (MC2555) Dam Red Sewell (SF0848)

Mrs H Newman (Croft Holme)

LOT 2010 Croft Holme FC15666 (UK0110245 00211) 140C/D00211 TWIN 31 Mar 2023

Sire: Snelson Bear Hug (MC2652) Dam Croftholme (SF1239)

LOT 2011 Croft Holme FC15667 (UK0110245 00212) 140C/D00212 SINGLE 06 Apr 2023

Sire: Snelson Bear Hug (MC2652) Dam Croftholme (SF1240)

LOT 2012 Croft Holme FC15658 (UK0110245 00213) 140C/D00213 TRIPLET 14 Apr 2023

Sire: Snelson Bear Hug (MC2652) Dam Croft Holme (FC8415)

LOT 2013 Croft Holme FC15659 (UK0110245 00214) 140C/D00214 TRIPLET 14 Apr 2023

Sire: Snelson Bear Hug (MC2652) Dam Croft Holme (FC8415)

Coloured Ryeland Breeding Ewe

Miss Carla Mitchell (Grassknop)

LOT 2014 Grassknop SF1275 (UK0102500 09450) S01939/C022 TWIN 01 Mar 2022

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42823)

Steve Briggs & Michael Whitehurst (Nobut Manor)

LOT 2015 Nobut Manor FC13991 (UK0169947 00129) 987C/C129 TRIPLET 16 Mar 2022

Sire: Malt Kiln Zebedee (MC1980) Dam Stapleford (FC10115)

LOT 2016 Nobut Manor FC13993 (UK016994700131) 987C/C131 TWIN 24 Mar 2022

Sire: Birchdale Albert (SM0408) Dam Stardust (FC9668)

LOT 2017 Nobut Manor FC13990 (UK0169947 00128) 987C/C128 TRIPLET 16 Mar 2022

Sire: Malt Kiln Zebedee (MC1980) Dam Stapleford (FC10115)

Coloured Ryeland Ewe Lamb

Mr C Smyth (Barony)

LOT 2018 Barony Ebony FC16372 (UK0584609 00462) 189C/E1 TRIPLET 01 Mar 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Ciao Bello (MC3263) Dam Orchard (FC12549)

LOT 2019 Barony Eleri FC16373 (UK0584609 00463) 189C/E2 TRIPLET 01 Mar 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Ciao Bello (MC3263) Dam Orchard (FC12549)

LOT 2020 Barony Emerald FC16374 (UK0584609 00464) 189C/E3 QUAD 08 Mar 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Ciao Bello (MC3263) Dam Barony (FC9552)

LOT 2021 Barony Ember FC16375 (UK0584609 00465) 189C/E4 QUAD 08 Mar 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Ciao Bello (MC3263) Dam Barony (FC9552)

E & J Henderson (Landriggs)

LOT 2022 Landriggs SF1518 (UK0546569 00463) S01694/E38 SINGLE 12 Feb 2024

Sire: Grassknop Conker (M15088) Dam Landriggs (F47433)

LOT 2023 Landriggs SF1517 (UK0546569 00462) S01694/E37 SINGLE 05 Feb 2024

Sire: Grassknop Conker (M15088) Dam Landriggs (F39664)

A&G Pink (Minster)

LOT 2024 Minster FC17166 (UK0121561 00813) 202C/E618 SINGLE 06 Jan 2024

Sire: Dumblehole Alexander (MC2372) Dam Ebor (SF1159)

Miss LM Griffiths (Starlight Sewell)

LOT 2025 Starlight Sewell FC16406 (UK0102225 00341) 673C/E00341 TWIN 20 Jan 2024

Sire: Coxwold Angus (MC2555) Dam Flo's (FC12174)

LOT 2026 Starlight Sewell FC16407 (UK0102225 00342) 673C/E00342 TWIN 20 Jan 2024

Sire: Coxwold Angus (MC2555) Dam Starlight Sewell Colette (FC14355)

LOT 2027 Starlight Sewell FC16408 (UK0102225 00348) 673C/E00348 TWIN 25 Jan 2024

Sire: Coxwold Angus (MC2555) Dam Starlight Sewell Bertha (FC14084)

Emma & Thomas Redmayne (Red Sewell)

LOT 2028 Red Sewell SF1520 (UK0119673 00389) S01905/E00389 TWIN 04 Jan 2024

Sire: Bryn Caffo Xburt (M13765) Dam Red Sewell (F43091)

Katie and Mark Atkinson-Shaw (Coxwold)

LOT 2029 Coxwold Etta James FC16712 (UK0123498 00128) 924C/E00128 TWIN 20 Jan 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brigadier (MC2910) Dam Colourful (FC8408)

Coloured Ryeland Shearling Ram

Rachel and Julie Ellis (Eclipse)

LOT 2030 Eclipse Diablo MC3472 (UK0120098 00277) 713C/D00277 SINGLE 31 Jan 2023

Sire: Eclipse Zodiac (MC2153) Dam Holtby (FC5982)

Ella Wilson (Wastwater)

LOT 2031 Wastwater Dino MC3504 (UK0119961 00005) 1089C/D00005 SINGLE 06 Mar 2023

Sire: Brenchard Vuc (MC1159) Dam Barnfold (FC12396)

