Fme 2013

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At Cattlemen’s Livestock Market our goal is to market your cattle for a premium. Today, more than ever, genetics have taken an important role and the bulls you choose can make a difference. CLM will have a representative at every California bull sale this fall to help with your bull selection and purchasing needs.





CLM ANNUAL REPLACEMENT FEMALE SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2013 • GALT, CA 9:00 A.M. Bull Grading 1:00 P.M. Private Treaty Trading 2:00 P.M. Female Sale 5:00 P.M. Social Hour


Angus • Brangus • Gelbvieh • Limousin • Red Angus • Beefmaster • Charolais Hereford • Polled Hereford • Salers • Shorthorn • Simmental (Bulls and Females Available to Preview All Day Friday) BULL SALE COMMITTEE: • Jake Parnell 916-662-1298 Luke Parnell • Sally Semas • Randy Parnell • Jack Parnell For further information or catalogs, contact: Sally Semas, Sale Secretary • 1785 Palermo Rd. • Palermo, CA 95968 530-534-1061





12495 Stockton Blvd. Galt, CA 95632 209-745-1515 Office • 209-745-1582 Fax 209-745-2701 MKT RPT





209-495-0995 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL.


Call now to consign







Livestock Market Digest



or over 40 years you’ve known us for our outstanding Hereford cattle. We have also been producing top quality Angus and Charolais cattle for 17 years. All of our breeding programs are built on the top genetics in their respective breeds. We provide proven crossbreeding components that will add pounds to your calves and work in your environment. For maternal traits, beef quality, muscle and durability, we have the options.We use these cattle in our own commercial program and finish them in the feedlot. We know what they will do for you.


Proven Crossbreeding Components New Mexico’s Largest 1 Iron Seedstock Producer!

Sitz OnWard

Selling 100 Angus Bulls Other sires include UpWard, Thunder, GridIron, TC Rito 696, X Factor, & Sitz OnWard

LT Bluegrass

Selling 100 Charolais Bulls Other sires include LT Bluegrass, TR Firewater, LT Easy Pro 3151, LT Mighty Blend 6297, LT Bravo Star 5151, & Western Edge

150 Hereford, 100 Angus & 100 Charolais Bulls For Sale Private Treaty at the Ranch

C Harland Too ET

Hereford • Angus • Charolais Bill King • 505/220-9909 Tom Spindle • 505/321-8808 • 505/832-0926

Selling 150 Hereford Bulls Other sires include Harland Too, C Maui Jim, C Pure Gold 4215, C New Era ET, CL1 Domino 6136S, & Ribeye 88X

P.O. Box 2670, Moriarty, NM 87035 — Located 40 miles east of Albuquerque


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Gail Armstrong, Member Since 2009 Lynn Major, Member Since 2000

Farming and ranching are family businesses. And it’s not just the men who get their hands dirty. We’ve been farmer and rancher owned since 1916. Since then, we’ve provided loans, insurance and other financial services to New Mexicans from all walks of life. We know where you’re coming from. And where you want to go. Call 1-800-451-5997 or visit

2013 Fall Marketing Edition


FME Sale Calendar

September 2013 13 ..........Tulare County Stockyard Kickoff Fall Feeder Sale, Dinuba, CA 18 ..........Gonzalves Ranch, Oakdale, CA

27 ..........Tulare County Stockyards Fall Bred Cow & Pair Sale, Dinuba, CA 27 - 28...3rd Annual Western States Beefmaster Breeder Association Bull & Female Sale, Tulare County Stockyard, Dinuba, CA 29 ..........Visalia Livestock Market's Cattlemen's Select Bull Sale, Visalia, CA

October 2013 4 ............Western Regional Qualifying Event, World Livestock Auctioneer Championship, Trade Show, BBQ, Dinuba, CA 5 ............Isa Cattle Company 52nd Annual Bull Sale, San Angelo, TX 5 ............Templeton Livestock Market Tri County Breeder's Choice Bull Sale, Templeton, CA

November 2013 2 ............California Livestock Association Annual Replacement Female Sale, Galt, CA 2 ............45th Annual Central California World of Bulls Sale, Galt, CA 8, 9, 10 ..American Akaushi Association 2nd Annual Convention, Bastrop, TX 15 - 16...World Series of Brangus, 101 Ranch, Palo Pinto, TX 16 ..........Collier Farm Performance Bull Sale, Brenham, TX

December 2013 9 ............Jacobsen Ranch Sale, Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, MT 27 - 31...Arizona National Livestock Show, Phoenix AZ

January 2014 9 - 26.....National Western Livestock Show, Denver, CO

February 2014 15 ..........Bradley 3 Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Memphis TX 17 ..........Weaver Ranch 29th Annual Production Sale, Sedgewick, CO

March 2014 22 ..........Texoma Beefmaster Bull Sale, McAlester, OK


Livestock Market Digest














Facility located at: 25525 East Lone Tree Road, Escalon, CA 95320

ESCALON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. LIVESTOCK SALES: 3 days per week on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

MONDAY Beef Cattle WEDNESDAY Dairy Cattle CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! Call for more information on consigning your stock.

FRIDAY Small Animals Poultry Butcher Cows Miguel A. Machado President Office: 209-838-7011 Mobile: 209-595-2014 Field Representatives Joe Vieira 209-531-4156 Dudley Meyer 209-768-8568 Thomas Bert 209-605-3866 • 2013 Fall Marketing Edition



Livestock Market Digest


Livestock Market Digest

Fall Marketing Edition

September 2013 Volume 55, No. 10

POSTMASTER, send change of address to: LIVESTOCK MARKET DIGEST P.O. Box 7458, Albuquerque, NM 87194 For advertising, subscription and editorial inquiries, write or call: LIVESTOCK MARKET DIGEST P.O. Box 7458, Albuquerque, NM 87194 505/243-9515 • fax 505/998-6236

Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10

Editorial & Advertising Staff Caren Cowan PUBLISHER EMERITUS: .......Chuck Stocks EXECUTIVE EDITOR: .......Lee Pitts PUBLISHER: .......


Ron Archer


Randy Summers

Administrative Staff OFFICE MANAGER: .......Marguerite


Production Staff PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: .......Carol

Pendleton .....Kristy Hinds ADVERTISING DESIGN: .......Christine Carter


On the Cover

Buyers’ Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 The Real Estate Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Advertisers’ Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

(USPS NO. 712320)

is published monthly except semi-monthly in September at 2231 Rio Grande Blvd., NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104, by Rainy Day, Inc. Periodicals Postage Paid at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Additional Mailing Offices.

The Digest 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . Lee Pitts, Author . . . Mike Stremler, Nevada . . . Birdwell Ranch, Texas . . . Steve Fettig, North Dakota . . .Valley Meat Company, New Mexico . . . Ponoholo Ranch, Hawaii . . . Carole Levitz (aka Carole Cardini), California . . . Patti Strand, National Animal Interest Alliance . . . Merlin Ranch, Wyoming . . . Crouthamel Cattle Company, Washington . . . High Summit Cattle Company, Oregon . . . Clay Mathis King, King Ranch Institute . . . Black Herefords, Missouri . . . Westall Ranch, New Mexico . . . Livestock Producers Cooperative Association, Washington . . . Feld Entertainment, Under The Big Tent, USA . . . Muddy Creek Ranch, Montana . . . Belcompo Meat Company, California . . . Bob Ricklefs, New Mexico . . . Malson Angus & Herefords, Idaho . . . Cindy Schonholtz, Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association . . . Genoa Livestock, Nevada . . . Lowell, Catlett, Global Thinker . . . Buchanan Angus, Oregon . . . Jess Carey, Catron County, USA


(ISSN 0024-5208)

Riding Herd BY LEE PITTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 On the Edge of Common Sense BY BAXTER BLACK . . . . . . . . . . 77 Top Ten Jumbo Foundation Grants BY RON ARNOLD . . . . . . . . 78 12 14 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62

Livestock Digest

Tim Cox’s amazing “Peace of Mind” adorns this year’s cover. For information on this and other works by Tim please contact Eagle Creek Enterprises, 891 Road 4990, Bloomfield, NM 87413, Phone 505.632.8080, Fax 505.632.5850, email:

Livestock Market Digest

RidingHerd By LEE PITTS

A Sustainable Life


cientists say that man is superior to all other forms of life because we have the ability to reason. Supposedly we are rational and animals aren’t. Anybody who has watched our Congress in action or a Border Collie herding sheep might think the opposite is more accurate. No, the real difference between people and animals is that we humans are never satisfied. We are all trying desperately to keep up with the Joneses, who are trying desperately to keep up with us, while the cows are chewing their cud, the horses are licking their lips and the dogs are all taking a nap. Take my mechanic buddy, for instance. Ten years ago he was happy as a hog in mud. He was doing what he loved, working on cars while his wife did the books. They had a good business, a happy marriage and three great kids who they spent a lot of time with. But he wanted more. So, now he owns five shops, pays child support, sees his kids on weekends and is buried in paper work and employee problems. And he never gets to do what he really loves, which is getting his hands greasy working on cars. I went to college with a fellow who loved to farm. For him there was nothing better than the feel of soil or a tractor seat. But he wasn’t satisfied either and felt he had to get bigger, so now he spends most of his time pushing paper, arguing with bureaucrats and trying to justify his existence. He’s paying other people to do what he loved to do and he recently told me, “It’s just not fun any more.” Another friend used to own a small children’s store. It was a great little store and people came from miles around because of her unique stock and friendly service. She figured that if a little was good then a lot must be better so she rented a space that was twice as big, had to fill it with more generic clothing, and was out of business within a year. It’s a recurring theme. If we have one million we want two. If we have a fishing boat we want a yacht. If we own one home we want a second, despite a lack of evidence that the man who owns ten homes, or ten horses for that

matter, is any happier than the man who owns one. In our small town there was a builder who built the best three bedroom, two bath, family homes around. He built them one at a time and had buyers waiting in line, even in bad times. He worked hard, lived well, drove a new pickup and life was good. Then he decided he needed to “take the next step.” So, he picked a bad time to start six mini-mansions on spec. It bankrupted him and today he’s driving a bread delivery truck. Another rancher friend raised the best kids, cows and hay on his own small place. It was what the environmentalists call “sustainable”. But he, too, wanted more so he borrowed money from the bank to expand to 500 cows. Now he’s sitting in a pickup instead of a saddle and getting plenty of windshield time as he reacts to disasters on his many far-flung leases. He admitted to me that he made more money and was much happier before, but he can’t quit now because he’s working for the banker. I, too, was once almost seduced into making something of myself. We all want to leave our mark on this world and for me it was the allure of being a best-selling author, in the image of Erma Bombeck, Lewis Grizzard or Garrison Keillor. I’ll admit I was tempted to sign my life away on a contract to a New York publisher. Now, the reason I am a writer in the first place is because I love to write. I did it even when no one was paying me to do it. But as it was explained to me by the publisher, in order to be a writer I had to travel all over the country to do book signings, marketing myself. This meant that I would spend most of my time doing something I hate, which is being away from home and my wife, while traveling to big cities which literally make me ill. All this instead of doing what I love, which is writing something other than my autograph over and over again. Luckily, I discovered a long time ago that I was infinitely happier having less and that I was very good, some might say exceptional, at being a nobody.

I f you would like to nominate someone who has made a difference for next year’s Digest 25 feature . . . PLEASE CONTACT CAREN COWAN AT 505/243-9515 EXT. 24, OR EMAIL: CAREN@AAALIVESTOCK.COM

2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Digest 25 LivestockMarket Digest’s

FEATURING 25 individuals, businesses and organizations that are making a difference for the American livestock industry.

COMPILED BY: Lee Pitts, Heather Smith Thomas, Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson & Carol Wilson.

Lee Pitts Author


ho is rural America’s best writer? Hands down, it is Lee Pitts. Who has a piercing laugh which can be heard from the auction market’s restaurant out into the stockpens? Lee Pitts has been tracked down in busy auction markets by someone who just heard his laughter. Who can take complex subjects and write them into an article that is easy, even entertaining, to read? Why, Lee Pitts, of course. Who loves the rural lifestyle? Lee Pitts, naturally. And who has become his generation’s greatest standard bearer for the rural culture and lifestyle of America’s ranchers? Once again, Lee Pitts. American agriculture’s best loved columnist has quite possibly done more than any individual in his generation to articulate America’s rural culture, define its communities, defend its values, and lament its changing. As editor of the Livestock Market Digest, Lee has spent the last 30 years chronicling the triumphs and disasters of the cattle business. His front page stories contain hard hitting facts, meticulously researched truths, and down-to-earth verbiage mixed with good, common sense. His weekly column introduces us to crusty old characters, dirt roads, barns, good pets, and rural people and those who wish they were. His work and words are at times hard-hitting, sometimes nostalgic, often delivered with humor, always right on target. And he leaves his readers laughing. Even if they disagree with his position on an issue, readers will be left laughing . . . and thinking. Lee Pitts is rural America’s biggest cheerleader. He loves his country and his family and the simple, all-American life. His keen perception and astute analysis has enabled him, over the last three decades, to tell the


American agriculturalist’s story in a way that is fresh, inspiring, heart-warming, often hilarious, but always interesting and fun to read. Lee didn’t grow up on a ranch, but he traces his roots to the farms and ranches and small towns that compose the backbone of America. He absorbed rural values in auction markets, vet clinics, and countless ranches. These lessons reinforced the early principles imparted during time spent with his grandfather. He left his mark on the FFA before earning his master’s degree in economics at an Australian university. His first job back in the United States was field editor with the Western Livestock Journal. It was the late 1970s, and as he traveled the country working the bull sales, he also met the men who would become life-long friends . . . men like Chuck Stocks, publisher of the New Mexico Stockman, and Skinner Hardy, Bill Lefty, and John Rodgers, all auctioneers. As Chuck remembers, “Right away you could tell that Lee had a different kind of energy. The cadence of his speech pattern, the precision of his vocabulary, the frankness of his conversation, all helped me realize right away that he was different than anyone I’d ever met, inside or outside the livestock industry.” Chuck continued, “Lee was way smarter and way better informed than most of the 20-some-year-olds you met at bull sales. And he had a different way of looking at things.” Lee and his wife, Diane, moved back to California in the early 1980s and Chuck was starting a new magazine, but he and Lee still talked a lot. By 1982, Lee had gone to work for the Livestock Marketing Association in Kansas City, selling advertising for their

