The FEEDTECH Hammer Mills are a great solution for milling of raw materials or combination of derivates and grains in: animal feed industry, petfood industry, fish feed industry etc.
FEEDTECH International BV Beta 3.26,High Tech Campus 9, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands T: +49 176 85 999 306 E: W:
Technical specifications
Application: The milling of derivates and or combination of derivates and grains in: animal feed industry, petfood industry, fish feed industry. Options: - Changing fully automatic screen - Top bin connecting to the feeder - Intake hopper with a explosion panel - Discharging meal conveyor - Aspiration including fan and selfcleaning filter unit - Fully automatic feeder control - PLC control box - Explosion detection devices according to the Atex 137 (European) Guidelines (for Explosion Safety). - Motor optionally frequency converted from 650 to 1600 rpm
- Designed for dual direction of rotation - Positioned depending on the direction of rotation, the two adjustable breaker plates create an asymmetric grinding chamber, causing a remarkable increase of the collision effect of the grinding materials. - The grinding chamber is a heavy construction built together with the base frame, standing on heavy antivibration shock absorbers. - The very carefully balanced rotor guarantees a long life. - The rotor can be equipped with 6 or 8 beater rows, depending the specific application. - A large screen surface up to 2 m² combines with a breaker plate surface up to 1 m². - The large sliding doors give a wide access to the grinding chamber. - Motor powers up to 400 kW, optionally frequency converted from 650 to 1.800 rpm
B e n e fi ts : •Low maintenance •H i g h es t d u r a b ili t y • Pe r f e c t m il li n g p e r f o r m a n c e • E xc ell e n t f e e d q u a li t y • L o we r wa r m i n g o f t h e b r u i s e d g r a i n •A d v a n c e d s c r e e n s u r f ac e •c o s t - ef fi c i e n t a n d e n e r g y - s av i n g • Le s s n o is e • D o u b l e ef f ic i e n c y le v el •Robust rotor •I n c r e a s e d c a p ac i t y
- The unique asymmetric shape of the grinding chamber enables 20 to 30 % higher capacities compared to conventional hammer mills. - Practically no increase of the product temperature, resulting in a minimal loss of moisture. - The final product shows a remarkably narrow spectrum of the grist, both with coarse and fine grinding. - Raw materials for aqua feed and petfood containing a high fat percentage, can be ground to 100% <800μ, with capacities as high as 18 to/h. A blend of pig feed with more than 50% cereals and a fineness of 100% < 2,0 mm, requires a maximum power consumption of 6.5 kW/to. - Single grinding of barley, with 14% moisture and a fineness of 54% < 2.0 mm and 43 % < 1.0 mm, requires a max power consumption of 9.3 kW/to.
250 330 500 750 1000 1250
250 330 500 750 1000 1250
132-200 200-250 250-355
5 10 15-20 20-35 132-200 30-50 200-250 45-60 250-355
1 Magnet 2 Air inlet 3 Stone trap 4 Material direction flap 5 Pre braking plates 6 Temperature sensor 7 Screen 8 Rotor met beaters
5 10 15-20 20-35 30-50 45-60