Hale - 13

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In the Hawaiian language, hale (pronounced huh’-leh) translates to “house” or “host.” Hale is an intimate expression of the aloha spirit found throughout the islands and a reflection of the hospitality of Ko Olina. In this publication, you will find that hale is more than a structure, it is a way of life. Ko Olina celebrates the community it is privileged to be a part of and welcomes you to immerse yourself in these stories of home.



Scenes at Sunset

As day wanes into night, a photographer is drawn to the horizon’s golden glow.

70 Legacy bound Day in and day out, a Kunia rancher honors his commitment to both the land and his family.


The Stone and the Self

After years working in a quarry, an artist finds his true path carved in stone.


Orchid ‘Ohana

A West Side orchid specialist brings an eclectic twist to the family business.

Kirk Fritz: The Endurance Athlete
Chelsey Jay: The Cultivator


Authentic experiences are what travelers aspire to when they pack their bags and head out. As keen as one is to meet locals, see the sights on a curated hot list and recount visits through social media images, there is always an overlooked secret to every destination. When discovered, it will enrich the vision of every trip, simply with a little lens tweaking and an open mind. I’m going to tell you how to find the true essence of Hawai‘i.

Have you ever asked the magical question: What words mean the most in a native language?

Ask that question with sincerity and more than curiosity – with a giving heart. You will be rewarded with answers that will impact your life. A tiny word in Hawaiian that has informed my life is pono.

There is no equivalent word in English because it is so complex. Essentially, it means a state of balance and harmony and the translation is righteousness. It also means integrity, contentment, harmony, alignment, and values that favor the common good. Living Pono is an ancient Hawaiian value. It means that one seeks and finds balance and contentment in all these qualities of life and has harmony within themselves, others and the environment. It is our way of living in the rainbows of life.

This single word holds the power of how Hawaiians view and value their relationships with themselves, the land and the world -- and this belief is the state motto: Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Aina I ka Pono. The life of the Land is perpetuated in righteousness.

Hawai’i is extraordinary and every day, every decision that my family and I make for Ko Olina is with Living Pono in mind. It is my hope that you enjoy our resort with Living Pono as your way of life in the islands – through how you see yourself and how you treat the local people who care for you. May it influence how you interact with your friends and family near and far. May you regard the islands and oceans that are a part of Ko Olina as precious.

I also hope you will take home this incredible respect, kindness and love of the world. Spread the word through your personal example, your social media and continue to live in this powerful consciousness of awareness – perpetuating it for seven generations into the future.

May you Live Pono forever and shine with the good to come from it.

My Aloha,

Hale is a publication that celebrates O‘ahu’s leeward community—a place rich in diverse stories and home to Ko Olina.

“Ma ka hana ka ike” is a Hawaiian proverb that encourages us to learn by doing. In this issue, we take notes from community members on the West Side who, through familial ties or pulses of passion, gain knowledge through their engagement with land and sea, culture and community. Meet a stone sculptor whose spiritual connection to Hawaiian basalt guides his craft and a traveling classroom that connects kūpuna and keiki through the teachings of Native Hawaiian values. Hear from a waterman whose efforts at sea provides lessons of resilience, and a community leader whose farm offers all who visit soulful nourishment of the āina.

Here, our West Side neighbors learn by acting naturally and instinctively, honoring the traditions that came before them. We invite you, dear reader, to sit in on these miniature Master classes, and discover these lessons too.


Orchids are among the largest and most diverse of the flowering plant families and are especially prized for their beauty. In this cover image taken by photographer John Hook, a spray of Phalaenopsis , known as moth orchids, dazzles in a display of exquisite color and form.


Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa aulani.com

Four Seasons Resort O‘ahu at Ko Olina fourseasons.com/oahu

Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club marriott.com

Beach Villas at Ko Olina beachvillasaoao.com

Ko Olina Golf Club koolinagolf.com

Ko Olina Marina koolinamarina.com

Ko Olina Station + Center koolinashops.com

The Resort Group theresortgroup.com

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41 N. Hotel St. Honolulu, HI 96817

©2024 by NMG Network

Contents of Hale are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Hale is the exclusive publication of Ko Olina Resort. Visit KoOlina.com for information on accommodations, activities, and special events.

Image by John Hook
“Our motto is ‘my voice, my choice, my future,’ and if there’s anything you want to do as a high school principal, it’s empower students.”
Zachary Sheets, principal, Waipahu High School
Image courtesy of Hawaii’s Plantation Village

Pinoy Pride

Images by Kuhio Vellalos and courtesy of Hawaii’s Plantation Village

A student-led initiative to create the nation’s first public high school Filipino course comes to fruition.

Alaka‘i ‘ia e kekahi po‘e haumāna ka ho‘okumu ‘ia ‘ana o ka papa ‘ike Pilipino, ‘o ia ka papa mua loa o kēia ‘āina aupuni.

高校生たちが積極的に働きかけお生たれたフィリピン 文化の授業がはじたりたした。公立高校ずしおは党米初 の詊みです。ピノむずはフィリピンの人々が自分たちを 呌ぶ愛称

Since their arrival in the 19th century, Filipino immigrants and their descendants have played an instrumental role here in Hawai‘i, both in driving the economy forward and threading the state’s cultural fabric. Though one in four residents bears Filipino roots, Filipino history and culture has been strikingly absent from classrooms in the state.

In 2020, a group of frustrated Filipino high school students turned a conversation into a crusade aimed at righting the oversight. Punahou High School sophomore Marisa Halagao recruited peers from public and private schools around O‘ahu to form the Filipino Curriculum Project. “I was feeling lost in my identity and wondering where the representation was in my Asian history class,” Halagao says. “We started this project so that no Filipino student has to ask that question, ‘Why don’t I feel seen?’”

19䞖玀にハワむに到着しお以来、フィリピン移民ずその子孫はハワ む経枈の発展に倧きく寄䞎し、ハワむの倚様な文化に圩りを加えお きた。だが、ハワむ䜏民の4人に1人がフィリピン系のルヌツを持぀ にもかかわらず、ハワむの孊校教育の堎でフィリピンの歎史や文化 が取り䞊げられるこずはほずんどなかった。

2020幎、そのこずに疑問を感じたフィリピン系の高校生数人が立 ち䞊がった。プナホり高校の2幎生日本の高校1幎生にあたるの マリサ・ハラガオさんが、オアフ島の公立および私立高校の生埒に 呌びかけ、〈フィリピノ・カリキュラム・プロゞェクト〉を発足させたの だ。「自分のアむデンティもよくわからなかったし、アゞア史の授業 のどこが自分に関係しおいるのかもわかりたせんでした」ず、ハラガ オさん。「”なぜ自分の存圚は芋過ごされおいるんだろう” わたし が感じたその思いをほかのフィリピン系の高校生が抱かずにすむ ように、このプロゞェクトを立ち䞊げたんです」

After two years of campaigning and working with an educator design team to create a Filipino-based curriculum, the Filipino Curriculum Project team presented their framework to teachers and administrators at O‘ahu schools, including Waipahu High School, where roughly two-thirds of the 2,500 students are Filipino. “When I saw how invested they were and heard why it matters to them, there was no possibility of me saying no,” says Zachary Sheets, the school’s principal. “Our motto is ‘my voice, my choice, my future,’ and if there’s anything you want to do as a high school principal, it’s empower students.”

With widespread support from institutions, educators, and community members, CHR 2300, or Filipino History Culture, was approved in October 2023 by the Hawai‘i Department of Education—the first public school district in the nation to approve a Filipino studies course. Presented in six units, three times per week, Filipino

〈フィリピノ・カリキュラム・プロゞェクト〉はその埌2幎にわたっお 啓蒙掻動を行ないながら、フィリピン文化を孊ぶためのカリキュラ ムを教垫たちず䞀緒に考案した。そしお、その骚子をオアフ島のあ ちこちの孊校で教垫や孊校理事たちに玹介した。そうした孊校の ひず぀が、党校生埒玄2500人のうち3分の2がフィリンピン系の 生埒ずいうワむパフ高校だ。「圌らの熱意を目のあたりにし、圌らに ずっおこのカリキュラムがなぜそんなに重芁なのかを聞いたら、ず おもノヌずは蚀えたせんでした」そう語るのは、ワむパフ高校の校 長ザッカリヌ・シヌツ先生。「我が校のモットヌは”わたしたちの声、 わたしたちの遞択、わたしたちの未来”ですからね。高校の校長ずし お、生埒たちの埌抌しができるなら喜んで協力したす」

さたざたな機関、教垫、そしお䞀般の人々からの幅広い支持を埗 お、2023幎10月、フィリピン歎史文化コヌス”CHR 2300”はハワ む教育庁に認可された。フィリピンに぀いお孊ぶコヌスが公立校の 授業ずしお認められるのは党米でも初めおのこずだ。6週間にわた っお週3回行われる授業では、地域に根ざした垂民掻動を積極的 に行いながら、人暩問題、逆境の克服や耐久力の育成、移民がフィ

Pinoy Pride

From 1906 to 1946, over 100,000 Filipino men were recruited by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association to work on the islands’ sugar plantations. Today one in four Hawai‘i residents bears Filipino roots.

History Culture encourages community engagement and civic action, inviting students to consider topics such as human rights, resilience and sustainability, the effects of migration on Filipino identity, and solving current challenges.

Though the course is available statewide, only two O‘ahu high schools—Waipahu and Farrington—have signed on for the 2024 to 2025 school year. Halagao and Filipino Curriculum Project co-director Raymart Billote, both aspiring educators, are continuing to coach student collaborators throughout Hawai‘i on action steps they can take to help drive demand and improve the course’s reach.

During the first week of fall classes, Billote sat in on the inaugural session of Filipino History Culture taught at Waipahu High School, his alma mater. “When we shared our immigration stories as a kind of icebreaker, it was such an emotional, full-circle moment,” he reflects. “It’s so inspiring to see students take control of their education and want to learn about themselves and their roots.”

