4 minute read
Making a statement
LifeStyle Contributors
The people who make it great.
Darla Scarduzzio Creative Director
Darla has been an integral part of
NJ Lifestyle Magazine since 2004.
From sales to publishing to graphic design, she has experienced all aspects of the industry.
Robin Stoloff Health Reporter Robin has been a local health reporter since 1986, and hosts Living Well on Lite Rock 96.9, and a weekly podcast by the same name. Visit her at livingwellwithrobinstoloff.com.
Molly Golubcow Writer
By day, Molly has been a technical writer for over 20 years. By night, she escapes the world of “Press Enter” to write about anything other than technical subjects.
Michael Cagno Artist, Writer Michael is the Executive Director of the Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton University, V.P. of the MidAtlantic Association of Museums and an artist.
Elaine Rose Writer
Elaine was a staff writer for the Press of Atlantic City for nearly 22 years where she covered every subject except sports. Her work has won multiple awards.
David Spatz Entertainment Writer David is an Emmy Award-winning host and a multi-media journalist with 45 years experience. His entertainment series, Curatin Call, is SJ’s only program to win an Emmy. Michael Bray Wine Writer Michael is the founder of and director of operations at Passion Vines Wine & Spirit Company in Somers Point and EHT. He serves on numerous local boards.
Danielle Gomes Writer
Danielle is an author, freelance writer and brand marketing specialist. Her nationally featured work has won numerous awards. She lives in Margate with her husband and two sons.
Lisa Johnson & Dennis Hayes
Dennis’ passion is learning the secrets of preparing good food, traveling the world, and living life to the fullest. Lisa is a TV journalist from Vegas, Philadelphia, and A.C.
Kristian Gonyea Photographer
Kristian’s 15+ years of photography has appeared in various newspapers and magazines. His love of South
Jersey has blossomed into his most recent works, sunrises and sunsets.
Eric Weeks Photographer Eric’s love of photography has won awards for many images throughout the years, along with a cover image for the Professional Photographers of America’s Loan Collection book.
Paul Dempsey Photographer
From expressway billboards to
European fashion magazines —
Paul’s photography is fresh, unique, and intentional. His photos tell the stories that need no words.
Publisher Nick Valinote
Creative DireCtor Darla Scarduzzio
Contributing eDitor Lisa Johnson
Contributing Writers Michael Bray Michael Cagno Molly Golubcow Danielle Gomes Dennis Hayes Felicia Lowenstein Matt and Tom Reynolds Elaine Rose David Spatz Robin Stoloff
PhotograPhers Paul Dempsey Kristian Gonyea Don Kravitz Justin Tinel Nick Valinote Eric Weeks
online MeDia inforMation www.njlifestyleonline.com
New Jersey Lifestyle is published by Nicholas & Partners. The entire contents of New Jersey Lifestyle are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. Nicholas & Partners assumes no liability for products or services advertised herein. Nicholas & Partners reserves the right to edit, rewrite or refuse editorial material and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors or omissions. New Jersey Lifestyle and Nicholas & Partners assume no responsibility for writers opinions and contents. All correspondence should be sent to:
Nicholas & Partners
P.O. Box 1183, Absecon, NJ 08201 Telephone: 609-513-0813
njlifestylemagazine@gmail.com njlifestyleonline.com
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Amber Vittoria Clothing

Making A Statement

The leading trends in fashion are effortlessly fearless and fun.
By Danielle Gomes
Gucci for men
Now more than ever, fashion is about making a statement — your own individual statement. “You are your perfect. We live in a world where everything is so uniform and filtered. And, thanks to social media we have become afraid to show our true self,” says Mòd Lauradin, creative director of the fashion brand SU. IVI. Lauradin’s brand launched two months ago and celebrates the uniqueness of each individual. SU. IVI. is a high-end, luxury brand that’s distinctly avantgarde. The line invites you to, “Be a kid again. Be effortlessly fearless. Whatever your aesthetic is, have fun with it. What I mean is, if you’ve ever watched a kid on the playground, they explore the unknown fearlessly and they have so much fun doing it,” Lauradin says.
Fashion brands are also taking a look at their own footprint. As one of the most polluting industries in the world, fashion

Gucci store Matching bag, shoes, and dress by Balmain
Adidas Superstar original white sneakers