National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Moving Toward a World Free of MS Winter 2012
Colorado-Wyoming Chapter
Inside MS Connection:
Meet New Board Chair
page 3
Children Have MS Too
page 4
Valuable Chapter Resources Legacy Advances Mission 1-800 FIGHT 1 page 5MS (344-4867) • page 9
From the President
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Colorado-Wyoming Chapter
Dear Friends: January… the month of new beginnings. As you reflect and set personal resolutions for the year, I ask you to help us step it up in 2012! Thanks to your previous support, we begin 2012 on a strong foundation. At the annual meeting, I stated that the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter ended the year on a very positive note and we once again contributed more than $1 million to research. These were significant achievements and could not have been accomplished without the collective support of our board, staff, volunteers and community members who remain committed to the common goal of finding a cure and improving the daily lives of people living with MS.
____________ …we need everyone to step it up—without you there will be no cure… ____________
To maintain this momentum, we need everyone to step it up. If you haven’t participated in one of our signature Walk MS, Bike MS and Hike MS events, make this the year! If you have participated, engage others to join you and contribute to the Chapter. Our exciting fundraising events provide the essential dollars needed to support programs and research that benefit the 88,000 people in Colorado and Wyoming affected by MS. Every effort we make to expand awareness of this disease and gain additional support makes a huge difference. Engaging in our advocacy efforts ensures the voice of the MS community is heard and is another way you can share your time and talents. So, this year, join us by stepping it up for MS. Without you, there are no programs and services, and without you, there will be no cure. Together we will make 2012 another successful year; one which takes us even closer to a world free of MS!
Carrie H. Nolan Chapter President
MS Connection • Winter 2012
MS Connection is published by the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, National MS Society 900 S. Broadway, Suite 250 Denver, CO 80209 Info: 800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) Newsletter Distribution—If you have a change of address or would like to receive MS Connection electronically, please call 800-344-4867. If you or someone you know has MS—Studies show that early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can reduce future disease activity and improve quality of life for many people with multiple sclerosis. Talk to your health care professional, or contact the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) to learn about ways to help manage multiple sclerosis and about the current research that may one day reveal a cure. The NMSS does not endorse products, services or manufacturers. Such names appear here solely because they are considered valuable information. The NMSS assumes no liability for the use of contents of any product or service mentioned. Information provided by the NMSS is based on professional advice and expert opinion. Information provided in response to questions does not constitute therapeutic recommendations or prescriptions. The NMSS recommends that all questions and information be discussed with a personal physician. The NMSS is dedicated to a world free of MS. Chapter President Carrie H. Nolan Board of Trustees Brandt Wilkins, Chair Mary Hobson, Immediate Past Chair Kathryn Spritzer, Secretary Rob Hartnett, Treasurer Carl Berglind Whit Conant Elizabeth Brandon Coors John Corboy, MD David Cordova Claudia Curry Hill Chris Doerr Jeff Higgins John Kivimaki Craig Lopez Kyle Ocasek Susan Pollard Richard Raymond, MD Randy Schapiro, MD Michele Vaughan Emeritus Trustees George Garmany, MD Ralph Holden David Lord Janet Savage ©2011 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter
Moving Toward a World Free of MS
Programs Chapter News
Meet Brandt Wilkins
New Board Chair for the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, National MS Society Brandt Wilkins, owner of Wet Paint Communications, a creative marketing services company in Denver, was elected chair of the Chapter’s board of trustees in October. In addition to his nine years of board service, Wilkins captains a Walk MS team, which has raised more than $150,000 in support of the Society and its mission to free the world of MS. MS Connection recently had the chance to talk with Wilkins about the Chapter and his view of the future as he begins his leadership of the board of trustees.
MS Connection: How long have you been involved with the Chapter? Wilkins: I became involved with the chapter after agreeing to chair a Dinner of Champions about 10 years ago. The experience spurred me to put together a Walk team with business colleagues.
