issue 08
August 2018
NL4S Your Adventure Start Here
Beginner Tips For Using MRE Meals
Beginner Tips For Using MRE Meals MRE meals are an essential part of any preppers kit, but those new to MRE meals might not know how to use them correctly. Â All of these meals will come with instructions, but there are some things that can only be learned with experience. Â Fortunately, there are a number of tips that you can use if you are a beginner to help you use these meals correctly.
Get Your MRE Meals From A Good Source When you look at buying MRE meals, you
will notice that there are a number of suppliers. There are civilian MRE providers that sell directly to the public, and there are sellers on websites such as eBay who sell ‘military’ MRE meals. Civilian MRE providers are the best for the individual because they are the ones that are legal. Military manufacturers are not legally allowed to sell directly to the public.
Additionally, the seller on auction sites like eBay could be selling stolen or recovered military MRE meals. An investigation into the meals on sale on the site found that many of them were stolen from military compounds and
many others were recovered when they were discarded by the military as they had expired. You do not want to buy your MRE meal from a wrong source because you will be putting your health at risk.
Know The Difference Between Civilian, Military and Military-Like MRE Meals
Knowing that you need to have a good supplier is important, but you also need to know more about what you are going to be buying. There are 4 common types of MRE meals that you will find advertised online. These are civilian, military, home-made and military-like
MRE meals and all of them will be different.
The best would be the military MRE, but these are not legally available to the public, and you should stay away from anyone who states that they are selling genuine military MRE meals. Â Civilian MRE meals are the best mass produced MRE that individuals can get and will be similar to the military ones. Â As the name suggests, home-made MRE meals will be bespoke and made by the person who is selling them. Â Military-like MRE meals are another form of homemade meals where components have been used to make a meal that is as
close to the military MRE as possible.
Reuse The Bags
The bags that your meal and drink mix come in can be reused. This is something that you should do as it is not only good for the environment, it can also save you some effort. If you need any additional bags for socks or other small items, you can use the MRE meal bags. It is important to note that these bags are not going to be fully waterproof, but they will generally work well enough.
Having MRE meals is a good idea
because they offer you the nutrients that you need when you are out and about. However, you need to ensure that you are getting the right MRE meal and that you are purchasing them from a reputable source. You also need to consider some tips that will help you use the MRE meals such as not putting the food into the heating bag.
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