Niner Times: January 9, 2018

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Hunter Heilman EDITORIAL


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Aaron Febre

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Last second shot leads to 70-68 Niner win

Judy Rose announces retirement

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JAN. 09, 2018




Levine Scholars advocate for a Charlotte where human trafficking doesn’t exist By Alexandria Sands Photos courtesy of Erin Coggins and Syndey Welch

Imagine a girl. goes to Present Age Ministries, a Charlotte Her name is AnnMarie and she’s 13. She’s in organization that works directly with teen girls eighth grade, she has a best friend and her favorite who are victims of sex trafficking. subject is math. The shirts she sells are named after girls: She’s dating her first boyfriend. He tells her she’s AnnMarie, Kayiah and Emma, the name of beautiful. He comes to see her Coggin’s sister. every day at the bus stop. She “We named them girl thinks she’s in love, regardless of names so that way people the age difference. He’s 35. can start to understand He says he’s short on money that we’re talking about this month. He needs a favor a person. A real, living, but she’s hesitant. He tells breathing person who has her it’s a one-time thing. She to live day in and day out believes him and agrees. with the trauma and the Then, it happened. Then, horrors that have happened again and again. Within a to them,” Coggins said. month, she is forced to serve 15The shirts are just one 20 men a night. Within a year, way Coggins is spreading this man has made $200,000 awareness of human selling AnnMarie to strangers trafficking. Junior Sydney for sex. Welch and Coggins launched She is just one of 100,000 the “Not in my City Project” prostituted children in the U.S. in August. Their mission is to North Carolina is ranked in educate college students on the the top fifteen states for human severity of human trafficking. trafficking and Charlotte ranks “If we can reach college as the number one city in North students now, then in two years, Carolina. in five years, in 10 years, we’ve When Senior Erin Coggins reached doctors and teachers SENIOR heard that, she needed to act. and businesswomen and “Something struck inside businessmen… and they can all ERIN COGGINS of me. Something broke,” said advocate for freedom where they Coggins. “I can’t be here in are,” Coggins said. Charlotte and know that this As Levine Scholars, Coggins happens in my backyard and not and Welch are required to intern do something about it.” with a non-profit organization She started doodling, cursive writing that read the summer after sophomore year. Both women “not in my city” and outlines of her hometown’s interned and are now mentors at Present Age skyline. The sketches went straight from Ministries, the place that inspired them to focus Coggin’s journal onto T-shirts. She has raised on human trafficking for their civic engagement over two thousand dollars for human trafficking project. The university provides Levine Scholars survivors through selling the shirts. The money $8,000 in funding to complete their projects, which


UNC Charlotte student models the Emma T-shirt.

Coggins and Welch put toward a web designer for At the start of Coggins’ internship, the organization was looking for a way to engage college students and Coggins’ wasn’t sure how to make it happen. “Two years later, that’s what we’re actually doing which is really cool to see all of that come full circle,” Coggins said. Coggins and Welch are using their experience from Present Age Ministries to recruit and train other college students to spread awareness. The volunteers host awareness events where they meet student organizations on campus. They discuss what human trafficking is and squash false connotations. Each human trafficking case is different, but often they start online. Perpetrators use the internet to establish trust with children, usually


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girls ages 12 to 14, and begin meeting them in person. This is called the “grooming process.” Then, the perpetrators ask them for “favors” to earn money. Eventually, the child is prostituted several times a night. Perpetrators use physiological manipulation, fake romance and violence to control the victims. “The pimp is not a random thug off the side of the street. He’s a businessman. He knows what he’s doing,” Welch said. After entering the sex trade, the average age for victims to live is seven years. This can be due to violence, suicide, drug overdoses or other causes. Only two percent of victims are ever rescued. Most victims are taught to avoid law enforcement and never ask for help. When victims are rescued, it costs an average of $14,000 a year to provide them the services needs, not including housing. “We believe that these girls matter. In order to prove that to them, you provide them services regardless of what she comes in with,” Coggins said. Human trafficking is prominent in Charlotte because of large

entertainment hubs such as the Time Warner Cable Arena, the convention center and Bank of America Stadium that attract prostitution. Charlotte also provides easy access to highways such as I-85 and I-77. Coggins and Welch hope students at other universities will reproduce this project on their own campus. They’re also training underclassmen to continue the project after they graduate. “We really do want it to be for college students by college students,” Coggins said. Coggins, a social work major, hopes to work one-on-one with survivors after graduation. Welch, an accounting major, is applying for law schools. If you believe you have information about a potential trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888373-7888. All reports are confidential and you may remain anonymous.


