Pastry Pro - PCB Extra Effects

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t e v l e V e Blu 248

Innovation in the Pastry World: Velvet in spray. These sprays make it possible to give a velvet effect on your frozen desserts or entremets: brown, white or coloured. Very thin, the velvet gives the opportunity to obtain different shades of colours. Place at your creativity: underline the “relief” of your dessert, draw using a stencil key set… You are an artist! See instructions p. 272

We suggest you to keep the sprays in drying oven in order to use them at any time.





1. DC255 - Velvet Spray chocolate - 500 ml

5. DC069 - Velvet Spray red - 150 ml

2. DC118 - Velvet Spray white - 500 ml

6. DC092 - Velvet Spray yellow - 150 ml

3. DC124 - Velvet Spray caramel - 500 ml

7. DC070 - Velvet Spray green - 150 ml

4. DC150 - Velvet Spray pink - 150 ml

8. DC091 - Velvet Spray white - 150 ml





9. DC221 - Velvet Spray grey - 150 ml

DC094 - Assortment of 4 Velvet sprays (5-6-7-8)






This food colouring will make all your products shine and give them an incredible spark. You have various possibilities: In powder: • spread it with your finger • sprinkle it on the chocolate • sprinkle some powder over a nylon sheet. Scrub with your finger and place the dipped chocolate bonbons over the sheets. By diluting with alcohol: apply it with a brush. 1

IMPORTANT: These products comply with European standards (JO of the European Community 18.03.1995)
















DC063 - Assortment of 8 shiny colours N° 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 1. DC258 - Sparkling silver glitter effect Pot of 30 cc.

5. DC054 - Shiny powder silver Pot of 30 cc.

2. DC251 - Sparkling gold glitter effect Pot of 30 cc.

6. DC057 - Shiny powder ruby Pot of 30 cc.

10. DC051 - Shiny powder emerald Pot of 30 cc.

14. DC101 - Shiny powder pearlous pink Pot of 30 cc.

3. DC252 - Sparkling rubis glitter effect Pot of 30 cc.

7. DC055 - Shiny powder bronze Pot of 30 cc.

11. DC058 - Shiny powder amber Pot of 30 cc.

15. DC102 - Shiny powder pearlous blue Pot of 30 cc.

4. DC053 - Shiny powder gold Pot of 30 cc.

8. DC056 - Shiny powder copper Pot of 30 cc.

12. DC128 - Shiny powder amethyst Pot of 30 cc.

16. DC109 - Shiny powder pearlous gold Pot of 30 cc.

9. DC052 - Shiny powder sapphire Pot of 30 cc.

13. DC153 - Shiny powder red Pot of 30 cc.



Al that Glitters

Head in the clouds (or even the stars), give your sweets and chocolates an extra shine and shimmering irresistible glow through the magic of these new sprays. Like an evening gown, your achievements will glitter, both attractive, flashy and amazing with their shine that is second to none.




1. DC222 - Glitter spray gold Pot of 120 ml 2. DC223 - Glitter spray silver Pot of 120 ml 3. DC224 - Glitter spray ruby Pot of 120 ml 4. DC225 - Glitter spray bronze Pot of 120 ml 5. DC226 - Glitter spray copper Pot of 120 ml




d e r o Cola Butter o c o C

Simplifiez-vous le travail grâce au beurre de cacao coloré prêt à l’emploi qui assurera une parfaite homogénéité à la coloration. Vous pouvez utiliser ce produit de diverses façons: coloration directe au pinceau, en pulvérisation (pistolet, aérographe,...) pour colorer votre chocolat, pour teinter vos crèmes,...

