Omphalina Vol 7 #1

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ISSN 1925-1858

Newsletter of

Vol. VII, No 1 Jan. 15, 2016



MPHALINA, newsletter of Foray Newfoundland & Labrador, has no fixed schedule of publication, and no promise to appear again. Its primary purpose is to serve as a conduit of information to registrants of the upcoming foray and secondarily as a communications tool with members. is an amateur, volunteer-run, community, not-for-profit organization with a mission to organize enjoyable and informative amateur mushroom forays in Newfoundland and Labrador and disseminate the knowledge gained. Webpage:

Address Foray Newfoundland & Labrador 21 Pond Rd. Rocky Harbour NL A0K 4N0 CANADA E-mail: info AT nlmushrooms DOT ca BOARD of DIRECTORS


Michael Burzynski President

Geoff Thurlow Treasurer

Tina Leonard Secretary

Jim Cornish

Jamie Graham

Anne Marceau Faye Murrin

Michele Piercey-Normore Helen Spencer

Marian Wissink


Mycological Dave Malloch NB Museum

Auditor Gordon Janes

Bonnell Cole Janes

Legal Counsel Andrew May

Brothers & Burden

Issues of Omphalina are archived in: Library and Archives Canada’s Electronic Collection <http://epe.>, and Centre for Newfoundland Studies, Queen Elizabeth II Library (printed copy also archived) < collection/omphalina/>.

The content is neither discussed nor approved by the Board of Directors. Therefore, opinions expressed do not represent the views of the Board, the Corporation, the partners, the sponsors, or the members. Opinions are solely those of the authors and uncredited opinions solely those of the Editor. Please address comments, complaints, contributions to the self-appointed Editor, Andrus Voitk: seened AT gmail DOT com,

… who eagerly invites contributions to Omphalina, dealing with any aspect even remotely related to mushrooms. Authors are guaranteed instant fame—fortune to follow. Authors retain copyright to all published material, and submission indicates permission to publish, subject to the usual editorial decisions. Issues are freely available to the public on the FNL website. Because content is protected by authors’ copyright, editors of other publications wishing to use any material, should ask first. No picture, no paper. Material should be original and should deal with the mycota of Newfoundland and Labrador. Cumulative index and detailed Information for Authors available on our website.

COVER Hygrocybe jackmanii Lebeuf, Thorn, Boertm. & Voitk, photographed in the sand dunes at Forteau, Labrador, Oct. 2, 2011, by Michael Burzynski. A formal description of this new species was published in Persoonia’s FungalPlanet. This issue follows it up with a more detailed look, something possible in regional on-line mycophile publications that is not always possible in the more professional press.



ISSN 1925-1858

Vol. VII, No 1 Jan. 15, 2016

CONTENT Editor’s comments ................................. 2 Finding jackmanii Andrus Voitk ....................................... 3 Captain William Jackman Andrus Voitk ....................................... 5 Hygrocybe jackmanii Lebeuf et al. ....................................... 6 Musings on namings Andrus Voitk ....................................... 11 Pleuteus leucoborealis

Andrus Voitk ......................................


Book review: Common Lichens Yolanda Wiersma ............................... 16 The Bishop’s sketchbook ........................ 18 Mail basket ............................................ 19 Partners ......................... inside back cover Notice ...................................... back cover

This issue and all previous issues available for download from the Foray Newfoundland & Labrador website <>.


Message from the Editor

Happy 2016 to you all! The days are already getting longer, the sun rising higher. Soon enough you will be in the woods looking for mushrooms again. We came across a revealing statement over the holidays. In his new book, “Lindvistika ehk metsa see lingvistika”, author Valdur Mikita stated that there are far more people in the world, who have gone to Paris than ever have gone picking mushrooms. You are part of a very exclusive small coterie of enlightened human beings. By the way, unless you read Estonian, do not waste your time looking for this very worthwhile book.

However, this year there is an opportunity for you to join this even smaller and more exclusive coterie of the most enlightened members of mankind. With our foray held in Goose Bay this year, if you drive there, taking the ferry across to Labrador, take an hour off in Forteau and walk the dunes. Likely you’ll see this and other dune mushrooms. We plan to do exactly that—make a road trip of it, taking our time getting to Goose Bay, with plenty of exploring on the way. Not too early to make foray plans…

Happy mushrooming! After nearly a decade and half of collecting, we andrus have accumulated a lot of material. As we begin to look at it more closely, many discoveries are made. Some emerge during reviews of groups of fungi, reported to you in the review of the genus Pluteus in Omphalina 5(9):6-10, 2104, one of several such reviews. In this issue we are happy to report an additional species to the list in our province. Other discoveries are of new species, not only to the province, but also to the world. We are happy to report one such in this issue. As we sift through more and more of our material, we hope to find many more discoveries to report to you. As mentioned in the article about Hygrocybe jackmanii, this pretty species grows in the sand dunes in Forteau, along with at least two other somewhat uncommon mushrooms. For most of us, even though we live in the same province, an opportunity to see these mushrooms in their natural setting is not an everyday occurrence. More people have gone drinking on George St in St John’s than ever have gone to look at these mushrooms.



Finding jackmanii…

Andrus Voitk

In October, 2011, a small crack team was deployed to the Labrador Straits to look for some false truffles. Among the many finds were three interesting mushrooms in the Forteau sand bars, discussed in these pages on a previous occasion.1 Two of the three mushrooms in the title banner have already found their way into scientific publications. Thuemenidium arenarium, on the right, had been encountered on a previous visit, which led to a review of the genus, suggesting that probably none of its species belong there.2 This led other investigators to create a new genus, Sabuloglossum, for this species, which is now known as S. arenarium. The false truffle in the middle, recognized as an Alpova, led to a full review of this genus in North America, with the discovery that our species is A. cinnamomea, and not A. diplophloeus, with which it had been synonymized for a long time, as well as the discovery of a new species.4 That, also, was reported to you on these pages.5 Now it is the turn of the last of this Labrador triumvirate, in the upper left, to grace the pages of the world’s mycological literature. How it got there is a story to itself. Because of its good looks and red

colour, with green Empetrum nearby, it became the choice for the cover photo of the Christmas issue of Omphalina in 2011. The editor, who initially believed it to be a dark-centered Hygrocybe miniata, sent the photo to Renée Lebeuf, because of her interest in the genus Hygrocybe. Renée immediately recognized it as worthy of interest. She did not know it, but told the editor that for certain this was not H. miniata. Because of the dark scales at the centre of the cap, she thought it might be close to H. turunda, and the editor, grateful for the helpful voice of somebody who knows, presented it as such—an undefined species possibly close to H. turunda. Then began the fun of investigating what it might be. After examination, Renée concluded that it was a new species, hitherto unknown to science. She sent some specimens for a consultation to David Boertmann, a renowned student of the genus especially familiar with northern taxa through his work in Greenland. Boertmann agreed with her that this represented a novel species. Material was now sent to Greg Thorn with a request that he confirm this with molecular sequencing and analysis.