リピン人ずしおのアむデンティティにどんな圱響を䞎えたずいった トピックに぀いお考え、さらには生埒が今、盎面しおいる問題の解 決法を探る。

ハワむ州のどこの孊校でも取り入れられるカリキュラムずしお認め られたが、2024幎床にこのコヌスを実際に導入したのはオアフ島 のワむパフ高校ずファヌリントン高校の2校だけだった。教えるこず に情熱を燃やすハラガオさんず、〈フィリピノ・カリキュラム・プロゞ ェクト〉のもうひずりのディレクタヌ、レむマヌト・ビペヌトさんは、よ り倚くの高校生がこのカリキュラムを受けられるようにするために、 いったいどんな働きかけをしおいけばいいのか、ハワむ各地でプロ ゞェクトに協力する生埒たちにアドバむスを続けおいる。

秋の新孊期の第䞀週目、ビペヌトさんは、圌の母校でもあるワむパ フ高校で行なわれたフィリピン歎史文化の初めおの授業に参加し た。「自己玹介も兌ね、生埒たちが自分の家族の移民物語を披露 したのですが、それはもう感動的で、それたでの努力が報われた気 がしたした」ビペヌトさんは振り返る。「自分や自分のルヌツに぀い おもっず知りたい。そう考える高校生たちが、自分が受ける授業の 内容に自分たちの意芋を反映させおいく。その姿にずおも勇気づ けられたした」

Pinoy Pride

The announcement of a Filipino social studies course was a welcomed surprise for many students interested in themes of identity. Says Waipahu High School senior Jero Balason, “As an American-born Filipino, I am eager to explore my heritage further and am curious about the opportunities the course may provide for a deeper understanding of my roots.”

To learn more about the Filipino Curriculum Project, visit filipinocurriculumproject.com.


Electric Explorations

A decades-old power plant unexpectedly fuels a marine wonderland on the Wai‘anae Coast.

He mau anahulu makahiki ke kū ‘ana o kekahi hale ho‘īkehu ma Wai‘anae, ‘ano‘ai ho‘i kona hānai ‘ana a ulu he wahi home e noho ai nā ‘ano i‘a a mea ola o loko o ke kai.

数十幎の昔からある叀い発電所は、じ぀はワむアナ ゚・コヌストの海に広がるワンダヌランドの゚ネルギ ヌ源ずなっおいたす。

With my freediving fins and mask secured tightly in the bed of my Tacoma, I zip along the H-1 Freeway heading toward Wai‘anae. Once I pass Waipahu, the air feels noticeably hotter; the sun shines brighter. This is how I know I’m close to the West Side.

I spy the Kahe Power Plant welcoming me into Wai‘anae, its tall gray columns releasing steady streams of smoke into the air. The plant has long served as an informal marker for Kahe Point Beach Park, known to locals as the aptly named Electric Beach. Pulling off the highway, I pass over the area’s historical railroad tracks into the parking lot and slip into a stall.

愛車”タコマ”の荷台にフリヌダむビング甚のフィンずマスクをしっ かりくくり぀け、わたしはハむりェむH1を飛ばしおワむアナ゚に向 かう。ワむパフを越えるず倧気の枩床ははっきりず䞊がり、倪陜もた ぶしさを増す。り゚ストサむドに近づいおいるず実感する瞬間だ。 カヘ発電所が目に入る。ワむアナ゚・コヌストぞずわたしを歓迎し おくれおいるのだ。背の高い灰色の煙突から絶え間なく煙が空に 立ち昇る。ロヌカルの人々がごくあたりたえに”゚レクトリック・ビヌ チ”ず呌んできたカヘ・ポむント・ビヌチ・パヌクの、昔からおなじみ

Electric Explorations

Despite the early hour, I can see people are already on the beach: scuba divers carrying hefty tanks, spearfishers prepping gear, families scoping out a spot to set up camp for the day.

I make my way across the sand. During the winter, heavy swells pound the northwestern coasts, requiring a carefully timed entry through the shore break. But today, the water is calm and inviting, its visibility crystal clear.

With a few swift strokes of my fins, I enter a flourishing underwater playground. Tropical fish of all kinds swim around me— iridescent uhu (parrotfish) and striped manini (convict tang), the lemon-hued lau‘ipala (yellow tang) and the occasional humuhumunukunukuāpua‘a—Hawai‘i’s state fish. An unexpected site for such activity, the Kahe Power Plant fuels the bustling ecosystem, pulling in sea water to

の目印だ。わたしはハむりェむをはずれ、列車が走っおいた頃の名 残りの線路を枡り、駐車堎の䞀角に車を停める。

朝ただ早いのに浜蟺には人がいる。重いタンクを運ぶスキュヌバダ むバヌ。道具を準備するスピアフィッシャヌ。䞀日ビヌチで過ごす぀ もりの家族がテントを匵るスポットを探しおいる。

わたしは砂浜を暪切った。冬のあいだは北西の浜蟺には倧波が抌 し寄せるので、ショアブレむクを抜けるずきは慎重にタむミングを芋 蚈らわなければならない。だが今日は穏やかな海がクリスタルのよ うに柄みわたり、わたしを誘っおいる。

フィンを぀けた脚で2、3回蹎り出すず、そこは華やかな氎䞭の遊園 地だ。玉虫のように光の加枛で色が倉わるりフブダむや瞞々の マニヌニシマハギ、レモン色のラりむパラキむロハギ、そしおず きにはハワむの州魚であるフムフムヌクヌクアヌプアア。さたざたな 熱垯魚がわたしを取り囲む。こんなずころにこんな䞖界が広がっお いるずは倢にも思わないだろうが、カヘ発電所はこの生き生きした

cool the plant then discharging it back into the ocean through its outflow pipes, the resulting warm water a congregating point for the area’s marine life.

Here, sea turtles drift about lazily, riding the current from the pipe. Some mornings, spinner dolphins dance and twirl their way up along the coast. I keep an eye out for a submerged stone buddha, who sits peacefully on top of a rock. The small statue is easy to miss, if not for the fish pecking at his thin layer of algae.

I hold my breath to dive down even deeper and slowly scale along the coral reef to see if I can spot a shy octopus. An inquisitive hīnālea (cleaner wrasse) trails closely behind me, watching everything I do. I break away to swim through some nearby rock arches, testing my ability to stay underwater. Like so many who swim at Electric Beach, I wish to stay in this vibrant marine world for as long as possible.

゚コシステムに゚ネルギヌを䟛絊しおいるのだ。海氎を匕き入れお 斜蚭を冷华したあず、パむプを通じお海に戻す。その氎が枩かいの で、呚蟺の海の生物が集たるスポットずなっおいるのだ。

パむプから出おくる枩かい氎の流れに身をたかせ、海ガメがぷかぷ か浮かんでいる。くるくるず螊るようにゞャンプしながら泳いでいく ハシナガむルカに出䌚える朝もある。氎䞭の岩の䞊に安らかに鎮座 する石像を芋逃さないように、しっかりず目を凝らす。仏像は小さく お、うっすらず仏像を芆う海藻を぀぀く魚たちがいなければうっか り芋過ごしおしたいがちだ。

息を止めおさらに深く朜り、恥ずかしがり屋のタコがいないか珊瑚 瀁をじっくり確認しおいく。奜奇心の匷いヒヌナヌレアリュりグり ベラがすぐ埌ろを぀けおきお、わたしの䞀挙手䞀投足を芋守っお いる。それを振り切るように近くの岩のアヌチをくぐり抜け、自分が どれだけ長く朜っおいられるかを詊す。゚レクトリック・ビヌチで泳 ぐ倚くの人ず同じように、わたしも色鮮やかな海䞭の䞖界になるべ く長くずどたっおいたいのだ。

The warm water discharged from the Kahe Power Plant’s submerged pipes attracts scores of tropical fish, making Electric Beach a snorkeler’s delight.

Visit Electric Beach’s marine wonderland by heading west along Farrington Highway. Turn left into Kahe Point Beach Park. Exercise caution before entering the water and speak to the lifeguard stationed there. If in doubt, don’t go out.


Wisdom on Wheels

At Ko Olina, a traveling classroom connects keiki and kūpuna through lessons rooted in Native Hawaiian values.

Aia ma Ko ‘Olina, he lumi papa ne‘e hele ka mea e launa ai ‘o kamali‘i me kūpuna ma nā ha‘awina i pa‘a i nā pono Hawai‘i.

コ・オリナの移動幌皚園は、ハワむ独特の䟡倀芳に根 ざしたカリキュラムでケむキ子䟛ずクヌプナ祖父 母の絆を深めおいたす。

In April 2002, the Partners In Development Foundation hosted its very first session of the Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool at Lili‘uokalani Protestant Church in Hale‘iwa on O‘ahu’s North Shore. Designed to support kūpuna (grandparents) who care for their mo‘opuna (grandchildren), Tūtū and Me’s novel concept delivered a free familychild interaction learning (FCIL) program right to the community and provided a culture-based alternative to expensive and inaccessible private preschools.

Today, Tūtū and Me makes twice-weekly visits to 24 learning sites in predominantly

2002幎4月、〈発達を支えるパヌトナヌ財団〉はオアフ島ノヌスシ ョアのハレむノァの町にあるリリりオカラニ・プロテスタント教䌚で 移動幌皚園〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉の蚘念すべき第1回目の授業を 行なった。モオプナ孫の䞖話をするクヌプナ祖父母支揎のた めに぀くられた〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉のコンセプトは画期的で、月 謝が高くお手が届かない私立の幌皚園の代わりに、家族が子䟛ず 向き合いながら䞀緒に孊習できる環境FCILをハワむの文化にも ずづいたプログラムずしお無料で、しかも盎接コミュニティに届けよ うずいうものだった。

Native Hawaiian communities on O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i, Moloka‘i, and Maui. “The initial dream was to nurture the special relationship of kūpuna and keiki, and it’s blossomed to include parents, aunties, even daycare providers, all coming together to create a learning environment driven by Hawaiian culture and values,” says Amanda Ishigo, a former Tūtū and Me caregiver educator who serves as the program’s project director. “We’re empowering our caregivers to be the keiki’s first teacher, and they get to be right there learning alongside their little ones.”

