Niner Garden Guide Today marks the first day of spring at UNC Charlotte. With flowers blooming and warm weather take advantage of the scenery by walking through one of the several campus gardens.
NINERTIMES Tuesday, March 20, 2011
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New on Check out Niner News’interviews with both SGA Student Body President candidates.
Niners tie the Charlotte Eagles
Campus prepared in case of tornado Christina Mullen CMULLEN6@UNCC.EDU
Freshman Giuseppe Gentile scored twice against the Charlotte Eagles in the game Saturday, March 17, 2012. Photo by Michael Stennett. Michael Brennan
The Charlotte 49ers Men’s Soccer team took the field on Saturday in the hopes of defeating the Charlotte Eagles of the USL (United Soccer League), during the second spring exhibition game of the season. “We love playing the Eagles.” said Charlotte head coach Kevin Langan. “They’re our neighbor, so I guess you could just call it the ‘Battle of Charlotte’. Whoever wins this gets bragging rights for being the best team in Charlotte.” The 49ers contested the Eagles efforts and stretched the field in a game that featured an offensive showcase from No. 11 freshman forward, Giuseppe Gentile. Charlotte’s aggressive play was matched by their opponent in every minute of the match and eventually led the 49ers to fall behind the Eagles. Gentile, with the help of Jennings Rex, allowed the 49ers to find success and equalize the score at 2-2. After five penalty kicks from both sides that were successful for the 49ers and Eagles, the match was called a draw. Saturdays match against the Eagles proved to be no small task for the men’s soccer team; from the get-go you could anticipate the heat of the match. Charlotte’s efforts in the first 45-minutes of the match was marked by possession and scoring
opportunities. The 49ers were storming out of the gate and proved to be too much early on for the experienced USL club. Gentile was the first to tally a score after beating his marker and placing a left-footed shot on the inside post just past the keeper.
I think the expectations are there for everyone to see how we’ve been doing over the last three years. Our record over the last three years has been fantastic. -Coach Langan
Charlotte took the 1-0 lead early on but would have no answer for the ensuing Eagles possession. The Charlotte Eagles would score just before the half to carry their momentum into the break and begin to threaten the 49ers with their high motor offense. The Eagles then exploited the 49ers
defensive miscues and capitalized, making the score 2-1 in the 53 minute. Charlotte then countered with their own explosive offense, when Gentile bested the Eagles keeper for the second time. “He had two fantastic goals,” said head coach Kevin Langan. “One [goal] with his left foot, he just drove past the defender and drilled it into the hole, and one just by being alert in the box. He picked up a loose ball and drilled it with his right foot.” The offensive run put on by the 49ers was enough to get by against the Eagles until the match came to a close. With the match squared up at two, both teams took five penalty kicks and did not miss any of them. The expectations placed on this squad are rather high, but that doesn’t cause reason for concern. “I think the expectations are there for everyone to see how we’ve been doing over the last three years. Our record over the last three years has been fantastic.” As the team continues to look forward into the 2012 season, they can only hope to see the same success that they earned in the previous one making their debut in the College Cup Finals.
Campus Trend Alert: Denim shorts are everywhere this season with several styles poping up around campus.
The Niners fought in rain and shine this weekend but fell short of a win
Spring Fashion: Check out
against Dallas Baptist.
UNC Charlotte students and what they are wearing.
Hookah: A social experience that flourishes on a college campus. p.8-9
Niner Baseball’s Corbin Shive hit a
homerun in game game three.
Saturday March 3, 2012, an EF-2 tornado touched down in Harrisburg, N.C. around 2:34 a.m. With winds of about 135 mph and destruction 3.2 miles long, 192 homes were damaged as the storm tore through Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties. The tornado was four miles away from UNC Charlotte. Joshua Allen, the Business Continuity Analyst at UNC Charlotte, is one of the individuals responsible for developing a tornado plan on campus. In regards to the tornado on March 3 Allen said, “We sent out a severe weather advisory on the second. We were seeing an unusual prediction of severe tornado threats.” Alerts are sent out based on three tiers of threat level: high threat, medium threat and threat. “We fell in between the third tier and the second tier so at the time, and given the difference in weather we are experiencing now, we made the decision based on the national weather service to send out a severe weather advisory,” said Allen. TORNADO p.4
Honoring women at annual event Elizabeth Bartholf
E B A RT H O 3 @ U N C C . E D U
This week UNC Charlotte will join countries worldwide in celebrating the achievements and contributions of women in its seventh annual International Women’s Day. The event is free and open to all UNC Charlotte students, faculty and staff and will be held Thursday, March 22, at 3:30 p.m. in the Student Union Multipurpose Room. “I thought bringing International Women’s Day [to UNC Charlotte] would be a nice unification for women across all cultures on our campus because it’s designed to incorporate students, faculty and staff both from the U.S. and around the world,” said Denise Medeiros, Assistant Director at UNC Charlotte’s International Student/ Scholar Office (ISSO). Medeiros previously worked in Cornell University’s ISSO and helped start Cornell’s own celebration of International Women’s Day before founding celebrations at UNC Charlotte. The celebration will include a reception with refreshments and recognition ceremony to honor U.S. and international female students, faculty and staff nominated by peers for supporting international and women’s initiatives and community service. WOMEN p.4