Third-party originations

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Securities-based lending: An alternative source of funding

Third-party originations: What the future may hold

By Adrian Skiles, GML

By David Walden

You may have heard the term “stock with a proposed interest rate. loan,” “stock-secured financing” or “secuThe terms are offered to the borrower, rities-based lending.” All of these terms and upon agreement by both parties, the refer to the type of lending program loan documents are drawn up and where the borrower’s securities (stocks, arrangements are made for the securities bonds, mutual funds or options) are to be transferred to a holding company. A pledged as collateral for a loan. These are final value is then given to the securities “non-purpose” loans and no lien is placed based on an average of the closing price of upon any asset, such as real estate or per- the collateral for three consecutive marsonal property. The securities alone stand ket days. This is called the “strike price.” as collateral for the debt. Proceeds of the The borrower then transfers the ownerloan may be used for any purpose except ship of the securities to the lender. The to purchase or carry securities. borrower still retains all beneficial interInterest rates for these programs are ests in the securities and will receive any usually between 2.5 and 4.5 percent and dividends or interest that accrues from the the loan-to-value ratios offered may be as securities during the term of the loan. high as 80 percent of the securities value. At the end of the loan term, the loan The factors that determine the rate of may be renewed, refinanced or paid off. interest and the amount of the loan are If the loan is paid in full at the agreed how actively traded and upon term, the exact numliquid the securities are on ber of shares or collateral the open market. The loan initially pledged is term is typically between returned to the borrower. three- and 10-years, with a One important point is fixed interest rate and there is a “lock-out” for the “interest-only” payments term of the loan, which due to the lender. These means the borrower may loans are offered with no not make any principal closing costs, broker or reduction payments or pay transaction fees. Funding off the loan entirely until can take place in just a the end of the agreedmatter of days. A credit upon loan term. “These loans are a report is not required, nor If, during the term of “qualifying stock is any income or employthe loan, the value of the ment verification done. securities falls below the lending agreement” Not all types of securities and therefore a nonagreed upon minimum may be used as collateral. fair market value (usually taxable event with The securities must be able 70 to 80 percent of the respect to any gain to be “free traded” without loan amount), then the or loss at the time of any restrictions and the loan would be considered the transfer of the borrower must be able to in default. The contract securities.” prove that they are not a 10 may require the borrower percent or greater holder, to contribute additional director or executive officer in the compa- cash or shares as more collateral to keep ny that is the issuer of the securities. the loan out of default. The decision to Retirement funds (401k’s, pensions, etc), move forward is solely up to the borrowdo not qualify for this type of program. er. Remember, that this type of lending is These are also “non-recourse” loans, non-recourse, so should this type of shortso if the borrower does not make the fall occur, the borrower may stop making interest payments when due or fails to the payments and simply walk away from repay the principal at the end of the loan the loan and forfeit their collateral with term, the lender’s only option is to keep no penalty or recourse from the lender. the securities that were pledged as collatWhen choosing a lender, here are a eral. Should a loan default occur, the loan few items the borrower may want to is cancelled and the borrower keeps the consider prior to entering into this type money received from the loan and the of arrangement: lender keeps all interest in the securities. The loan default is not reported to any O How long has the company been in credit bureau or placed in public record. business? The loan application process is quite O What are the backgrounds of the simple and should take just a few days principals in the company? to complete the loan process and receive O What assurances can the company the funds. To start, the borrower supgive that the full amount of collaterplies the name and number of shares al will be returned to the borrower that they wish to pledge, along with the upon completion of the loan term? loan amount and term desired. The O What is their track record of returning lender will then do a preliminary examthe pledged collateral to the borrowination of the loan request, and based er at completion of the loan term? upon an assessment of risks, they will determine the loan-to-value ratio, along continued on page 39

The views and opinions expressed in the following article do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of NMP Media Corp., its publishers and staff, the National Association of Mortgage Brokers and the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women.

effects of their shrinking net worth resulting from runoff, those lenders will need to stem the tide of rapid runoffs as quickly as possible for their stockholders. There will be limited servicing available to purchase at cost-effective prices. Therefore, it must come from production. Their own existing When offering my opinions on the subject production operations will soon prove to of the future prognosis for the mortgage be insufficiently staffed and trained to broker industry, I have only one agenda meet this demand. This industry has lost a and that is how to save the mortgage bro- lot of its trained, seasoned human ker industry. I certainly do not speak for the resources from the production side of the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) as a business. We will absolutely need the surtrade group spokesperson, but I am offer- viving community of mortgage brokers to ing uncensored straight talk from real expe- help generate the volume required to stem rience. I’m entering my 39th year in this the servicing portfolio runoff once this business, and until eight months ago, I co- cycle turns upward! owned a third-party wholesale operation Yet today, their very survival is being that was also a division of a federally-char- threatened by program eliminations, clostered thrift. I am a mortings of wholesale lenders, gage banker, and I mortgage insurance restricexchange knowledge and tions and new legislation. ideas almost exclusively Why? Over the past three within mortgage banking years, mortgage bankers circles from board rooms, have been perpetually anamanagement retreats, and lyzing what went wrong in lounges at industry trade each file that began failing shows, the office water our performance expectacooler, telephone, e-mails, tions, including the and inner-industry trade “what/why/who” of each publications. file. The analysis of data It is a complete mistake across the total industry “Everyone in this born of misunderstanding to indicts the broker more than business, and all believe mortgage bankers any other origination group. want to completely reIn my opinion, the allied business assume the responsibilities compensation structure of groups, are going to of meeting the total demand most mortgage brokerages be even more for mortgage originations. In hungry than today!” is the number one factor the late 1980s and early 90s, that compromises the ethmortgage bankers basically ical focus of the originagave birth to the mortgage broker industry tors. Number two is poor or non-existent of today because the business cycles of orig- supervision, and number three is the inations, coupled with almost uncontrol- absence and/or enforcement of traditionlable losses in other business units of bank- al quality control practices, both of which owned mortgage banks, forced the reduc- are prevalent at the significant number of tions of overhead associated with the mort- poorly-managed mortgage brokerages gage origination platforms. We avoided when compared to the more structured, incremental overhead (on the balance rules-based culture typical of a mortgage sheet) by using outsourced overhead (off bank. Not at the trade association level, balance sheet) thanks to the brokers. but within the individual businesses When we come out of this “meltdown” themselves. Servicing mortgage bankers there is very possibly going to be a fairly conduct the origination business for the rapid ramp-up of business demand for real servicing rights of the loans. They don’t estate financing, especially because the want to put defective business on their downside has been so protracted. Realtors books because it doesn’t perform and are tired of starving and pent up demand contaminates their portfolio or securities. from consumers previously frozen with They certainly don’t incent their originafear will give them the opportunity to get tors to break the rules and will not hesiback on the road to prosperity. The same tate to terminate production personnel holds true for homebuilders. Everyone in found to be involved in fraudulent activithis business, and all allied business ty. That includes fraud by omission or groups, are going to be even more hungry commission. They typically pay the lowthan today! There will be pressure on new est commission rates of all origination product development to assure that the platforms. If one of their originators seeks American dream will again be within reach to achieve gross earning levels comparafor most Americans who wish to own a ble to those working in other origination home. Five major banks will own in excess platforms, they must create that opportuof 65 percent of all mortgage servicing nity through higher volume. Non-servicrights and while Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds have mitigated the continued on page 38

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