TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 30 32 33
Victoria Lozano Escarra, Blossoming Mind Kendall Downend, untitled Aura Mattison Key, No Title Sebastian Shin, Mickey Mao Lily van Baaren, Human Nature Julia Robertson, Fruit Loops Dashiell Luessenhop, The Frowning Clown Maia Castro-Santos, The Only Way Out is Up Valeria Vilanova Gallucci, The Golden Rule Kimi Donohoe, Niagara Falls Natalie lmen Mak, Lice Victoria Lozano Escarra, Flowering Veins Emily Chou, untitled Maggie Cheng, Scarecrows Blue Smith, brave bird's dance Stephen Yi ling Peng, Riddles of the Tweets Jamie Trang Phan, untitled Stephanie Finger Ling, untitled Mark Yates, Lanterns Aloft Mary Wells, Rhapsody Kimi Donohoe, Afternoon in Northampton Ann Xu, Respiring Wounds Amelia Strickland, The Administration Peter Weis. Milking 1932 Chianna Cohen, Snow Day on the Farm Joel Lowsky, Oil, Water, Color, Flash
34 35 37 38 40 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56
Annika Lotze, The Dance of the Wind Valeria Vilanova Galucci, untitled & untitled (detail) Olivia Geddes, untitled Katya Stone, Skull Scratchboard Alex Brooke, Tentic/es Zari Newman, What Your Eyes Didn't Hear Ann Zitong Xu, Rosabud Ann Zitong Xu, Blossom of Agony Mark Yates, Serious Barbecue Ngone Fall, In a Nutshell Ngone Fall, That's Not How You Spell My Name! Katya Stone, Plant Kid Kaitlyn Lu, Artist Trading Cards Jamie Trang Phan, Dalat's Textile Fort Mark Koyama, The Green Frog Lars Andrews, Iguana Scratchboard Mark Koyama, A shambles Bill Roberts, Thirty-Nine Deluxe
No Title With the hands of an angel Swinging so gracefully from its dial The arms are never in a tangle, But are like an effortless movement that has no end The count is on for every movement of the angle If only we cared Instead of carelessly neglecting the eternal gift How much of this Is like a mystery For some today and others tomorrow For its existence is its own master Which no one can control Not in our day Or how much of it we have left until this poem is over But in our existence Until we are done Will we one day wonder where it has gone?
TheFr owni ng Cl own I nspi r ed byAl l enGi nsber g’ sHowl
I .
Is awt hegr eat es tmi ndsofmygener at i onbur i edi nment albl ockades ,f r eez i ngt odeat hi n Moncl erj acket s , cr awl i ngbet weendes t i nat i onsundery el l owmoonscr av i ngf oranounceofconnect i on, uns at i s fiedt eenager sl acki ngt al esofadv er s i t ys hov i ngt hei ri nt er naldes pai ri nt ot hedar kes t dept hsoft hei rbackpacksandr epl aci ngt hem wi t hempt yLoui sVui t t onones , whof el tt hemos ti s ol at edi ncr owdsoft hei rgr eas ygi ggl i ngbr et hr encont empl at i ngt hef acade ofi tal l ,l i f e, whof oundt hemos tcomf or tbei ngs wal l owedi nbl anket sandcomf or t er suns eeni nt heheav y bl acknes s , whowor s hi ppedpopcul t ur ei dol st hatbecamemor er ealconcr et ephy s i calt hant hepeopl e t hey ’ dknownf ory ear s , whohy pocr i t i cal l ynaggedconf or mi t ywhi l eamongapackofs i mi l arwei r dos ,t hei r ony , whody edt hei rhai rpoppi ngr ocki ngflami ngopi nkbuts t i l ls awl i f easbl ackandwhi t e, anger ,f r us t r at i on,s ol i t ude,l us t ,ar edfir ewor kex pl odi ngands hi mmer i ngi nt het hi ckhai lofi t al l , whos awl i f ei nmet aphor sandcompl ex i t y ,ohHaml et ,t hemi ndabduct sandhol dsushos t age, butt hepas s i oni si nt heengul fings t ockhol ms y ndr ome, r edbr i ckr edbr i ck,s hr i v el i ngt r eess heddi ngt hei rmas quer ades ,bar e,naked,act ual , whor odet hemav er i cksofhi ghsandflai l i ngcr as hedi nt ot hehar ddar kwat erofl owsandbar el y dr ownedwi t hgut ss t uf f eds al t yl i qui dbef or egas pi ngenoughox y gent odoi tal lov er agai n, whof el tt hemos tpeacewi t hdr i ppi ngbl oodyl i psnos esey esi nt hev i ol enceofThe Obs er v at or y ’ smos hpi t s , whower epl uck edpl acedont oagr i mycr acki ngponyoft hes oci al i z i ngmer r y gor ound, endl es s andcont i nuousandflui dandpoi nt l es s ,
