NJIT Magazine Fall 2008

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At the Edge in Solar Research:

big bear The world’s largest ground-based solar telescope promises greater understanding of how the Sun affects life on Earth, from telecommunications to climate change.

A Homecoming for NJIT Commencement at “The Rock” adds to NJIT’s many connections with Newark.

10 standing strong Engineer advocates home designs that protect against wind and water.



Executive Summary

A Message from NJIT President Robert A. Altenkirch

Heraclitus As a technological research university, NJIT is focused on promoting positive change through education in many scientific disciplines and the search for new knowledge on many frontiers. Articles in this issue reflect the breadth of our mission in science and technology. Topics range from groundbreaking research into solar influences on terrestrial telecommunications to engineering structures better able to withstand destructive storms that may be increasing in frequency and intensity due to global climate change. NJIT’s evolving commitment to change has other dimensions as well. They include continually expanding the opportunities for affordable higher education available to our nation’s most talented young women and men. The financial pressures that a growing number of American families face today make this historic commitment on the part of our university more vital than ever before. Increasingly, NJIT is also engaged in the economic development of our host city, the State of New Jersey and the nation as a whole. A story in this issue specifically celebrates our dynamic role in the renaissance of Newark, the city that has been home to NJIT for more than 125 years. Our alumni are partners in every phase of this exciting change, and we have endeavored to build ever stronger bonds with our graduates, encouraging greater participation in shaping the future of their alma mater. Accordingly, this issue features the new Alumni Association of NJIT, formed in response to the call from alumni leaders for an organization that will serve all graduates in new and expansive ways. In addition, with this issue of NJIT Magazine, change is communicated by more than the content of the articles. The magazine has an entirely new look, one designed to mirror the energy of the NJIT experience in the 21st century. Don’t hesitate to share your comments about the new design with us, or your thoughts about any aspect of NJIT Magazine. We want to hear from you; we want you to be part of the ongoing change at NJIT.

N J I T M a g a z in e Fall 2008 Jean M. Llewellyn Executive Director University Communications Dean L. Maskevich Editor Christina Crovetto MS ’03 Assistant Editor Babette Hoyle Production Coordinator Claude Skelton Design Design Editorial Advisory Board Joel Bloom, Robert A. Boynton, Bernard Coopersmith ’44, Charles R. Dees, Jr., E. Perry Deess, Kirstie Gentleman, Priscilla Nelson, Gene R. O’Brien ’62, Carol Pilla, Henry Ross, Steven Saperstein ’84, Donald H. Sebastian, Nancy Steffen-Fluhr, Sheryl Weinstein NJIT Magazine is published by New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Communications. Its mission is to foster ties with alumni, university friends and corporate partners and to report on relevant issues, particularly those in education, science, research and technology. Visit us on the web at http://magazine.njit.edu Please send letters of comment and requests to reproduce material from NJIT Magazine to: NJIT Magazine University Communications University Heights Newark, NJ 07102-1982 Dean.Maskevich@njit.edu Robert A. Altenkirch President Charles R. Dees, Jr. Vice President University Advancement Robert A. Boynton Executive Director Alumni Relations




FALL 2008

Photo, Opposite Page: Erika Norro

“ Change alone is unchanging.”


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Features pag e 9

A New Spirit in the Land

d e pa r t m e n t s

A new Alumni Association responds to the voice of NJIT grads.

2 Abstracts

pag e 10

6 p oint by point

At the Edge in Solar Research The world’s largest ground-based solar telescope promises greater understanding of how the Sun affects life on Earth, from telecommunications to climate change.

NJIT news in brief Athletics update 8 g iving

NJIT development news 24 a lumni circuit

Class notes, alumni calendar, and more 3 3 at the edge

page 16

A Homecoming for NJIT

Leading-edge achievements by faculty, staff, students, alumni

Commencement at “The Rock” adds to NJIT’s many connections with Newark. page 20

Standing Strong Engineer advocates home designs that protect against wind and water.



FALL 2008



Sophisticated equipment makes it possible to translate twodimensional designs into precise 3-D models, prototypes or parts.

Home Delivery

NJSOA’s Kevin Field ’08 and Scott Nicholl ’08 helping to erect the Burst house

NJIT’s FABLAB recently helped to make a special delivery to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City — one of five prefabricated homes erected next to the museum.

Available to both amateur astronomers and NJIT researchers, the largest optical telescope in the U.S. open to the public is at Jenny Jump State Forest in Hope, New Jersey. The Jenny Jump instrument, a 48-inch reflector valued at more than $1 million, will be used by investigators associated with NJIT’s Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research for work that includes a novel investigation of climate-change – studying the effects of urban “heat islands” on the upper atmosphere. NJIT, with the assistance of Penn State, acquired the telescope from the Air Force. The northern Warren County location has minimal “light pollution” and convenient access for all users. NJIT investigators plan to conduct most of their research during the day and will share the telescope with the United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey, a group that offers the public educational stargazing sessions from April through October. n




FALL 2008

Finding Festo Three students from India’s Heritage Institute of Technology spent their summer at NJIT, in part to work with the Festo system in the Vincent A. Stabile Systems Engineering and Management Laboratories. Soumik Chakrabarty, Saurabh Kumar and Shipon Roy gained hands-on experience with the Festo system, which simulates automated, robotic manufacturing processes. The laboratory complex is a central resource for the Stabile Systems Engineering and Management Program — NCE’s flagship master’s program emphasiz-

ing innovation, entrepreneurship and management skills for the 21st-century economy. n

Photo: Winnie Yeung

Seeing Stars at Jenny Jump

Photo courtesy of the BURST* Project

Its name invoking stylized sunbursts in the design, the Burst house was conceived by architects Jeremy Edmiston and Douglas Gauthier. It is part of a 2008 MoMA exhibit titled Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling, a comprehensive look at the historic and contemporary significance of factory-produced architecture. FABLAB — convenient shorthand for Fabrication Laboratory — is part of

New Jersey School of Architecture (NJSOA). Sophisticated equipment makes it possible to translate two-dimensional designs on paper or computer screens into 3-D models, prototypes or parts. Gauthier, adjunct NJSOA faculty member and long-time acquaintance of FABLAB head Assistant Professor Richard Garber, involved the facility and NJIT architecture students in the BURST* Project. FABLAB turned out about a third of the structural components, cutting hundreds of plywood and acrylic sheets over six weeks in 12- to 15hour shifts to meet project deadlines. n

Frank Munoz ’08 (left), NJIT graduate student, with Saurabh Kumar, Soumik Chakrabarty and Shipon Roy from India. Munoz is working toward his MS in engineering management as the first Stabile Scholar.

There’s much more on the Web — visit NJIT Magazine online at http://magazine.njit.edu for links to more information about topics in this issue.

The students’ achievement is underscored by their selection for the Discovery Channel series.

Altenkirch Honored NJIT President Robert A. Altenkirch, whose German

FEMME Featured on ABC-TV NJIT’s FEMME program was featured July 24 on ABC-TV’s World News Tonight. ABC-TV science correspondent Ned Potter and producer Diane Mendez interviewed girls participating in FEMME and NJIT program director Suzanne Berliner-Heyman. Now in its 27th year, the FEMME summer program for girls in the fourth through eighth grades aims to overcome the perennial gender gap in math, science and engineering. Studies show that girls tend to fall behind boys in math and science beginning at the middle-school level. FEMME and other NJIT precollege initiatives seek to redress the problem by making math and science concepts relevant, memorable and fun, presented by female instructors who are role models. n

ancestors settled in Missouri in the 1860s, received a 2008 Ellis Island Medal of Honor in May. The National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations sponsors the award to honor distinguished Americans for exceptional community service, and to recognize America’s cultural pluralism. Vincent J. Naimoli MS ’62, chair of the Tampa Bay Rays, nominated Altenkirch for the award. Naimoli received the same award in 1999.

A Star Is Born NJIT’s DARPA Robotic Vehicle

Altenkirch was also honored in May as a leading New Jersey educator by the Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Foundation of Essex County, which presented him with a special Presidents Award at the group’s annual banquet. n

: “A Gift to Manufacture the Future” in the spring 2008 issue stated that Vincent Stabile “invented a fastener used in numerous consumer products.” The article should have stated that “the manufacturing innovation that Stabile patented simplified the handling and application of retaining rings — industrial fasteners used in innumerable products from automobiles to household appliances.”


Bill Stoddart, electrical engineering major and DARPA Challenge team leader, about to put OPTIMUS through test paces on the NJIT campus.

A Chevy Blazer extensively modified by NJIT students to navigate city streets without a driver was featured by the Discovery Channel in a series on futuristic robotic vehicles. First aired in July, the second show in the series reported on the NJIT students’ work. Dubbed OPTIMUS, the vehicle was designed for the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge. DARPA is the acronym for the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Representing various departments, 27 students helped ready OPTIMUS for competition. Sponsors including IBM, BAE Systems, GM, Kearfott and L3 Space and Navigation provided funding, equipment and technical support. Although OPTIMUS made it to the second round of the competition, a faulty component took the vehicle off course, keeping the NJIT team from the finals. But the students’ achievement is underscored by their selection for the Discovery Channel series, and they plan to press ahead. The students intend to add even more advanced technology to the Blazer and explore commercializing some of their innovations. And there is every likelihood that NJIT will be represented in future DARPA competitions. n



FALL 2008


The students who helped with the Global Microscope were participants in NJIT’s Connections program.

book shelf Fadi P. Deek, Dean of the College of Science and Liberal Arts, and James A. McHugh, professor of computer science, have published Open Source Technology and Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2007), a comprehensive view of the worldwide software movement aligned with the spirit of scientific inquiry rather than more restrictive business strategies. Associate Professor Gabrielle Esperdy, architecture, has published Modernizing Main Street: Architecture and Consumer Culture in the New Deal (University of Chicago Press, 2008).

