Noor Hafez

Photography by me

About me.
My name is Noor Jamal Hafez. I am an architect and artist. I believe in working smart and hard. I like designing, drawing and oil painting. Also, I have good communication skills therefore; I can work effectively in teams. I know languages as English, Arabic and French.

Je m›appelle Noor Jamal Hafez. Je suis architecte et artiste. Je crois qu›il faut travailler intelligemment et dur. J›aime le design, le dessin et la peinture à l›huile. De plus, j›ai donc de bonnes compétences en communication ; Je peux travailler efficacement en équipe. Je connais des langues comme l›anglais, l›arabe et le français.

A mixed use high rised building /Toronto, Canada

This project is a mixed-use high rise building located in Toronto, Canada. The site location is strategic due to lying between four main streets and near to public open spaces and a historic site as well as having a strong axis to the water front of Toronto directly from the site. This project is divided into three main parts starting from the public floors, then the typical hotel floors and after that the residential typical floors. The public floors are five consisting of different lobbies, reception areas, a café and retail shops. Two different orientations were used at different levels to show various views for an increased economic value and to target different users from all directions.
Ce projet est un immeuble de grande hauteur à usage mixte situé à Toronto, au Canada. L›emplacement du site est stratégique car il se situe entre quatre rues principales et à proximité d›espaces publics ouverts et d›un site historique, ainsi que d›un axe fort vers le front de mer de Toronto directement à partir du site. Ce projet est divisé en trois parties principales, à partir des étages publics, puis des étages typiques des hôtels et enfin des étages résidentiels typiques. Les étages publics sont au nombre de cinq et comprennent différents halls d›entrée, des zones de réception, un café et des magasins de détail. Deux orientations différentes ont été utilisées à différents niveaux pour montrer diverses vues pour une valeur économique accrue et pour cibler différents utilisateurs de toutes les directions.


-I considered the site forces on the ground level which are represented by pedestrian routes coming from different open spaces around the site creating an urban linkage core connecting the public open spaces of the area on the two sides of Buthurst street such as: the old fort extension and the open space extension which is under the Gardnier high way.
-The application: these forces divided the site creating an inner public plaza and a vital ground floor for pedestrians.
-I considered the water front view and the Gardnier view while designing by orienting the upper floor levels towards these features and through form degradation.

-Four public floors and a roof garden with a
*The typical hotel floor is composed of two types of rooms (standard and luxury rooms) while the residential floors have various types
-The ground level has retail shops and lobbies for both the residential and hotel floors.
-The first floor has retail shops as well as
-The second floor has the fitness centre. -The third floor has the innovation centre.
Connection and Orientation
The Waterfront
Exterior view

Structural grid showing columns, modules and frame shear walls.
Showing the building, the site and the surroundings.

Showing the relation between the building envelope and the exterior open space.

Exterior view
Exterior views

Private villa /Amman, Jordan
This project shows balance in the formationof the design in a timeless manner. This villa is designed in a classical style that is represented in the structure; walls and pitched roof openings as well as in the materials.
I used concrete blocks for the walls and red bricks for the pitched roof which are timeless in any classical design. Also, I used wooden shading devices that are covering the upper terrace in order to break the rythm.
Cette villa est conçue dans un style classique qui est représenté dans la structure murs et toit en pente, les ouvertures ainsi que dans les matériaux. J›ai utilisé des blocs de béton pour les murs et des briques rouges pour le toit en pente qui sont intemporels dans toute conception classique. aussi, j›ai utilisé des dispositifs d›ombrage en bois qui recouvrent la terrasse supérieure afin de casser le rythme.

Exterior shots of a classic private villa


This hospital project is composed of main hospital building and an outpatient building connected internally by a bridge. The hospital is designed on a grid of fractal quadrants that is also applied on the exterior elevations; openings and shading devices. There are two main axes dividing the project creating vertical and horizontal planes that are in balance. Also, a void was created cutting the outpatient building vertically in order to make a public open cafeteria for the patients.
Ce projet hospitalier est composé d›un bâtiment hospitalier principal et d›un bâtiment ambulatoire reliés en interne. L›hôpital est conçu selon une grille qui s›applique également sur les élévations extérieures ouvertures et dispositifs d›ombrage. Deux axes principaux divisent le projet créant des plans verticaux et horizontaux en équilibre. En outre, un vide a été créé en coupant verticalement le bâtiment des consultations externes afin de créer une cafétéria publique ouverte aux patients.
Hospital /Amman, Jordan
A diagram
Showing the formation of the building according to the site forces and the fractal geometry division into connected quadrants and the different functions of the program