whowi s el ydi s mount edaschunksofneonv omi tJ acks onPol l ockedt hecoolpav ement , whower es i ckofi t ,s i ckofi tal l , whobeggedt obes hackl edi nhandcuf f sembos s ed“ Gucci , ” whos pentt hous andsofdol l ar soncl ot hescov er i ngbecaus et obeuncov er edi spur e v ul ner abi l i t y , whol ookedi nt hef oggymi r r oronedayt os eeCaes arandr et ur nedt henex tt os eeEdwar d Sci s s or hands , boats hoesboats hoesboats hoesMom pl eas e,enoughwi t ht hef ucki ngboats hoes , whowor eJ apanes egr andmas andal st oabus i nes scas ualj oi nti nMi dt ownt opr ov eas uper i or i t y t ot hephoni nes s , whowoul dr at hers ayf ucky out hent hanky ou, whos awabs ol ut eaccept anceasadef eati npr i nci pl esandr ej ect i onofuni quenes s , whol ai di nbedsofcot t onl et t ucedr es s edi ns weatands emeni mobi l et os eehowt hewor l d r ev ol v edi nt hei rabs ence, whowas hedpeopl eawayl i kedi r tatt heKor eat owncarwas h,s cr ubs cr ubs cr ub,t hat ’ l lbe14. 95 pl eas e I I . Whatf ouls l i t her i ngcr eat ur econt i nual l ys l i cest hehar dy el l owpal msofman’ sf eets ot hatev er y s t eps t i ngsmor et hant hel as t ? Achl y s !Cackl i ng!T eas i ng!I mmor t al !Achl y swhol ay si nmewi t hhert al onsf ul l ys har pened! Achl y swhos econt i nuousr ecor dss cr eecht hel ul l abi esofmi s er y ! Achl y s !Achl y smyendl es sat t empt schoki ngs t r angl i ngs uf f ocat i ngy oual way scommencewi t h y ourgr eyf r oz enhandsgr i ppi ngmynape! Achl y s !Achl y s !Achl y s !Theet er nals quat t erur i nat i ngonmyi nt er nalfloor boar ds ! Achl y st hehacki nguni nv i t eddi nnergues ts pi t t i ngpoi s onousflem onmyf eas t !Di s i nt egr at i ng i nt oapoolofgr eyv omi t !Achl y s !Leav e!
TheChi nes ewat ert or t ur eofmyex i s t ence!Achl y s !Ther unawaywhohasbeenl os tl ongenough t obecomef or got t ens t umbl i ngbackt oaf or got t enhomel ay er edwi t hbr ui s esy el l ow pur pl egr een. Achl y sy ou’ r eback! Achl y swhonev ert r ul yabandons !Achl y swhoi sapar tofme!I sme!Buti s n’ t ! Achl y s !Thi ef !Pal emuggeroft hedus k!Snat chi ngmyhappi nes s !Myj oy !Mycont ent ment !
I I I . Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue whent heex t er i orex pr es s i onj ux t apos est hei nt er i or Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue whent hemas quer adei sr eal ert ot hem t hanact ual i t y Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue nar r owl yes capi ngt hej abber wockyt of al lbackdownt her abbi thol e Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue es i di ngi nt hemi ndmor es ot hanr eal i t y r Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue pr ef er r i ngt oconv er s ewi t ht hepal ey el l owwal l sr at hert hant hepal epi nkfles ht hathasbecome s of or ei gn Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue whent het ear sr unagai ns tt hecl ownmakeup Wear el os ti nacons t antbl ue Et er nalt r av el l er sj our ney i ngt hr ought het hi ckcons umi ngf or es twi t hhowl i ngbr anches whi ppi ngt hei rt i r edfigur es
Das hi el lLues s enhop
All my life I have been loving in multitudes, thinking that this is how love is supposed to be, It strangles, it suffocates, and I let it because I was terrified of being alone, but Loneliness is not an enemy of love, he is an aspect. How strange it is that I never see you in the mornings but you still visit me in my sleep. I see small things when I walk in the woods and they remind me of you: A broken beetle, carrying half of its shell, Small plants living among shattered glass, White sneakers in the black dirt, I write to my disappointed mother: She smells like African spice and I love her because she teaches me about the Universe; About Chekhov and Plato and Irish plants. Her tongue is stained with Kefir, and I see her in technicolor.