Search for similar species turned up Hygrocybe andersonii, described from sand dunes of the Gulf coast Mississippi islands.6 That species is reported to grow with an ericaceous plant, Ceratola ericodes, which does not extend north of the southern part of North Carolina. The commonest plant near our Labrador mushroom is the northern ericaceous plant, Empetrum nigrum (crowberry), but otherwise they were sufficiently similar that a comparison of their DNA seemed prudent. DNA from H. andersonii was not available at the time. An appeal for help to Bill Roody, a member of the FNL faculty for 2008 and 2011, and co-author of Waxcap mushrooms of eastern North America,7 turned up the happy news that not only did Bill know this species well, but he also spent time in its fruiting area each year. Bill undertook to collect some H. andersonii for our phylogeny study. Now, you may think this is nothing, a nice trip to a Florida sandy beach, pick a few mushrooms, catch a tan, and go home. That may be how it works for you, but it does not work like that for serious mushroomers. When Bill and Donna got there, they had to step over some yellow tape to get to the place these mushrooms usually grew. They didn’t find any this time, so came back. Were met by armed militia, saying the beach is off limits because buried mines from training during the war had been discovered References (for pp. 3–13) 1. Voitk A: Do you ever wonder how the organisms you encounter make a living? Omphalina 2(9):3. 2011. 2. Ohenoja E, Wang Z, Townsend JP, Mitchel D, Voitk A: Northern species of earth tongue genus Thuemenidium revisited, considering morphology, ecology and molecular phylogeny. Mycologia 102:1089-1095. 2010. 3. Hustad VP, Miller AN, Dentinger BTM, Cannon PF: Genetic circumscriptions in Geoglossomycetes. Persoonia, 31:101-111. 2013. 4. Hayward J, Tourtellot S, Horton TR: A revision of the Alpova diplophloeus complex in North America. Mycologia, 106:846-855. 2014. 5. Hayward J, Horton T, Lebeuf R, Voitk A: The “Labrador” Alpova updated: Alpova cinnamomeus. Omphalina 5(8):17-20. 2014. 6. Cibula WG, Smith Weber N: Hygrocybe andersonii a new psammophilous Hygrocybe from Horn Island, a Mississippi barrier island. Mycologia 88:514-516. 1996. 7. Bessette AE, Roody WC, Sturgeon WE, Bessette AR: Waxcap mushrooms of Eastern North America, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY. 2012. 8. Lebeuf R, Thorn RG, Boertmann D, Voitk A: Hygrocybe jacksonii. Persoonia (FungalPlanet 389) 35:304-305. 2015.



there. Bit of a story to dine out on. They made their collection in another local on another day. After the shakes had settled. The result of all this effort and good will ended up as the publication of a new species, Hygrocybe jackmanii.8 Read on to learn who Jackman was, what this new species looks like, and how organisms are named. Acknowledgments Huge thanks are due to Bill Roody for going to Florida to collect the specimens of Hygrocybe andersonii. Thanks are also due to Hashini Puwakgolle for sequencing these sand dwellers. And the team below.

Our team, at the end of a hard day of tireless collecting. L to R: Michael Burzynski, Anne Marceau, Maria Voitk, Andrus Voitk, Phyllis Mann. Missing from the photo is the photographer, Henry Mann. 9. Bonikowski LN: The heroism of William Jackman. The Canadian Encyclopedia online edition <http://www.>. Last accessed June 19, 2015. 10. Boertmann D: The genus Hygrocybe, 2nd ed. The Danish Mycological Society, Copenhagen, 2010. 11. Desjardin DE, Peay KB, Bruns TC: Spongiforma squarepantsii, a new species of gasteroid bolete from Borneo. Mycologia 103:119-123. 2011. 12. Allen JL, Lendmer JC: Japewiella dollypartoniana, a new widespread lichen in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America. Castanea 80:59-65. 2015. 13. Lodge DJ, Padamsee M, Matheny PB, Aime MC, Cantrell SA, Boertmann D, Kovalenko A, Vizzini A, Dentinger BTM, Kirk PM, Ainsworth AM, Moncalvo J-M, Vilgalys R, Larsson E, Lücking R, Griffith GW, Smith ME, Norvell LL, Desjardin DE, Redhead SA, Ovrebo CL, Lickey EB, Ercole E, Hughes KW, Courtecuisse R, Young A, Binder M, Minnis AM, Lindner DL, Ortiz-Santana B, Haight J, Læssøe T, Baroni TJ, Geml J, Hattori T: Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). Fungal diversity, DOI 10.1007/s13225-013-0259-0. 2013. 14. Hertel H: Gattungseponyme bei Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Band 107. J Cramer, Stuttgart. 2012.

Captain William Jackman Andrus Voitk On October 9, 1867, Captain William Jackman (1837-1877), of Renews, Newfoundland, sought harbour for his ship and crew in Spotted Islands, Labrador, ahead of an October storm. After a mugup of tea with his friend and host, he walked to look out to sea, where he saw a ship blown onto a rocky shoal, in danger of being broken by the pounding waves. After sending for help, he swam to the ship and carried a man safely to shore. He repeated this, later aided by a rope from shore, until he had brought all 27 persons aboard to safety. This is the official story,9 although as with all heroic deeds, there are suggestions that the legend may have outstripped reality. Google his name to learn the full story and its many variations. For his bravery, Jackman was awarded the silver medal by the British Royal Humane Society, had the Captain William Jackman Memorial Hospital in Labrador City named after him, and had a Canadian stamp issued in the Canadian Heroes series. A memorial in his hometown has not come to fruition, although currently there is an active group trying to raise funds toward this end. In a cynical age, where heroism is cheapened by a commercial production-line of manufactured, managed and manicured “giants” of rock, professional sport, movies, models or politics, one outdoing the next in gossamer-thin shallowness during a mercifully fleeting grasp at fame, it is a pleasure to honour the thirty year-old Captain William Jackman with the name of this beautiful mushroom. Hygrocybe jackmanii fruits in the same October of autumn storms, and on the blustery coast of the same Labrador that witnessed Jackman’s noble act—a fitting tribute to commemorate this genuinely brave man. Photos from the Internet.