MS Connection: What are some of the key goals you would like to see accomplished during your term as board chair? Wilkins: I’m committed to increasing the board’s commitment to all of our fundraising efforts. I know we can raise more money to ensure all promising research is funded. As the largest private funder of MS research in the world, the Society is exploring many new paths to help people with MS. We look forward to developing new drugs for our arsenal, as well as seeing progress in restoring function, one of the most exciting areas of the research. The Society will continue to fund and advance the most promising projects around the world, wherever they might be. That is a goal I’m confident we are meeting. I’d also like to increase the number of people we reach in the rural areas. Access to quality healthcare is the focus of a lot of our work and we are anxious to use technology to assist as many people as possible.
improve the lives of our constituents. This can be achieved through legislative action or by simply gaining insights into the issues facing people with MS.
The board has a responsibility to not only raise money, but to spend it wisely.
MS Connection: What are the critical and strategic questions before the board in the next two years? Wilkins: Improving the lives of those living with MS frames every conversation we have as a board. Do we have the proper programs to educate and inform and care for our community? Are we making wise spending decisions in this economy? How will we continue to grow given the uncertain economy? The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter has an incredibly dedicated staff and we are so grateful for their ability to make our events successful, provide the best advice and direction for people with MS, and to get us to where we can end MS now.
MS Connection: What is the top thing MS supporters can do to ensure the momentum continues? Wilkins: That’s an easy one. Form a team—whether it is for a Walk MS, Bike MS, or Hike MS event. Teams are incredibly effective at raising money, and they are the lifeblood of our organization—both for building and connecting our community as well as funding the important programs we provide and the research we fund.
We want to hear from you. The board has a responsibility to not only raise money, but to spend it wisely. We can only do this by listening closely to everyone touched by this unpredictable disease and doing our best to meet their needs.
We also will continue to build a unified group of activists that are all committed to making concrete progress to 1-800 800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) •
Programs Research
Children Have MS Too; Society Funds Pediatric Centers of Excellence About three to five percent of patients with MS experience onset prior to the age of 16 and statistically it is estimated there may be 8,000 to 10,000 youth under the age of 18 with MS. Studying this population is critical as “research in children has the potential to be the key to discovering what causes the onset and progression of MS,” said Roberta Beach, MD, MPH, Professor Emerita of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. As academic faculty at the CU School of Medicine, Dr. Beach has been teaching adolescent specialty care for over 35 years and is currently working with the Society to develop health information for adolescents diagnosed with MS and their families.
____________ Pediatric MS research helps us understand how MS begins, which can then be applied to adult MS. ____________
“The chance to study environmental triggers at this early age is essential as there is a major problem testing triggers in adults who have lived in various areas, have had many years of environmental exposures and a lifetime of stress. With youth you have a population that has a much more limited experience with environmental exposures. This is critical because it is much easier to determine what happened to a child two to six months prior to symptoms presenting versus an adult trying to piece together a picture 40 years later,” Beach said. In 2006, the National MS Society (NMSS) provided a $13.5 million grant to establish a national network of six Pediatric MS Centers of Excellence to address youth living with MS and other related central nervous system demyelinating disorders. These Centers provide comprehensive evaluation and care to children and teens; develop resources for families, health care professionals and the public; and collect data to enable large-scale research. Today, there are now a total of 10 sites affiliated with this Pediatric MS network, including the University
MS Connection • Winter 2012
of Colorado Denver/ Anschutz Medical Campus, which includes Society-funded Clinical Fellow, Teri Schreiner, MD. Each Pediatric MS Center has established a database to track and follow this age group, which had never been done before. “There is a wealth of information that can be learned Monica, diagnosed 2003 from having a database of kids to follow,” said Beach. “Among the Centers and affiliate sites there are about 1,000 diagnosed children and teens entered into databases. Collectively this data creates a statistically significant number for researchers to test theories regarding genetic and environmental triggers and publish the studies that advance progress. Connecting each Center’s data to create one standardized database will be an important next step.” Beach also said establishing a Bio Bank would also be extremely helpful. “By saving a blood specimen at the time of diagnosis, future research in genetics and viral exposures, such as Epstein-Barr, can be tracked. But blood banking requires storage, refrigeration, and monitoring— all of which require additional funding.” There is good news on the funding front. The National Institutes of Health recently awarded a five-year, $3.2 million grant to the Pediatric Centers of Excellence network to collect additional data on genetic and environmental risk factors related to the onset of childhood MS. This grant continues to leverage the Society’s investment and will help this talented research team understand more about how MS begins in children, which can then be applied to adult MS.” For more information on the Pediatric MS Centers of Excellence, visit and click on “About MS.”
