Singaspeaks – Roar 16

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A Symbol of Self-sacrifice by Swami Sunirmalananda The Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore joins the World Community in celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita. Born in an Irish family in 1867, she came under the spiritual influence of Swami Vivekananda. She dedicated her life, on the instruction of her Guru, for the cause of Indian women. Indian national freedom fighters drew inspiration from her. It was she for the first time in 1906, developed a prototype of India’s national Flag with ‘vajra’ in it. Vajra (thunderbolt) is a heavenly weapon used for destruction of enemies. But Vajra stands for the wonderful quality of “Self-sacrifice” as it was made from a backbone of a great Rishi Dadhichi who gladly gave up his body for the welfare of the world.


Let us strive only for selflessness, and we become the weapon in the hands of the Gods.

– Sister Nivedita

The Road to Dedication

The Singapore Ramakrishna Mission has Vajra symbol on its compound wall everywhere signifying its unselfish service to the society. We are happy to place in our SingaSpeaks an article on Sister Nivedita and her vajra, written by Swami Sunirmalananda, the Head of Ramakrishna Mission’s branch at Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Margaret Elizabeth Noble was born 28 October 1867, while Sister Nivedita was born on 25 March 1898. It was a remarkable rebirth: a dedicated European lady reborn as a world leader, and as an ideal Vedantic woman for the future. The fire of spiritual aspiration burned in Margaret’s heart even as a child. When she became a teacher in 1894, her devotional became stronger and she fervently hoped to be a nun. In 1895, she founded her own school, the Ruskin School, both for young and old, in Wimbledon. And then the change came. Margaret’s father, Samuel, who had taught her selflessness since childhood, prophesied before dying: "When God calls her, let her go. She will spread her wings… She will do great things." And God called her. It was November 1895. Ebenezer Cook, a friend, informed her that a Hindu Swami was to speak at Isabel’s residence.

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A Symbol of Self-sacrifice Margaret went, heard Swami Vivekananda speaks and was c o n q u e re d . T h e P ro p h e t h a d awakened the disciple. Soon Swami Vivekananda returned to the USA, only to return five months later. Within this period, the transformation of Margaret Noble into an aspirant, eager to give herself fully to God, had been complete.

The Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore is observing the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita in two parts – Bhajan Sandhya and Spiritual Retreat. The first programme is a musical homage and has the eminent monastic singer Swami Sarvagananda. He is presently the Head of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama in Narendrapur, West Bengal, India. The programme will be held at the prestigious PGP Hall of Perumal Temple on 8 August 2016. Her Highness Smt Paramita Tripathi, Dy High Commissioner of India will be the Guest of Honour. The second programme i.e., a Spiritual Retreat at the Ramakrishna Temple and Sarada Hall is on 9 August 2016. It has four monastic speakers and includes a music rendition by Swami Sarvagananda. The other guest speaker is Swami Supriyananda, the Head of our Kuala Lumpur Centre. The remaining two speakers are from Singapore namely Swami Satyalokananda and Swami Vimokshananda.

What followed next is one of the most inspiring stories of dedication. Rightly enough, her Master gave her the name Bhagini (Sister) Nivedita, “ t h e d e d i c a t e d ”, t o i n s p i r e thousands of her type in the future to follow suit. Thus, what was to be the life of the owner of the Ruskin school in Wimbledon (started in 1895), soon to be forgotten by history became a glowing example of one who dedicated her entire life for the good of Indian women – meaning, the women of the future. Her Master had prophetically announced one day to her: “Thousands of Indian women are waiting, and will lift their heads when a woman from the West comes to fight with them, live with them, and show them the way.” The Story of Dedication Margaret was, of course ready. But Swami Vivekananda would not be carried away from her enthusiasm. In one of the most pragmatic yet brief letters in the history humanity, the Prophet wrote to his disciple without mincing words. This was written on 29 July 1897 : “Let me tell you frankly that I am now convinced that you have a great future in the work for India. What was wanted was not a man, but a woman — a real lioness — to work for the Indians, women specially... Yet the difficulties are many. You cannot form any idea of misery, the superstition, and the slavery that are here. You will be in the midst of a mass of half-naked men and women with quaint ideas of caste and isolation, shunning the white skin through fear


or hatred and hated by them intensely. On the other hand, you will be looked upon by the white as a crank, and every one of your movements will be watched with suspicion. Then the climate is fearfully hot; our winter in most places being like your summer, and in the south, it is always blazing. Not one European comfort is to be had in places out of the cities. If in spite of all this, you dare venture into the work, you are welcome, a hundred times welcome.” Blessings in Abundance In the same letter, Swamiji promised her: “You must think well before you plunge in; and after work, if you fail in this or get disgusted, on my part I promise you, I will stand by you unto death whether you work for India or not, whether you give up Vedanta or remain in it.” Holy Mother called her “daughter” and that was the greatest blessing. Mother’s affection for this daughter knew no bounds. The grace of her guru was also abundantly showered on her. She learnt not only the highest spiritual truths but also history, religion, and a hundred other subjects under him.

