6 minute read
USTA Eastern Conference Returns In Person
USTA Eastern Conference Returns to In Person
Photo credit: Dave Dellinger/USTA Eastern

For the first time in two years, the annual USTA Eastern Tennis Conference returned to an inperson event, as tennis enthusiasts from across the Section gathered at the Sheraton Mahwah Hotel in New Jersey back in March.
The event serves as a great way to bring together all categories of the tennis industry in the Eastern Section to discuss the upcoming year of tennis.
“We were ecstatic to be able to hold the conference in-person this year,” said USTA Eastern Executive Director Jenny Schnitzer. “Such a major part of the event is bringing members of our local tennis community together, helping facilitate connections.”
For the past two years, the event was held virtually, with seminars and panels held over Zoom. While still effective, there is something unique about being able to meet in person which allows for even further growth to be fostered, as Schnitzer explained:
“In person, you’ll see a tennis provider from Long Island run into a tennis provider from Buffalo. They’ll stop and chat about the different programs they’re running, about what’s working and what they hope to do later in the year. Those connections are such a key component of the conference and something that you really can only get when everyone can gather together.”
The Conference once again featured workshops, panels and other seminars, including a presentation by two-time Olympic Fencer Nzingha Prescod.
Of course, the highlight of the conference is the Awards Ceremony that takes place at night, as Eastern is able to honor and celebrate those who have made a positive difference in our community over the last year.
“We were really happy to celebrate our annual award winners in person,” said Schnitzer. “The recipients we selected have really elevated the sport in our section, and they’ve worked extraordinarily hard during some undeniably difficult times over the last two years. We felt very fortunate to be able to hold a ceremony to honor them.”
The Annual Tennis Conference is a great sailing off point for what is to come in tennis in our area for the rest of the year.
“This is honestly such an exciting time for the sport. Tennis participation is up, and it is particularly up in our section,” added Schnitzer. “All weekend, you could feel a lot of positive energy and excitement from everyone in attendance. Everybody knows what a moment this is for the growth of the game, and we're all ready to hit the ground running for the remainder of the year.”

Long Island Tennis Magazine
Long Island Tennis
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Table Of Contents
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Photo credit: Garrett Ellwood/USTA
4 Courts & Cocktails Event Series Continues on Long Island 8 Pickleball on Long Island 18 Parsa’s Picks 24 2022 French Open Preview 34 Tennis in the Hamptons 2022 42 Junior Player Spotlight: Dahlia Morgenstern, Point Set
By Brian Coleman 54 Beyond the Baseline: Neil Thakur, USTA Eastern By Brian Coleman
PG 4 PG 8 PG 34 PG 42
1 USTA Eastern Conference Returns In Person 6 Across Long Island: News & Notes from Across the L.I. Tennis
Community 28 Tennis History Meets a Cutting-Edge Private Club Concept at The Hamlet 30 Q&A with Dr. Tom Ferraro, Sports Psychologist 31 Pine Hollow: A Picturesque Club on the North Shore 44 USTA Eastern Long Island Region Update
46 Adult League Wrap-Up By Becky Bellino 48 Strawberries, Pickles and Cream? By Steve Kaplan 49 Serve and Volley is Coming Back! By Steve Annacone 50 Summer Camp Pitfalls By Chris Lewit
53 Silent Partner Tennis Ball Machines: The Machine With Muscle 56 Mythbusters: Not All Coaching Advice is Based on Facts…Part Four
By Ricky Becker 59 But I Don’t Want To By Barbara Wyatt
60 The Top Ten Tennis Tips of All-Time Part Three: Champions Do Not
Fear Success By Dr. Tom Ferraro
61 The Secret to Being Your Best: Balance On and Off The Court
By Rob Polishook 63 Court Six: Long Island Tennis Magazine’s Gossip Column By Emilie Katz

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LITennisMag.com • May/June 2022 • Long Island Tennis Magazine