DC062 - Les 8 pots de beurre de cacao coloré assortis N°14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 254

Natural Coloured Cocoa Butters


















Shiny Coloured Cocoa Butters





1. DC191 - Natural black - Pot of 200 g

7. DC177 - Shiny ruby - Pot of 200 g

13. DC207 - Purple - Pot of 200 g

2. DC236 - Natural green - Pot of 200 g

8. DC178 - Shiny copper - Pot of 200 g

14. DC043 - Raspberry red - Pot of 200 g

19. DC042 - Yellow egg - Pot of 200 g 20. DC025 - White - Pot of 200 g

3. DC189 - Natural red - Pot of 200 g

9. DC194 - Shiny gold - Pot of 200 g

15. DC026 - Bilberry blue - Pot of 200 g

21. DC027 - Yellow lemon - Pot of 200 g

16. DC029 - Pistachio green - Pot of 200 g

4. DC187 - Natural yellow - Pot of 200 g

10. DC195 - Shiny silver - Pot of 200 g

5. DC235 - Natural purple - Pot of 235 g

11. DC196 - Shiny bronze - Pot of 200 g

17. DC028 - Strawberry red - Pot of 200 g

6. DC143 - Pearlous pink - Pot of 200 g

12. DC149 - Black - Pot of 200 g

18. DC030 - Orange - Pot of 200 g


Colours for chocolate or cocoa butter

Procedure: melt the cocoa butter, add some powder colouring and mix with a brush. With this base, you can colour your products. This mixture can be stored: all you need is to melt it before using it again. For your chocolate gun: mix 50% of dark chocolate and 50% of cocoa butter. Add the powder colouring.












DC119 - Assortment of 6 colours for chocolate or cocoa butter N° 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

Colours soluble in water To colour sugar, almond pastes… These colouring can also be used with airbrush. Process: dissolve in boiling water or alcohol.


5. DC238 - Natural green - Pot of 100 cc 10. DC032 - Blue - Pot of 100 cc







14. DC111 - Yellow - Pot of 30 cc

1. DC180 - Natural yellow - Pot of 100 cc

6. DC033 - Yellow - Pot of 100 cc

11. DC031 - White - Pot of 100 cc

15. DC241 - Natural yellow - Pot of 30 cc

2. DC192 - Natural pink - Pot of 100 cc

7. DC035 - Green - Pot of 100 cc


16. DC242 - Natural red - Pot of 30 cc

3. DC181 - Natural black - Pot of 100 cc

8. DC036 - Orange - Pot of 100 cc

12. DC112 - Blue - Pot of 30 cc

17. DC243 - Natural caramel - Pot of 30 cc

4. DC239 - Natural purple - Pot of 100 cc

9. DC034 - Red - Pot of 100 cc

13. DC110 - Red - Pot of 30 cc

18. DC244 - Natural green - Pot of 30 cc


The specific Isomalt for decoration is coloured in order to allow you to create artistic decorations. See instructions on p. 272






This mix is a really clever idea which will make life easier for a large number of professionals. After having brought to the boil the cream, the vanilla pod and the mix created by Christophe Michalak,add the egg yolks. Without any further step, you will obtain a delicious vanilla egg cream.






1. DC097 - 1 Kg Bronze Isomalt decoration

6. M51

2. DC099 - 1 Kg Red Isomalt decoration

7. DC049 - Gold varnish

- Mix for crème brûlée - Pot of 450 g

3. DC100 - 1 Kg Yellow Isomalt decoration

8. DC059 - Silver varnish

4. DC098 - 1 Kg Blue Isomalt decoration

9. DC038 - Alimentary varnish

5. DC060 - 5 Kg Neutral Isomalt decoration

10. DC151 - Gold spangles


& t r e Albn Adrià Ferra 100% Natural Lyofilised Fruits LyoSabores is a new line of lyofilised products created by Albert and Ferran Adrià. Selected from the finest natural ingredients from which the water has been totally extracted, while keeping their original flavour, aroma and colour. They are vacuum packed products with no preservatives so that you can enjoy their full quality and nutritional value. They can be used directly for topping savoury and sweet dishes (salads, ice creams, desserts, etc.), in the preparation of sweets and biscuits or rehydrated to obtain the desired texture and sweetness in different preparations. They can also be eaten as snacks, alone or mixed with milk or yoghurt.