Emily Chou
brave bird's dance i am in love with the back of your head and the curve of your neck with the slope of your shoulders and the angle of-your hips your wings i am in love with the wrinkles by your eyes and your far too rare smile ... Oh, your smile! like the wind that kisses your bare ankles in the spring never forgotten like the wind that ruffles your cotton white feathers in the-autumn like the first star to appear on a cloudy night brave persistent yet afraid i am in love with the softness of your voice and the way you hold me like i am the only sanity you have left i am in love with the nest of warm nights you and i created when i look at you i see someone falling you are stuck In a turbulent wind of annoyance and disapproval you do not know how to fly away when i look at you i can almost hear you pleading screaming to get out of this glass cage you've built around yourself You Dance Fast hoping the voices won't catch up hoping you'll escape in time and I am in love with the way you Dance the way you let me hold you like a child or a delicate baby bird i worry i might crush you with just one touch lam in love with the back of your head and i am here just waiting for you to turn around
Rhaps ody Bas edonAl l enGi ns ber g’ sHowl I . Is awt hebes thear t sofmygener at i ont hr i v eunders t er eot y pes , s i t t i nghi ghheadedwi t ht hei rf uckboyhai randwhi t egi r ll eggi ngsandhockeybagsandbackwar dshat s andav ocadot oas t , notgi v i ngas hi taboutwhatt hei rpar ent s&par ent ’ spar ent s&par ent ’ suncl es&par ent ’ saunt st hi nk aboutt hei rnonr eci pr ocat edi ns ol ence, whos t ol ef r om t hecl as s i cs , l i v i ngof fGi ns ber gandEl i otandwr ot ei nflamedbyt hehat e t heygotj us tf orl i v i ng, whos ex ualbehav i or shadt obeanal y z edbys ci ent i s tandpokedandpr odedatbecaus et heyneededt o knowhows excoul dwor kwi t houtcommi t ment , whodr ov et hr oughWy omi ngandgots t ucki nt r af ficbecaus et heywant edt ol ookatt hes uncov er i ngt he moon&t hemooncov er i ngt hes un&want edt os i ti nt hes uni ns t eadoft hedr i v er ’ ss eat , whocoul dn’ tdr i nkor angej ui ceany mor ebecaus eoft hatdr unkenni ghti nMont r ealwher es i bl i ngsl ov ed s i bl i ngsf oronet i meonl y whohi di nt hei rr oomswi t ht hei rper f umes pr ay edcl ot hesandcr i edov erdepar t edl ov es , t hi nki ngonl y abouthowmucht heydi dn’ twantt odot hei rl aundr yandhadt oadmi tt obei ngl os tev eni nt he ex t i nctcomf or toft hei rs oi l edbed whohadt opr omi s et odenys omeonet hei rbodyf orapr ankandaflat t enedwhoopeecus hi on, whower el ef tonr eadbecaus emakeupl es spi ct ur esandpr udi s hdr es snotev ent obecons i der ed becaus et hef earofbei ngcaughtboi l edov erev er y one' smi nds , whor el i v edt hatt i mewi t ht hatguyi nt hatpl acewhi chi snowonl yr emember edasaf or got t en compul s i ont ober emember edandf or got t enagai n, whowai t edf orday sandy ear st ogett hei rbodymar kedwi t hcat sandcr ownsandwhor andownt he hi ghwaynakedt os howt hem of f , whos t ar edi nt ot hebacksoff uckboy sandt houghtonl yaboutt hemi s s i ngcr es cendoanddecr es cendo andi ns t eadonl yhear dt hes oundofey eswat chi ngt hem, whobr oodeds cenar i osandpl annedoutt hei rmont hshi ghont hes t r es sf r om t hebr okens y s t ems , whos ati npot t er ys t udi osunt i lt hei rcur f ewt al ki ngaboutt hatChr i s t maswhens omeonewass hoti nt hei r l i v i ngr oom andhowt heywer emor ehear t br okenaboutt hei rr ui nedpr es ent st hanaf r i end’ s deat h, who’ sbackhal v esf r oz ef r om t hegr oundt heywer el y i ngonj us tt ogett hegut t eds ky ’ sl as tfixbef or e
