Hyeopjae December2024
Hyeopjae News
Hyeopjae December 2024
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year filled with success, adventure, and laughter. May the boys continue to create lasting memories together,bothintheboardinghomeand beyond. Hereʼs to restful holiday and qualitytimewithlovedones.
MerryChristmasandHappyNewYear! HyeopjaeBoardingteam
Hyeopjae December 2024
OnceayoungYear8boyanxiouslysatattheonecorner of the common room during the evening registration, but now writing this newsletter as the home leader of thisboardinghome.Asahomecaptain,thefirsthalfof thisacademicyearinHyeopjaewasfabulous:Christmas party,Halloweenparty,andweekendactivitiesgaveme an unforgettable memory of my last year in Hyeopjae. Among these events, my favorite was the Halloween party. On Halloween weekend, Hyeopjae hosted a Halloween-themed dance party and I appreciated that every member of our home contributed to the preparation stage. Moreover, during the party, it was great to have a party all together with the friends from Hyeopjaeandtheotherhouses.Nextyear,Iwillleavefor Halla, but these memories will remain in one corner of myheart.
Amid every joyful activity and festive events, what I remember the most about Hyeopjaeisthecasualatmosphere.Itwasalwaysfuntogatheraroundandhavechats on weekends, where lots of topics were spoken about. Whenever we had those moments, I found active communication among the community where everyone enjoyed themselves. Although festive events provide significant memories, I believe thatthetrivialityinsideHyeopjaeiswhatremainsmostinmymemory.
This term was the busiest term I have had in Hyeopjae. Starting with the Halloween party, karaoke night, barbecue, and our last Hyeopjae Christmas party, there were manyeventsthatkeptmeandotherstudentsactive.However,Ibelieveitwasthenew experienceasaleaderthatmadethistermbusybutalsomorelivelyandmademefeel moreconnectedtothecommunity.
Hyeopjae December 2024
House Competition: Go Hyeopjae!
Board Games
Hyeopjae December 2024
Hyeopjae December 2024
2 weeks ago, we visited Tapdong, which is one of the biggest commercial areas on Jeju island with Hyeopjae andYongduamboardinghouses.Thelasttimewevisited Tapdong was like a year ago, but I could not remember what it looked like and the fact that it was a very enjoyable place. This time, we visited a store called "Artbox"andboughtnotonlypresentsformyparentsand myselfbutalsoformySecretSanta.InHyeopjae,wehave an activity called "Secret Santa" annually when it becomesneartheChristmasholidays.ItistheeventthatI secretlyknowsomeonewhomtobuythepresentforbutI don'tknowwhoIgetthepresentfrom.Ienjoythisactivity a lot since it feels like the real Santa is giving me a Christmasgift.InTapdong,weweregivenalmost3hours toenjoysomyfriendsandIwenttoeatKoreanBarbecue whichcostabigamountofmoney,andspentsometime inthecafedoinghomeworkandplayinggamestogether.
Not only visiting Tapdong, but other events and trips we've done such as visiting Hyeopjae beach and doing Hide-and-seek in Hyeopjae boarding house was always funandexciting.
TherewerealotoffuneventsduringthefirsttermofNLCS Jeju,butthebesteventwasgoingonatriptoTapdongwith alltheotherboardingstudentsincludingYongduam.When wewenttoTapdong,weenjoyedshoppingforgiftsforour Secret Santa and ourselves. We were allowed to go anywhere in the boundary line, therefore we felt free to hang out with friends with no pressure. Even though we had a hard time finding directions to a specific store, we managedtoarriveattheplacewedesired.Partofthetrip wasthatwecouldn'twalkaroundbyourselvesandhadto workasateamtogotoaspecificplacewewantedtogoto.
ThiswasaverygoodfirsttermintheNLCSJeju.Imadealot of friends. My most memorable activity was the Tapdong Trip.MyfriendsandIate porkcutlets,anditwasgreat.We visited Nike, ABC Mart, MLB, Adidas, and Artbox. I bought mynewshoesatNike.IalsoboughtAdidassocksforSecret Santa.Itwasmyfavoritememorybecausethetripwiththe friendswasamazing.Iexpecttogoonatripnexttime!
Hyeopjae December 2024
IthinktheonethingthatIreallyloved&enjoyedamazingly wastravelingtodelightfulHyeopjaebeachbecauseIatethe foodsIlove,suchaschicken,cokes,andicecream.Irodethe bananaboatwithMinkyuwhichwasthefirsttimetoridethat kind of thrilling attraction on the shore (it was fantastic). When I was riding the boat I felt the feeling that made me cooleventhoughitwasthehotsummer.Also,Ilikedtogoto lovely Tapdong, the place in Jeju City because I could buy whateverIwantedandIcouldhangoutwithmyfriendsfrom anotherdormitorywhichwasYongduam.Ilovedjustwalking around that area with friends. Consequently, Those things arethebestpointsthatIlovedintheboardinghouse.