A Global Microscope view of our planet.

A Global View Courtesy of Capstone and BanDeMar BanDeMar Networks, one of 90 companies at NJIT’s Enterprise Development Center, marshaled a team of talented high school students to help create innovative educational content for the Global Microscope at New Jersey’s Liberty Science Center. Using data from NASA and other sources, the five-foot sphere offers dramatic visualizations of weather patterns, global warming indicators, tsunami propagation and scores of other phenomena. BanDeMar specializes in the implementation of computing, e-learning and other types of information technology. The students who helped with the Global Microscope were participants in NJIT’s Connections program. This NJIT program for high school students is part of the Capstone initiative originated by University Senior Lecturer Osama Eljabiri in the College of Computing Sciences. For the Global Microscope, the students worked closely with Dr. Cesar Bandera, president and CEO of BanDeMar Networks. After completing the project, team members described their role in developing software and other media for the Global Microscope before an audience at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. n Photo: Courtesy of BAnDeMar Networks




FALL 2008

Nature’s New Deal (Oxford University Press, 2007) by Associate Professor of History Neil M. Maher takes a look at the same period — examining the Civilian Conservation Corps, one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s boldest and most successful national experiments. Rajiv Mehta is co-author of Sales Management: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2008). Thousand Mile Song (Perseus Publishing, 2008) and an accompanying CD by David Rothenberg, professor of humanities, chronicles the author’s investigative technique of interacting musically with whales to gain greater understanding of these intriguing mammals. Professor of Computer Science Frank Y. Shih explores the complexities of protecting copyrighted material in Digital Watermarking and Steganography (CRC Press, 2007). n


Top NSF Award for Two Edgardo T. Farinas and Bryan J. Pfister have each received a

For the third year in a row, a team of NJIT civil engineering students swept all categories in the Metropolitan Regional Steel Bridge Competition. Each team had to design and build a reduced-scale bridge capable of carrying a 2,500 lb. load. This year the NJIT team worked with corporate sponsor Schiavone Constructors and Engineers. n

Telecom Pioneer Joins NJIT

Photo: Goksel Cabuk

Dr. Stewart D. Personick, a pioneer in the theory and practical application of new technologies in telecommunications systems and networks, has been named to the Ying Wu Endowed

Chair in Wireless Telecommunications, in NCE’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Personick spent 28 years as a researcher and research manager at Bell Laboratories, TRW and Bell Communications Research. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. In 2000, he received the prestigious IEEE/OSA John Tyndall Award. Personick was the first E. Warren Colehower Endowed Chair Professor at Drexel University, and first director of Drexel’s Center for Telecommunications and Information Networking. Since 2003 he has been an independent telecommunications consultant. n

Professor Ali Akansu, electrical and computer engineering, has been elected an IEEE Fellow.

Bryan Pfister

photos: Kai Chan

Building the Best Bridge Again

Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation. The CAREER Award recognizes those likely to be the 21st century’s leading educators and researchers. Farinas, assistant professor of chemistry and environmental science, is working on innovative approaches to enzyme design and their application to creating new biocatalysts. Pfister, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, is investigating rapid axon stretch growth, a technique for regenerating damaged or diseased nerve cells.

Edgardo Farinas

Neil M. Maher, professor of history, has a $45,000 three-year grant from NASA to support researching his next book, tentatively titled Ground Control: An Environmental History of NASA and the Space Race.

Associate Professor Tara L. Alvarez, biomedical engineering, has been named an Outstanding Woman of Science by the New Jersey Association of Biomedical Research. Joel Bloom, Albert Dorman Hon-

ors College dean and vice president for academic and student services, received the William U. Harris Award from the Middle States Regional Assembly for educational leadership. Associate Professor Bruce Bukiet received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the New Jersey Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Professor Nancy W. Coppola, English, has been named associate editor of IEEE Transactions in Professional Communication. Assistant Professor Richard Garber AIA, New Jersey School of Architecture, has been honored for his firm’s state-of-the-art pedestrian walkway in Manhattan by the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Architectural League of New York.

Associate Professor Annaleena Parhankangas, School of Management, is the recipient of a 2008 Outstanding Reviewer Award from the Journal of Business Venturing. Professor Hindy Schachter, School of Management, will be book editor for Public Administration Review. Two honors have been accorded Professor of History Karl Schweizer — becoming a Fellow of the New York Academy of Arts and the British Royal Society of Arts. Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pushpendra Singh has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society. David Ullman, associate provost for information services and technology and chief information officer, is the New Jersey Technology Council’s 2008 CIO of the Year in the nonprofit category.



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point by point Partnering with Panasonic for Science

Photo: Al Kruper

Since 1991, NJIT has partnered with Panasonic in the Creative Design Challenge sponsored by the company, which tests many skills as high school teams vie for college scholarships and other

prizes. NJIT student interns help to design the competition, with NJIT faculty and staff serving as judges. For 2008, teams had to design a robotic device capable of retrieving small LEGO® figures and negotiating daunting obstacles, with the final round held at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Additional goals are to foster critical thinking, group problem-solving, and communication skills. n

First-place scholarship winners in the 2008 Panasonic Creative Design Challenge from the Delbarton School: Peter Godart, Bud Peters and Justin Park.




FALL 2008

Columbia Sports Information

The latest news about NJIT sports: www.njithighlanders.com

Jim Engles

Engles to Coach Men’s Basketball The NJIT men’s basketball team has a new head coach — Jim Engles. An assistant Division I coach for 18 years, Engles spent the last five as lead assistant at Columbia University. In his first season at Columbia, the Lions produced a 10-17 overall record, including a 6-8 mark in the Ivy League for the second-best turnaround in Ivy League history. At Wagner College, Engles was part of the best winningpercentage turnaround in all of Division I basketball. The Seahawks went from four wins in 1990-91 to 16 wins in 199192 during his first season as a full-time coach. A year later, Wagner played for the Northeast Conference championship on national television and won a school-record 18 games. His six-year run at Rider University included the 2001-2002 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference regular season title with a 13-5 conference record and Rider’s first-ever berth in the postseason National Invitation Tournament (1998 after an 18-win regular season). n

NJIT Looks West NJIT is one of six institutions expanding the Great West Conference to form a Division I all-sports league. Great West, previously a football-only league in the NCAA’s Division I Football Championship Subdivision, will be an allsports league with the addition of NJIT, Texas-Pan American, Utah Valley, Houston Baptist, University of North Dakota and University of South Dakota. Joining Great West formalizes ties with schools in states

where NJIT has competed as an independent since entering Division I. Benefits include conference championship opportunities; student-athlete awards; scheduling stability limiting missed class time; established yearly basketball schedules with guaranteed home games when conference play is in full swing. The all-sports Great West will offer championships in 14 sports — 11 of which are sponsored by NJIT. These include men’s and women’s basketball; baseball; women’s volleyball and tennis; men’s and women’s cross country; men’s and women’s indoor track and field; and men’s and women’s outdoor track and field. NJIT sports not under the Great West umbrella continue in their current conferences. n

Highlanders win 2008 Arthur Ashe Honors

Photo: Larry Levanti

Rodrigo Correa, Leonardo Paludo, Greg Wagner and Eduardo Welter were named to the Eastern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association All-Academic Team for 2008. The four Albert Dorman Honors College students started for teams that made the EIVA Playoff Tournament in each of their last three seasons. To be eligible for the honor, student-athletes need a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher, at least sophomore athletic standing and participation in at least 60 percent of the games played. In baseball, student-athletes Chris Cardone, P. J. Saporito and Miguel Lugo were named to the

Division I Independent Newcomer of the Year Jessica Gerald

Angelica Sepulveda, civil engineering major, soccer Isha Toor, business major, tennis Robert Herrera, architecture major, soccer Kevin Blanco, business major, soccer

Photo: Larry Levanti

StudentAthletes Star at the Net and on the Diamond

Six NJIT student-athletes were named 2008 Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholars in the May 29, 2008 issue of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education —

Rodrigo Correa, business major, volleyball

at the First Women’s Basketball Banquet

Leonardo Paludo, business major, volleyball

2008 Division I Independent Baseball All-Academic Team. Cardone, a senior tri-captain from Toms River, New Jersey, shared the team home-run lead with Lugo and fellow senior Mike Turner at three. n

Awards for Eight

Capping a hard-fought Division I season, the NJIT women’s basketball team honored eight Highlanders at its first awards banquet. Freshman Jessica Gerald received the Most Valuable Player Award after being selected Division I Independent Women’s Basketball Newcomer of the Year. Gerald was the only Highlander to average double figures, with 12.7 points per game, while reaching double figures in 21 out of 29 contests. She exploded for a school-record 37 points on January 11 against California State University, Bakersfield, where she scored the highest single-game total in the 21-season history of NJIT women’s basketball. Point guard Jackie McCaffrey, junior, earned the Best Assist Leader Award. McCaffrey, who holds the Division I single-season record with 76 assists, dished out a season-high seven assists in the first round of the national Division I Independent Tournament against Florida Gulf Coast. Sophomore Taiwo Oyelola collected the Leading Rebounder Award. Oyelola holds the Division I singleseason record (2007-08 season), pulling down 158 rebounds and averaging 5.6 per game. Senior Erika Velez was presented with the Steal Leader Award with 61 steals in her final season as a Highlander. Freshman rookie Ivana Seric was honored with the Most Inspired Player Award. The native of Croatia played in 15 games, averaging 8.2 points per game and ranking third on the team with 11 blocks. Sophomore and team captain Katie Piekielski, junior Jill Dickinson and sophomore Kathryn Wighton were recognized with the Highest Academic Achievement Award. The Highlanders finished with a record of 10-19 in their first season under coach Margaret McKeon and their second season of Division I competition, more than doubling their 2006-07 win output of four. NJIT’s record of 8-9 after January 8 underlined the young team’s improvement as it progressed through its second season at the new level of competition. n

