2010 Annual Report

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MSMilestones Colorado Chapter

2010 Annual Report

■ An Exceptional Year

Board of Trustees

The year 2010 was exceptional for the Colorado Chapter of the National MS Society. In this report we are pleased to share several major milestones that were reached as we remained steadfast in our commitment to enhance the lives of people living with MS and their families and our quest to ultimately find the cure.


From Our Board Chair and Chapter President

It was a year of many accomplishments that included several significant ‘firsts’— the first friends and family team to reach the $1 million cumulative fundraising mark; the first year Colorado’s Bike MS ride raised more than $3 million; and the first time the Chapter was able to make a $1 million contribution to research. Additionally, in our ongoing commitment to create opportunities to engage new supporters, the Chapter literally blazed new trails by hosting the first Hike MS event in the nation. On the national level, 2010 was also a year when the promising research that we helped fund yielded the first two oral therapies for MS—one a symptomatic treatment and the other a disease-modifying therapy. These new treatment options demonstrated the positive and ongoing progress being made. These accomplishments were realized through the strong leadership and guidance of our Board of Trustees, and the support of our staff, donors and volunteers. We extend our appreciation and heartfelt thanks for their unwavering dedication to those we serve. As we prepare to enter our 2011 fiscal year, Colorado and Wyoming will combine their strengths and align resources to form the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter. This decision was made to best serve the interests of the 11,000 people living with MS in the two-state region and their families. The union will help to accelerate innovation and best practices, reduce operational redundancies, increase fundraising effectiveness, enhance volunteer engagement, and expand programs, services and advocacy.

Mary Hobson, Chair Brandt Wilkins, Chair-Elect Michael King, Immediate Past Chair Michele Vaughan, Secretary Rob Hartnett, Treasurer Whit Conant Elizabeth Brandon Coors John Corboy, MD David Cordova George Garmany, MD Todd Hauer Claudia Curry Hill John Kivimaki Craig Lopez Kyle Ocasek Richard Raymond, MD Randy Schapiro, MD Kathryn Spritzer Jim Stevens

Emeritus Trustees Ralph Holden David Lord Janet Savage

We look forward to your continuing support of our efforts to free the world of MS. Front cover: Kimberly, diagnosed 2000 Michael, diagnosed 2004


Back cover: Beverly, diagnosed 2001


Colorado-Wyoming Chapter

Mary Hobson Board Chair 2

Carrie H. Nolan Chapter President

900 South Broadway Suite 250 Denver, CO 80209 www.cureMSco-wy.org 800 FIGHT MS (800-344-4867)

■ A Year of Significant Milestones Each year, the Colorado Chapter works to advance our mission, maintain momentum and ensure the best use of resources to achieve positive outcomes. The significant achievements in 2010 highlight this commitment in action.

An Amazing Ride Bike MS Surpasses $3 Million Fundraising Mark. The Great-West Life Bike MS, Colorado’s Ride 2010, Presented by Sam’s Club raised more than $3 million for the first time, making it the third largest Bike MS fundraising ride in the nation. More than 3,000 cyclists and over 700 volunteers make this annual ride a top event in Colorado every year.

Sweet Inspiration Team Sugar Bee Makes Chapter History. After participating in Bike MS for 17 years, Team Sugar Bee became the Chapter’s first friends and family team to reach the $1 million cumulative fundraising mark in 2010! Led by team captain Tim Walker, Jr., the team grew from an initial six cyclists to more than 160, all of whom ride or volunteer for the team’s namesake Kelly Walker-Haley who was diagnosed with MS in 1988.

Where Your Donations Go

Fundraising First Chapter Surpasses $1 Million Contribution to Research. Thanks to strong community support in 2010, the Chapter was able to make its largest contribution ever—more than $1 million—to support the more than 325 research efforts funded globally by the National MS Society. Outstanding stewardship, strong community partnerships and continued community generosity made this level of research funding possible.

81% of every dollar supports our programs, services and research

Research Delivers First Oral Medications Hit the Market. In 2010, the FDA approved Gilenya, the first oral disease-modifying medication for relapsing MS. Previously, the only therapies available for reducing the frequency of clinical relapses and delaying accumulation of physical disability in relapsing forms of MS had to be administered through injection. Ampyra was also approved as a symptommanagement oral drug to improve walking.