Lee Pitts

weekly paper, the Livestock Market Digest. Lee was a great salesman who could sell ice cubes to penguins, but he wanted to be a writer. He penned a regular humor column for the Digest but the LMA just didn’t recognize his obvious journalistic talent. By 1983, Lee learned that the LMA wanted to sell their newspaper. He called Chuck and said, “Let’s buy it.” As Chuck remembers, “We had always talked about putting out a weekly newspaper but it would have required a huge investment and long turn-around time, so the idea had largely remained a fantasy. The Livestock Market Digest offered us an established publication with a large existing subscriber base of real producers to whom advertisers should be attracted. So, with the financial support of Lee’s friends, Skinner Hardy and Bill Lefty, we jumped.” Like the livestock industry it served, the Livestock Market Digest had its ups, downs and changes. But for the past 30 years, Lee’s editorial leadership has been the one constant of the newspaper and is still what the Digest is about. When the newspaper is delivered, rural America knows they can count on Lee to deliver the facts and the raw truth. “He has often been the single voice in the industry folks could rely on to critically analyze and comment on issues that have been so pivotal to ranching and farming Livestock Market Digest

communities,” Chuck noted. While Lee is quick to see humor in our lives, he is also sensitive to anything he perceives to be unfair, illogical or impractical in the way his rural communities are treated and the policies that affect their lives. He made lots of people mad because he has never shied away from his industry watchdog role as a livestock newspaper editor. As a matter of fact, Lee has always questioned authority and critiqued policy decisions of governments, agencies and industry trade groups in his passionate approach to life and work. “He sees the work of those groups as too important to be left to the whims of a few active leaders who might have their own personal agendas,” noted Chuck. “Every industry group in America has come in for its share of scrutiny in Lee’s many hundreds of front page stories. He has made people mad, but I’ve never once seen a shred of evidence that his stories have contained anything but the raw truth.” As a matter of fact, Lee’s writings of big association politics have often changed industry policies or even stopped ill-conceived policy from being adopted because association leaders know that the industry watch dog, Lee Pitts, will hold their feet to the fire for their decisions. “He is a real gladiator for what he believes in,” stated John Rodgers, who has known Lee since the 1970s. “He has a strong sense of right and wrong. If he thought that our industry was taking a direction that wasn’t correct, he would oppose it. He is real tenacious in his support of what he believes in. That is his biggest legacy.” Before Lee ever offers an opinion, he does a tremendous amount of research and makes sure he listens to both sides. He is a deep thinker and it shows in his articles. “I read his articles because I know they will be interesting, factual, and he will have done his research,” stated Skinner Hardy, purebred auctioneer. “Lee has as much impact on the industry as anyone I know. I’ve known a lot of writers and Lee would easily be the most read, most influential.” Lee’s writing was so popular that his readers asked him to compile his columns into a book. One book became two, then three . . . then eight. Over the years, as his thousands of fans know, the writing just keeps getting better. He has now written a weekly humor column for more than 30 years and not one of these pieces has failed to deliver something new and fresh. As his publisher/friend, Chuck has had the privilege of being the first to read Lee’s columns and stories. “At the beginning of 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

every month, Lee would send his columns for that month’s papers to the office and we are always anxious to see what Lee had written,” remembers Chuck. “But one month, Lee sent in a “Riding Herd” column entitled, “People who live at the end of Dirt Roads.” All of us who worked at the office probably remember that day. We passed the story around, like we always did. But this one was extra special. This one captured the soul of a culture and explained, in less than 500

words, the greatness of rural America. Reading this piece was one of those rare moments. I remember feeling that I was in the presence of greatness when I finished reading it; and I read it over and over.” The column powerfully explained a disappearing way of life and culture. Radio personality Paul Harvey read “Dirt Roads” on

continued on page 17

These Things I Wish For You This essay is attributed to Paul Harvey, as it has circled the Internet for some time now. But Paul Harvey did not write it. The true author, Lee Pitts, published the nostalgic essay in 2000 in the book "Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul." Paul Harvey does use material written by Lee Pitts from time to time, and he did read this particular essay (crediting Pitts, of course) during his September 6, 1997 broadcast. — By Lee Pitts e tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I'd like better. I'd really like for them to know about hand me down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches. I really would. I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated. I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn and wash the car. And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car when you are sixteen. It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep. I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in. I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because he's scared, I hope you let him. When you want to see a movie and your little brother wants to tag along, I hope you'll let him. I hope you have to walk uphill to


school with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely. On rainy days, when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you two blocks away so you won't be seen riding with someone as uncool as your Mom. If you want a slingshot, I hope your Dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one. I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books. When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head. I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a girl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory soap tastes like. May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on a stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole. I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it. And if a friend offers you dope or a joint, I hope you realize he is not your friend. I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandpa and go fishing with your Uncle. May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy during the holidays. I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball through your neighbor's window and that she hugs you and kisses you at Christmas time when you give her a plaster mold of your hand. These things I wish for you – tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life. Written with a pen. Sealed with a kiss. I'm here for you. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.


Mike Stremler Nevada


anchers today are looking for ways to survive higher costs of production. Some are increasing meat production and improving pastureland at the same time—by adding goats. There is a good market for meat goats; the U.S. imports more than 1,500,000 pounds of goat meat every week. Mike Stremler, a cattle rancher in north central Nevada, runs 500 cows. He needed to increase his operation and realized he was running as many cattle as his ranch could handle. So he decided to branch out into goats—since they can eat weeds and brush that cattle can’t utilize. “I bought 800 goats a couple years ago, enough to justify having a fulltime herder. Whether you have 200 or 1000, you need a herder to keep track of them,” says Stremler. These are Boer goats, a meat breed originally from South Africa. “We used them on our ranch last summer to clean up a lot of knapweed, white top and other weeds. I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of using goats to control weeds, since I’m not big on equipment. I’ve been to the Ranching for Profit school and Bud Williams’ classes, and have an open mind about multi-species grazing. I was in New Zealand for awhile and worked on a big sheep station that also had goats, deer and cattle. The different species had a lot of benefit and helped the land as they rotated around,” he says. A person can increase total stocking rate by using several species because their grazing habits complement one another. “In our areas it’s easier to find goat pasture than cow pasture. Our goats spend some time on the 25 Ranch near Battle Mountain. That ranch has 8000 acres along the Humboldt River that’s full of willows and weeds. The goats love that kind of feed and can control the willows and keep them from spreading. They love willow leaves and decrease the foliage canopy so more sunlight comes through, and grass can grow in among the willows,” he explains. This makes more forage for cattle. “If you rotate them through that terrain, the cattle end up with more grass. Goat


manure also sweetens up the ground so that when the grass comes back, the cows like to graze that area, behind the goats. Goats eat something we can’t use, and make it into better cow feed, plus giving another crop off the ranch. They utilize knapweed, willow or white top and make a crop that produces leather and meat,” says Stremler. He uses two herders from Peru, on contract with Western Range Association. Stremler pays for their expenses and their flight back home to Peru when their contract time is up. These herders can work in the U.S. under a USDA labor program called H-2A which allows agricultural employers to hire them for a certain period of time when there’s a shortage of domestic workers. Stremler says it’s easier to get into goats than cattle. The does/nannies generally have twins and pay for themselves in a short time. Managing goats takes a lot of work, however. “Anyone thinking about running goats should do their homework. I had to learn Spanish so I could communicate with my herders. If you’re going to have very many goats there is labor involved, and if you don’t have a large bunch out with a herder (and have to feed hay during winter) it’s cost prohibitive,” he says. It has to be a situation that compliments rather than complicates your situation and management. “Raising goats is feasible, if you have good herders, but they are different from sheep. You can bed sheep at night, but goats will take off. We pen ours at night to keep track of them, and to protect them from predators,” he says. The nannies produce until they are about 10 years old, but in rough range country they only last until they are 7 or 8. “Our situation is a little harder on them than being in a small pasture. They sometimes have to travel a long ways. We don’t feed much hay so sometimes they have to rough it. An older, broken-mouthed doe won’t do well in these conditions. A lot of outfits here in Nevada sell their old does with a kid at side because they just can’t travel anymore; they go to eastern Washington or Oregon where people can get

The Mike Stremler Family

another year or two out of them,” he says. The goats are a new dimension for their ranch, but the family is enjoying it. “We adopted three children who are younger than our older sons and they like the goats. My girls are 11 and 13 and my boy is 7 and they are all cowboys and know how to ride a horse, but the goats are fun. And if a nanny is having trouble giving birth, they can help. My 13-year-old daughter can get her hand in there and get the foot pulled back.” The children take pride in being able to help take care of the goats. This is another reason Stremler has the goats kidding in late May—because the children are out of school and can help. “The young does last year were all first timers, so the girls had to pull some babies, and then get them to suck, and did a great job. If the goats have twins or triplets they may claim just one. When that happens we hobble the twins together, hobbling a front foot of one to the front foot of the other. That way, if one gets up to suck, the other one has to get up, too and is dragged along, and more likely to suck, too,” he explains. “We put our best billies into the herd first, so we know which kids to keep as replacements. They will be in the first batch, from high-dollar billies we bought from a guy who sent them to a feed efficiency test at the college near Red Bluff, California. We will keep some females and also some good young billies from these,” explains Stremler. “I do the same thing with my bulls. I buy high dollar bulls from Kit Pharo in Livestock Market Digest

Mike Stremler on the rope

Colorado (his cattle are very feed efficient, easy calving, and hardy) and put them out 30 days before the rest of my bulls, and keep some young bulls from those earlycalving cows. Our desert range country is rough, so it’s hard to find bulls that will do a good job. We often have the best luck with bulls we raise from our own cows. Our best cows will go to the tops of the mountains to graze, and leave the bulls behind, so we want home-grown bulls that are acclimated to our country,” he says. Stremler feels brush control is crucial on rangelands, to help control fire. Last year they lost 10,000 acres of their range to fire, but that was only a small part of their 380,000 acre range. “In the 10,000 acre portion that burned, the fire burned in a mosaic patchwork pattern. Only about

3000 acres actually burned. On the neighbor’s side, 100 percent burned because they use that range totally different and there was too much fuel and the BLM couldn’t put it out,” he says. “Sheep and goats should be used more, because you can micromanage them, to get rid of weeds or reduce fuel load in specific areas, which you can’t do as readily with cattle. Our goats are herded during the day and penned with temporary fencing at night. With herders, you can put sheep or goats exactly where you want them and keep them there until they eat that area. About 25 percent of their diet can be juniper, for instance. You can control juniper with goats, better than with machinery,” he says. Traditionally the only way land management agencies or private landowners kept juniper in check was to use dozers to pull huge chains to tip the trees/shrubs over. “But within 10 years the seedlings come back. To avoid this problem you can go through with a herd of goats every five years and wipe out those young seedlings. If the BLM would let us use goats out there, it would be helpful and wouldn’t cost the taxpayer a dime,” says Stremler. – By Heather Smith Thomas

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Lee Pitts continued from page 13

his daily noon time broadcast. Readers responded by the thousands. “Read it again,” they begged. Paul Harvey read it again, more than 30 times. Each time the listeners raved. Lee’s book by the same name offers his trademark country dose of oldfashioned simplicity and values. At a time when people seem to be searching for a simple life grounded in values, these touching essays encourage us to go home, to wander down the lanes and find peace and contentment at the end of dirt roads. (Lee’s books can be accessed at Incidentally, Lee doesn’t know this story is being written. He wouldn’t approve if he knew, because Lee doesn’t want to be the story, he just wants to tell the story. For the last 30 years, he has done it with humor and insight and a rare ability of making complex issues seem simple. He has also done it better than anyone. Chuck explained the conundrum of Lee Pitts well. “Lee is one of a kind. He is one of the happiest people I know, yet he relishes a good fight. He is probably the smartest person I know, but when he is wrong, he will admit it and go on. His sense of humor is legendary throughout rural America, but when it comes to defining and defending the lifestyle of our kind of people, he is deadly serious. He is as hard working a person as you would ever meet, whether he is working at his desk, taking care of his cows, speaking to a hall full of people or taking bids at a bulls sale, Lee gives his all . . . every time, all the time.” The industry has been blessed to have the energy, the philosophy, the humor and the wisdom of Lee Pitts. – by Carol Wilson & Chuck Stocks

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2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Birdwell Ranch Texas


mry Birdwell and his wife Deborah Clark run stocker cattle on their ranch near Henrietta, Texas. Emry has been ranching all his life, starting with a cow-calf operation on leased lands. “I trained under Allan Savory in the early 1980s and that’s where our planned grazing started,” he says. The cattle graze intensively for short periods, moved several times a day to new pasture, allowing each pasture a long enough rest to fully recover before grazing it again. The secret to success is flexibility and monitoring, with long-term planning to increase production of the pastures. As the pastures improved, stocking rate was increased. “The cattle are able to get by on what’s in the pasture. Emry hasn’t fed any hay since the 1980s,” says Deborah. Some supplemental protein is used, but there’s been no need for hay. “Being able to get by without hay is a tremendous testimony to this type of grazing,” she says. This becomes very obvious during recent drought years. The fact that the cattle can continue to graze, without dramatic herd reductions in the dry years, is a big plus. In 2004 Emry and Deborah purchased their present ranch (14,000 acres) and began to improve the range pastures. “When we moved here, Emry became very aggressive and creative with planned grazing. Owning this piece of property allowed

him to maximize what he had learned over the last 30 years,” she says. “When we first came here, we ran only 2400 head,” says Birdwell. “We’ve had as many as 6400 cattle in here, in 2010, but we’ve been in a drought since then. We had 5300 head last year, and we’ve backed off to about 4000 this year on grass. The rest of the cattle are on wheat pastures,” he says. They buy stocker cattle each year, starting in July and August. “Some go to wheat pastures and the rest stay here on grass. “We run 5000 to 7000 cattle a year, with an average of 4000 on the place at any one time. These are all sale barn cattle,” he says. With the planned grazing system, he and his wife and one hired helper are able to take care of it all. Having the cattle in one large herd concentrates the management efforts into a small area, making it easy for one person to do the pasture moves. And when supplement is fed, one person can feed all the cattle. Emry became interested in holistic management in the 1980s after a neighbor went to a grazing school and implemented some of these principles to improve pastures and stocking rate. Emry began using these methods on leased lands with his cow-calf herd and a few stockers, and then changed completely to stockers for more flexibility. “On our ranch today we have 120 permanent paddocks, fenced with electric hard

Emry Birdwell and his yearold grandson moving 4000 steers.


wire, and we divide each of those three to five ways with poly wire. March through June we probably moved the cattle on average four times per day—sometimes six times per day and a minimum of twice a day,” says Birdwell. “Since 2011 we’ve been putting in a pipeline system. We’d been watering in dirt tanks that collect runoff from rainwater. Due to lack of rain in the current drought we put in the pipeline so we can pump from the dirt tanks into water troughs,” he says. He also utilizes a mobile water trough, pump and generator. These are on a trailer and can be moved from one water hole to another. “This enables us to pump from a water source we couldn’t use, into a trough. This helps stretch the water supply. We’re watering 3800 cattle right now out of one 24-foot trough,” he says. Deborah explains that the pipeline allows them to move the mobile trough wherever they want the cattle to be. “Emry can move that trough anywhere in a paddock, to achieve new results on stocking density and pasture use,” she says. They’ve been on this ranch nearly 10 years and have taken out miles and miles of permanent fence, to enable the cattle to get to the water. “We still have more fences to take out, but with our current grazing system we’ve seen a dramatic increase in our perennial grasses. Recently we found several stands of eastern grama grass, which is virtually extinct in north and west Texas. We just found some in here this spring. Our switch grass and Indian grass has spread tremendously also,” he says. Considering the past three years of drought, the forage increase has been dramatic. “In the second year of the drought we were running 5300 head and experienced the most significant gains in that set of cattle—more than we’d had in the previous eight years that we’ve been here,” says Deborah. Drought is a common situation in this part of Texas, but with planned grazing it becomes much more manageable and not as frightening. The grass is healthier and has strong root systems, and provides enough Livestock Market Digest

ground cover to help catch whatever moisture comes. Soil temperatures never get as high when there are plants to shade the ground. This slows evaporation loss and enables the plants to keep growing and not go dormant so readily in the hot weather. The ranch produces more than 120 pounds of gain per acre, on average. A major contributing factor to the overall gain and improvement in animal performance is the multiple moves to new pasture each day. “Our grass this year is higher in quality than quantity because we did have a little rain. We had three freezes in April—which we never have—and that set it back. But the fact we cut back on our cattle numbers this year kept us in the game,” he explains. “We’ve run cow-calf pairs on the other places we’ve been, but a person needs to run yearlings or steers with the cows in order to be flexible. A stocker operation enables us to add or subtract numbers whenever the situation dictates,” he says. “Up until 2010 we were not running the cattle on wheat. Now we can use that as a safety valve. We can take those cattle to wheat or bring them back to the ranch. This year, with the market the way it was in May, we brought the cattle back here to be on grass for a month, and this allowed us to sell the cattle at a higher price,” he says. Deborah did not grow up with ranching. “It’s a difficult occupation to learn. Moving to the ranch was a new experience, like a baptism by fire, but it was thrilling and new, and a terrific opportunity for Emry and me to work together—and we are beginning to see the fruits of our labors. The impact of our management, and the changes I can see on the landscape, as an uneducated person, make me want to go out and do even more—be better at it, and do it with more vigor and commitment,” she say. Their grazing management has also improved quail habitat. “We don’t do anything special for them—except that our grazing plan generally leaves some nesting cover for them to survive,” says Birdwell. “The overall quail population state-wide and has declined dramatically in the past two decades and we are trying to mitigate this decline by our grazing management. Everybody is excited about the fact they’ve been hearing more quail,” Deborah says. “There are two key elements that are crucial to the success of rotational grazing resulting in improved forage for cattle and improved habitat for wildlife: rest and animal impact, with proper timing and amount of each.” – By Heather Smith Thomas 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

