Templeton Life MARCH 2014
The story of Twin Cities Hospital Hospital continues to grow with North County
By Connie Pillsbury For Templeton Life
In late 1972, National Medical Enterprises (now Tenet Healthcare) started developing the initial concept for a new hospital in Templeton that would replace two aging hospitals in North County, Atascadero General Hospital and Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital, thus the name “Twin Cities.” It took three and a half years to do the preliminaries of choosing a builder and deciding how many beds, as well as making sure a new water and sewer system would be brought to the west side of the freeway from Templeton. The community services district, formed in 1976, worked quickly to complete the lines in time for the opening of the 48,235-square-foot hospital on 16 acres. On Feb. 7, 1977, five months ahead of schedule at a cost of $5 million, the new one-story hospital was well-received by the community and ready to accept patients from the two older hospitals, which both closed the day Twin Cities opened. The first patient came from Atascadero General with others following from Paso Robles, arriving in medical transport vehicles and ambulances. Several of the physicians from the two hospitals made up the first staff of 20 doctors at Twin Cities. Judy Davis, medical records technician, was there on opening day. She recalls, “There was one delivery room with two maternity rooms, nine beds in ER, and around 20 physicians. We all knew each other by first name, our phone extensions were just three digits and we were paged by first name from overhead speakers.” Also there on that day was Judy’s twin, Jody Ghione, working in imagining services. She Twin Cities as it looked in 1982 with the ER on the east side and medical offices to the right. Please turn to Page 3 - TWIN CITIES
Templeton takes a Euro trip
The magic of turning garbage into something useful
High school students visit France and Spain
By Paula McCambridge For Templeton Life
Allyson Oken
For Templeton Life
Paula McCambridge/Templeton Life The Templeton site, North County Recycling, takes in green waste and a large range of recyclables.
Please turn to Page 3 - EURO TRIP
gonna be trouble.” Goodrow laughed with Baker and said, “She deals with drivers and construction workers all day long. And I’ll tell you, if she’s not here this place seizes up. She’s an important part of this operation.” Added Baker, “The boys are good to me, and I love talking to them, but when their time’s up I tell them, ‘Get going!’” Taking care of staff and taking care of customers, that, Goodrow said, is his motto. His cousin, Greg Oganesian, said he believes in Goodrow’s business model of customer service, not because they’re cousins but because it’s genuine. “I’ve worked for every trash company, including myself,” Oganesian said. “This is the only place that — if a customer is missed, we go right back out immediately — not the next day, not in an hour — immediately.”
TEMPLETON — The majestic reflecting pools of Alhambra with its intricate carvings and moldings from floor to cathedral ceilings, the Notre Dame Cathedral the quintessential representation of gothic architecture in the world. Just a few of the amazing fixtures in Europe that the youth of the North County will experience as they wing their way to Spain and France. This trip is an annual occurrence thanks to Templeton High School Para Educator, Jaci Wood who has been taking students over seas for the last decade through EducationalTravel.com. According to Wood, this is a great opportunity for kids in rural areas to travel in a safe environment with their friends. “I have been doing this for about 10 years,” said Wood. “It is a great way
Monthly publication dedicated to covering Everything Templeton, CA
TEMPLETON — Brad Goodrow is something of a garbage magician — he takes trash and turns it into something new, drastically reducing what winds up in the landfill. “It comes in one thing and leaves another thing,” Goodrow said, excitement rising in his voice. Goodrow owns Midstate Solid Waste and Recycling and is a man who has great enthusiasm about garbage and all its potential in being reused rather than wasted. His Templeton site, North County Recycling, takes in green waste and a large range of recyclables, including construction drywall. The drywall is ground and used with a compost mixture on agricultural properties. “We process it ourselves then sell it back to anyone who wants gypsum mixed with our compost. We have a composter in Creston,” Goodrow said. “We sell it back to vineyards. We do everything — cradle to grave.” Compost is the key to Goodrow’s success. It takes five to six months for garbage to reach the compost stage, and it’s worth the wait for wineries and others that need high-quality compost. “I just sold 1,000 tons of 50/50 mix to Robert Hall,” Goodrow said. “We have such a demand for our compost that we could use more green waste that goes into it.” Goodrow said his recycling is processed on site with the compost being completed at his Creston plant. Get him talking about how much he’s able to increase recycling and reduce actual waste, and you’ll see a man who loves his job, the people who work for him, and his community. He says his company diverts 86 percent of construction waste, leaving only 14 percent going to the landfill. “We hire 54-55 people; the money we make here and stays here,” Goodrow said. His staff can be found processing 24,000 tons of recycling — co-mingled cardboard, bottles, green waste; running heavy equipment — their’s is the only electric grinder in the county, Goodrow said; or managing his weigh station and office. Weigh Master Nicole Baker runs the weigh station and holds her own in the male-dominated field. She is quick to smile and pointed to a sign in her weigh house to show how keeps her humor about her. The sign says, “If it has tires or testicles, it’s