General hospital functions quadrants
outpatient building
Main horizontal and vertical circulation axis Internal courts Emergency exits vertical circulation
Connected bridge outdoor cafeteria Main Entrance
Main cut in the General hospital building quadrant according to the site›s slope that generates an outpatient building connected with the general hospital building with a bridge

The fractal geometry is applied on the shading devices and openings (curtain
Shading devices
Curtain walls and openings

Ground floor - 2nd bldg

First floor - 1st bldg
Second floor - 2nd bldg
Second floor - 1st bldg

Third floor - 2nd bldg

Third floor - 1st bldg
(Typical floor plan)

Exterior shots

Back side elevation
Front side elevation
Section A-A
Section B-B
Spa /Norway, Netherlands

This project is considered surrealism and symbolism in architecture. It is an immitation of the human organism and symbolizes the burning process he passes through in his life. The deconstruction architectural style symbolizes the deconstructing process of the human brain and the orientation towards the views and the heat breakdown of the sauna. As well, different architectural styles are applied to reflect the internal function such as: the rectilinear, curvilinear, fluidity and mainly the deconstruction. This design is considered sustainable and zero energy efficient through its formation for the walls the pitched roof design also, through the minimization of the openings and the materials chosen.
The orange color shade symbolizes the above surrealism and symbolism in architecture.
This spa project is located in Norway. It is aligned horizontally on the site’s slope for a maximum land use. It is composed of public reception area, a dancing studio, sauna, Jacuzzi, treatment rooms, changing rooms and an outdoor terrace with a pool. The outdoor terrace is located at the end of the project oriented toward the river view. The structure of the project is made of concrete. The walls are covered with granite veneer and the inclined roofs are covered with asphalt shingles that are more suitable for the cold and dry weather.
Ce projet est considéré comme du surréalisme et du symbolisme en architecture. C›est une imitation de l›organisme humain et symbolise le processus de combustion qu›il traverse dans sa vie. Le style architectural de déconstruction symbolise le processus de déconstruction du cerveau humain et l›orientation vers les vues et la répartition de la chaleur du sauna. Ainsi, différents styles architecturaux sont appliqués pour refléter la fonction interne tels que le rectiligne, le curviligne, la fluidité et principalement la déconstruction. Cette conception est considérée comme durable et économe en énergie grâce à sa formation pour les murs et la conception du toit en pente également, grâce à la minimisation des ouvertures et des matériaux choisis.
La nuance de couleur orange symbolise le surréalisme et le symbolisme de l’architecture ci-dessus.
Ce projet de spa est situé en Norvège. Il est aligné horizontalement sur la pente du site pour une utilisation maximale du sol. Il est composé d›un espace d›accueil du public, d›un studio de danse, d›un sauna, d›un jacuzzi, de salles de soins, de vestiaires et d›une terrasse extérieure avec piscine. La terrasse extérieure est située en fin de projet orientée vers la vue sur le fleuve. La structure du projet est en béton. Les murs sont recouverts de placage de granit et les toits inclinés sont recouverts de bardeaux d›asphalte plus adaptés au temps froid et sec.

3D Conceptual sketch showing the 3d conceptual formation of the project with the openings and the materials used

Conceptual sketch showing the main functions of the project on the site, the vegetation area and the orientation towards the lake view

Exterior perspective
Showing the building and the site

Exterior perspective
Showing the movement studio and the skylights

Public area (reception, seating area and cafeteria)
Staff rooms
Solar energy room
Vertical circulation (elevators)
Movement studio
Changing rooms
Treatment rooms
Terrace with a pool
Stairs and pathways
3D perspective plan
Showing the different functions of the building


Movement studio
Sauna, treatment rooms and services
-Marble floor tile.
330-mm poured concrete slab- welded wire mesh at foundation wall and welded plates cast into slab.
-Fully adhered (water/air/vapor) barrier. It›s continuous from below the foundation wall to below the slab.
120-mm cavity rigid insulation.
150-mm compacted soil.
380-mm gravel- drainage layer.
- Rigid insulation, cavity insulation.
-Compacted soil.
-Free-draining gravel wrapped in filter fabric.
-Drain tile system.
-Cavity insulation must maintain a continuous venting air space to the ridge.

