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Nicole Kunze BFA Furniture Design Savannah College of Art and Design



precious whirl yia yia light five’s flame box march

mood board

The Pre cious col le c t ion was inspire d by p eg b o ards. It is a b ent wo o d and venne er st and for an organize d way to store j e w ler y.

mood board

The Whirl col l e c t ion is a p air of c and le st icks made on t he wo o d l at he w it h ambrois a maple.

mood board

The Yi a Yi a re cip e b ox has a hand p ainte d wo o den top to e mu l ate t he imp or t ant ance of fami ly t radit ion.

mood board

The L ig ht nig ht lig ht is a 3D pr inte d side t able l amp w it h a CNC wa lnut b as e.

mood board

The Five’s col le c t ion is a dining chair p aire d w it h a club chair for a cohesive and cozy env iroment.

The Fl ame B ox mu lt i me di a cont ainer was tur ne d w it h f l ame b ox elder and st ands w it h a luminum hardware.

The March col le c t ion is a col le c t ion of f ur niture pie ces t hat ar t inspire d by t he ar t de co era. The col le c t ion pres ents ne w heirlo om pie ces.

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