MS Connection April 2011

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National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Moving Toward a World Free of MS APRIL 2011

Colorado-Wyoming Chapter

Walk MS Gets Moving

Inside MS Connection:

Research page 4

Advocacy page 6

Walk MS Guide

Mud Run

800 FIGHT page 7MS (344-4867) • page 11


From the President

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Colorado-Wyoming Chapter

Dear Friends, Spring fever is in the air! As the cold and overcast months of winter begin to give way to warm and sunny days, thoughts of being outdoors, connecting with friends and putting down the remote in favor of moving becomes top of mind. A great way to get social and put some spring in your step is to participate in Walk MS. In this issue we’ve highlighted Walk MS events that will take place in communities across Colorado and Wyoming. Walk MS is our longest running signature event series and continues to grow in popularity. In 2010, more than 10,000 people participated in easy one- to three-mile walks that raised more than $1.3 million as well as hope with every step along the way. While we continually work to make Walk MS and our other upcoming events fun and safe experiences, we never lose sight of why we are walking, biking, hiking or testing our endurance to overcome muddy obstacles. We are focused on and committed to raising the critical funds for resources that help to enhance the lives of the people and families affected by MS today and the vital research that is leading to new therapies and ultimately a cure.

____________ Thanks to your participation and generous support, in 2010 the Chapter was able to contribute more than $1 million to research! ____________

Thanks to your participation and generous support, in 2010 the Chapter was able to contribute more than $1 million to research! At the same time, promising research is yielding positive and exciting results, such as the newly FDA-approved medications Ampyra™, a symptomatic medicine that improves the walking ability of people with MS, and Gilenya™, the first disease-modifying oral medication for those with relapsing MS. Keep the progress going and make this your year to take a big step forward and become more involved. Being part of a shared experience such as Walk MS is fun, inspirational and rewarding, so put on your rally cap, participate individually, connect with friends to form a team, or volunteer and make a difference as we stride into spring.

Carrie H. Nolan Chapter President


MS Connection • April 2011

MS Connection is published by the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, National MS Society 900 S. Broadway, Suite 250 Denver, CO 80209 Info: 800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) Newsletter Distribution—If you have a change of address or would like to receive MS Connection electronically, please call 800-344-4867. If you or someone you know has MS—Studies show that early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can reduce future disease activity and improve quality of life for many people with multiple sclerosis. Talk to your health care professional, or contact the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) to learn about ways to help manage multiple sclerosis and about the current research that may one day reveal a cure. The NMSS does not endorse products, services or manufacturers. Such names appear here solely because they are considered valuable information. The NMSS assumes no liability for the use of contents of any product or service mentioned. Information provided by the NMSS is based on professional advice and expert opinion. Information provided in response to questions does not constitute therapeutic recommendations or prescriptions. The NMSS recommends that all questions and information be discussed with a personal physician. The NMSS is dedicated to a world free of MS. Chapter President Carrie H. Nolan Board of Trustees Mary Hobson, Chair Brandt Wilkins, Chair Elect Michael King, Immediate Past Chair Michele Vaughan, Secretary Rob Hartnett, Treasurer Whit Conant Elizabeth Brandon Coors John Corboy, MD David Cordova George Garmany, MD Todd Hauer Claudia Curry Hill John Kivimaki Craig Lopez Kyle Ocasek Richard Raymond, MD Randy Schapiro, MD Kathryn Spritzer Jim Stevens Emeritus Trustees Ralph Holden David Lord Janet Savage ©2011 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter

Moving Toward a World Free of MS

Programs Partnerships

Down with Disease

Hospital Rallies to Support MS! The Medical Center of Aurora/Centennial Medical Plaza announced the selection of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter as its 2011 community partner. The hospital’s Community Partnership Program began in 2008 in response to employees wanting to collectively do something to give back to the community. Now in the program’s fourth year, the Medical Center’s 1,500 employees have set a goal of contributing 3,000 volunteer hours and raising $71,500 to fight MS by fielding Walk MS, Bike MS, Hike MS and Mud Run MS teams and by hosting additional entertaining activities that include a car show and kickball and bowling tournaments. “Our mission is to deliver quality and compassionate healthcare to the communities we serve,” said Emily Crowley, marketing coordinator at The Medical Center of Aurora. “Our Community Partnership Program provides us with the opportunity to further our mission and community outreach by joining forces with a local nonprofit that directly benefits local residents. Our employees like to be involved and participating in Walk MS and other Chapter events gives us the chance to strengthen bonds and get to know our peers in different settings. These activities not only make a difference, but strengthen us as an organization,” she added. “We are very honored to have been selected as The Medical Center of Aurora’s community partner this year and look forward to their involvement,” said Carrie Nolan, president, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, NMSS. “We value their enthusiasm and commitment to raising critical funds that help people affected by MS, as well as their ongoing help to promote greater awareness of multiple sclerosis,” Nolan emphasized. The Medical Center of Aurora has been serving the community since 1974. The hospital and its three campuses are part of the HealthONE System of Excellence.