-Insulation baffle prevents wind blowing through insulation and maintains 2 inch /50.8mm clearance under roof sheathing.
-Water protection membrane, ice-dam protection where required.
-Rigid insulation notched around roof rafters to act as wind shield for roof insulation.
-Asphalt shingles.
-Continuous soffit vent.
adhesive Foundation wall + Wall to roof section 3D section
*From above grade:
-Protection board (Height: 150 mm above grade).
6-mm Dia rod welded to underside as drip edge.
-Continuous steel shelf angle.
-Flashing lapped with blueskin.
-Open drain hole at each vertical point.
-Granite veneer panels.
-2-piece adjustable granite veneer tie.
-Drainage gap/ vented airspace.
-Metal sheathing.
-Metal ties.
-Rigid insulation ( 150mm F200- Foamular Butt Edge Foam
Insulation R-value: R15)) Thermal control layer.
-Two transition membranes with 150 mm overlapped shinglesfashion.
-Fully adhered (water/air/vapor) control layers.
-Adjustable metal ties - Connected to the concrete block wall.
300- mm concrete block wall CMU.
75-mm metal stud furring.
15.9-mm Gypsum board.
-Latix Paint with texture.
- 150mm

In the wall and roof of the movement studio and the sauna
-Marble floor tile.
330-mm poured concrete slab- welded wire mesh at foundation wall and welded plates cast into slab.
-Fully adhered (water/air/vapor) barrier. It›s continuous from below the foundation wall to below the slab.
120-mm cavity rigid insulation.
150-mm compacted soil.
380-mm gravel- drainage layer.

-Compacted soil.
-Free-draining gravel wrapped in filter fabric.
-Drain tile system.
*From above grade:
-Protection board (Height: 150 mm above grade).
6-mm Dia rod welded to underside as drip edge.
-Continuous steel shelf angle.
-Flashing lapped with blueskin.
-Open drain hole at each vertical point.
-Granite veneer panels.
-2-piece adjustable granite veneer tie.
-Drainage gap/ vented airspace.
-Metal sheathing.
-Metal ties.
-Rigid insulation ( 150mm F200- Foamular Butt
Edge Foam Insulation ( R-value: R15)) Thermal control layer.
-Two transition membranes with 150 mm overlapped shingles-fashion.
-Fully adhered (water/air/vapor) control layers.
-Adjustable metal ties - Connected to the concrete block wall.
300- mm concrete block wall - CMU.
75-mm metal stud furring.
15.9-mm Gypsum board.
-Latix Paint with texture.
- 150mm

- Rigid insulation, cavity insulation.
-Cavity insulation must maintain a continuous venting air space to the ridge.
-Insulation baffle prevents wind blowing through insulation and maintains 2 inch /50.8mm clearance under roof sheathing.
-Water protection membrane, ice-dam protection where required.
-Rigid insulation notched around roof rafters to act as wind shield for roof insulation.
-Asphalt shingles.
-Continuous soffit vent.
-Granite veneer panels.
-2-piece adjustable granite veneer tie.
-Drainage gap/ vented airspace.
-Metal sheathing.
-Metal ties.
-Rigid insulation ( 150mm F200- Foamular Butt
Edge Foam Insulation R-value: R15)) Thermal control layer.
-Two transition membranes with 150 mm overlapped shingles-fashion.
-Fully adhered (water/air/vapor) control layers.
-Adjustable metal ties - Connected to the concrete block wall.
300- mm concrete block wall - CMU.
75-mm metal stud furring.
15.9-mm Gypsum board.
-Latix Paint with texture.
-Flashing lapped with blueskin.
-Granite veneer.
-2-Piece adjustable granite veneer tie.
18-mm Drainage gap/ vented airspace.
-Continuous steel shelf angle.
-Metal sheathing.
-Metal ties.
- Rigid insulation ( 150mm F200- Foamular Butt
Edge Foam Insulation ( R-value: R15)) Thermal control layer.
-Two transition membranes with 150mm overlapped shingles-fashion.
-Fully adhered (water/air/vapor) control layers.
- Adjustable metal ties- connected to the concrete block wall.
300-mm Concrete block wall- CMU.
75-mm Metal stud furring.
15.9-mm Gypsum board.
-Latix Paint with texture.

A detailed sketch of a construction wallIn plan
Exterior perspective


Exterior perspective
Showing the southern elevation of the building.
The orange color of the filter shade and reflection symbolizes the organism through his life and the burning process he passes through.
the outdoor pool
Exterior view

Architecture faculty /Amman, Jordan
This project is an architecture faculty composed of two buildings connected by a bridge; a public facility building and a high rise faculty building. The orientation of the buildings is toward the pedestrian networks and the attracting views. There is an open space dividing the project vertically and horizontally creating a multi activity outdoor space. The openings are designed as fractal geometries that are in harmony with the surrounding urban pattern.
Ce projet est une faculté d›architecture composée de deux bâtiments reliés par un pont un bâtiment d›installations publiques et un bâtiment universitaire de grande hauteur. L›orientation des bâtiments est orientée vers les réseaux piétonniers et les vues attrayantes. Il y a un espace ouvert divisant le projet verticalement et horizontalement, créant un espace extérieur multi-activités. Les ouvertures sont conçues comme des géométries fractales en harmonie avec le modèle urbain environnant.
Diagram showing the rectilinear formation that emerged from the site grid and the fractal geometry division