Moving Toward a World Free of MS
Programs& Services Programs
Valuable Services Available to You By Travis White, Volunteer Living with MS is hard. We’re here to make it easier. You and your family have a wealth of resources available through the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the National MS Society, including information on health care, insurance, financial assistance, employment, or how to fill out a government form.
might deny you benefits because they can’t “see” your disability. We can connect you with an occupational therapist who can conduct a functional capacity analysis to document your disabilities—both visible and invisible—and help ensure that you get proper consideration. Are you concerned about disclosing your condition to your employer? Would you like to better understand your rights as an employee? Our staff understands applicable national laws as well as state and local regulations in Colorado and Wyoming. Better yet, they can explain them to you clearly and succinctly. In financial emergencies, we can often help as well. If you are not sure how you are going to make ends meet, please call us. We can often arrange a temporary solution that will tide you over until a longer-term solution is developed.
Occupational therapist provides adaptive equipment training.
The easiest way to start is by calling our national Information Resource Center at 1-800-344-4867 (800-FIGHT MS). Our staff members are very experienced and can answer questions ranging from the latest MS research to the nuances of financial assistance in Colorado and Wyoming. In addition to answering big picture questions, they can connect you with local resources to help you meet everyday challenges. The Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mountain Standard Time. We can help you with quality-of-life issues. For example, completing the Social Security disability assistance application can be very challenging. We’ve done it before and we can help you navigate the process.
Even if you are just feeling blue and would like to chat with someone, please reach out to us. We love talking with our members about any topic which is important to you. Our goal, of course, is a world free of MS. Until that happens, we are here to make your everyday living a little easier, too. Get things started by calling 1-800-FIGHT-MS (344-4867). Do it today.
clip it!
Immediate access to info & resources
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We can also connect you with the right people for a functional capacity analysis. As you know, many symptoms of MS are invisible. A government agency 1-800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) •
Hike MS & Mud Run MS Close Chapter’s Outdoor Event Season On High Note Thank you to everyone who participated in Hike MS and Mud Run MS events this year. Participants enjoyed Colorado’s pristine high country as they hiked over scenic trails or took on a muddy obstacle course to raise funds to support MS programs and research. Our Hike MS treks were held at Aspen Snowmass, Copper Fun marked the day as participants took Mountain, Durango on a muddy obstacle course during Mud Mountain Resort, Royal Run MS in Winter Park. Gorge Bridge and Park, and Winter Park, with 700 participants raising $115,000. In late August more than 700 Mud Run MS participants enjoyed a beautiful day in Winter Park as they braved the mud and challenging terrain of Mary Jane, raising $173,000.
Familes and friends enjoyed time in Colorado’s high country during Hike MS events.
MS Connection • Winter 2012
Sharing a Hike MS Experience
Kevin Walter (center back row) hiked seven miles with friends during Hike MS Durango.
In his mid-forties, Kevin Walter began to experience symptoms that he couldn’t explain and thought they were connected to his 24-year career as a flooring installer. However, in 2006, he was diagnosed with MS. After lifestyle changes that included commitment to an exercise regimen, Walter was able to participate in Hike MS Durango and shared a few words about his experience. Four years ago I couldn’t walk 100 feet without a cane, so I began to work out and lost 165 pounds. I had seen events held by the Chapter and Can Do each year, but couldn’t physically participate. I like to hike and decided to try Hike MS, so I hiked and treadmilled 250 miles over 10 weeks to prepare for it. I had intended to try hiking five miles and ended up doing seven! I was the only one in the group with MS and I led for the first mile or so. It was the biggest thing I’ve ever done like that - it was a milestone for me and I learned I could do more than I ever thought I could. I was also glad to finally be able to raise some money— nearly $1,000—for the National MS Society.
Moving Toward a World Free of MS
Newmont Mining Corporation Gears Up as Title Sponsor of Bike MS Colorado 2012-2014 Newmont Mining Corporation is the new title sponsor of our Chapter’s signature event, Bike MS Colorado. The event, which had more than 3,000 cyclists participate in the two-day, 150mile ride and raised more than $3.6 million in 2011, is the third largest Bike MS ride in the nation. Newmont and its employees have been involved with the event for the past five years. In 2011, Newmont served as the event’s presenting sponsor and more than 50 employees participated as riders or volunteers. “Newmont is proud to be the title sponsor for the 2012 Bike MS Colorado,” said Bill MacGowan, executive vice president of human resources and communications at Newmont. “Colorado has one of the highest rates of MS in the country, and this event is a tremendous opportunity to raise
Early Bird Special!