Emily Crowley, marketing coordinator at The Medical Center of Aurora, has a personal connection to MS and knows the difference involvement in Emily Crowley and events such as Daniel Lifshen Walk MS can make. Emily met her boyfriend Daniel Lifshen shortly after he was diagnosed with MS in 2007 at the age of 23. Active and athletic, Daniel knew something wasn’t quite right when he began to experience numbness and tingling in his legs, which soon led to the diagnosis of MS. Like many others who are newly diagnosed, Daniel decided to get involved. He and Emily formed a Walk MS team in 2008 to raise funds for the programs and research that will benefit Daniel as well as the 11,000 people living with MS in Colorado and Wyoming. Three years later their team, Down With Disease, has raised more than $55,000! “Daniel has been going in for monthly infusions of Tysabri, one of the disease-modifying drugs for MS, and so far he is feeling good and hasn’t had any major flare-ups,” said Emily. “We’re looking forward to the annual Walk MS and also plan to do the Mud Run MS this year to further support the Society and to challenge ourselves personally. We know that all the funds we raise support the research that will deliver more and better treatments, and a cure,” she said.

800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) •


Programs Research

Society Funds Pediatric Clinical Fellow Teri Schreiner, MD, MPH, pediatric neurology resident at the University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine/ The Children’s Hospital, is the recipient of a $73,000, 2011 Fellow grant from the National MS Society (NMSS). Dr. Schreiner will use the funds to treat pediatric demyelinating disorders at a Pediatric MS Clinic she started, which is operated jointly between The Children’s Hospital of Denver and the Rocky Mountain MS Center at Anschutz Medical Campus. Although MS usually strikes people ages 20-50, today researchers estimate that 2-5 percent of all people with MS experienced symptoms before age 16. The NMSS estimates there are 8,00010,000 children with MS in the U.S. To explore early-onset symptoms and provide support for children, the NMSS established six Pediatric MS Centers of Excellence in 2006, which provide comprehensive evaluation and care to children with MS and other related central nervous system demyelinating disorders. Studying children and teens is important, as researchers believe pediatric MS might hold keys to unlocking the origins, triggers and development of the disease, which may lead to vaccines in the future and point the way to a cure. To learn more about pediatric MS, call 800 FIGHT MS or visit and click About MS at the top of the page. A link to Pediatric MS is on the left side.


MS Connection • April 2011

MS Research Making Strides Drug Improves Walking for People with MS

One of the most common challenges that people diagnosed with MS often face is difficulty walking. The onset of symptoms such as weakness, loss of balance, tingling and numbness and fatigue can all contribute to issues with mobility. However, thanks to the FDA’s approval and subsequent introduction of Ampyra™ last year, physicians now have a medicine available to help improve walking. Ampyra™ is the first therapy specifically approved to treat a symptom of MS. While not able to modify the course of MS, Ampyra™ can help manage mobility problems such as motor fatigue and reduced walking speed. It has also been found to be particularly effective in people who are impacted by heat intolerance. In clinical trials, Ampyra™ demonstrated improvement in walking speed by 25 percent. This improvement is the result of better conduction of impulses from the brain to the muscles, because Ampyra™ can block potassium from entering nerves. When the MS disease process strips myelin away, potassium can enter the nerves and damage them. Another symptomatic treatment, Nuedexta™, was also introduced in 2010. Nuedexta™ is the first drug specifically developed to treat uncontrollable laughing or crying. This oral therapy has been shown to significantly reduce episodes with people with MS, ALS and other disorders. These are welcome therapies that reflect the rapid pace of MS research today. Thanks to the unwavering commitment of the Society and continuing generous community support, promising research continues around the world and more exciting research advances and outcomes are on the horizon.


To follow what is taking place in research, visit and click Research/Research News.