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Steve Fettig North Dakota


he Fettig family ranch in south central North Dakota has seen several generations and many innovations. “My grandfather came here as a German-Russian immigrant and purchased the land,” says Steve. “My brother Chuck and I took over the ranch from our dad in 1981. The 80s were a tough time for agriculture. In 1986 we were trying to find something that could help improve our bottom line, within our own operation, without having to purchase more land. That year we attended the Holistic Resource Management course taught by Allan Savory. Our present management evolved from that,” says Fettig. “When we took over my dad’s operation we had 180 cows, and built up our herd to 400 cow-calf pairs over the next 10 years. In 1997 calves were only bringing 65 cents a pound. We had a tough winter in 1997-98 and were running out of hay. We thought we had enough hay on hand, but the way the winter went, we had to feed extra. With the price of calves it didn’t make sense to borrow money for hay, and there wasn’t any hay for sale at that time,” says Fettig. Rather than go into debt, they sold their cows and started a custom grazing operation with 1000 yearlings. They’ve pastured as many as 1300 yearlings annually, and have been doing custom grazing ever since. “We were trying to get as many cattle on


every acre that we could, so we were running 1300 head of yearlings for the gentleman who owns the cattle. We were grazing them for 120 days, sending them back in mid September. This was working well for us, but the owner was putting them in the feedlot at that point and they were finishing too soon. He wanted us to keep them longer on grass so he could finish them later in the spring. To do that, we had to make adjustments, since the pastures will only produce a certain amount of forage. To lengthen the grazing season, we cut back on cattle numbers, to 1100 head,” Fettig says. “When we were running 1300 head for 120 days, this was the equivalent of 156,000 total grazing days. When we did the math for 150 days, we could run 1100 head—and we achieved this in spite of the fact we only had 6 inches of moisture that year. Being able to plan the grazing season enables us to get through the dry years as well as the good years. This was one of Allan Savory’s points: if you plan for a drought you’ll be ready for it, and if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Flexibility is the key. “We pick different pastures to graze at different times of year. We have tame grass pastures as well as native grass. We used to farm 900 acres with wheat, barley and oats. We converted that into hayfields when we increased our cow herd, because we needed more hay. Much of our soil is poor. Rather than try to keep up with the new machinery required for farming, we decided to turn those hayfields into grazing pastures,” says Fettig. This was a good way to improve the soil, using the cattle to add soil nutrients. The ranch now has 800 acres of tame pastures, and a couple different The Steve Fettig Family

places the cattle can start grazing in early spring. This gives the native plants more chance to grow. “We graze some of the cool season pastures twice because they will regrow within 40 to 60 days. But we try to graze the native pastures only once each year. Some years there’s lot of benefit in having that forage stockpiled,” he explains. Based on NRCS stocking rates for season-long grazing, the ranch has more than doubled its grazing capacity. This shows the benefits of rotation and flexibility. “We have some areas that were severely damaged by season-long grazing, and there were some big gullies carved out by erosion and trailing. We’ve been able to heal those, and I have photos of those areas, dating back to when we started giving them recovery time in the early 1990s,” he says. If you know how much forage your pastures produce, this tells you the length of grazing season you can have. If you winter graze, this will tell you how much grass to stockpile to get through winter, and how many animals you can run on in the summer while still stockpiling forage to graze through winter. The winter forage creates a huge savings in feed costs—and eliminates the need to haul hay out to the cattle. “The other part of that equation is keeping the grazing days in each pasture short, and giving it a longer recovery time. If you can get enough animals concentrated into a small area, they knock the litter down on the soil, which then feeds the soil biology, which can then produce new forage growth for next year.” This is the best way to add organic matter and nutrients. On poor soils you may not have much response at first, but after that it starts to build. Mob grazing keeps certain plants from taking over, and also allows more variety of species to come back into a pasture. “In this area we tend to have a dominance of Kentucky bluegrass, and we’ve been able to get more warm season native species coming in, like green needles and big bluestem. Having more of a mix is more sustainable during drought, rather than having a single species.” Livestock Market Digest

There is always something growing, instead of all the plants maturing and getting dry at the same time. There are always some plants in the pasture that are palatable and nutritious. “This keeps the cattle on a higher plane of nutrition, having a more varied diet with more species for them to eat,” he explains. With increase in herd numbers, it was also necessary to increase availability of water in each pasture. “This was a gradual process. We now have about miles miles of pipeline and eight pasture wells. These supply multiple tanks; we try to make each tank set supply water to at least two to four pastures, so we have about 15 watering sites. Our total number of pastures is currently 32, and we have plans to increase this to 45,” says Fettig. “With 1000 to 1300 head in a herd, we like our pastures fairly small. We get good animal impact on pastures that are about 40 acres. We don’t see quite as good an impact on pastures much larger than that.” A few years ago, mob grazing was viewed as something odd, but now more people are beginning to understand these grazing principles. Many ranchers realize that if they keep doing things the traditional way, they will go broke. They know they must do something different and this makes them more open to changing, to find ways to make things work better on their own place. “The North Dakota Grazing Coalition has been putting on a workshop for the past 10 years, and it’s gone from having just 20 to 30 ranchers show up at these meetings, to up to 500. More people are coming to hear about new ideas,” says Fettig. People are interested in finding out how other ranchers are making things work, and want to know how they might apply some of these principles to their own grazing operations, and how to address the challenges. “When Allan Savory spoke to us in 1986 in Bismarck, North Dakota, I thought there was no way I would be able to achieve what he was talking about—because it was such a new concept.” Some of the things he was saying didn’t seem to fit our situations on the plains and western pastures of the U.S. “The advantage for younger ranchers who are just getting started today is that they don’t have the paradigms that our fathers and grandfathers instilled in us as we were starting. It makes it easier for the younger generation to move ahead, and not have to overcome the old ideas,” Fettig explains. It’s nice to be able to sort ideas with an open mind—to keep the wisdom 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

and helpful experience from the older generation, but view it with new eyes and be able to discard things that are not so helpful. “When you keep moving forward every year, you sometimes forget where you’ve been, because the change has been so gradual. To go from 180 cows and wondering if we should rent more pasture, to increasing the herd to 400 cows and not having to buy or lease any new land is an amazing change. The fact we were able to double our stocking rate is huge, and this kept us in the ranching business.” – By Heather Smith Thomas

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Valley Meat Company New Mexico


t is the American dream . . . starting a small business, providing employment opportunities, meeting a demand, filling a niche in the market, providing for your family. But the dream has turned into a nightmare for Roswell, New Mexico, business owner Rick de los Santos. De los Santos had a good plan. He wanted to convert an unused slaughter facility into a horse slaughter plant. This plant would fill a niche in the market, provide a humane facility for horses now sent to Mexico and Canada, employ up to 100 people, and pump hundreds of thousands of dollars into the local and state economies. So de los Santos filed the necessary paperwork, retrofitted the plant, trained employees, and purchased the right equipment. He even filed suit to force the government to follow its own rules and provide inspection at the plant. Unfortunately, de los Santos and Valley Meat Co., along with two other facilities, one in Iowa and one in Missouri, are now the center of an emotional national debate over the issue of horse slaughter. Present and past governors, movie stars, animal rights extremists, elected officials and the public are part of the furious debate, one in which rural, urban and conservation groups, as well as Republicans and Democrats, are all split in their opinions. Supporters of Valley Meat Co. say that irresponsible owners are abandoning horses on ranches, reservations and public lands, where they eat vegetation, drink up water in drought-ridden areas, and sometimes starve to death. They argue that it is better to have unwanted horses killed in a federally inspected facility in the U.S. than have them sent to plants in places like Mexico, where they often meet gruesome deaths in unsanitary conditions. A good example of this is offered by a representative of the Hopi nation, who estimates that the Navajo and Hopi nations have 170,000 feral horses destroying range and habitat. Tribal members of the Navajo nation, including Representative Sandra Jeff of Crownpoint, claim feral horses are destroying dams and fences and


making the range unusable for the productive livestock that tribal members rely on for their livelihoods. Those in opposition to domestic horse slaughter are vocal and many have large soapboxes. New Mexico governor Susana Martinez is opposed because of the horse’s cultural role in New Mexico. Actor Robert Redford and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson cite the horses’ iconic role in the American West. New Mexico Attorney General Gary King has ruled that horse meat is an adulterated product and should not be allowed for human consumption. Jeff noted that the Navajo understand the horse issue, unlike activists such as Redford, who creates a vision of the magnificent West, but has no experience with real life on the land. King’s stance has been challenged by A. Blair Dunn, attorney for Valley Meat Co. “Legally, the AG’s office is in left field,” said Dunn. “This is a publicity stunt. Coming from his agricultural background, he should know better . . . There is not an issue with food safety.” A quick look at the timeline might inform the discussion of the issues. Historically: Horses have been slaughtered in the United States. Meat is shipped overseas. 2006: Congress approved an appropriations bill forbidding the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) from financing the inspection of horse meat. 2007: The last domestic horse slaughter plant closed. 2011: Congress opened the door for the renewal of the horse slaughter business by removing the rider from the omnibus spending appropriations. However, the U.S.D.A. never restarted its equine inspection service. 2012: Valley Meat sued Tom Vilsack, the agriculture secretary, and Al Almanza, the head of the food safety inspection service, charging that the department’s failure to offer inspection of horse meat violated the Federal Meat Inspection Act. June 2013: The U.S.D.A. granted approval to Valley Meat to convert the cattle facility into a horse facility.

Blair Dunn, Valley Meats Attorney

July 2013: The Humane Society of the United States sought a federal court injunction to keep horse slaughter facilities from opening. August 2, 2013: A federal judge temporarily halted plans by Valley Meat Co. in New Mexico and Responsible Transportation in Iowa to start slaughtering horses. August 8, 2013: A U.S. magistrate judge ordered the Humane Society of the United States and other animal rights advocates to post, for one month, a bond of $495,0000 to the two companies prepared to open horsemeat packing facilities. What happens next? Dunn notes that his clients have a number of legal hurdles to clear, including a hearing from the New Mexico Environmental Department over wastewater disposal at the plant. Dunn estimates the temporary restraining order will keep Valley Meat Co. from operating for six months, at least. Attorneys asked that the HSUS put up $10 million in bonds for the period of six months that the slaughter plants were not allowed to open. U.S. Judge Robert Hayes Scott ruled that a one month, $435,600 bond was appropriate. This bond will cover expenses and lost profits for one month for owners of Valley Meat and Responsible Transportation of Sigourney, Iowa, should the companies eventually win in court. If the injunction prevents the plants from opening longer than one month the bond amount will likely increase by $495,000 on a monthly basis. “The bond requires the plaintiffs to put their money where their mouth is,” according to Pat Rogers, attorney for Responsible Transportation. “There are real-life consequences to these actions and we appreciate the judge recognizing that.” Livestock Market Digest

“We are happy with what the judge ruled,” stated Dunn. “My clients are suffering economic damage.” Valley Meat has significant costs . . . and the plant is sitting idle. Rogers estimated that his clients have invested $2.9 million in their operation. “It is a small company in a small town, that is going to have significant economic impact,” he said. Dunn agrees. “The plant is ready to go,” he explained. “The gross profit on a horse would be about $350 per head. If they process 100-120 head per day, you can do the math and see that they would make a half million dollars a month in net profit. This would be money that is taxable for the county and the state, but instead the plant is quiet. ” In direct contrast to the quiet plant, the political atmosphere is filled with threats and attacks. The de los Santos family has received death threats and bomb threats. An arsonist started a fire to the plant, which qualifies as an act of domestic terrorism because it harmed an animal processing facility. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating. How can the owners of these companies continue when they are being vilified and attacked by people who don’t even know them?

“It is a matter for recovery for the de los Santos,” Dunn said. “The only way to cover their losses is to stick it out to the end. Part of it is principle, too. They are being told by people that they appreciate their sticking to it.” Surveys touted by the large animal rights groups claim that the majority of Americans are opposed to horse slaughter, but a survey done by KBIM in Roswell found that 90 percent of the people in Roswell supported Valley Meat Co. and thought it would be a positive addition to the local economy. “It is the people in San Francisco and New York that are doing the wailing and gnashing to teeth over horse slaughter,” noted Dunn. “But you have to remember that these groups don’t want anyone to consume animal protein. Horses are simply the low hanging fruit right now for animal activists. They figure if they can stop the slaughter of horses, they will move on to chickens or pigs or calves.” While the posturing of politicians and actors over the issue can be easily dismissed as “camera time” and grandstanding, the public sentiment that horses are “pets” instead of “livestock” cannot be as easily dismissed. The public was responsi-

ble for funding the Humane Society of the United States, for example, with revenues in excess of 235 million dollars in 2011. Less than one percent of that money was used in the care of animals. The rest was funneled into lawsuits and lobbyists. The results, including economic impacts of the court rulings, can be devastating. One positive, according to Dunn, is that many agriculture groups have coalesced and offered support. “They tell us they understand what we are doing and they actively support us,” noted Dunn. “Organizations around the country are realizing they have to stand up and tell their story.” For now, the facilities in Iowa, Missouri and New Mexico are empty. The Hopi tribe, which hoped to start a plant in the future, is watching to see what happens with the facilities which have already jumped through the hoops and yet are still delayed by court injunctions. And the rhetoric and divisiveness which fuels a debate in which people use their hearts instead of their heads will continue to escalate around a couple of small business owners who just want to be productive members of the economy. – by Carol Wilson

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Ponoholo Ranch Hawaii


he Von Holt family has been ranching in Hawaii for three generations. Pono Von Holt has used rotational and holistic grazing strategies for several decades to improve pasture production on their ranch in Kohala. “Our ranch was originally part of a larger operation called Kahua Ranch in 1928 when my father and his partner were ranching together. My father died in 1953, and when I came home from college I began working for his partner. In the mid 1970s my dad’s partner passed away and we went through more estate planning issues between the families and decided to split the property. We formed Ponoholo Ranch in 1980,” he says. “We stayed in a joint venture until 1989 when we completely split apart and became two independent ranches—Kahua

Ranch and Ponoholo Ranch. Allan Savory came to our island in 1981, at the request of one of our Extension Agents. He looked at the different ranching practices here, and gave us his classic understocked/overgrazing spiel. We couldn’t figure that out, so he invited us to attend his school,” says Von Holt. A group of ranchers from Hawaii went to the HRM course at Albuquerque that Savory and Stan Parsons taught. “We learned about the Savory grazing method and became excited about it. We came back and implemented a one-year trial on a couple areas of our ranch—one in very dry country and the other in our more highly productive region. We found that our payback on the higher production pasture was about 6 months and in the dry portion it would take about 6 years,” he says.

“It still made economic sense to do it, so we put a 7-year plan together to develop the whole ranch. This doubled our stocking capacity. We originally ran about 2600 cows and 1000 head of sheep, keeping all our calves as stockers to put into a local feed yard at about 650 to 700 pounds. It took us 5 years to put in the infrastructure and we built our herd to full production within 7 years—increasing our herd to more than 5000 cows and keeping all our calves here,” he says. “We were still having problems. I called Allan and he said we were doing what most ranchers do—letting our costs rise to our level of production. He told me he had a ‘generating wealth’ course and suggested I come to that! We did, and found that we were a typical rancher/farmer, loving production, and were not addressing the cost






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end of it,” explains Von Holt. At that point they ended the joint venture with the neighboring ranch and became independent, focusing on the cattle. “We cut our costs, and in the early 1990s made a switch from producing calves and stocker cattle for the feed yards and began exporting our calves to the mainland. We knew we could raise cattle year-round here and our grass is very competitive for producing calves. We were not competitive in economics of scale for processing and importing feed to Hawaii (for the feedlot calves), with very few by-products here that we could feed,” he says. “Our packing plants were small and inefficient so we had higher processing costs. It made more sense to spend the money on freight to the mainland rather than spend it on processing and feeding. Our cattle are bred for quality in terms of grading and performance, so we like to retain ownership,” he says. The ranch formed markets through several alliances on the mainland. More than 1/3 of their beef goes through Country Natural Beef in Oregon, which was started many years ago by Doc and Connie Hatfield. Some of the cattle go through a program called Ranchers Renaissance in Texas—an alliance with Cargill and several feedyards in Texas. They market a product in various stores, one of the largest being Safeway with their Ranchers Reserve program. “Another third of our cattle end up in Decatur, Kansas in an alliance with Decatur County Feedyards that have a special marketing grid with

Cargill. They provided individual electronic management of cattle early on. This helps get data back to the ranch regarding cattle performance. That way we can manipulate our genetics to try to address any weaknesses in our cattle,” he says. “When we started, the industry was commodity based. Over the last 20 years it has developed a lot of branded programs and niche marketing. There is an opportunity now for grass-finished cattle. We have some rancher partners in a packing plant here, with funding from the state and the county to increase infrastructure so we can process more cattle and target the grass market here in Hawaii,” says Von Holt. The Ponoholo Ranch has about 11,000 acres. This region goes from the tropical rain forest climate at the mountaintops to sea level at the ocean. “We go from 110 inches of rainfall per year in the rain forest, down to 6 inches. We have some country on our ranch that looks like West Texas and some that looks like New Zealand in the springtime. This gives us flexibility in seasonality of production and breeding seasons. It allows us to be more flexible in marketing. We have two breeding seasons, due to the seasonality of our different areas. This helps us diversify in when we market cattle,” he says. The ranch has a wide variety of forage plants. “In our better grazing areas we have predominantly Kikuyu grass which was brought here from Kenya in the 1920s. It is a very productive semi-temperate type of grass. In our lower elevation dry country we have buffalo grass, which