Eduardo Welter NJIT MAGAZINE


FALL 2008



Learn more and contribute on the Web at www.njit.edu/athleticcampaign

Building the Brand in Athletics From the time NJIT first welcomed students in 1881, recognition of the university’s commitment to educational opportunity and leading-edge research has continued to grow. Now, in the 21st century, NJIT’s debut in the Division I athletics arena is energizing even greater awareness of the university as an institution that strives for nothing short of maximum achievement in every field. And with $4.2 million already pledged, the $5 million Highlanders Athletics Campaign will do much to advance NJIT in athletic competition nationwide, as well as to promote recreational sports and personal fitness for all members of the university community. There are many who share this view of athletics at NJIT and the significance of the Highlanders Campaign. One supporter is John Olson ’61, MS ’66, a member of the university’s Board of Overseers who retired after a long career with Morgan Stanley. Olson, whose family generously supports NJIT academic scholarships, says that fostering a school’s prominence in athletics is part of the “big picture” today when it comes to building the national reputation that attracts top students. “It’s a matter of promoting brand-name recognition as a university that strives to be the best in every way.” Other supporters of the Highlanders Athletics Campaign cite important benefits for all 8



“ It’s a matter of promoting brand-name recognition as a university that strives to be the best in every way.” — John Olson ’61

students, faculty and staff. In addition to intercollegiate competition, NJIT has long encouraged recreational sports and personal physical fitness. The Highlanders Campaign is helping to improve athletic and fitness facilities available to all on campus — such as the immensely popular running track that is part of the renovations at Lubetkin Field. James Boyle ’58, a former NJIT soccer player now retired from Public Service Electric and Gas, remembers how important physical activity was as a student majoring in electrical engineering. “It really helped to ease the stress

FALL 2008

of very demanding classes and actually helped me to be a better student. I think this aspect is even more important today given all our stresses and our tendency to be less physically active.” Then there are the important life skills that athletics can build. John Seazholtz ’59, NCE soccer player and current chairman of the board at Westell Technologies, says that teamwork, consideration of others, dealing with disappointment and defeat are not innate personal qualities. “We have to learn these skills, and my experience has been that athletic competition at its best really encourages that learning,” Seazholtz says. Seazholtz also feels that attracting academically talented top athletes to NJIT through Division I play brings young men and women to campus who are role models on and off the field or court. “They encourage better athletic performance at all levels, and academic effort as well,” he says.

National Division I success, building the NJIT brand for excellence in all areas, personal fitness for life, enrolling the best student-athletes — all are moving forward with the help of the Highlanders Athletics Campaign. If you haven’t yet contributed, join the numerous supporters of a great university who have brought the campaign close to a $5 million win. There’s still time to get in the game and make a gift for general program support, scholarships, and improvement of facilities, including naming opportunities. n For more information, contact Darlene Lamourt, campaign director, at 973-596-3403 or darlene.lamourt@njit.edu.

A new spirit in the land

A new Alumni Association responds to the voice of NJIT grads


t’s happening from New Jersey to California — a growing cadre of Young Alumni Clubs, Regional Clubs and Corporate Clubs are bringing NJIT graduates together to share common interests and an enduring bond with their alma mater. Fast-rising participation in these diverse local activities over the past few years has also led to another exciting development in 2008 — formation of the new Alumni Association of NJIT announced by President Robert A. Altenkirch in May. The new association is a direct response to the Alumni Leadership Summit convened at NJIT in early May to cement recent successes in alumni programming into long-standing traditions. The broadly inclusive summit was attended by more than two dozen active alumni leaders who met to develop a new structure of alumni governance for involvement in the life of the university that will promote ever stronger connections between alumni and their alma mater in the years ahead. The summit concluded with the formation of a new Alumni Association of NJIT, fully integrated into the university’s Office of Alumni Relations, as part of the Division of University Advancement. The new association’s mission is to advance the interests of NJIT, expand the national alumni network, and continue developing opportunities for alumni to take leadership roles in university affairs. Driving this dynamic evolution is the new association’s

25-member board of directors. Major goals for the board are nurturing strong and lasting bonds between alumni and NJIT, and energizing association governance. Alumni Association President H. David Gnau ’85, ’89, senior regional sales consultant at Oracle, comes to the board through his engagement with the Young Alumni Club program. As Gnau sees it, “The ‘big thing’ is to encourage broader participation by alumni in all activities, including association leadership. We’re talking about alumni of all ages. Pierre Asselin, our secretary, graduated in 2002 and has been a very active class-reunion co-chair. Benjamin D’Armiento,

“ The ‘big thing’ is to encourage broader participation by alumni in all activities, including association leadership.” — H. David Gnau ’85, ’89

who’s a leader in the Regional Club for Monmouth and Ocean Counties, is a 1948 grad. They’re all on board.” Gnau’s view is enthusiastically endorsed by board members Steven Saperstein ’84 and Michele Scott ’93, both associa-

tion vice presidents. Saperstein, who is chief operating officer, Prudential Fixed Income, Prudential Investment Management, says, “The formation of the various clubs over the past few years shows that there are many action-oriented alumni. We want those people to get involved at every level.” Scott, vice president, DB Global Processing Services, Deutsche Bank, adds, “We want alumni participation in the association to be as inclusive as possible, to foster leadership rooted in action and open to change that benefits everyone.” There are many benefits to participation in the spectrum of activities sponsored by the new Alumni Association of NJIT — from the enjoyment of Young Alumni and Regional Club social gatherings to the additional dimension offered by Corporate Clubs for fostering interaction between employers and NJIT as well as personal career development. But whatever the activity, Anita Rubino ’83, senior vice president, global knowledge and internet marketing service at The Nielsen Company, cites a cogent common denominator. Speaking as an Alumni Council member and vice president of the new Alumni Association, Rubino says, “The essential objective of the new association is to be a uniting force, an open and collaborative organization leading by example.” Become a part of the new Alumni Association of NJIT — your Alumni Association. Learn more at www.njit.edu/alumni or call 973-596-3441. n



FALL 2008


Above: Perspective drawing of the new BBSO telescope. Opposite: The smaller observatory dome houses instrumentation used for earthshine research. Subsequent to this photo being taken, the smaller dome was painted white to reduce interior heating.


At the Edge in solar research

The cool, calm water of Big Bear Lake in California’s San Bernardino Mountains is a long way from the NJIT campus in Newark. But that’s where NJIT operates one of the world’s foremost solarresearch facilities, on a narrow causeway jutting a thousand feet into the lake. Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) has produced a wealth of data about the Sun for many years, and the installation of a new state-of-the-art telescope promises even more fundamental knowledge about the star nearest to Earth. Insights into phenomena such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections have been especially significant. Particle streams from these violent events can damage satellites, endanger astronauts, and disrupt terrestrial telecommunications and power grids. Studying the relationship between solar phenomena and climate change is another area of major importance.




FALL 2008

photo By Alla Shumko

The world’s largest ground-based solar telescope promises greater understanding of how the Sun affects life on Earth, from telecommunications to climate change.



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Photo: mark B. vincent

Greater capabilities BBSO now has the world’s largest groundbased solar telescope, which replaces the instrument installed in the 1960s. The National Science Foundation has provided $2 million toward the approximate $5-million cost of the new telescope, with additional funding by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Korean Science Foundation. Housed in a larger dome, the new telescope is an off-axis reflector with a primary mirror slightly more than five feet in diameter (1.6 meters). A major benefit of off-axis design is that the telescope’s secondary mirror does not lie in the path of incoming light, allowing the Sun to be observed without obstruction.




FALL 2008

E x c e l l en c e i n R esear c h

Prominent organizations around the world share in the work at BBSO and help NJIT maintain the observatory as a leading research facility. Educational institutions include the University of Arizona, the University of Hawaii, the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and Seoul National University. The breadth of this support is a clear indication of how highly the scientific community values BBSO’s contributions to solar science.

Looking Deep into Space and the Future Last spring, Distinguished Professor of Physics Philip R. Goode was awarded the first NJIT Board of Overseers Excellence in Research Prize and Medal for his achievements as an internationally acclaimed solar astrophysicist. The award was established by the Board of Overseers to increase awareness of outstanding research at NJIT. Goode has played a key role in making NJIT’s Big Bear Solar Observatory one of the world’s primary centers for solar research. The staff has grown from 4 to 40, and the annual budget, supported solely by competitive grants, has risen from $500,000 in 1997 to more than $5 million. In addition, Goode was recognized for more than two decades of service to NJIT as an educator, especially for his contributions to building the university’s solar physics program. In his remarks, Board of Overseers Chairman Emil Herkert said, “Professor Goode looks deep into space toward the Sun, as well as toward the future. His work in solar physics, and his guiding role at the Big Bear observatory, are advancing our knowledge of the energy source that sustains all life on Earth. While he has received wide recognition for his leadership in this research, it is worthy of even greater acknowledgement.”