Hygrocybe jackmanii Renée Lebeuf, Greg Thorn, David Boertmann, Andrus Voitk Abstract Hygrocybe jackmanii Lebeuf, Thorn, Boertm., Voitk differs from similar species of Hygrocybe primarily by its northern distribution, long spores, preference for shifting littoral sand, and propinquity to Empetrum. English diagnosis Cap 10–40 mm diameter, convex, becoming plane in advanced age, squamulose, orange-red with brown central squamules. Lamellae to 3 mm wide, adnate, sinuous, yellow. Stem 3-6 × 12–45 mm, orange-yellow. Slightly sticky. Spores 11.2–15.3 × 4.1–5.1 µm, cylindrical. In shifting sand portion of littoral sand dunes of Labrador, usually close to Empetrum. Introduction Recently we had the pleasure to report the novel species, Hygrocybe jackmanii, from the sand dunes of the Labrador Straits, near Forteau.8 The purpose of the present article is 1) to report this species to the mycophile community of Newfoundland and Labrador, and 2) to supply additional descriptive details for the interested, beyond what we were able to do within the confines of the formal description.



Cap bluntly acute to campannulate in youth, flattening out with time, but edges remain downturned for a long time. Disc becomes flat, then mildly depressed, and eventually depressed to umbilicate. Texture of

adpressed scales becoming rougher and scalier with age. Colour varies around the red end of orange, becoming brownish in advanced age. Note the Sabuloglossum arenarium on the last photo, above.

Edge even and smooth at first, fringed by small amount of yellow fibrillar hairs. Opaque; only 1-2 mm of edge slightly translucent. Becomes increasingly crenulate. Entire mushroom slightly sticky, with sand

granules adherent most of the time, although no lubricant rubs off.

Gills distant to moderately spaced, up to 3 mm wide; sinuous, visible below expanded pileus, adnate, occasionally fine decurrent tooth; yellow, turning orange with maturity; lamellulae 0–3, mostly 1, occasionally anastomosed to lamellae.

yellow flocculation on apex under cap; no ring; solid to pithy; orange-yellow under cap, lighter yellow toward base, no staining; usually half-buried in sand.

Stem 3–6 × 12–45 mm; even; smooth with sparse

Disc scales brownish and darker, darkening more with age.

Context: yellow; smell nonspecific; taste nonspecific. Sporeprint: white.



Spores 11–15(–17.5) × 4–5 μm, evenly cylindrical, thin-walled, amorphous; inamyloid.

Basidia 51–65 x 7–9 µm, 4-spored, clavate, often narrow at the base, clamped, some with medallion-clamps (insert).

Gill trama subregular, made up of Pileipellis hyphae erect in young fruit Basidioles 51–65 x 7–9 µm, clavate, non-inflated clamped cells, 55–172 x bodies, becoming repent with age; occasionally segmented, sometimes 5–8 µm, some medallion-clamps. end cells 28–96 x 7–10 µm, some with medallion-clamps. with grey-brown content.



Ecology Fruits in shifting sand (red rings), not in established heath, but often at the sand-heath border. Commonest closest plant was crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Slightly less frequent plant neighbours were small moss (Polytrichum sp.) and beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata). Discussion Hygrocybe jackmanii may be limited to the northern Atlantic coast of North America. Superficial resemblance to relatively common red species of Hygrocybe, combined with growth in less populated areas not often surveyed, might explain why it has escaped detection to date. Our macroscopic and ecologic descriptions are based on viewing over 100 specimens, but all in a relatively small area, about 800 x 200 m. No doubt, many of these observations can be refined after wider experience with the species. Hygrocybe jackmanii is one of several species of Hygrocybe with a dark disc (middle of the cap). In stature and habitus it resembles H. miniata. While gray central squamules have been noted on H. miniata on rare occasions,10 dark squamules are a consistent feature of H. jackmanii. Also, the red of H. miniata is

commonly scarlet, whereas H. jackmanii is orange red. H. phaeococcinea has a gray-black rather than brown-gray disc, lacks squamules and is typically more red, and considerably smaller. H. turunda and H. coccineocrenata have decurrent gills and smaller caps; in moss or dense grass their stipe is usually longer than the cap diameter. The similarly coloured H. substrangulata has the same size and proportions, but seldom has a dark disc. All of them are found in poor sandy soil, H. miniata and H. turunda also known to fruit in fixed sand dunes. All prefer to fruit among available vegetation. Only H. jackmanii seems to be truly psammicolous, preferring shifting sand to fruiting among vegetation, although it is often very close to the edge of vegetation or near vascular plants or mosses. The long and cylindrical spores set H. jackmanii apart from other species of Hygrocybe in Newfoundland



Phylogeny of Hygrocybe jackmanii (dark brown panel). It shares a common ancestor with its sister species, H. andersonii (mid-brown panel), also a littoral sand dune species with long spores; both are on the light brown panel. Together these two similar species form a sister group to the species around H. miniata, shown in the red panel. Basal to this group is H. phaeococcinea, a small, red, miniata-like mushroom with a dark disk. This small group is rooted in hygrocybes with decurrent gills, H. cantharellus and H. turunda. The latter also has a distinctly dark disc. As is evident, similarities usually belie genetic closeness, but some characters seem to be recalled from time to time along different paths. Lodge et al.13 refer to an unplaced H. miniata–H. phaeococcinea clade that falls in a clade with H. firma and H. andersonii; our analyses recovered that same clade and placed H. jackmanii in it, together with H. quieta. Other analyses (not shown) that included more species also recovered the H. miniata–H. andersonii clade, but with H. reidii (section Coccineae, subsection Siccae) as the sister group and with H. firma and H. quieta more distantly related.

and Labrador. Its shape, colour, proportions, spore size, and psammicolous habitat resemble the recently described Hygrocybe andersonii.6 The latter species was reported from the mouth of the Mississippi, growing with Ceratiola ericodes. That plant is not known north of southern South Carolina. Most commonly H. jackmanii seems to fruit near Empetrum nigrum, an ericaceous inhabitant of northern sand dunes, but whether formally associated or just sharing similar habitat, we do not know. Elongated, smooth spores are often typical of psammicolous mushrooms; the teleological explanation proffered is that these are better suited to reach deeper between grains of sand, getting closer to


moisture and nutrition. All of these species are sticky at least to a small degree, a slight enhancement of the “waxy look and feel” attributed to the genus. Exposed parts (top of the pileus) tend to be drier and protected parts (base of the stem buried in sand) more so. Even the driest parts have more sand adhere to them than to less sticky species in the same habitat. Hygrocybe jackmanii also differs from most others of the genus in our province with its late fruiting time: in our area Hygrocybe species generally tend to fruit early in the season.

