HallaEast News
Halla East is a home where we aim to fosterAgency, Responsibility and Caring – all core IB values. This is mirrored in our three key words and the standards we expect from our girls.As leaders in the school, the Halla East girls’model behaviours and attitudes to younger students.They have done an admirable job in many areas of the school this half-term from sport events, enrichment weeks, music performances, lectures, societies to leading in home activities for all the girls to enjoy such as fire pit nights, movies and the Halloween festivities.Congratulations to the Home Committee for a positive start!
The Halla staff team have got to know your daughters through our daily interactions and 1:1 monitoring pod meetings. We will continue to build on these relationships over the coming year to provide individual support and care to them as they journey through IB.To highlight one amazing success – Yeon Jae Shin, aYr12 student, leads the way with the most commendations and has developed some super IB habits to match her excellent work ethic. We have had lots of academic enhancement in home - the UGC team have dropped in regularly for the 13’s, whilst they make headway in their final college applications. Individual subjects sessions have also been offered and Halla staff have been working with students who need extra support regarding their organisation, scheduling and sleep patterns. We are also running sessions to educate some girls on the issues of over-stimulation and the side effects of a over reliance on caffeine. It has been a very busy and productive term and we trust all the girls will take a well-earned rest over the break. We trust you will all enjoy the family time.
MynameisMichaella,andIʼmexcitedtobethenewHouse CaptainofHallaEastforthisacademicyear!
Iabsolutelyloveconnectingwithpeople—whetheritʼs chattingwithfriendsormeetingnewones.Ienjoythe energythatcomesfromgoodconversationsandbelieve itʼssuchagreatwaytounderstandandsupporteach other.Iʼlldomybesttobringeveryonetogether,creating lastingmemoriesandmakingsureeveryonefeels involved!
Iʼmreallylookingforwardtospendingamazingdayswith theHallaEastcommunity.Haveaniceday!
Lastweek,ourHallaCommunityvisited Hallasan. Formanystudents,especiallythe Year12s,itwastheirfirsttimeclimbingthis challengingmountain.Althoughwe struggledandfeltexhaustedduringthe hike,we allmanagedtocompleteitinthe end.Despitethedifficulties,wewereable to embracethechallengesand some studentsevendiscovered thejoyofhiking.
Afterthehike,ourHallagroup enjoyeda KoreanBBQlunch.Althougheveryonewas exhaustedafterthehiking,thismeal providednourishmentforthe studentsto rebootthemselves.Overall,thehikewasa challenge,buteverystudentsuccessfully participated,makingitamemorable experienceforall. Yoonseo(Cindy)
DuringKoreanlanguage enrichmentweekYerim delightedtheschoolwithher performanceontheGayageum.
North, stunnedintheirfirstmusicrecital,agreat waytokickofftheirIBcourse.
Catch Sonitasonyoutube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =mle9NHzunvg. With Haena (Hannah)ondrums,JuYeonand Chaehyeon(Jasmine)onvocals.
Onthe26thOctoberHallaNorthandHallaEast enjoyedaspooktacularhalloweenparty.Atime todressupandhavesomefun!Morephotoswill followinthenextnewsletter.
WelookedforwardtoseeingtheORCAsatKISAC. ParticularlyEunri,MinseoandYumin(Angela)playing volleyballonthelastweekendbeforethebreak.They didamazingly!GOORCAS!
MrsSCoughlan - scoughlan@nlcsjeju.kr