The Big Bear site is ideal because an elevation of 6,750 feet and the surrounding water reduce atmospheric turbulence that distorts astronomical images. These natural viewing advantages are augmented with various technologies in the larger telescope. They include an adaptive optics system that automatically compensates for atmospheric distortion. In combination, the features of the new telescope increase resolution by a factor of three compared to the old instrument. Many questions The quest for new knowledge at Big Bear is guided by NJIT Distinguished Professor of Physics Philip R. Goode, who was honored in

March with the first NJIT Overseers Excellence in Research Prize and Medal. Goode directs BBSO activities as head of NJIT’s Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, whose mission includes fostering the integration of education and scientific discovery. Participation in real-world research is basic to the NJIT experience, and programs that include working with BBSO data offer exceptional opportunities for students at every level. As fruitful as past research has been, the new telescope will help to answer many more questions when fully operational in 2009. “For example, we don’t have a complete understanding of the complex processes that cause solar magnetic storms, and consequences that

photo: Alla Shumko

urther study of the Sun with a more capable instrument will enhance our ability to forecast “bad weather” in space.

An elevation of more than 6,000 feet and the water surrounding the Big Bear observatory contribute to ideal viewing conditions at the site.



FALL 2008


Investigating climate change In addition to terrestrial telecom and power disruptions, BBSO is contributing to the investigation of climate change. As Goode explains, “There’s a great deal to be learned about how long-term trends in solar activity influence variations in our climate on Earth.” Goode has achieved wide recognition for his own work involving climate change, specifically the relationship between the phenomenon of earthshine and the reflectance of our planet’s cloud cover. Earthshine is sunlight reflected by the Earth that is visible as a dim glow on the dark portion of the moon. The Earth’s reflectance is an important




FALL 2008

Wang Heads New Space Weather Lab In September 2008, NJIT created the Space Weather Research Laboratory (SWRL) and appointed Haimin Wang, distinguished professor in the Department of Physics as its founding director. Professor Wang has been associated with NJIT’s Big Bear Solar Observatory since assisting with its acquisition from California Institute of Technology in 1997, and the new laboratory recognizes the tremendous growth in his specific research interests related to space weather. SWRL’s mission is to understand the magnetic activities of the Sun and their effects on the near-Earth environment. It will develop tools to monitor, understand and forecast solar activity and its geomagnetic effects. SWRL will manage and maintain the server for the current seven-station Global H-Alpha Network developed by Professor Wang that provides 24/7 monitoring of activity in the Sun’s chromosphere. SWRL also maintains the important mission of integrating research and education by training PhD students and post-doctoral researchers, preparing them to become future leaders in the solar physics community. SWRL is the newest member of the Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research at NJIT and will serve to integrate data from BBSO, NASA space missions, the university’s Owens Valley Radio Observatory and other resources. This is a multi-discipline effort that encompasses solar physics, computer science and mathematics. Photo: Winnie Yeung

include their terrestrial impact,” Goode says. “Further study of the Sun with a more capable instrument will enhance our ability to forecast such ‘bad weather’ in space.” These anticipated insights into space weather from BBSO will also complement a significant new NJIT initiative in this field — the work of the recently established Space Weather Research Laboratory (SWRL), to be directed by Distinguished Professor Haimin Wang and based at NJIT’s Newark campus.


The Earth’s reflectance is an important factor in the natural regulation of temperature worldwide.

A massive solar prominence

factor in the natural regulation of temperature worldwide. Since 1998, Goode and BBSO colleagues have mined data from satellites and other sources to correlate terrestrial reflectance with earthshine. They have confirmed appreciable decadal variation in reflectance due to changes in the Earth’s cloud cover, indicating that the mechanism and rate of climate change are even more complex than previously understood. Data acquired with the new BBSO telescope promises to advance this work, as well as investigation of how other solar phenomena may affect climate. n

Astronomical data from Big Bear Solar Observatory and other sources is being put to good use by NJIT students as part of their engagement in the research experience. For undergraduate Mohammad Naqvi, an electrical and computer engineering major working in the Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, analyzing Big Bear data paid a special dividend — being named a Goldwater Scholar by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program. Naqvi received this recognition and scholarship based on his climate-change research involving fluctuations in ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Mohammad’s younger brother, Salman, is looking skyward as well. Recipient of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship for 2008, Salman’s research interests include

the effects of urban growth on climate. Also an electrical and computer engineering major, Salman is working with Physics Professor Andrew Gerrard, affiliated with the Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research. Their plan is to study urban atmospheric influences related to climate using instrumentation added to the telescope that NJIT shares with the United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey. (See “Seeing Stars at Jenny Jump,” p. 2.)

Photo: Babajide Akeredolu

Students at the Frontier of Climate Research

Salman and Mohammad Naqvi

Author: Dean L. Maskevich is editor of NJIT Magazine.



FALL 2008





FALL 2008

A Homecoming for NJIT Commencement at “The Rock” adds to NJIT’s many connections with Newark

Photo: Kai Chan

Photo: James Robertson


ommencement 2008 – ceremony, excitement, high expectations. For the 2,138 graduates awarded bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees on May 17, the day celebrated personal achievement and the transition to a new phase in life. For NJIT, it was a special homecoming that marked the return of commencement from Continental Airlines Arena to Newark, to the new Prudential Center in the revitalized downtown “Aim to keep your heart of the city. creativity alive and “We are the first institution to hold a comremember, no one else will ever be you.” mencement at ‘The Rock,’ which is very appropriate Thom Mayne, keynote speaker given that we are Newark’s hometown university and have had an association with our host city dating back to 1881,” said NJIT President Robert A. Altenkirch. Keynote speaker Thom Mayne, a Pritzker Architecture Prize laureate, was awarded an honorary doctorate of humane letters. Mayne, founder of the acclaimed architectural practice Morphosis, advised the graduating students, “You’ll find that as you transition from the nurturing, intuitive world of academe into the outside world, it may not be easy to maintain your integrity. Aim to keep your creativity alive and remember, no one else will ever be you.”

above: The Class of 2008 gathers at “The Rock” – the Prudential Center in downtown Newark.



FALL 2008


Since its founding as Newark Technical School, NJIT has been a vital partner with the city in education, economic growth and civic betterment.

ticipating availability of the building for use by NJIT no later than 2012. Upon completion of renovation, the building will serve as a center for education in the STEM disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Based at the center will be NJIT’s initiatives to improve STEM education through K-12 outreach programs. These programs are solid, positive links to the Newark school system and other school districts in New Jersey.

continues to grow stronger and more diverse. Since its founding as Newark Technical School, NJIT has been a vital partner with the city in education, economic growth and civic betterment. Today, as part of Newark’s University Heights district, NJIT is an institution with international stature in science and technology. This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the NJIT Enterprise Development Center, which incubates technology-based start-up businesses with the potential for contributing to economic prosperity in the Newark region and throughout New Jersey. Continuing physical transformation of the NJIT campus includes an agreement to purchase adjacent Central High School, an-

On broader fronts, NJIT is bringing Division I college sports to Newark and contributing to the revitalization of areas beyond its campus. In addition to being the venue for commencement, the Prudential Center will be where NJIT’s men’s and women’s basketball teams play many of their home games, complementing the same use of Bears and Eagles Riverfront Stadium for Highlanders baseball. Home ice for the New Jersey Devils hockey team, The Rock is the first major sports facility to be built in the New York Metropolitan area in more than 25 years. An architecturally dramatic setting for concerts as well as sports, The Rock is the cornerstone of Newark’s Downtown Core Redevelopment Project.

Photos: Kai Chan

Dr. Norman Li, president of NL Chemical Technology, Inc., received an honorary doctorate in recognition of his distinguished contributions to chemical engineering. Longtime Newark resident Elizabeth Del Tufo was awarded an honorary degree for community commitments that include helping to create the Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee. Commencement 2008 underscores a bond between NJIT and the City of Newark that

top: Diva Ranade, senior class president and BS in biomedical engineering, was the 2008 student speaker. above: Commencement 2008 inside the Prudential Center




FALL 2008

Under the heading of neighborhood redevelopment, this past April the Newark Municipal Council passed a resolution designating NJIT as the “sole and exclusive redeveloper” of properties specified in the Gateway Plan — which covers an area of some 18 acres north of campus extending along Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to Orange Street. NJIT has responsibility for ensuring implementation in the best interests of all stakeholders. The Gateway project is a key effort to improve amenities available to the university and the surrounding community. The project envisions enhanced housing, new commercial space with shops and restaurants, and could result in the establishment of a “Greek Village” for fraternities and sororities on campus property adjacent to Lock and Warren Streets. While NJIT’s presence in education and research has become global over the decades, the university is deeply mindful of its historic roots in Newark. It is an engagement that in 2008 continues to expand with new commitments to the city’s social and economic well-being.

An artist’s concept of the Gateway redevelopment (courtesy of Elkus-Manfredi Architects)

Author: Christina Crovetto is assistant editor of  NJIT Magazine. NJIT MAGAZINE


FALL 2008


Standing Strong Engineer advocates home designs that protect against wind and water


ast fall, as remnants of Hurricane Noel barreled north toward New York and New England with winds approaching 80 miles per hour, NJIT faculty member Rima Taher sat riveted to her television screen. As Noel brutalized homes and terrain, she witnessed the vast damage that can be caused by storms packing less than the punch of a full-blown hurricane. A civil engineer who researches, writes and teaches about the best ways for anyone — especially architects — to contend with nature’s most destructive elements, she did not take the drama lightly.




