Those Boys in the Band Magazine

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I think, after the 2008 reunion, we’re all Donnie girls in some way or another. His heart and his spirit are so amazing, and he is a shining example of how to treat people and how to face the challenges of life with grace and positivity. Donnie Wahlberg is proof that good people still exist in this world. I love his dedication to his fans. No matter how busy he is, he always makes time to make someone else’s day better, and the world is a better place because there are people like Donnie in it. We love you Donnie, and I hope you had an amazing birthday! Jennifer (DJ Jenny from the Block)


Victoria (DJ V

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I love Donnie Wahlberg because he’s a born leader, and over the years, he has become an inspiration. He has always been an inspiration of positivity. I fell in love with the peace sign because of him. Sue (DJ StickyAngel)

Why do I love Donnie? I have met so many awesome blockhead sisters through our love for him. Donnie makes me laugh and smile. He’s sweet, and down to earth. He is true to himself. I will love Donnie to infinity and beyond 24/7/365. I will always be a proud Donnie girl! Kristen (DJ Konfetti)

This is going to be a difficult task because it is hard to put into words why I love him. Donnie has taught me to be humble. He has taught me to “Spread Love and Love Will Spread”. He has taught me how valuable family is and how to continue to strive for the betterment of myself and all those around me. I love him because he has a way of making me feel like I’m the only person in the room. He connects with his fans on a personal level that no other celebrity has ever been able to master. He is a genuine soul and cares about his fans and treats us all like family. I love him because he has a sense of humor, doesn’t take himself too seriously, and, yet, is serious about all he does - be it his career or his personal life. He sympathizes with the pain of others and works effortlessly to help heal that pain. That’s what he did for me when my best friend, Alma Pinder, passed away in 2017 and didn’t make it on that cruise. He made one night of the cruise about love for her, and that moment changed my life forever. He is the man all men should aspire to be. I love him because he is simply CAPTAIN DONNIE WAHLBERG! Raven (That Wahlburgers Chick aka DJ Psyberdoll)


I love Donnie because he shows his fans unconditional love. He is sweet, kind and caring. He consistently teaches everyone to spread love. He doesn’t act like he is a celebrity. He treats everyone with kindness. He also has a great sense of humor and doesn’t take himself too seriously; yet he is still Rising ‘n Grinding everyday with all of his work. I could go on and on with how amazing and wonderful he is. I try to make myself a better person each day by following Donnie’s examples and spreading love and positivity each day. By DJ Loop D Loop

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