Register Today for Walk MS & Bike MS There are benefits to planning ahead, so rally your friends for the 2012 Bike MS Colorado and Walk MS events!
awareness of this disease that impacts so many—including our co-workers, friends and family—while raising the funds needed to find a cure.” “We are excited to expand our partnership with Newmont in 2012 and thrilled to announce they will be the sponsor for Bike MS Colorado,” said Kristin Gibbs, vice president development, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter. “Newmont is a leader in Colorado when it comes to giving back to the community they work and live in, and their excitement and enthusiasm toward making an impact on the lives of those living with MS is extraordinary,” she added. This year the Ride will take place June 30 - July 1, 2012 and registration will open in January 2012. The two-day, 150mile ride will follow a course from Front Range Community College in Westminster to Colorado State University in Fort Collins and back. For more information or to sign up, visit
Register for Bike MS Colorado Registration for Bike MS Colorado is open! The earlier you register, the more you will save. ■■ $65 registration fee through February 29, 2012 ■■ $75 from March 1 through April 30 ■■ $85 from May 1 until the Ride sells out Visit for registration information on Bike MS Wyoming.
Register for Walk MS Register for Walk MS in Colorado and Wyoming before February 29, 2012 and you will be entered to win a $500 Wal-Mart gift card. You will also receive a free pair of MS orange gloves to show your spirit on Walk Day. Don’t delay—these gloves will not be available after February 29, 2012.
To register or get more information, visit and click on Bike MS or Walk MS.
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Commitment for a Cure Lives On Through Legacy Gift Jack Hartman considered himself a fortunate man. He understood the value of hard work, and ran a successful manufacturing business. He had strong Lisa Hartman, producer with Photopia family ties and Productions, LLC and brother David Hartman, a community founder and principal of Philanthropic Solutions, he could turn LLC based in Mill Valley, Calif., are pictured with their father Jack on his 75th birthday. to when times were tough. But when his 23 year-old daughter Lisa was diagnosed with MS in 1979, his optimism was shattered.
It was a commitment that stayed strong for the rest of his life. Jack became a volunteer with the Colorado Chapter, and soon joined the board of trustees, as did his wife Joan. He served two terms as board chair and served on the national board as well.
“A legacy gift was his way of paying it forward on behalf of everyone affected by MS. I’m proud of him.” ____________________________
“My parents were devastated,” Lisa Hartman recalled. “Dad couldn’t say the words ‘multiple sclerosis’ without tearing up. The uncertainty of what might happen to me was more than he could bear.”
Toward the end of his life, Jack had to accept the fact that he was not going to see the cure for MS. He knew that researchers were investigating the genetic component, but there were still many unanswered questions. “Leaving a charitable remainder trust to the Colorado Chapter really fit with his philosophy of life,” said Hartman. “A legacy gift was his way of paying it forward on behalf of everyone affected by MS. I’m proud of him.”
There were no treatments for MS back then. “I was told by a neurologist that I might never have another symptom and advised to go on with my life,” Hartman said. That plan evaporated a few months later when an episode of double vision landed her in bed for a week. It was soon clear that the numbness and tingling she had previously experienced were also symptoms of MS.
“Jack Hartman’s estate gift honors his values and continues his diligent efforts begun during his lifetime,” said Carrie Nolan, president of the Chapter. “Through his legacy gift we are able to continue the work that will ultimately help attain the goal he wanted—to end MS forever. We are grateful for Jack’s efforts and, thanks to the gift from his estate, his passion for finding the cure lives on.”
Fearing the next symptom, she and her father began learning all they could about the disease. They found out that Colorado has a high incidence of MS, that the disease can take many different courses, and that there is no cure. “But we also discovered exercise and a low fat, nutritious diet could improve my overall health,” Hartman continued. At the time, the first drug therapies were also on the horizon. “When Dad saw that it might be possible to change the course of the disease, he dedicated himself to supporting the National MS Society. He wanted a cure.”
