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Hidden Figures Movie Review
The movie ‘Hidden Figures ’is about three influential black women (Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson and Dorothy Vaughan) working in a white male-dominated industry in the early 1960s at NASA. It shows the courage and bravery each woman had to overcome the sexism and racism that all women and black people face.
My favourite scene in this movie was when Katherine yelled at her colleagues and boss, standing up for herself. She explained why she was taking so long off work each day, without fear. Having been forced to walk a mile each time she wanted to use the restroom as she had to use a ‘coloured only ’bathroom; demonstrating how racism was still evident in ways we could not easily see. I also enjoyed the following scene where her boss declared there would be no more ‘coloured ’restrooms, because of Katherine’ s complaint, which shows her courageousness proved beneficial. My favourite characters were Katherine and Mary. Katherine was determined, resilient and intelligent; and refused to conform to stereotypes (e.g., she turned down Jim Johnson after he questioned her work as a woman.) When it comes to Mary, she defended herself against people thinking she was out of her mind for attending an all-white school for her work as an engineer. However, she powered through and achieved greatness and promotions by working hard. I would like to know more about what happened after Mary Jackson graduated and what happened with her career as an engineer and her promotion, and how Dorothy Vaughan felt whilst leading as a supervisor, her dream job. Lastly, I WOULD recommend this movie because it taught me the pressures of living in the 1960’s as a black woman, pressures I do not face because of my skin colour and gender, which I didn’t get to choose and neither did they. It taught me how unfair the world was (and still is) and that we have to look out for ourselves and stand up for ourselves.
By Daniela 7G