Did you know?

• The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter made its first ever $1 million contribution to research in 2010. • In 2010 the National MS Society funded $36 million to support 325 research initiatives worldwide. • Cumulatively, the National MS Society has invested more than $721 million to support research as of year-end 2010. • Colorado is home to five research initiatives funded by the Society.

Moving Toward a World Free of MS

Programs Research

Society’s Investment Advances Research

Footdrop System Helps Athlete Gain Part of Life Back by Jonna Patton Since my MS diagnosis, I have experienced many changes. When I was in high school I was voted “Most Athletic Female” and I went on to play college basketball at Western Wyoming College. On February 21, 1992, in the middle of a game, I collapsed on the basketball court with seizurelike activity. Following that night I was hospitalized twice and was misdiagnosed on three occasions. It took five and a half years before I heard the words, “You have multiple sclerosis.” Since that time I have never given up; my competitive spirit simply will not let me back down from a challenge. During the summer of 1999 my symptoms became more noticeable. Walking longer distances and running became challenging. I began stumbling, staggering and even falling. In public places, I felt that I needed to tell people that I was not intoxicated, rather “I just have MS.” In the early 2000s I recall fighting back the tears as I shopped for a cane­—my days of being an athlete were fading. In 2007, however, I got a piece of my life back when I began using the NESS L300 foot drop system, which uses mild stimulation to lift the foot, helping a person with gait issues walk more safely and easily. The L300 has given me the confidence to get back in the gym. I can now walk faster and I am more stable. Perhaps the best news of all is that since using the L300 I have not fallen and I’ve been able to retire my cane. I don’t want to give the impression that this was an overnight change; it was a lot of work. I worked closely with my physical therapist on the bad walking habits I had developed and as I used the L300, my endurance improved so I could exercise more. Today, I can honestly say that having MS has been a blessing. If I could start over, I wouldn’t change a thing. MS has taught me to value life and not take it for granted.

Ten years ago Jonathan Goehring was an active 20-year-old with personal and career aspirations. He’d completed his Associate’s degree and was working as a personal trainer at an athletic club in Fort Collins, where he loved helping people attain their fitness goals. One day on a routine run, he experienced numbness in his left facial cheek, which was the first symptom that eventually led to a diagnosis of MS. His MS progressed rapidly, and instead of his usual role helping others, Jonathan found he was the one being helped. MS finally robbed him of his ability to walk, but that changed in 2010 when a new medication, Ampyra™, was approved by the FDA. While Ampyra™ does not change the course of MS, it does enhance nerve function. In Jonathan’s case, Ampyra™ has helped to increase his muscle strength 3040 percent, which along with a lot of hard work, has enabled him to walk again with the assistance of a walker. “The more you work and exercise, the better,” Jonathan shared. “Ampyra™ has helped to take my therapy to a whole other level, which improves everything,” he emphasized. Ampyra™ has given Jonathan more than the ability to walk again; it has given him and others who are benefiting from ongoing research the hope that more breakthrough treatments are on the horizon. As with any medication, Ampyra™ doesn’t work for everyone. However, the National MS Society funneled $36 million into 325 research projects last year, and the commitment to finding medications and therapies, and ultimately a cure, has never been greater; and for those already benefiting from research, the results are priceless.

800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) •


Programs Advocacy

MS Activists Converge on State Capitol Until a cure is found, people living with MS and their families face many challenges. We must pursue legislative progress and improved government programs to better meet those needs.

MS Activist Kirk Williams (pictured on the cover with Nancy Doty, Clerk & Recorder of Arapahoe County) spoke about his personal experience in contacting the Chapter about the negative impact the summer pricing for electricity would have on many people living with MS. He was pleasantly surprised that his one voice would rally the Chapter to engage other activists to create the tiered-rate pricing bill, sponsored by Sen. Boyd. The bill has strong bi-partisan support and is expected to be signed into law. Once passed, Chapter activists will need to be involved to pass the necessary rules and regulations to define a medical condition at the Public Utilities Commission. MS activists also met with their Representatives and Senators to discuss Chapter positions on:

(left to right): Margy Conant, Whit Conant, Jessica Storey, Ayesha Sharma, and Linda Storey

The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter has countless activists who are passionate about sharing their stories and engaging their communities in MS-related issues. We provide training, support, and opportunities for activists to reach out to their legislators and other public officials to seek support for the Chapter’s legislative platform. These activists bring a face and voice to legislative issues, and as a result, develop meaningful and beneficial relationships with elected and public officials.