Happy Trails Chapter Hosts First Hike MS in the Nation. In July 2010, the Chapter held its inaugural Hike MS event at Copper Mountain in Colorado’s pristine Rockies. Playing off ski run levels, hikers had the choice of three trail options—easy, intermediate and challenging. The event was so successful that four additional Hike MS events are planned for 2011.

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â– Research

Funding Progress

The Chapter’s commitment to support promising research is a driving force each year. In 2010, the Chapter made its largest ever contribution to research, surpassing the $1 million mark. This occurred at the same time exciting advances were being made in virtually every field of MS research. Progress toward finding new therapies to stop progression of MS was exemplified by the market availability of Gilenya, the first oral disease-modifying therapy for MS. Strides were also made in finding ways to restore function and improve specific MS symptoms through exercise, meditation, rehabilitation and medications. The Society also launched new projects focused on discovering risk factors that lead to progressive disability, projects aimed at speeding diagnosis, research on protective mechanisms of vitamin D and estrogen, tests determining whether a new device can improve walking ability, and many more. These and many other efforts being researched around the world reflect the rapid pace of MS research today.


Hallmarks in MS Research 1946 National MS Society is established with a mission to find a cure 1947 National MS Society awards first research grant 1993 Betaseron is the first FDA-approved drug to stem progression of MS 1996 FDA approves Avonex and Copaxone, injectable therapies for relapsingremitting MS 1997 Zanaflex is approved for treatment of spasticity 2000 Novantrone approved in U.S. for worsening forms of MS 2001 Society collaborates with NIH on a $20-million research initiative on gender-based differences in immune responses 2002 FDA approves Rebif to treat relapsing-remitting MS 2005 Society invests $15.6 million to launch initiative to speed nervous system repair and protection clinical trials in MS with four international teams 2006 National MS Society establishes six Pediatric MS Centers of Excellence for comprehensive evaluation and care to children and teens with MS and other related central nervous system demyelinating disorders 2006 Tysabri approved in U.S. for treating relapsing MS 2007 Society launches Fast Forward to speed treatments to people with MS by partnering with industry to develop new drugs 2009 Extavia is approved by the FDA as a new brand of interferon beta-1b 2010 FDA approves Gilenya, the first disease-modifying oral therapy approved for relapsing forms of MS 2010 FDA approves Ampyra, the first oral therapy to treat a symptom of MS that helps improve walking 2010 Nuedexta and Botox approved to treat specific symptoms that interfere with quality of life in people with MS 2010 Society funds five research projects in Colorado at the University of Colorado Denver at Anschutz Medical Campus, in the departments of Neurology and Cell and Developmental Biology

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■ Resources

Supporting People Affected by MS In support of our mission—to mobilize people and resources to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by MS—the Chapter provided a wide range of significant resources to address the needs of the 76,000 Coloradans affected by MS. Highlights for 2010 included:

Accessing MS Specialists: 2,800 calls were responded to through the

National MS Call Center, which is staffed by master’s level professionals from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Helping Gain Knowledge and Tools: 704 people attended 19 educational programs that covered topics ranging from cognitive fitness and yoga to healthy cooking and caregiving. Building Community: 27 self-help and support groups were held throughout Colorado serving 373 people. for 260 people with MS for urgent needs such as medical equipment, ramps, cooling units, life lines, home or auto modifications, utility assistance, home health care, respite care and transportation. These dollars were leveraged 3:1 providing a total of $450,000 in support.

“Thank you for

helping get my chair lift. I no longer

dread going to the

grocery store. I am

able to enjoy outdoor activities with my

family. Thank you for increasing the

quality of my life in living with MS.”

—Client thank you

photo courtesy Nikki Nolan

Providing a Hand Up: $153,866 was provided for direct financial assistance

Client: Jonathan Harries, diagnosed 2007

Offering One-on-One Support with MS Experts: 400 people

diagnosed with MS received assistance with navigating complex health and community resource systems to access services and become more empowered to live with their MS.