t hes unt ookhei s tandwar medt hei rhi ddenbones , whot hr ewupf r om ni cot i nepoi s oni ngandat ehandf ul sofpeanutm&m’ st os t opt henaus eacar es s i ng t hei rs t omachs , whor el i s hedi nt hedi r t ywor dschuckedatt hem f r om t hei rpar ent s&par ent ’ spar ent s&par ent ’ suncl es& par ent ’ saunt s , whobl os s omedundert hepr es s ur eofacts atus ccol l egepar ent speopl ewhohat edt hem bombar ded t hem wi t hi deasoft hei rpas t , whot hr ewbackt hei ri mpl i edi gnor ance, pr i v i l ege, ent i t l ement , pr er ogat i v e,y ounamei t , andbur ned t hr oughwhat ev erf encess t oodi nt hei rway , whobl os s omedev eni nt hei rr ui nedgar dens , andt r i edt opl antnewflower sbef or et hewi nt erf r oz eov eronl yt os eet hatt heyhadal r eadynev erev en l i v ed atl eas twewer eabl et os eet hel i ghtofday . I I . Whatgol dandr ubi eswer eputont opoft hei rheadsi ns embl anceofmocker yandent i t l ementbutflooded t hem wi t hhonorandr omance, Hi g!Debaucher y !Fai t h!Beaut y !Chi l dr eny el l i ngout s i de!Gi r l sl aughi ngi nfli r t s !Ol dmens haki ngt hei r fis t ! Hi g!Hi g!RomanceofHi g!Cons ol at i onofHi g!Hi gt heMi l l enni al s !Rav ageHi g!Hi gt hecr i mi nal sat t hej udgeswhi ps es s i v efight er swhos el oy al t yi st her es ui ci deweapon!Hi gt hel os tl ov er s Hi gt hepaci fis t !Hi gt heaggr l ooki ngf orl as tcal l sandhav enowher eel s et ogo! Hi gt hebl i nds eer sands t er eot y per i ddenf uckboy s !Hi gwhocan’ tt el lt hedi f f er encebet weenf akenews andr ealbul l s hi t ! Hi gwhos eey eswi dens hamedwhent hewor dr aci s tdenot est hei rgr andpar ent sandt hei r‘ notmy pr es i dent ’ andi snol ongerf akenewsbutr ealbul l s hi t ! Webr okeourbacksl i f t i ngHi gt oheav en!Li f t i ngour s el v est or eal i t ywhi chex i s tandi si ns i deus ! Fl as hl i ght s !Maps !Dr eam!Vi s i ons !Nav i gat i ont hr ought hewhol eboat l oadofs ens i t i v ebul l s hi t !Rowi ng backupt heAmer i canr i v er ! Theys awi tal l !Openedmi nd!Unhol yt hought !Wav edhel l o!Theys t oodt hei rgr ound!Scr eami ng! Shat t er i ng!Pi ecesofgl as sf al l i ng!Downont hepav ement ! ‘ Hi g’ i sar ef er enc et ot hemai nc har ac t erofTheDogSt ar s , r es embl i ngr omant i c i s m, s t r engt h, s ol i t ude, andbeaut y
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewear et hr i v i ng
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewehav el es smat er i alt obui l dandonl yourhear t st odot heheav yl i f t i ng
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewe’ v es t r ai nedour s el v esonourl adderofbr okenbonest or ai s es omet hi ngwor t hy
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewefightours ev ens i ns
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher el ov ei sat r apev er y oner ot si n
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher eours oul sar ef oundi nourbodi esev er ygr oggymor ni ng
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewecher i s ht hemi ndsofpoet sands cr eenwr i t er sandf ant as i z eov ert hei rmadeupf ant as i es
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewe’ r eal lmaddert hanourpar ent s
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ebl oodi s n’ tt hi ckert hanwat er
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewes hi v erev er yt i meagungoesof fbecaus eweknowi twon’ tbet hel as t
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewet hi nkaboutcas uals ex ualas s aul tass omet hi ngpr es i dent i al
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewecr i edt hatni ghtwhent henegl ect or , abus er , hat er , ‘ nev ermypr es i dent ’ wasel ect edand
weendedourt ear swi t ht hought sonhowourr ui nedgar denswoul dnowneedawoodengr owt h,
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewebeggedatt hegl as scei l i ngt hatwasnol ongergl as sbutbl acks acr i l egi ousi r on, notev en
gi v i ngas hudderwhenourv oi cest r i edt os hakei t Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher eourdr eamswer es t ol enbyacel ebr i t ycal l i nghi ms el fapr es i dent , l ooki ngmor el i kea