Cameron Boulevard, driver of vehicle one stated that vehicle two attempted to pass on the left and struck her bus. Driver of vehicle two stated that vehicle one came into her lane of travel, so she moved to the left and stopped to allow the bus to pass and the bus struck her vehicle. No injuries were reported.


Hunt Hall, unknown person(s) removed a $100 bill from a desk that was left unsecured in a secured area.

DEC. 14 •

Wallis Hall, unknown person(s) removed victim’s clothing from the laundry.


Belk Hall, officers responded to a fire alarm and discovered several ceiling tiles had been damaged and a fire extinguisher had been discharged in the hallway. Several non-students and one resident student claimed responsibility for the damage and the alarm. Officers found numerous open containers of alcohol in the room. Officers issued four state citations, two campus appearance tickets and three trespass orders.

For more information on Mecklenburg County arrests, visit

Project co-founders Erin Coggins and Sydney Welch (front) pose with T-shirts models.


JAN. 09, 2018


IVANKA TRUMP IS NOT FOR THE PEOPLE The First Daughter’s relatable demeanor doesn’t make her any less complicit with the out-of-touch Trump Administation By Emily Hickey


Before her father’s historical takeover of the White House, Ivanka Trump President’s daughter, I argue that she is wasting her platform. She claims she was known somewhat as a beauty icon. The kind of beauty icon that attracts tries to stay out of politics but inserts herself into business that first-daughher father’s praise in March of 2006 when he infamously - and creepily – statters aren’t necessarily supposed to be in. Trump even tweeted: “She’s a great ed that: “…if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” This is person – always pushing me to do the right thing!” For someone who tries to how Ivanka was known to the world: as Donald Trump’s beautiful daughter that even he would date. Despite this, Ivanka made a name for herself through stay out of politics, especially an Advisor to the President, it is hard to believe she hasn’t taken a passenger seat next to the conductor of Capitol Hill. modeling and in her father’s business. Nepotism was not an issue in regards When Ivanka has spoken out, it has been flooded with faux-feminism. to business, so it is no surprise the same treatment was offered when Donald Finally, a woman who is hardworking and driven – of course, with help from Trump took office, regardless if she is working for free or not. Now an Advisor her billionaire father – has the ability to lift women up and commend them. to the President, Ivanka is climbing the political ladder one ring at a time. During the Presidential election process, Ivanka had only a minor role in her Her favorite saying is “Women Who Work”, yet fails to protect the women in underdeveloped countries who used to work for her in terrible conditions, like father’s campaign. However, her involvement in Trump’s administration has 18 hour work days and abusive management. She hasn’t expanded the child not gone unnoticed. Her lingering presence in everything her father does has tax credit, despite being a mother gained an immense amount of media of three, and was again tight-lipped attention as the American people try when it came to her father supportto figure out whether this reflects ing a bill that impeded the access positively on her White House influof birth control for women. While ence or negatively on the President’s she may have the ability to decide capabilities. Important meetings that to have three children to experiwere once for the President have ence the joys of motherhood with no seen Ivanka in the press room alonghindrance, not everyone does. Not side him. The first-daughter even only that, but one would think her seems to be surpassing the first-ladetermination to get women workdy’s role in press and volunteerism, ing would result in prioritizing equal and thanks to Michael Wolff’s new pay for all genders, but that doesn’t book “Fire and Fury: Inside the seem too important either. Trump White House,” it’s apparent While I can praise Ivanka’s deterher hard work is going towards the mination to use her father’s failures bigger goal: replacing her own father. for her own gain and to potentially As of the first week of the new take his job, I don’t want her to. She year, Ivanka Trump and husband has limitations in the things she Jared Kushner’s “Clinton-style” can do of course, but to become the pact has come to light in the media. first woman president, you have to According to “Fire and Fury”, the Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner (partially obscured) arriving at the 2017 Inauguration. prove you are for women to gain the duo’s involvement in the Trump Photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. votes of women. With the few things presidency has been more or for their I mentioned, it is clear to me she is own benefits. According to Wolff, it not for women, and I’m not too sure was decided that Ivanka would be if she’s for everyone in general, considering her silence on the transgender the one to run if the opportunity presented itself. This is no surprise considering the noticeable differences in personalities as Ivanka is the more outgoing of military bill. Her hard-work is geared towards White House position holding, the pair while Jared is described as a “helper-outer.”, yet I disagree with anyone not in actual policies that affect the everyday people of the United States. who says she has the capacity to hold the job of President of the United States. Ivanka and Jared show themselves to be just like the majority of the people on Capitol Hill: out to make a name for themselves. Once she can prove to me Donald Trump is hot-headed and foul-mouthed; he is always under fire that she is capable of fighting for the people against those who try to push for what he says, respectfully so, and seems to garner more hate than praise them down, I may change my mind, but until she shows her true opinions in for the few actions he has taken in office. Ivanka, however, has tended to stay tight-lipped on important situations, like the transgender military ban and the regards to her own father, I don’t believe she can be the next President. most recent nuclear button war with Kim Jong Un. While one can argue she has limitations that prevent her from speaking out, like fact that she is the


