AASP-MN News October 2021

Page 6


Leadership Changes in Minnesota Senate by Kevin Walli & Sam Richie, AASP-MN Lobbyists

While the Legislature may not be in session, there immediately. This set up a wide-open race for her have still been some big changes that are likely to replacement, with as many as five DFL Senators in the impact the Legislative process in 2022 and beyond. Both mix to replace her. caucuses in the Minnesota State Senate have elected The new Senate DFL Leader will be Senator Melisa new leaders to navigate their parties through next year’s Lopez Franzen (DFL – Edina). Senator Franzen was first session and the all important 2022 election, which will see elected in 2012 and had been Assistant Minority Leader all 201 members of the Legislature on the ballot. until earlier this summer when she stepped down over Senator Paul Gazelka (R – Nisswa) had been the the handling of a sexual harassment complaint by a leader of the Republican caucus since 2017, but stepped Senate staffer. Senator Franzen, who was born and down from that position in early September to focus on raised in Puerto Rico, will be the first member of the his run for Governor. Senator Gazelka has been the face People of Color and Indigenous caucus to be elected to of the Republican party as the lead negotiator in dealing lead a caucus in the Minnesota Senate. She is an attorney with the DFL Governor and a DFL-led House during his and small business owner and has served on both the time in leadership. His resignation as Majority Leader Commerce and Finance Committees. was expected as his Gubernatorial ambitions have been widely known, but who his successor would be was less certain. The new Republican leader will be Senator Jeremy Miller (R – Winona). Senator Miller was first elected in 2010 and has been serving as Senate President since 2019. Senator Miller is the father of three young boys and works as the chief financial officer for his family’s scrap metal company in Winona. He has been an approachable A-Con Recycling can help! Give us a call and thoughtful legislator with a reputation for trying to today at 651-252-6000 for more details We PICKUP & RECYCLE your bumpers, find common ground and reaching across the aisle in an and scheduling. keeping plastic out of landfills and effort to find compromise. improving shopplastic production! WHAT WE DO: Recycle bumpers While Senator Gazelka’s choice to step down was and keep them out of landfills. widely anticipated, the same cannot be said for DFL Contact usRecondition, today for WHAT WE DON’T DO: fix or Minority Leader Senator Susan Kent (DFL – Woodbury). & scheduling! selldetails bumper cores for repair. Senator Kent, who took over the leadership role in early 651-252-6000 2020, announced that she will not seek reelection in aconrecycling@aconwheel.com 2022 and would step down from her leadership position



6 | October 2021


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