Each Tuesday and Thursday, the preschool on wheels arrives at Lanikūhonua Cultural Institute at Ko Olina via the program’s Mercedes Sprinter van. Tūtū and Me caregiver educators open with the program’s signature song, “‘O Wai Ma Ke Kula?” (“Who Has Come to School Today?” before guiding children through explorations of music and movement, math, language, science, and creative arts all through the lens of Hawaiian values. Many of the program’s lessons are site-specific and

珟圚〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉はオアフ島、カりアむ島、ハワむ島、 モロカむ島、そしおマりむ島の、ネむティブハワむアンが倚く暮らす 地域24ヶ所を週2回ず぀蚪れおいる。「祖父母ず孫たちの特別な 絆を育むのが狙いでしたが、そのうちに䞡芪や芪戚、やがおは保 育園の先生たで加わっお、ハワむの文化ず䟡倀芳にもずづく孊習 の堎が生たれおいったんです」ケアギバヌ子䟛の面倒をみる人 支揎スタッフずしおスタヌトし、今では〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉のプ ロゞェクト・ディレクタヌを務めるアマンダ・むシゎさんは振り返る。 「わたしたちは、ケアギバヌが子䟛たちの最初の先生になれるよ うに支揎しながら、ケアギバヌ自身も子䟛たちず䞀緒に孊べる堎を 提䟛しおいたす」

毎週火曜日ず朚曜日、移動幌皚園〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉は専甚 のメルセデス・ベンツ瀟の商甚バン、”スプリンタヌ”でコ・オリナ のラニクヌホヌア文化䌚通にやっおくる。〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉 のテヌマ゜ングずもいうべき《オ・ワむ・マ・ケ・クラ今日は誰が 孊校に来たかな》ではじたる授業では、子䟛たちは歌に続い お音楜や運動、数遊び、蚀葉遊び、科孊、クリ゚むティブアヌトな ど、ハワむらしさにあふれたアクティビティにチャレンゞしおいく。

tailored to the unique history, landscape, and spirit of the area.

“Having opportunities to work alongside mahi‘ai (farmers) and harvest kalo (taro), fruits, and vegetables connected so many dots for my keiki when we explained farmto-table concepts,” says Naomi Kim-Davis, who attended Tūtū and Me sessions at the Lanikūhonua site with her son, Kala‘i. “It was so special to show him how we cultivate ‘āina (land), how it relates to his grandpa’s ‘āina, and the importance of water distribution.”

Not only has Tūtū and Me become a successful model for teaching fundamental skills and cultural knowledge to younger generations, the inclusive, modular preschool strengthens the keiki-caregiver kinship and provides a unique space for older generations to socialize. “I’ve seen tūtū (grandmothers) bonding over their mo‘opuna as they learn and play together,” Ishigo adds. “We’re connecting families who have the same kind of values, the same aloha for their keiki—this is really the essence of community.”

アクティビティの倚くはそれぞれの䌚堎の歎史や地理、気質を反映 しお぀くられおいる。

「マヒアむ蟲家の人ず䞀緒にカロタロ芋や果物、野菜を収穫 する機䌚を埗お、子䟛たちもファヌム・トゥ・テヌブル畑から食卓 ぞ䜜物を盎接届けるのコンセプトをすんなり理解できたようで す」ラニクヌホヌア䌚堎で息子のカラむくんず〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミ ヌ〉のプログラムに参加するナオミ・キムデむビスさんは語る。「わ たしたちがアヌむナ倧地を耕す様子を芋せるこずで、息子に圌 のおじいちゃんの土地や氎の配分の倧切さを䌝えられるのがすば らしいです」

あらゆる人を受け入れる〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ミヌ〉は、子䟛たちの基 本的な生掻スキルず文化的教逊を育むプログラムずしお成功しお いるだけではない。ケアギバヌずケむキの絆を深めるず同時に、幎 配の人同士のナニヌクな亀流の堎にもなっおいる。「モオプナたち ず䞀緒に孊び、遊ぶうちにトゥトゥ祖母同士の絆も深たっおいく 様子を芋おきたした」むシゎさんは぀け加えた。「〈トゥトゥ・アンド・ ミヌ〉のプログラムは、䌌たような䟡倀芳を持ち、自分たちのケむキ に同じアロハ愛情を抱く家族同士を぀ないでいたす。コミュニテ ィずはたさにそういうものではないでしょうか」

Guiding children from birth to age 5, the Tūtū and Me program offers children and caregivers an opportunity to explore subjects like music, science, creative arts, and language through the lens of Hawaiian values.

The Tūtū and Me program features site-specific curriculum tailored to the unique history, landscape, and spirit of each location. To learn more about the Tūtū and Me program, visit pidf.org.




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Image by John Hook
From the soft morning tones to vibrant afternoon hues and finally the rich, mysterious shades of twilight, the light on the West Side is just as dramatic as the landscape.”
Josiah Patterson, photographer



Scenes at Sunset

As day wanes into night, a photographer is drawn to the horizon’s golden glow.

Text by Rae Sojot

Images by Josiah Patterson

A pō iho ke ao, ‘ume‘ume ‘ia ka maka o ka pa‘i ki‘i i ka nōweo mai a ka mōlehulehu.

昌が倜に倉わっおいく時間。金色に茝く氎平線に魅せられた 写真家がいたした。

Photographer Josiah Patterson is no stranger to sunsets. “In high school, we used to surf Mākaha Beach every day after school, and I remember wanting the sun to stay up just a little longer so I could surf more.” Yet as the sun tracked its path from sky to sea, eventually slipping below the horizon, any disappointment over the day’s end was sweetly tempered by the beauty that surrounded him: a glittering ocean, the Wai‘anae Mountain Range draped in gold.

In these snapshots of classic West Side sunsets, Patterson captures the gilded interlude between day and dusk—and the moments found within.

写真家ゞョサむア・パタヌ゜ンにずっお倕日はずおも 身近な存圚だ。「高校時代、攟課埌は毎日マヌカハで サヌフィンをしおいたした。倪陜がもうほんの少しでい いから沈たないでいおほしい。もっずサヌフィンがした かったので、い぀もそう願っおいたした」ずはいっおも、

倪陜が軌道に沿っお空から海ぞず萜ちおいき、やが お氎平線の向こうに姿を消しおしたえば、呚囲の景 色の矎しさに心を奪われ、䞀日が終わる切なさも忘 れおいた。きらきら茝く海。金色の垃をかけたような ワむアナ゚の山々  。

り゚ストサむドならでは倕日のスナップショットのな かで、パタヌ゜ンが捉えたのは昌ず倕闇の合間の金色 に染たる景色ず、そこに芋぀けた愛おしい瞬間だ。

Legacy Bound


Day in and day out, a Kunia rancher honors his commitment to both the land and his family.

Text by Rae Sojot

Images by John Hook

I kēlā me kēia lā, hanohano i kekahi hānai pipi ma Kunia ka ‘āina a me kona ‘ohana.

来る日も来る日も、クニアの牧堎䞻は牧堎ず家族を守るずいう 䜿呜に真摯に取り組んでいたす。

As the late afternoon sun slips behind the Wai‘anae Mountain Range, Sheldon Sojot hoists a bucket of alfalfa over the metal railing of a horse pen. He gives Baby, his mare, a quick pat before scanning the foothills for signs of the wild horses that sometimes appear at this dusky hour.

Days such as these are long for Sheldon, whose alarm rings at 4 a.m. five days a week, signaling the start of his shift as a foreman at a local plumbing company. Once he clocks out, he swaps his work attire for a pair of worn Wrangler jeans, a trucker hat, and steel-toe boots before jumping in his Chevy Silverado and heading west toward Kunia. There, hidden along the mountain’s edge is a small ranch—his second job and, in many ways, his second home.

Sheldon’s connection to the ranch began in the early ’90s. His father, Ivan, who preferred outdoor work to a conventional 9-to-5 job, would allow Sheldon to tag along to the “mountain” and help with small ranch tasks or go hunting. Sheldon, the eldest of Ivan’s three children, was the only one who showed a keen interest in ranch life.

His hānai grandfather, Uncle Rodney, had taught Ivan the ins and outs of ranching and bestowed the same knowledge and training onto Sheldon too. “He called me ‘young blood,’”

遅い午埌の倪陜がワむアナ゚山脈の埌ろに姿を消す 頃、シェルドン・゜ホットさんはアルファルファのバケツ を厩舎の鉄柵の向こうに眮いた。雌の愛銬”ベむビヌ” を軜くぜんぜんずたたいお山肌に目を凝らし、倕暮れ のこの時間にずきどき姿を芋せる野生の銬たちの気配 を確かめる。

こんなふうに終わるシェルドンさんの䞀日は長い。週5日、毎朝4時 にアラヌムが鳎る。地元の配管工事䌚瀟の珟堎監督ずしおの仕事 のはじたりだ。配管工ずしおの仕事が終わるず、着叀したラングラ ヌのゞヌンズにトラッカヌハット、スティヌルトゥのブヌツに着替え おシェビヌのシルバラヌドに飛び乗り、クニア方面に向かう。山裟 にひっそり隠れた小さな牧堎は、シェルドンさんのもうひず぀の職 堎であり、いろいろな意味で圌のもうひず぀の家だ。

シェルドンさんが牧堎に行きはじめたのは’90幎代初頭。父アむノ ァンさんは9時から5時のありきたりの仕事よりも屋倖での仕事を 奜み、幌いシェルドンさんを”山”に連れおいっおは牧堎の簡単な䜜 業を手䌝わせたり、䞀緒に猟に出かけたりした。アむノァンさんの 子䟛3人のうち、牧堎に興味を瀺したのはいちばん幎䞊のシェルド ンさんだけだった。牧堎の仕事の䞀から十たでをアむノァンさんに 手ほどきしたのは、シェルドンさんにずっおはハヌナむ[非公匏の逊 子瞁組 ハワむでは珍しくないの祖父にあたるアンクル・ロドニヌ さん。ロドニヌさんはシェルドンさんにも同じ知識ず蚓緎を授けた。

Sheldon recalls of the early years spent shadowing his father and Uncle Rodney under the hot leeward sun. Over the next decade, Sheldon learned all things ranching: running cattle and riding horses, how to wield a branding iron and post-hole digger, the best tactics in dealing with customers and, on occasion, poachers too.

The tedium of dust and hard labor tarnished the initial shine of fun and adventure at the ranch. By the time he graduated high school, Sheldon was spending less and less time there, eventually becoming a full-time plumber and raising his own family.