JAN. 09, 2018




A list of the four most influential albums for Bowie newcommers

by Aaron Febre Photo courtesy of Duffy, Celia Philo and Pierre Laroche Album covers courtesy of RCA Records When you hear the name David Bowie, what do you think? What songs/albums come into mind? What would do if you want to get into the man’s music. It’s really difficult task as Bowie released 25 albums from 1967 to his death in 2016. And in that time, he has managed to take on various sounds and genres that would leave the world shocked time and time again. So I managed to pick four albums that can not only help you get into Bowie, but also see how diverse he was. Hunky Dory (1971) “Hunky Dory” was the moment when Bowie’s songwriting was coming into shape. Many would say that this was the blueprint of what Bowie’s future would be at the time. While making baroque pop tunes, they’re filled with thought-provoking topics. While the three previous albums (1967’s “David Bowie,” 1969’s “Space Oddity” and 1970’s The Man Who Sold the World”) has some great moments, “Hunky Dory” takes things to a higher level. “Life On Mars?” for example, is a song about a girl attempting to escape from the realities of Earth and wondering if Mars can provide a new life that is much better than the one on Earth. She tries to escape reality through movie she loves, but even that is starting become very routine and unable to help her escape. With this grim topic backed by a dramatic orchestra and soaring lead vocals, it reminds me of a Broadway musical. This brings the question if humans can ever truly escape from the realities of life. “Oh! You Pretty Things” is a personal favorite of mine from this album. I love piano and mellotron melodies that leave me all jittery every time I hear them. The lyrics refer to Friedrich Nietzsche’s idea of “Übermensch” (translated as “Superman” or “Overman”), the idea of going above and beyond of what other people


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have achieve; try to do things no one would ever have thought of and change the world. “Changes” is a famous track that pertains the impending changes (no pun intended) that come into our lives as we get older. In Bowie’s case, he was wanting to change the norms among rock stars. Keep in mind, Bowie was in his mid20s during the making of this album and was soon getting