Our trip to Hyeopjae Beach is one of my favourite memories of the Hyeopjae boarding house. In the Hyeopjaebeach,itwasdelightfultoseethewhitesand, turquoise waters, and Biyangdo in the distance. We enjoyed seafood at the local restaurants, played volleyball,andcollectedmarineanimalslikecrabswhile on the trip. In addition, we had unrestricted mobility within the designated area, which allowed us to buy certain goods. It was a day filled with companionship, fun,andmemorieswithmypeers.
Hyeopjae December 2024
My best memory of this term is going to Shinhwa World. Eating food, playing karaoke and games with my friends out there was impressive.
MyfavoritethingtodoinHyeopjaewasgoingtoShinhwaWorld.Itʼsnot justonlyfun,ithaslotsoffacilitiesandisquiteenormous.ShinhwaWorld hasathemepark,waterpark,resorts,andshoppingmalls.Iwenttothose four, and usually for the Hyeopjae trip, weʼve been to the malls. There were many restaurants, gaming places, and even some convenience stores.Hyeopjaeboardinghomealsowenttosomedifferentplacessuch asTapDongforChristmas,orsomethingelse.Thoseplacestooklikethirty to forty minutes due to going all the way to Jeju City unlike Shinhwa, which takes only ten minutes. Fast and easy is the best thing; therefore Shinhwaisthebestplace,butIlikeandrespectalltheplacesHyeopjaeis going.
Hyeopjae December 2024
Last weekend, we played a game of sardines in Hyeopjae. The houseʼs darkness and quiet hallways made it the perfect setting for sneaking around. Everyone scrambled to find the hidden person, squeezing into the most unlikely places. Each time someone discovered the hidden player, giggles echoed through thehouseastheytriedtohideintotheshadows.Thesuspenseof searchingandthesurpriseofsuddenlyfindingagroupcrammed into a tiny space made the game unforgettable. It was a perfect mix of tension and laughter that brought everyone closer together.
Hyeopjae December 2024
Itwouldbehardtochooseoneexperience outofallthethingsbutifIhadtochoose one experience in Hyeopjae, I would choosewhenImadeahole-in-one.Itwas a very memorable moment in this term because when I was playing golf, I unexpectedly made a hole-in-one. I was very surprised and happy when I did it. However,whatmadememorehappywas wheneverybodyinHyeopjaecelebratedit with me and that was one of the best momentsinmylife.
NurturingYoung leaders
Hyeopjae December 2024
Last weekend, I had the privilege of traveling to Malaysia with our rugby coach,MrCrebier,andmyfellowteammateSashafromHyeopjaeforthe FOBISIA 7s Rugby Tournament. It was an intense but rewarding trip, startingbrightandearlyat5amonFridayandconcludingwithourreturn toschoolby10amonMonday.Despitethehecticschedule,theexperience wasunforgettable,filledwithgrowth,teamwork,andcamaraderie.
The tournament kicked off on Saturday with five matches, followed by three friendly games on Sunday. Our first game was especially challenging,itwasourfirstproperrugbymatch,andthenervesshowedin the first half as we conceded several tries. However, in the second half, something clicked. We adapted, fought back, and managed to equalise the scores for the second half. Though we didnʼt secure many wins, our teamʼsorganisationandskillsimproveddramaticallywitheachmatch.
This trip wasnʼt just about the games, but it was about building bonds withmyteammates,embracingthespiritofrugby,andmakingmemories that will last a lifetime. Iʼm incredibly grateful to have experienced the sportinsuchameaningfulwayandtohaverepresentedtheschoolwith pride.
Joon &Sasha
Hyeopjae December2024
Dailyroutine: BoardersʼSchoolDay
07:00 Wakeup
07:30 Registration&Breakfast7,8,9
07:40 Registration&Breakfast10,11 Schoolroutine
16:00 Returntohouse
16:15 CCA
17:15–18:30 Breakoutactivities.
17:45–18:45 Dinner
19:00 Registration&Prep
21:00 Bedtimeroutinebegins
Weekendschedule: Weekendactivitiesdovarybutshouldbesetat thesespecifictimes.
Wednesday: 19:10-19:30
Friday: 19:10-19:30
Sunday: 20:10-20:30
Exeats request: Previous Hyeopjae Newsletter: June 2024 Welcome letter Nov 2024
Hyeopjae December2024
Please,followourguidelinesinordertohaveabettercommunitywithintheboardinghomes,consistencyandalsoforthewellbeing ofourboarders,yourson!
- Monday,Tuesday,andThursday,studentsmustattendHomemeetings at19:00 (10min)
- Wednesday,Friday:EnglishbookreadingafterHomemeeting(20min):
- Monday,TuesdayandThursday:lessonscanbebetween19:15and21:00
- WednesdayandFriday:lessonscanbebetween19:30and 21:00.
- Friday(Year9,10,11)16:00-17:45
- Saturday(Year10and11)21:00-22:30,
- Sunday(All)-09:30-11:00am
OnlinelessonsGuidelines: maximum1lessonforyr7,2for8/9,3for10/11.