Letter of Reference- SCMS School of Architecture

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Campus: Vidya Nagar, Karukutty Ernakulam - 683 576, lndia. Tel: 91 484 2882929 Email: ssa@scmsgroup.org 13th

August 2021 Kochi, lndia.

Letter of Recommendation am Prof. Anil Ravindranathan, Principal at the SCMS School of Architecture, Cochin, Kerala, lndia, lt is with immense pleasure, that I would like to recommend our student, Mr. Nishon. C. Simon, to pursue the M.Sc. I

Programme in Construction Proiect Management at your University.

Nishon is a diligent and hard working student with an eye for detail and quality. During my interactions with him,


have observed an inquisitiveness and enthusiasm in his approach and attitude. I have been closely monitoring his thesis pqect- - "Reimagining the Greater Cochin Development Authority Building at the Marine Drive at Kochi", with a lot of interest and expectations, During his thesis reviews, I have noticed his acumen for analysis and observations. I am sure his thesis will be well appreciated and will be a work that both he and his institution could be proud of.

Beyond academics, Nishon actively participates in events& competitions, both within our institution and beyond.

He communication skills and ability to encourage fellow students for various events, speaks of his leadership quality. He has been at the forefront of organising and spearheading various academic and non-academic events throughout his 5 year of study here.

Once again, I strongly recommend him to undergo the post graduate program at your University. I am sure Nishon will be an asset for any organisation he may be associated with. I wish him success and all the very best in his future endeavours.

Kindly feel free to contact me for any clarifications.



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Anil Ravindranathan Professor & Principal

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Cory. Office: SCMS Campus, Prathap Nagar, Cochin - 683 106, India, Tel: 0484 2628000 Email: scms@ scmsgroup.org { www.scmsgroup.org lVlember


SCMSSCHOOL OF Campus: Vidya Nagal Karukutty Ernakulam - 683 576, lndia. Tel: 91 484 2882929 Email: ssa@scmsgroup.org

Ernakulam 12108t2021

Letter of Recommendation With immense pleasure, l, Kuruvitla, Professor at SCMS Schoo! of Architecture, would like to -Jolrn fully recommend Nishon C Simon for the MSc programme in Construction eiqect frrfanagement


your University.

I have known Nishon, as a very involved and committed student from the first year of his Bachelors programme in Architecture at our school, I was also part of the faculty team that was direcgy involved

with the Architectural Design Studio at various Semesters of his batch. I have also taken theory classes such as Housing for his batch,

His thesis project work- "Reimagining the Greater Cochin Development Authority Building at the Marine Drive at Kochi" will be remembered as an outstanding work, not only in research unJ oorrr.ntation of a land mark building of Kochi but also in the study ,n-d r..**enditions in the reuse of the building in the Urban Context of Kochi. He is an outstanding not,only in academics but also in extra-curricular activities and being l?-rlg.T3l, involved in the well-being of the student:community in general. His hard work and commitment to all

that he does will take him a long way. His leadeishifqualities will keep nim in good stead in the endeavours he gets involved, especially in the construction field. He will be an asse-t t ih. ilr;iry';

he gets enrolled in your University. I strongly recommend him for the programme and please feel free to contact me for any further information regarding Nishon, I wish him the very best for his future endeavours.


Prof. Professor



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Corp. Office: SCMS Campus, Prathap Nagar, Cochin - 683 106, India, Tel: 0484 2628000 Email: scms@scmsgroup.org I wwwscmsgroup.org



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