Sabrina White and her father Pono Von Holt 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

is a native of Texas. One of the challenges on the Ponoholo Ranch is the wide variation in what they need to manage for; it’s not easy to be ranching in several eco-zones and trying to manage for the seasonality in each one of those. At the same time, this is also a wonderful opportunity because it allows for better year-round production. “We stock our pastures heavily, moving the cattle every one to three days. We use our dry cows for what we call cow dozing, for brush control. We’ve wiped out most of the brush in the transition zone between the wetter, higher-production country and our dry zone which has open ground from past grazing. This has greatly increased our forage production,” he says. “With the dry years we have reduced our stocking rate, but have increased our animal performance. We have what we call a drought trigger, with a drought monitor for our own property because of our rainfall variations. We have a trigger point; if moisture gets down to 80 percent of normal, this is when we start to destock. Our decisions on this are all data driven, so they are not affected by emotion,” he explains. The island has been in a long-term drought and this has been a challenge. “Our cow herd has been reduced by about 1500 head; we’ve tried to balance our stocking rate with the resource and we’ve come through it very well. Our cattle are still doing well; we just don’t have very many,” he says. The flexibility in pastures and management has helped, along with the ability to move cattle to the mainland. “Some of our advantage is that we do have pastures in high rainfall areas. If the 110-inch rainfall area is in a drought and only gets 70 or 80 inches, it’s still not too bad. Some of our areas haven’t had much problem for production, while other pastures have been completely wiped out,” he explains. The family works together as a team whenever they work cattle. “Everyone gets on a horse or a 4-wheeler when we need to work the cattle. With intensive grazing as a tool, our cattle are trained to follow us to new pastures, and we’ve implemented a lot of low-stress handling techniques,” he says. He has four children, but middle daughter Sabrina White has always had an interest in the ranch, and is now stepping into the business end of it. “We have a very good team and I am confident that we will make the transition smoothly to the third generation—and continue our business for a long time,” says Von Holt. – By Heather Smith Thomas


Carole Levitz (a.k.a. Carole Cardini) California


can make a good argument that the most important person at any auction is the clerk. Oh, I know, the auctioneer is the ring leader and the “voice” of the industry but if the clerk doesn’t do her job no one gets paid. And yes, I used the feminine connotation on purpose because in my experience most auction clerks are women. As proof of the clerk’s value I offer the story about a sale we worked years ago in which the auctioneer and ring crew blew into a town on the wings of a private plane, coming from a bull sale in another state where we sold 350 bulls. We were tired, hungry and our voices were shot, especially the auctioneer’s. Because we were rushed, we didn’t go through our normal checklist with folks who only have a sale once a year. And often the auction committees for charitable events change so we’re often dealing with folks who have never managed a sale before. That was the case in this instance. Well, we finished the sale about 10 at night and were dead tired when the committee chairman meekly came up to the auctioneer and I and asked, “You didn’t happen to write down the prices did you?” “Why?” “It seems we forgot to assign someone the job of writing the prices and buyer names down and now we don’t know who to charge what.” An auction clerk, if they do their job right is almost invisible. They don’t hold up an auction asking for a price, nor do they ask how to spell a buyer’s name, because they usually know the person. They’ll even catch a bid or two during an auction that the auctioneer and ring men miss. After working thousands of auctions the past 45 years I can honestly say the best clerk I’ve ever seen in action is my good friend Carole Levitz. Carole can count a carload of cattle streaming into an auction ring better than any computer or human ever could. I once saw her work an entire 600 head bull sale, where Skinner Hardy and friends were selling a bull every 31 seconds and she NEVER stopped the auction to ask a price, or how to spell a name one time. She has


worked regularly with at least three World Champion auctioneers that I know of, Skinner, John Rodgers and Rick Machado, and during the past four or five decades she has worked from four to five commercial cattle auctions per week. And then she might do a bull sale on a Saturday! Randy and Beth Baxley, who employ Carole at their weekly sales at Templeton and Visalia, California, consider her part of the family she means so much to them. And there are countless people in the West who feel the same way, myself included. Carole is one of the nicest, most humble people you’d ever want to meet, as comfortable as an old shoe . . . but no one in our business had any idea that Carole had been leading a secret life for decades, until I blew her cover, that is. Skinner Hardy knows how to run an auction and anyone who remembers how he ran his Western Stockman’s Market at Famoso, California, will tell you that he ran a tight ship. He hated it when rarely there would be a lull in the auction and 99 percent of the time when the out-gate closed on one animal, the in-gate was swinging wide immediately. One year at his Western Stockman’s All Breed Bull Sale there was just such a lull and I could tell Skinner was getting frustrated, and being a wannabe magician, I went into my act and tried to entertain the restless crowd with some juggling and card tricks. Thankfully the lull didn’t last long because I was running out of tricks and the crowd was getting impatient and was about ready to start throwing rocks at me. I feared for my life. After the sale Carole came up to me and said, “I never knew you liked magic. My father was a magician, you know?” “Oh,” I replied, thinking that her dad was probably some amateur like I was. “What was your father’s name?” I asked. “He was known as The Great Cardini.” replied Carole nonchalantly. I nearly collapsed in shock. “You father was the greatest magician who ever lived and one of the art’s most important practitioners? Your dad was “The Suave Deceiver” whose sleight of hand was unquestionably the best ever, who entertained Presi-

Carole Levitz

dents, Kings and Queens all over the world and is the idol of any aspiring magician who ever picked up a deck of cards?” “Yes, that was my father,” said Carole meekly, but proudly. I still couldn’t believe it. The Great Cardini had lived in New York City and traveled the world his entire career, how did he manage to have a daughter who spoke cattle fluently, clerked cattle auctions and is as far away from New York City as one can be? “How did you end up in Bakersfield after living in New York City?” I asked Carole. “I fell in love with a cowboy?” Enough said. The Great Cardini rose from obscurity to become “the most imitated magician of the 20th century.” He played the Hippodrome, Radio City Music Hall, all the great vaudeville venues and the London Palladium in 1933 in a command performance for the King and Queen. He shared billing, and the stage, with George Burns and Gracie Allen and became one of the most successful variety performers in history. He was written up in Vogue and the New Yorker. I still can’t believe it: this was Carole’s father! Pardon me if I sound a little star-struck but it happens to all of us minor magicians whenever the Great Cardini is raised in conversation. I was in Reno once for a video cattle sale, trapped in the velvet ropes in a long line waiting to check in. They had a magician there who was performing card tricks so that those waiting in line wouldn’t get too impatient. When the magician ran out of card tricks I asked him, “You ever hear of The Great Cardini? His daughter is a good friend of mine.” You’d have thought I had parted the waters. He groveled at my feet. “You know the daughter of The Great Cardini, the Suave Deceiver? The best prestidigitator who ever lived? The man who could Livestock Market Digest

seemingly push cigarettes through cue balls, who could endlessly grab lighted cigarettes from the air, one right after the other, the man whose “steals” and misdirection we all try to emulate. Have I heard of the Great Cardini?” He asked. “Who hasn’t?” “Yeah, well I have one of his ties, a picture and the beautiful book about his life.” Every time after that whenever I was in Reno and saw that magician he bowed in my presence because I was connected, although indirectly, to The Great Cardini. Carole’s father wasn’t always The Suave Deceiver. He was born Richard Valentine Pitchford in 1895 in Mumbles, Wales, and isn’t that an interesting tidbit. The man who would have a daughter in the auction business was born in Mumbles! That’s a bad trait to have if you’re in the auction business! Some say that Richard became a great magician because during World War I he would play around with a deck of cards to ease the monotony in the trenches. And since it was cold he wore thick, woolen regulation gloves while he practiced. Later, in his famous act he always wore a pair of white gloves, which was amazing


2013 Fall Marketing Edition

because no one could figure out how he could do the things he did while his hands were restricted by gloves. It was because of those thick gloves he wore in the war. Richard was rendered unconscious for six weeks when a shell exploded too near his head and for a while it blinded him, made him deaf and impaired his speech. He was also gassed and afterwards he was sent to a hospital where some mental patients were also housed. He practiced 14 hours a day and there was one head-casepatient there who watched him do his magic making coins disappear, and afterwards the mental patient would always count the change in his pocket, as if The Cardini had stolen it! One of the staff at the hospital said, “That guy thinks he’s a magician!” Just the best who ever lived, that’s all. Carole’s mother was Swan who became The Great Cardini’s indispensable assistant both on stage and in life. They were married 46 years when the Great Cardini died in 1973. The rest, as they say, is history, magic history, and it just so happens that Carole had saved all of it. Boxes and boxes of the personal effects of Swan and Richard. Because none of her kids wanted any of it,







Carole decided to sell all the old relics, at auction of course, and use part of the proceeds to buy a cabin where family members could disappear from the rat race when they wanted to. One has to think the Great Cardini would have approved of this disappearing act! This was one auction Carole wouldn’t have to clerk. But you can bet she was writing down the prices! To show you how important her father was to magic, one of the tuxedos he wore on stage brought $60,000, plus a 20 percent buyer’s fee! A pair of his gloves brought $22,000, no doubt to a magician hoping some of the magic in those gloves would rub off. A scrapbook brought $24,000 and a plaster casting of his hand fetched $8,000! A charcoal sketch of Cardini that ran in the New Yorker Magazine brought $14,000, his steamer trunk $20,000 and on and on. You get the picture. The man is a legend. And Carole Levitz, my friend and one of the auction industry’s best friends, is The Great Cardini’s daughter! In retrospect I should have known all along, because Carole performs her own kind of magic on the auction block on a regular basis. – by Lee Pitts



Patti Strand National Animal Interest Alliance


he road from hobby dog breeder / enthusiast to national political activist was not a long one for Patti Strand, founder and Chairman of the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) and NAIA Trust, working to bring animal industry groups together and combat the misinformation and damaging campaigns of so-called animal welfare groups. She and her husband started out in Oregon, raising, breeding and showing Dalmatians as a hobby. In the late 1980s, several different ordinances that would substantially affect dog breeding were introduced. She said she noticed that all of these were directed at trying to restrict the ability of people to breed dogs, rather than trying to regulate actual problems. “Every time an ordinance was introduced, there was a big media campaign that disparaged breeders and linked images of dead and mistreated dogs to breeders.” Then, in 1991, a statewide bill to eliminate puppy mills was introduced. “That sounded ok to us, we didn’t like puppy mills either, but when we read the legislation we realized it was a radical bill that defined us all as puppy mills and we had to fight it,” she explained. Patti organized dog breeders in the state to fight the bill, and during the course of fighting the bill they met people in the biomedical research, agriculture, hunting and other communities who had already experienced this kind of effort and media campaign. She and her group eventually defeated the legislation, but not without a nasty fight both in the legislature and in the media. “I have a degree in political science and have studied history. The thing about this was that the people we were fighting had no ethics and would do or say anything, believing that the end justified the means. “ Even after that experience, she said, she probably would have just gone back to working with her dogs and selling real estate had it not been for the threats she and the editor of the publication received after an article she wrote about the issue was published. “That sort of engaged me. I thought, “This kind of hateful, threatening


intimidation is bad for America,” and decided we needed a national group to bring everyone together and counter the misinformation that was being put out there.” Since then, she has worked to build a coalition of animal industry and interest groups, which now includes people from science, business, hobby groups, rodeo, veterinarians, agriculture, hobby dog breeders and trainers and more. One thing she has found is that from one industry to the next – and also within industry – there is a lot of prejudice, and much of that comes from what people hear in the media. “When we first sat down, whether we knew it or not, we all had prejudices. We are all so bonded with our animals, that we all have ideas of how things should be done. One of our big jobs is to get to know and understand other animal industry members, and find out what they do, why they do it, and the value of it.” “It’s easy, if your goal is to raise funds, distort and sensationalize, to get groups looking for the worst in each other,” she continued. “That’s the irony of the animal rights groups’ success, we all care about animals so much that we’re as susceptible to their claims as anyone. Their ability to get us to divide and conquer is impressive.” Creating a more centralized source of information and expertise is one of her goals. “We are all animal people, and animals and animal people need to be represented. We have to stand up for ourselves and take back the conversation. We want to create a voice so that people know who’s a straight shooter, and know where the experts are. We want the public to be able to call us so that we can refer them to the experts, rather than taking the word of the media or activist groups.” Activist groups use cause marketing and conflict, distorting the issue to accomplish their goals – to gain power, influence and money. They have been geniuses at getting a small, bad guy outlier faction to represent an entire industry in the public’s mind, she noted. “We are in a giant propaganda war. These groups form a cam-

Patti Strand

paign, and even if they lose in the legislative arena, still influence public opinion. They disparage, regulate if they can, then prohibit. They ruin reputations, and often, get money from an industry just to make them go away.” The NAIA is set up as an educational 501c3 organization and does a lot of research on animal welfare issues, publishing its findings on its website and in the quarterly “Animal Policy Review” which is sent to every member of Congress, as well as news releases and op-ed pieces. They also hold an annual conference, set this year for November 2-3 in Orlando, Florida. The NAIA Trust, a 501 c4 organization, focuses on legislation and lobbying, both on the state and national level. “The thing that makes us powerful is our members’ participation. We only have three employees, but we have hundreds of volunteers across the country who care deeply about these issues and are willing to roll up their sleeves and jump in when needed,” she noted. Grassroots supporters – people who are willing to show up, pick up the phone or send an email – are one thing that the NAIA has to offer. “So many of our members are urban, and on a lot of issues if you can pick up just a few more votes in urban area it makes a big difference. We are growing, and would welcome more people from the agricultural community as members. We are here to help, trying to do the right thing, and anything we can do to help, we will.” Despite the struggle, Patti has hope for the future. “The latest generation is a lot smarter. Animal rights groups use cause marketing, they sell their cause by showing the public a sad image, claiming someone is responsible, then putting themselves in role of savior – while of course putting no money into animal care. This has been used by so many groups that young people see through some of it. My generation is a lot more naïve – I was just shocked that people would behave like this.” – by Callie Gnatkowski Gibson Livestock Market Digest





Kickoff Fall Feeder Sale &




Fall Bred Cow & Pair Sale ()&




3rd Annual Western States Beefmaster Sale Followed by Dinuba Annual Bull Sale !!