Change Happens Through MS Activism United and wearing a splash of orange, MS Activists attended MS Day at the Capitol in Denver on March 15, 2011 and met with legislators to voice positions and concerns related to upcoming bills. Carrie Nolan, president of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter opened the morning session and called on all Chapter activists to stay engaged and committed. Sen. Betty Boyd, president pro tem of the Colorado State Senate, also addressed the group, commenting on the upcoming bills necessary to implement the Affordable Care Act. The Act’s multiple provisions include changes to insurance coverage, direction for requirements of benefits and services, and new funding opportunities related to public health.


MS Connection • April 2011

• Health Care Reform The Chapter is watching closely as the Colorado legislature drafts bills to implement the Affordable Care Act. We are also participating in the Wyoming Health Care Forum to advise the state leaders on Wyoming’s approach to health care reform. • Tax Check-off for MS Rep. Acree is sponsoring a bill to return the Multiple Sclerosis Fund to the Colorado Voluntary Tax Contribution program. For the past four years, taxpayers were able to make a donation to the Colorado Chapter through their tax return. The average gift was $10 and the Chapter received between $75,000 and $100,000 each year—that’s the impact of a $10 gift! Having the Chapter again listed on the tax form will return this opportunity to donors, who then have easy access to making a gift.

Act Now A Little Time Makes a Big Impact! Become an MS activist and make your mark against MS. Just follow the simple steps below: 1. Visit our website— 2. Click “Take Action” 3. Click on the green box “Become an MS Advocate” then, “Sign up here” 4. Complete the form and click “Submit”

Special Pull-out Section

Your Guide to Walk MS

15 Walks, One Destination A World Free of Multiple Sclerosis Walk MS events are family and pet friendly. Most routes are wheelchair and stroller accessible. Enjoy music, entertainment, refreshments and camaraderie while you walk to make a difference in the lives of more than 88,000 people in Colorado and Wyoming affected by MS.

☛ Event Hotline: 888-925-5265 800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) •


Special Walk MS Pull-out Section

Colorado Walk MS Dates

Wyoming Walk MS Dates

Check-in: 7:30 a.m. | Walk starts: 9:30 a.m.

Check-in: 9:00 a.m. | Walk starts: 10:00 a.m.

May 7 Denver Denver City Park, 2001 Steele St.

April 9 Cheyenne Lions Park Community House, 4603 Lions Park Dr.

Colorado Springs Monument Valley Park, 220 Mesa Rd.

April 16 Evanston Bear River Community Center, 601 Bear River Dr.

Fort Collins Edora Park, 1801 Riverside Ave.

Rock Springs The Community Center, 538 Pilot Butte Ave.

Grand Junction Canyon View Park, 750 24 Rd.

April 30 Gillette Dalbey Memorial Fire Station #3, 1001 Dalbey Ave.

May 14 Boulder County Boulder Reservoir, 5565 51st St.

May 21 Cody Beck Lake Park, 2401 14th St.

Loveland/Centerra Chapungu Sculpture Park at The Promenade Shops of Centerra, 5971 Sky Pond Dr. Glenwood Springs No Name Rest Area, Glenwood Canyon I-70 at No Name Rest Stop Pueblo Lake Minnequa Athletic Complex Palmer Ave. & Maryland Ave.

Living with MS? Join us for Walk MS As an individual living with MS, we’d like to acknowledge the most important part of Walk MS—you! All individuals living with MS should register as soon as possible to secure a free “I Walk With MS” T-shirt, which can be picked up at the Mission MS area on Walk Day. Plus, participants who raise $100 or more by Walk Day will earn a Walk MS shirt.

Thanks to Our Colorado Walk MS Sponsors! Wells Fargo and the National MS Society Have Teamed Up! Wells Fargo, the title sponsor for Walk MS Colorado, has increased its support this year. As a way to creatively and effectively increase exposure and awareness for Walk MS, Wells Fargo will place advertisements in all ATMs across Colorado April 16-May 14. That will result in more than 1,000,000 views for Walk MS. Thank you Wells

Fargo, proud sponsor of Walk MS! 8

MS Connection • April 2011



Special Walk MS Pull-out Section

Walk MS Fundraising Prizes and Clubs Mission First Member

Consider becoming a Mission First member by donating your prize back to the Chapter. Members support our year-round programs and services.