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FALL 2008


“Design of Low-Rise Buildings for Extreme Wind Events” by Taher, published in the March 2007 Journal of Architectural Engineering, highlights recent findings in this area. As Taher reports, investigators at the Center for Building Science and Technology (CSTB) in Nantes, France, performed extensive wind research and tested reduced-scale home models at their sophisticated wind-tunnel facility. The CSTB researchers ultimately developed a “cyclonic” or hurricane-resistant dwelling design. Taher participated in this research

Safer Schools, Faster Evacuation Three NJSOA-educated architects formed the core of a Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. design team that won Honorable Mention in the 2008 Millennium School International Design Competition, based in the Philippines. The team, which placed fourth in the competition, included Brian D. B. Novello, a third-year student and intern at Jacobs’ office in Morristown, New Jersey, Muhammad H. Hussain ’02 , an architectural designer based in the company’s Houston office, and Benjamin P. Bakas ’03, an architectural designer in the Morristown office. The goal of the competition is to spur the design of disaster-resistant schools for developing countries that are prone to hurricanes, typhoons, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Photo: Kai Chan

Wicked weather “All I could think was ‘Watch out!’,” says Taher, a university lecturer at New Jersey School of Architecture (NJSOA). “Hurricanes and gale force storms can be wicked, no matter where someone lives, and it’s a good idea for everyone to respect them. Just because you live in the Northeast and not on the Gulf of Mexico, don’t think you are safe. Nor’easter storms can be wicked too. They can strike North Atlantic coasts with near-hurricane winds, threatening lives and property as horrifically

Rima Taher

as storms in Gulf waters.” Further, as Taher cautions, many experts project that climate change will spawn increasingly severe storms in all parts of the world. Taher drives home such lessons daily at NJSOA as she teaches future architects what they must know to pass licensing examinations and build better, stronger homes. The author of a new book about structural systems focused on helping architects prepare for licensing exams, Taher adds her expertise to that of other NJIT faculty and alumni who are working to keep people safe when storms and other natural disasters strike. (See sidebar, “Safer Schools, Faster Evacuation.”)




FALL 2008

and worked on the structural aspect of the cyclonic design to improve resistance to wind pressures as well the forces from flood-driven waters that often accompany hurricanes. Taher’s journal paper details structural guidelines and recommendations for the design and construction of hurricane-resistant homes based on the CSTB findings and other research. Related reports are also available at the NJSOA library. Testing wind effects on structures using wind tunnels originated in the early 1960s, with the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, being a pioneer. Taher also cites related research conducted by other organizations, such as:

At NJIT, transportation researchers have developed an evacuation plan for Cape May County, New Jersey, in the event of a major hurricane threat. The study determined how much time would be required to evacuate the county, as well as the effectiveness of the existing lane-reversal plan on New Jersey’s 47/347 highway corridor. The researchers proposed improved traffic evacuation plans, based on results which indicate that extending the current lane-reversal plan further south could dramatically reduce the time required to evacuate the county.

the Wind Engineering Research Center at Texas Tech University, the Wind Engineering Research Center of Tokyo Polytechnic University, the Wind Engineering and Fluid Laboratory at Colorado State University, the Natural Hazards Modeling Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame, and the Wind Simulation and Testing Laboratory at Iowa State University.

“ Hurricanes and gale force storms can be wicked, no matter where someone lives, and it’s a good idea for everyone to respect them.”

Taking architectural action Taher received a doctorate of civil engineering in building science and technology with honors in 1986 from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, as well as a master’s in the same discipline. She has a bachelor’s in civil engineering and urban planning from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon. Closer to home, NJIT students regard the trail-blazing engineer as one of the best. In 1999 she received NJIT’s Teaching Excellence Award in the category of Instruction by a Special Lecturer. Another special forte for Taher is helping to educate the public. For example, in response to NJIT publicity about her expertise, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez sought her participation at a flooding conference organized by his office in August 2007. The aim of the conference was to help find solutions to flooding problems in New Jersey, the state’s number-one natural hazard. “Certain home configurations and roof types can make a big difference,” Taher says in succinctly summarizing the wealth of research efforts. “Most people don’t realize this, but design and construction practices could be modified, and certain aerodynamic features could be incorporated into residential and commercial construction relatively easily and economically. It is critical for people in storm-prone regions to know that there are better design practices and construction methods as well as materials that can significantly reduce wind forces and, consequently, damage from extreme wind events.” (See sidebar, “Top Storm Design Tips.”) Taher looks forward to helping to translate these concepts into structural reality. She invites builders and developers interested in prototype construction to contact her at NJIT, and to learn more about how they can promote building designs that provide greater shelter from the forces of nature. n Author: Sheryl Weinstein is public relations director at NJIT.

Top Storm Design Tips Following are examples of design features that can significantly increase storm resistance: n A square floor plan — or better, a hexagonal or octagonal plan — with a roof that has four or more panels (hip roof). A hip roof with four slopes performs better under wind forces than a gable roof with two slopes. Research and testing show that a roof slope of about 30 degrees works best.

structural failure is often a progressive process, with the failure of one structural element triggering the failure of another, and leading to a total collapse. n Aerodynamic features to counter the higher wind pressures that typically affect areas on a building such as the roof ridge, corners and eaves. For example, a central shaft connecting the structure’s internal space and the roof ridge, which is the point of highest depression, significantly reduces wind pressures on the roof by balancing internal and external pressures. n Limiting roof overhangs to counter wind uplift forces that could trigger a roof failure. Roof overhangs should be limited to about 20 to 25 inches. n Relatively inexpensive features that can reduce wind stresses at the roof’s lower edges, such as a notched frieze or grid installed around the perimeter of the home at the level of the roof gutters.

Storm-resistant “cyclonic” home design

n Elevating the structure on an open foundation to reduce the risk of damage from flooding and storm-driven water. For best results, piles must be braced and well anchored in the soil to prevent scour.

n Special attention to all connections, not just between roof and walls. Wind forces on a roof tend to be uplift forces, which is why roofs are often blown off during an extreme wind event. Connections between the structure and its foundation as well as between walls must be strong. Complete

Storm-resistant connection for roof framing and exterior wall

Illustration: Courtesy of FEMA



FALL 2008


alumni circuit Photo: Kai Chan

Five Join a Special Group of Alumni

Joseph M. Sanzari (left), NCE Dean Sunil Saigal, Haila A. Hudson, Kevin Russell

Engineering Excellence Honored NCE’s 2008 Salute to Engineering Excellence in March honored Haila A. Hudson, Kevin Russell and Joseph M. Sanzari, along with students about to become alumni. Held at the Stony Hill Inn, Hackensack, more than 250 attended. Haila A. Hudson ’88, MS ’00 was recognized with the Outstanding Alumna Award. Hudson is the founder and president of Milestones Engineering, PC, a consulting firm based in Morris Plains, New Jersey, that specializes in electrical installation and electrical engineering. One of the first women to be a licensed electrician in New Jersey, Hudson today is a licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. She also serves on the Electrical Sub-Code Committee of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Kevin Russell ’97, MS ’98, PhD ’01 received the Outstanding Young Alumnus Award. Russell is a senior engineer in the Weapons Technology Branch, Infantry Systems Division of the




U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Center at Picatinny Arsenal. He is also an adjunct professor of mechanical engineering. Recipient of the Engineering Impact Award was Joseph M. Sanzari, CEO of Joseph M. Sanzari Inc. Employing more than 200 people, Sanzari’s enterprises include North Bergen Recycling Inc. and North Bergen Asphalt Products. In 1999, Engineering News-Record recognized Sanzari as a “Top 25” newsmaker. NCE students recognized included Daniel Lepek, outstanding graduate student, and Shruthi Shankar, who received the Madame Mau honor. Owen Fitzgerald received the top honor as overall outstanding senior. He was also named outstanding senior in engineering technology. Also recognized for outstanding work were Indira Hernandez, civil engineering; Andrea Kimbrough, industrial and manufacturing engineering; Nishant Vyas, biomedical engineering; Jiyou Ni, mechanical engineering; Stephanie Monteiro, chemical engineering; Chris Sakowski, electrical and computer engineering. n

FALL 2008

The list of NJIT grads recognized with annual Alumni Achievement Awards continues to grow. For 2008, honorees include individuals exceptional for contributions to technological innovation, economic progress, architecture, service to the community, and defense of the nation.

Robert L. Bowser Engineer, entrepreneur and public servant Now in his third term as mayor of East Orange, New Jersey, Robert L. Bowser brings an exceptional background to public service. It includes strong ties to NJIT as well as to East Orange. Bowser is a member of one of the oldest African American families in East Orange, with roots extending back to the 19th century. Among the area’s advantages were educational opportunities at Newark Technical School. Before NJIT’s earliest predecessor institution evolved into Newark College of Engineering, Bowser’s father completed the school’s certificate program in architectural drafting. His sons

Hamilton and Robert would later earn NCE degrees in civil engineering. A former member of NJIT’s Board of Trustees, Hamilton Bowser completed a BS in 1952 and an MS in 1957. After receiving his BS in 1958, Robert Bowser embarked on the professional path that led to the post of mayor in his hometown. “Life does not proceed in a straight line,” Bowser says, “you have to be ready to make the most of what comes your way when any door opens.” The first open door for the recent graduate was a position with the City of Newark assessing the municipality’s infrastructure and services. Bowser next joined the Montclair Department of Public Works, becoming the township’s traffic engineer. However, Bowser was restless in the Montclair job. When he graduated from NCE, work that would allow him to apply his engineering skills in construction was scarce. He wanted to build, to “begin with a piece of paper and see a structure rise from the ground.” Then another door opened, this time to employment with a structural engineering firm in Elizabeth. There he gained private-sector experience on projects that included schools and apartment complexes. At this point, in the 1960s, Bowser became a licensed New Jersey land surveyor. He recalls that there was only one other African American in the state who held the same license. This was followed by his also becoming a licensed professional planner. With these credentials, and confident that he had the requisite experience, Bowser

“ I learned that architecture is an exciting balance of art and science.”