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World Livestock Auctioneer Championship, Western Region Qualifying Event & Trade Show followed by Industry BBQ & Dance $&'

2013 Fall Marketing Edition


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Merlin Ranch Wyoming


ark Gordon at the Merlin Ranch, Buffalo Wyoming, has been practicing planned holistic grazing management for many years and feels it has improved the land and also the health and productivity of the cattle. “I grew up on my family’s ranch near Kaycee, Wyoming. In 1983 I had a chance to tour a place with Allan Savory. Then in 1984 a partner of mine on another ranch, the 48 Ranch, and I went to one of Savory’s original week-long intensive courses. After coming back from that, we implemented a number of things we learned. On the 48 Ranch we are still doing those grazing strategies,” Gordon says. “My dad and I struggled a little on our home place. Then my wife and I had a wonderful opportunity to get a ranch of our own, in 1988. We moved up to the Merlin Ranch—a great family ranch that had sheep and cattle. It was a conventionally well-managed place though they didn’t use planned grazing per se. We got very


aggressive about planning our grazing program,” says Gordon. “At that time the ranch had four main pastures. Now we have 22. People thought we were nuts. One year, when we had more backward calves than normal, some of our neighbors even suggested it was because we were moving our cattle too much.”

showed great improvement. This was important because our lease was tied in part to restoration of a depleted range resource,” says Gordon. The Ucross Foundation that owns the ranch has an artist-in-residence program whose artists have won many awards— from Pulitzers and Tonys to Pen Hemingways. “The opportunity to demonstrate

“ ...the Merlin Ranch has had issues with extraordinary drought” In 2000 he took on the Ucross Ranch. “Ucross was looking for a Holistic Manager. With the help of Kirk Gadzia—who had been an instructor in the 1984 course—and Todd Graham in Bozeman, Montana we built a holistic program. With Todd’s independent monitoring, the ranch

responsible resource management with the artists who were in residence as well as some of the businessmen on the board was something we couldn’t pass up. When you talk about land stewardship, looking at the ground it is practiced on, you can talk the same language whether you are an urban vegan or a hardened industrialist,” Gordon explains. This project dovetailed nicely with the Merlin Ranch which is only 11 miles away. “We were very successful in improving productivity. In 2007 my foreman Barry Bower, who had been on the Merlin since the beginning, was able to stay on at Ucross in his own operation. He’s still there, doing great things. Independent success for Merlin’s employees has always been one of our production goals.” “We’ve made great progress on the Merlin ranch; it is coming back, terrifically well. We’ve been running about 400 cows on a 10,000-acre place—in a drought.” When he and his wife first came to the ranch it was running less than 200 cows. “It’s a cow-calf operation and when we started, Allan Savory suggested 30-to 90day rest periods for fast and slow growth pastures. We’ve now backed that off to about 45 days for fast and 150 days for slow,” Gordon says. Livestock Market Digest

“We haven’t done mob grazing per se, but we do have a couple small pastures in which we’ve done some experimental high-intensity grazing and their production has improved. I’ve been intrigued with the mob grazing idea,” he says. “When we took on the management of Ucross, that place was completely run down, partly because they were charging the previous lessee so much that there was no chance for investment in improvements. That’s why we asked them to lower the rent and give us incentive to do what needed to be done,” says Gordon. Cattle performance on the Merlin Ranch has improved along with the grass. “When we started here in 1988 we had 91 percent pregnancy rate and weaned 490500 pound calves—calving in February and March. Over the past 24 years this has improved. Last year when we pregtested our heifers they had a 93 percent breed-up rate. The past several years our cows have had a 96 percent or higher pregnancy rate. The calving interval has dropped from 60 days to 30 days on the heifers and from 90 days to 45 days on the cows. We now start calving heifers in midto-late March and the cows the first of April, and their calves now average 510 to 520 pounds,” Gordon says. “We’ve taken 30 days off their age and gained weight on the calves. We have a lot more uniformity—and our inputs have cut down dramatically,” he says. “When I moved onto the Merlin place, the carrying capacity was rated at about 185 animal units and we were running slightly more than that. At this point we are right around 410 animal units.” Winter feeding has been reduced. “In years past, on normal years, we began feeding in December, and we’ve pushed it back to where we generally don’t start feeding until late February. We haven’t had snow so deep that the cows can’t continue to graze, at least not for the past few years. We try to leave enough grass that they can get down to it. But the year we moved here there was 46 inches of snow on the level and that was interesting. Most years, however, a big storm is about 1.5 to 2 feet of snow. We bring the first and second calvers in a little earlier than the rest of the cows and feed them a little better, but the cows are quite happy out there,” Gordon says. Planned grazing management has been a great learning experience for the Gordon family. “We are all still learning. My wife and ranch manager have been going to the High Plains Ranch Practicam and they’ve 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

come back with a number of new tools and spread sheets that we are evaluating,” he says. Mark and Jennie have four children, ranging from 21 to 26 years of age. They are all involved in the ranch but also have other jobs as well. “It’s a put-together family. My first wife passed away and I had the two girls. Jennie and I met and she had the two boys,” says Gordon. The Challenge of Drought and Fires – Over the years the Merlin Ranch has had issues with extraordinary drought. The improvement in various pastures helped the ranch get through the drought years. “Most years we try to leave two pastures (and sometimes as much as one-third of the ranch) completely out of the grazing plan, so they have a full year’s rest. This program was really great for us last year with the drought because it allowed us to have a little backlog of grass,” Gordon explains. “From 1988 through 2000 the fluctuations in moisture were fairly normal. We’ve had as much as 19 inches of moisture and as little as 9.5 inches. In 2000 we started a long drought that was only interrupted by one year (2006) in which we

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Mark and Jennie Gordon

had more than 12 inches of rain. The rest of the time it was below 10, and one year we only had 7 inches,” says Gordon. – By Heather Smith Thomas

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- * )"& Commercial Calves Registered Angus Bulls & Females that are ranch raised and will hold their value Also sell at Roswell NM Bull Sale




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Crouthamel Cattle Company Washington


ory and Shannon Crouthamel have a seedstock operation located at Touchet, Washington, near Walla Walla. “I’ve been in the registered Angus business for seven years. Crouthamel Cattle Company and Camas Prairie Angus Ranch (Grangeville, Idaho) put on the Performance Plus Bull Sale in Lewiston, Idaho, the second Thursday in February, selling about 250 bulls. CPAR is mainly a fall program and we are mainly a spring program, so we can work together to provide cattle to a wider customer base,” says Cory. Crouthamel Cattle Company runs 180 registered Angus cows. “Every year we put about 150 embryos into several commercial cooperator herds that run cattle in a range environment. Those calves are raised in the cooperator herds until weaning when we ship them home,” he says. The ranch has about 20 donor cows, evaluated on maternal characteristics, production records, and performance. “We don’t follow current fads when selecting which bulls we’ll flush those cows to. Instead we rely on high-accuracy proven sires,” Cory says. Crouthamel has had cattle all his life. He grew up in western Washington, near the little logging town of Elma, west of Olympia. “My folks had 20 acres and I leased the neighbor’s farm and assembled a small commercial herd while I was growing up. We had more than 100 inches of


rain annually, calved everything in a barn and it was miserable. I sold most those cows to pay for college.” After graduating from WSU in 2002 he went to work for several ranches. “I spent some time in Montana with Mytty Angus, and was an ABS area rep at the same time. Seven years ago I moved to Walla Walla, and leased some land to start Crouthamel Cattle Company,” he says. He become the Area Beef Manager for ABS Global covering the western states— Oregon, Washington, north Idaho and northwestern Montana. “This is my ‘day job’ and there is quite a bit of travel and responsibility that goes with it. I support 22 sales people. I am also a feeder cattle marketing specialist with Big Blue Sale Barn, out of Fremont, Nebraska. There are some times of year that much of my time is focused on this job,” says Cory. He and Shannon got married in early 2012. She came from a registered Angus ranch in Othello, Washington. “When I was eight years old I had my first show steer, just like he did,” she says. “I fed cattle with my dad when I was 10, started loading bales when I was 11, tagging calves when I was 12.” She’s also a registered nurse, and works in the tri-cities, about an hour’s drive from home. “This presents its challenges—both of us with other jobs—but has its complements, too,” says Cory. “When one of us is

pulled another direction, often the other one is able to check cows or do whatever needs to be done.” They enjoy what they are doing. “We don’t consider it work; our work is also our pleasure. We have to do a lot of the ranch work in the dark after we get home from our other jobs,” she says. When she works a night shift they often switch things around and do things a little differently, such as feeding cattle in early afternoon so she can get done in time to change clothes and go to work. “You really have to be flexible. We can’t ever plan anything; it always changes, which is tough when we are trying to juggle three things, but we’ve made it work.” Cory says one of the nice things about their operation is that they are building it themselves from the ground up. “This has its plusses and minuses, compared with a several-generation outfit. I prefer the challenges of building it rather than trying to step in and carry on the legacy of an older ranch. I respect folks who have that opportunity, but it can be tough, too. Sometimes you are 40 or 50 years old before you get to make a decision of your own.” Doing it on your own, you get to learn from your own mistakes. “Sometimes it’s stressful because you know what the big picture is and what you are trying to accomplish, but it’s not like grandpa did it this way and dad does it this way. We can take our own path, and as we get where we are headed we can build it the way we want it,” says Cory. Their breeding operation utilizes several leased places in the valley. “The main registered cow herd stays here,” says Cory. “We run our bred heifers in northeastern Oregon near Enterprise. We recently put together a commercial side of our business that runs on several ranches outside the valley,” says Cory. “We start calving January 1. Usually the weather isn’t severe, but two winters ago it was 20 below zero for 10 days, with 2.5 feet of snow when all the AI calves were hitting the ground. We do have a calving barn, which we only use if we have to.” The cows calve during January and February and finish in early March. “The entire cow herd is synchronized and bred one time by AI. They are generally out on grass by the first of April. We precondition calves the middle of August and wean all the calves the first of September. Then the cows are out on fall grass until the first of January when they start Livestock Market Digest

calving. We put out liquid protein and leave them out there grazing,” he says. All the bull calves are backgrounded at home for 45 days and then most of them are sent to a facility at Pasco, Washington to be developed for the bull sale. “We send some of the embryo bull calves to bull tests, to see how they do. Our bulls have been extremely competitive in those tests,” says Cory. “We try to use proven bulls that produce cattle that are consistent and dependable, but we do step outside and sample a new bull now and then. Our cow herd is mainly Montana bred. When I put them together, most of them came from Myttys and Sitz Angus. The majority of the cowherd is based on strong Montana cow families that have proven themselves,” says Cory. “We’ve raised several good bulls, and sold one to Genex two years ago. We’ve sold several herd bulls across the country during the past few years and we’ll sample some of those bulls in our breeding. Our program is very maternal and commercial oriented. We have developed a cow herd focusing on cows that are moderate framed and easy-fleshing, with lots of fertility and performance. Any cow that turns up open, bad uddered, poor footed, etc. is sold--the same rigid environment as commercial herds.” “We don’t sell a lot of females but we do participate in the two registered state sales in the fall. We take the best 10 heifer calves to the Washington sale and the top end of the bred heifers to the Oregon

sale.” “We have what we think is one of the best bull guarantee programs. We have a lot of repeat customers who purchase bulls sight unseen on order. I think part of that has to do with my involvement with ABS and being a Big Blue Sale Barn rep, marketing a lot of feeder cattle into the Midwest for many of our customers,” says Cory. “Our cattle and our integrity have helped build a reputation with our customers that we will stand behind the product we sell. We fill their orders according

to what their needs are. If they don’t like the bull, we take him back. I think that’s only happened one time, with one bull,” he says. Anyone purchasing bulls on order and unable to attend the sale can take advantage of Crouthamel’s 100 percent sight unseen guarantee: “If you don’t like ‘em, you don’t own ‘em.” “We guarantee all of our bulls for their first year. If the bull gets hurt, falls off a cliff—if anything happens to that bull we replace him,” says Cory. – By Heather Smith Thomas

Cory and Shannon Crouthamel 2013 Fall Marketing Edition


High Summit Cattle Company Oregon


odd and Deedee Kluser raise efficient Red Angus cattle near John Day, Oregon. Todd grew up on a registered polled Hereford operation in central Oregon. Then he worked for Weimer Cattle Company and Frank Rogers and Sons. “I also worked for Hawkeye Breeders. That’s where I met Deedee, and married her in 1994. Also while I was at Hawkeye a bull got me down and broke my back. The next two years, right after getting married, I was seeing doctors to get my back fixed. The doctors told me I’d never work on a cattle operation again,” says Kluser. He tried to find jobs he could do and still be involved in the livestock industry. “I started selling insurance to farmers and ranchers. That’s been my primary occupation since 1995. My wife manages telephone companies. Our cattle are a side-


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line, but the definition of a sideline is something that takes up more time than it should and is what you really like to do!” They bought a few Herefords and did well with them. “We sold our Herefords in 2008 and got into club calves for awhile. I was approached by Charlie Lewis of Rock Creek Red Angus—a man I used to show Red Angus for—and he asked why we were showing club calves instead of Herefords or Red Angus. He thought my 8year-old son Cody might want to start showing. He invited Cody to come to his place to pick out two heifers. My son showed them in jackpot shows, winning eight shows,” says Kluser. They bought a few more cows from Charlie and some from Pieper Red Angus and 6 R Ranches. “This built our cow base and we stuck with this type of cattle that I believed in from the Hereford breed. We try to raise big-boned, easy-keeping 1600 pound cows that are very feed efficient,” he explains. “We started showing the calves and did well. We went to Denver with four head that first year and didn’t stand lower than 3rd place and had two division winners. Those cows are still in the herd. Even when we show females, those cows must stay efficient and be good mothers in our herd for a long time. We don’t over-fatten them for show. They have to excel in the pasture before they go into our show string,” he explains. “We’ve had the Show Heifer of the Year for the Red Angus breed. We’ve had Champion Bull and Champion Female at the NILE and at Reno. I attribute our success to the family working hard together, and staying with functional cattle that grow well with the least amount of input. We want them to be as feed-efficient as possible.” At this point they still have less than 20 cows. “Our goal is quality rather than quantity. People tell us that any of our cows would make donors in most programs across the country,” Kluser says. “We do a lot of ET and some AI. Our operation is based on three cow families. These are the Lakota cow family (purchased from North Santiam Red Angus),

the Foxy cow family (purchased from Rock Creek Red Angus) and the Dina cow family purchased from Six R Ranches but which originated from Leachman Cattle Company. These three families produce what we look for in our cattle,” he explains. If a cow or heifer can’t maintain body condition on what the ranch feeds, or doesn’t milk as much as expected, she’s sold. “The Red Angus breed, in my opinion, is a cow-calf maternal breed. If you purchase heifers, there’s at least an 80 percent chance that they will make good cows. I feel it’s our responsibility to keep it a maternal breed, even though we like to show,” he says. Good cows are the future of the breed. “When mating cattle, many people look at the phenotype and pedigree of a bull, and the female. I am more interested in matching the bull’s mother with the female we’re breeding.” This is important if a person keeps daughters from these matings. They will be a lot like the bull’s mother—in udder, disposition, etc. The bull has a big influence on his daughters, through his mother. “We match cow families with cow families. There are a lot of ET bulls these days and you maybe don’t see the actual dam, but it’s important to evaluate her. If I’m shown a photo of a dry cow, I will not use that bull.” You don’t know what her udder is actually like when she calves; it might not be very good or they would have shown you a photo of her when she’s lactating. He feels it’s a seedstock producer’s job to keep all these things in mind. “We need to consider true performance, soundness, foot size, phenotype, etc. I am very picky on phenotype,” says Kluser. “We have some partners with the same breeding philosophy—the Corey A Ranch near Hillsboro, and Iron Triangle here in the John Day area. We three breeders go together and make ourselves look bigger. We take their cattle with ours to consignment sales, and buy bulls in partnership with them,” Kluser explains. “Our show string usually includes some of their bulls. We help them in marketing Livestock Market Digest

and have a good working relationship based on trust. These partners have helped us a lot, along the way. They produce the type of cattle that make us look good, and we give them a lot of credit for where we are today,” he says. “The board of directors of the Red Angus Association named our family

Herdsman of the Year last year and that’s a big honor. We don’t hire much outside help unless we are at a show. We prepare all the cattle for the shows and my son works with the show cattle even though he’s only 13. He and my niece Brianna (age 16) halter break them,” Kluser says. “Many of our principles are based on

our Christian faith. We recognize our success as a blessing, and try to help other people. We work a lot with junior kids. This summer we helped take a group of kids to Kansas to the North American Junior Red Angus Expo,” Kluser says. “The junior activities are very important. This is the future, not only of the cattle, but the people in the breed.” It may spark an interest for the rest of their lives. It’s also a good way for kids to learn responsibility. “This is one reason we got back into cattle—because we wanted our son to have this kind of responsibility and not be running the streets. A large part of my family becoming Herdsman of the Year was because of my son’s work. He’s out there every day. He and my niece are enjoying the cattle and having fun together.” “Cattle give us free therapy! If you have a frustrating day at school or at the office you can go out and work with the cattle and feel good about yourself again. If we can provide a kid a show heifer and work with them, this is a huge satisfaction,” says Kluser. – By Heather Smith Thomas

The Kluser Family Winning in the Show Ring

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Clay Mathis King Ranch Institute


anching in the United States is a big business, and one that has changed dramatically in the past few decades. While it still is – and always will be – important to be a good cowboy, that’s no longer all that’s needed to keep a ranch going. Fortunately, there’s a program in Kingsville, Texas, dedicated to preparing ranch managers to deal with the challenges in today’s livestock industry and succeed. The King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management was created around the idea that the King Ranch family wanted to do something to benefit the ranching industry. One thing they saw was the need to develop managers for large and complex ranches, explained Dr. Clay Mathis, KRIRM Director. “It takes a pretty unique set of skills to handle the variety of issues – including wildlife, livestock, oil and gas,