Meeting the Needs of People Living with Progressed MS: Collaboration continued with North Star and Rowan Communities, which feature skilledcare units specializing in the needs and lifestyle interests of younger people living with MS. The Chapter also does additional outreach and support to other skilled nursing facilities where people living with MS reside, to provide information to assist them in serving this younger and more progressed population. Increasing Awareness and Understanding: 19,407 people learned more about MS through public education and awareness presentations at venues such as special events, service clubs and health fairs. Working Together to Find Solutions: 3,287 MS activists supported the health care provider fee to expand Medicaid benefits to adults without dependent children at the state level. Nationally, Chapter MS activists advocated for federal funding for MS research and continued funding for lifespan respite care.

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■ Financial Statements

Year Ending September 30, 2010

Statement of Financial Position

Statement of Activities

Assets Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,379,194 Noncurrent Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,767 Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,494,961

Revenue Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,162,151 Individual Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $513,776 Corporate Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,766 Foundation Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,490 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $259,390 Total Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,055,573

Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $610,683 Total Long-Term Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $111,227 Total Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $721,910 Net Assets Total Net Assets (unrestricted) . . . . . . . . . $1,773,051 Total Liabilities and Net Assets . . . $2,494,961

Expenses Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,001,227 Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,096,233 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $793,503 Management and General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160,300 Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,051,263 Change in net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,310

■ Our Sincere Gratitude Recognizing gifts of $1,000+ from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010 * Indicates Inaugural Golden Circle Members Corporations & Foundations 40+ Motorcycle Club of Fort Collins Advanced Flooring Solutions Alpha Graphics Amgen Foundation Anadarko Petroleum Applied Control Equipment Arapahoe Sertoma Club Bingo Austin’s Homestead Bar & Grill Bacon Family Foundation Ball Corporation Bank of the West Bank of America Banner Health Arizona Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc Bhasin Enterprises Inc Biogen Idec Blumberg Foundation Inc Bohemian Event Fund Brand Juice Consulting Inc* Bristol-Myers Squibb Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP Frances W. Burton Foundation Callahan Edfast Mortuary CBIZ Inc Center For Neurorehabilitation Services


CBS4 Charles Schwab Chevron Chrisman Construction Inc City of Aspen City of Westminster Clif Bar The Clorox Company Foundation The Colorado Health Foundation Colorado Association of Realtors Colorado Business Bank Colorado Business Connections Colorado Community Bank Colorado State University Foundation Coloradoan Community Foundation of Northern Colorado Community Health Charities of Colorado Coors Distributing Company COPIC Medical Foundation Coram Inc Courtyard by Marriott Denver CT D’Augustine Foundation DCW Intuit Foundation Del Taco Dellenbach Family Fund Denver Foundation The Denver Post

DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Digilog Electronics DirecTV Douglas County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Droplet Measurement Technologie Ema Corporation EMD Serono Inc EnCana Oil & Gas Inc Energy Outreach Colorado EOG Resources Epilog Fire Alarm Services Inc First Data Foundation First Bank Holding Company First National Bank Fort Collins Foothills United Way Forest Oil Corp Fraternal Order of Eagles Aspen #184 Freddie Mac Foundation Front Range Snacks GE Foundation Global Impact Grainger Grand Mesa Medical Supply Grannyma’s LLC Great-West Life Annuity Insurance Co Greenlee Family Foundation* The Griffin Foundation

The Group Inc Hach Harmony Surgery Center Harrison Resource Group Harvey Operating Production Company Heska Corp Hewlett Packard Company Foundation Hillside Commercial Group Inc Holly Medicinal Services LLC Home Buyers Warranty Corporation Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Istonish Inc Jeppesen Johns Manville Fund Inc Kaiser Permanente Foundation KBCO Kennedy/Jenkins Consultants Inc Kennedy Childs & Fogg KeyBank Foundation Kroll Factual Data L P Brown Foundation* Ladies Auxiliary No 595 Laramie GM Auto Center Inc Left Hand Brewing LifeStyle Kitchen & Bath Center Lincoln Financial Foundation Inc Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Co

Little People’s Landing Learning Center Loveland Reporter-Herald Mandelbaum Family Charitable Foundation* Markley Motors Inc Marusi Family Foundation MCAD Technologies Inc The McGraw Hill Companies McKesson Foundation Inc McWhinney Foundation MDC Holdings Inc Mellow A LLC Merck Partnership for Giving Microsoft Middle West Mfg. Corp Mile High United Way MillerCoors LLC Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Nelnet Inc New West Management Service Organization Newmont Mining Corporation Nora Roberts Foundation* Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Omni Pro Cleaning Company Orthopaedic Center of the Rockies Peak One Sports Marketing LLC Pearl Street Grill The Phyllis M Coors Foundation