Fundraising Prizes

Fundraising prizes will be awarded after the Friday, August 5, 2011 deadline. You will receive a gift certificate to our Walk MS Store based on levels below: • Raise $250—$25 gift certificate • Raise $500—$50 gift certificate • Raise $750—$75 gift certificate • Raise $1,000—$100 gift certificate

Peak Feet Club

Raise $500 or more by September 30 to become a Peak Feet Club member. Members receive a long sleeve T-shirt, recognition and 2012 Walk Day benefits. Did you raise $500 or more last year? 2010 Peak Feet Club members may pick up their new club shirt on Walk Day.

Top 100 Club

Become a Top 100 Club member by being one of the Top 100 fundraisers. Members earn a Top 100 Club T-shirt, recognition and 2012 Walk Day benefits.

MS Tour of Champions

Take the Tour of Champions challenge by personally raising more than $11,000 for Walk MS. All Champions are invited to the National Tour of Champions, scheduled for November 2011, for three days of motivation, networking and FUN with Champions from across the country.

Act Now Fundraise Through Facebook!

Fundraising through Facebook can give you access to a new and expanded network of people who you might not normally contact for donation support. Get creative and utilize your extended social networks. They can really boost your fundraising efforts! Join us on Facebook at NMSSColoradoChapter

New! Walk MS Fundraising Competition—Win a Trip to Costa Rica!

For every $500 in confirmed donations that you turn in between April 18- 29, 2011, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a seven-night stay in Costa Rica, including airfare! All donations, whether entered online or mailed, must be received by the Chapter by April 29 to qualify for this contest. Travel package generously provided by Wells Fargo Advisors and Frontier Airlines.

Thanks to Our Wyoming Walk MS Sponsors!


Walk MS

Special Walk MS Pull-out Section

Go Getter Challenge Are you a fundraising Go Getter? Complete seven of 10 fundraising challenges on the new Go Getter Challenge form and you can win a week stay at a luxury mountain cabin generously donated by Universal Stylz. Go Getter Challenger runs January 31 – May 31. Send form by May 31 to be eligible for the grand prize drawing. For more information visit or call 888-Walk-COL.

Team Events Looking for something fun to do and help the cause? Support other Walk MS, Bike MS, or Hike MS teams. Visit the calendar under the Teams section of the Walk, Bike, or Hike websites to find out what other teams are doing to raise funds, and join them in their efforts. Some upcoming events include a poker tournament, silent auction, and community music event.

Event Training and Informational Clinic Back to Basics Fundraising April 28, 2011 6:00 p.m. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter 900 S. Broadway, 2nd Floor Denver, CO 80209

RSVP to or call 303-698-7470

Walk MS Event Hotline: 888-925-5265

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Colorado-Wyoming Chapter


MS Connection • April 2011

MS Events

Top Walk MS Team Shares Key to Success For many people who are newly diagnosed with MS, Walk MS is their first experience with the National MS Society. This is why Cheyenne’s Bunion Bunch Walk MS team was formed. Kristin Sanchez, team captain for the Bunion Bunch, started her Walk team the year after she was diagnosed with Wyoming’s Bunion Bunch MS so she could stay connected to MS in a positive way, have something to look year before, but the tricky part is finding new resources. forward to each year and make a difference. In 2001, her We started doing team fundraisers throughout the year, team started with eight members and raised $801. This such as Bowling for Bingo, Battle of the Rock Bands, year the 55-member team is on track to raise $15,000, poker tournaments, trap shoot contests and Dress which will add to the $71,000 they have cumulatively Your Way Day at the state offices to engage the entire raised since the team’s inception! The Bunion Bunch Cheyenne community. team has been Wyoming’s top Walk MS team for the “We have an extraordinary team,” Kristin continued. past five years. “Everyone is passionate about the mission and it has Kristin credits the team’s success to innovative yearbecome a family tradition to attend the Walk each year. round fundraising and an element of tradition. “We are Most importantly, for our team it is not just a fundraiser or motivated by “MS Team Week” to recruit more friends and a one-day event. It is part of our lives. I feel so much love family members,” she explained. “Key to our recruiting and from them and I appreciate their support. The Bunion fundraising each year is always trying to build on the Bunch ROCKS!”