DC229 - freeze-dried whole raspberries - Jar 90 g DC230 - Diced freeze-dried apricot - 150 g pot DC231 - Freeze-dried figs pieces - Jar 200 g DC232 – Diced freeze dried strawberry - Jar 70 g DC233 - Diced freeze-dried mango - 150 g pot DC234 - freeze-dried whole blackcurrants - Jar 150 g


Unexpected new textures and mixtures are shaking up the “Cuisine” planet. Discover the range of products by Ferran Adria.


SPHERIFICATION: DC113 - Algin - Pot of 500 g. DC114 - Calcic - Pot of 600 g. DC115 - Citras - Pot of 600 g. DC129 - Gluco - Pot of 600 g DC116 - Eines Tools for spherification EMULSIFICATION: DC103 - Lecite - Pot of 300 g. DC121 - Sucro - Pot of 600 g. DC122 - Glice - Pot of 300 g.

GELIFICATION: DC104 - Kappa DC105 - Gellan DC106 - Agar DC107 - Iota DC120 - Metil


Pot Pot Pot Pot Pot

of of of of of

400 400 500 500 300

g. g. g. g. g.

THE THICKERNER: DC123 - Xantana - Pot of 600 g.

SURPRISES: DC130 - Crumiel - Pot of 400 g. DC131 - Fizzy - Pot of 300 g. DC132 - Malto - Pot of 1000 g. DC227 - Azuleta - Pot of 1000 g DC228 - Yopol - Pot of 400 g

DC144 - Assortment of Mini kit Spherification Agar, Gluco, Lecite, Algin, Xantana + tools for spherification

Spherification: plunge in a bath of Calcic mixed liquids with Algin, you will obtain magic spheres, caviar of melon, caviar of jelly, orange caviar, ravioli... With certain ingredients, it is necessary to correct acidity with Citras. For an opposite spherification, use the Gluco.

The spherification requires the use of specific tools, Eines. Emulsification: emblematic product, with the lecite you can obtain light and aired textures, which brings a touch of savour in a very original way. The Sucro makes it possible to prepare emulsions of the type “oil in water”. The Glice emulsifies between fatty and aqueous environment. Gelification: the products of this family offer the opportunity to obtain a broad range of gelatines to be used warm or cold. Gellan, provides a firm gel for clear cuttings (can tolerate temperatures up to 70°C) Kappa, provides a gel with a firm and fragile texture. Iota, provides a gel with a smooth and elastic texture. Agar, enables the making of hot gelatines. Metil, gelifies in contact with heat. Cold, it plays a thickener role. The thickener: Xantana gives the opportunity to thicken the culinary or pastry developments without any deterioration of taste (in order to avoid addition of flour, starch or stiffener). Surprises: These surprises are an astonishing and wonderful solution to give the final touch to all your sweet and salted recipies. Crumiel: Cristalized Honey to give a honey taste while incorporating a crusty touch. Fizzy: product for effervescent purpose to make popping preparations. Malto: this gives a light texture to your products. Azuleta: add sugar to taste, Violet colour and smell. Yopol: Gives a unique taste to all preparations that are difficult to add fresh yogurt to.



s l a t s y r Flavour C

Discover a true revolution in the universe of natural flavours. These “crystals” of encapsulated flavours allow you to add: • a bit of flavour here and there, without altering the overall flavour of the chocolate • a touch of crunch • a “clean label” spirit, thanks to the natural origin of the flavours. Ease of use (add a pinch into the mixture or sprinkle over the surface) combined with a wide range of applications (sweets, chocolates, biscuits, ice cream, puddings…) will fast make it indispensible. You’ll also appreciate its subtlety : for the right flavour dosage, on average, just 3g of crystals are recommended for 100g of chocolate. Flavour crystals, the touch of innovation and refinement that everyone will fall for!


