Fostering Positive Relationships with Paraprofessionals Maureen Butler
Each year our state Special Learners committee presents a roundtable discussion at our February conference. It’s a wonderful opportunity for music teachers to bring their concerns and questions to a panel of educators who have expertise in special education. Without fail, each time we convene, at least one teacher will share their frustration in effectively working with paraprofessionals (also called paras, teacher aides, aides.) Some teachers might be in a regular education setting, and work with a couple of paras throughout the year. Others may be in a program comprised solely of special education students, and their work may include paras in every class they see. Depending on the students’ needs, teachers may have several individual paras in a class, and perhaps a classroom aide as well. Let’s see what we can learn from the questions our panelists typically see at our roundtable discussions; maybe you’ve experienced these concerns as well:
First, let’s give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume that those who work with our students have the children’s best interest at heart. They may have different backgrounds than us, may or may not have college-level education, may or may not have had experience with special learners, might have years of experience or are new to the classroom. Whatever the case may be, treating everyone with sensitivity and respect will go a long way towards transforming your classroom environment into one where students are more likely to develop and grow. Sadly, there are some teachers who do not treat their paras with respect, and are rude, demanding or unkind. We don’t want to be responsible for someone dreading coming to our class! Foster a sense of relationship with your paras that includes concern for them. Recognize, too, that everyone has an off day occasionally (family problems, not feeling well, for example), and may not always be at their best. However, paras who work with their students on a daily basis become experts in understanding their special needs, learning styles and emotional states. Respect them for the valuable resource that they are. If you are a younger teacher working with older paraprofessionals, recognize that you were placed in a position of authority and are in charge of your classroom. Create an environment that respects and appreciates all who enter. Follow your well-designed lesson plans that consider the special needs of your students, but be open to accepting the guidance and advice that some paras are willing to give you. Secondly, be sure that your paraprofessionals understand what you require of them. Often a para will be just sitting or looking at their phone because they sincerely don’t know what they are supposed to be doing. Being clear about what you want will help: “Today we’re going to work on drumming rhythms and I need you to help Zach learn to manipulate the drumstick.” “Please sit next to Maria and point out the words in the song as we sing them.” “Angel is having trouble with this sequence of steps; can you please model the steps for them?”
• Some paraprofessionals sit in the back of the room looking at their phone during music class, and don’t do anything. What can I do to get them more involved? • A one-on-one para discourages me from attempting something she thinks is too difficult for her student. What can I say to her? • A para’s negative attitude is getting to me and is affecting overall morale. How do I handle this? • My paras are older and more experienced than me, and I’m a bit intimidated. How do I tell them what to do? Our music education preparation taught us philosophies of education, as well as various methodologies for teaching general music as well as vocal and instrumental music. We may feel certain of our musical abilities and our strengths as teachers. But many of us were not prepared for sharing our classroom and our work with other adults, and like all human relationships, this collaboration requires sensitivity, respect and communication to succeed - all of which requires planning and forethought. TEMPO
MAY 2022