Kar das hi ant hananObama, s i t t i nghi ddeni nhi st owerwhent hedr agonsout s i deonl ywant ed t hei rhomeback
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher eourr i ght sar eex pos edonl ywhenwes t epont hepav ementhi di ngt hem
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewear enol ongermadbutv ocal
Iam wi t hy oui nt hemi l l enni um
wher ewear ef or ev erconnect edi nourt ear sandbl oods hedanddemandst hatwi l lonl yecho i nt ot henex tmi l l enni um
Milking 1932
A sestina in memory of David Stevens•
Four-thirty alarm wakes an empty bed. Brightening June blesses a dressed herdsman. From froth of river fog and dawn draped barn floats a lowing of black and white Holsteins. Steve sneaks a pipe, watches sunrise, Chapel clock chimes five times, calls milk crew to work hour. Sleepy eyed they straggle in, the work hour boys, moments ago fast asleep in bed, now in milking whites, acolytes at chapel. They stand in file and rank, let the herdsman number them, same as he'd count up Holsteins stamping stanchioned in freshly whitewashed barn. His pale phalanx breaks ranks, fans through the barn. Steel milk pail clatter shatters calm. Work hour gang empties one hundred eighty Holsteins' udders. An old tom springs from his hay bed at the zip of milk on metal. Herdsman utters words you wouldn't hear in chapel, "Damned cat! We need mousers! No chapelÂhearted milquetoasts in David Steven's barn!'' Boys snigger, they know the love the herdsman bears, for cows, for cats, for tired work hour lads, also know his life has been no bed of roses, so laugh, and love his Holsteins. Milking over, Steve turns drover. Holsteins trotting out for pasture, their own chapel spring and summer, rocky ground or shaded bed. Not done, the clean-up starts inside the barn. Ammonia and lime reek sicken work hour heads, but please the daft returning herdsman.
Not one among them knows. today the herdsman has but months to live, unless his Holsteins somehow know. Instead, blessing his work hour crew, draws for each a glass from his chapel font, fresh milk from the cooler in the barn, then pours a bowl for the tom in his bed. At evening herdsman prays for lank Holsteins in sweet scent sunset bed of dairy barn; work hour whites head slow uphill for chapel.
*David Stevens worked for Mount Hermon and The Northfield Schools from 1909 until his sudden death in March of 1933. The faculty house immediately to the north of North Farmhouse was built for him and his family in 1925, hence its name, Stevens House. He was known familiarly as ''Steve."
Peter Weis
The Dance of the Wind
Once I had danced with my father in the roaring flames. We danced to the sound the wind makes as it twists through the trees. Our feet were bare as we scampered across the moss covered Earth. We danced until our eyes gazed upon the still iridescent water. My father leaped into the water so high that he was a star. I hesitated to jump. I stood at the edge of the dock looking at the reflection the stars casted on the lake. And for a quick moment I saw my own reflection. 1 lifted my head and jumped straight into the night sky. In the water all of the Earth's stars danced.
Annika Lotze
Bl os s om ofAgony Ros abudbl ooms Sl owl yunf ol dsherwounds Dr i v enbys oi ls ol el y Notmuc hofagi f t Butadut y . Ros abudbl ooms J us tonc e T ol ookornott ol ook I tbl oomed Thent hes c entofbl os s om Di s s ol v es I nt ot hemoc ki ngwi nd Ai r , bes t i l l . ’ ‘ Ros abudbl ooms , Forher s el f T os eeornott os ee I tbl oomed Herbl oodybos om Fades i nt hec haosofbl os s oms Ar bi t r ar yandpoi gnant Suc hbl os s om ofagony Sogr ot es queandpet t y ! Beggi ngt hewi nt ert of r eez et hepai n Pr ay i ngt hei c et opr ol onghers t ay . Themer c i f uly etv i c i ousear t h! Engul f edt hel as tpet al . Onc euponat i me ARos abudbl oomed, Soi tdi d. I tdi d?
AnnZi t ongXu