ready to shock the world with his characters that would turn heads and change how people present themselves to the public. According to Bowie in a 1979 interview, “I got tired of… the lie of the rock performer is exactly the same onstage as he is offstage.” “Hunky Dory” didn’t have commercial success, but I think it was important in Bowie’s history because he pretty much showcased the potential his songwriting showed in this record. It feels so idealistic and so relaxing to listen to, which made sense considering his age during the making of this record. Undoubtingly one of the first albums to listen to, very easy to listen to with great lyrical topics. Low (1977) Following the release of “Station to Station,” Bowie wanted to move away from Los Angeles as aforementioned, the drug culture and his cocaine addiction was taking a toll on him. Initially, he went to Montreux, Switzerland with his wife Angie and his son Duncan. But he would not live with them as he would later head off to West Berlin in attempt to end his cocaine addiction. Bowie’s reasons for choosing Berlin was the fact that it had a “sanctuary-like situation.” The city provided him a chance to roam around in anonymity. According to Bowie, “People are very serious there and don’t care too much for flippancy. It’s a very tight life there, surrounded by the wall with machine guns.” This partnership with Eno led to the creation of a trilogy of albums that was mostly recorded in Berlin. The Berlin Trilogy consisted of three albums; “Low” (Jan. 1977), “Heroes” (Oct. 1977) and “Lodger” (May 1979). “Low” is the first part and immediately you can already see the change in how experimental this was

compared to “Station to Station.” This album makes it clear that the direction Bowie is going isn’t similar of what he has done in the past. First of all, no more characters like Ziggy Stardust so that meant that Bowie would never have to dress up when performing at gigs. “Warszawa” is one of my favorites, the droning and grim synthesizers give me the fear that something will go wrong and it would cause the end of the world. This track was supposed to recreate the oppressive mood Bowie felt when he visited Warsaw. The chants in the middle of the track, are influenced by a recording of a Polish folk choir, Slask. Hearing those chants intensifies the fear as it startles you, because you are so focused on the synthesizers. “A New Career in A New Town” gives the imagination that I have just arrived in a new town that looks so lovely and peaceful. The harmonica that is prominent throughout the whole track solidify that optimism I feel when listening to this. I also find that how interesting that is right before “Warszawa,” you come off with this highly optimistic mood only for it to be dropped into an oppressed mood when “Warszawa” comes on. Although “Low” initially

left both fans and critics divided, the album is now considered one of Bowie’s finest albums for the fact he was willing to challenge his musical ability in the midst of fighting with his addiction. It’s definitely one of the harder albums to get into due to how experimental this one is compared to the others; but a very rewarding experience as this album can give listeners an appreciation for experimental music. Do check out the other two albums in the The Berlin Trilogy; it was really hard for me to leave out “Heroes” as it is a good album as “Low.” Station to Station (1976) And here we arrive at my personal favorite Bowie album, “Station to Station.” This was a very odd time for Bowie, while he had received fame in the US with the success of the previous album (1975’s “Young Americans”) and starred in the film “The Man Who Fell to Earth,” he was not very healthy state. This was the time period where his


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cocaine addiction was at its height and he was living on a diet of consuming only peppers and milk. This lifestyle is emphasized as Bowie himself claims he has no recollection of making this album. Furthermore, he was living in Los Angeles where the drug culture influenced him to participate in such behavior. Retrospectively, Bowie would later comment that Los Angeles is “a blister in the backside of humanity.” This was also the time period where the public was introduced to the Thin White Duke persona. A character would sing about love but have no personal feelings. Thin White Duke was a drastic departure from Ziggy Stardust. Gone was the androgyny and make-up, in comes this well-dressed figure with slicked-back hair that gives this intimidating and aristocratic presence surrounding him. The album serves as a platform of Thin White Duke as the opening title track presents his personality and beliefs. The first half of this 10-minute epic shows his cynicism and detachment that is backed by the slow tempo, the dreary guitars and the bitter tone in Bowie’s vocals. And then the second half explodes to this danceable, funk-rock suite that showcases how well-rehearsed the musicians were. The second half shows the side of the Thin White Duke on his desperate search of trying to find someone to be connected to and be immersed in these feelings. Ironically, one lyric in the second half goes “It’s not the side effects of the cocaine, I think that it must be love.” “Station to Station” is considered a middle road to the “Plastic Soul” of “Young Americans” and the experimentalism in the final three albums Bowie made in the 1970s. “Stay” is a good example of this transition. The drums play in this idiosyncratic beat that drives the song forward backed up with the funky guitars and bass. “Golden Years” displays the soul side of this album as we can see Bowie reaching up to falsetto vocals and do-wop backing vocals. This is my favorite Bowie album because of these reasons; the combination of experimental, funk and soul music makes this album a hard to one to categorize which genre this falls into. The inner conflict of being cold and detached but yearning for an emotional connection to someone really hits me that has prompted me to play this album over and over again. None of the tracks feel out of place here for me, they’re perfectly sequenced and compact.

