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Vol. 1 Issue 2 October 2021
Charity of n e e w o l l s a e i H r o Mem the Month:
PATRON OF THE MONTH: Celebrating a Special Patron ................................... 3
HALLOWEEN MEMORIES: Staff Memories of Halloween........................................ 6
Vol. 1 Issue 2 October 2021
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Jaime aka DJ Lady J EDITORS Jaime aka DJ Lady J Erzsie aka DJ Lady Erzsie Sue aka DJ StickyAngel CONTRIBUTORS / WRITERS Toni aka DJ Jorgia Princez / DJ JP
CONCERT MEMORIES: Community Memories.................................................... 8 NKOTB IN HISTORY: Relive the New Kids on the Block History with NKOTB History ............... 11 BREAST CANCER MESSAGES: Special words of love from our Community........................................ 16 MOTIVATION CORNER: Live Your Best Life ................................... 17 FALL RECIPES: Community Recipes for the Season.......................................... 18
Sam aka DJ Sam Mac Lyssa aka DJ Spicy Kristen aka DJ Konfetti Jennifer aka DJ Jenny from the Block Victoria aka DJ V Debra aka DJ Loop D Loop Raven aka That Wahlburgers Chick DJ Psyberdoll Laura Wahlbonkers Lisa NKOTB History LAYOUT & DESIGN Shannon aka DJ JoeyMacFreak This is a product of
INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHT REMEMBER BETTY: Our exclusive interview with Bethany Wood ........ 12
PODCAST NEWS PODCAST CORNER: Learn more about our collabs! ........................... 19 PODCAST REVIEW: Our Podcasts in Review ....................................... 20
STAFF BIRTHDAYS: Celebrate staff birthday with us! ............................ 3 BOYBAND TRIVIA: Can you answer these questions? ........................... 3 ANNIVERSARY WEEK: A Review of our Special Anniversary ................ 4 DJ OF THE MONTH: NKA Staff Highlight ................................................ 5 NKOTB ANNIVERSARY: Hangin’ Tough and The Block ........................ 10 NK AIRPLAY RADIO SHOW SCHEDULE: What is airing and when .... 22 NK AIRPLAY MERCH: Show your support by showing us off ................ 23
Happy Birthday
to our NK Airplay Staff! Toni
aka DJ Jorgia Princez
October 4th
aka DJ Lady J
Boyband Trivia with DJ Konfetti
Let’s put your boyband knowledge to the test! Have fun & remember - you never know when boyband trivia might come in handy!
October 13th
Which 98° member had a couple of recurring roles on the supernatural show, “Charmed”?
In an episode of “The Big Bang Theory,” Leonard quotes this *NSYNC lyric to Penny: “Your love that’s like a river peaceful and deep; your soul is like a secret that I never could keep.” Can you name the song just by the lyrics?
Which Backstreet Boy actually met his wife while on set filming the video for, “As Long As You Love Me”?
October 27th
Where on Hollywood Boulevard is NKOTB’s star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame located?
Which Katy Perry music video did Hanson make a cameo appearance in?
aka DJ Konfetti
October 13th
aka Lady Erzsie
October 31st
Answer Key: 1 Nick Lachey 2. God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You 3. Brian Littrell 4. South of the 7000 block or 7072 5. Last Friday Night (TGIF)
aka DJ Loop D Loop
Patron of the Month NK Airplay Radio would like to take the time to introduce and congratulate Elaine Jetter as our patron of the month.
Thank You!
NK Airplay Radio would like to take the time and to help contributing to the contest prizes to introduce and congratulate Elaine Jetter as for others. When asked about who her favorite DJ is, she says “I can’t pick. All the DJs are our patron of the month. great, and I enjoy all the live shows.” Elaine has been a loyal listener of the station since 2020. She tuned in the first time The Staff at NK Airplay Radio thanks you for because she saw one the station’s social your loyalty. media posts, and she has been hooked ever since. She tunes in as much as possible, ex- NK Airplay is a not-for profit, listener-supportcept when she is at work. She loves that the ed radio station. If any of our readers would like to become a Patron of NK Airplay Rastation plays “all the good music”. dio, any amount is appreciated. Please visit She became a patron because, in her way, and click on the “Bethis is how she can give back. She likes that come A Patron”. this is a way to help keep the station going
DJ Konfetti The week of September 7th through September 10th was NK Airplay Radio’s REMIX-A-VERSARY, part 2. What is the REMIX-A-VERSARY? It was the 2nd anniversary celebration of the station coming back online. While the station started in 2009, we had a bit of a hiatus while we waited for Live365 to come back. It started on Tuesday when the station put together a listener appreciation show made up of the listeners’ favorite songs that they submitted to the NK Airplay Radio community page. On Wednesday, we announced the debut of the “Those Boys in The Band” magazine. It included another contest - a scavenger hunt with questions about the magazine. On Thursday, we had a marathon of “A Day in
coverConcert 1 t
My Firs
Vol. 1 Issue 1 Aug / Sept 2021
(A Jon
Girl’s Per
Artist of the Month:
Jeff Timmons
The Life of an NK Airplay Radio Blockhead’’ that featured the staff of NK Airplay Radio. On Friday, DJ V hosted a “So You Think You Can Rap?” battle on Zoom where contestants rapped to either one of Donnie or Mark’s rap lyrics from their songs. The event featured guest judges Roger Ortega and the Block Bros (K-Dub, J-Block, and Kevin). After the event, our very own DJ Psyberdoll hosted a party to celebrate our REMX-A-VERSARY with our Patrons, friends, and other listeners. What a fun week to celebrate NK Airplay Radio’s REMIX-A-VERSARY, part 2! Here’s to many more to come!
J D of The
h t n o M eet Fact Sh
Full Name: Victoria Ferrarini DJ Name: DJ V Birth Sign: Aries
Favorite vacation spot: London, England
Favorite Color: blue
Where would you like to travel? Europe
Favorite Food: cheeseburger and fries
Worst Habit: I drink too much coffee and eat too much chocolate!