「アンクル・ロドニヌには”ダング・ブラッドがうず”ず呌ばれおい たした」リヌワヌドの倪陜が照り぀けるなか、父アむノァンさんず䞀 緒にアンクル・ロドニヌのあずを぀いおたわったシェルドンさんの幌 い日の思い出だ。それから10幎のあいだに、シェルドンさんは牛の 远い方、銬の乗り方、焌きごおのあお方、杭穎の掘り方、顧客ずのや りずり、そしおずきどき勝手に牧堎に䟵入する茩のあしらい方など、 牧堎の仕事のすべおを身に぀けた。

い぀も土埃たみれで目新しいこずもなく、仕事も重劎働。楜しく冒 険に満ちおいた牧堎の魅力もやがお色耪せおいく。高校を卒業す る頃のシェルドンさんは、牧堎を蚪れるこずもほずんどなく、やが お排氎管工ずしおフルタむムで働きはじめ、家庭を持ち、家族を

When Uncle Rodney died, Ivan took charge of the ranch alone, and Sheldon’s visits remained infrequent—usually only when his father needed help.

Then, in the summer of 2020, Ivan passed. As the family grieved their patriarch, the question of caretaking the ranch arose: would Sheldon, like his father before him, answer the mountain’s call? The impending mantle loomed heavy. While the romantic notion of ranch life appeals to outsiders, Sheldon knew the reality was far less glamorous and far more gritty. Ranch life is a hard life, and unlikely to bring any financial gain. “No one does this for the money,” he says.

During his father’s life, friends and relatives of the family would often ask, “Where’s Ivan?” The answer was

支えた。アンクル・ロドニヌが亡くなり、牧堎の経営はアむノァンさ んがひずりで匕き継いだが、盞倉わらずシェルドンさんが牧堎を 蚪れるのは、アむノァンさんにたたに手䌝いを頌たれたずきくらい だった。

ずころが2020幎倏、アむノァンさんが他界する。䞀族は家長を倱 った悲しみに暮れたが、やがお牧堎は誰が䞖話するのかずいう話 になった。アむノァンがそうしたように、シェルドンも山が呌ぶ声に

always the same—on the mountain. The implication was clear: Ranch life requires commitment, sacrifice, and long hours away from loved ones. There were late-night phone calls from neighbors reporting loose cattle or a broken waterline needing immediate repair, along with so many missed birthday parties and family gatherings, all because the mountain called.

Despite his initial reservations and the ongoing stress of managing the ranch, Sheldon has embraced his decision to honor his father’s legacy. On O‘ahu, the number of ranches has declined in the last 100 years as more agricultural land succumbs to urban sprawl and gentrification. “I’m lucky, not many people get to experience this,” Sheldon says, gesturing to the ranch’s vast swaths of land clear of any buildings and highways. “If you stand on the ridge, you can see all the way down to Diamond Head.”

When asked about Ivan, Sheldon’s eyes glisten, and he clears his throat. Like his father, he is a man of few words, and it’s hard for him to express the gravity of his father’s absence. Instead, he offers small details—how much his father loved waiting for the wild horses to come down from the mountain each evening, his joy in seeing a new calf appear in the herd,

応えるのだろうか。シェルドンさんの前に重い責任が差し迫っおい た。傍から芋ればロマンにあふれお魅力的に芋えるが、珟実の牧堎 は華やかさのかけらもなく、むしろ荒涌ずしおいる。苊劎ばかりで経 枈的にも採算が合わない。「お金のために牧堎を経営しおいる人な どいたせんよ」シェルドンさんは蚀った。

アむノァンさんの存呜䞭、友人や芪戚によく尋ねられたものだ。”ア むノァンはどこだ” 答えはい぀も同じ。山だ。぀たり、牧堎で生き るには献身ず自己犠牲が芁求されるずいうこずだ。愛する人々ず過 ごす時間も短い。倜曎けに牧堎の近所の人から電話がかかっおき お、逃げた牛がうろうろしおいるずか、氎道管が壊れおいるからすぐ に修理しおくれず呌び出されるこずもあるし、誕生䌚や芪戚の集た りにもめったに出られない。すべおは”山”のお呌びのせいなのだ。

圓初のためらいや、すでに肩にのしかかっおいた牧堎経営のスト レスにもかかわらず、シェルドンさんは結局、父が遺した䌝統を受 け継ぐず決めた。オアフ島では過去100幎のあいだに牧堎の数 がだいぶ枛った。か぀おは蟲地だった土地の倚くは広がる郜䌚や 再開発の波にのたれおいる。「自分は幞運だず思いたすよ。これが芋 られる人はあたりいないから」シェルダンさんは腕を広げ、建物も 道路もなく、ただ牧草が生い茂る広倧な牧堎を瀺した。「山の尟根 からはダむアモンドヘッドたで芋枡せるんですよ」 アむノァンさんのこずを尋ねるず、シェルドンさんは目を最たせお咳 払いをした。父芪譲りで無口なだけに、その父を倱っおできた心の

the rare instances he would indulge in some fun on the ranch and fly kites, his exceptionally close bond with his grandson Ikaika, Sheldon’s son, whom he would bring to the ranch regularly.

Day in and day out, Sheldon tackles the ranch’s perpetual to-do list. He checks the water tank and feeds the animals, fixes dirt roads after heavy rains. Some days bring excitement with cattle branding and butchering, while other days are dedicated to repairing fence lines. The cattle graze across the valleys and flatlands, at times oblivious to the barbed wire meant to contain them. They prod and nudge against the fence line until something breaks, creating an opening for others to escape. Sheldon must first wrangle the errant cows and then locate the area needing repair. With nearly 500 acres to canvas, it’s a tall order, with much of it done in solitude and on horseback. It’s quiet moments like these that affirm his choice to continue his father’s legacy, when he recognizes the ranch as not just a responsibility but a refuge—a space for one’s spirit to breathe deeply and feel free. “It’s just peaceful,” Sheldon says. “I could never get lost on the mountain.”

穎の倧きさをうたく蚀葉にできないのかもしれない。そのかわり、 ぜ぀りぜ぀りず小さな思い出を語っおくれた。倜ごずに野生の銬た ちが山から䞋りおくるのをアむノァンさんがどれだけ楜しみにしお いたか。矀れに新しい仔銬を芋぀けおうれしそうだったこず。珍しく 無邪気に牧堎で凧を䞊げるこずもあった。シェルドンさんの息子む カむカくんのこずは特に可愛がっおいお、しょっちゅう牧堎に連れ おきたこず  。

毎日毎日、シェルドンさんは倉わりばえのしない牧堎の仕事ず栌 闘する。氎のタンクをチェックしお動物たちに逌をやり、倧雚の埌 は泥道を敎備する。牛に焌きごおをあおる日や牛をさばく日は刺激 的だが、フェンスの修理を黙々ず続ける日もある。谷や平地を移動 しお草を食む牛たちは、ずきに有刺鉄線のフェンスが自分たちを囲 うためにあるこずを忘れおしたう。そしおフェンスをぐいぐい抌すう ちに䜕かがはずれおできたすき間から脱走しおしたうのだ。そんな ずきはたず迷子の牛たちを連れ戻し、次にフェンスの修理が必芁 な堎所を突き止めないずいけない。銬にたたがり、500゚ヌカヌ近 い広さ東京ドヌム玄43個分の敷地を囲むフェンスをたいおい ひずりで確認しおいく。ずお぀もなく地道な䜜業だ。だが、そんな静 かなひずずきにこそ、父から受け継いだ䌝統を守るずいう決断は正 しかったず思えるそうだ。牧堎はただの重荷でなく、心の避難所で もある。魂が深呌吞できるずころ、自由を感じるずころなのだ。「心 が萜ち着くんです」シェルドンさんは蚀う。「山では迷うこずもあり たせんからね」

Dusk spreads over the lowlands, adding a blurred softness to the pitch and yaw of the terrain. On the upper slopes, the forest appears as a dark green smudge. The land soon quiets into the long stillness of night. Some 12 miles away, Sheldon lies in bed, setting his alarm for another early start. As sleep approaches, his thoughts drift to the ranch, to the mountain. To his father too. Under a black velvet sky, the cattle have finished drinking from the water trough, settling themselves amid the haole koa and California grass. They low softly. Higher up, unseen, the wild horses nicker among the ‘ōhi‘a lehua and naio. The cool air rises, and all feels right.


面の䞊には森が広がり、点々ず濃い緑色が散る。たもなく長い倜が 静かにあたりを包む。20キロほど離れた自宅で、シェルドンさんは ベッドに入り、たた早くはじたる明日のためにアラヌムをセットす る。眠りに萜ちながら、圌の思いは牧堎や山ぞず飛んでいく。父アむ ノァンさんも頭に浮かぶ。挆黒の倜空の䞋、氎おけの氎を飲んだ牛 たちは、ハオレコアの朚ずカリフォルニアグラスのなかにそっず膝を ぀く。姿は芋えないが、山にはオヌヒアレフアずナむオの朚々に囲た れた野生の銬たちのいななきが響く。ひんやりした空気が立ちのが り、倜は満たされた気分に包たれる。

The Stone and the Self


After years working in a quarry, an artist finds his true path carved in stone.

Text by Kathleen Wong

Images by Chris Rohrer

A hala nā makahiki he nui iā ia e hana ana ma ka lua ‘eli pōhaku, aia ka pono o kēia mea kālai ma ka pōhaku kālai.

採石堎で長幎働いた埌、自分が本来歩むべき道は石に刻たれ おいたこずに気づいたアヌティストがいたした。

The Stone and the Self

Nestled on a quiet road in Wai‘anae Valley stands a 20-foot-tall structure outfitted with the stuff of a craftsman’s dream: forklifts, cranes, sanders, and grinders; stands equipped with metal clamps, swivels, and U-joints; worktables and red metal tool chests.

Amid the tools and machinery, unexpected items populate the scene: a trio of large boulders, a stone bowl with a white coral inlay, a sculpture artfully hand-carved in the shape of a mango— the artistic works of Don Matsumura, a Wai‘anae-born-and-raised stone sculptor with a deep connection to Hawaiian basalt, Hawai‘i’s rock formed from volcanic lava flow.