Mud Run MS

Hike MS

Let’s Get Dirty for MS

2nd Annual Hike MS

Saturday, August 27 Winter Park

Saturday, July 30

Registration fee schedule:

Hike MS Aspen Snowmass

• $50 - Until July 27

Saturday, September 17

• $60 - July 28 – August 24

Hike MS Copper Mountain

• $75 - Day of packet pickup (no race day registration)

Hike MS Winter Park Hike MS Royal Gorge

Minimum Fundraising: $100 per person

Hike MS Durango

To register, please visit or email

To register, please visit or call 303-698-7470

Coming Soon! Event Training & Info Clinic Hike MS 101 May 24 For time and location, visit

800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) • 11

Of Note Chapter Welcomes New Board Member Claudia Curry Hill recently joined the Chapter’s Board of Trustees. Prior to moving to Elizabeth, Colorado, Hill was an active member of the Aspen community, most recently serving as the executive director and events director of the Aspen affiliate, Susan G. Komen for the Cure. She is an active supporter of the Aspen Women on the Move Luncheon and is looking forward to much more engagement with the Chapter. Claudia holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in art from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. She served on the Founding Committee of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, was a founding board member and president for Access Unlimited Aspen,

was a founding board member and vice president of Challenge Aspen; and is a founding board member and currently serves on the Nancy Davis Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis.

Chapter President Carrie Nolan were among the hundreds who attended the evening and thanked Phil for his support.

The Amazing Ride!

The Chapter received a $30,000 grant from Caring for Colorado to help provide access to healthcare in Colorado for those living with MS.

Phil Keoghan, host of CBS’s “The Amazing Race,” appeared in front of a sold-out crowd at the Denver Pavilions UA theater on February 7. Keoghan was in town for the one night only viewing of his full length feature film “The Ride,” which documented his 2009 ride across America to raise funds for the National MS Society. Phil raised $500,000 after riding forty days and more than 3,500 miles. National MS Society President Joyce Nelson (left) and Colorado-Wyoming

Grant Awarded

Colorado Newsmakers Carrie Nolan, president of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, National MS Society, appeared on Comcast Newsmakers to inform the community about MS, advances in research and upcoming events. The five-minute interview segment aired numerous times along the Front Range throughout March and can be viewed “On Demand” at Comcast under “Your Colorado” during the month of April.

Northern Colorado Dinner of Champions The Northern Colorado community came together for an evening of celebration at the Dinner of Champions on March 24 to honor local leaders in philanthropy and people living with MS and to raise funds, awareness and hope for those affected by MS. Thanks to an inspiring $10,000 match challenge from the Toney Family Foundation, event attendees rallied together raising an additional $35,000 towards promising MS research. The Toney Family Foundation was created by Bob and Jane Toney, along with their daughters Katy Spritzer and Annie Amata. Katy currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the Chapter and lives with MS. Dennis and Noreen Houska, owners of Houska Automotive Services, Inc. in Fort Collins, and founders of the annual Memorial Day race, the Houska Houska 5K, were presented with the Hope Award for their philanthropic efforts throughout the community. Dr. William Shaffer, a neurologist living with MS, was honored as the MS Champion for his volunteerism and dedication to the Chapter. The Chapter would like to thank this year’s honorees, sponsors and donors for their support, and for making the event a true evening of hope and celebration.


MS Connection • April 2011

(left to right): MS Champion Dr. William Shaffer, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter President Carrie Nolan, Hope Award honorees Dennis and Noreen Houska, and Groucho Marx.


Moving Toward a World Free of MS

It Takes a Village


Act Now

Become a Volunteer

Event Volunteers Needed The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter depends on more than 1,500 volunteers to help with many fun and diverse activities that support our fundraising events. Volunteering for special events is a great way for individuals, families, and corporate groups to get involved. With a wide variety of positions from Set-up Crews to Route Marshals and Cheer Crews to check-in, you are sure to find a fit for your preferences and personality.

Gather a Group! Is your company seeking a way to give back to the community? Does your family like to spend time supporting others? Is your organization looking to build team spirit and camaraderie? Volunteering as a group is a great way to give back and have fun doing it. For more information about how to register your group, contact Jennifer Bell at or 303-698-5443.

National Volunteer Week We Thank You

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers! Each year volunteers donate invaluable resources—their time and talents—to make a significant impact. In 2010, 1,436 Chapter volunteers provided over 41,192 hours of service to the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter valued at more than $858,411! Learn more about the value of volunteering during National Volunteer Week, April 10-16, 2011. Check out our website and Facebook page for stories, statistics, photos and recognition of our outstanding volunteers. The Chapter sends its appreciation and gratitude to all the generous volunteers who move us closer to a world free of MS.