MS Connection • Winter 2012
Act Now To learn how you can support the Chapter with a legacy gift call Kristin Gibbs, vice president of development, 303-698-5430, or email at
The Gift of Hope
Planned Giving Opportunities at the National MS Society There are many ways to include the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter in your retirement and estate planning. Your gift can provide income and tax advantages to you now while helping to secure research and program funding for the Society. The National MS Society recognizes planned gift donors in our prestigious Lawry Circle—a special group of people committed to providing a legacy of support. These gifts are at the core of our mission to free of the world of MS and provide critical services and programs to those affected by MS. With your bequest or other planned gift, you join a very special group of honored and dedicated people. The information here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or tax advice. The MS Society encourages you to seek the advice of your own professional advisors. For more information about making the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter part of your estate planning, please contact Kristin Gibbs, vice president of development, at kristin.gibbs@ or 303-698-5430.
Support the Future of Students Affected by MS
Donate to the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, National MS Society’s Scholarship Program The financial toll of MS can have far reaching implications, ranging from day-to-day care expenses to funding college education. Eight years ago, the Society established a scholarship program to provide financial assistance to high school seniors living with or affected by multiple sclerosis who will pursue a college or technical school education. In 2011, 24 students applied for educational assistance through the Chapter’s scholarship program, which is solely funded by generous donations of community members. In 2011, the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter provided four $1,000 scholarships thanks to donor-directed support. One 2011 scholar, Naomi Verdun, knows about MS through her father, who was diagnosed in 1999. While in middle school, Verdun designed what she calls the Wall of Hope. This artwork, which is displayed at MS events, allows individuals to express their hope for a cure for MS or share that they are participating for someone who cannot. Still interested in the art of dialogue, Verdun is now studying communications at the University of Northern Colorado. The scholarship program is one of many ways the Chapter assists those who have given so much to the entire MS community. To find out how you can help support the Chapter’s Scholarship Program, call Kristin Gibbs at 303-698-5430 or email
Get the Latest News— Sign Up for MS Update! Don’t miss out on the timeliest, relevant, and local MS news. The Chapter is now publishing MS Update, a quarterly e-newsletter, which features information specifically for each region in the Chapter—Metro Denver, Northern Colorado, Wyoming, Western Slope and Southern Colorado. Subscribe today by visiting www.
1-800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) •
Volunteering Walk MS
Chapter Volunteers Honored at 2011 Annual Meeting This year marked the first annual meeting of the combined Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the National MS Society. Nearly 500 individuals attended as the technology-linked meeting took place simultaneously in Denver, Loveland, Cheyenne, Grand Junction, and Colorado Springs. Attendees heard about significant Chapter achievements and cutting edge research updates presented by keynote speakers at each location, elected board officers and celebrated outstanding local volunteers for their significant contributions. Kirk Williams of Aurora was honored as the ColoradoWyoming Chapter Volunteer of the Year for his work to lead a contingent of MS Activists to create and support a bill that would offer a medical exemption for people living with MS from Xcel Energy’s new tieredrate billing system. Williams personally made numerous Chapter President Carrie Nolan legislative appearances and (left) and outgoing board attended meetings to ensure chair Mary Hobson those living with MS would congratulate Volunteer not be penalized for their of the Year Kirk Williams. medical condition.
Amanda Douglass
TIAA-CREF, led by Leonard Taylor, was recognized as Volunteer Group of the Year for their support of the Bike MS Team Village information area. Taylor, whose Chapter President Carrie Nolan father lives with MS, shared, “We volunteer congratulates Volunteer Group of the Year TIAA-CREF. our time because no matter who you are or where you live, your service to the community will make a difference.” State Sen. Betty Boyd was recognized as Legislator of the Year for her commitment to all people living with a chronic disease. “Our volunteers are Chapter honorees State Sen. Betty Boyd a wonderful and and Kirk Williams. essential part of our organization,” said Carrie Nolan, Chapter president. “We could not make the impact we do without them. I am pleased to personally extend a heartfelt thanks to our honorees, and to all of our 1,600 volunteers who make such a remarkable difference.”
Amanda Douglass, the Chapter’s new Community Engagement Manager, is responsible for recruiting and managing the Chapter’s 1,600 volunteers and community events. She comes with a strong nonprofit and endurance event background, having served with the Ride the Rockies, the Butterfly Pavilion and Downing Events. Douglass has a personal connection to MS and is passionate about the effect volunteerism has on the both organization and the volunteer. She can be reached at or 303-698-5443.