Favorite Snack: ice cream Favorite Book: “50 Shades Darker” Favorite Movie: “The Karate Kid” Favorite Singer(s): New Kids on the Block and The Beatles Favorite Song(s): “Please Don’t Go Girl” Favorite Tv Show: “Kobra Kai” Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks Favorite Actress: Demi Moore Most Memorable Moment: My first NKOTB concert with a VIP package What are your best qualities? My ability to motivate others, my passion for advocacy, and I am always open to seeing someone else’s point of view. What are your worst qualities? I tend to be too trusting, and it’s difficult for me to put myself first. I’m always concerned about the needs of others before myself. Hobbies? writing (songs, short stories, poems, music, and traveling)
Favorite Childhood Memory: When I got my first Cabbage Patch doll - her name was Louanna Ella. Biggest Like: holidays, baseball games, homemade cookies, brownies, and music Biggest Dislike: superficial people, being lied to, and being judged negatively based on my eyesight instead of on all my accomplishments Favorite Quote: “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou) Describe Yourself: I consider myself to be a very motivating, creative, and I have an uplifting personality. At times, I think I can be larger than life, but, other times, I can be the quietest person in the room – but I am always observing. Special message to our readers: “Always be yourself. You are the best person that you have, so make no apologies. Also, try hard not to judge someone unless you have walked their path. We never know what someone else is truly going through unless we’re walking right beside them.” 5
n e e w o l l Ha ies r o m Me
So this p icture is really sp taken at ecial to m a Hallow e becaus een part universit e it was y in the d y, and th o rmitory o e person n princess f my ext to me for a Hall was dres oween p him Prin sed as a arty. My cess Phil friends a lip while He won n d I called I was kin the Hallo d of a gh ween co best frien o s tl n y test that artist. d from Ta night. Ph iwan and over the illip was became years. Sa my like a bro dly, he d in China ther to m ied abou on Hallo e t 10 years ween nig transacti ago now ht becau on that w se of a b ent really widow, a usiness badly. His nd I kept then wife in touch aft met with , now er it hap their dau pened a ghter sev out on so n d we eral years me miss later to c ing piece happene lo se s of his li d that nig fe and w ht. I miss keep in to h a t re him so m ally uch with uch, and the wido I still w. Susan O ser, aka DJ Stick y Angel
let friend and I 7, my best 1 0 ween 2 n llo e a e H w g On Hallo celebratin , in a g a s n e tee One for each ourselves b 6 pumpkins. d e e rv ca e e! W the first tim NKOTB styl on it. It was B T O d K N ye jo e with lly en guy and on n, and I rea ed a pumpki rv it even ca g r n e ki ev a I had er and m h ith w ber, e tim at s! (Remem spending th ting our boy ra b , le so ; ce n y ki b al pump more speci er carving a ev e t u tim b st s, fir kin this was my oking pump e greatest lo th t o n re a y the ) dable. LOL they are rea Princez DJ Jorgia a k a , n n y L Toni
So it was Halloween either in ‘93 or ‘94, and I always went trick or treating with my cousin, Richie. We were only a year apart in age, but this one year, we both apparently wanted to dress as Thomas the Tank Engine. We were both excited about that because what were the odds that we dress as the same, and I also remember one year - I believe it was ‘96 - I was about 7, and my brother was about 3, but I dressed as Pocahontas, and my brother dressed as Winnie the Pooh. He wasn’t very happy about it, but in the end, he finally calmed down and joined us as we walked around the neighborhood and had a fun time. I do remember when I met up with some friends from my neighborhood, and we walked around trick or treating and having fun, getting scared when things would jump out at us. What great times it was! But, now, I just enjoy handing out candy to the kids in the neighborhood. Kristen Waldron, aka DJ Konfetti
I am lover o f all music a nd in the 80 I was big in s, to both Mad onna and Cyndi Laup er. I didn’t p lay favourite So, when I s! wanted to d ress up as one, I could n’t choose; so, here I am, dresse d up as Cyn Donna - a cross betwe en Madonn a and Cynd Lauper, Oct i ober 1984, age 7. Shannon N oy, aka Joe yMacFreak
Erzsie DeRichmond, aka Lady Erzsie: I have many Halloween memories given that my birthday is October 27th. And, I hated celebrating Halloween until I was in my late 30s! Back in 2017, Remember Betty Seattle hosted a fundraiser on my birthday. I made up my costume based on a long shirt I owned. I only needed the headband and some face paint! And look who I found - Bethany Wood, Danny’s sister! Danny Wood gave a shout-out to Remember Betty based on how much we raised and issued a challenge to other Remember Betty teams to match or raise the amount we raised. It was a fun night hanging out with other Blockheads and raising so much money. Plus, it was only a little over an hour’s drive away.
This was 2018, and it was the Disney Cruise, leaving out of NY, and the girls’ first trip/vacation ever, and it was Halloween. They had a pirate theme-night, so we decided to all dress up as a pirate family, pretended to go around stealing candy as treasures, and saw who had the most candy at the end. It was a fun adventure. The whole trip, and the girls had the time of their lives! Raven Cardona, aka That Wahlburgers Chick & DJ PSYBERDOLL
aka DJ gham, in n was n u C ughter Debra , My da p o o L re tu Loop D this pic 4 or 5 in e p with k u li s ly s on to dre e y m d e as reall and ask , she w e m ti e e th in her. At and Sh himmer S gone to d in a h big . We n o e d nd as lo e tume, a s on Nick o c r r e aughte g for h ut, my d o shoppin g in g k chec as goin we were ing like she w k wrong, o lo hat was star ted w r e h he said asked eople. S p to cry. I f o e e for of a lin e a Shin v in front a y h ’t n ou be m y, I do y, will y m “Momm m o y a M s mer. I had to my Shim course, w f fe o , e o th S ” one of Shine? y ll a tu my kids is is ac with all p u yes. Th d e s ve dres years I’
My favorite Jennifer S
moments ca
n be summ
purr, aka D
ed up in pic
tures! m the Bloc k
J Jenny fro
Bonnie Thompson Yezukevich Social Media: bonnie.yezukevich (Facebook) I’ve been a Joe Girl since 1989. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d have the opportunity to be on stage with him, in Las Vegas, on my birthday. But 32 years later, I found myself rapping to “Still Sounds Good to Me” with my squad backing me up, and it was the most amazing night!! Joe was sweet and generous, and he gave me the most amazing hug at the end of the performance. It was a dream come true and a moment I will cherish forever.
Mem Lyssa Anne De La Cuadra Social Media: @L.Anne.d (Instagram)
The Fenway show on August 6th was my fondest memory because NKOTB took our picture and put us in their Instagram story and FB story. They were saying, “Less than one hour till show time!” We didn’t believe the girl at first that she was handling their IG page when she asked to take our picture. Hahaha, we didn’t know until we saw the NKOTB story. She was not lying. Lol!