MUSINGS on NAMING ORGANISMS Andrus Voitk Is it “scientific” to name a fungus after a person? If so, must the person be a mycologist? What are the rules? Well, there are no formal guidelines for naming organisms, apart from rules to avoid duplication and confusion. But there certainly are conventions. As with common names, the commonest scientific names are descriptive. Russula (= red) is a genus of red-capped mushrooms. Of course, annoying exceptions crop up immediately: there are green-capped species belonging to Russula, as well as species of many other colours. Exceptions aside, these groupings have the advantage of instant recognition. A descriptive name is useful for groups, but far less helpful for most individual species. For example, “Russula rubra” is an unfelicitous name to describe one species as red among a whole genus of red-capped species (and some green). Still, at least it is equally useless to us all, an example of democratic dysfunctionality. Scientists use many techniques to study organisms. Who can blame them, then, for naming an organism by a finding they have noted? Microscopic examination of our mushroom, for example, reveals that it has long spores. A scientist examining it may be tempted to name it “longispora”. How informative is this? Well, if we consider all genders (longispora, -us, um), and all synonyms (oblongi-, cylindro-, ellipsi-, etc), we can probably find around 500 existing taxa. Thus another longispora would become one in 500—hohum. Would it be accurate? Not particularly. There are many fungi with much longer spores. Even in its own genus, Hygrocybe, ours does not have the longest spores. That honour goes to the very similar H. andersonii.

Thus, as an identifier, longispora is not particularly useful. Naming organisms by their microscopic characteristics has another disadvantage: that name is meaningful to other microscopists, but not the general population. Far more non-microscopists than microscopists take an interest in mushrooms. It would be a shame to shut out the majority, and create an artificial schism between scientist and amateur mycophile. I suspect it would serve us all better, if organisms with whom we share the world were accessible to all. Therefore, why not name organisms in such a way that people feel an ownership and kinship with them? A name of regional appeal makes it easier for people to become familiar with organisms in their environs, and become natural stewards of their welfare. “Longispora” would probably be meaningless to most people, who live where our mushroom fruits. “Psammophila” (sand-lover) may have more meaning, were it not for the Greek derivation. “Labradorensis” (from Labrador) would be much more likely to appeal to the local population, proud to live in the Big Land

(Labrador). Even though latinized, everybody can immediately recognize the Labrador part in the name. “Jackmanii” also has a recognizable root in the scientific name, but has the advantage of dramatic appeal to the imagination. It has the chance of becoming part of local lore, passed on and related to visitors with pride. Jackman’s Hygrocybe may have a community taking an interest in its welfare as a matter of pride. It may do more to curb ATV damage in the sand dunes than any amount of legislation. Idealistic? Maybe, but idealism is not criminal. Constant small efforts at engaging our fellows may produce better results than legislation. Why

Russula means red. These are two russulas.


Spongebob Squarepants, above, and Dolly Parton, below. Icons of our times, immortalized forever through eponymous mushroom names. Images from internet: Dolly’s photo by Allan Light; Spongebob squarepants from free children’s colouring book.


not involve the citizenry? They are the ones funding most research. Let them taste the rewards. Although felt by many to be “unscientific”, there is a long tradition of eponyms (named after people) in the biosciences. Linnæus wrote that it is a duty to immortalize distinguished botanists in this manner. He took his own advice so seriously that he gave the name Linnæa to his favourite plant, taking care to immortalize himself. It is no longer considered good form to give one’s own name, but mutual naming deals with colleagues can be made. From the early beginning, eponyms have come a long way, and now encompass people with no connection to the biosciences, whether mythical, fictional or real. Some names seem to inject levity, making the subject perhaps less threatening and more accessible to the curious. Some serve political ends, and many serve personal or financial ends. Scientists share the eponymous limelight with American presidents, Danish queens, rock stars, cartoon characters, composers, pets, paramours, etc. If you read German, no doubt you would like to study Hertel’s recent 157page monograph describing all eponyms and the persons behind them, as applied to lichens.14 Probably the most sensational eponym in recent times time is Spongiforma squarepantsii, a sponge-like species, so named because of its resemblance to the cartoon character Spongebob

Squarepants.11 The editors of Mycologia thought the name too frivolous, and asked for a name more befitting the serious business of Mycology. The authors insisted on their right, according to the rules, to name the organism as they saw fit. They won the day. The catchy name and the victory of the underdogs over the establishment added the piquance needed for the story to be picked up by all mainstream news agencies. As an occasional tool to capture the world’s curiosity and raise awareness of Mycology, sensationalism is effective. Is it proper science? Before their publication nobody would have argued that Desjardin, Peay, or Bruns, were not proper mycologists. After authoring the most scandalous eponymous species, there is still nobody who would doubt that these authors are proper mycologists. Ergo, coining eponymous names is not the hallmark of scientist or amateur. This year’s entry in the race to out-outrageous Desjardin & co. is Japewiella dollypartoniana.12 Silly? Hold your judgment until you read the authors’ explanation: Japewiella dollypartoniana is named in honor of Dolly Parton, one of the most famous country singers of all time and a native of the southern Appalachians. Ms. Parton rose to stardom from humble beginnings in the mountains of eastern Tennessee on the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains where this species