MS Connection • Winter 2012
Act Now Make 2012 a year to step it up and give back! The Chapter has a wide variety of flexible volunteer opportunities—both short term and ongoing—which provide fun and meaningful ways to make a difference. To learn more or to sign up, visit and click on Volunteer.
Advocacy in Action How do we make MS issues known—and then work to resolve them? Highlighted below are two excellent examples of how a person living with MS brought an issue to the Chapter’s attention and how we are working to obtain a positive outcome.
Vehicles are often adapted after they are purchased in order to accommodate a person with a disability. In Wyoming, these medical adaptations added value to the vehicle, which is the basis for how license plate fees are set.
➧ Taking on Respite Care for People with Chronic Disease
According to Wyoming state statute, people pay sales tax on the base price of the vehicle when a car is purchased. For example, if a vehicle was purchased for $15,000, then adapted for medical needs at a cost of $28,000, the vehicle is then valued at $43,000 by the county treasurer. This would result in higher license plate and registration fees.
Michelle Rogers of Fort Collins saw a need for respite care for adults. Many respite programs only assist the caregivers of children with special needs, persons with disabilities or aging adults. However, there wasn’t a program for an adult with chronic needs whose caregiver or care partner needs relief from day to day responsibilities. Rogers made this oversight known to Chapter staff and her action resulted in broad-based community coalition, being awarded a federal grant to develop programs to plan for a statewide response to this issue.
➧ Challenging Higher Fees for Medical Adaptations to Vehicles in Wyoming Ede Dozier of Cody, Wyo. informed the Chapter that people with adapted automobiles have to pay higher taxes.
There is a tax relief program offered through the local Cody senior citizens center, but in order to qualify, the vehicle owner must be totally disabled or a senior.
This is an issue the Chapter is now researching. If you live in Wyoming, please tell us if your tax or vehicle usage fee is higher because you have an adapted vehicle. Email Sharon O’Hara, executive vice president, at
Of Note Thank you! Community Partner Presents Gift of Support The Medical Center of Aurora selected the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter as its 2011 Community Partner, a program created for Medical Center employees to support a local nonprofit and collectively give back to the community. In November, the Medical Center’s Chief Financial Officer Bill Voloch, and Director of Volunteers Stephanie Manley presented a check for $72,680 to the Chapter’s Vice President for Development, Kristin Gibbs. These funds were raised by more than 1,200 individuals who participated in Walk MS, Bike MS, Hike MS and Mud Run MS events and organized 36 additional fundraisers throughout the year.
Denver Author Featured in the Denver Post “One Day at a Time,” a new book from David Sloan, shares the inspiring story of his battle against MS and details how his life as a successful investment banker gave way to understanding that health and family were much more important than money and power. “One Day at a Time,” featured in the November 15, 2011 issue of the Denver Post, can be purchased at Amazon. iBookstore, Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Bookstore and Sloan is generously donating profits from the sale of the book to the Chapter.
1-800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) • 11
Broadway Station 900 S. Broadway, Ste. 250 Denver, CO 80209
Plan ahead, step up—
Save the date!
Colorado-Wyoming Chapter 2012 Event Calendar
Walk MS 2012
Bike MS
Dinner of Champions
Laramie, Wyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 31
Colorado 2-Day . . . . . June 30–July 1
Northern Colorado . . . . . . . . March 24
Cheyenne, Wyo . . . . . . . . . . . . April 14
Fort Collins Loop . . . . . . . . . . . June 30
Grand Junction . . . . . . September 20
Casper, Wyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 21
Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . August 18–19
MS on the Move Luncheons
Gillette, Wyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 21 Evanston, Wyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 28
Hike MS
Aspen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 20
Rock Springs, Wyo . . . . . . . . . April 28
Copper Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . July 28
Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 11
Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5
Winter Park . . . . . . . . . . . September 1
Fort Collins . . . . . . . . . . September 20
Colorado Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5 Fort Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5
MuckRuckus MS
Grand Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5
Winter Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August
Pueblo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 12 Boulder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 19 Glenwood Springs . . . . . . . . . May 19 Loveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 19 Cody, Wyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 9