AASP-MN News July 2021

Page 18


The Hierarchy of Controls by Janet L. Keyes, CIH and Carol A. Keyes, CSP

If you could eliminate a hazard,

dark space under cars or they will use

the person using it. And it only protects

would you do it? The expected answer

jacks. Are those safer? I don’t think so.

if it is used correctly. It often is the most

is, “Of course I would!” But the real

We won’t ask you to eliminate all

cumbersome to use. And, the most

answer is, “It depends.” You weigh

hazards. That’s futile. A more practical

the trade-offs. Get rid of all flammable

approach is to use the hierarchy of

paint, and you eliminate the hazard of

controls. Eliminate the hazard if you

people doing noisy tasks are using

paint vapors starting a fire. Eliminate

can. Substitute – use something similar

hearing protection? If you think they

vehicle lifts, and you eliminate the risk

but safer. Use engineering controls

don’t need hearing protection, go

of a car falling off a lift. But you can’t

to separate people from the hazard.

talk to them. Do they need to stop

refinish cars if you can’t paint, and

Change the way work is done – use

what they’re doing to converse? If so,

nonflammable clearcoats are hard to

administrative controls. And if none of

hearing protection was needed. Why

find. Getting rid of vehicle lifts certainly

those will do the job, resort to requiring

aren’t they using it? It’s uncomfortable.

eliminates one potential hazard, but it

personal protective equipment.

It’s too hot. It’s too inconvenient.

replaces it with others. If employees AASP0720_CHESS.qxp_Layout 1 6/18/20 1:13 PM Page 1

Why is personal protective

difficult to enforce. Walk into your shop. How many

It didn’t seem that loud. See the

need to work under vehicles, they

equipment the last choice? It’s the least

problems with relying on personal

either will try to work in that cramped,

effective. It only protects one person,

protective equipment? Administrative controls are

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considered more effective than requiring personal protective equipment. How could you use that to control noise exposure? You could try to limit how long people spend at the noisiest tasks. That’s not very practical. But there are tasks and times when administrative controls are very effective. Frequent breaks or reducing production expectations during hot weather is an administrative control.

An AWAIR program by July 2020*

Annual Right to Know / Hazard Communication Training

A COVID-19 Prevention Plan by July 2020**

Where is your air compressor? Is it in a corner of the main shop? Or does it have its own sound-insulated room? If the latter, you’ve applied a very effective engineering control.

*By July 2020, automotive repair facilities must have A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR) program **Essential businesses must have a written COVID-19 Prevention Plan

We Can Help

Contact us today for help with your shop’s safety, health and environmental needs. (651) 481-9787 chess@chess-safety.com www.chess-safety.com 18 | July 2021


Choosing quieter tools that have noise control built into them is an engineering control. Dust extraction systems used for sanding and buffing are engineering controls. Spray booths reduce fire hazards and can reduce employee exposure to paints – they count as engineering controls.

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