Lindsey Johnson Social Media: @Lindz_Jay (Instagram & Twitter)
Theresa Scolaro This was my memory from the Merriweather Show: The whole night could be considered a dream come true. I have always wanted NKOTB to play at my hometown venue. But when Donnie came into the crowd and was right there, I was so excited. I stood on my chair, screamed my head off, and my friend had her cell phone flashlight shining on my head (didn’t know that until after the show). In this pic, Donnie was saying, “We love you so much. We missed you so much”, and I think we showed him that we love them so much, and we missed them so much.
The most memorable moment at Fenway was, definitely, showing up on the Kiss Cam & making out in front of not only New Kids on the Block, but also 30,000 other fans!
Gabriela Chan Social Media: (Twitter)
This picture was taken in Merriweather. The guys (Donnie) were saying that it wasn’t just us they didn’t see; they didn’t see each other either. And they hugged.
Name: Katherine Cachaper Social Media: bellabelou (Instagram and Twitter)
Christel Green Social Media: sapphireluv2 (Facebook)
My fondest memories from both concerts were that I got to spend time with my BH Sisters for life. Our five Boston guys brought us together and a girl couldn’t ask for a better family.
Autumn McGoff Social Media: autumn.mcgoff (Facebook) My favorite memory of the Fenway show was the opening of the show. The intensity and the anticipation that is built is always the best part for me. When it finally starts, you know the night will be something you will always remember.
This is my fondest memory because it was my husband’s and my first Fenway show. Also, during this part of the show, they were singing their older songs, which always brings me back to happier times. It was so much fun, and we are thankful that it did not rain. :)
Brandi Sions Social Media: @brandywinedrive (Twitter), @ brandids77 (Instagram) This was at Merriweather Post Pavilion. I can still remember looking around right before I took this picture, seeing how happy everyone was to finally be together. The Blockheads, the guys, and the confetti just everything made my heart so happy!
Angela Balabat My favorite parts of the Fenway show were the picture of me and my friend meeting Paul, the fireworks show during the opening, and meeting Mr. Wood. This was my bucket list concert!! It was a special show to hopefully get back into some type of normalcy.
Happy Anniversary and If there is one thing that we like to do at NK Airplay Radio, it is
Celebrating! That’s just what we did recently.
September 2nd marked 13 years since the release of “The Block” album. September 6th marked 33 years since the release of the “Hangin’ Tough” album. NK Airplay Radio celebrated these milestones with contests to honor each album. For “The Block”, we took screen shots of different videos from songs released from the album and held a
“Guess the Video” contest. For “Hangin’ Tough”, we had trivia questions from the “Hangin’ Tough” LIVE video. We had a lot of fun, and we appreciate all the feedback and participation!
Congratulations to our winners! “Hangin’ Tough” contest winner: Sarah @sarahtarah “The Block” contest winner: Laura @lwblockparty725
This Month in
HISTORY By: Lisa Alessandro
We have a wide variety of group highlights to celebrate in the month of October. The NKOTB cruises moved to the fall for 2015-2018, and we continued enjoying the reunion tour in 2008. Several of the guys were also busy individually over the years. Jordan was on tour with Live & Unfinished (2012) as well as Nick & Knight (2014) with Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter. Jordan’s season of The Surreal Life also aired in 2004. Speaking of TV shows, we’ve enjoyed a whole bunch of Donnie in the month of October. Of course, he’s been a Friday night staple on Blue Bloods, but he also appeared in Band of Brothers (2001), Boomtown (2002 & 2003), Runaway (2006) and Wahlburgers (2014) in October. Let’s not forget he also opened the first Walhburgers with his brothers in October 2011. Joey had his share of TV appearances too. He appeared on MTV Cribs (2000), Hollywood Squares (2001 & 2002), Boston Public (2002), The $100,000 Pyramid Show (2002), Love, Inc. (2005), Psych season 6 premiere in 2011, CSI: NY (2011) and The McCarthys (2014). Additionally, Joe released the album, “One Too Many: Live from New York” in 2002 and performed with Eman in “One Man Show with two people in New York and California. Here are October’s biggest highlights: October 1st - In 1988, NKOTB appeared on Soul Train with The O’Jays. October 7th - In 2018, NKOTB celebrated the 30-year anniversary of Hangin’ Tough with a performance at the Apollo Theater. October 8th - In 1988, NKOTB’s “Please Don’t Go Girl” peaked at #10 on Billboard’s Hot 100. October 8th - In 2018, NKOTB appeared on the Today Show to announce the Mixtape Tour with Naughty By Nature, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, and Salt N Pepa. October 9th - In 2014, NKOTB received their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. October 12th - In 1989, NKOTB released their single “This One’s for the Children”.
These are just a few of the many great moments! Please visit us daily on Twitter @NKOTBHistory1 for even more fun memories.
Charity of the Month
V I S U L C EX In September, NK Airplay had the privilege of interviewing Bethany Wood, Danny Wood’s sister and the director of Danny’s Foundation, Remember Betty. Erzsie: NK Airplay welcomes Bethany, the Director of Remember Betty. We are going to have an amazing interview with her. I’m Erzsie. With me, I have Lyssa AKA DJ Spicy, and we are both very excited to have you here today. Bethany: Well, thank you for having me. I appreciate it. Lyssa: Thank you so much for joining us. Let’s get started with the first question. Bethany: Sure! Lyssa: Can you tell our listeners, what is your story regarding your breast cancer? Bethany: It’s not something I talk about a whole lot. I am a survivor. It is 9 years, this year. I found well, it was found - under a routine mammogram the day I was packing to move to Seattle. So, I knew when I came to Seattle, I had to have a biopsy pretty much i m m e d i a te l y. What was probably the
worst part of it was being so far away from my support system. I had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. So, I had the whole shebang, and I have been cancerfree for 9 years. Lyssa: Wow! Bethany: Yeah, it was caught very, very early. I was very lucky, and that’s when I hear things about routine mammograms not being necessary. I’m always like, ‘But mine was caught on a routine Mammogram’. You know, so, I still feel like they are really, really helpful. Erzsie: We have some amazing Hospitals in Seattle too, I live in Bellevue, so I’m close by. Bethany: OK, I went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Erzsie: Yeah! Bethany: Yeah, the best, the best here. You know, my sister was originally like, ‘You need to come back East, you need to come back home’. I was like, ‘I can’t!’ But, I received fabulous care, and I was very, very fortunate. Erzsie: Well, excellent! It sounds like the most difficult part was being away from your family. Were there any other issues that you struggled with? Bethany: Chemotherapy is not fun. I mean it really! I was in some of the best shape of my life because I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in October of 2012. So, I was diagnosed in August and still ran the marathon. So, I was like in amazing shape, and chemotherapy just wiped me out, like it was rough. So, radiation seemed like a walk in the park compared to that. But, I know everybody’s different, and you just don’t know how your body is going to react to things, and yeah, being away
W E I V R E VE INT from my family, by far, was the worst. However, I will say that it gave me opportunities to meet people here that are still some of my closest friends. So, that’s probably the good thing about it, you know that came out of it.
