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Wharton Insurance Briefs


You may be putting all your assets at risk by responding inappropriately during a heated employee/employer conversation! You can obtain insurance coverage for this exposure. However, your best Risk Management practice is to “Think before you respond.”

I recently read an article that stated executives at as many as half the firms surveyed in a recent poll said it was likely that an employee may sue them, their board members and their companies and/or lodge an Employment Practices complaint with federal or state authorities. And nearly one-third believe that an allegation or actual case of wrongful termination, discrimination or harassment has the potential to inflict financial or other serious damage to their company. Employment Practices Liability Insurance provides you and your company with coverage for this type of exposure. Limits vary and some companies offer a policy for as low as $1,000. Completion of a one-page application can secure quotes within a week. As always, we are here to give you more information about these issues.

If you have any questions or would like to obtain a quote, please contact me.


continued from pg. 10 parents(s)/guardian(s)/person from having the ability to view the messages.

I mean, so what if most 12 year olds have to be reminded to brush their teeth or put on deodorant? They are surely mature enough to make the decision to prevent their parents from accessing their medical records. Right?

Now I realize, in this wonderful society we live in, that parents are no longer looked on with respect, and or, as decision makers. Because, of course, the State or the Feds or the school boards all know what’s best for OUR kids. Right? They should all have the power to overrule parents on just about everything these days. Right?

As my co-worker said:

“The world has gone batshit insane!” continued from pg. 16 options (including low and high deductible plans, different office-visit copay options and also health savings accounts), Teledoc service with access to providers 24/7/365, online access to claims information and ID cards and so much more!

As I see the world change, it does make me angry and sad. But not so much for me. My generation had it better than all who came before us. And I truly believe that’s because many of us had parents or relatives who lived through the Depression and World War II. They worked their asses off and lived through horrors we couldn’t imagine and made sure we’d never have to. But my kids and their kids, my co-workers and their families, they don’t have that protection. They are the ones whose future is being regulated, manipulated, controlled, censored and asphyxiated by a society that believes only one way is right (whether left or right, it doesn’t matter). And their way has to be imposed and deferred to or else you will be left out in the cold, without a chance to prosper. Without a chance to speak out. Without a chance to have a say. Without a goddamn chance to see our 12-YEAR-OLD’s medical records.

Is this the world we want to leave for our kids and grandkids?

It’s getting late. We’d better figure it out soon.

AASP/NJ members interested in learning more about the health care plan can contact Joe Amato, Jr. at World Insurance Associates at aaspnj@worldinsurance.com or (732) 530-6740, ext. 412.

For more information on the program, visit worldinsurance.com/ aasp

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