We want to hear from you! Do you have news to share about your career, addition to your family, an avocation? There are three ways to send us a class note for NJIT Magazine:

— Robert Cozzarelli

On the Web, you’ll find a form for sharing your news at

www.njit.edu/alumni/classnotes. By e-mail, send news and photos with your graduation year(s) to alumni-classnotes@njit.edu. Via U.S. mail to: Robert A. Boynton, Executive Director,

Alumni Relations, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Eberhardt Hall NJIT Alumni Center, Room 218, 323 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102-1982

went into business for himself. He headed Bowser Engineers and Associates, Inc. for 26 years, building his engineering, planning, surveying and architectural design business into one of the largest minority-owned consulting firms on the East Coast. Entering public service as director of the East Orange Department of Public Works and acting city planner ultimately motivated Bowser to seek elected office. He became mayor in 1998 and is the first African American to win election to a third term. Bowser is also engaged with many organizations dedicated to public service on the state and national levels, including the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, the New Jersey Conference of Black Mayors, the State of New Jersey Planning Commission, the National Black Conference of Mayors and the United States Conference of Mayors. As for the legacy he hopes to leave the people of East Orange, Bowser cites the city’s history and the positive experiences that he and his family have had there. Dating back to the turn of the 20th century, he says, East Orange has had a tradition of progressive planning that benefits everyone. As in many cities, recent years have presented significant challenges to this tradition.

But working together with the necessary spirit and resources, Bowser asserts, we can again move all of our nation’s urban centers in the right direction.

Robert Cozzarelli Listening, learning, building Architect Robert Cozzarelli has a succinct formula for success — “Really listen to your clients and respect what they have to say.” It was also listening to his father, Frank, when Cozzarelli was in high school that led to his 1979 NJIT degree in architecture. “I was all over the page with my interests,” Cozzarelli says. However, in addition to solid quantitative skills, Cozzarelli had an interest in art and could draw. Recognizing a likely direction for such talents, Frank Cozzarelli presented his son with a book

on architecture and suggested a career in the field. “I learned that architecture is an exciting balance of art and science,” says Cozzarelli, today a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). And family background undoubtedly influenced his decision to study at NJIT. Frank Cozzarelli, who became a patent attorney, is an alumnus with a 1949 BS and 1951 MS in chemical engineering. In 1995, Frank Cozzarelli was honored with the same Alumni Association award bestowed on his son in 2008. The Cozzarelli connection to NJIT extends to other family members as well — a brother and cousin of Robert’s are alumni. Cozzarelli says that New Jersey School of Architecture (NJSOA), then as now, provided an ideal learning environment. NJIT also influenced Cozzarelli’s life in another important way. “The university was 99 percent guys in those days,” he remembers, “and campus groups would organize ‘mixers,’ inviting female students from other schools.” At one such event, Cozzarelli met a student

named Susan, who was enrolled in the nursing program at Clara Maass Hospital. They eventually married. In 1986, with Susan’s encouragement, Cozzarelli started his own architectural practice. Based in Belleville, New Jersey, Cozzarelli is today adding to success that encompasses service to his community and profession, as well as to enhancing the built environment with a focus on healthcare facilities. He speaks with special pride of pro bono work on a project dedicated to the care of disabled veterans. Very active in the AIA, Cozzarelli has served as president of the New Jersey chapter. He initiated the chapter’s Michael Graves Lifetime Achievement Award to honor the state’s exceptional architects. He also brought the CANstruction competition to New Jersey to involve architects and architectural students in the fight against hunger. Participants build imaginative structures with canned and packaged foods later donated to food banks. In addition, Cozzarelli musters time and energy for service with groups that include the Belleville Board of Education Athletic Council, Boy Scouts of America, Disabled American Veterans and Rotary International. It is concern for others and for our world he shares with his children. His son, Robert Jr., has embarked on a program at Quinnipiac University leading to a doctorate in physical therapy, and his daughter, Rebecca, has started pre-veterinary studies in animal science at the University of Connecticut.

Robert Cozzarelli NJIT MAGAZINE


FALL 2008


alumni circuit a lu m ni achi evem en t awa rd s,

Joseph Crecca Four decades of flying and service to the nation Service in the U.S. Air Force and a love of flying shaped Joseph Crecca’s life over four decades after graduation from Newark College of Engineering. Interested in “everything mechanical” while growing up in Bloomfield, New Jersey, Crecca was fascinated by fast cars and faster aircraft. This inclination and the requisite academic aptitude led to his 1962 BS in mechanical engineering and employment at the Army’s Picatinny Arsenal. In 1963, moved by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Crecca joined the Air Force, heeding JFK’s inaugural exhortation to “ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Not for the first time, Crecca says, his NCE education would “really shine.” He excelled in training for navigation and technical testing, and for flying jet fighters. First Lieutenant Crecca was posted to the 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the famed 366th Tactical Fighter Wing (better known as “The Gunfighters”) at Danang Air Base in South Vietnam flying F-4C Phantoms, a two-seat Mach 2 fighter-bomber. Typical duties for the GIB, the “Guy in Back,” were navigation, targeting, and tracking enemy aircraft and surface-toair missiles. On a 1966 mission over North Vietnam, Crecca was flying with Major Gordon Scott Wilson when a missile hit 26




their aircraft. Although both ejected, Wilson was killed in his parachute by fragments from a second missile. For Crecca, capture began a grim odyssey as a prisoner of war lasting six years and three months — an experience that early on included severe physical torture. First held in the maximum security section and largely isolated from other POW’s, Crecca was eventually transferred to the notorious prison known as the “Hanoi Hilton.” The positive aspect was more interaction with

Although no longer in the captain’s seat, Crecca’s love of flying clearly endures, as does the deep pride he takes in his Air Force service. “volunteered to be pieces of chalk” by shattering it on the ground. Crecca had opportunities to both learn and teach — for example, taking lessons in Russian and a higher math course, and teaching automotive technology, physics, math and classical music. Once again, he says, his NCE education served him well as a contributor to the curriculum and to the mental welfare of himself and his fellow prisoners. Crecca was released by the North Vietnamese in February 1973. Returning home, he quickly requalified to fly fighters and

Joseph Crecca

fellow POW’s. Despite barely adequate food and poor medical attention, the men took steps to build morale. And after the Son Tay raid, a U.S. attempt to rescue POW’s, the prisoners were placed in larger cells. Drawing on their varied backgrounds, they organized a “university” whose courses ranged from languages and auto repair to advanced mathematics. To supplement meager writing materials, the men requisitioned supplies like the roof tile that

FALL 2008

served an additional five years on active duty with the Air Force. Seeing an opportunity in airline flying, Crecca left the Air Force rather than continue a military career in a desk job. He was soon back at the controls as a civilian pilot with the Flying Tigers airfreight company — named after the American Volunteer Group that fought the Japanese over China in World War II. Crecca remained at the controls when Flying Tigers was acquired by

Federal Express, flying cargo over domestic and international routes as a captain on aircraft such as the 747 and MD-11. Crecca decided to retire from FedEx in 2005. Although no longer in the captain’s seat, Crecca’s love of flying clearly endures, as does the deep pride he takes in his Air Force service. And he gives great credit to the education he received at NCE for being able to survive and help others survive in the harsh conditions of the Hanoi Hilton.

Gerard Foschini Research with a real BLAST Gerard Foschini’s telecommunications research has had many high points, with one being a BLAST. That’s the acronym for Bell Labs Layered Space Time technology. This breakthrough encapsulates a great deal about Foschini’s career at a preeminent research organization and the far-reaching social influence of wireless communications. The multiple-antenna BLAST concept increases the capacity of wireless networks and facilitates communication in obstaclecluttered environments such as cities. In 2002, MIT’s Technology Review included the patent that bears Foschini’s name among five “patents to watch.” BLAST also earned Foschini a Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award from the Research and Development Council of New Jersey. In addition, he won the IEEE 2008 Alexander Graham Bell Medal for his “seminal contributions to the science and technology of multiple antenna communications.” Foschini entered the research

ranks at Bell Labs via his 1961 BS in electrical engineering from Newark College of Engineering. He later earned an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in mathematics from other schools. “But I will always appreciate how NCE changed my life,” Foschini says. A mediocre student before college, he explains, “For the first time I worked hard in school, and to my surprise I enjoyed it immensely.” Foschini still contributes to the communications revolution as a Bell Labs Fellow and Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Distinguished Inventor.