Lyssa: Right?
Erzsie: So, I know a lot of Blockheads are somewhat familiar with this, but can you tell us how the Remember Betty Foundation got started?
Bethany: You know, and I don’t!
Bethany: Danny. Danny started it in my mom’s memory. You know, I had to go back and look at some dates, so, I have some notes here. So, I believe the first kind of inklings of it was in September ‘99. But it didn’t really get going until the New Kids, came out the second time around. So, he had things donated to the Komen Foundation for quite awhile, for, I believe, 8 years, then in 2015, he created Remember Betty, as a 501c3, a non-profit organization, recognized by the IRS. So, people who donate money can then have it deducted for their taxes. That was in 2015, and that is when we moved more towards giving out the money ourselves. It was mostly because some of these bigger organizations, like the Komen Foundation, is nationwide, and it’s got very large overhead, to have a little more control to where the money actually went, and I took over in May of 2018. So, I have been doing this for a little while. Danny just asked me, and I wasn’t going to say no. It’s been such a great opportunity for me to - to be able to do this in my mom’s memory and to be able to help so many people.
Bethany: No, I don’t. I am not the creative type. I am very good at the bookkeeping and the business-end of things, but I am not. It’s amazing how the teams did a lot of 5k runs, paint nights, and things like that, and then Covid hit. I’m like, ‘OK, we’re not doing anything’, and initially, it was like, ‘we need to just not do anything for a while.’ But it was kind of amazing how somebody came up like, ah, we need to wear masks, and I believe it was Lori Frederickson, was like ‘Oh masks! I have these old sheets!’ and I’m like, ‘People want to buy these sheets?’ But they did, and it’s what kept us alive! You know then somebody, and I’m not sure who the first virtual event was, were just like, wow, maybe we can get Danny to do a virtual event. I should have looked that up, because now I feel bad that I don’t know who it is, but I’m just like, ‘Really, they want to be on a computer screen just to see you there!’
Lyssa: Now, would you say that it was a family decision to name the foundation, Remember Betty, or were there other names considered? Bethaney: Nope! That was it! It was definitely Danny’s name, and we all just said, ‘that sounds great’! It seemed appropriate, and there really wasn’t a lot of discussion about it. Erzsie: Yeah, definitely, it was existing back in 99’. I wasn’t aware of it until the band reunited. It was the reunion concert where he was selling those tank tops. That was the first inkling I had of the Foundation. Erzsie: Well, how do you feel about Remember Betty Teams all over the U.S.? Bethany: They are amazing! They are the reason, you know, where we are today, and that we can help so many women. I don’t want to get into too many questions, but they are fantastic. Here in Seattle, I have a few other companies that I have been working with, but they are our main source of revenue, you know, for Remember Betty.
Erzsie: Well, I know there are a lot of people who do this, but can you tell us how do you come up with the different events?
Erzsie: I was wondering!
Erzsie: Kinda Crazy. Bethany: The Teams did like an amazing job of pivoting and just going, ok, now we are going to do this. You know I was in an event, and I could see why this was kind of fun. And, I got to participate in one event, which was really great for me because I learned a lot from my brothers in that event. So, that was really fun. But, they really come up with everything. I – I, don’t. Even the events we’ve had here in Seattle, between Lori and Jen and a few other people that we have here, they’re the ones that really come up with things. I’m just the cheerleader, and what do you need, paperwork, and the backend of stuff. Erzsie: Well, Lori has gotten me addicted to buying things, I knew her anyway, but I’ve bought so many New Kids’ masks now, and now that she has this Fangirl Creative, I’m buying more. Bethany: Tumblers? Did you buy tumblers? Erzsie: I have 2 different tumblers. I have this one, the ‘Funky Trance Survivor’. Bethany: Oh, Ok. Erzsie: And then, I also, and it just so happened to be right in front of me, but I also have the ‘We Were Here’ from Fenway.
Lyssa: Are there any plans for any International Remember Betty Teams?
Bethany: Nice!
Bethany: Well, there’s a small group in Spain. They’ve been here numerous times, and my dad knows them very well. They have done a few events. It’s really difficult to raise money in another country that isn’t supporting people in your country. So, I mean, it’s just really difficult to do. So, it’s not that I’ve ever said no. It just hasn’t happened, like a full-on team.