ACROSS 1 Green gem 5 Actress Greta 10 Ponzi scheme, for one 14 Boy in “The Kite Runner” 15 Toward the back 16 When tripled, a 1970 WWII film 17 Spanish “nothing” 18 Free, in France 19 Reddish-brown horse 20 Israeli submachine gun 21 Admit to wrongdoing in court 23 Embark from a dock 25 Spaniel’s welcome 26 Indian-born storekeeper on “The Simpsons” 27 Bening of “American Beauty” 31 Location-based smartphone game release of 2016 35 Half a bray


JAN. 09, 2018


36 Radio knob 37 1998 biopic about model Carangi 38 Travelocity ad figure 40 Ctrl-__-Delete: PC reboot combo 41 Similar set of individuals 43 Reveal 46 Help 47 Negative connection 48 Climbing plant 52 Inland sea between Iran and Saudi Arabia 57 Dockworkers’ gp. 58 Soothing plant extract 59 Pageant headgear 60 Prefix with lateral 61 Arctic seabird 62 No __ sight 63 Bugs Bunny adversary Elmer 64 Smartphone message 65 Gave medicine to 66 Golf ball supports

DOWN 1 Two-faced god 2 Fill with wonder 3 Completed the task 4 Significant period 5 Steel-gray metallic element 6 Disney mermaid 7 Country star McEntire 8 The __: Shakespeare 9 Pizza herb 10 Conflict 11 Like much fall weather 12 “I smell __!” 13 Lots of 21 Daily news source 22 Coffee vessel 24 Japanese alcoholic beverage 27 Ice cream thickener 28 Old-style you 29 Pack (down) firmly 30 Sheep girl 31 Sheepdog from Hungary 32 Being aired 33 S-shaped molding 34 Never, in Dortmund 36 Little bit 38 Bereavement 39 Bump on a branch 41 Like many animated films ... and a hint to 21-, 31-, 41and 52-Across 42 Floral wreath 44 Remove from office 45 Law, in Lille 48 Madame of physics 49 Arouse, as interest 50 Avoid capture by 51 Surprise attacks 52 Good old days 53 Actress Sommer 54 Gumbo thickener 55 El __: weather phenomenon 56 Wanders restlessly 60 Baby newt





A look at the firings, hirings, retirings and more that occured over break Story by Kathleen Cook Photos from NT File, Charlotte Athletics and by Chris Crews While students were nestled all snug in their beds over Christmas break, changes were being made in the Charlotte 49ers Athletic Department. From coaching hiring, firing, retiring and more, here’s a run-down of what happened while you were out.

Rose announces her retirement The Thursday before classes resumed it was announced that Director of Athletics, Judy Rose, will retire after the conclusion of the Spring Semester. This announcement came after protest from the Charlotte fan base from a dismal football season and sudden firing of men’s basketball coach Mark Price. Rose was in her 43rd year with the 49ers and this was her 28th year serving as the Athletic Director. UNC Charlotte Chancellor Dr. Phil Dubois said it was “entirely Judy’s decision” to retire. “I will miss working with her, both personally and professionally. Her work ethic, values, integrity, commitment to student success and understanding of college athletics will make finding her successor a most difficult challenge. She has left a legacy that will be nearly impossible to match,” Dubois said. Rose became just the third woman to hold the position at a Division I school. She oversaw the addition of seven new teams to the school including women’s soccer, football, track and field (outdoor and indoor, men’s and women’s) and women’s golf. In her time at the helm of the 49ers, Rose oversaw nine NCAA tournament berths for

the men’s basketball team, 12 of the 13 WNIT appearances for the women’s basketball program along with their NCAA tournament berths, and soccer success including the men’s team’s trip to the NCAA Championship game in 2011 and the women’s team’s conference championship and NCAA tournament appearance in the 2016 season. Rose was also heavily involved on multiple committees with the NCAA which included the men’s basketball committee from 2000 to 2004 as well as the NCAA Division I Council. In 2001 she was named the NACDA Southeast Region Athletics Director of the Year and served two years later as the President of NACDA. Dubois has started the process of finding a person to fill the role by creating a search committee and hiring a consultant.