grows abundantly (Parton 1995). Over her career she has written thousands of songs, starred in influential movies, as well as been nominated for and won numerous awards. Her tireless efforts have led to national and even global attention for one of America’s most scenic and biologically significant regions. Breathes there a man with wit so dull as not to warm to this most considered tribute? The authors’ stock rose precipitously in my book. I do not want you to leave this discussion thinking that eponymous names are used solely to honour their sources. Since there are no rules, names can also be used to tease, ridicule, humiliate, or for more insidious and malicious ends. The same Desjardin of squarepantsii appended a colleague’s name to a small mushroom that looked like a wee droopy phallus. The genus Tuckermannopsis, coined by the Hungarian Vilmos Gyelnik in 1933 raises some delicate questions. Opsis means like, thus, Tuckermannlike. If this name was meant to honour the American lichenologist, Edward Tuckerman (single N), two questions arise. In what way is the lichen like the man? And why spell the name with two N-s, not one, as the man spelled it? If Gyelink saw in abstract terms, it is possible the shaggy, elongated lichen may have reminded him of the portrait of Tuckerman. The number of N-s could merely represent a central European’s unfamiliarity with a North American name. But surely a lichenologist must have been more aware of Tuckerman, especially if he was aware of the portrait? In a discussion about "Tuckermannopsis", Ted Esslinger wrote (pers. comm.): … Tuckermannopsis … looks odd. … Gyelnik did not explicitly dedicate this name to Tuckerman, rather that is our assumption, but for all we know he intentionally misspelled it and used a purposely non-dedicatory suffix in order to insult or

demean the great American lichenologist (it wouldn’t be the first time). How can you “demean” a person by adding or deleting an N? Names coined by us may offer more information about their author than the organism. Much as names of cartoon characters and pop stars reflect the vacuous time and place of their cereators, the additional N in “Tuckermannopsis” may be a troubling vestige of its place and time. Vilmos Gyelnik was the curator of lichens at the Hungarian Natural History Museum 1930–1945, a period when ethnic origin was of import in Central Europe. The German “Mann” (man) has two N-s, whereas men ending with a single N were either foreign or Jewish—an important distinction in Hungary in 1933. At that time the ”accidental” addition or removal of an N, depending on the situation, could be a form of insult, or even more sinister. Did this dark side of our history find its way into mycologic taxonomy? In that case, why change an English name to a German one? Or wasit just a misspelling? According to the Rules of Nomenclature, misspelled names are allowed as an orthographic variant beside the “correctly” spelled versions. Both are viewed as legitimate and may be used interchangeably. No discussion of scientific names should ever omit the genus Lycoperdon. “Lycoperdon”, as everybody knows, means wolf fart. Very scientific and very allowed. The common name in use in Newfoundland and Labrador is harsefart. As you see, when science is good, it is at one with common usage. The concept is the same, only the originator is different. But, the Newfoundland wolf has been eradicated, and the famous Newfoundland pony is not far behind—most are now bred on the mainland. The name is still fitting, but we may have to look for a non-ex-stink-t producer.

Edward Tuckerman (18171886) above an equally shaggy Tuckermanopsis americana, our commonest species in the genus bearing his name. Possibly Gyelnik saw this portrait when he named the genus “Tuckermannopsis”, the -opsis ending meaning Tuckerman-like. Photos: Tuckerman from the Internet, in the public domain. Tuckermanopsis by Michael Burzynski.


A new Pluteus species for NL: Pluteus leucoborealis

Andrus Voitk Up behind Pasadena this morning and came across these mushrooms growing from beneath the bark of a large dead yellow birch. Might be common but I have not seen them before. Joe Brazil

the initial review of the genus Pluteus,1 was able to help. To his eye, the photo looked like that of Pluteus leucoborealis, a new species he described in his 2014 monograph of the genus.2 Checking the monograph showed that the macroscopic and microscopic descriptions fit very well with our mushroom, as well as its growth in the boreal forest and preference for birch. Justo confirmed the identification with microscopic examination.

The upper right photo, next page, came along with this note. I hadn’t seen them before, either, so was very interested. If there was a volva, we could have the first Volvariaella that I have seen in this province, and if Acknowledgments not, then a white Pluteus, hitherto unknown from here, Thanks, of course, to Joe Brazil, for finding it, for leading me there, and for the photos on the left, next page. And thanks to Fredo seemed most likely. Either way, most interesting. The next morning Joe guided me to the site, and loaded with cameras, we set our respective technologies to work. The cap had opened up a bit in the intervening 24 hrs. Lacking photomicrographic capabilities, please satisfy yourself with the few drawings I made while microscoping this specimen. With all of this information, I was still unable to identify this to species, but Fredo Justo, author of


Justo for identifying the species. Finally, thanks to Maria Voitk for title banner photo and habitat photo, next page. References

1. Justo A: A preliminary study of the Pluteus cervinus complex in Newfoundland and Labrador. Omphalina 5(9):4-10. 2014. 2. Justo A, Malysheva E, Bulynokova T, Vellinga EC, Cobain G, Nguyen N, Minnis AM, Hibbett DS: Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of Holarctic species of Pluteus section Pluteus (Agaricales: Pluteaceae), with description of twelve new species. Phytotaxa, 180: 1-85. 2014.

Illustrations: Left upper Freehand sketch of cystidia, spores and basidia. I only found one clamp connection in the hymenium, the one shown on the cystidium. Careful search in the pileopellis revealed a few rare clamps, just enough to say that they were not totally absent. Left lower Habitat with photographers and their retinue. Big stump is the yellow birch where they fruited. Right upper Pluteus leucoborealis, when first seen by Joe. Right lower Cap has expanded in the intervening 24 hrs, exposing the gills. Ring light illuminates them and stem for good view.


Book review Yolanda Wiersma

New York Botanical Garden Press ISSN 0077-8931 2014 U$39.99

COMMON LICHENS of Northeastern North America TROY M cMUL L I N & FR ANC ES ANDERS ON

om the US

ble fr Only availa

have no doubt grappled with Hinds and Hinds The Macrolichens of New England, or Brodo et al.’s Lichens of North America. Both are excellent volumes to assist with species identification, but as their titles suggest, they cover a broad geographic range; and not one that always overlaps with our province. Moreover, they are both large volumes; intended more for keying out specimens at the lab bench than carrying out in the field (Brodo et al.’s 828 page volume weighs in at a whopping 4 kg). Now, for those who want to learn to identify lichens in the field without lugging a massive tome into the woods, there is a guide. Common Lichens of Northeastern North America, by McMullin and Anderson, is designed specifically for the amateur field enthusiast. The book fits comfortably in a backpack and is printed on durable paper, ideal for taking outdoors. The authors have selected a set of 138 lichens which are common in northeastern North American (including Atlantic Canada) and which can be readily identified in the field using nothing more than a hand lens.