Gerard Foschini at Bell Labs

Foschini speaks as a hands-on participant in groundbreaking research and engineering initiatives that span his decades at the Labs. He entered the field just as digital technology was starting to establish the foundation for today’s voice and video services. His initial work on communication theory in the Bell Labs culture encouraged what he calls the “research frame of mind.” It’s the way of thinking that motivates asking just the right questions to advance complex scientific and technological projects — questions that lead to

Photo: Shevett Studios

Everything’s Coming Up Roses Alum’s Floral Designs Grace Tony Awards For the sixth year, Eladio Ruiz 3rd ’87, director of special events at NJIT, designed custom floral arrangements for the Tony Awards® ceremony held in June at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Ruiz’s arrangements, complete with top hats, gold stars and ribbons printed with musical staffs, graced the stars’ dressing rooms, talent check-in and other areas. Marking 62 years of excellence on Broadway, the Antoinette Perry “Tony” Awards are bestowed annually on theatre professionals for distinguished achievement.

pioneering solutions. Contemplating the future, one question that Foschini ponders is social as well as technological. He says that the rapid development of technology is enabling communications anytime and anywhere, and access to information from fast-proliferating sources worldwide. Each day, however, more of us face a persistent flood of requests for specific information we know is out there, but which cannot be easily located. Organizing, managing and accessing information resources as truly positive contributions to daily life are still great challenges for the road ahead.

Frederick G. Steil Lucking into plastics “You might say that I lucked into plastics,” Frederick Steil comments about starting his career in one of the world’s most important industries. Beginning by chance with an apprenticeship in the mid-1960s, it has been a career with numerous achievements as an engineer, innovator and executive. Born in 1950 and raised in Irvington, New Jersey, Steil attended the University of Missouri after high school. But

he completed only two years there. “I just wasn’t ready for college, and to be that far away from home,” Steil reflects. He therefore decided to pursue his father’s highly skilled craft — toolmaking. His familiarity with operating a drill press led to an apprenticeship with a Livingston firm making sophisticated molds for the plastics industry. The apprenticeship also enabled Steil to improve his knowledge and skills through non-degree programs offered by New Jersey schools, including Newark College of Engineering. A three-year NCE program was an important step toward the engineering position at Magnus Organ Company where he managed production of plastic components. He furthered his education with an associate’s degree in engineering from Union County College and Rutgers management courses. Steil’s next 15 years in New Jersey included co-ownership of Empire Enterprises, which produced plastic closures for the medical and cosmetics industries. In 1984, he joined D-M-E Company, a leader in moldmaking technology. While rising in the ranks of the company’s

engineering executives, Steil returned to NCE and in 1992 completed a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering technology. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Michigan to take charge of the D-M-E Technology Center, a position he held until his 2005 retirement from D-M-E as manager of mechanical engineering and technical services. But Steil has hardly left the plastics industry behind. He continues to advance molding technology as a consultant, and in 2008 was named a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers. This honor recognizes

Frederick G. Steil

exceptionally creative thinking that spans marketing as well as patented improvements in the design of equipment which enhance efficiency and economy. Asked about a common denominator applicable to his accomplishments, Steil cites the inclusive perspective he has gained over the years — beginning as a young apprentice. “This may sound trite,” he says, “but I’ve done my best to learn from every experience, and that ranges from my hands-on start to working with people at every level in the industry.” n



FALL 2008


Four Architecture Grads Named AIA Officers

NJIT Senior Vice President for Administration and Treasurer Henry Mauermeyer ’72, MS ’74, a member of more than

NJSOA Alumni and Students Gather for Design Showcase 2008 For the third consecutive year, Design Showcase celebrated the talent of New Jersey School of Architecture (NJSOA) alumni and students. The event was made possible through the support of area design and real-estate professionals who have helped to make the annual gathering a much anticipated opportunity to share creative ideas, discuss industry trends and network with colleagues. Design Showcase 2008 also raised $100,000 for NJSOA scholarships and programs.

Photos: Bill Wittkop

The New Jersey Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) has selected four alumni from New Jersey School of Architecture to serve as officers in 2009. President-elect Stacey Ruhle Kliesch ’99 is the owner and principal of Poche Design Studio, based in Ridgewood. She was also named Young Architect of the Year by the chapter. David Del Vecchio ’87 was installed as regional director and presented with this year’s Distinguished Service Award. A licensed architect since 1991, David has worked with several New Jersey firms and had his own practice for 13 years before joining Parsippany-based Seth A. Leeb Architect. Jason Kliwinski ’94 will be the chapter’s first vice president. With Spiezle Group in Trenton, he joined the firm in 2007 as director of sustainable design. Michael J. Hanrahan ’96, secretary, is a senior associate with Clarke Caton Hintz in Trenton. The firm specializes in historic preservation and adaptive reuse of existing structures. n

Educational Mission to Dubai

Design Showcase Co-Chair Robert Zampolin ’81 (far right), with Alan Wechsler and David Sidman of event sponsor Pella Windows & Doors.




FALL 2008

20 Middle States Commission evaluation teams over 20 years, journeyed to Dubai’s Zayed University this spring. He brought with him his expertise in higher education finance to review, up-close and personal, the young university’s finance administration. Mauermeyer has evaluated universities ranging from England to Beirut. The commission is responsible for eligibility requirements and standards for accreditation, and describes its process as “a means of self-regulation and peer review adopted by the education community to strengthen the quality and integrity of higher education.” Mauermeyer explains that, “The 14 standards of a Middle States Evaluation are the same standards everywhere. Cultural differences do not pertain to an evaluation; it is the same evaluation.” Among the considerable areas of progress noted at the Dubai campus, he most admired the well-equipped, state-of-theart facilities and the architecturally significant buildings. Mauermeyer had an opportunity to discuss this shared interest with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum when he and his wife, Carol, were welcomed to the palace. n

class notes NJIT’s long winning tradition in soccer continues today.

NJIT Magazine invites other regular correspondents to join Mal Simon in sharing news about class members or the activities of alumni organizations. Mal Simon, professor emeritus of physical education and athletics, was NJIT director of physical education and athletics as well as men’s soccer coach for 30 years. In 1993, he received the Cullimore Medal for his service to the university.

Yves Etienne ’79

was named Man of the Year by the Borough of Brooklyn Democratic Party. An All American volleyball player and member of the NJIT Athletic Hall of Fame, Yves is a professor at Kingsborough Community College.

If you would like to be a regular correspondent, don’t hesitate to get in touch by sending an e-mail to the editor of NJIT Magazine: dean.maskevich@njit.edu.

First, the latest news from Mal — Soccer teammates Armen Bedrossian ’87 and Hani Shouga ’87 were among alumni attending the NJIT soccer tournament in San Diego last September. Armen moved west after working in New Jersey for a few years to join Hughes Aircraft’s Space and Communication Company and the Walt Disney Company before forming his own software consulting business. Hani headed west after graduation, earning an MBA at Pepperdine University. He worked as a network systems consultant for Entex before moving to International Network Services, recently acquired by British Telecom. Bernie Lubetkin ’49 made a hole

in one at the Oronoque Country Club in Stratford, Connecticut. When Bernie and his two playing partners got to the green and saw only two balls, Bernie took his putter and wedge in case his shot had rolled past the green and was in the fringe. Passing the hole he looked down and saw his ball. Bernie says it took him 60 years to get his “ace.” His next goal is to shoot a score equal or less than his age, which he figures will be when he reaches the age of 100.

Roco Krsulic ’73 and Pablo Ponce ’07 made their debuts at

the 2008 Florida soccer alumni reunion. Roco joined New York City’s transit authority (MTA) after graduation, becoming a licensed Professional Engineer and director of the MTA’s Real Estate Department. Pablo, the first alumnus who played for head coach Pedro Lopes to join the Florida group, moved to Miami after graduation. He works at the International Bank of Miami as a credit analyst. Stu Messur ’87, who helped teach sailing and windsurfing in the physical education program as a graduate student, has built a log cabin in the Finger Lakes region in the middle of 150 wooded acres. Stu is an environmental engineer and VP for ARCADIS of New York, Inc. in Syracuse, New York.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear from Ben Gazdowicz ’67. Ben was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, played varsity basketball and was co-captain in his senior year. He worked at Johnson & Johnson for 32 years, retiring in 2002. A licensed private pilot and Cessna 182 owner, flying is Ben’s retirement passion.

Arnold Waldman ’66

reminded me that I dubbed him “The phenom” in a sports article reporting his high score in an intramural basketball game. The nickname inspired Tau Delta Phi fraternity brothers to create a caricature that he still has. Arnie eventually earned an MBA and went on to a career in banking that included 20 years at Citibank. Now a certified financial planner, he claims to be “too lazy” at this stage in life to work hard at generating new business and divides his time among working, volunteering and playing golf. Brian Kathenes ’78 sent an autographed copy of his latest book, titled Betcha Didn’t Know That, a compendium of tips about antiques and collectibles. Brian’s expertise includes autographs, historical documents, rare books and celebrity memorabilia. Bill Zilliox ’63, whose student leadership activities included managing the soccer team, retired after 33 years with General Electric. He now manages a Department of Defense program for researchers in computational science, modeling and simulation.

Fabian Hurtado ’74 and Jeanie Hurtado are on the road — to

Romania. As senior construction manager for A. Epstein and Sons, Fabian’s first project is the Bistrita Galleria Shopping Mall. Gil Davis ’54 and wife, Joan,

report an interesting time in their RV, in a caravan of 20 RV’s on a 58-day trip through Canada and Alaska. Mark March 6–8, 2009 on your calendars for the 10th annual Florida alumni soccer reunion, to be held in the Palm City/Stuart area hosted by Cesar ’77 and Griselda Gavidia and Joe ’86 and Maggie Dias. Looking ahead, Jim Boyle ’58 and Kurt Carlson ’53 will write the story of the ’51-’54 soccer teams. Team members wishing to contribute to the story should contact Jim at deejim1059@optonline.net and Kurt.at klc56@optonline.net. Keep the news coming.



