Yoga & Naturopathy Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis Those troubled with pain are strongly advised against forward bending in a jerk, or forward bending exercise. Avoid jogging, running, jerking. Do not carry any weight that might strain your back, avoid carrying heavy bags and don’t lift heavy weights do not strain yourself when you are in pain. Avoid Soft chair, cushion bed because we tend to slouch. Soft mattress to be strictly avoided. Yoga Asans – Specific yogic exercise under proper guidance is done on regular basis. Allopathic medicines are not an effective cure for cervical spondylosis and neck pain but it is only through yoga asans and Pranayam or deep breathing we can cure and contain cervical spondylosis and neck pain. Do not resort to painkillers as permanent cure, it causes a lot of harm than cure. Go Yoga way – some specific yoga exercise for neck pain. Bhujangasana or the cobra pose This asan expands the chest and strengthens the spine. It also helps soothe the neck. It is an effective neck pain exercise. Ardha Matsyendrasana This pose stretches the neck and shoulder, and also energizes the spine and upper back. Dhanurasana The Bow pose stretches and stimulates the neck. Marjariasana The Cat pose stretches the neck and alleviates back ache. Setu Bandhasana The Bridge pose improves flow of blood to the head, thus relieving it of headache. It also stretches the neck and spine. Matsyasana The Fish pose strengthens back of the neck. It also stretches and stimulates the throat and neck. For details on these asans refer to Pranayam Deep breathing helps manage mental and physiological problems. Conscious breathing is the first step towards relieving tension. Whenever we are stressed our breathing is shallow, postural awareness and slow breathing relaxes your neck muscle. Bhramari is a great stress buster pranayam and calms and soothes the mind. At JKYN Hospital we lifestyle counselling with diet plan which has a life transforming effect. A simple change in the lifestyle especially of those leading a sedentary lifestyle and people whose job requires them to sit before their laptop for long hours brings about tremendous results. The most important of these changes is a change in dietary habits and how to incorporate exercise in their hectic schedule. Take short break while working ,do simple stretches and neck exercise that would ward off spondylosis. These exercises are primarily aimed at improving the nutrient supply to the spinal disc that would eventually delay the degeneration of cells that comes with age. Go For Alternative medicinal care, Go for Naturopathy treatment and consultancy at JKYNH, Odisha, one of the premiere Naturopathy Hospitals in Eastern India. Enjoy your stay at the scenic and spiritual ambience of JKYNH with a daily schedule of yoga meditation and inhouse organic diet. Feel your life change for the good. Source: Natural-Cure.Org