ommunicator Spokane Falls Community College
Celebrating 40 years of campus coverage.
October 16, 2008
Volume 40 Issue 1
CCS enrollment rises as economy struggles More students walking the halls of SFCC
Jon Brown
The Communicator Enrollment figures at the Community Colleges of Spokane have shown a significant increase this year in a trend that has spread throughout Washington’s colleges and universities, according to recent articles in the SpokesmanReview and the Seattle Times. Anne Tucker, Public Information
Students aid in campus cleanup
Officer for Community Colleges of Spokane reports a combined 3 percent increase in enrollment at SCC and SFCC. While that number may not seem large, it trans-./! lates to 155 additional students at SFCC *,,! alone. “Downturns in the economy historically result in increased enrollments at community and techni-
cal colleges,” says Tucker. Tucker cites lower tuition increases at community colleges compared to
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four-year schools, a difference of as much as 5 percent that can save some students hundreds of dollars per quarter. Tucker was uncertain if the recent increase in enrollment would lead (&%%! to the hiring +233!$""0! (&#&! of more in+233!$"")! structors or the expan'0(1! sion of CCS ')#&! facilities. In an arti("""! )"""! cle from the ! September Communicator staff
The economy: impact on students
Jon Brown
120 students, faculty and staff gathered on a bright October afternoon to remove littered cigarette butts from SFCC’s campus in a coordinated effort to cleanup the school grounds. Pam Foust, Workforce Education Coordinator for SFCC, helped organize the cleanup in response to numerous complaints from students and co-workers. “There were a few letters to the editor last year (SFCC Communicator, vol. 39, issue 12) about cigarette butts, and I’ve heard many conversations complaining about them,” said Foust. The cleanup was initially planned for before the start of fall quarter, but Foust and other organizers felt it would have more of an impact if it could be done in a more visible, interactive setting involving the student body. Each participant in the cleanup project was given a pair of rubber See gloves, a plastic bag and 20 minutes to gather as many spent cigarettes as possible. All who
Photo illustration/ The Communicator
“Many students are hearing that loans for school are going to be harder to get, forcing some to resort to plan B: attending local community colleges or taking a year off,” - Claudio Sanchez, NPR Story by Jon Brown. Page 2.
SFCC hosts blood drive Page 6.
The Communicator
Contact Jon at (509) 533-3602
Student plans assault with broken glass Zac Whitman
The Communicator
The Communicator
See Cleanup on page 2.
23, 2008 issue, the SpokesmanReview reported record numbers of freshmen enrolled at Whitworth, Gonzaga and Washington State University, with Eastern Washington University poised to join them, though official numbers from EWU were not yet available. “When the economy goes down and jobs are harder to find, students go back to college,” said Janelle Runyon, spokeswoman for the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges in an Associated Press story in the Seattle Times on October 7, 2008.
Welcome week Page 7.
Terrain art show Page 8.
A subject was taken into custody by the Spokane Police Department for threatening a student on the SFCC campus and admitting to the intention of robbing the cashier’s office, armed with only a shard of broken glass. At 10:50 a.m. SFCC Campus Security office received a call to their security cell phone from a male student, claiming he had been threatened by another student. The victim described his assailant as a Hispanic male wearing a maroon tee shirt, jeans, and a backpack. The suspect had approached the victim asking for his help. The suspect then turned, placed a tee shirt over his face bandana style and said “I am going to assault you.” The victim then ran off and the suspect ran towards the library. While in route to meet the victim, the SFCC Security Officer saw the suspect in front of the building 17. After making contact with the suspect, the officer convinced the suspect
See Broken Glass on page 2.
Spokane Frisbee golf Page 11.