Diagram showing the main fuctions of the project in each block, the main entries and the near by building and the internal courtyard

Main Entry
Main faculty buiding
Connected bridges and a roof garden
of Art)

Fractal geometry designed in the openings and in the rectilinear formation and that is emerged and modified from the urban pattern
Site plan
Showing the entry to the site and the building formation

Physical model
Showing the arch. faculty and the near by building

First floor plan
Second floor plan
Third floor plan
Fourth floor plan
Fifth floor plan
Sixth floor plan
Seventh floor plan

Section B-B
Section A-A
3D sections
Exterior Shots
Main Northern Elevation

Interior shots
Showing the connected bridge between the faculties and the two buildings and the studio

This design is telling a story to the children of the kindergarten. The story is about playing, learning and growing. And the colors of the renders which are purple and green represent the colors of the highest shakras of the human body. The wooden horizontal and vertical planes that are erected on the facades have the logo of the kindergarten and some encouraging phrases. The building is a concrete structure and painted abstractly on the elevations showing an abstract painting of various colors and tones of green , white brown and grey. The plan is divided into three internal playing and learning rooms with their services, an office and a lobby besides, a big outdoor playground.
Ce design raconte une histoire aux enfants de la maternelle. L›histoire parle de jouer, d›apprendre et de grandir. Et les couleurs des rendus qui sont le violet et le vert représentent les couleurs des shakras les plus élevés du corps humain. Les plans horizontaux et verticaux en bois érigés sur les façades portent le logo de l›école maternelle et quelques phrases d›encouragement. Le bâtiment est une structure en béton et peint de manière abstraite sur les élévations, montrant une peinture abstraite de différentes couleurs et tons de vert, blanc, marron et gris. Le plan est divisé en trois salles internes de jeu et d›apprentissage avec leurs services, un bureau et un hall d›entrée, ainsi qu›un grand terrain de jeu extérieur.

Site plan

Exterior shots of the Kindergarten

A Ground floor plan and a site plan of the Kindergarten

In architecture and philosophy this design symbolizes the old dwellings in Europe which reflecttheir culture in the style and materials. This design combines the classic and modern architectural styles. The modern architectural style is applied by using plain black concrete walls and the curtain glass.
The classic architectural style is applied by using the pitched timber roof. Also, this design shows simplicity and clarity in the integration between the building and the surrounding environment.
En architecture et en philosophie, cette conception symbolise les anciennes habitations d›Europe qui reflètent leur culture dans le style et les matériaux. Cette conception combine les styles architecturaux classiques et modernes.
le style architectural moderne est appliqué en utilisant des murs en béton noir uni et des rideaux de verre.
Le style architectural classique est appliqué en utilisant le toit en bois.
De plus, cette conception fait preuve de simplicité et de clarté dans l’intégration entre l›immuble et l’environnement.

Exterior shot showing the main entrance

Exterior shot showing the outside deck for seating area in the restaurant
Ground floor plan of the restaurant

This design combines classic architecture with modern architecture. Classic architecture is applied by using shading devices with tree leaves patterns. Modern architecture is applied in the formation of the geometry, cantilevers and curtain walls. The integration between the stone and concrete shows a sense of historical and modern design.
Cette conception combine l›architecture classique avec l›architecture moderne.
L›architecture classique est appliquée en utilisant des dispositifs d›ombrage avec des motifs de feuilles d›arbres.
L›architecture moderne est appliquée dans la formation de la géométrie, des porte-à-faux et des murs-rideaux.
l›intégration entre la pierre et le béton montre un sens du design historique et moderne.
Ground floor plan of the Museum
First floor plan of the Museum

Exterior shots

Section A-A
Section B-B

The container
This project is designed as a movable and transferrable kitchen with placement for seatings to serve as a coffee shop. The kitchen is fully equipped with all the kitchen appliances needed.
The structure of the container is built of black corregated steel with black steel frame and the inside is constructed of wood in three different colors; brown, red and black.
This installation is feasible and can be converted to a multipurpose functional project.
Ce projet est conçu comme une cuisine mobile et transférable avec des sièges pour servir de café.
La cuisine est entièrement équipée avec tous les appareils de cuisine nécessaires.
La structure du conteneur est construite en acier ondulé noir avec un cadre en acier noir et l›intérieur est construit en bois de trois couleurs différentes ; marron, rouge et noir.
Cette installation est réalisable et peut être convertie en un projet fonctionnel polyvalent.