1. DC259 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 2. DC260 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 3. DC261 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 4. DC262 - Flavour Pot of 100 g












Crystals “Caramel beurre salé” Crystals “Framboise” Crystals “Menthe du jardin” Crystals “Orange”

5. DC263 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 6. DC264 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 7. DC265 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 8. DC266 - Flavour Pot of 100 g

Crystals “Badiane” Crystals “Réglisse” Crystals “Bergamote” Crystals “Rose”

9. DC267 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 10. DC268 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 11. DC269 - Flavour Pot of 100 g 12. DC270 - Flavour Pot of 100 g

Crystals “Violette” Crystals “Cassis” Crystals “Cerise” Crystals “Fruit de la passion”



r e l e d o M C ho c À

Shape it like almond paste to cover your entremets and to make fabulous decorations made by hand or by cutter. Use it on its own or with a silicone mould, soon you won’t be able to imagine working without this magic paste ! Broaden your decoration range with our palette of coloured Choc À Modeler.





1. DC271 - White chocolate “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g

4. DC274 - Red “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g

2. DC272 - Dark chocolate “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g

5. DC275 - Green “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g 6. DC276 - Yellow “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g

3. DC273 - White “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g




7. DC277 - Pink “Choc à modeler” Pot of 500 g


DC126 - Spray glaze For all your products which require a shiny appearance as well as a protection against oxidation. This spray with a subtil fruity taste could be used to cover: your “petits fours”, your fruits, your Joconde biscuit, your tarts by giving them a thin and regular glaze.

DC071 - Demould spray DC095 - 6 Demould sprays Spray a thin layer on your moulds before filling to make turning out a breeze

M23 - Sublimasse - Pot of 900 g

DC138 - 1 Roll of 50 cmx25 m Innovation: transparent baking paper. This baking paper will allow you to serve sweet or savoury paper-wrapped dishes which will please your clients by their presentation. In fact, this extremely transparent paper goes directly from the oven to the serving plate. It will astonish your guests and will make them appreciate even more, this way of cooking and presentation..

In order to obtain an even more fabulous result, we have created a compound, which once hydrated, will be applied over the baking sheet prior to your biscuit. This product prevents the appearance of air bubbles on the surface of your biscuit and also allows your biscuit to be more airy.

DC044 - Edible glue This glue is used to stick chocolate figures on the presentation carton.

DF016 - 25 neutral sheets size 40x60 cm Those rigid sheets will allow you to “shine” your chocolate. DC146 - 10 Sparkling candles

DM9 - 5 Knives

R009 – 1 neutral roll 4 cmx50 m R011 – 1 neutral roll 4,5 cmx50 m R010 – 1 neutral roll 5 cmx50 m R012 – 1 neutral roll 6 cmx50 m DF017 - 500 guitar sheets size 40x60 cm These supple sheets will allow you to “shine” your chocolates and to spread your ganache before cutting them up with your guitar.

DC064 - L400 ml dosing bottle DC065 - 100 ml dosing bottlel Ideal to store all your liquid recipes (colouring, icing, etc…). A hygienic bottle, ideal for microwaves, to dose without a drop


DM21 - Silicone baking net Size: 40x60 cm























Methods of use

Printed sheets 40 x 25 cm p. 117 - 135

Leave at least 20 minutes at 6째C before taking the chocolate out of the printed sheet

Coating with enrobing machine Put a sheet (4x4, 36x13 or 40x25 cm) or a roll on your chocolate when they come out from the enrobing machine. Leave at least 2 hours at 17째C before taking the chocolate out of the printed sheet.

Manual coating with sheets 36x13 cm or 40x25 cm Plunge your bonbons into chocolate and put them on a printed sheet. Leave at least 2 hours at 17째C before taking the chocolate out of the printed sheet.


Manual coating with cutouts 4x4 cm p. 136 - 137 Plunge your bonbons into chocolate and put a cutting on the top of the bonbon after coating. Leave at least 2 hours at 17째C before taking the chocolate out of the printed cutting.