Price out, Fancher in In the midst of exams last semester, the 49ers

shocked everyone by announcing the firing of head coach Mark Price. The announcement came after the Niners men’s basketball team was on a four-game losing streak and were 3-6 on the season. Back in April of 2015 Price signed a five-year deal for $500,000 per year when he was hired to replace Alan Major. In the little over two seasons spent with the program, Price held a 30-42 record. Leaving with the coach was his son, Hudson Price. The redshirt senior transferred to the Queen City from TCU upon the hiring of his father. Though he only started in two games during the 2016-17 season, Hudson had started all nine contests this season for the 49ers. He led the team in shooting percentages behind the arc (54.2 percent) and rebounds per game (4.8) prior to his departure. Hudson began the process of withdrawing from the program just hours after his father’s release. Upon the firing of Price, Athletic Director Judy Rose released a statement saying: “We appreciate all that coach Price has done for our program. His background and knowledge were assets to our young players and we appreciate him sharing his talents with our team. This was a difficult decision, especially as we make plans to open conference play, but we do feel it is in the best interest of our basketball program.” Taking the reins of the program was Houston Fancher: Price’s first hire for the team. Fancher has accumulated 12 years of head coaching experience from North Greenville and Appalachian State. He also worked under Bruce Pearl at the University of Tennessee, and served


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as the interim head coach after Pearl’s firing in 2011. While he never coached a game for the Vols, he will remain the interim head coach for the Niners for the remainder of the season. He started his tenure off on a high note with a 69-50 victory over in-state foe ECU on Dec. 18. After barely falling in their final non-conference game against UCF (78-76) the 49ers set their sights on conference play. The squad was unable to find a victory against Old Dominion (89-58), however won their second conference match up against North Texas (70-68). They could pull off the Texas two-step and fell to Rice (73-64).

Football signs most mid-year recruits in program history The first eighteen members of the new recruiting class signed with the 49ers football program on Dec. 20. The new additions to the program include 11 three or two-star recruits, four junior college players and two guys from prep schools. Nine players from the group of almost 20 will report in January and participate in Spring practices. This group marks the seventh recruiting class for

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the program. Eleven of the 18 recruits can be seen on the offensive side of the ball while Charlotte picked up seven defensive players. The group features four offensive linemen, three defensive linemen, three receivers, three defensive backs, two tight ends, a linebacker, a quarterback and a running back. “Our staff did a tremendous job – worked extremely hard on the road and did a fantastic job finding the right student-athletes to come to Charlotte. We’re excited about the length we’ve added to our team. Good students, good kids who are going to be good players for us so we’re excited about that. I really like the early signing day and getting guys on board,” Lambert said. The 49ers graduated 13 seniors last season including Karrington King, Chris Montgomery, Trent Bostick, TL Ford II and Uriah LeMay. While the early-signing period has concluded, there is another signing day coming up on Feb. 7.

Women’s basketball undefeated in conference play The women’s basketball program struggled during the final stretch of their non-conference schedule, going 1-3 in their last four nonconference games. They suffered back-to-back losses at Wake Forest (71-69) and at Davidson (6866). They found victory once again against South Carolina State, winning 64-49. The squad finished 2017 losing 90-74 to Mercer at home. A new year possibly indicated a new team for the Niners, however. The group opened conference play Jan. 4 facing Southern Miss at home. After getting all five starters in double digits and utilizing bench players, Charlotte easily passed the Golden Eagles for the 66-56 victory. The 49ers then hit the road, traveling up to Old Dominion on Jan. 6. Entering the fourth quarter down by four, the squad grouped together and brought home another win. In the contest, Laia Raventos almost hit a double-double with 14 points and nine assists. Octavia Wilson sat atop the leader board in points for the second straight game with 18. The group continues their road trip, traveling to UTEP on Jan. 11 and then on to North Texas on Jan. 13. They return home on Jan. 20 to host Rice.

