Portfolio- Film Art by Niyu Chen

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Niyu Chen
3 7 12 個人簡歷 關於我 經歷 15 舞台設計 魚 拍攝美術 記得畢業 遺失的二分之一 Resume Art Director Stage Design


Language Hobby Skill

Taiwanese Chinese English



在大二升大三的暑假 透過學姊介紹 進入三立電視劇 遺失的二分之一美術陳設組 實習了一個半月的時間 要進入劇組之前 學姊行前只說了一句 沒有訣竅 就少 說多做 還記得第一天出班 就是凌晨四點 那天我真的累到沒說了幾句話 晩上 十點回到家連澡都沒洗馬上 平 這四十五天說短也不短 我從大家身上學了很多 怎麼接電 怎麼擺設 怎麼安裝 現場又是如何運作的 每天的見面,也讓我們在短時 間成為傾心好友;但說長也不長 這四十五天我撞的東一青西一紫的 犧牲睡眠暑假來 吃苦 但卻是讓我最開心充實的四十五天 不是出於被虐心態 而是我發現自己除了

During the third summer vacation, I entered the crew as the art department intern for one and a half month. Before I started, the senior told me to talk less and do more. On the first day, I got up at 4 a.m. and worked so hard that when I got home, I went to bed right away without showering. During these 45 days, I learned a lot, like how to connect the circuit, set the pieces of furniture and a live set works. The time we spent also made the partners from the art setting become best friends. After that, I became best friends with partners in the on set art department, and also figured out what I really wanted to do.

下圖為女主角家裡 我們將一民宅的頂樓加蓋 配合劇本搭出閣樓 倶為符合陳舊的年代感 皆為二手店和跳蚤市集收集來的 7
平面設計 對於空間設計或是陳設擺設更有興趣 也更得心應手 也算是為迷惘中的 自己 理出了一條路
頂列兩張 為我們在元智大學 置的校園社團 下面四張 則是男女主角於學生時期參與的試膽大會 8
這兩頁 為男女主配角參與的社團̶古藝社 古老又多藝 什麼都有什麼都不奇怪 各個角落都藏有玄機 10

This time is filming for the graduation song. Different from the internship, I needed to decide what to set, choose and buy on my own. Because this was a student production, the lack of money and manpower forced me to wear more than one hat. I needed to control the art set and collect props which fit the film. Different from the internship, I learned the importance of decision making, and friendship from borrowing props.

記得畢業 是108級元智的畢業歌拍攝 雖然這次幫學長姐拍攝 同樣是 擔任美術一職 但和實習不一樣 從實習生可以問東問西的吸收者變為決策 者 因為是學生製片 人手不足的情況下 服裝也為美術所管 現場除了道 具 還要幫忙場記 經歷了這支片 除了體驗了MV那種短期製作的壓力 也 在美術預算緊縮的情況下 發現了人情的溫暖之處 問遍東南西北好友的收 集道具 因為同為學生一起努力一起去做各種嘗試 互相幫忙 西北雨下下 停停 累得苦哈哈的時候 還是會笑著調侃 因為公假 逃了課 我們是 不是得到報應了 在累的時候 喊個殺青倒數時數
這兩頁為主角的學校宿舍房間 四個室友四種風格̶宅男 潮人 文青學霸 健身狂人 14

「魚的記憶力只有七秒喔?」小女孩將臉貼在魚缸上,看著魚天真的說著: 「沒記憶的話,應該也沒感覺吧!那魚一定非常開心!」 的作業、她的煩惱, 直自由自在的暢遊在海中,她決定每天去水族館跟 魚學習如何游泳,在回家洗澡的時候,在水槽裡屏住呼吸,目標是成為一 條魚,並且在海底找到秘密寶藏。

一天一天,每天告訴自己,再一秒再多一秒就好,直到可以憋氣超過一分 鐘了,緊接著是漂浮練習。隔天,她將浴缸注滿了水,戴上蛙鏡,用力的 使勁的憋滿氣, ,她真的漂起來了,腳和心都輕飄 飄的,涼涼的水流浸透身體,她慢慢的睜開眼睛,透過模糊的水光,看見 美麗的珊瑚和舞動的海草 。 , , 她看見自己和爸媽在 起點點滴滴的回憶,下一秒,她看見她的朋友再和 她招手 第七秒,她的手臂變成了魚鰭,直到一切都已化為泡沫,她變成 一條 魚 , 消失在海 中 。

“The memory of a fish only lasts 7 seconds.” “Fish are so lucky to have that! They must be very happy!” The little girl stared admiringly and pressed her face on the fish tank. Without any memory, she can escape from the homework and swim carefreely in the sea. Every day, she went to the aquarium to learn swimming from fish and practiced holding her breath in the sink every day during the bath. Day by day, she could hold her breath for an extra minute. So, she started to try floating in the bathtub. Her goal was to become a fish and find the secret treasures under the sea. One day, she filled the whole bathtub with water to practice how to float. While under water, she tried every effort to float and held the longest breath she could. And that 7 seconds magically happened to her. At that moment, she saw the beautiful coral reef and the dancing seaweed. As every second went by,, she saw the memories she made with her parents. She found her arms turning into fins, and everything she got was turning into bubbles. In the end, she became fish swimming away and disappeared in the deep sea.


Reference for the texture and visual image.

Based on my story, I chose the coral reef as the main concept to decorate the stage.

To match the colors, I picked a few colors from the coral reefs and the ones fit for the little girl to match my leading role. I also remodeled the shape of the coral reef and colored them with polygons to make it look more interesting.

的角度去發想 參考了故事書
每 下潛一層 像是女孩
如何計算 大小、如何收集相關的參考資料 但在開始製作時 發 現媒材才是最大的問題 我花了很多時間探索傳統布市 和材料行
利完成製作 17 魚
繪本 再組成珊瑚上的
比起寫實的雕塑珊瑚 改
住氣的每個七秒 所吐出的泡泡
也在朋友和教授的幫助下 終於時間內順

Life is about courage and going to the unknown.

- 白日夢冒險王

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