Members of Foray Newfoundland and Labrador have as their focus the mushrooms and fungi of our province. However, a subset of members (myself included) are equally (if not more so) interested in those fungi that have mastered the art of agriculture—namely the lichens. Those among you who have examined this group


Rather than complex keys and a reliance on chemical tests to get to species, this guide is organized hierarchically. Colour tabs divide the species by the three main substrates (trees, rocks, soil) and within these sections, coloured boxes and simple graphics identify the main colour of the specimen along with the growth form (fruticose, pendulous, foliose or crustose). The main technical terms to master for further narrowing down the

identification is the ability to distinguish which reproductive structures (soredia, apothecia, etc.) your lichen has: these are clearly defined in the introductory section. Large colour photos along with a black-and-white drawing showing close-ups of distinguishing features make this book an attractive volume to leaf through as well. The book is also an ideal aid to further learning. I appreciated the author’s efforts to hunt down the meaning behind the scientific names; the mnemonics provided will certainly help me remember the nomenclature. Moreover, where there are species with similar appearances,

these are cross referenced in the “notes” section. Together with interesting facts, a comprehensive glossary and a section with useful references and links, this book makes an ideal introduction to the fascinating world of lichens. The only gripe to have with the book is that, as a NY Botanical Gardens publication (despite being co-authored by two Canadians!), it is only available via the United States (e.g., Amazon. com). Thus, the $39.99 US price will be inflated significantly once one factors in exchange rate, shipping and duty. However, given there is no comparable field guide available, the price is, in my opinion, worth it.