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Pikes Peak United Way Pinnacle Consulting Group Inc Poudre Valley Hospital Foundation Puja Memorial Fund Raytheon Charitable Giving Red Robin International Inc Regis University Rocky Mountain Healthcare Options Inc Rosco’s Inc Sam’s Club Sara Lee Schrader Oil Company Schuster Family Foundation* Scream Scram SES Americom Inc Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Donald W. Spiro Foundation St. Anthony’s Staples CEC Sundance Images T W C Foundation Inc* T. Rowe Price TeleTech Teva Neuroscience Inc Three Tomatoes Catering Timothy and Bernadette Marquez Foundation The Toney Family Foundation* Truist Altruism Connected Turner Construction Company Twelve Twenty One Fund* United Parcel Service United Way of Larimer County United Western Bank Universal Stylz US Figure Skating Utility Trailer Sales of Washington Valley View Hospital Venoco Inc Victory Energy Corporation Walmart Foundation Waters Corporation Wells Fargo Bank West N.A. West Star Aviation Wet Paint Communication LLC* The Williams Companies Inc The Wilson Family Foundation Xcel Energy XL Global Services xpedx YourCauseSports

Individuals Martha and Carlos Abello Jodie and Howard Adler The Albo Family David Alexander Ross Alexander The Allison Family Wayne Allred Bernece Anderson Memorial Fund Dianna Anderson The Anderson Family Jennifer Andrew Brett and Jodi Archer Amber Arndt and Shawn Green Sheila Aud

The Bacon Family June Baker* The Ballenger Family Troy Michael Baranek Frank Barry Suzanne and Jeff Beer Greg Belfor Lee and Samuel Benigno Donald and Kathryn Berthiaume Judith Birnbaum* Tim Blach John and Carolyn Bliley* Dolores Blue* Judy Bogaard Mark Bonkowski Wendy Booth* Tom Bradbury Jr. Bart and Margie Brown Jerrold and Kathy Brown* LaRay and Tracy Brown The Brown Family Sharon and Frederick Brubaker Jerry and Carmen Bryant Susan Burke* Robert Burrows The Butcher Family Susan and Douglas Butler* Matt and Erica Cain Jack and Meredith Callison Kelly Campbell April Carlton Kevin Cartin William Carter* Chris Casebolt Jennifer Caskey Phillip and Laura Cathlina Kurt Cellar William Chaney Haynes Chidsey Phillip and Marje Clark* Myron and Joanne Clayton Eric and Sherene Clowers Shawn Colasuonno Richard and Marsha Cole* Steven Cole Estate of Ruth Combs* The Coningsby Family Travis Cooper William and Vollie Cotton* Carl and Ondine Craig Nancy Curtin Glenn Curtis* Harald Dahms* Robert and Lenore Damrauer* Don and Barbara Day Pamela Decker Julie DeGroff* The Dejong Family Ann Delatour Robert Dellacroce Corinne DiNardo Chuck and Penny Donelan James Donnan Judee Donner* Susan Doughty* Andrew Doyle Terri Drapal Carolyn and Brent Drever Scott Dumpert Susan Duncan The Durant Family

The Dyke Family Michael Eberhard Sissel Eckenhausen David and Paula Edwards Janet B. Elway Timothy Farnham Paul Fecteau Estate of Eva Feld The Figge Family Kevin and Susan Fink* Jill Ford Cherylyn Foss Mark and Nancy Foster* The Friedman Family Kristin Froehlich Jim Fuqua George and Beverly Garmany Julie Gibson Pamela Lane Glodney Kent and Carol Godfrey Douglas Guion Bradley and Melissa Gustafson Ira Haber Daya Haddock Arlene Ham-Burr Jack Harrison Estate of Jack and Joan Hartman* Rob and Melissa Hartnett* Nancy Hastings Todd and Marie Hauer Earnest Heard Dean Heizer II Helen Hideshima Mark Higgins Benjamin Daniel Hirschfeld Mary and Owen Hobson* Gerald and Lauren Hohenstein Ralph Holden* Robert Holland James Holmes John Hopkins Christopher S Horton Dirk Howell Josephine Hubchik Stanley Huff Shirley Hurta Barbara Iglesias Christina Isenberg John Jancik Nonie Johnson Dee Jones Matthew and Maria Kennedy Ethel Kessler* Mike and Elizabeth King* Douglas and Joanne Kirberg John Kivimaki and Lauren Lehman* The Knox Family R. B. Kolbe James Kratofil Mary Ann Kuklinski and Thomas Merrill Brian P. Kurz Richard Lake Jack Landon John and Judith Lanning Nancy Law Susan Lehman Charles and Chari Leleck Stuart and Arlene Lerman*