Lyssa: I’ve got the Remember Betty tumbler recently. Bethany: Oh, you did? That one’s nice too, I actually have that one. Erzsie: I don’t use them: I just buy them because of Danny. 13
Bethany: I use them every day. I use a water bottle or tumbler every day, so, it’s like, which one is it going to be today. Lyssa: What makes Remember Betty different from all the other breast cancer groups that are out there? Bethany: There are a few that do what we do, but not many. We, well first of all, it’s not just breast cancer patients: we also give money to the survivors. I think a lot of people don’t realize that even after you’ve finished your treatment, the effects of medical bills there are can be astronomical. Like, even if you have good health insurance, which I had. The deductibles and the co-pays, can be devastating for some families, and you feel like you’re paying this forever. So, that’s why we also include survivors in our grants that we give. So, I think, that’s one of our big things. The other thing is, we give directly to people for medical bills, and we ask for very little bit of information, and a lot of grants are ten pages long, and you need to send all the stuff in. We try to make it very simple. So, I think those are the 2 biggest things. Lyssa: Amazing! Erzsie: Can you give us any hints as to what events might be coming up in November and December? Bethany: December- well actually, October- In October, we’re going to have some kind of Halloween Event. In December – December 4th, we are going to have some Holiday themed something. Lyssa: Looking forward to that! Erzsie: I did go to an October event, one that Jen organized with the Remember Betty Milkshakes. Bethany: Oh Yeah! Erzsie: It was a Halloween event, and it was a lot of fun, so I’m looking forward to what you have coming up next. Lyssa: What is the most inspiring or memorable event that Remember Betty has taken part in? Bethany: So, there are 2 events, I don’t know if either of you remember the City Challenge Event. It was in Lowell, Massachusetts, and it was before I took over. Abbie (Vicknair) did an amazing job with it, and they raised an enormous amount of money. But that was so much fun. I tried to do that again with the Donna Marathon; unfortunately, Danny had a conflict and couldn’t go. We still did it. It was February 2020. So, it was right before all this stuff happened, and we had a much smaller group of people. It was probably about 40 people, but it was great, and I met so many great people. I made a lot of connections, because the Donna Marathon is also a breast cancer foundation, called the Donna Foundation, and they very graciously let us join
their group to raise money for Remember Betty. So, I got to meet people and talk to some people about how that foundation grew. I got a lot of really great ideas, and then Covid hit, and it seems like we’re still in that kind of unsure area. So, hopefully, sometime in the near future, I’ll get to use some of those contacts and some of the ideas I learned from that event. Erzsie: Obviously, you can’t name names, but what are some of the most inspiring stories you’ve heard about others and their journey and how Remember Betty has helped them? Bethany: So, there’s so many stories, to be really honest. Even just getting a thank you note in the mail or an email is amazing. But I have a couple of pretty unique stories. You know there is somebody, who is in the Pacific Northwest, that didn’t really need financial support, but more needed emotional support, and Abbie (Vicknair) got us in contact. And, she is one of my closest friends at this point, and she is a two-time breast cancer survivor, in about 4 years - maybe 5 years. So, she had to go through this twice. She is an amazing person, and somebody I am very grateful to have in my life. Then, there are just people, who, somebody, in the midst of all this, in the midst of Covid, and being diagnosed, and everything else, was still getting married. I shouldn’t have worded it that way, but looking at the positives. You know what, I’m doing this: this was the plan, we’re going to move forward, and, you know, things like that, the positive, and I can kind of relate to it, being there myself. You have to look beyond the 6 months, beyond however long your treatment is going to be, and look at the positive side of it. Lyssa: What would you say to our listeners that are dealing with breast cancer or that have a loved one with Breast Cancer? Bethany: I mean, I think, it’s similar to what I just said: you kind of have to take any of those positive moments and know that it will end, like the treatment for most people. Maybe not for everybody, but the majority of women. It does get better. It’s very different now even when I was diagnosed, it’s different for when I was diagnosed to now. You know in 9 years, it’s very different. There are so many more medications they can use to combat some of the side effects that you have from other things. I think, you have to look at the bigger picture. I know one of the things I told my oncologist, when I was diagnosed, is I want to see my grandchildren, that I don’t have, graduate from college, like long, long, long-term. So, whatever it is, I need to do, then that’s what I will do. Try to stay positive and just hold on to those little positive moments. Erzsie: And on the flip side, what would you say to our listeners or readers, who are dealing with breast cancer or have lost a loved one, or give someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one? Bethany: That’s really hard. My mom has been gone a very long time, and there are days I still miss her. Time helps a lot; time really does help a lot. And, I think the other thing that helps me a lot was knowing I had opportunity. You know, my mom was sick and not for very long. She was sick for about 16 months,
We invite our listeners and readers to make a donation to Remember Betty, a 501c3 non-profit organization, as you are able, to support breast cancer patients and survivors with their financial needs. You can make a donation at
but I had the opportunity to say things and do things that were important, and that doesn’t happen when people die instantly, or die from a heart attack, or car accident, or things like that. So, there are still positives to take from that, and grieving is just hard: everybody does it in their own time. You know, I know some of my siblings had a harder time than I did, and I just think, it’s very individual. And, there really is no way of knowing how you’re going to feel or get through it, and that’s probably not super positive, and I’d like to say something positive, but it is really individual. You know, you just have to - you have to - deal with it the way you need to deal with it. Lyssa: Is there anything you’d like to add? Bethany: I guess I’d like to add that I am a very positive person overall, and I think - and it’s not just breast cancer. If you’re going through something very difficult, whether it be a health issue, or a mental health issue, or just something really difficult in your life, try and do something positive – even it’s not. Maybe do something positive for somebody else. You know, it could be as little as buying the person in front of you, coffee. It can be even something even more basic. I really appreciate when I have 3 bags of something, and someone holds the door for me. Kindness goes a long way, and a smile goes a long way, and I think in the midst of everything, sometimes we forget little things like that. Lyssa: Yes! Erzsie: Definitely Lyssa: I agree. Bethany: Thank you very, very much for letting me talk about Remember Betty. Any opportunity I have, I usually take it. So, I appreciate it ,and I appreciate you guys for letting me do this! Lyssa: It is our pleasure! Erzsie: Yeah, definitely Lyssa: Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day. We really appreciate it!
NKA Community
Breast Cancer
Stories & Encouragement
from the NKA Community I didn’t have breast cancer, but my mom did, and I feel that my words of encouragement would work for those with any type of cancer. I have endometrial cancer of the uterus - carcinosarcoma cancer of the uterus. My purpose for survival and how I’m getting through this is wanting to see my 1-year-old nephew graduate high school, wanting to watch my husband’s 3 boys get married and have families of their own, watching my husband enjoy his kids and grandkids, and putting my 100% trust in God. I am growing stronger in my faith to God. The amazing support of my loved ones gives me hope to keep going.
- Jessica
July 5, 2002 - I will never forget the day that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I went for a biopsy, I was so certain that it would be negative and when the doctor came back and said “positive”, everything was a blur in my mind. I remember thinking, ‘this can’t be right; I am a healthy person; I can’t have cancer’. Immediately, appointments were scheduled for me to learn about the options of oncology and radiation. I soon realized that, indeed, the diagnosis was correct, and I would be facing treatments that would drain my energy, take my hair, and control my life for the next year. I was referred to a wonderful doctor who calmed my fears and walked me through one of the toughest times I have lived through. I, then, was overcome with a peace that everything would be ok. My Christian faith, wonderful husband and family, great doctors, and the development through research of healing treatments carried me through. Now I am still here for my faith and family and to encourage others who now have cancer to trust in the Lord and the wonderful doctors and treatments that are being discovered daily. Hope will carry you through.
