The art of being content

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The Art of Being Content

In previous post we discussed that the first step in yoga is to nirodhah; free the mind of binding thoughts; the vrittis, and thereby set the platform to learn the method of self-realization and pave the path to enlightenment. ―The word chitta denotes the mind, which is composed of three elements—manas, or the mind associated with the senses, which has got the power of attention, selection, and rejection; buddhi, or intellect; and ahankār, or ego. The chitta, or mind, is constantly in flux since it is operated through inputs from all its three parts.‖ In normal life, it is hardly possible to be free from these material inputs and they become the sources of diversion because of which the mind is never quiet. Unfortunately, a stormy mind can never be drawn toward the Divine. In this way, one is unable to see oneself and others as a part of God. The mind is engaged in thoughts, which can broadly be divided into two kinds – Material thought and Spiritual thought. The mind gets easily involved in any material subjects. We don’t have to do any real effort. The challenge is when we want to focus our mind in transcendental subjects. ―Yog pacifies the vacillations of the mind that divert it from the Absolute. St. Augustine says, ―Our heart is restless, O Lord! And it shall continue to remain restless until it comes to rest in Thee.‖ Therefore, it is Yog that uplifts us to the level of the Supreme and makes us Blissful like Him.‖ Mind understands the language of matter because both are made up of Maya (material energy of God) and therefore mind can easily perceive and comprehend the corporeal realities of life. Although we (Soul); being an eternal part of God, will only be satiated in ethereal subjects, due to material consciousness, fail to recognize our true self, and not only get attached to the material existences but might even get defensive towards spiritual thoughts or life. Yog harmonizes, balances, purifies, and strengthens the body, mind, and soul of the practitioners. It shows the right way to perfect health, complete mind control, and total peace with one’s self, the world, the nature, and God. Highlighting the importance of Yog, Sri Aurobindo also said, ―Yog is the process of all round development of a man.‖ Mind and Soul are never in agreement with the things they want. It is quite evident that no matter what we think or do or have, we are never satisfied. Therefore; one need to put in the effort, to pull the mind from constant worldly engagements, so as to begin to be who we really are. We need to learn the art of being content in what we have, and be focus on what is really important – pursuit of the divine wealth. Source :

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