Matsumura, who spent over 23 years quarrying rock for Hawaiian Cement, never imagined he would end up as a full-time artist. Applying to the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in the ’80s, Matsumura initially considered studying animal husbandry, since he worked at a dairy, and business, like his dad wanted. But once the campus’ art building caught his eye, he signed up for sculpture classes. “Art was one of the first things I felt really comfortable with—that I couldn’t do anything wrong,” Matsumura says. “All I had to do was just make whatever I wanted to.”

ワむアナ゚・ノァレヌの静かな道に、職人なら誰もが倧 喜びしそうな機材をずらりずそろえた高さ6メヌトルほ どの建物がある。フォヌクリフト、クレヌン、研磚機、そ しお研削機。クランプ、スむベルラチェット、自圚継手な どが䞊ぶ道具棚。䜜業台。赀い鉄補の工具ワゎン。

工具や機材に混ざっお意倖なアむテムも顔をのぞかせ おいる。倧きな岩が䞉぀。内偎に癜い珊瑚を貌った石 のボりル。芞術的な手圫りのマンゎヌ。ワむアナ゚で生 たれ育った圫刻家ドン・マツムラさんの䜜品矀だ。もず は火山から流れ出る溶岩だったハワむの玄歊岩ずマツ ムラさんの関わりは深い。

23幎にわたっおハワむアン・セメント瀟の採石珟堎で 働いたマツムラさんは、自分がフルタむムのアヌティス トなるずは倢にも思っおいなかった。’80幎代、ハワむ 倧孊マヌノア校に出願するずき、酪蟲堎で働いた経隓 があったこずから圓初は畜産か、父芪の勧める経営を 専攻する぀もりでいたそうだ。ずころがキャンパスで芞 術孊郚の建物に目を奪われた圌は圫刻科に進孊する。


䜕を䜜っおも倱敗はありたせんでした」マツムラさんは 圓時を振り返る。「䜜りたいず思うものを䜜れば、それ でよかったんです」

Despite graduating with a fine arts degree, Matsumura settled into a reliable, nine-to-five job in the mining industry.

At Hawaiian Cement’s large quarry in Halawa Valley, known for its rich basalt deposits, he drilled and blasted boulders that were then hammered into finer pieces for cement production. It was a good living, Matsumura concedes—his strong work ethic allowed him to rise through the company ranks to the role of general manager—yet he remembers often yearning for some other, yetunknown form of fulfillment. “I just knew that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be,” he recalls. “There was always something missing.”

In 2013, Matsumura retired to take care of his father, who had been diagnosed with dementia, and found moments to rekindle his creative side by making jewelry and carving small bowls of stone. Then, as he noticed that large, industrial equipment were becoming increasingly available to everyday craftsmen like himself, Matsumura toyed with the idea of sculpting largescale stoneworks. “All my life, I’ve been around big equipment with big tires, big buckets, and stuff like that,” he says. “That’s the environment that I like.” In 2022, he took a leap of faith. He built out a 40 x 100-foot shop space, adding the heavy equipment needed to achieve the projects he envisioned:

芞術孊郚の孊䜍をずっお倧孊を卒業したものの、マツ ムラさんは採石䌚瀟での、9時から5時の安定した仕 事を遞んだ。豊かな玄歊岩の鉱床に恵たれたハラノ ァ・ノァレヌにあるハワむアン・セメント瀟。その倧芏 暡な採石堎で、マツムラさん掘り出しお爆砎した岩を さらに打ち砕き、セメントを぀くる䜜業に埓事した。け っしお悪くない暮らしだった。マツムラさんもそう認め る。だが、持ち前の勀勉さを買われお昇進を続け、所長 にたでなりながら、い぀も䜕か物足りなさを感じおい たそうだ。䜕かはわからないが、やらなければいけない こずがあるような気分。「自分がいるべき堎所がそこで はないのはわかっおいたした。い぀も䜕かが欠けおい たんです」

2013幎、マツムラさんは認知症の蚺断を受けた父芪 の介護のために退職する。時間に䜙裕ができおふたた びクリ゚むティブな䜜業に目芚めたマツムラさんは、ア クセサリヌを぀くったり、小さな石のボりルを削ったり した。ふず気づけば、業務甚の倧型機材が昔に比べお ずっず身近なものになり、自分のような趣味の工芞家 にも手が届くようになっおいる。石を玠材にしお倧がか りな䜜品に取り組んでみようか。マツムラさんはそんな 考えを抱きはじめた。「長幎、倧型の重機やタむダ、倧き なバケツなどに囲たれおいたしたから、そういう環境に

a crane found on Craigslist that could transport boulders, a heavy-duty drill press capable of making holes 24 inches wide, a Kubota mini excavator. Matsumura’s affinity for Hawaiian basalt is rooted in the stone’s aesthetic and endurance. “The stone stays around for a long time and eventually, over thousands of years, it breaks down from the wind,” he says. There is also the cultural connection through his Native Hawaiian heritage. In Hawaiian culture, stones, or pōhaku, are revered as sacred and utilized for various purposes, from everyday tasks like pounding kalo (taro) to masonry and

The Stone and the Self いるず萜ち着きたした」2022幎、マツムラさんは思い きっお賭けに出る。暪に玄12メヌトル、瞊に玄30メヌ トルの䜜業堎を぀くり、心に思い描くプロゞェクトの補 䜜に必芁な重機をそろえはじめた。倧きな岩を移動す るクレヌンや盎埄玄60センチの穎があけられる業務 甚ドリル、クボタ瀟のミニ掘削機などは、個人売買情 報などで米囜で人気のりェブサむト〈クレむグリスト〉 で芋぀けた。

マツムラさんは、その矎しさず耐久性ゆえにハワむ産の 玄歊岩を奜む。「長い歳月を持ちこたえ、䜕千幎ものあ いだ颚に砕かれお石になったのです」ネむティブハワむ アンの血を受け継ぐマツムラさんは文化的な぀ながり も感じるずいう。ハワむ語で石はポヌハクず呌ばれ、

crafting ki‘i (symbolic representations of deities). For Matsumura, Hawaiian basalt will always hold tremendous mana (power): “Looking back on my life, the images I kept and can still see so vividly are of stone–walking on dark, black boulders following a stream, the beach and mountains of Mākua Valley, huge rock walls dry laid without mortar.”

Today, stone sculpting remains an intentional, laborious affair for Matsumura—even a simple bowl can take months to complete—yet he never rushes the process, instead preferring to take his time observing the stone, walking around it, and touching it as he


キむ神々の像を぀くったり、さたざたな甚途に䜿われ おきた。マツムラさんは、昔からハワむ産の玄歊岩の途 方もないマナパワヌを感じおいたそうだ。「振り返れ ば、小川に沿っお黒々ずした岩の䞊を歩いた蚘憶や、 倧きな岩壁がそびえた぀マヌクアの谷の浜蟺や山々な ど、昔から心に残り、今もたぶたにくっきりず浮かぶも のは石ばかりです」

マツムラさんにずっお、今でも石を圫るのは面倒で気 力のいる䜜業だ。簡単なボりルひず぀ずっおも完成た でに数ヶ月を芁する。だが、マツムラさんには急いで

The Stone and the Self

The Stone and the Self

crafts it into a sculpture. Sometimes he will move a stone around or stand it up to gain a new perspective and, hopefully, some answers. “I’m talking to it, you know? ‘Where do you come from? What do you want to be?’” The environment matters too: “Everything has to be really quiet, peaceful,” he explains. From there, Matsumura simply listens for directions and allows the stones to guide him.

Most mornings, Matsumura heads to the shop—just a few steps from the house he shares with wife, Sandra—where he then moves between various projects to keep his creative energies flowing. Sometimes he plays with negative space, removing perfectly disc-shaped sections of rock from a raw, irregular boulder. Other times, he’ll pick up a Dremel to fine-tune a stone sculpture’s intricate details.

Matsumura shares that while his journey from working in a rock quarry to becoming a stone sculptor now makes sense to him, he initially struggled with insecurities related to choosing the artist path. He has since embraced the belief that he’s exactly where he is meant to be, making a point to reflect on any hang-ups the same way he contemplates the stone forms in front of him. “That process clears the way for me to look at the stone and be able to receive something that says, ‘OK, this is what you can do.’”

仕䞊げる気はない。むしろじっくり時間をかけお石を 芳察し、そのたわりを歩き、手で觊れながら制䜜を進 めおいく。ずきには石を動かしたり、起こしお別の角床 から眺めおみたりしお答えを探す。「石に話しかけるん です。どこから来たんだ、䜕になりたいんだっおね」そ んなずきはたわりの環境も倧切だ。「静けさず穏やかさ に満ちおいないずだめですね」そうしお石に問いかけ たあずは、ひたすら石の声に耳を傟け、導かれるたたに 圫っおいく。

ほが毎朝、マツムラさんは劻サンドラさんず暮らす家屋 からほんの数歩離れた䜜業堎に向かう。そしお、クリ゚ むティブな゚ネルギヌの流れが途切れないように、い く぀もあるプロゞェクトからプロゞェクトぞず移動しな がら手を加えおいく。ずきには空癜で遊んでみる。削り 出したたたの䞍恰奜な岩から完党な円盀型を切り出し おみたり、ドレメル瀟の研磚ドリルを握り、䜜品の现か い郚分に手を加えたりもする。

採石堎に長幎勀めた埌、こうしお石を扱う圫刻家にな った運呜がようやく腑に萜ちたずいうマツムラさん。ア ヌティストずしお生きる道を遞んだ圓初はこれでよかっ たのかず悩んだそうだ。今では、ここが自分のいるべき 堎所だずいう信念を持ち、䞍安に陥ったずきは、石ず向 き合うように䞍安ず向き合う。「このプロセスのおかげ で雑念のない心で石ず向き合えるようになる。”それな ら、こうしたらいいじゃないか”ずいう石からの答えもキ ャッチできるようになるんです」


Orchid ‘Ohana


A West Side orchid specialist brings an eclectic twist to the family business.

Text by Lindsey Vandal

Images by John Hook

Lawe ‘ia he ‘ike ma‘alea e kekahi mea ‘ike loa i ka ho‘oulu ‘okika ma ka ‘ao‘ao Komohana ma kekahi pā‘oihana na ka ‘ohana.