James and Janine Leupold Valerie Lohnes Mike Long David Lord* Hugh and Paula Loud JoLynn and Harry Love* John Lummis Dennis Lynch Lisa MacAllister Anthony Malinowski Alison Mangan William Maniatis The Markisohn Family Gene Markley Tim Marquez Christopher Marsico John McBride* Katie McClure Matt and Lauren McConnell Kathleen Meadows Philip and Marty Meinert Charles Merrill The Merrill Family The Milgrom Family* Ellen Miller Scott Mills Glen Mizenko James and Ellie Mohler* Debie and Paul Monax* J F Monk Axson and Bryan Morgan Russel and Kelley Morgan Edmond Morse Russel and Sandra Mowrer Deb Munley Michael Murray Jill and David Myers* Charles Nail Jr. Joyce M. Nelson Carrie and Matt Nolan Stacy Ohlsson The Oliver Family Herbert Owens Charles Paul Peggy Paulson Richard and Christine Peebles Jan and Joel Phillips Marjorie Phye The Polidori Family Jane Quinette* Kathleen Quinn-Dea* James Rasmuson Richard and Jane Raymond* Linda Reid Monroe and Rella Rifkin* Mary Robertson Jesse Rodriguez David Roitman Howard Romanow Michael Ross* Donna and Joseph Routzon* Edmund Ruffin Mark and Susan Ruhl Linda Saarnijoki Christina Salas Jennifer Sales and Greg Lyon Ray and Beverly Lyon John Salomone Ann Sandquist* Janet Savage and Ed Godin Chuck and Judy Schowalter

Bethany and Wayne Schultz Mary Schultz Thom and Joani Schultz* Tim Schulz The Schwalm Family Kathryn and Howard Schwartz Estate of Maureen K. Scott Amy Seneshen Jeffrey Sepich Estate of Mary Jean Shutts Lou and Lori Sigman* Virgil and Joan Simon* Rod and Betty Snow Michelle and Eric Spicer Lori and Tom Spiker Linda Springstead Katy and Marc Spritzer* The Staller Family* Douglas Jeffrey States Susan and Larry Steffen Leonard and Angela Stegman Bob and Jan Steiert Lynette and Bradley Steininger Lee Steinke Jim Stevens* Catherine and Coy Stewart Gary Stewart Michael Stewart The Stone Family Estate of Walker H. Straus The Stroh Family Conrad and Cheryl Swanson Mary Tackett Donald Taranto Beth Tatem David Taylor Joellen Taylor The Thompson Family Alice Tolen Jane and Bob Toney Pegi and Michael Touff William Robert Tresham Bill and Sarah Trimarco Rocci and Marla Trumper Lynne Van Cleave Philip Vaughan Harry Vaupel Jr.* Bekim Veseli Lance Vierra Darline Vosper* Joseph and Linda Vumbaco* Tim and Betty Walker Selden Wasson Kathryn Watson Dave and Susie Wehrfritz Barry Wiederholt Brandt Wilkins* Douglas Wills* Dave Wilson Jacob Wilson Jeff and Rosemary Wilson Sam and Leigh Anne Winegrad W F. Winkler Caroline Witten Julie and Marc Woodard Arthur and Janet Worrall Phil and Ellen Yastrow Kevin Yoder Alison Zellner* George Zimmerman*

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www.cureMSco-wy.org 800 FIGHT MS (800-344-4867)

Denver Metro Office 900 South Broadway Suite 250 Denver, CO 80209 303-698-7400

Northern Office 1525 Riverside Ave Suite A Fort Collins, CO 80524 970-482-5016

Southern Office 616 North Tejon St Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-634-2984

Western Slope Office 2232 North 7th St Suite 14 Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-241-8975

Wyoming Office 525 Randall Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-433-8664

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