Fel i ces Fi estas AGlimpseattheholiday se asoninNew Mexi co
Inthefol l owi ngpages youwill disc ove rwhattheholidayse asonin Ne wMe xic ome anstome .Ihave photographe dandfe ature dplac e s, sc e ne ry,shops,artwork,andfood thatIthoughte mbodie dthemixof c ultureandtraditionthatisso uniquetoNe wMe xic o.Ialso inc lude dse ve ralre c ipe s.The yare (glute nfre eandve ge tarian) variationsofthetraditionalNe w Me xic andishe sthatmyfamilyhas alwayslove d. Ple asee njoythismagaz ineandpass italong!
ey l eal ttl i lof thel oveal Il dTown.Eachone nOl ways i orful ts owncol has i ses. surpri ways adoredLa I haveal nt s a quai .Iti chel CrepeMi s eresturantthatfeel ttl i l nFrance, ongs i tbel kei i l co. rather thanNew Mexi
Poi nsetti as fl ores denocha buena) (
W he nIwasyounge r,I alwayslove dre adingthe Legendof thePoi nsetti a
astoryaboutalittle girlinMe xic owhoc ould onlyoffe rahandfulof we e dsforthealtarin he rc hurc honChristmas E ve .Althoughshewas ashame dshec ouldnot givemore ,shegavewhat shehadwithallhe r he art.W he nsheplac e d thewe e dsonthealtar, the ybloome dinto brilliantc rimson flowe rs,thusre c ie ving thename Fl owers of theHol y Ni ght
Sandi a( watermel on)Mountai ns
Cowgi rl Truffl e
Tamaya ResortandSpa Iwouldn’ tmindstayinghe re ... www.tamaya.hyatt.c om
I was notvery careful anddi dnottakeoutal l of thepobl ano seeds. Itwas super hot,even for my hotchi l e-l ovi ng fami l y.So watchout!
Santa FePl az a
Theheartmoti fi s very commoni nNew Mexi co
TheLensi c Preformi ngArts Center
Mi stl etoe
Lumi nari as Oneofmyfavoritethingsabout ChristmasinNe wMe xic o
Itwas l ateafternoonwhenI was taki ngphotos of thechapel .Thesun was setti ngandthegol denl i ght fi l teredthroughthetrees i na way thatcreateda gl ow di rrectl y onthe mosai cof theMadona.