家族経営のビゞネスにちょっず個性的なひねりを加えたり゚ ストサむドの蘭蟲家をご玹介したす。

Early each morning, Jeremy Domingo heads west along back country roads before entering a large agricultural lot located halfway between the Pacific Ocean and the Wai‘anae Mountains. There, inside a nearly football fieldsized greenhouse, orchids of countless colors and configurations await his careful tending.

S&W Orchids’ two-acre nursery—started by Jeremy’s parents, Carmela and Stan Watanabe—grows an impressive amount of orchid flowers, as well as other curious plants, for retail markets and orchid enthusiasts on O‘ahu and beyond. The family-run business has deep roots.

ゞェレミヌ・ドミンゎさんは毎日早朝から田舎道を西 に向かっお、ワむアナ゚の山々ず倪平掋のちょうど䞭 間に䜍眮する広い蟲地にやっおくる。アメリカンフット ボヌルのフィヌルドほどもある倧きなビニヌルハりス のなかでは、あらゆる色やかたちの蘭の花たちがゞェ レミヌさんに愛情をこめお䞖話しおもらうのを埅っお いる。

ゞェレミヌさんの䞡芪、カヌメラずスタン・ワタナベさ んがはじめた゚ヌカヌ玄2,500坪の皮苗園〈゚ ス・アンド・ダブリュヌ・オヌキッズ〉は、園芞店ぞの卞 売りずオアフ島内倖の愛奜家のために、驚くほどたくさ んの蘭だけでなく、さたざたな珍しい怍物を育おおい る。家族経営の蟲園の歎史は深い。

Orchid ‘Ohana

“My parents experimented with propagating orchids in bottles at our home in Waipahu,” says Jeremy, of the nursery’s origin in 1990. “It’s a whole process—from germinating orchid seeds in flasks in a sterile environment to planting them a year later—and I think they really enjoyed the challenge.”

Jumping into a new trade was risky, but the Watanabes weren’t exactly starting from scratch. Carmela’s father, Yasuji Takasaki, was an orchid wizard of sorts, renowned for his Hawai‘i Island farm, Carmela Orchids, started in 1960 on four acres at Hakalau Village in the Umauma district. A former cultivation supervisor at Hakalau Sugar Plantation, Takasaki and his wife, Mitsuko, raised Vanda Miss Joaquim orchids, prized for their stunning, speckled petals in shades of lavender—at one point harvesting 35,000 orchid blossoms a day to supply local lei makers. Gradually, the Takasakis transitioned to potted orchids with guidance from their two sons, Sheldon and Gerrit, who applied their knowledge from earning degrees in horticulture to breed and clone orchid plants in service of largescale production.

After high school, Jeremy helped his parents build out the S&W Orchids nursery in stages. He joined the business

「䞡芪はワむパフの自宅で瓶のなかで蘭を増やす実隓 をしおいたした」ゞェレミヌさんは1990幎の蟲園の原 点を振り返る。「無菌の環境でフラスコのなかの蘭の皮 を発芜させ、䞀幎埌に怍え぀けるたで、䞡芪はすべおの 工皋を手がけおいたした。むずかしいからこそ意欲を 燃やしたんだず思いたすよ」

未知の業界にいきなり飛び蟌むのは危険な賭けだが、 ワタナベ倫劻はずぶの玠人ずいうわけでもなかった。 カヌメラさんの父、ダスゞ・タカサキさんは蘭の名人ず しお知られた人物。1960幎、ハワむ島りマりマ地区の ハカラり村で、敷地゚ヌカヌ玄5,000坪の皮苗園 〈カヌメラ・オヌキッズ〉を起こした。もずは〈ハカラり 砂糖蟲園〉の栜培の管理をしおいたタカサキさんずそ の劻ミツコさんは、斑点の入った鮮やかなラベンダヌ 系の花匁が珍重されるノァンダ・ミス・ゞョアキムずい う蘭を育おる䞀方、ハワむのレむ・メヌカヌのために 䞀日35,000個の花を収穫しおいた時期もあったそう だ。二人の息子シェルドンさんずゞェリットさんの勧め で、タカサキ倫劻は次第に䞻力商品を鉢怍えの蘭に移 行しおいく。䞀方、シェルドンさんずゞェリットさんは倧 孊で専攻した園芞孊の知識を生かし、倧芏暡な蟲園 における亀配やクロヌン栜培に取り組んだ。

高校卒業埌のゞェレミヌさんは、䞡芪がはじめた〈゚ ス・アンド・ダブリュヌ・オヌキッズ〉をずころどころで 手䌝っおきた。21歳で本腰を入れお家業に取り組む ようになり、その幎の倧半は蘭の芋本垂をたわっお

Orchid ‘Ohana

full time at age 21 and spent much of the year traveling to orchid trade shows. In the early days, the nursery’s key sales came from exporting orchids to the continental U.S. and Puerto Rico, with fringe income from selling to small shops around O‘ahu, such as Wally’s Garden Center and Longs Drugs.

As competition from overseas orchid superfarms forced many growers out of the market, S&W Orchids endured by adapting, with Jeremy driving day-today operations and Stan and Carmela serving as president and vice president, respectively. Today, the business relies on strong retail partnerships with highvolume, on-island retailers, including Costco, Walmart, and Home Depot.

“After surviving 9/11, we decided to focus more on the local market,” Jeremy says. “I must have approached the big guys at the right time, because we got in. We’ve been very blessed to keep these relationships going.”

Today, the ever-popular phalaenopsis orchid, with its broad palette of bold colors and lengthy blooming periods, is S&W Orchids’ bread and butter.

Jeremy also maintains a multifarious selection of dendrobium, oncidium, vanda, cattleya, and other genus types, often forging new hybrids in hopes of producing extraordinary montages of

過ごした。創業圓時の売り䞊げの倧半は米囜本土ずプ ゚ルトリコぞの蘭の茞出によるもので、りォリヌズ・ガ ヌデン・センタヌやロングス・ドラッグなどオアフ島に 点圚する小型店舗ぞの卞売りの売り䞊げは埮々たる ものだった。

倖囜のスヌパヌファヌムずの競争に敗れ、倚くの蘭蟲 家が姿を消しおいくなか、〈゚ス・アンド・ダブリュヌ・オ ヌキッズ〉はスタンさんずカヌメラさんがそれぞれ瀟長 ず副瀟長ずなり、ゞェレミヌさんが日垞業務を切り盛 りしながら、状況にうたく順応しお生き延びおきた。今 日ではコストコやりォルマヌト、ホヌム・デポずいった オアフ島内の倧型店舗ず匷固な関係を結び、倧口の卞 売りでビゞネスを支えおいる。「アメリカ同時倚発テロ 事件を乗り切ったあず、うちはロヌカル垂堎を䞭心に やっおいこうず決めたんです」ゞェレミヌさんは振り返 る。「倧型店舗にうたく食い蟌めたのはタむミングがよ かったんでしょうね。こうしお取匕が続いおいるのはあ りがたいこずですよ」

〈゚ス・アンド・ダブリュヌ・オヌキッズ〉の珟圚の䞻力 商品は、さたざたな花の色ず開花期間の長さでたすた す人気の胡蝶蘭だ。ゞェレミヌさんはほかにもデンド ロビりム、オンシゞュヌム、ノァンダ、カトレダなど、さた ざたな属皮の倚皮倚様な品皮を栜培しながら、よそで は芋られない色やかたち、サむズの品皮を生み出そう ず新たな亀配を続けおいる。倖偎にある3枚の萌片が くぞん、セパルが内偎の3枚の花匁を取り囲む花の構 造はすべおの蘭に共通しおいるが、倚様性に富む蘭の

color, shape, and size. Though all orchids share the same floral structure of three outer sepals encircling three inner petals, wildly diverse species within the Orchidaceae family possess highly coveted traits—for instance, the bubblegum fragrance of the Encyclia radiata, the cascading orange blossoms of the Cattleya labiata (aka “Big Lip”), and the fuschia and banana-speckled flowers of the Blc. Waianae Leopard hybrid.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, Jeremy started collecting harderto-come-by niche plants, combing local nurseries and importing from faraway growers—both as a matter of curiosity

なかでもずくに人気の品皮もある。バブルガムの匂い のする゚ンサむクリア・ラディアタやオレンゞの花が滝 のように連なるカトレダ・ラビアタ通称ビッグリップ、 玫玅色ずバナナ色の斑点が浮かぶブラッ゜レリオカト レダ・ワむアナ゚・レオパヌドなどがそれだ。

2020幎にコロナ犍がはじたったずき、ゞェレミヌさん は自身の奜奇心だけではなく顧客からのリク゚ストの 増加もあっお、近くの皮苗園をくたなく探したり、遠く の蟲家から取り寄せたりしお、なかなか手に入らない 怍物を集めるようになった。今ではモンステラやティラ ンドシア゚アプランツ、アロ゚、ガステリアアロ゚に

Orchid ‘Ohana


Orchid ‘Ohana and to satisfy the rising number of customer requests. His cadre of curious plants includes a remarkable array of monstera, tillandsia (air plants), and succulents such as aloe, gasteria (aloelike with long, pointy leaves), haworthia (small succulents), and echeveria (rosette shaped).

Among the abundance of captivating orchid images on S&W Orchids’ Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts, Jeremy’s quirky and often humorous posts showcase his favorite unusual finds, such as a gigantic, 50-year-old Dendrochilum magnum (Orchid Dynasty), and an extremely rare, variegated Philodendron Golden Dragon with split-colored, dragonshaped leaves.

Carmela Orchids is still going strong in Hakalau, with Jeremy’s Uncle Sheldon at the helm, while Uncle Gerrit runs Hawai‘i Hybrids, another orchid nursery in Hilo. Though his passion for plants continues to grow alongside his long hours spent every day at the nursery, Jeremy is careful not to overdo it: Other than a small succulent display in a rocky patch at the end of the driveway, the exterior of his Waipahu home is strictly cement and gravel. “I never take my work home with me,” he says with wry charm. “At the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is work in the yard.”

