NIPSA Reports: December 2013

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NIPSA Reports A merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all our members


Pensions strike called off after late development – See page 3

Minister Poots is a class act – See page 6

Union bid to save DVA heads to Commons – See pages 8/9

December 2013 Tel: 028 90661831

Campaign to save NIHE steps up a gear – See page 10

Union stands up in Assembly for NI Schools Inspectorate – See page 11

LSC members in two-day strike over pay


NIPSA members at the Legal Services Commission took to the picket lines on December 4 and 5 in their battle for justice over a pay dispute that stretches back more than three years. The two-day stoppage follows a one-day strike in September.

LSC staff want to be treated equally with counterparts in the Department of Justice and are angered that their management walked away from an agreement reached in 2008. NIPSA Assistant General Secretary Kieran Bannon said: “Our members have

received no pay increase since 2009. This has caused significant financial hardship to the lowest paid staff. They have suffered the worst possible and blatantly inequitable treatment.”

Full story and pictures – see pages 4 and 5

Council agrees £250 payment

FOLLOWING a claim by NIPSA and other recognised trade unions, NIPSA was advised that Newtownabbey Council have agreed in principle to pay the £250 for those earning less than £21,000 per annum. This is for the previous pay year when staff received no pay increase. Deputy General Secretary Alison Millar said: “While it is a welcome move that Newtownabbey Borough Council have agreed in principle to pay this money to low-paid workers struggling to make ends meet, NIPSA is disappointed that the 26 councils under the NI NIPSA members have pocketed more than £1.4 million in cover for NIPSA members who have made use of the scheme Joint Council recompensation payments for personal injuries sustained in over the past 12 months is the highest yet in the firm’s time as fused to impleaccidents over the past 12 months – thanks to the efforts of NIPSA’s solicitors. ment this. NIPSA’s solicitors, McCartan Turkington Breen. “The fact that the scheme is free for NIPSA members provides “We are now Members of the union can avail of free legal assistance on per- them with an invaluable benefit should they find that they are inhaving to lodge sonal injury claims under NIPSA’s highly successful Legal Assis- jured in an incident that was not their fault.” claims in each of tance (Personal Injury) scheme. If NIPSA members are unsure if they are entitled to compensa- the 26 councils.” Claims have been made for a range of incidents, including tion, the Legal Assistance (Personal Injury) scheme provides for NIPSA is to road traffic collisions, accidents at work, tripping and slipping aca free initial consultation with a McCartan Turkington Breen soenter discuscidents as well as medical negligence claims. licitor. sions with local The scheme offers members peace of mind, especially for The solicitor will assess the case and make a recommendation management to those who normally would not go to law, as they do not qualify have this impleto NIPSA as to whether it is worthy of pursuit or, at the very for Legal Aid. mented as soon Viv Harty, a partner at McCartan Turkington Breen, told NIPSA least, of further investigation. Reports: “The level of compensation we have been able to reSEE FULL STORY PAGE 2 as possible.

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