- Pam
My name is Melissa Campbell. In December of 2003, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had just moved to Dallas in 2001. My family lives in Indiana, so as I went through the chemotherapy and radiation, I had no family around. This didn’t mean I didn’t have support (yay, Sunday School class)! I am grateful for the lessons of strength this experience taught me. One important gift was my husband. He had a brain tumor. We had 10 1/2 years that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Another important thing: I am legally blind. Now I am living my best life. I am dating and hanging out with my friends on the weekends. I have gone to concerts. So, if I can do that after the treatments, there is hope for y’all too.
Melissa Mancha Campbell When people ask me who my hero is, there’s no question in my mind. It’s my mom. My mother is a 20+ year breast cancer survivor. She’s a fighter - a warrior. I’ll never forget standing in the hospital room next to my dad that day and hearing the doctor tell my mother that the lump he just removed from her breast was cancerous. I think I took it harder than she did. I broke down and had to leave the room. To me, at that moment those words meant I was going to lose my mom, and as a 22-year old college student, I was not ready for that - I don’t think anyone ever can be. My mom’s reaction was quite different from mine. She was calm and asking questions about treatment. I think she knew at that moment that she was going to fight and win. It wasn’t an easy fight: the treatments were very hard on her, but she fought through it. She knew she had a family to live for, including 2 amazing grandsons that were 2 years and 6 months old. She pushed through it and fought through the pain every day, staying strong for her family. She was able to witness the birth of her third grandson, the oldest two graduating high school, joining the military, and starting college. She was there for me when I graduated from college and, again, when I decided to go back to school and graduate with a second degree. There’s not a doubt in my mind that she will be here for a long time and witness many more milestones. My mom’s battle with cancer changed me in a lot of ways. It taught me how strong she was, and that I too have that strength inside of me. It made me stronger in my faith. It taught me to live for the moment because you never know when that moment will be taken away from you. It taught me to never take my loved ones for granted, and to tell them every single day about how much I care about them. If you are currently battling cancer, please know that you are not alone. Stay strong and fight. You can beat this. Cancer will not win.
- DJ Jenny
One of the best ways to live your best life is to simply be yourself. Often, we tend to compare our mistakes, successes, and our life’s journey to that of others. Although sometimes we do this unintentionally, it still results in an unfair and negative outcome. We must start by understanding that our path in life is unique because it is specific to our life and not defined by those around us. Even our past mistakes, whether weight gain, loss of a job, or a failed exam, they do not define who we are in the present as a failure. We must
look upon those as moments in time with hope and the wisdom obtained to plant the seeds of our future success. Stay focused on your goals with realistic timeframes. Remember, this is your journey. The steps you take and the decisions you make are all a part of your dreams becoming a reality.
-Victoria (DJ V) 17
Frozen Pumpkin Pie of my kids’ favorite!”
• 1/2 tsp cinnamon • 3/4 cup sugar • 1/2 pint whipping cream
Ingredients: • 9-inch graham cracker crust (you can buy the ready-made one or make your own by using: 1 1/2 pkg crackers, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup melted butter) • 1-pint vanilla ice cream, softened • 1 cup pumpkin puree • 1/2 tsp salt • 1/2 tsp nutmeg • 1/2 tsp ginger
Directions: 1. Freeze crust for at least 1/2 hour. Spread ice cream on bottom. 2. Freeze for 1/2 hour to an hour 3. Mix pumpkin, spices, and sugar together 4. Whip whipping cream until frothy 5. Mix into pumpkin mixture gently 6. Put in pie, spread to the edge 7. Freeze 2 hours or more
Vevay Rollings: “This is a recipe my mother-in-law gave me over 20 years ago, and
it’s one
Cornbread Salad Jaime Scott, aka DJ Lady J Ingredients: • 1 pkg (8.5 oz) cornbread / muffin mix • 1 can (4 oz) green chiles, undrained • 1 cup mayonnaise • 1 cup sour cream • 1 envelope ranch dressing mix • 2 cans (15-oz each) pinto beans, drained and rinsed • 2 cans (15.25 oz each) whole kernel corn, drained • 3 medium tomatoes, chopped • 1 cup chopped green bell pepper • 1 cup chopped green onions • 10 bacon strips, cooked & crumbled • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese • 1/8 tsp ground cumin • 1/8 tsp dried oregano
• Pinch of rubbed sage Directions: 1. Prepare cornbread batter according to package directions. 2. Stir in chiles, cumin, oregano, and sage. Spread in a greased 8-in. square baking pan. 3. Bake at 400° until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 20-25 minutes. 4. Cool. 5. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream and dressing mix; set aside. 6. Crumble half of the cornbread into a 13x9-in. dish. 7. Layer with half of the beans, mayonnaise mixture, corn, tomatoes, green peppers, green onions, bacon, and cheese. 8. Repeat layers (dish will be very full). 9. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours Yields: 15 servings
Chicken Enchilada Soup
• 1 teaspoon salt • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste
Ingredients: • 1-pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves • 1 (15.25 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained • 1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes including juice • 1 (14.5 ounce) can chicken broth • 1 (10 ounce) can enchilada sauce • 1 (4 ounce) can diced green chiles • 1 white onion, chopped • ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro • 2 bay leaves • 3 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon ground cumin • 1 teaspoon chili powder
Directions: 1. Rinse and pat dry the chicken breasts, then place into the bottom of a slow cooker. 2. Add the corn, tomatoes, chicken broth, enchilada sauce, green chiles, onion, cilantro, bay leaves, garlic, cumin, chili powder, salt, and black pepper. 3. Cook on Low for 6 hours. 4. Transfer the chicken to a large plate, then shred the meat with two forks. 5. Return the chicken to the slow cooker and continue cooking for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Jennifer Spurr, aka DJ Jenny from the Block
Mom’s Spaghetti Pie
Erzsie DeRichmond, aka Lady Erzsie Ingredients: • Non-stick cooking spray • Kosher salt • Freshly ground black pepper • 1 pound spaghetti • 1 pound ground beef (85% Lean) • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1 medium yellow onion (chopped) • 2 cups marinara sauce (homemade or store-bought) • 1/2 cup whole-milk ricotta cheese • 2 tbsp minced fresh-leaf parsley • 3 large eggs • 1/2 cup PLUS 2 tbsp grated parmesan • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
Yields: 6 servings
Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 in-round cake pan with cooking spray. 2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the spaghetti and cook for 3 to 4 minutes LESS than the package recommends. Drain and set aside. 3. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, brown the beef for 5 to 8 minutes; season with salt and pepper. Transfer beef to a paper towel-lined plate to drain. 4. Wipe the skillet clean with a paper towel. Heat the olive oil in the skillet over medium heat and sauté the onions until translucent (4 to 5 minutes). Set aside. 5. In a large bowl, whisk together the spaghetti, eggs, 1/2 cup of the parmesan, 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper. Mix the ground beef with the marinara sauce and onions. Mix the ricotta cheese with parsley.