Fill-in blister w/transfer p. 26 - 79

Marshmallow p. 98 - 101

Crumpled transfer sheet p. 112 - 115


Methods of use

Transfer sheets for chocolate plaques p. 138 - 139

Flowers and leaves p. 138 - 139

Put the stencil on the printed sheet. Pour the chocolate. Take off the stencil and put the sheet on a cavity to give the curved form. Once it is hard, take off the plastic sheet

The crown p. 140

Pour the chocolate on the crown. Wait ¹10mn. Put in a circle. Leave for 20 min minimum. Put to the fridge at 4°C during 30 min. Demould.

Chocolate shells to fill p. 142 - 143


+ 4

Leave at least 4 hours at + 4 째C

Pompons and Pomponettes p. 146 - 149

Fill in with your recipes (for the Pompons, we advice to add some biscuit in the heart of your entremets). Freeze. Demould when you need.

Structure sheets for entremets p. 186 - 187

Put a structure sheet at the bottom of your frame. Prepare your entremets. Freeze. Take off the sheet when you take out of the fridge.

Printings for entremets p. 188 - 189

Entremets: put your circles on the printed sheet. Fill in. Freeze. When you take out of the fridge, pull off immediately the sheet very quickly.


Methods of use

Baking sheets p. 190 - 191

Spread a first very thin layer of joconde biscuit on the sheet to get rid of the bubbles. Then spread your recipe over it. Put in the oven. Let cool down and take off the sheet.

Puzzles p. 222 - 223

Put a plastic sheet after filling. Flatten the surface with a roll. Once it is cold, take off the sheet.

Put the alimentary carton on the chocolate. Pivot. Take off the mould as well as the excess of chocolate. Sweep everything together in the plastic bag.

Printed blisters (balls,bottle, clog or Père Noël) p. 216 - 217


Pour one layer of chocolate into the mould. After 3 or 4 minutes, remove the excess of chocolate and put immediately into the fridge (4 to 6° C) during 15 to 20 minutes.

Cards p. 224 - 225, square tablets p. 226 - 227, CD p. 228 - 229, frames p. 230

Put a printed sheet at the bottom of the mould (for a better adherence, you can spray demoulding spray DC071 in the mould). Pour the chocolate. Leave at least 20 minutes at 6째C. Demould, take off the plastic sheet.

Boxes p. 231

Slightly fold the printing. Insert it in the mould. Pour the chocolate. Leave at least 20 minutes at 6째C. Demould, take off the plastic sheet.

The cones p. 233

To keep the transfer sheet easily in the cones, you can pulverise the demould spray (DC071) before in the mould or put a little bit oil.

Mould for the sledge p. 236

Advice: After filling the mould with chocolate, put a plastic sheet on the back side. On removal, let the sheet on the chocolate and take it off only when the chocolate is removed.


Les techniques

Relief tablets p. 237 - 239 Pour with chocolate. Leave aside 20 mn at room temperature, in order to be able to return all on a plate. Let at +4°C during 1h30 minimum before demoulding.

To fill your bars, you can use a piping bag or a dosing bottle instead of the iron stencil box.

Velvet SprayÂŽ p. 248

Close spray on your frozen entremets.

Further spray for different shades of colours

Isomalt specific for decoration p. 257


Spread in between two silicon nets a layer of approximately 3 mm of Isomalt specific for decoration. Put a cooking plate on the top and put to the oven (220°) for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

First sight Time for love at


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Orders and Gifts • Orders between 76 € and 151 € HT, 1 free scraper. • Orders between 152 € and 227 € HT, 1 free knife. • Orders between 228 € and 303 € HT, 1 free scraper + 1 free knife. • Orders between 304 € and 456 € HT, 1 free plate of moulds + 1 free knife. • Orders between 457 € and 762 € HT, 1 dosing bottle + 1 free knife. • Orders beyond 762 € HT, an assortment of all free gifts. • Orders beyond 762 € HT, an assortment of all free gifts +

free tee-shirt.

Freight Orders below 30kg will be shipped via Fedex, for others, PCB ships via our air forwarding agent. If you have your own forwarder, please send us their contact details along with your order. Shipments to distributors do not apply. We try to use our best judgements and at the same time save you on airfreight charges.

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