Visit our website to learn more about our volunteer opportunities and how YOU can Join the Movement. Registration is free and easy. Secure your spot today by registering at!

In Memoriam Gail Porch October 18, 1957 – February 13, 2011

On February 13, 2011 the Chapter lost a friend and special volunteer—Gail Porch. Gail was diagnosed with MS at the age of 27 and although she lived with MS half of her life, she stayed involved by volunteering her time and talents to help others. The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter was just one of many organizations that benefited from knowing her. For years she regularly helped with various office projects and was a long-time participant in Walk MS. Always a smiling face, Gail was an inspiration who will be missed. 800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) • 13

Programs Programs/Services

MS Programs Near You Chapter Wide

Walking to Honor Team Captain’s Goal of Finding a Cure With Walk MS quickly approaching, many individuals are beginning to gather their teams, fundraise and plan for the big day. Walk MS is the chance to come together and reconnect with friends; it’s a time for family and friends to rally around their loved one and raise money to support programs, Walk MS team members with Mariel Day services and to find a cure for MS; (second from left) at Walk MS 2010. and it’s an opportunity to continue to support goals set by someone who is no longer here. For Colorado Springs Walk MS team Mariel’s Stars of Hope, they will be walking to honor the legacy of their much-loved captain. Last October, the MS community lost Mariel Day to a tragic car accident. Mariel was new to MS, having only been diagnosed a little over a year ago, but she was not new to health challenges. Born almost completely deaf, through intensive work she eventually learned sign language and regained a large portion of her hearing. When Mariel was diagnosed with MS at age 29, she took it in stride and worked to make the best of the situation. In the spring of 2010 Mariel decided that she needed to do something to stop the disease that was trying so hard to stop her, so she formed the Mariel’s Stars of Hope Walk MS team. Although her first-year team was small, they had great support from family and friends and raised $800. The Walk MS experience was so uplifting that Mariel immediately began planning for the 2011 Walk MS. The October 2010 car accident ended her efforts, but not her spirit. Her family and friends stepped up to fill some very big shoes and the Mariel’s Stars team will be present at Walk MS 2011. The team is off to a good start with seven members, many supporters and a goal of raising $1,000! When asked why they still walk, friends and family shared that Mariel’s main goal was to find a cure and they want to continue efforts that will lead to that. In fact, those who knew Mariel best have taken her mission one step further and have also founded a team in her hometown of Pittsburgh. For Mariel’s Stars and many other teams, memories are ever-present reminders of what is truly important in life, which provides the inspiration to move forward and honor goals. Mariel often said that she believed that a cure for MS would be found in her lifetime and, although that did not occur, her friends intend to do everything in their power to make sure it happens in theirs.


MS Connection • April 2011

Rehabilitation and Multiple Sclerosis: Strategies for Physical and Occupational (For Professionals Only) 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Saturday, April 15

Central Colorado Living with MS, an industry sponsored promotional program presented by Pfizer 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Tuesday April 12, Landry’s Seafood House 7209 S. Clinton St., Englewood

Northern Colorado Living Well with MS in the Early Years 9:45 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Saturday, April 9, McKee Conference and Wellness Center, 2000 N. Boise Ave., Loveland 80524

Southern Colorado Southern Region MS Yoga Series, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. Tuesdays, April 19-June 7, Southern Region MS Yoga Series-Gill Foundation, Colorado Springs MS Research: New Directions featuring Randall Schapiro, MD, 5:15 p.m. check-in, 5:30 p.m. program, Tuesday, April 19, Colorado Springs. Call 800-344-4867 for more information Support Group, family and friends welcome. Ongoing, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., 4th Saturday of each month, HealthSouth Rehab Hospital, Colorado Springs Social Breakfast Group, ongoing, 9:00 a.m., 3rd Tuesday of each month - southern location IHOP, Pueblo MS Health Clinic, uninsured/under insured have their questions answered by specialists, 8:30 a.m. – noon, 4th Wednesday of each month, HealthSouth Rehab Hospital, Colorado Springs (Cost $20) NEW! Social support group forming in Canon City. Call Carolyn McGrady for details 719-634-2984 x201

