What are the ways to cure migraine

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What Are the Ways To Cure Migraine? If you are suffering from head splitting migraine for years and popping pills to get rid of your pain‌ pause and stop, there are ways other than medication to get rid of your pain. These painkillers and antidepressants are not without side effects and may lead to hypertension and many such diseases. Naturopathy treats the root cause of disease and not the symptom in isolation and offers preventive measures and ways other than pills to overcome pain. Migraine can be managed by lifestyle and dietary changes. There are natural ways to fight against migraine without resorting to pills. Naturopathy encourages a holistic living and lays great emphasis on regulating and striking the mind body balance through simple yoga asans, pranayam and meditation. Although obesity has no direct correlation with migraine but heavy weight directly or indirectly can causes migraine. Make brisk walk of 20 minutes a part of your routine followed by some simple yoga poses like Veerbhadrasana and Gomukhasana, though people with spondylosis should take care of their neck while doing any asans as a little jerk in the neck can trigger migraine in sensitive migraineurs. Let’s have a look at some yoga asans that helps cure migraine Hastapadasana or Standing Forward bend The Standing Forward bend invigorates the nervous system by increasing blood supply and also calms the mind. Setu Bandhasana or Bridge pose The Bridge pose calms the brain and reduces anxiety. Shishuasana or Child pose The Child pose calms down the nervous system and is a very physically relaxing asan. Marjariasana or Cat stretch The Cat stretches the body and improves blood circulation in the brain and also relaxes the mind. Paschimottanasana Two-legged forward bend The Two-legged Forward bend calms the brain and relieves stress. This yoga posture also relieves headache. Padmasana Lotus pose The Lotus pose relaxes the mind and alleviates headache. Savasana Corpse pose or relaxation asan The Corpse pose mitigates the physicl and mental stress rejuvenates the body by bringing it into a deep state of meditative rest. The yoga routine should be ended by lying down in this pose for a five of minutes to derive the positive effects of yogasans. Pranayam as stress buster Pranayam with its unique breathing and relaxation technique strikes an excellent mind body synchronization which is very effective in healing patients with migraine.Since stress and anxiety is one of the major cause of migraine deep breathing relaxes our nervous system while balancing stress hormones. The Brahmari pranayama, specially, releases serotonin and helps address post-partum and menstrual migraine. These simple yoga postures lessen the impact of a migraine attack and may eventually stop them permanently. Yoga is known to bring multitude of health benefits but should not be substituted for medicine unless and until medically advised. Refer to http://natural-cure.org/yoga/ Migraine attacks are traumatic and debilitating both emotionally and physically. Friends and family support counts. Remedies and lifestyle changes can serve as a permanent antidote to the plight of migraine Caution: Do not stop your medicine till medically advised.

Source : Natural-Cure.Org

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