Reaching the highest chakra in architecture
By: Noor J Hafez
In architecture design, you can reach the highest chakra by formulating a well comprehensive design approach. Human-centered design is the most fundamental principle that should be considered in any architectural design process. Also, sustainability and human-friendly design have rising importance when incorporated into any built environment. Creating structured spaces that are coherent with the surrounding environment and satisfy the user's needs generates positive frequencies both to and from the universe. Following the primary integrated principles and factors of effective architecture helps build stronger individuals and better societies.
Well-structured architecture enhances human well-being and his surroundings. It generates a balanced integration of form and function. It reflects real-life effective applications in a coherent manner. Implementing an effective approach to architecture will raise a strong built entity in architectural development and in individuals' chakras and auras. The chakras and aura of a human’s body represent aspects of a person’s spiritual, emotional, and physical energy systems. When chakras and aura are balanced, they lead to a healthy, harmonious life and when they are blocked or imbalanced, this can result in mental, physical and emotional issues. Therefore, it’s important to maintain these energy systems in various ways, and architecture plays a key role in their purification and restoration of balance. Building on the previous points, it is essential to address the following question: How can we design powerful architecture that helps elevate the highest chakra and aura of the human body?
This paper examines the most powerful architectural practices in the design realm and how they could impact the energy systems in an individual’s entity.
Thesis statement
The best architectural methodologies that can be applied in design include the human-centered design approach, sustainable green developments, and the creation of connections to energy systems, which have an impact on the human balance of chakras and aura.
The human-centered design approach
Integrating psychology, including human energy systems, should be considered the number one key factor when designing architecture. Applying the fundamental integrated principles and factors that are directly related to the human psychological structure helps create a strong human entity and a balanced energy system of chakras and aura. Keeping the user’s safety and privacy at the forefront when designing is important in building strong, purified chakras and aura. Additionally, integrating the user with the surrounding environment, with appropriate limitations, and creating visual connections helps elevate the energy system.
Incorporating sustainability and green design into any architecture project is considered human-friendly, as it is suitable for the human scale and his internal balance. Sustainable design often considers the natural flow of energy within a space, aligning with principles that support the human energy system (chakras and aura). For instance, spaces that are designed with natural light and ventilation optimize the energy flow, creating an environment that resonates harmoniously with the body’s energy system.
Architecture applications
An architect should conduct research before designing. He or she must create a comprehensive analysis of the available data, such as analyzing the site forces and surroundings, relating them to specific case studies, and developing a meaningful
concept and scenario. Architectural design is an equation that needs to be solved effectively in relation to both the users and their surrounding environment.
The application of this comprehensive approach in design is directly connected to universal laws and will result in satisfying human needs, building stronger individuals, and reflecting positively on their surrounding urban fabric and societies.
Connection to Energy Systems:
Human Energy Systems (Chakras and Aura): Architecture that is designed with an understanding of energy systems, such as the human chakras and aura, seeks to create spaces that support the flow of energy through the body and mind. For example, light, color, and spatial orientation can influence mood and psychological well-being, promoting a balanced energy system for inhabitants.
Biophilic Design: This design approach incorporates natural elements, such as plants, water, and natural lighting, which enhance the human connection to the environment and can positively impact energy levels, productivity, and mental health. By incorporating biophilic elements, architects create spaces that resonate with the natural energy of the surroundings, encouraging a balanced relationship with nature.
Case studies
Consider the design of the TreeHouse in China by HHF Architekten GmbH. This two-level concrete structure is based on a pentagonal pattern, which creates a connection between the interior and nature by integrating the existing trees on the site into the house, within the resulting courtyards. Just as leaves create space beneath a tree, light and shadow are fundamental elements that shape different qualities of space in the treehouse. The structure cantilevers over a small lake, offering views of the mountains beyond.
This design follows a comprehensive approach, applying integrated principles and factors in architectural design. It is both human-centered and eco-friendly.
As a second example, the MNG House in Thailand, designed by Pornchai Boonsom, explores the dynamics of time and the interactive movement of forces. This building reflects a philosophical concept and serves as an architectural experiment in time, distinct from the traditional space-time relationship in modern architecture. The geometry of the house consists of an assemblage of cubic volumes, and the continuity of the floor, walls, and ceiling on the first floor is seen as a reflection on time and space.
This building demonstrates balance between form and function, as well as between void and solid. The interactive movement of forces, including the dynamics of time and space, is in harmony with the surrounding urban environment.
Furthermore, the L House in Switzerland, designed by Philippe Stuebi, demonstrates how a maximum amount of usable space can be created on a limited site. The spatial allocation plan was incorporated into a sculptural form through the method of hollowing out. The concept was to connect the required spaces in a continuous movement, stretching, extending, narrowing, and carving through the mass of the house.
It is layered vertically, responding to the site's forces and creating positive views both to and from the building.
Incorporating fundamental architectural methodologies in design, such as humancentered design, sustainability, and the creation of connections to energy systems, elevates the chakras and aura of the human body, fostering psychological, mental, and physical well-being. Additionally, it reflects positive frequencies onto the surrounding urban environment and communities.
• Philip Jodidio, Architecture Now! 5 (Cologne: Taschen, 2007), 268–271.
• Philip Jodidio, Architecture Now! 5 (Cologne: Taschen, 2007), 458–461.
• Philip Jodidio, Architecture Now! 5 (Cologne: Taschen, 2007), 516–519.