Western Slope Breakfast Bunch, The Egg and I - Grand Junction 9:30 a.m., 1st Tuesday of each month Breakfast Together, Shommey’s - Parachute 10:00 a.m., 2nd Monday of each month NEW! Monthly self-help group forming in Cortez. Call Karen Galloway, Program Manager, at 970-241-8975 for details Wyoming Wyoming Couples Retreat, April 29-30, Casper Call 800-344-4867 for information

Moving Toward a World Free of MS

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Golden Circle Donors Connected to Cause Are you looking for a way to make a financial impact, while becoming part of a community dedicated to a world free of MS? Individuals are making their mark against MS by donating a single gift of $1,000 or more. To acknowledge these donors, the National MS Society has created a N AT I O N A L M S S O C I E T Y membership program called the Golden Circle. Golden Circle gifts can be designated to support our exceptional programs, scholarships, vital MS research or general support of the Society’s mission. Your gift will have immediate impact on those living with MS. A Golden Circle commitment will give you access to exclusive member benefits such as special access to Chapter and National leadership, invitations to exclusive local research receptions and the ability to join national conference calls discussing the latest progress in MS research from world-renowned scientists. In addition, you will receive the deep satisfaction that comes from knowing you have made a difference. For more information about the benefits of the Golden Circle or how to join, contact Emily Holterman at 303-698-5405 or Advertisement

Programs Fundraising

to our Golden Circle Charter Members, who made their gifts in our inaugural year (July 1, 2009 - October 31, 2010)

June Baker; Judith Birnbaum; John and Carolyn Bliley; Dolores Blue; Wendy Booth; Brand Juice Consulting Inc; Jerrold and Kathy Brown; Susan Burke; Susan and Douglas Butler; William Carter; Phillip and Marje Clark; Richard and Marsha Cole; The estate of Ruth Combs; Dr. William and Vollie Cotton; Glenn Curtis; Harald Dahms; Dr. Robert and Lenore Damrauer; Julie DeGroff; Judee Donner; Susan Doughty; Dwan Family Foundation; Alan and Linda Englander; Kevin and Susan Fink; Mark and Nancy Foster; Thomas Fuller; Greenlee Family Foundation; the late Joanie Hartman; Rob and Melissa Hartnett; Mary and Owen Hobson; Ralph Holden; Ethel Kessler; Mike and Elizabeth King; John Kivimaki and Lauren Lehman; LP Brown Foundation; Dr. Stuart and Arlene Lerman; David Lord; Harry and JoLynn Love; Mandelbaum Family Charitable Foundation; John McBride; Mary Milgrom; Jim and Ellie Mohler; Deborah and Paul Monax; David and Jill Myers; Nora Roberts Foundation; Jane Quinette; Kathleen Quinn-Dea; Dr. Richard and Jane Raymond; Monroe and Rella Rifkin; Michael Ross; Donna and Joseph Routzon; Ann Sandquist; Thom and Joani Schultz; Schuster Family Foundation; Lori and Lou Sigman; Virgil and Joan Simon; Katy and Marc Spritzer; Jonah Staller; Jim Stevens; TWC Foundation Inc; The Toney Family Foundation; Twelve Twenty One Fund; Harry Vaupel, Jr; Darline Vosper; Joseph and Linda Vumbaco; Wet Paint Communication, LLC; Douglas Wills; Alison Zellner; George Zimmerman.

800 FIGHT MS (344-4867) • 15


Colorado-Wyoming Chapter

Broadway Station 900 S. Broadway, Ste. 250 Denver, CO 80209

Gear Up!

Great-West Life Bike MS, Colorado’s Ride 2011, presented by Newmont Mining Corporation June 25 – 26, 2011 One-day Option 25 or 40-mile Fort Collins Loop Option, Saturday, June 25 Custom T-shirt • Beer Garden • Catered Dinner • Prizes Fully Supported Route with Rest Stops • Entertainment

For the latest Bike MS information, please visit Our Sponsors:

Save the Date!


Act Now Bike MS Team Captains Visit for Team Village info and tent reservation. It’s time to place your reservations.

Event Training & Information Clinic Bike MS Safety, Training and Nutrition

Presented by Anadarko Petroleum

May 10 For times and locations, visit

Bike MS Wyoming, August 20 – 21, 2011

The two-day, 150-mile inspirational ride starts in Sundance. The scenic route winds through the countryside of northern Wyoming, with the breathtaking views of Devil’s Tower and the gorgeous Black Hills of South Dakota. To register, visit

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