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and human resources – that these ranch managers face on the job.” “Our students are typically in their 30s, and have already successfully managed ranches. They are either very good wildlife managers or very good livestock managers, and understand pasture management and cattle,” he continued. “We work to build their other skills, like finance, accounting, general business management, human resource management, and leadership. It’s set up so they don’t necessarily have to see a cow during their training.” “We work to broaden our students’ comfort zones. If someone has a lot of experience with cattle, we work to build their wildlife knowledge up to complement their cattle knowledge and vice versa.” The Institute is closely tied to the King Ranch, “We are fortunate that we are located at Texas A&M UniversityKingsville. We are here because of the ranch, and work with the management of the King Ranch on multiple projects each year.” Mathis, who took over as Director in 2010, came to the Institute from New Mexico, where he worked as the Extension Livestock Specialist with New Mexico State University for 12 years. Raised the son of a veterinarian in New Braunfels, Texas with grandparents on both sides who were ranchers, Mathis said that the Institute’s potential to influence the ranching industry first caught his interest. “When I looked at the King Ranch Institute and their model for education, the impact I felt it would have on the ranching industry – not this year or the next but long term – is what really drew me.” The institute offers the only Masters of Science Degree in Ranch Management in the world. Of the ten to 15 students that apply for a position in the two-year program each year, only three or four are accepted. To be considered, applicants must have completed a four-year bachelor’s degree and been successful academically. Technically, two years of ranch management experience is also required, but five to 15 years of experience is needed to

be competitive. Students who are accepted into the program are offered a fellowship. The program is overseen by a management council, made up of ranchers and industry leaders that have been successful in their fields, which functions a lot like a board of directors. Council members help guide the program’s direction, workshop topics and job placement. The King Ranch Institute takes a unique, hands-on approach to preparing its students for the future by partnering with several of the most successful ranches in the country including the King Ranch in Texas, Vermejo Park Ranch in New Mexico, Padlock Ranch in Wyoming, Deseret Cattle and Citrus in Florida, Parker Ranch in Hawaii, and the Four Sixes Ranch in Texas. Students complete five to seven projects, a summer internship, and a final/capstone project before graduating, all with and for partnering ranches. “Students learn by tackling real problems that ranchers are facing, and helping to develop solutions,” Mathis said. “Our program is based on systems thinking. We want them to become really good at making complex decisions with incomplete information.” When students complete a project, rather than just turning a report in to their professor they also have to report the deliverables back to the rancher they’re working with. “When you’re reporting back to the manager of an operation like the Parker Ranch or Wilson Cattle Company in Oregon, there is a higher level of accountability,” he explained. Now in its tenth year, the institute’s record is impressive. To date, 22 students have graduated from the program. Scattered across the United States, those graduates collectively manage livestock and wildlife on almost 2 million acres of ranchland, run 75,000 cows, and supervise over 200 employees. In addition to the degree program, the KRIRM hosts several symposiums and lectures throughout the year. Depending on the topic, programs last from a day to a week and are open to the ranching industry. People can attend just one or two, or several, depending on their interest. After attending four symposia and two lectures, Livestock Market Digest

Clay Mathis, PhD

they receive a certificate in advanced ranch management from the Institute. They also work with livestock industry groups, like breed associations and commodity groups with things like strategic planning. “Groups come to us and ask for

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

help, and we are glad to if what they need is something our skill set can help with,” he noted. Mathis is proud of the Institute’s record of success, and looking forward to the future. “When they created the Institute, the people who put the model together were brilliant, and the director before me did an incredible job. All of that positioned us really well to have an impact on the industry. We are building more relationships, finding out more about the capabilities of our graduates, and are now ready to add more to our programs and grow our impact. Needless to say I am very excited about where we are, and our potential to make an even bigger difference.” The leadership arena is one potential area for expansion. “If you look at the composition of agriculture in general, leadership is very important. Looking 20 years into the future, we can only expect that we will need even more outstanding leaders for our industry. We want to play a major role in preparing prepare the great industry leaders for tomorrow,” he explained. – by Callie Gnatkowski Gibson


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REGISTERED BULLS & HEIFERS AVAILABLE MIKE FITZGERALD 575/673-2346 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733


Black Herefords Missouri


ne of the first things I learned in high school ag class was the golden rule of animal science: the only free lunch you get is the magic that happens when you breed two different breeds together and the resulting offspring is better than either parent. As a cross between a certified Okie and California prunie, I believe this with all my being. Before purebred Angus breeders, who can make a good argument that their cattle are so good there is no need to crossbreed, get mad at me for saying nice things about crossbred cattle, I would refer them to several studies at the Circle A Ranch that concluded there will be a $514 net difference between a commercial crossbred black baldy cow over a straightbred over a 10year period. And please keep in mind that the Circle A Ranch is one of the premier breeders of purebred Angus cattle in the country. If they can compliment crossbreds I figure it’s all right for me to do it too. I saw the magic of crossbreeding in our own herd where the best cow we ever owned was a black baldy. She was SuperCow. Admittedly, I did not retain ownership on my calves and never learned how Supercow’s calves looked hanging on a rail, but on the range, the black baldy is tough to beat in my book. Many cattlemen in the southern third of our country would argue that the black baldy equivalent in their neck of the woods is a tigerstripe or a Brangus cross cow. Breed them to an Angus or a Charolais and you’ll be topping the market at the sale barn with your calves from El Paso to Ocala. The problem has always been, how do you get your replacements? Many ranchers feel, and perhaps justifiably so, that if you have to keep two or three separate herds and juggle around so many pastures and bulls, that the extra rewards from heterosis are simply not worth the effort. But what if you could fix the traits of the black baldy and come up with your own breed, an American breed like the King Ranch did with the Gerts or the Adams family did with the Brafords in Florida? You might just end up with what


a relatively new group of “purebred” breeders are calling “the fastest growing breed in America!” Black Herefords are a hybrid breed developed by crossing Hereford and Angus cattle that result in a calf that looks just like a Hereford . . . if you painted everything that is red with the color of choice these days . . . black. If a registered Black Hereford is crossed with a registered red Hereford and the resulting progeny is black, then it may be registered with the Black Hereford Association. But why, you might ask, the use of the Hereford name instead of Angus? First of all, because the name Black Angus is already taken, and besides, there’s more Hereford blood in a Black Hereford than there is Angus. Black Herefords have 62.5 percent registered Hereford blood in them, even though they turn out black, albeit with all the traditional white markings of a Hereford. In other words, a black baldy. Just don’t call them that. Confused? Well, it gets a wee bit more complicated. The Black Hereford name was first used in the British Isles where a Black Hereford is the result of a HolsteinFriesian cow and a Hereford bull. In North America we call such cattle Hays Converters, which was a breed developed by a Senator in Calgary named Harry Hays. Senator Hays wanted to develop a leaner breed of cow and he certainly got that, due to the large infusion of dairy blood. But in America the idea went over like equine prime rib. The big difference is that in Europe, Black Herefords are not a breed, they are just a generic name for a hybrid, but Black Herefords in America are a real breed and the cattle are registered with the American Black Hereford Association. Whereas a black baldy can be sired by a Simmental, Hereford, Angus or any other breed that results in a black baldy, a Black Hereford can only be composed of Angus and Hereford genes. As breeds go, Black Herefords are a fairly new American-made breed. The American Black Hereford Association was officially founded and organized in 1994 in Lawrence, Kansas by the late John Gage. It took three more years before first

Black Hereford cattle qualified for registration and listing in ABHA herdbook. But once the breed caught a little momentum things started popping. In 2003 the Black Hereford received international breed designation by the National Association of Animal Breeds and the US Patent and Trademark Office made the term “Black Hereford” a registered trademark in 2002. The ABHA association moved into new offices in Kansas City, Missouri, to maintain records of pedigrees in the Black Hereford herdbook and by 2005 the breed was already using its own EPD’s and customized computer software to track herd and breed-wide performance, as well as carcass information. In 2005 the Black Hereford Beef product line was created. As breed associations go, the first 20 years has been a rocket-ship-like ride. With black cattle often times receiving a nickel, or more, premium over the same cattle, off the same ranch, that might be red, it was the goal of the Black Hereford breed to create cattle that would pass on the desirable traits of the Hereford, but with black and white coloring. That way you’d get the benefit of the baldy and the price of an Angus. As a hybrid, Black Herefords have the mothering ability, good foraging traits, longevity, fertility, and all-around adaptability to different environments that Herefords have been known for in this country for 150 years, while at the same time they also have the carcass merit, efficiency and naturally polled traits of Angus. Often times in the recent past in our rush to turn everything black, we seemed to have forgotten about the fertility and longevity that Hereford-sired females can provide. And when it comes to dollars and cents there may not be two more important traits. To emphasize fertility, when the Black Hereford breed was started bulls were chosen for registration parLivestock Market Digest

A darn good Black Hereford bull

tially based upon the size of their testicles. If you ask most cowmen, they want a heifer that will produce a calf at a young age, deliver that calf easily without complications, breed back the second year and stay in the herd until at least six years old. This is the stated goal of the Black Hereford breed. Black Herefords are being used both in the freezing cold of North Dakota to hot and humid south Texas. As a hybrid they are efficient both on the rail and the range and are particularly known for their docile temperament. This works especially well for smaller-sized, part-time commercial

cattlemen who value bull temperament more than anything else. After all, no breed is worth getting hurt for. Every day it seems we hear more and more about genetic defects than can occur in any breed when you line breed purebred cattle. Because genetic defects with Black Herefords can come from both Hereford and Angus breeds, the American Black Hereford Association met that issue head-on by reviewing every Black Hereford, Hereford and Angus pedigree that was a part of the breed’s genetics. After this search, the pedigrees that contained abnormalities were documented. In 2010 the Board passed a rule that any Black Hereford with the potential to produce an offspring that could be a carrier of a genetic defect must be tested free of such a defect through pedigree review or DNA test before it can be recorded with the ABHA. When you have fewer breeders as members of your association it’s much easier to react rapidly to changing conditions. On the other hand, mistakes are magnified. So

far the ABHA seems to be nimble and forthright. They had better be, after all, they have the sterling reputation of the black baldy mother cow to preserve and protect. – Lee Pitts

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2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Westall Ranch New Mexico


n the Brangus world, everyone knows the Brinks Brangus and Camp Cooley names. Although that herd was dispersed in 2010, the Brinks Brangus cattle, name and tradition of performance-based cattle live on at the Westall Ranch near Arabela, New Mexico. Ray and Karen Westall bought the ranch in October of 2009. Located in the central part of the state, it’s rough, rocky, high desert country, which is why they went with the Brangus breed, said ranch manager Tate Pruett. “This can be the best country in the world, and it can be the worst. Right now, it’s beautiful. Brangus cattle are able to adapt to this country. We don’t have foot problems, we don’t have bug problems, and the cattle will work in these rocks.” Pruett came on board as manager in December of 2009, and they bought their first Brangus cattle at the Roswell Brangus Sale in February of 2010. A few months later, they went to Willcox, Arizona, to look at some heifers and pairs that R.L. and Sally Robbs had for sale. “We didn’t know what to expect, and when we drove up we looked over the fence and saw some of the prettiest little Brangus heifers you’ve ever seen,” Tate noted. They bought those cattle, and later that summer bought some more from the Robbs, who were suffering from a long-term drought. “We kept asking who raised the best Brangus cattle, and everyone said Brinks Brangus,” he noted. That November, Ray and Tate attended Camp Cooley’s final dispersal sale – The Final Page – and bought a truckload of heifers. They were so impressed with the Brinks operation and the results from those heifers, including Brinks Arabela 1038, a bull they raised out of one of those heifers, that when the Brinks Brangus name and the LB Brand came up for sale the next year, Ray bought them from the owner, Klaus Berkel, and registered them in New Mexico. “We spent the next two years putting together as much of the old Brinks herd as possible, today the herd is about 70 percent Brinks cattle. We bought the best blood, best marbling, best Brinks cattle we


could find,” Tate explained. “We have continued to breed our cattle for quality, and have spent the past two years building our program. We’ve gone from turning bulls out just to get calves on the ground to an extensive AI and embryo transfer program, transferring between 300 and 500 embryos a year,” he continued. Their marketing director, Cheramie Viator, came to the ranch after working eight years with the Brinks herd at Camp Cooley. “The Brinks program was based on performance, producing bulls that worked for both commercial and registered producers. Here, we are very focused on rebuilding that premise of a performance based herd. “We are building our numbers while improving the herd, focusing on easy fleshing, good footed, good muscled cows.” Viator, who covered the western United States for Camp Cooley, says that the adaptability of the breed is impressive. In the process of rebuilding the Brinks herd, they have brought cows to Arabela from all over the country, and they’re doing well. The ranch markets their registered Brangus cattle to both seedstock and commercial producers. While they have sold bulls private treaty from the ranch, the World Series of Brangus Sale, set for November 15 & 16 in Palo Pinto, Texas, will be their first large sale. Bred cows, bred heifers and bulls will be offered by the Westall Ranch. “We want to raise the best bulls we can, for either the commercial or seedstock producer,” Tate noted. “We want to help the commercial cowman get the best value for his money. If he can get more pounds on the ground come shipping time, it’s easier for him to earn a living.” As part of their continued effort to improve the operation, Tate said, they are in the process of building a 250-head feedyard at the ranch where they will be able to feed out calves and bulls, track feed efficiency, scan carcass data, and incorporate that information into their breeding program. “We want to produce bulls that will perform and get results for our customers,

Ray Westall and Tate Pruitt

but won’t cost an arm and a leg to feed.” The Westall Ranch, along with Lack Morrison Brangus in Clovis and others, is also part of a program that helps give FFA students in San Simon, Arizona, the opportunity to learn about livestock and agriculture by raising and showing cattle. Tate says that this program gives these students a new experience and valuable knowledge. “Youth today don’t know how to go outside, and part of that is that their parents just can’t afford to let them do a lot of things.” Each year, the ranch provides four heifers for the program, along with feed and funding for show and travel. Participating students come to Arabela to select their heifers, then care for and show them all year, finishing up at the Arizona National. At the end of the year, the heifers come back to the Westall herd. “I would like to see something like this get started in communities in New Mexico, and I think that there are other ranchers out there who would be willing to participate,” he explained. “I read the other day that the average age of a farmer in the United States is 62 years old. If we don’t teach kids how to get food on the table, how are they going to provide? How are they going to feed America?” The generosity of ranch owners Ray and Karen Westall has made a big difference to a lot of people, according to Tate. “Ranching is something I always wanted to do but never thought I would be able to. Ray and Karen have given me that opportunity.” “There aren’t people like Ray made every day,” he continued. “He will help a kid, help a family, he has helped me. He loves kids, and loves cattle, and likes to put the two together and put smiles on faces.” – by Callie Gnatkowski Gibson Livestock Market Digest

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All feeders will feed in piles or steady trail feed, whichever you choose. You set the feeder to put out the number of pounds of feed per pile you want. Counter inside truck counts feed for you. Livestock Market Digest

Livestock Producers Cooperative Association Washington


fter many delays and challenges, a custom meat-processing plant is now opening near Odessa, Washington. Willard Wolf, who is on the board of directors of the Livestock Producers Cooperative Association (LPCA), says this is the first new live-animal processing facility that has been built in the U.S. for 33 years. “There is one other plant that is just being completed in California, but these are the first ones for a long time,” he says. “This plant was built by a co-op that has 77 members. They are all livestock producers — primarily cattle but also a few sheep and goat producers and hog producers. Our board of directors consists of nine people who raise 33 different food products along with cattle, sheep and hogs. The board and members represent over 25,000 head of livestock. The co-op was formed to provide an avenue for these people to market their own product into a grocery store or some other marketplace,” he explains. “We did a feasibility study a year and half ago that showed there was a huge demand for local products. People want to buy locally and know where their food came from. This is the basis behind creat-

ing this processing plant,” says Wolf. The big stumbling block was the requirement for federal inspection. “When you try to have your own animals inspected at one of the larger plants, they will not process them and let you have your own product back,” he says. “So we are trying to provide this custom processing service to our region. Several of our members already have a branded or marketing program developed but are having difficulties in being able to obtain federal inspection and processing.There are a couple of small federallyinspected plants that have been in operation for awhile, but most of the year there is a 45-day wait to get animals in there. It doesn’t give people any consistency or continuity in being able to expand their program or develop a new one, because they can’t get federal processing,” explains Wolf. “We have built a state-of-the-art plant, but it’s not like a large one that has total automation — where they are trying to just put volume out the door. We will be able to do a very consistent processing job and putout a quality product. It won’t be at a fast pace; the emphasis is on the end result,” he says.