Lambert hires a new offensive coordinator Shane Montgomery will leave Youngstown State and move to the Queen City to act as the Offensive Coordinator for the 49ers football team. Included in his 20 years of coaching, Montgomery

acted as head coach for four years at Miami (Ohio) and coached all-American, Super Bowl Champion and Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger. He spent eight seasons with Youngstown State where he saw the top four offensive seasons in school history. In all of his eight seasons with the Penguins, the team posted over 2,000 passing and rushing yards. Last season the 49ers posted 1,552 passing yards and 2,094 rushing yards. The only time Charlotte surpassed the 2,000 yard mark in the air and on the ground during the 2016 season. The OC also has experience coaching at Akron and Chattanooga and was a graduate assistant for NC State. “I’ve known coach Lambert for over 25 years and I’m looking forward to helping him continue to build the program. It’s an up-and-coming program and it’s exciting to get in on the front end. Getting in and helping build a program is very attractive,” Montgomery said. Though from Newark, Ohio, Montgomery was a three-year starter at the quarterback position for NC State. With the Wolfpack he led the team to two straight bowl games and was named the Offensive MVP for the 1988 Peach Bowl and the 1989 Copper Bowl. Montgomery is still the current record holder for passing yards in a game with 535 yards against Duke in 1989. The 49ers still have multiple coaching positions that remain vacant.


the art of By Hailey Turpin What’s so special about this thing called a bullet journal? No, this journal is not super fast or super stupid, but can actually help you in many areas of your life. How you may be asking? Take the time to finish reading this article to help with organization of most areas of your life. The bullet journal was created by Ryder Carroll (http://www. and can be summed up as a rapid logging system. It’s a system where everything you will need in your life (to-do list, schedules, event planning, sketchbook, journal, notebook, etc.) is in one place: the pages of your notebook. The system allows the bulk of your life to be written down and still be organized by the key and index. The key is a simple symbolic guide that allows you to distinguish between tasks, events, and notes. The basic symbolizing is: (•) = event < = task scheduled > = task migrated (to the future) (-) = notes These symbols can be used in different logs broken down by month, day and future. Each of these logs can be organized however you feel will work the best for you. You can keep track of how you organize them in the index. Don’t feel like you have to plan out every single page or section in the

journal, plan a little bit in advance, and continue as you go. Below are some more tips from my trial and error since starting my bullet journal. It doesn’t have to be perfect Don’t worry about your hand lettering looking good (I googled many youtube videos and still struggled to get it semi-okay) or your spelling isn’t very good. Keeping in mind that it’s not the end of the world that it’s not perfect. If you want to do your best, slow down and take your time. That way you can work toward making your journal the best for you.

bullet journaling journal is for your life and schedule. Don’t be afraid to change the rules to fit your life. Have a major key (that works for you) Like the last tip, creating a key that you understand to log all of your information is going to be beneficial to you when your life gets really busy. Write the key down in the front or the back of your journal for record, and journal away. Go with the flow, and keep going At first, it can seem like a lot,

maybe even a chore. But taking the time to get organized is going to help you out in every aspect of your life. If you mess up, keep going. If you’re too tired to do anything, keep going to your energy level. If you don’t know how to lay out your week, look up ideas and keep going. Eventually with hard work it will be a lifesaver and helpful to your well-being. In today’s world we see this trend skyrocketing, so even a google search can give you more tricks and tips. If you’re curious, check out the world of rapid logging and the art of bullet journaling.

Fake it ‘til you make it (calligraphy) The hand lettering or calligraphy style of writing can add some flare to your journal and keep the process interesting and fun for your personality. The best advice I learned was to start with normal cursive writing, filling in all the down strokes afterwards. Check out Sunshine & Stationery’s ‘Letter Like a Lefty’ youtube series to learn more of the ropes for hand lettering for beginners (the series is specifically for left handers but it also has useful information for any beginner). Get creative There are a million ways to create layouts and styles for your weekly or monthly log. Don’t worry about how it will compare to others because the


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