PH: +65 6288 9077 | FAX: 6288 5798




A Symbol of Self-sacrifice Finally, on 29 March nation to adopt this as 1898, Sister Nivedita a symbol of pride and was born. A child of the d i g n i t y, a n d s h e spiritual universe, quoted Dadichi’s selfdedicated to unselfish sacrifice in order that service of all, especially Indra could have an the women, had taken invincible weapon to birth that morning. And destroy evil. she was truly Swami Vivekananda’s Sister Nivedita wrote: thunderbolt (vajra) to “The selfless man is Logo designed and allowd for free use by Swami destroy the sufferings Hararupananda, the thunderbolt. Let serving Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, and ignorance of u s s t r i ve o n l y fo r Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Indian women in selflessness, and we particular and the future woman in general. become the weapon in the hands of Gods.” Not one or two, but a nation of heroes was what She was the Vajra she aspired for, and so she wanted multiple Vajras as the symbol. Indeed this was a Of all the things that Sister Nivedita loved, India reflection of her life. Coming out of a country was her passion. She did tremendous service to rich in wealth and affluence, Sister Nivedita, like awaken Indians from slumber. Of her numerous the thunderbolt, worked day and night to preoccupations, remove the sad the design of situation that the national flag India was in. was one. On Even though this flag, she eventually the wanted the Vajra symbol symbol of did not adorn strength, the the national Va j ra , t o b e flag, her implanted. symbol has Why? She found a place wrote: “A in countless banner, with its hearts. menace and its rallying cry, a Nivedita’s lifebanner, with its story has bebenison and call come an inspito sacrifice, ring narrative must be born for everyone within the soul who wishes to of the nation.” serve the cause She disliked of India, which t i m i d i t y. S h e is not just a knew history, geographical and had learnt piece of earth enormously at but a symbol of the feet of her eternality, selfSwami Sunirmalananda speaking to students at the International Master. So she School about the broad and universal concept of Religion, through sacrifice and stories and anecdotes. October 2015 wanted the spirituality.


PH: +65 6288 9077 | FAX: 6288 5798




Day 1 Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita Monday, 8 August 2016 Swami Sarvagananda is a Monk of the Ramakrishna Order. Former Secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar. Currently Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur, Kolkata. His bhajans are popular among the devotees and admirers. He has a melifluous voice and uses classical ragas while rendering bhajans. His rendition of evening arati song “khandana bhava” is widely used as a model for singing in all the Mission centres and among the devotees. A Musical Homage to Sister Nivedita on the occasion of her 150th Birth Anniversary will be offered by Swami Sarvagananda at the PGP Hall at 7 PM on 8 August 2016. Flute: Sri Raghavendran Rajasekaran Tabla: Sri Ritwik Ghosal Music is the highest art and, to those who understand is the highest worship…The greatest aid to this practice of keeping God in memory is, perhaps, music. The Lord says to Nârada, the great teacher of Bhakti, "I do not live in heaven, nor do I live in the heart of the Yogi, but where My devotees sing My praise, there am I". Music has such tremendous power over the human mind; it brings it to concentration in a moment. You will find the dull, ignorant, low, brute-like human beings, who never steady their mind for a moment at other times, when they hear attractive music, immediately become charmed and concentrated. Even the minds of animals, such as dogs, lions, cats, and serpents, become charmed with music. –SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


PH: +65 6288 9077 | FAX: 6288 5798




Day 2 Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Swami Sarvagananda

Swami Supriyananda

A Request to Register

Dear Devotees and friends, As you may be aware, the Ramakrishna Mission Singapore has three Retreats this year. The first Retreat was held on Good Friday, the second Retreat will be held on National Day and the third on Christmas Day. These auspicious public holidays coincidentally fall exactly once in four months. Due to logistics reasons, we shall admit only up to 200 devotees on a first come first serve basis. Registration is free. Children below 12 years are not eligible. Please register early so that your participation is ensured. You may register as follows: Call 6288 9077 during office hours (10 am to 6 pm) or Send an email to: or Sign up at the office when you visit the ashram in person When you register please let us know the names of the aspirants attending the programme, the phone no and which session(s) of the Retreat the aspirant(s) would be attending. We encourage you to spread the word to all your known spiritual aspirants – may be family members, friends and especially those who have taken diksha. Wishing you a spiritualy stimulating experience, May Sri Ramakrishna bless you all ! Swami Vimokshananda President


PH: +65 6288 9077 | FAX: 6288 5798

The ‘Five Commandments’ of Sri Ramakrishna for householders: 1. Keep chanting the God’s name, thinking of his glory. 2. Do Sadhusanga, Satsang, being with holy people; visit places where there are holy thoughts. 3. Go to a solitary place once in a while and meditate. Protect and nurture your godly feelings and thoughts. 4. Constantly deliberate and discriminate about right and wrong, true and untrue, real and unreal, right and wrong, ‘Nitya’ and ‘Anitya’, ‘Sat’ and ‘Asat’. God alone is true, ‘Nitya’, permanent, real, ‘Sat’, Right. 5. Discharge your duties as a householder with full responsibility but always keep in mind that none of this belongs to you.

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