䌌た怍物で、長く尖った葉を持぀、ハオルチア小さ な倚肉怍物、゚ケノェリアロれット型の倚肉怍物な ど、驚くほど倚様な珍しい草花を扱っおいる。

フェむスブックやナヌチュヌブ、むンスタグラムの 〈゚ス・アンド・ダブリュヌ・オヌキッズ〉のペヌゞに は、魅惑的な蘭のむメヌゞが数倚く䞊ぶ。ゞェレミヌさ んは、独特のナヌモアに富んだ口調で50幎も前からあ るずいう巚倧なデンドロキラム・マグナムオヌキッド・ ダむナスティや韍のかたちの葉が二色に分かれおい るフィロデンドロン・ゎヌルデン・ドラゎンなど、超が぀ くほど珍しいお気に入りの草花を玹介しおいる。

ゞェレミヌさんの叔父シェルドンさんが率いる〈カヌメ ラ・オヌキッズ〉は今もハカラり村で順調に経営を続け おいる。もうひずりの叔父ゞェリットさんもヒロで別の 蘭蟲園〈ハワむ・ハむブリッズ〉を経営䞭だ。蟲園では毎 日長時間、怍物に情熱を傟けるゞェレミヌさんだが、 熱䞭し過ぎないように気を぀けおいお、ワむパフの自宅 の庭は石の䞊にいく぀かの倚肉怍物が䞊ぶほかはセ メントず砂利しか目に入らない。「仕事は家に持ち蟌た ないようにしおいるんです」ゞェレミヌさんはにやりず 笑った。「なんだかんだ蚀っおも、がくは庭仕事が嫌い なんですよ」

Image by Kuhio Vellalos
“My vision right now is continuity. You move at the speed of trust, right? You move at the speed of community.”
Chelsey Jay, executive director, Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha
Image by John Hook

Kirk Fritz: The Endurance Athlete

As told to Lindsey Vandal Images by John Hook

Nui nā eo i ka‘a iā Kirk Fritz, ka mea e ‘ike maopopo ‘ia ai, ‘o ka mana‘o ho‘opono ‘ana ka mea e wehe ai kēlā me kēia ālaina.

数十幎にわたっおスポヌツ遞手ずしお掻躍しおきたカヌク・フリッ ツさんは、揺るぎないポゞティブ思考があればどんな難関も乗り 越えられるこずを蚌明しおきたした。

Growing up in Southern California, I was always skateboarding distance from the beach—body surfing, boogie boarding, and surfing became the backbone for everything else. I started competitive swimming at 5 years old, and at 9 years old I was racing BMX bikes and playing junior all-American football.

My football coach, Coach Johnson, had these crystal-blue eyes. He was not a very tall guy, but when he looked at you with fire in his eyes, there was this discipline factor. I knew I had that intensity inside of me and I could bring it out through sports.

In 1989, I moved to Hawai‘i and became a City and County of Honolulu lifeguard for District 1, Waikīkī and Ala Moana. Some friends invited me to join a sprint distance

南カルフォルニア出身のわたしは、い぀もビヌチにはスケヌトボヌ ドで行ける距離に䜏んでいたした。ボディサヌフィン、ブギヌボヌ ド、サヌフィンはすべおの基本になりたしたね。競泳をはじめたのは 5歳。9歳でBMXのレヌスに出堎し、ゞュニアの党米フットボヌルチ ヌムでもプレむしおいたした。

フットボヌルのゞョン゜ン・コヌチの目は、クリスタルのように柄ん だ青でね。小柄な人でしたが、炎のように燃える瞳で芋぀められる ずこっちは背筋が䌞びたした。自分にもコヌチず同じ匷さがあっお、 それはスポヌツを通じお発揮できるずわかっおいたした。

1989幎にハワむに移り、ワむキキやアラモアナ䞀垯を含む第1地 区を担圓するホノルル垂のラむフガヌドになりたした。友人たちに トラむアスロンのスプリント・ディタンスのチヌムに入らないかず誘 われおね。氎泳の経隓があったので、持久力を競うこうした競技の アンカヌにはうっお぀けだったんですね。

triathlon team, and my swimming background turned out to be a perfect anchor sport for doing these endurance events.

I learned pretty quickly that even in socalled “individual” sports, it takes a lot of support around you to succeed. When I qualified for the first Kona Ironman World Championship in 1994, I had no idea what I was getting into. Raul Boca Torres of Boca Hawaii bike shop took me under his wing and didn’t ask for a dime. I got connected with 20-year Ironman veterans who helped me prepare months in advance.

たずえ”個人”競技ずいわれおいおも、勝぀ためには倚くのサポヌトが 必芁だずいうこずは競技をはじめおすぐに孊びたした。1994幎、第1 回目のコナ・アむアンマン䞖界倧䌚の出堎暩を埗たずきは、自分がど んな䞖界に足を螏み入れたのかさっぱりわかっおいたせんでしたが、 自転車ショップ〈ボカ・ハワむ〉のラりル・ボカ・トレスさんがお金もず らずに䜕から䜕たで面倒をみおくれたした。アむアンマンレヌスで20 幎の経隓を持぀ベテランに、レヌスの数ヶ月前からみっちり蚓緎しお もらいたしたよ。

最初のレヌスは10時間16分で完走したした。気力ず䜓力のどちらが 欠けおいおも達成できない蚘録ですよ。別のコナの予遞では食䞭毒 にやられお、䜓調は最悪でした。それでも”気力で乗り切る”぀もりで力 いっぱい自転車を挕ぎたしたが、ゎヌルの100メヌトルほど手前で

The race took me 10 hours and 16 minutes—an impossible feat without a balance of mental and physical strength. During another Kona qualifying event, I had a stomach virus and couldn’t hold anything down. I thought, Mind over matter, and put the pedal to the metal. About a hundred yards from the finish line, I dropped to the pavement and just started flopping around like a fish. My brain was telling me, This is going to be the best race of my life, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. Everything has to be in sync.

At Ko Olina, it’s gratifying to play a part in helping people transition to and maintain an active lifestyle. Even if they’ve never been into sports, that curiosity is there. I had a group of retirees go from being nervous about jumping in the ocean to competing in the North Shore Swim Series races over the summer. With a little encouragement, they were able to achieve things they never thought possible.

I recently crossed the Ka‘iwi Channel solo for the first time in the Moloka‘i 2 O‘ahu Paddleboard World Championships, instead of with a relay team. You’re next to all these elite paddlers from around the world, but it’s more about seeing how you handle the elements presented to you on that day— and the massive challenge of being on the

地面に倒れ蟌み、魚のようにのたうちたわったんです。”人生最高のレ ヌスにするぞ”ず頭では思っおいおも、身䜓が぀いおこなかったんです ね。すべおが調和しおいないずダメなんですよ。

コ・オリナでは、アクティブなラむフスタむルに転向しようずいう人や、 アクティブなラむフスタむルを継続したい人の力になれるのがうれし いですね。退職埌、コ・オリナに移り䜏んだ人のなかには、はじめは海 に入るこずさえ怖かったのに今では倏のノヌス・ショア・スむム・シリ ヌズの倧䌚に出堎する人もいたす。ちょっずした埌抌しがあるだけで、 絶察に無理だず思っおいたこずもできるものなんですよ。

今幎のモロカむ2オアフ・パドルボヌド䞖界倧䌚ではリレヌチヌム の䞀員ずしおではなく個人で初めおカむノィ海峡を枡りたす。䞖界 䞭から集たる䞀流パドラヌず肩を䞊べお競うのですが、倧切なのは 自分がその日、自然にどう立ち向かうか。6時間連続でボヌドの䞊に 立ち続けるのは倧倉なこずなんですよ。最終区間では頭もがうっずし お、’80幎代の叀い歌でも口ずさんでしたうかもしれない。でも、栄逊 ず氎分をしっかり摂り、ポゞティブ粟神を忘れなければ、人に限界は ありたせんよ。

さたざたなスポヌツをこなすマルチアスリヌトずしお1992幎のモロ カむ・ポ・アりトリガヌカヌヌ倧䌚出堎をはじめ、数床にわたるホノ ルル・トラむアスロン優勝やホノルル・マラ゜ンの完走経隓、2022幎 ハレむノァ・むンタヌナショナル・オヌプンサヌフィン競技䌚での䞊䜍 入賞など、30幎以䞊もさたざたな競技に挑んできたカヌク・フリッツ さん。2010幎からコ・オリナ・ビヌチ・アンド・サヌフ・クラブの䌚長を 務めおいたす。

board for six straight hours. During the last leg, you might get a little loopy and start singing old ’80s songs. But if you’ve got the right nutrition and hydration, and you can keep a positive mindset, there’s no limit to how far you can go.

Kirk Fritz is a multi-sport athlete with more than three decades of competition under his belt, from paddling the Moloka‘i Hoe outrigger canoe race in 1992, to multiple Honolulu Triathlon wins and Honolulu Marathon finishes, to advancing in the 2022 Hale‘iwa International Open surfing competition. He has served as director of Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club since 2010.

Chelsey Jay: The Cultivator

As told to Anna Harmon Images by Josiah Patterson

Kūpa‘a me ke aloha ma hope o ka ‘āina nāna ia i hānai a puka ‘o ia ma kona ‘ano alaka‘i o kēia mau lā, ho‘oulu ‘ia e Chelsea Jay ka ‘ai a me ke kaiāulu, i luna ho‘okele no Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha.

I grew up in Mā‘ili, and I was incredibly lucky to be surrounded by both the ocean and the mountains as a child. This unique upbringing instilled the deep love I have for my community and culture, which is one of the main reasons I do the work that I do now. A lot of my memories revolve around being at the ocean with our ‘ohana (family), swimming, surfing, camping, and watching the beautiful West Side sunsets. As an adult, I continue to spend time at the ocean and surf, not only for my mental and physical health, but also to connect to my ancestors and my Hawaiian way of being and knowing.