FALL 2008


class notes 1944


Bernard Coopersmith (ME), a

Dennis Nazzaro (ME) has been

Golden Highlander who joined those about to become alumni at Commencement 2008, received special recognition from NJIT President Robert A. Altenkirch as the “most mature” alumnus to participate in the ceremony.

promoted to vice president of STV, which specializes in planning, design and construction management for infrastructure, transportation systems, buildings and other facilities. In this position, he will continue as a project executive with the firm’s national Construction Management Division.

1956 Edmund H. Hecht (ME), president of EHco Services, has received the President’s Volunteer Service Award issued by the Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the United States. The award recognizes Edmund’s work with Winrock International, a nonprofit organization whose worldwide activities focus on empowering the disadvantaged, increasing economic opportunity and sustaining natural resources.

1970 “I retired from PSE&G in May of 2006 after 36 years to pursue an avocation of mine…writing and publishing science, technology, and invention books and articles for the education community. I also do educational consulting for the Edison Innovation Foundation and the Edison West Orange Laboratories. I mostly work from home. It has been very busy, productive, and highly rewarding. I also discovered I have a knack for designing educational math card games for students. An engineer who likes to write…what will they think of next!”


Anthony E. Stavale (Mechanical

Engineering Technology) has been honored with the ITT Engineered for Life Award for the development of a smart variable-frequency drive used in pumping applications.

1980 Michael H. Armm (CE) MS ’84 has joined Power Loft LLC, a data center development company, as senior vice president. Michael Berman (EE) writes

Harry Roman (EE) MS ’74 writes




that there is now a group for NJIT alums at www.linkedin.com.

1982 Steven Chuang MS (ChE), a professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Akron, was honored at the university’s 2008 Founders Day celebration. Chuang, who has a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, received an Outstanding Researcher Award from the university’s alumni association.

FALL 2008

Bob McEntee ’63 Makes News in Retirement NCE grad Bob McEntee was recently featured in the Daily Record, which serves communities in Morris County, New Jersey. McEntee, profiled under the headline “Doing It All in Roxbury,” says that he decided to accept early retirement from Exxon Chemical because he knew there was “life after Exxon” and he intended to take full advantage of it. And that has certainly been the case. An avid amateur athlete, Bob was a member of the NCE championship soccer team in 1960. Over the years, he has established an exceptional reputation for officiating at the recreational, high school and collegiate levels. He bikes and runs every day, and works out daily at the West Essex YMCA, where he is a member of the board of directors. But not one to limit his retirement activities to sports and fitness, Bob is also a substitute math teacher at Roxbury High School. The three-acre piece of property that he and his wife own, planted with about a hundred evergreens, requires a fair amount of maintenance as well. However diverse, Bob says that all his activities have one aspect in common: “I do things that bring enjoyment to me and others. Nothing is forced on me.”

1983 William “Bud” Foran (IE) has become director of worldwide sales for Williamson Corporation, a Massachusetts-based manufacturer of infrared temperature-measurement and control systems.

1984 Jeffrey Marsden (CE) has joined

H2M as a department manager of civil engineering. H2M is a multidiscipline engineering, architectural and laboratory analysis firm.

1985 William Harrison (ESc) has been named a member of the newly formed Board of Directors of Medicilon/MPI Preclinical Research Shanghai. The board

will have equal representation from the organization’s two parent companies. Harrison, president and COO of MPI Research, has over 20 years of experience with contract laboratories. Prior to joining MPI Research, he was the director of regulatory affairs and operations at Pharmaco LSR. Mehdi Mohammadish (CE) MS

’92 (Traffic and Transportation Engineering) has been appointed acting engineering director for the City of Newark. Previously, he was manager of the Division of Traffic and Signals. Mehdi joined the professionals serving Newark after working for Essex County as principal engineer with the county’s Department of Public works since 1989.

I n Me m o r i a m

Carlos D. Torres (ME), MS ’94 (EM) has been appointed to the board of trustees of the American Red Cross in Greater New York. He is vice president, emergency management at Consolidated Edison. Torres joined Con Edison in 1985 as a management intern and has held various management positions in his career. Before his work in emergency management, he was the general manager of construction services.

1986 Jeffrey A. Beck (ME) has been named senior vice president-aerospace and defense at AMETEK, Inc., a global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electric motors. Myron Petruch (ChE) has been named president of Performance Pigments by Sun Chemical. Myron, who will oversee all of Sun Chemical’s Performance Pigments business, joins the company from BASF, where he was responsible for their pigment and additives business for coatings.

1990 Peter Murphy (EE) has joined the buildings engineering group of Stantec in North Springfield, Vermont. A licensed Professional Engineer, he has more than 15 years of experience, ranging from design and quality assurance to project management and inspection.

1992 Brian J. Colandreo (EE) has

been promoted to partner at the law firm of Holland & Knight in Boston. He specializes in patent law as a member of the Intellectual Property Law Practice Group of the firm’s Litigation Section.

1999 Patricia Liguori MS (CIS) has teamed up with her husband, Robert, to write the Java Pocket Guide (O’Reilly Media, 2008). Patricia is a lead information systems engineer and has helped to develop air traffic management systems and simulation environments since 1994. She has worked with Java-based applications for over a decade, as well as with other technologies that include J2EE, relational databases, XML and XSL.

2002 Christopher Shustock (archi-

tecture) has joined the staff at William McLees Architecture in Somers Point, New Jersey.

2006 Donald Rhodes (EE) is working

as an associate for Booz Allen Hamilton, supporting clients such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and at Fort Dix and McGuire Air Force Base. Donald also writes that he is the new father of a baby girl, Layla Grace.

George Yohrling ’69 George Yohrling, distinguished alumnus and dedicated supporter of the university, died on May 7, 2008 after a long and courageous battle with cancer. He was a 1969 NCE graduate in industrial engineering. A former mayor of Randolph, New Jersey, Yohrling moved to North Carolina in 1985 to manage Curtiss-Wright aerospace control operations. He retired as president and CEO of CurtissWright Controls and executive vice president of the Curtiss-Wright Corporation.

In 2003, Yohrling was honored with an NJIT Alumni Achievement Award. Interviewed by NJIT Magazine, he spoke with great enthusiasm about his career in the aerospace industry. “It’s been an incredible ride,” he said of helping to engineer components for some of the world’s most advanced civilian and military aircraft. See George Yohrling’s complete profile in the fall 2003 NJIT Magazine at http://magazine.njit.edu.

2008 Rufino Martinez (architecture)

has joined Buric as an architectural designer at the firm’s office in Somerville, New Jersey. Martinez has wide experience working on residential, commercial, industrial and educational projects. He is a member of the Construction Specifications Institute, an organization that maintains and advances the standardization of construction language as it pertains to building specifications.

NJIT also notes with sadness the passing of the following alumni: Frederick A. Russell ’35 Romolo R. Julian ’41 Alvin Stoeckert ’43 Robert H. Sugarman ’45 Fred Jeselsohn ’62 Robert J. Jenny ’60, MS ’63 Frank J. Szipsky ’65 Spidola Osborn ’72 Roxanne E. Martin-Conti ’07



FALL 2008


alumni Calendar s a v e t he d a t e !

Celebration 2008 Friday, November 14

A festive evening of dining and dancing to provide endowed scholarship support for students. Special Guest Master of Ceremonies The Hon. Richard J. Codey President, New Jersey State Senate Pleasantdale Chateau West Orange, New Jersey

Information: Jacquie Rhodes 973-596-3407 or rhodes@njit.edu Also visit: www.njit.edu/celebration

For the most current information about all alumni events — including specific dates — visit www.njit.edu/alumni/events and the Websites of the individual clubs and groups listed. Information is also available from the Alumni Relations Office: 973-596-3441 or alumni@njit.edu.




FALL 2008

Corporate Clubs

Young Alumni Club

NJIT’s Corporate Clubs provide a valuable networking opportunity for alumni within the workplace while also assisting NJIT students and faculty. Current NJIT Corporate Clubs include: Eng Wong Taub, Hatch Mott MacDonald, PSEG, Schering-Plough and United Parcel Service.

The Young Alumni Club plans and sponsors social gatherings and networking events for alumni who have graduated within the last 20 years.

Corporate Club information and events:


For information about the growing slate of Young Alumni Club activities, including events focused on career advancement, visit:


Alumni Reunions Regional Clubs NJIT Regional Clubs are planning events in California, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York City, North Carolina and Washington, D.C. Check the Alumni Events Calendar and Regional Club pages on the Alumni Relations Website for more information: www.njit.edu/alumni/clubs

Planning for 2009 fifth-year anniversary reunions is under way for the classes of 1939 through 2004. For information about reunions and Alumni Reunion Committee meetings, visit your class Website at www.njit.edu/alumni/class. Reunion information is also available from the Alumni Relations Office: 973-596-3441 or by email to alumni@njit.edu.

at the edge

Making Boston Better

Architect Gregory Minott AIA, a 2002 MS graduate of New Jersey School of Architecture, and two colleagues shared the $10,000 “Best Design for Building Prize” in a competition hosted in association with the City of Boston and local civic organizations as part of the American Institute of Architects’ 2008 National Convention in Boston. The competition focused on a site in the Dudley Square neighborhood to be available after the removal of

two vacant buildings and the relocation of a police station. Minott, who works for Elkus-Manfredi Architects, developed “Plaza at Dudley Square,” a proposal cited as “the most compelling in the sense that we could actually imagine it being built” by Kairos Shen, Boston’s chief planner and one of the competition judges. “We all thought that, if you could do this, it would truly make the square a better place,” said Shen.

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