NK Civic-oriented Relevant Experience

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civic-oriented r e p r e s e n tat i v e w o r k

community vision. uncommon visionaries.

landscape architecture land planning visioning construction observation

denver fort collins steamboat springs

www.nuszer-kopatz.com www.nuszerkopatz.blogspot.com 303.534.3881

Downtown Loveland

Master Plan and Streetscape

CLIENT: City of Loveland LOcATION: Loveland, Colorado SERVIcEs PROVIDED: Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Visioning, Signage/Wayfinding, 3D Modeling

a downtown that is recently on the rebound, but faced with aging infrastructure and streetscape amenities. Recently begun, this project will create an overall vision for 160 acres of the downtown and civic core, detailed designs for 16 blocks of urban streetscape and several public plazas. The goal of the project is to create a master plan document that will spur continued reinvestment in downtown. Public outreach has included open houses to gain feedback and public meetings to present concept and plan alternatives.

18’ to 21’ Walk

8’ Parallel Parking

11’ Travel Lane

11’ Travel Lane

8’ Parallel Parking

18’ to 21’ Walk

8’ Preferred Patio Space

8’ Preferred Patio Space

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NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

As in many other communities, Loveland is faced with







Site Furnishings Against Building Facade

Street Light with Pots & Banners

Planting Bed at Mid-Block Crossing

Downtown & Street ID Marker

Seat Wall

Planter Pots at Alley Entries

Downtown Loveland


287 / Cleveland Ave

Master Plan and Streetscape

Colored/textured concrete 2 x 2 cut Buff Sandstone

See Mr Neats Alley/ Museum Plaza

Light pole w/hanging pots

Large planter pots

Approximate existing edge of sidewalk

Potential outdoor dining/ display opportunity (conceptual)


Potential redevelopment of facades at alleys



Travel lane Drop-off

Temporary street closure bollards

4th St Drop-off


Planting bed Freestanding wall


Cut Buff Sandstone at Intersection corners Bulb-out at east-west crossings

Concrete foundation band Proposed canopy Colored concrete band tree in grate

Drop-off paving band

Seating wall Street ID/Info kiosk

Colored concrete band

Glass/LED illuminated paving panels

287 / Lincoln Ave


Enhanced crosswalk

Travel lane



Existing tree Total ROW 76’ - 78’

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

Downtown Loveland

Master Plan and Streetscape

Street ID/Info Kiosk

Planting Pot

Redevelopment opportunities along alley - storefronts, patios, doorways

Potential Future Plaza Expansion Area


Lawn Trash Enclosure/ Electrical Low Art Wall Panels LED Pavement Lights Water Feature

4 1/2 Alley

Wall downlights

Potential building facade modifications to front on plaza Seatwall/Stone Columns 4th St

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

HooDoo/Water Element Seating Wall

Proposed Tree

Multi-Use Plaza


Low Seatwall Bench Pedestrian Light

Lincoln Gallery

5th St

287 / Lincoln Ave

Downtown Loveland

Gateways and Wayfinding

CLIENT: City of Loveland LOcATION: Loveland, Colorado SERVIcEs PROVIDED: Gateway and Signage Design, Environmental Graphics

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

Gateways, signage and wayfinding concepts are being created as part of a Downtown Master Plan and Streetscape project.

Downtown gateway

opportunities have been identified in

conjunction with the streetscape improvements. Wayfinding has been developed to help enhance the pedestrian environment, and clearly direct people to Downtown destinations and parking.

Downtown Pagosa Springs

Gateways and Signage

CLIENT: Town of Pagosa Springs LOcATION: Pagosa Springs, Colorado SERVIcEs PROVIDED: Visioning, Signage/Wayfinding, 3D Modeling, Logo Design, Custom Streetscape Furnishings

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

Surrounded by the vast San Juan Mountains and wilderness area, Pagosa Springs is a small mountain town located in southwestern Colorado. The challenge is conveying the Downtown’s eclectic character and identity in an authentic manner. Through an involved stakeholder process, Nuszer Kopatz created a family of new signs, environmental graphics and a logo that reflect the community’s industrial timber heritage in a playful, progressive approach.

A hierarchy of Downtown gateways captures one’s attention, creating a true sense of arrival into Downtown. The contrast of natural materials such as stone and timber play against sculptural forms to convey the town’s dual artistic and athletic personality.

Downtown Lafayette

Festival Plaza

CLIENT: City of Lafayette LOcATION: Lafayette, Colorado SERVIcEs PROVIDED: Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Visioning, Wayfinding, 3D Modeling

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

Lafayette Festival Plaza is designed as the “heart” of Old Town Lafayette: a civic gathering place that is as dynamic for everyday use as it is for a variety of community events. An extension of the Old Town streetscape, the Festival Plaza incorporates features that are

vibrant, changeable and flexible relative to the

four seasons, events, public art, shade and lighting. This public plaza is comprised of four smaller, interconnected plazas that embrace all ages. The Performance Plaza features a covered “stage” area with flexibility for performances, the Garden Plaza is an intimate, shady setting that accommodates small events such as the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The highlight of the Interactive Plaza is an animated water “spray” plaza that will attract both children and adults. A large, colorful fabric structure shades the Event Plaza, providing a large plaza area with colorful decorative hardscape that can be utilized for a variety of events, fairs and festivals.

Downtown Parker

Gateways and Signage

CLIENT: Town of Parker LOcATION: Parker, Colorado SERVIcEs PROVIDED: Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Visioning, Signage/Wayfinding, 3D Modeling

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

Downtown Parker, known as “Mainstreet Parker,” and the adjacent Victorian Park District currently lack a cohesive feel as well as any distinguishing features. The challenge was to create a signage and wayfinding program that conveys one unifying Downtown identity. New signs and environmental graphics evoke Parker’s

”small town

feel” and Western heritage through simple details and traditional colors. The solution to balancing this traditional character with a nod towards the Colorado aesthetic was to incorporate natural materials such as stone and timber, with traditional wrought-iron metal accents. Wayfinding elements include Downtown and district gateways, town center and municipality signs, pedestrian kiosks, and parking directional signs.

Downtown Fort Collins

Signage and Wayfinding

CLIENT: City of Fort Collins LOcATION: Fort Collins, Colorado SERVIcEs PROVIDED: Gateway and Signage Design, Environmental Graphics, 3D Modeling

NUSZER KOPATZ urban design associates

Fort Collins currently lacks a cohesive vision for wayfinding in Downtown and also wants to encourage more people to access the ample parking located in garages throughout the district. Nuszer Kopatz has designed a cohesive

and unique wayfinding

system including Downtown gateways, vehicular and pedestrian directional signage, alley gateways, and trail markers with a bold color scheme and common identity that will improve both the local and visitor experience Downtown. The theme also extends to parking signage that will not only help visitors locate parking, but also to improve better orientation from parking structures and lots.

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