HallaEast News
One of the many blessings of being an Educator is I am continually challenged and kept young by the youth surrounding me. I also appreciate that we get several chances within the year to reflect and evaluate our progress. Going into the Christmas break we have the official New Year to welcome in and this is also wonderful opportunity to look ahead and set our goals.
Year 13 parents –You should be extremely proud of your daughters! They are very near the end of a life-changing challenging term – college applications mostly done, just the regular decisions to finalise, IB core in hand with TOK essay due this Thursday and many IA’s and IO’s done. I have just had the pleasure of meeting with many of them for their 1:1 progress and wellbeing meeting. Many of them have exceeded expectations and already have great offers or safety nets in place. They will tell you otherwise but they are ready for their Mock exams! Reflecting back, I am very pleased with the changes I made to our monitoring last year and it is evident to me that this year group has reaped the rewards. Please celebrate the milestones they have passed along their way to get where they are now when they are home with you. As a Year 13 parent myself – I know you have joined them on this journey – you all deserve to celebrate!
Year 12 Parents- The drama of the step-up to the demands of the IB program is well behind the year 12’s now and they are firmly on track. Reviewing their R1 grades and behavioural habits there is much to celebrate. Many of them have realised that they had work habits, that were not sustainable nor working for them. Changes have been made and we are beginning to see the improvements. We still have our serial offenders with regard to time management and organisation and can only hope our continued support with them will aid their routine changes. They have all began their IB Core work in earnest - EE, TOK and CAS.
The Season greetings and best wishes for 2025 from the Halla East Staff team.
Congratulationstoleft:Yaejoo(Alyssa)Seoforwinningapizzapartyworth150,000KRWintheprizedraw.Centre:Jungahn(Gabby) OhforwinningthespiritawardforexemplifyingtheHallaEasthomevalues.Right:JaeheeYoonforbeingawardedtomostcharacter strengthsinboarding.ThesegirlsarejustafewinthelimelightbutspecialmentionalsoneedstogotoHaenaKim, Hyunjin (Michaella) JunandYeonjaeShinallofwhomareatthetopofthelistforvaluepoints.Eunseo(Chloe)LeeandJaeEun(Liz)Chung haveperfecttrackrecordsforpunctuality!
TherearemanyexcellentleadersinHallaEastandwewishto highlighttheamazingworktheyhavedone.Thispagefeatures oneofourgirlswhoquietlygetsonwithitandseldomtakes credit.Haena(Hannah)KimisamusicIBstudentandisthe student leaderofSONITASfollowinginthefootstepsofother HallaEastAlumi,butcarvingherownpath. Haenaleda wonderfulUnpluggedconcertshowingexcellentplanning, organisationalskillsandpatience! Belowaresomeoftheother highlightsfromthisterm.
● Filmed performance of "Love never felt so good and rock with you mash up by Michael Jackson" uploaded on school youtube account
● IB music HLrecital
● Performance in BHA(Halloween)
● Music enrichment week(buskings, lectures, main address in assembly, corridor activities)
● Black history month concert
● Studio band concert
● Organised Christmas Bazaar busking
● 2025 FOBISIABattle ofThe Bands finalist - Haena will be going to Malaysia in January, so she already has a new challenge!
There are two girls who stand out in Halla East this term for epitomising the IB values of risk taking, communication and principled. Minseo Kang (aka Alice) and Yaejoo (Alyssa) Seo (aka Morticia) in their leading roles in theAddams family school production.The girls have had to balance their academic workload, busy schedules whilst fulfilling their commitments to rehearsals.
Yaejoo (Alyssa) Seo is a leader within home as part of our Home Committee and a School prefect too! She has balanced so many showsAddam’s family, Unplugged, Dance busking and of course her own IB Choreography.
Minseo Kang has made such a positive impact since joining Halla East. She has been chosen as an Academic English School prefect. She has shown her competitive spirit playing both Varsity Basketball and JV Volleyball.
● GaNaDATutoring
● JejuTestimonial Project - these are commitments she will continue.
Onthe17thofNovember,nurseMs.JiwonKimandhead nurseMs.MinjiJeonpaidavisittoHallaEast.Year12students wereintroducedtofirstaidmethodswhichwillbeveryuseful whentheygoofftouniversityandstartlivingbythemselves. Thankstobothnurseswholedthesessions.
TheYear13ʼstookpartinasessionimprovingtheirstudyskillstobe preparedforuniversity.ThankyoutoMr.Fernandeswhosharedsome reallifeexamplesandvaluableadvices fromhisandothersʼ experiences.
TheYear12HallaBoardinghomescelebratedtheholidayseasonat NarniaRestaurant. TheeventwasledbyourdedicatedHallHome Captains,MichaellaandElliott,alongwithEventsCaptainsAlyssa andBenjamin. Studentsindulgedinadeliciouscoursemeal preparedbytherestaurant,participatedinexcitinggames organizedbythecommittee,andwrappeduptheeveningwitha fun-filledSecretSantagiftexchange. Thefestiveatmospheremade itamemorablecelebrationforall. Thankyoutoeveryonewho contributedtothiswonderfulevent.
AsthedaysgrowshorterandtheweatherturnscolderHallaEasthasbeengettinginthefestivespirit.TheAtriumhadbeenexpertly decoratedandisfullofwarmthandbrightnesswiththeglowingofthelights. Allthegirlswereincludedinthefestivities,sharingtreats andhotchocolate.Someaddedtheirownstamp-Thank-youYoungchae(Bella)Leeforyourwonderfulwindowchalkdrawings.The snackadventcalendarwassharedbetweenthegirlswhohavehadnotableachievementsthistermandtheirvaluesresonatewithwhat weaimtoinstillinallHallaEastgirls.
MrsSCoughlan - scoughlan@nlcsjeju.kr
MsSunghyunShin-sshin@nlcsjeju.kr Home