Instant Pot Loaded Potato Soup: Jennifer Spurr, aka DJ Jenny from the Block
Ingredients: • 1 carton chicken broth • 1 can cheddar cheese soup • About 3 lbs. potatoes (diced) • 1 block cream cheese • 1 small container of 1/2 and ½ (cream) • 1/2-pound bacon • Shredded cheese for garnish Directions: • Heat instant pot to sauté/normal • Add bacon to inner pot and sauté until crispy • Remove bacon and place between 2 paper towels - once it’s cool, crumble it • Add chicken broth, potatoes, and cheddar cheese soup to inner pot • Pressure cook: soup on high with natural venting for 10 minutes • Release pressure /quick venting • Blend with stick blender or wooden spoon until chunky • Heat sauté on normal • Add cream cheese and 1/2 and 1/2 • Whisk • Sauté for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally • Mix in bacon (you can set some aside for garnish if desired) • Serve topped with shredded cheese, bacon, and scallions (if desired) 6. Spread the spaghetti mixture at the bottom of the pan, making sure to coat the bottom and sides of the pan to look like a crust. On top of the crust, add half of the ground beef. Spread out the ground beef so that it fully covers the spaghetti on the bottom of the pan. On top of the ground beef, spread the ricotta cheese. Repeat with the remaining ground beef. 7. Mix the remaining parmesan with the mozzarella cheese and sprinkle on top. 8. Bake until the cheese is bubbling and golden brown (25 to 30 minutes). Let rest for 5 minutes, then cut into wedges and serve. You can wrap leftover wedges in cling wrap or quart-size plastic bags and freeze them. They will last for up to one week.
In case you haven’t heard, NK Airplay Radio is extremely excited to be airing not one, not two, but three amazing podcasts! We have collaborated with three podcast producers, of whom our listeners are familiar with – Roger Ortega, L*A*W, and Katrina from Kick Up Your Heels Enter tainment (also Roger’s and L*A*W’s manager). The first podcast we air is called, “This is Where It’s At”. This podcast is about two girls, Jenny Sexton and Katrina Hirst, who discuss all things beauty, men, travel, boss life, fashion, self-care, and so much more! You can tune in every Monday at 5:00 pm ET. The second podcast we air is called, “Sunday Night Soft Rock with RO. It is hosted by one of our associated artists, Roger Ortega, who is a Spotify-verified R&B recording
artist and a registered member of the National Recording Academy for the Grammys. He is also a producer and writes a lot of his music. Roger, along with his best friends - Adrian Mosqueda, John Elliot, and Billy Davis - come together to talk about everything from sports to headline news, all while having a good time. Don’t think of this as your normal podcast; instead, think of it as being more of a talk show, combined with a little comedy. All the different segments seem to take a journey of their own. To think, it all started right in the middle of the pandemic, where Roger decided to go on Instagram Live, put some soft music in the background, and proceeded to have a good time! You can hear “Sunday Night with RO” every Wednesday night at 9:00 pm ET. Our third podcast is L*A*W’s “Tha Planet 12 Podcast”. L*A*W is a 7-time Grammy nominee, 2-time Indie Award-winning singer, rapper, multi-instrumentalist, producer, songwriter, and choreographer. L*A*W is extremely knowledgeable in music - both past and present. He came up with the idea of a podcast when several people approached him, asking him when he was going to start one. One day, during the pandemic, he decided to go live on Instagram, and the rest is history. You can tune into L*A*W’s “Tha Planet 12 Podcast” every Friday at 2:00 pm ET.
REVIEW “Oh My Fan Girl!” is a show where DJ Konfetti and DJ Loop D Loop interviews fans from different boyband groups. Their goal is to find out about other boybands and what experiences we all have in common. During September, they aired three shows. The shows included Brooklyn, who is a 98 Degrees fan, Taryn and Michelle, who are NSYNC fans, and Cathy, who is a Hanson fan. Brooklyn, Taryn, Michelle, and Kathy explained why they each chose their group, and what some of the most memorable experiences have been for them. DJ Konfetti has a short trivia game and fast five game for each show. If you would like to share your story, you can contact them at omfg72021 on twitter, or email them at:
One of our regular shows that airs every Thursday at 5:00 pm EDT is ‘A Day in the Life of a Blockhead’ hosted by Raven aka That Wahlburgers Chick. Each week she sits down with fans of NKOTB as they re-live their past, including the nostalgia of when they first became fans. In September, she sat down with Sherrie, who is a Donnie girl and her son Conner. For those of you who may not know, Connor was the young man who had his shirt stolen from him at the Fenway Concert in August. She also sat down with Tammie, who is a combination of a Jordan/Donnie girl. Tammie has yet to attend a concert; so, she is what is called a Blockhead Hopeful. That Wahlburgers Chick also sat down with Adrian and Chris of Rattail. Not only did we learn that Adrian started as a Joey girl, but we also learned how Rattail came into existence. Another great interview with That Wahlburgers Chick was with Brandy from Massachusetts, a complete Joey girl from the start of it all. Finally, in September, we also aired a day filled with interviews from our staff here at NK Airplay Radio. If you have a story you would like to share, please get in contact with That Wahlburgers Chick at @Thatwahlburger1 on Twitter.
