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DJ OF THE MONTH: NKA Staff Highlight

Fact Sheet Month DJ of The

Full Name: Victoria Ferrarini


DJ Name: DJ V

Birth Sign: Aries

Favorite Color: blue

Favorite vacation spot: London, England

Where would you like to travel? Europe

Favorite Food: cheeseburger and fries

Favorite Snack: ice cream

Favorite Book: “50 Shades Darker”

Favorite Movie: “The Karate Kid”

Favorite Singer(s): New Kids on the Block and The Beatles

Favorite Song(s): “Please Don’t Go Girl”

Favorite TV Show: “Kobra Kai”

Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks

Favorite Actress: Demi Moore

Most Memorable Moment: My first NKOTB concert with a VIP package

What are your best qualities? My ability to motivate others, my passion for advocacy, and I am always open to seeing someone else’s point of view.

What are your worst qualities? I tend to be too trusting, and it’s difficult for me to put myself first. I’m always concerned about the needs of others before myself.

Hobbies? writing (songs, short stories, poems, music, and traveling)

Worst Habit: I drink too much coffee and eat too much chocolate!

Favorite Childhood Memory: When I got my first Cabbage Patch doll - her name was Louanna Ella.

Biggest Like: holidays, baseball games, homemade cookies, brownies, and music

Biggest Dislike: superficial people, being lied to, and being judged negatively based on my eyesight instead of on all my accomplishments

Favorite Quote: “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou)

Describe Yourself: I consider myself to be very motivating, creative, and I have an uplifting personality. At times, I think I can be larger than life, but, other times, I can be the quietest person in the room – but I am always observing.

Special message to our readers: “Always be yourself. You are the best person that you have, so make no apologies. Also, try hard not to judge someone unless you have walked their path. We never know what someone else is truly going through unless we’re walking right beside them.”

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