Coop members surveying the new processing plant


There have been some major stumbling blocks. “We were hoping to be open in June, but there have been delays. Between the state and federal agencies, there are many different government entities that we had to get a permit from. Those all require a fee, and engineering in some cases. This takes hundreds of pages of paperwork. We expected a lot of this, but there have been some rule changes midstream, after we started the design for building it and had the engineering and early permitting,” he explains. The original engineering was approved December 12, 2012, and then the end of February the board was informed that there were several additional requirements. “These cost us nearly $40,000 plus many man hours” says Wolf. There were also several hiccups in construction, and working with the various agencies regarding water testing, waste water, monitoring, and all the required permits. “There is a fee for everything you do. Since the business plan was written, in 2012, there have been at least 15 major changes in how you go about some of these things and what you have to do to document it afterwards,” says Wolf. This plant will be able to process up to 40 cattle per day or 100 hogs per day. “We have one large hog producer who will be doing that at the start, and probably go to 200 hogs per week. The plant, once we get it into operation and get all the kinks out, will be able to do a slow ramp-up on numbers. We may start with 10 to 20 cattle per day and there may be an afternoon that we’ll do sheep and goats,” says Wolf. “Some of this may be seasonal because there will always be more demand at certain times for some of the small producers who like to process in the fall (SeptemberDecember) and don’t do much the rest of the year. It will be a challenge to balance the demand for use of the plant, but we do have the ability to expand if necessary. Right now we are just trying to become operational and be able to do the 100 hogs per week, etc. This will provide the cash Livestock Market Digest

flow to make the plant successful,” he says. The plant will be officially open August 1, but there will still be some paperwork to finish. “The USDA has to go back through the plant to see if anything needs to be modified or changed a bit. That will probably take another week. We have several members that will have cattle ready whenever we do start, and the hog producer will also have some animals for us. The first 30 days of operation we may be only killing 40 to 50 hogs per week and 5 to 10 cattle or a few sheep and goats,” says Wolf. “We missed the spring lamb market but will be able to do the fall crop. Timing is another costly factor. We had a couple producers who would have brought a lot of spring lambs if we’d had the plant ready a month and a half earlier.” The co-op has a marketing group that was formed separate of the meat processing plant. “This is a company based in Spokane, Washington. They have several restaurants and do some internet sales in which they will box up various cuts of meat for people who can’t buy a whole or half carcass. They have their own storage

area and distribution outlets, and will be making contracts with various producers to supply animals for their system,” says Wolf. The plant itself (and the co-op) will not buy or own any cattle. It’s strictly a custom processing plant, doing custom work. If a producer wants to kill four beef and be able to legally sell it to individuals — with federal inspection — this is a way to do it. “We have one user right now who is doing 300 cattle per year (selling direct to his customers) and wants to go to 600 or 700 animals. Right now he is having his cattle killed at another small processing plant, but is having difficulties because he can’t expand and can’t get the cattle killed in timely manner,” Wolf says. “Another farm that will be using our services has a branded program; they have their products in major hotels, and one of the two large Indian casinos here. They started contracting with our marketing company and want to feature local products and know where it came from,” he explains. The demand is there; it just takes a team effort — the producer on one side, the customer on the other end, and the

Highland Beef

legal processing plant in the middle. “We have interested people from as far away as California to bring animals up here for processing because they are having some of the same difficulties. They even have a market that is already developed here in Washington. They are processing down there and shipping product up here, and we have distribution for them through our marketing arm. Now Oregon and California will be able to send their animals up here. A group in Montana and several people in Idaho will also be sending animals here,” says Wolf. “The co-op members and people who have already committed to supplying cattle will be first. There will be a scheduling process, and if there is room in the schedule we can add more. At this point we have a certain capacity and can only do so much, but this shows how wide the demand is for our plant use.” There’s a huge shortage of custom processing plants because of all the rules, regulations and permits required. – By Heather Smith Thomas

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2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Feld Entertainment Under the Big Tent, USA


ircus elephants performing for spellbound children may seem to have little in common with the yearlings that are currently being processed to put on winter wheat pastures. One is entertainment on a mammoth scale. The other is business as usual. However, a common theme is that both the rancher’s yearlings and the circus’ elephants are in the crosshairs of the animal rights groups. But there is good news. Animal agriculture doesn’t have to stand alone. The circus industry, led by Feld Entertainment, owner of Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus, is pushing back against the groups which seek to sever all ties between animals and humans. Additionally, there are hundreds of thousands of pet owners out there that don’t want to give up their Great Danes and their Chihuahuas. How successful have these folks been? Judge for yourself. Feld Entertainment recently was awarded 9.3 million dollars by a federal ruling which required that the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) pay the money to settle all claims related to its part in more than a decade of manufactured litigation that attempted to outlaw elephants in the company’s Ringling Bros. Circus. The judge found in multiple rulings that the ASPCA engaged in a pattern of deception and fraud. When he awarded the 9.3 million dollar settlement, the judge scolded the animal rights group and noted that the case should have never been placed before him. This victory is huge. “These defendants attempted to destroy our family-owned business with a hired plaintiff who made statements that the court did not believe. Animal activists have been attacking our family, our company, and our employees for decades because they oppose animals in circuses. The settlement is a vindication not just for the company but also for the dedicated men and women who spend their lives working and caring for all the animals in


Ringling Bros. in the face of such targeted, malicious rhetoric,” said Kenneth Feld, chairman and chief executive officer of Feld Entertainment. This court victory is really a testament to Kenneth Feld and the resources that the Feld family committed to the litigation. Over the last 13 years, Feld Entertainment spent $22 million dollars defending their stewardship, their humane and ethical treatment of exotic animals, and their training and handling of elephants in particular. It should be noted that the ASPCA is the only animal rights group which has settled in the case against Feld Entertainment. Feld’s legal proceedings must continue against the Humane Society of the United States, The Fund for Animals, Animal Welfare Institute, Animal Protection Institute United with Born Free USA and Tom Rider. Though these suits are ongoing, the Feld family has stood strong and refused to buckle under the pressure brought by these extremist groups. Steve Payne, vice president of corporate communications for Feld Entertainment, made a strong case for unity among all groups who are proponents of animal welfare versus animal rights. “Those who work with animals every single day know what it is like to provide care for animals,” he noted. “The best stewards in animal agriculture are the ranchers and farmers who raise the animals. They have the animal’s best interest at heart and take care of the animals. They are the true proponents of animal welfare.” The contrast comes when animal welfare is confused with animal rights. “The animal rights groups seek to make it uncomfortable for those who believe in animal welfare to do business, even

though we are doing the right thing,” Payne explained “The groups that advocate animal rights envision a society that 99 percent of us don’t want to live in. They want to keep humans and animals separate. Who wants that? My dogs, for example, are pretty glad to be sleeping in a bed at night. They don’t want to be liberated. Yet that is the aim of the radical animal rightists.” Just how good a job does Feld Entertainment do in regards to taking care of animals? They are in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations regarding animal care, as well as adhering to stringent internal animal care guidelines. They employ a full-time staff of veterinarians to care for their exotic animals and have local veterinarians on call 24 hours a day in each city where the show performs. “We don’t tolerate animal abuse,” noted Payne. “Elephants are named after members of the Feld family. They are the number one reason that people come to see the circus. They are beloved members of the Ringling Bros. animal family.” “If you don’t like the fact that ten million people a year are coming to see Ringling and the Ringling elephants, you don’t have to come,” stated Payne. “But it doesn’t give you a right to sue.” Additionally, in 1995, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation was established as a research, reproduction and retirement facility dedicated to the preservation of the Asian elephant. The Center for Elephant Conservation is home to the largest herd of Asian elephants in the Western Hemisphere, which is both a responsibility and a privilege. To date, 26 elephants have been born under the care of the CEC. In the past six years, Ringling Bros. has also Livestock Market Digest

given more than half a million dollars to research and conservation projects for the Asian Elephant. In contrast, the groups that sued the circus haven’t used any of their millions of dollars for elephant conservation. “We are working to save an endangered species,” noted Payne. “What are they doing? People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, for example, destroys over 90 percent of the dogs and cats that are brought into their shelter. They ought to be reclassified as a slaughter house instead of an animal shelter.” Though this attack on the circus was through the courts, the animal rights extremists often use media campaigns to intimidate venues which will in turn refuse the circus. Rio Rancho, New Mexico, for example, banned all commercial companies that had been merely charged with animal cruelty. It included companies that host rodeos, circuses and more. In 2013, the city council decided that it was unfair to ban companies that had been accused but not necessarily convicted. This reversal of ruling came only after a city counselor did his homework and found that Ringling Bros. brings in excess of 100,000 dollars into the local economy. Many circus employees who work with animals have a credo which rings true with American stockmen: “Animals first, family second, me last.” Day in, day out, the animals have to be taken care of. Animals needs come before human needs. Early in the morning, late at night, in heat and cold and all extremes of weather, animals are cared for. Stockmen and the circus agree that there are no days off for animal care. It is a 7-days-a-week, 24-hours-a-day, 365days-a-year responsibility that animal agriculture, including exotic animals, takes very seriously. “We have to recognize that we are all in this together,” noted Payne. “Either we hang together or hang separately. These extremist groups are aligned against agriculture, pet ownership, and the circus. We all need to communicate with each other.” In the meantime, Feld Entertainment’s victory in the courts is worth celebrating. Payne invited all of animal agriculture to celebrate by going to the circus the next time The Greatest Show on Earth performs nearby. – by Carol Wilson


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2013 Fall Marketing Edition



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Muddy Creek Ranch Montana


mall-framed cattle are becoming more popular today, especially among small farmers and people who raise grass-fed beef for custom butchering. A growing number of these breeders have discovered Lowline Angus. The advantages of this unique breed include exceptional feed efficiency and a higher percentage of meat (and less waste fat) on the carcass. They are perfect for a grass-fed program, producing beef with a better ratio of healthy Omega 3 fatty acids to Omega 6s. Some producers incorporate Lowlines in crossbreeding programs to add more feed efficiency and carcass value to their animals, along with the benefits of calving ease and helping bring largeframed cattle down to moderate size. Lowline Angus began as a research experiment in Australia in 1974 at the Trangie Agricultural Research Centre in Australian market. In 1992 and 1993 these cattle were sold, and the Australian cattlemen who purchased them started a Lowline Angus Association. By the late 1990s a few U.S. cattle producers began importing some.

At birth, calves weigh 45 to 53 pounds. In the original research herd, heifers averaged 240 pounds and bulls 300 pounds at 8 months. As yearlings, heifers weighed 420 pounds and bulls 510 pounds. Mature cows weigh about 700 to 750 pounds and bulls 880 to 1500 pounds. Studies have shown that these cattle can produce 70 percent of the beef on 50 percent of the feed required by a larger animal. This means more cattle can be grazed and more total beef produced on any given pasture. Karen and David Shockey run Muddy Creek Ranch at Wilsal, Montana (25 miles north of Livingston). Karen’s parents— Edith and Bob Tomasko—began raising Lowlines here after moving from New Hampshire in 2004. “This Lowline ranch has been in existence for about 13 years,” says David. “Bob passed away in October 2012, but it was his dream to raise Lowlines because of their efficiency and carcass traits. Karen and I came out here to run the ranch for him—5200 acres, with a pasture-to-plate program,” he says. The ranch has its own seedstock pro-

Lowlines on the move at Muddy Creek Ranch


gram and a commercial cattle operation and covers the spectrum from conception to consumer. “We run our own stockers and grass-fed feedlot. We deliver beef to restaurants in Bozeman, Livingston and other nearby towns. We also distribute meat to the school district because they want to serve healthy all-natural beef in their lunch program. Through the new laws they are able to buy from local vendors, so they are using our meat for the kids,” says David. “We sell seedstock to other Lowline breeders. We have five of the top AI sires in the country, and recently won Reserve National Champion Bull at Denver, and had the top-selling lot in the sale. We also sell commercial bulls and half-bloods to local ranchers who want to get their cow size back down to moderate frame size,” he says. Muddy Creek Ranch has sold cows into many states. “We take a trip once a year to deliver cattle to Maine, and deliver cattle, semen and embryos to people all across the country—with free delivery that one time of year,” he says. “We harvested 79 steers this past year to sell to restaurants. We have our own freezer and storage facility to hold the beef, and then distribute it. Generally, all the cattle are bred, born and raised on our place, harvested here, and distributed by us. The only time they leave is when they are processed because we have to take them to a USDA-inspected processing plant.” The ranch puts up its own hay, but last year’s drought left them short and they had to buy hay. When a person is buying $180 ton hay, it’s good to have cattle that don’t require very much. “The fullblood Lowlines take less hay than the halfbloods. The half-bloods are bigger than the Lowlines but smaller than the average Angus,” he says. “Today most people say the optimum size cow is 1100 pounds. Many people think their cows weigh 1100 pounds, but if they had a scale they’d know they are Livestock Market Digest

much bigger.” A few decades ago, the average Angus cow weighed 900 to 1000 pounds. “Federal and state grazing lease numbers are based on a 1000-pound cow, but there’s not a cow in Montana that small anymore. We have a scale and weigh our cattle two or three times a year to see where they’re at, especially the steers. But we also weigh heifers and cows,” says David. “We try to do everything ourselves, except for the health checks done by a veterinarian. We do all the vaccinating, pregchecking, and have our own ultrasound machine so we can check carcasses before the steers ever leave.” “We also do our own embryo work except for the actual collection and transfer. A local guy who lives next to us does that. We do the prep work and he just takes out the embryos and freezes them. It’s simpler, and easier on the cows because they aren’t stressed by hauling to a different facility. Most people who have a few animals they want to flush or collect have to take them somewhere and pay board for two or three months. It’s a lot less stress, keeping them in their own envi-

ronment. They might be in the chute a few minutes, and the rest of the time they are in their home pasture. The cows have high conception rates and our success rate on embryo transfers is higher than most.” The Muddy Creek Ranch leases a few bulls each year to neighbors to breed heifers for easy calving. “The first ranch that leased our bulls saw conception rate on their heifers go up, and breed-back was a lot higher. It’s a lot less stress on the heifer, having a smaller first calf,” he says. The heifer recovers faster to rebreed. “We often buy back calves at weaning time from Angus producers who lease our bulls. This gives us more half-blood animals to sell or harvest, and we know their genetics. We can have more calves, without having all of those cows on our property,” he says. A lot of the major Angus ranches in Montana are within 100 miles of the ranch. “There are good genetics in the Angus around here, but most of the cows are too big. Many of the steers will weigh 1500 pounds when they push them to gain in the feedlot, and heifer mates are nearly the same size.” The Muddy Creek Lowlines average

450 to 475 pounds at weaning for the heifers, and 475 to 525 for the bull calves. Yearling weights are 550 to 600 on heifers, and 600 to 700 on the bulls. The half-blood Lowlines, called Moderators, weigh 500 to 550 for the heifer calves at weaning, and 550 to 650 on the bull calves. Those halfbloods weigh 600 to 650 on the yearling heifers and 700 to 750 on the yearling bulls. – By Heather Smith Thomas



2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Belcampo Meat Company California


growing number of consumers like to know where their food comes from and how it was raised. Farmers and ranchers are helping fill this expanding niche market for “pasture to plate” beef, pork, lamb, chicken and other meat products. Some producers sell their meat through farmers’ markets and some are part of cooperatives, or involved with branded products selling natural or organic meats. One of the newer players in this field is Belcampo Meat Company—a modern-day “butcher shop” enterprise that utilizes just the beef, pork, lamb, poultry, goat and rabbit from their own Belcampo Farms, processed in their own USDA packing