rocks and a re soil, then by shape or fy they e foliose; if th grow th form they are lea ar ey stand up y e th . If If th barraenle ch like little tr form. fr uticose; y af yitth a nar ths or dang fromey ee ti and if they w ey o h r g e or ea ar nw ome,aobr eapae sm dots, they ftean danglele frfa h r s s r o ch of c y s lo th are cr co e b o ey e lo c r r on arr e u rfac entose. Thelittle tr us h s g th a a u su , o n il h are subj ro d so loou loe,r.ofTten waith p li ke n, thaey ou ld f ceogr cks anectiveeytosta r oar inndidviudu ped by colo rinocl th t shti ny sm psug rouped by co e eused ge ud e s,a w if ythvari ee;an gr.roTuho aral enegra r r iorsns, h s y a lo co e is o o lo y li c iv at liz th e io d ed d th r nd if ns. W ithhin en,co acfocord inogseto rththeat ou ; ath era li zecoloragr T fups n . lo e e e r g r s gr sh ic ou d t to ou e e ps e s s r e ld di , s,ertheear fr u ive fe are cr ustinctid fu ls, we u ofr g roupth g Tetheniyca iv ua at ures ea specsiepecies. rther dinviosio scapin l rminsdar ots, ch LiChen in colo ch e exW ’s e ns, ied hne h s. veteto e the dneed to c it r pl ti a e ai c : e h f je d T o b s. tr in . s n th y su lear n aafe e e o r e v r e ti G a a r u s lo a h ia t s ss r a e Commo termcstth to keep thes iveatfedescrid in the Garloy. There n nam any v w is ’sres. Wcapi h lichen e : Red-fr ebe lichen fecat cludee to a d tin n featu no es uited pi xie name o x plain for eacng u lar that reininford ing tomthine imums, aan e li heures. W te edeha cup ib rigins r r la e c p ve s ha e rc m ve : Clado de m o d es si r tr ieartic th cc nia (G.) = w l tee term rms that gned asig d aatte tenmepl likely referr feat ure,a th Tech ne icsaam ave a pd r ibed e fo ith branches hen da hlicavhe e de e template r n a fews.teW ing to the pl esrn’teahch licvhe o or d st n n e ndesc n al a do e a ks w acement of Found es ; pleurota (G chn’ the Greek need to le ill tellinyo : On so werthicaul uum, W he the apothe .) = side, en a li t ohassve lea, pa il or th in so e .) and Laetito a m im sor.m ar th(G cia on the cu s. Wreh possib p e ib il over rock n e C o Lo r r le (L s , e e .) te w h or s. p : Yellow T th e ig in have his is nokteeap s deescribedrtheast and -g reen so.ieW thyeosp s’ nam u ec to compr the sam s of ie c s o e s’ e ll eh shape/ p na c N s r en te m e Canad ian sive guil l es. (G.)s =in th be size: G info rem of the ty LiChen M oblet-shape at iti s, may plate w nide .)tooraligl in thar : licshe mre chen es, ewtehe aacllthlilo ns; din d cups atop isidia: specie more. A fter (L e Noruth None liLcer a short stal e to ahtieen ar Commo mdth ndearestd and lected field=grauslta idlk tunsreul, titheaf fo e a a .) se co h ve fe n (G l n k a e a (p n n .) odetium) to a mid hund sored e :eBr n : sh erlng(Gw evderspecie ts we se halensiv cpaon i a : Gra in , gi ruelo fiableso ≤ 3 cm ta ll :ie are sre o cc u r L i C hentiiti ld Ggreek .) =ith name em nu lar; cove m fi rm eFrs mco ore lic thno erelogi logs,is maybe origin st a lso ri ng the cu n n a th mon (Gec sm st o do noietsathc atleoc : C cheenseole ere he the stal k w m la in is rheisosp as,fcu N ls liw wrhin es. Mo th p inside an te ew ni a o S a n fo im C : ct = (G T e un here it beco T ed it s io .) .) . r sm dl g n = field- ngland o d out, stoppi th e al l-crested, o r i g i and, Q wue ith arOitchim mes corticat br u´b apoth M(G theosMa w ithe rMar iticumres E ng part way ,an ca mreefufelrrob nmec g al e C i a : Br ntes pnhadyllia orinan inse ar e (smooth) st tohw g drv io n a re it,ath aloso toigerth a ha n found cte in. M ks f Nocew u lt dow n o ight red, us s r ; d ly e t cr C n n g m ap cu n a r is e uc : o s to ta ot o r O o c c p h ey th he th n lk r u g o of lla ro s e base ra be ua lly on sh rhizin eAou ttns eld N infig. nW ftci cie .)mgl dEn le usin =an logegs mew n(L e s : Non pebl k asta . sh id , stso ort prolifera k ,oinat e al reth field C o Lo r d.s;eTo ontisfia ocps e ceth rch men m e in the either at r is 0.5–n2tamr io k sulerfa num : Gray-gr os m tions on th e toitthehi cosht ba distin d: O oe´w lese b g in of so bde),c, Othnetafieel nrldoticus cofee lig oeslluan e cup margi u in hnti fieabgh ns trdtm fiain a re hQ CtiVe F ee idn on shad w th h er on d o ed g e ic e ly to , e (n o p n e at u r to h ra a lic on th id a y ns id ti ha re d iz ye he n e w a r so lind la nd t collec eye-catchi ng o r : Gr , so th llowoco beilhich ar) arliechsehns e s : Br ig souen w -gffo re osnhohuonsld ht-red apot granular so lle liche in suanill L or ctor ap lley(cybe ecia othe mNpatesw bou C ons la lu ci olor oiame either uattioriusk shape/ hecia on ye s aor apoth redia otihe a)rw : Cis t sdd, in ta y, vusesruwth blillus size: G ut ze hhyio goishcre e dar iz llow-g reen (pig nota ca n ote s m s ca aboudu oag roup ing to bllsgerth e pe/s r e b h th r in to aof t s l l : Of th co fe w o h cu il to lle e fu o sm W s h ei p r r e uid ct w e enco r cdr alaur r ic in. g these ha sebitats. ectors n margi ns; room, g e severa l go o l tg a e o cy r br u y h h lin u an o c ll c r o ag ch li e lo e o ed e c t ts anleyo alW s ls (pod sh blet-shaped onace co listkew alaith C. chloroph ks veicreti ortitw star a≤t coll n ber e habita ns to u es; ew Ey-n , a ll mu th) st an n, the w et species of e ng ir e ia o m h isidia: e o in it w aea (p. 114) r po s s c te o h le B th in , li re r 4 = : e t. w b cm g None in alic ar h hins m e Cl adoniaes (G.) g in ghto a ll, Lichens ofidNeor he d rAm anecnhs of N mbrananchi , of te terest in the blirch apothecia. reth e nis: most si mo n n a c in the Nor and othersm redd is = ea ila in ap:pe LiCh er icaiseanddam r gu sored cro Of thos ons refe a hnc aeomy h anusinenou s oMfeaas anesd (scee st, e add s (L.) th i a : Non e w ith red C o m m r i g Moac ther w n s Barance, bu nerowlicithens anpd id e tails li ke re ; r ut fu Fu , d a mp ae ti or roR young, but aofetrth y de d ia rt l provid y t r i ic ap s n x e c he il ot a n e o it e d e he v a ha N e w e m on h th n ew ci ea g h ) s a a, C. deefoarm o a greaNteornnu dirang, p. 16at orNcoor th A brow n lly in s 7d it has fine, poth e En e lic p am 6 d gl u 1 n an . o tu C s c p i a , n th : 7) is : Br powdery so ape of mber ofW e is quite sim ua Cladonia co eaight a llh,enfls of w ill prrov idia licehe eidading tio who want toths ila soil; us shdia and thiae l;t.rsm Lic ccifera and fo e re ungain ly cl rnest.rei sd, atop th thNone ose wehoFuwr the R e adr di ntipnsofuin osena l utg row c cups arseiom leget lly on r when C. borealisth e p a d i a : e stal ksa ll(p th um n e y th n an r o od ps e fo t ti p o o (s to s y them also ha ore irregu la s ia); of te e a red ck, occa ite ered w ith la Usaustar rhizin nces chestnud d, f lier r. Cia: e s : Non ll, whin o rger, plate- of th ve: O rap n er refere n spuill the cia, begr oov e attene min rowth inh sma like gr n d n othe oto) apo phvdifficu lt to ater but theyear distin g) to fl ine co darkabnd o ater n covered w it es nthnateaha in e t rw hey r to C w g t see w ithou F o uanulft t a i V (w a r h e ve s d g f e at u r n apothecia a corrteen; th east. T t a mricero o e e s : Redli r (see onde etails o s : Solid sta lk is n ote s North friui e d nunlabe : N a as,scope.ha llus g ray-g exto n ope aca s th tin : Cl adon c r a e s g g h e bodiesaat a ia cr istatella r h i z n T op erst.greenapo aulon in hout a m icro e tnu or: ed li ke crack s is w idesCpr The outsid i V e f ea r CoL Stereoc it some y sh p detiaecca ohfth s w a few ll e s tc t s; a g i n t ead anduco h r ie e e u d t a it su s p e e s p rf a i ey w a e ace of thedpo sh on. zen sp Solid lad ia) mm to teell g powdery. O the de lly at th ocay r ying u ltcu ize: are cno yllm er a do Therre be re m (phtia ther soil lic ovpy pe/s ave va especia rhang in d ia on e d iffi sha , bu hens w ith : There abu tais ndneave epha lo ranu les. wpsth. s h ith ove mu les, c is o a h w r k u (C s c q in . r tg flo re s s o u lk d r erkeana) or apotilheaci r ia d eo ote ti ny e r ed g powderyn on pa le sta so n a may obacte bee wh itp. 131) or ha one or scatt li ke foam. n ti ny, d c yan soiL L roewstoalnk surfaac sts. Th gray gth ia: N ve cups (C. iChen l te ments ua lly o se); an ea s la e isid siona l ic r (C u fi a to s a . pl c , m m n s, eu e c ac e n s e e m ro ile h u O ta, ap.nd13c2), : g th a, a ll ay be necessar g rap h brow edia so oszez yex(tom nt over in y. n ish th sor rs li ke Redd is amcinluatste areclfu ecies c a g ree p s s io n Cia: ecia n lk o e e in th ts n o ta h e r ts s o ap t re cc u y ber apo re than w n be k may o li ke ti n ve mo ed, bro sta lk s are pin ed g e s w il l ha s ll, sta lk t they ne e a u o it b m s N , h S : e it ia : s Commo c s rw Som ine n LiCh ure izable apothe rhiz y o cc u ens of F e at recog n iVe north sta lked fus ma onaeaster inCt n fairly 134) a lso has een, n yces r u riCa r e m n nor g h dist o c r e li e a ame 2 th am . h th .B intro th is eriCa rth duCti w ith o ti ng uis myces (p sively on soil ma k e is d o 13 n no on e e d 3 r s a b e fu to t on eas ibaeis exclu quired rth ht be c es: D a lmost a re re f no n ot , it m ig ns o o cc u r s a l tests at case ic Che i th m L e and it h In c . mon othecia tose lichens; Com n Ctio out ap s odu te, cr u ia ntr c e th 2 i po them.