I began attending Kamehameha Schools in the seventh grade and was motivated to learn ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian language). In my na‘au (gut), I knew I wanted to understand this part of myself more and

わたしはマヌむリで育ちたした。子䟛時代に海ず山、䞡方に囲たれ お過ごせたのはずお぀もなく幞運だったず思いたす。自分の故郷や 文化ぞの深い愛情はこの特別な子䟛時代に育たれたものですし、 郷土愛があるからこそこの仕事を遞んだんです。海で泳いだりサヌ フィンをしたり、キャンプのずきにり゚ストサむドの矎しい倕日を眺 めたこずなど、小さい頃の蚘憶の倚くはオハナ家族ず䞀緒に過ご した海の蚘憶です。倧人になった今も海に行き、サヌフィンも続け おいたすが、それは心身の健康のためだけでなく、自分の先祖ず぀ ながるため、ハワむアンずしおのあり方、ハワむアンずしおの芋聞を 深めるためでもあるんです。

日本の䞭孊1幎生にあたる7幎生から、カメハメハ・スクヌルハワ むアンの血を匕く子䟛たちが通う、ハワむ文化を重芖する私立校 に通い、積極的にオヌレロ・ハワむハワむ語を勉匷したした。ハワ むアンずしおの自分をより深く理解したいずいう思いが匷かったの で、ずれるかぎりのハワむ語の授業をずりたした。高校を卒業したら リヌダヌずしおの自分を育おおくれた土地ぞの愛情を胞に、〈ホア・ アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉の゚グれクティブ・ディレクタヌ、チェルシ ヌ・ゞェむさんは食物ずコミュニティを育おおいたす。

took as many Hawaiian language classes as I could. My goal after high school was to go to college to be an ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i kumu (teacher), but then I decided to attend college in Seattle to be close to my grandmother. In high school, I went to Waipi‘o Valley with my Hawaiian language class, and later, in college, I had the opportunity to go to Kaho‘olawe with the Protect Kaho‘olawe ‘Ohana. Having transformative experiences with ‘āina (land and sea, that which feeds) in those spaces with passionate people was eye-opening and showed me that I could perpetuate Hawaiian culture through the integration of ‘āina and education.

倧孊に進み、オヌレロ・ハワむのクム先生になるのが倢でしたが、 祖母の近くにいたかったのでシアトルの倧孊に進孊したした。ワむピ オ・ノァレヌは高校時代にハワむ語の授業で蚪れたしたし、倧孊時代 は〈プロテクト・カホオラノェ・オハナ〉の䞀員ずしおカホオラノェ島を 蚪れる機䌚にも恵たれたした。情熱あふれる人々ずこうした堎所でア ヌむナ土地や海。恵みをもたらすものに觊れたこずで新たなものの 芋方ができるようになり、アヌむナず教育を結び぀けるこずがハワむ 文化の継承に぀ながるこずにも気づきたした。

倚くの人々の支揎ず協力もあり、〈ホア・アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉は、䜕 䞖代にもわたっお食物を育おながらそこに暮らす人々も育くんでき たした。゚グれクティブ・ディレクタヌに就任しお以来、わたしの目暙 は愛する人々や土地のためにアりアモ・クリアナ組織の目暙を達成

With the help of many hands and hearts, Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha has been growing food and growing community for generations. In stepping into the executive director position, my main goal has always been to ‘auamo kuleana (carry this responsibility to move towards collective goals) for the love of my people and this place, and to honor the incredible legacy and vision of this beloved organization alongside our team, board, and community. My hope for myself for the next couple of years is to get really ma‘a (familiar) with this work so that I can understand it deeply and build meaningful pilina (relationships, connections) with the people who love Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha— always moving at the speed of trust.

We have a small but mighty staff who all have a connection to Wai‘anae. I am grateful to work with this team of excellent educators, problem-solvers, and critical thinkers. They have an immense amount of knowledge and expertise that is required to grow food and hold space for the community. But most importantly, they are amazing human beings. Here, the work is gentle and rooted in aloha. You feel really loved, by both the people and the ‘āina.

The more time I spend at Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha and truly understand the history and essence of this place, the more I fall in love with it. In practice, it’s about growing

するための自分の圹割を果たすこずず、同僚や理事、そしおコミュニ ティの人々ず協力し、人々に愛されおきたこの団䜓のすばらしい䌝統 ずビゞョンを倧切にしおいくこずです。この先2幎ほどは、時間をかけ お信頌関係を築き぀぀、仕事ぞのマア理解を深め、〈ホア・アヌむ ナ・オ・マヌカハ〉を愛する人々ず意味のあるピリナ絆を結んでいき たいず思っおいたす。

〈ホア・アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉の少数粟鋭のスタッフは、いずれもワ むアナ゚に瞁がある人たちです。指導力があり、問題を解決する胜力 に長け、深い考察のできる圌らず䞀緒に働けお光栄です。食物を育お るこず、人々の力になるこずに関しおははかり知れない知識を持぀圌 らですが、䜕より重芁なのは䞀人ひずりが人ずしおすばらしいずいう 点です。〈ホア・アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉の仕事は人に優しく、アロハの 粟神に基づいおいたす。ここは人からの愛もアヌむナからの愛もしっ かり感じられる堎所なのです。

〈ホア・アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉で時間を重ね、その歎史や本質をき ちんず理解するに぀れ、たすたす愛おしく感じるようになりたした。実 際の掻動内容は、食物を育おるこず、ケむキ子䟛たちを育むこず、 再生力を重芖しながらアヌむナを修埩するこず、人々に食事を提䟛す るこずなどですが、それだけではなく、より深いずころで人々を育み、

魂にも栄逊を䞎えおいるんです。わたしたちの䜿呜は”子䟛たちの目 ず手、心を通しお、自然ず調和しながら平和に満ちたコミュニティを぀ くるこず”です。アンティ・プアナニ・バヌゲスが぀けた〈ホア・アヌむナ・ オ・マヌカハ〉ずいう名前の意味は、”友情のもずに分かち合うマヌカ ハの倧地”。垌望の皮を怍えるこずで培われた土地ず人ずの深い絆を 通しお、わたしたちは〈ホア・アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉の䜿呜ず名前を 䜓珟しおいたす。

food, nurturing our keiki (children), restoring ‘āina in a regenerative way, and feeding people through food. But it’s also about feeding people in a deeper way, through nourishment of your soul. Our mission is “creating peaceful communities in harmony with nature through the eyes, hands, and hearts of the children.” The name of our organization, Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha, translates to “Land of Mākaha Shared in Friendship” and was gifted to us by Auntie Puanani Burgess. We embody our mission and name through a deep relationship with the land and with people and by planting seeds of hope.

友人であり、アドバむザヌでもあるマヌカハ出身のカム゚ラ・むヌノス さんに蚀われたのですが、アヌむナは正しい人を呌び寄せるそうで す。わたしは、自分がぎったりのタむミングで来るべき堎所に来たず思 っおいたす。この堎所がわたしを求めおくれるかぎり、なるべく長くこ こにいたいです。なんだか家に垰っおきたような気がするんですよ。

2023幎、〈ホア・アヌむナ・オ・マヌカハ〉の゚グれクティブ・ディレク タヌに就任したチェルシヌ・ゞェむさんは、10幎の〈マヌラマ・ラヌニ ング・センタヌ〉勀務を含めお10数幎、オアフ島り゚ストサむドのアヌ むナず人々のために働いおきたした。今の目暙は、自分が育ったワむ アナ゚の人々の健康ず幞せのために貢献するこずだそうです。

A friend and mentor, Kamuela Enos, who is from Mākaha, said to me that the ‘āina always calls the right people. I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time in my life, and I want to be here for as long as I possibly can, for as long as this place will have me. It feels like returning home.

Serving as the executive director of Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha since 2023, Chelsey Jay has worked with the ‘āina and community on O‘ahu’s West Side for more than a decade, including 10 years at Mālama Learning Center. Her ongoing goal is to contribute to the health and well-being of Wai‘anae, the community that raised her.


Four Seasons Resort O‘ahu

Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa

Beach Villas at Ko Olina

Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club


Ko Olina Chapel Place of Joy

Ko Olina Marina

Ko Olina Golf Club

Ko Olina Station

Ko Olina Center

Laniwai, A Disney Spa & Mikimiki Fitness Center

Four Seasons Naupaka Spa & Wellness Centre; Four Seasons Tennis Centre



Kai Lani

Lanikuhonua Cultural Institute

Grand Lawn

Kai Lani

The Coconut Plantation

The Coconut Plantation

Ko Olina Kai Golf Estates & Villas

Ko Olina Kai

The Fairways at Ko Olina

Estates & Villas

The Fairways at Ko Olina

Ko Olina Hillside Villas

Ko Olina Hillside Villas

Centre / Four Seasons Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus Seagull School / The Stone

The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus Seagull School, The Stone

Family Early

Early Education Center

Ko Olina Wellness

Ko Olina Wellness Academy / Kuleana Coral Restoration

Hawaiian Railway Society Railroad

Ko Olina is the only resort in Hawai‘i owned by a local family raising generations of keiki in the islands. We are surrounded by the hearts of a Hawaiian community: we mālama our culture and community ʻohana

by embracing neighbors, guests and employees with aloha. As stewards of the ‘āina and ocean, we honor the foundation of our wellbeing.

We invite you to experience our Place of Joy, where aloha lives.

Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa
Beach Villas at Ko Olina
Four Seasons Resort O‘ahu at Ko Olina
Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club



Located in Ko Olina, or “Place of Joy,” Lanikūhonua was known to be a tranquil retreat for Hawai‘i’s chiefs. It was said that Queen Ka‘ahumanu, the favorite wife of King Kamehameha I, bathed in the “sacred pools,” the three ocean coves that front the property.

In 1939, Alice Kamokila Campbell, the daughter of business pioneer, James Campbell, leased a portion of the land to use as her private residence. She named her slice of paradise, “Lanikūhonua,” as she felt it was the place “Where Heaven Meets the Earth.”

Today, across 10 beautiful acres, Lanikūhonua continues on as a place that preserves and promotes the cultural traditions of Hawai‘i. It allows visitors from around the world an opportunity to experience the rich, cultural history and lush, natural surroundings of this beautiful property.


Shops, Restaurants, and Services to indulge your senses.

Hours: 6AM-11PM; Open Daily.

Ko Olina Center 92-1047 Olani Street. Ko Olina, HI. 96707

Ko Olina Station 92-1048 Olani Street. Ko Olina, HI. 96707


Image by Josiah Patterson

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