DCAST In episode 1.4, Josh and Mike discussed 90s fashion. They took fifteen items: overalls, Cargo shorts, oversized shirts and pants, frosted tips, guys with pierced ears, chokers, bandanas, flannels, platform shoes, high-waisted jeans, windbreakers, leather jackets, turtlenecks, dressing in layers, and middle parts in hair. They discussed whether they were okay with the styles coming back or if those fads should stay in the 90s. Mike said he had frosted tips in the 90s but doesn’t think he could pull it off now. Both guys said they are totally okay with wearing the oversized shirts but not so much oversized pants, and they were also okay with layers to an extent, like wearing a shirt under a basketball jersey. They both said overalls still work for girls but not for guys, and they are down for girls who still wear chokers, but the choker needs to be a thin classy one. The guys always do a ‘Right Stuff’ segment at the end of every episode where they talk about something boy bands did right: this time, it was JC’s hair which always seemed to be on point. S2.1 Top ten boy band music videos. In this episode Josh and Mike talked about their top 10 favorite boy band music videos. The top 3 on their list were “Bye Bye Bye” from NSYNC, “It’s Gonna Be Me” from NSYNC, and “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys. They did have “Step By Step” from New Kids on the Block coming in at #6 on their list and it was so awesome to see them show some love to New Kids on the Block which they don’t usually do. They also discussed how odd it was that NSYNC used the same girl in both the “Bye Bye Bye” music video and “It’s Gonna Be Me”. “Bye Bye Bye” was released first and they were all trying to get away from the girl because she was crazy and then in “It’s Gonna Be Me” they were all trying to get with her. For their Right Stuff segment this week Mike and Josh decided the trophy goes to TRL.
In this episode Jen, Kara, and Erzsie discussed episode 1.4 of New Pod on the Block. This was a fun episode to do and revisit the 90s fashion. DJ Jenny personally rocked a lot of overalls and flannels, but she wasn’t so much into leather jackets. DJ Jenny did have a jean jacket that was her favorite that she wore all the time and decorated it with pins and patches. DJ Jenny didn’t feel like she really fit into any specific fashion group, but she did go through phases like a goth phase, a grunge phase, a preppy phase, etc. It was fun digging some of her 90s fashion items back out and wearing them to record this episode and talking to the other girls about their memories of 90s fashion and realizing how similar they all were even though they grew up in different parts of the country. It’s so fun seeing some of the 90s fashion crazes come back now. S2.1 This week we discussed Josh and Mike’s list of the top 10 boy band music videos. We were all glad to see a New Kids on the Block video make the list. DJ Jenny is a fan off all boy bands so she was really happy to see LFO, New Kids on the Block, 98 Degrees, Boys II Men, Backstreet Boys, and NSYNC all represented. DJ Jenny felt like the guys did a really good job of coming up with a diverse list. She also loved seeing the guys show some love for TRL. She loved the show in college and scheduled her classes so that she could be home to watch it and it was TRL that made her fall in love with Carson Daly. DJ Jenny always wished that she could go to Times Square and be in the crowd during the show but sadly it never happened because she lives in Indiana. 21
NK Airplay Radio Schedule NK Airplay Radio Schedule Sunday
9 am ET
Saturday Saturday AM Dance Loop 9 am – 12 pm
10 am ET 11 am ET
DJ Jenny 11 am -1 pm
12 pm ET
A Day in the life of a Blockhead Re-Air
1 pm ET
Oh My Fan Girl! Re-Air
2 pm ET
New Pod on the Block Re-Air
DJ Spicy 11 am -1 pm
DJ Jenny 11 am – 1 pm
DJ Spicy 11 am -1 pm
Motivational Monday Loop 2 pm – 4 pm
DJ Jenny 11 am – 1 pm
L*A*W’s Tha Planet 12 Podcast 2 pm – 4 pm
3 pm ET 4 pm ET
DJ Sam Mac 3 pm – 5 pm Josh & Mike Said What?! Re-Air
5 pm ET
This is Where It’s at Podcast 5 pm – 7 pm
6 pm ET
Interviews / Specials Re-Airs
7 pm ET
DJ Sticky Angel 7pm – 9pm
8 pm ET
9 pm ET
New Pod on the Block Podcast 5 pm – 7 pm
Josh and Mike A Day in the Life of Said What?! a Blockhead w/ with DJ Jenny That Wahlburgers’ and NKA Staff & Chick Listeners 5 pm – 6 pm 5 pm – 7 pm Oh My Fangirl! with DJ Loop D Loop and DJ Konfetti 6 pm – 7 pm Interviews / Specials
DJ Loop D Loop 8 pm – 10 pm
DJ V 8 pm – 10 pm
Interviews / Specials
Interviews / Specials Re-Airs
Interviews / Specials Re-Airs Rock The Block w/ Toni aka DJ JP 8 pm – 10 pm
DJ V 8 pm – 10 pm
RO’s Soft Rock Show (Roger Ortega) 9 pm – 11 pm
JBLOCK 9 pm – 11 pm
10 pm ET 11 pm ET
Club Flabulous (every other Friday) 11 pm – 1 am on Zoom
NKA After Dark 11 pm – 1 am
OR Flashback Friday on the Loop (every other Friday) 11 pm – 1 am Join our NK Airplay Facebook community or watch Twitter for announcements about our interviews and special shows.
Merchandise $
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This water bottle will help keep your water or any other drinks ice-cold. They are made with stainless steel material on the bottom and have the station’s logo on them. Colors may vary upon ordering.
Price w
Wear your NK Airplay Radio pride in custom-made t-shirts. They come in grey with the station’s logo on them.
Face Maks
h Price wit
Pop Sockets Bottle Koozies
hese can koozies are made of neoprene that come in black or white with the station’s logo on them.
S A L E !
Water Bottles
Can Koozies
These bottle koozies are also made of neoprene and are very similar to the can koozies, but for a water bottle. They come in two colors: black and white and have the station’s logo on them.
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What are “pop sockets” you might ask? They are round plastic attachments that stick on the back of your phone and help keep it stable while sitting on your desk or table. They are white with the station’s logo.
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This is a different kind of keychain, because it’s more of a lanyard made of neoprene material. You can wear this lanyard on your wrist to keep your keys close to you or as an additional decoration to your keychain set. This keychain comes in white or black.
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Show your NK Airplay Radio pride with a custom-made NK Airplay Radio facemask. These are made of a thick cotton fabric and have a sturdy fit when worn properly. They come in white or black. These masks are NOT a medical device.
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If you are interested in buying any of the products listed above, please go to the NK Airplay Radio Community Facebook group and look for the order form in the announcements. 23
back cover 20