m phyllu

actylo Cladonia eocaulon d stercristatella




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The Bishop’s Sketchbook


the mail bag or why the passenger pigeons assigned to serve the lavish Corporate and Editorial offices of

OMPHALINA get hernias

ERRATA: We apologize to Rick van de Poll and Susan Goldhor for misspelling their names in the story from Mt Washington [Omphalina 6(6):9-13]. At least Susan’s was correct two times out of three, but poor Rick only had one appearance—during which we had a regrettable lapse. Andrus & Maria Voitk I liked your Mt Washington story. Too bad that the weather was not more cooperative. When it is beautiful, it is really beautiful. This picture of Mt. W. dressed up for autumn gives you an idea of what it can be like at its best. I guess now would be too cold to find the little mushroom you were after. It is shocking, what happened about your permit to collect, after the assurances you had. I am embarrassed that this should have happened to you as a visitor to our country and state. I hope it can be straightened out shortly, so that you can get the specimens you collected curated, as you wish. If your provisional identifications prove correct, these are some species we did not know we had here. If you think there is something we could do here to help, please let me know. All the best! Susan Goldhor

Thank you, Susan. Incredible shot. And thank you for your offer to help with the permit. I have spoken to some officials, and everybody seems interested in resolving this issue. The problem is that clearly the government does not have a procedure for retroactive application, but with good will it will all work out, I’m sure. Ed.

Thanks for the latest Omphalina. I was delighted to see the picture with you, Susan Goldhor, Aron Bernstein and Larry Millman, A couple of years ago I stayed with Susan and Aron for two days at their home in Cambridge. These are really nice people. Larry came over one night for dinner. Say Hi to them. Dave Malloch Ed.: OK, Dave. Hi, Susan, Aron, Larry!

Permit follow-up. Of the five specimens we collected, four were on state-administered land and one on federally administered land. We have since received the retroactive permit for the state-regulated specimens, and at least one is already having its DNA analyzed. The feds tell us that a permit for the other is only a whisk away.


ERRATUM: Amanita bisporigera—NOT

In a previous issue [Omphalina 6(6):14-15] we said the photos on the left were of Amanita bisporigera. Two Amanita experts immediately recognized that they were a different (and undescribed) species. There is no evidence that A. bisporigera grows in Newfoundland and Labrador. Here is Yves Lamoureux: Maybe I missed it in the text because I missed my morning coffee, but are the specimens of Amanita bisporigera in the title banner describing amatoxin poisoning from NL? That title banner shows A. bisporigera, but the illustrations on the next page show a different species. Here in QC, we have two species in the Virosa group: the lean A. bisporigera, 2-spored, fruiting June to mid-Sept. with

oak, beech, hickory, linden; and the bigger A. “gigavirosa” Y. Lamoureux, ined., 4-spored, fruiting from August to October, in mixed coniferous woods with birch, apparently a strict birch associate. The mushrooms illustrated seem to be this latter species. Earlier Rod Tulloss considered it to be a variation of A. bisporigera, and I don’t know whether he has changed his mind since.

We asked Rod. Veterans of our forays will remember Rod as a member of our faculty 2003-2005. He has built up an Amanita collection of global scope, including a good representation from our province. His collection is the focus of much research activity, and he has been very diligent in notifying us of new findings related to any of our specimens. Rod answered that sequencing has shown our white Amanita to be a new species, which he calls Amanita “amerivirosa” on his website <>. It is phylogenetically distinct from A. bisporigera and the European A. virosa.

Ed comment Naming things around

Photos: Andrus Voitk

plans to follow with formal descripus is inherent to mankind as an effort tion, many of us, fuelled by our reto know them. Local common names spect for these experts, may assume served this purpose well, but scientists that the names are legitimate, and soon discovered that because these keen to be up to date, we rush to use differed from region to region, it was them. In this electronic age, it will not difficult to be sure one spoke about the take too long, before foray lists, club same thing. In an effort to avoid connewsletters, blogs, and even new texts fusion, scientists devised a formal sys- will be filled with invalid names. tem that uses the same scientific name Further investigation may cause such for an organism all over the world. names to change or others may deFormal description and naming of scribe the entities with other names, new taxa is the last step of discovery. but the invalid names will remain It requires discipline to devote some floating, adding to the noise and conproductive time to the required “paper fusion. As we see above, investigators work”, but bypassing this step may may work in relative isolation, creatadd unwanted confusion. ing several different personal pet/


Investigators often use code names— either alphanumeric (AmaSp-072c) or descriptive (sturdy white Amanita)— to designate entities until they gather sufficient information to be able to describe them formally. Some prefer to use “scientific-looking” or “Latinsounding” code names. A potential difficulty arises because such personal code names resemble legitimate scientific binomials. If after such naming the investigators make no seeming

code names for the same organism.

Without a valid scientific name, mycophiles around one expert will use “his” invalid name as a legitimate scientific name and those around another, that person’s, thus bringing us back to the local common name situation.

If the system we have in place for describing, naming and classifying organisms no longer serves our needs, by all means, let us scrap it and build a better one. Until then…


People of Newfoundland and Labrador: Department of Environment and Conservation Parks and Natural Areas Division Wildlife Division Forestry and Agrifoods Agency Center for Forest Science and Innovation People of Canada, through Parks Canada Terra Nova National Park Gros Morne National Park The Gros Morne Co-operating Association Memorial University of Newfoundland

St. John’s Campus Grenfell Campus

Tuckamore Lodge Quidi Vidi Brewing Company


2016 2016 2016e ad 2016 2016 c 2016 2016 de 2016 d 2016n 2016 o 2016 ec 2016 2016 s e 2016 2016 h 2016 2016 2016 T

Goose Bay, LABRADOR Come, visit the Big Land! September 9-11, 2016

GUEST FACULTY RenĂŠe Lebeuf Jean Lodge Michele Piercey-Normore Roger Smith Greg Thorn

Get to know our MUSHROOMS & LICHENS!

See our website April/May, 2016, for Registration Forms & Information: <>


Photo: Muskrat Falls, Labrador, Mavis Penney

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