Ted & Kitty Harrington (Rosa)

LOT 2032 Rosa Dizzy Rascal MC3531 (UK0117630 00125) 990C/D125 TWIN 05 Feb 2023

Sire: Greenlea Xanti (MC1566) Dam Rosa (FC13913)

LOT 2033 Rosa Denzel MC3532 (UK0117630 00127) 990C/D127 TWIN 06 Feb 2023

Sire: Greenlea Xanti (MC1566) Dam Rosa Baa Bra (FC13231)

Valerie Cartner & Messrs MacDonald (Carmac)

LOT 2034 Carmac Dozer MC3652 (UK0581918 00753) 828C/D28 SINGLE 01 Feb 2023

Sire: Brimmond Buttons (MC2921) Dam Carmac (FC10681)

Mr Jack Deakins (Orchard Heights)

LOT 2035 Orchard Heights Dafydd MC3503 (UK0317352 00149) 681C/D149 TWIN 22 Jan 2023

Sire: Damson Brae Braveheart (MC2700) Dam Moat (FC4353)

Katie and Mark Atkinson-Shaw (Coxwold)

LOT 2036 Coxwold D'artagnan MC3708 (UK0123498 00107) 924C/D00107 TWIN 09 Feb 2023

Sire: Sproxton Zodiac (SM0295) Dam Wells Cross (FC7592)

LOT 2037 Coxwold Dwayne MC4003 (UK0123498 00097) 924C/D00097 TRIPLET 23 Jan 2023

Sire: Sproxton Zodiac (SM0295) Dam Normanby (FC7607)

Coloured Ryeland Breeding Ram

Mr Jack Deakins (Orchard Heights)

LOT 2038 Widgits Bravo SM0450 (UK0755194 00607) S01654/B607 TWIN 15 Feb 2021

Sire: Cagedale Yeoman (M14121) Dam Hilton (F39699)

Breeder: Rachael Price

Valerie Cartner & Messrs MacDonald (Carmac)

LOT 2039 Carmac Cooper MC3145 (UK0581918 00727) 828C/C19 SINGLE 12 Mar 2022

Sire: Pleasance Zebedee (MC1935) Dam Carmac (FC8411)

Coloured Ryeland Ram Lamb

Caitlin Mary McCaig (Caigies)

LOT 2040 Caigies Ernie MC4005 (UK0582837 02093) 1216C/E02093 TRIPLET 08

Mar 2024

Sire: Barony Atlas (MC2287) Dam Carsfad (SF1263)

Mrs H Newman (Croft Holme)

LOT 2041 Croft Holme Expresso MC3999 (UK0110245 00217) 140C/E00217 TRIPLET 10 Mar 2024

Sire: Snelson Bear Hug (MC2652) Dam Croftholme (SF1240)

T & G Glover (Night Star)

LOT 2042 Night Star Explorer MC3901 (UK0137690 00184) 313C/E184 TWIN 03 Jan 2024

Sire: Gracewood Xplorer (SM0245) Dam Sproxton (SF1114)

LOT 2043 Night Star Eric MC3984 (UK0137690 00187) 313C/E187 TWIN 05 Jan 2024

Sire: Gracewood Xplorer (SM0245) Dam Sproxton Confetti (SF1274)

Mr C Smyth (Barony)

LOT 2044 Barony Ebenezer MC3847 (UK0584609 00468) 189C/E7 TRIPLET 01 Mar 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Ciao Bello (MC3263) Dam Orchard (FC12549)

LOT 2045 Barony Eagle MC3849 (UK0584609 00469) 189C/E8 TWIN 06 Mar 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Ciao Bello (MC3263) Dam Barony (FC8094)

Ella Wilson (Wastwater)

LOT 2046 Wastwater Elmo MC3988 (UK0119961 00173) 1089C/E00173 SINGLE 19 Jan 2024

Sire: Greenlea Buzz Lightyear (MC3322)Dam Saltcoats (FC11870)

LOT 2047 Wastwater Engleburt MC3989 (UK0119961 00181) 1089C/E00181 SINGLE 21 Jan 2024

Sire: Greenlea Buzz Lightyear (MC3322)Dam Wastwater Chocolate (FC12918)

Miss Carla Mitchell (Grassknop)

LOT 2048 Grassknop Eric SM0526 (UK0102500 09452) S01961/E09452 TRIPLET 14 Feb 2024

Sire: Teejay Arnold (M14542) Dam Grassknop (F42817)

Katie and Mark Atkinson-Shaw (Coxwold)

LOT 2049 Coxwold Elmer Fudd MC4004 (UK0123498 00126) 924C/E00126 TWIN 19 Jan 2024

Sire: Ryeside Coloured Brigadier (MC2910) Dam Coxwold (FC11807)

Mr Ellis S Davies (Winllan)

LOT 2050 Winllan Express SM0527 (UK0700364 00926) S01806/E926 TWIN 28 Feb 2024

Sire: Hawthorns Dynamite (M15405) Dam Winllan (F45960)

A&G Pink (Minster)

LOT 2051 Minster Endeavour MC4002 (UK0121561 00812) 202C/E812 SINGLE 02 Jan 2024

Sire: Dumblehole Alexander (MC2372) Dam Ronscliffe (SF1189)

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