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facility. Aimee Danch, Pasture Division Manager, oversees a variety of herds and flocks at their 10,000 acre ranch located north of San Francisco, California, near the Oregon border. “There are three legs of the company— in California, Uruguay and Belize. These are all managed by Anya Fernald, the CEO. She and her team, located in the Bay area, are like the center of the wheel,” says Danch. The California ranch is where Danch oversees the ruminants—cattle, sheep and goats. “I have a great team doing this with me. We run about 500 mama cows. We keep all the young stock (of all species— from cattle to quail) all the way through harvest. They go through our own plant and then into our own stores,” she says. Cattle – “We started out with Wagyu crosses, but decided to sell off the Wagyu part of the herd. We are continuing on with commercial Angus, focusing on moderate frame, easy-fleshing, well-marbled animals, and develop our quality meat programs off of this base,” says Danch. The ranch raises some replacement heifers, and purchases some, since the herd is still growing. “When we bought the land we bought the cow herd with the land. Those cows were too large for our purposes and hadn’t been selected with the same goals. With our pasture-to-plate program we are not selling calves, but keeping them all the way through their growing stage, through harvest and processing,” she says. “The land and cattle were purchased four years ago, so I have been slowly culling, and purchasing smaller-framed cattle. It will take many years to develop the type of cattle we want. There have been a handful of heifers we’ve raised, however, that I’ve been excited to keep. Currently I have 40 of our own heifers that I feel good about keeping,” she says. “Our herd will be growing considerably in the future so I am looking to establish a relationship with a handful of producers that we can work with to obtain replace-

ments, over the next decade or so. If they can understand what our goals are, this will help us obtain what we need. The same thing with the bulls we purchase. We use all natural service, and also buy some bred replacement heifers,” she says. The cow herd calves in the spring and fall. Spring calving takes place in March, April and May. The fall calving is August, September and October. “Ideally, I’d like to push our spring calving later, and bump up our fall calving. I am going to bring them a little closer together but still give us a break in between,” she says. “Currently we are pasturing 600 finishing animals. We wean the calves at about 8 months of age. I would love to just calve in the early-spring/early summer, but we need to harvest fresh—for the butcher shops—year round. We are trying to spread out our harvest, working with the seasons as best we can,” she says. It is nice having their own USDA slaughterhouse. It takes awhile to get feedback from their cattle breeding program through the retail end. “It will be much faster on our other animals, especially the chickens that have a faster turn around on their life cycle. It takes five-plus years to get information back on cattle we are breeding,” she says. Grazing Management – The various species of livestock all graze together. “We are still working on our planned grazing and mixed species grazing. We have a lot of challenges trying to figure out how to rotate them all through, to best advantage. Our current property is not very productive overall. We are hoping to acquire more property with a complementary growing season so that we can move our breeding or finishing animals there,” she says. The rotational grazing program seeks to optimize pasture for the best health of the land and plants as well as livestock. “The finishing animals get moved every day on average though it might be every other day depending on the pasture, weather, and conditions. It’s usually every one to three Livestock Market Digest

days, depending on the group, and what the forage is. The finishing group is on irrigated past u r e - - a grass/legume mix,” says Danch. The ranch has Aimee Danch a variety of pastures, everything from unimproved rangeland, sub-irrigated, partially irrigated, and fully flood irrigated fields. “This year we experimenting more with our finishing pastures, inter-seeding them and trying some new things, thinking about all our different species that come through the fields,” she says. “We wean the calves at eight months and they go right onto finishing pasture. I run them in fairly large groups (currently 600 head). I like to keep them all together. That group runs ahead of all the other grazing groups, going into each new pasture first. I like to keep that group big, but

Goals and Marketing – “It’s challenging because we are a medium-sized operation and this isn’t easy. We are not competing with the small farmers who sell at farmers’ markets or have their own custom meat business. We are certainly not competing with large producers. We are trying to find a middle ground where we can supply a traceable quality product that is accessible at butcher shops. We want people to enjoy walking into our stores. Some people are not comfortable going to farmers markets because they didn’t grow up doing that,” says Danch. “Ours is like an Old World butcher shop where the butcher helps you pick your piece of meat and tells you how to cook it or gives you ideas on ways to cook it. It is a personal, comfortable atmosphere,” she explains. “Our product is expensive because it has to be, to raise it this way, but many people see an added value and feel that it is worth the price. This is a challenging and ambitious goal but we have a great team and some good problem-solvers, and people who really care about what they are doing—and it’s fun!” – By Heather Smith Thomas

as we get more properties I might separate them by weight class and condition. Currently I like the impact of that big group on my pastures (to utilize a mob grazing effect), moving them every day,” she explains. “The cows get moved every couple weeks to new pasture. I would like to move them more frequently but we are still working on the necessary water and fences. Right now they are being moved every one to three weeks depending on the time of year. We also try to have as much residual feed as possible, going into winter—especially for the breeding animals so we can cut our hay feeding as much as possible,” she says. The growing season is only about six months—May through September or sometimes into October. “We may get frost in June and often get a late snow. We started feeding hay at the beginning of the year, but we can supplement the cows on some of our pastures where they start to calve. There is lots of standing feed on the ground in those pastures. Everything calves/lambs/kids out at pasture, depending on the weather and the year. Our operation is entirely pasture-based,” she says.

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MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: LEE PITTS, AND MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 616, MORRO BAY, CA 93443 2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Bob Ricklefs New Mexico


here is a place in northern New Mexico where purple mountains rise against the azure sky. A place where the buffalo still roam and the wind that whispers through the cottonwoods carries the scents of the rugged, towering Sangre de Christo Mountains. Cattle share pastures with trophy elk, and lessons in conservation and ranch philosophy are routinely taught. It is a place where thousands of boys from across the nation come to learn about nature, discipline, and themselves. It is the gateway to the Wild West. Here, at Philmont Scout Ranch, lives Bob Ricklefs, the man who teaches these scouts and their mentors what it is to be an American cowboy. Bob was one of the original Myth-


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Busters. He dispels the myths about the range and the beef industry, but that is just a part of what he does. His job as Ranch Superintendent at Philmont requires that he oversee the diverse livestock operations which include cattle, bison, horses and burros. He is also responsible for the farming, the wildlife, the timber, and maintenance of the road system that allows scouts and employees to get around on the 214 square mile ranch, as well as maintaining a fleet of over 100 vehicles. The man who is the face of American agriculture to thousands of young Americans is quiet and reserved, and humble to a fault. He invited the Livestock Market Digest to sit in his shady backyard, where the purple Sangre de Christos, the southernmost chain of the Rocky Mountains, filled the skyline. Just across the fence, buffalo played. Bob was reticent when he spoke about himself, but talked with great conviction about the scout ranch and the responsibility of managing the resources. A working cattle ranch Philmont was donated to the Boy Scouts of America in 1938. Waite Phillips, who owned the ranch, wanted to ensure that the boys who came out West would truly experience a working ranch. One of the covenants of Philmont is that it will be a working cattle ranch for posterity. That is Bob’s responsibility. Imagine, for just a minute, thousands upon thousands of visitors camping, hiking, fishing and living on your ranch for most of the summer. Bob maintains the sometimes precarious balance between the working ranch and the scouts. He attends meetings with the scouts, listens to their needs, and makes sure that the cattle side of the ranch and the scout side of the ranch can co-exist as well as the wildlife and domestic livestock co-exist in Philmont’s pastures. When making decisions about the ranch, Bob has to make sure that his plans won’t interfere but will dovetail with the decisions that the Boy Scouts organization has made for the scouting side. “He has to make sure that everyone is on board and that what he does will work for the betterment of the organization, all the way

around,” noted Rachel Ricklefs, Bob’s wife. The ranch headquarters are close to the town of Cimarron, but the rugged mountain wilderness covers 137,000 acres. The scout ranch maintains 34 staffed camps and 55 trail camps for the 30,000 Boy Scouts who visit Philmont each summer. Every year, Bob hires about 30 wranglers, college-aged kids who he and his department train so they will be able to take the scouts on trail rides and cavalcades into the rough, rugged backcountry. The wranglers will be in charge of the scouts and the 280 gelding. Wranglers go through a 30 day intensive training, learning not only to work with the horses, but what it means to be a rancher and a conservationist. Classes include Back-Country Lore and Ranching Seminar. “The young people have to know about horses, but that is just the beginning,” explained Rachel. “Bob teaches them what kind of weeds are noxious, because if they are going to be handling the livestock they need to know what is OK for animals and what is not. He also teaches them about conservation and ranching practices because they need to be able to explain it to the campers.” In an effort to teach the wranglers who aren’t all familiar with western rangelands, Bob invited New Mexico State University’s Range Improvement Task Force to come and give educational seminars. The RITF, made up of economists, wildlife, watershed and range experts, spends a couple of days educating the wranglers about the history of natural resource management in New Mexico and visiting with them about the importance of wildlife management, range management, and the timber industry. Bob gives a lot of presentations himself, and spends time with the wranglers, developing relationships that can become lifelong. He is grateful for the platform he has and does his best to teach the wranglers so they can in turn teach the campers about stewardship and conservation. The payoff comes when the wranglers take up to 10,000 individuals who have never been on a horse through some of Philmont’s Livestock Market Digest

scenic beauty. “In terms of impact, you never know how much you may have impacted someone’s life,” related John Clark, general manager of Philmont. “We have 82 full time staff, 1,075 seasonal staff, and serve 40,000 scouts a year. The impact right there is huge. But when you factor in the fact that those scouts go back home and talk about what they saw and heard and experienced, it impacts another set of people. We honestly have no idea how many we are impacting, but I do know that Bob is absolutely doing an incredible job in educating others. Aldo Leopold, considered by many as the father of wildlife management and of the United States' wilderness system, once stated that fire, ax, cow, plow and gun were the tools by which habitat should be managed for wildlife. Dr. Sam Smalledge, wildlife specialist with the Range Improvement Task Force, noted that the same tools are used to manage the landscape for human needs. “Bob is knowledgeable in all of these aspects of natural resource management,” he claimed. “I can’t say enough positive things about Bob Ricklefs. He is a true asset to the ranching community in New Mexico.” Bob uses all of these tools on the Philmont. Jim Jackson, a life-long friend of Bob’s, summarized the complex interaction between wildlife and humans this way, “There was a wedding on the Philmont and a black bear showed up as an unexpected guest. Bob lured the bear across the creek away from the wedding party, darted the bear and carted him off, all without the majority of guests even knowing that a bear had come to the party.” Though the Scout Ranch is huge, they also have use agreements with their neighbors. “He teaches the staff to be extremely respectful of boundaries,” Rachel noted. “We have thousands of kids hiking on the Philmont, but Bob doesn’t tolerate them going outside of our boundaries. We want to have the respect of our neighbors, and in turn we want to show them the utmost respect.” For his part, Bob is appreciative of the chances he has been given at the scout ranch and in the cattle industry. “Philmont is a wonderful organization that has supported the cattle industry and agriculture forever,” he noted. “I really appreciate the support that they have shown Rachel and me both.” Sam Smalledge works with urban and ranchers alike across the state. “I think 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

highly of Bob Ricklefs,” he stated, “But the characteristics that make Bob such a great guy are not all that uncommon in the ranching industry.” Bob Ricklefs has deep roots in the fertile soil of Philmont. He has spent most of his life working at this place where the prairie meets the mountains and the mountains touch the sky. He has given of his time and efforts to the beef industry. “It has been a great career and I’ve met some fantastic people in the industry,” he stated. “It is a wonderful thing to be able to produce beef.” Top hand, rancher, economist, and conservationist. Wildlife specialist. Friend. Bob’s actions often speak louder than his words. The cattle industry is proud to call Bob Ricklefs one of their best. – by Carol Wilson

Bob Ricklefs



PUREBRED, HORNED BULLS, REPLACEMENT HEIFERS AVAILABLE PRIVATE TREATY Breeding Horned Bulls reputation We have a g stock for breedin rmance rfo for high pe cattle t lo d e fe

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Malson Angus & Herefords Idaho Mark and Carla Malson


ark & Carla Malson and family have a ranch and farm near Parma, Idaho, on land that Mark began developing soon after graduating from high school. He started farming a variety of row crops and then put together a herd of registered Angus cows. The ranch began as a wide open, sagebrush-covered high desert. Mark started taking out the sagebrush, putting in fences, drilling wells and planting crops. He lived at a nearby campground for a summer until there was water and a place to live on the ranch. He started buying Angus cows from area ranchers and his herd evolved into one of the premier Angus herds in the Northwest. The original place has now grown to about 1500 acres of deeded land with a small grazing allotment. The cowherd consists of approximately 300 mother cows, mostly registered Angus and a few registered Herefords. The Malsons also maintain a group of commercial recip cows that are used in an extensive ET and breeding program. The Malson’s Female sale is in October and the bull sale the third week of March. Both sales are held at the ranch in their sale barn. The Malsons say that they are not as concerned about having the biggest

sales or selling the largest number of cattle but focus on producing good quality cattle that their customers will appreciate. “Our goal is to produce sound, good quality cattle that work for our customers. We sell bulls and females to both registered and commercial buyers. Our cattle do well in the show ring and then we insist that they come back and produce in the pasture,” Carla says. “We’ve had a great deal of success in the show ring over the years including showing champion females and bulls at the Idaho ROV Angus Show in Boise, Idaho, Oregon State Fair in Salem, Oregon, the NILE in Billings, Montana and the Champion Angus Female at the North American International Livestock Expo in Louisville, Kentucky,” she says. “We were really moved by winning the Champion Angus Female at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado in 2010” says Mark. “Having bred and raised that heifer reinforced our commitment to what our slogan and our program is based on: Quality Comes First. Raising top-quality cattle that we can pass on to our customers is our goal and it was an amazing feeling watching the judge select our heifer and verify what we had already thought about her and her breeding; she’s

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Polled Herefords


Bulls & Females Available in the Spring Dennis & Sonja Gallegos 505/685-0717 cell: 505/929-4124 P.O. Box 306, Abiquiu, NM 87510


a winner”. Some people say you can’t have winning show cattle that are also good producing seedstock but the Malsons disagree. “We want cattle that will do both. Once they are done in the show ring they have to go out in the pasture and produce calves that exhibit the qualities that we need and that our buyers want,” Mark says. The ranch is a family operated business, though not everyone is at the ranch full time. Carla works in town as a teacher while handling the books at home. Mark splits his time between the ranch and another family business. Mark and Carla have five children. Two of their older sons, Josh and Joe, live on the ranch and work there full time. Both are involved in the day-to-day operations as well as dedicated to the long-term aspects of running and growing a ranching and farming operation. Josh’s responsibilities include cowherd management, breeding decisions, ET protocol, registration and data submission. Josh’s wife Maggie is the editor of the Line Rider (published by the Idaho Cattlemen) and Josh and Maggie are also busy with their four children. Joe’s responsibility includes cattle selec-

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Livestock Market Digest

tion, show cattle management, the farming and machinery. Both Josh and Joe spend time judging cattle shows around the West and Joe frequently turns down job offers to work at shows fitting, as their own show string takes up a lot of his time. Jared and his wife Stephanie and their daughter live off the farm and work in another family business but are quick to help when things get busy during sale season or for shows. Daughter Michelle is attending Boise State University and recently placed in the top 15 Showmanship Finalist at National Junior Angus Show in Louisville, Kentucky and is the Western States Angus Auxiliary Queen Coordinator. Youngest son Matthew just graduated from Fruitland High School and was President of the Idaho Junior Angus Association. All five kids have been active in Junior Angus activities, 4-H, FFA and ranching activities. “Because this is a family operation, we all work together at times and also in our own areas and it takes all of us to get it all done!” says Carla. The Malsons say that the best part of ranch life is being able to raise a family in such a positive environment. Working together, doing something you truly care about and watching the kids and grandkids grow up is something they appreciate. Not everyone gets this kind of opportunity. They are all deeply involved and committed to this way of life and want it to grow and prosper. “When Mark and I got married, he was fully entrenched in creating this ranch and we have continued to work in that direction. We are thankful that some of the older kids have chosen to come back to the ranch and are working hard to put their

own mark on things. I didn’t come from a ranch or cattle background, so it was a learning curve when we were first married, but it’s something I would never change,” says Carla. “We appreciate the fact that we are all so close and also live in a small, tight-knit community,” says Mark. “With Carla working in the schools and the kids and grandkids involved in sports, 4-H and FFA, the community and school are a big part of our lives.” The national Angus tour was held at their ranch a few years ago and the whole community pitched in. “There were more than 300 people here for lunch. The high school FFA group was serving lunch, helping with parking and booths and many others pitched in to pull it off,” says Carla. Mark and Carla sit on a number of elected boards and over the years have held a variety of positions. Mark is past president of the Western States Angus Association and past president of the Idaho Angus Association. Carla is the current Idaho Junior Angus Association Advisor and President of the Western States Angus Auxiliary. “There’s never a dull moment around the ranch with so many activities going on but we all have the same goal—to provide an opportunity for our family to grow and prosper together as well as independently, and raise good quality cattle at the same time,” says Carla. “The seedstock operation starts at the bottom, with us—with cattle and kids! We are raising more cattle and more grandkids, and we want all of them to go out and do a good job in whatever environment they are in. A ranch is the best place to raise a family!” – by Heather Smith Thomas

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2013 Fall Marketing Edition


RANGE READY BULLS DANIEL & TEALA MAGEE 6801 Weeks Road, Redding, CA 96002 (530) 209-5210


" !

" 53

Cindy Schonholtz Professional Cowboys Rodeo Association


here is nothing like a rodeo – the crowds, the tradition and the excitement of seeing skillful competitors matched up against great livestock. To make that happen, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and Cindy Schonholtz is one of the people working to make sure that the sport of rodeo remains strong and successful today. Cindy, who has been with the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) for 16 years, is Director of Industry Outreach, helps oversee youth outreach efforts, and administers the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund. “The key is not to look at the reaction you get from activist groups, but at the


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reaction from the general public as a whole, the reasonable people who are just looking for entertainment,” she explained. “Rodeo has an advantage over other animal industries – so many people go to rodeos, while they don’t have any idea of how things work on a ranch, for example. When they hear something negative about a rodeo, they think, “I’ve been to rodeos, and I’ve never seen that, the animals were fat and happy.” Industry outreach is a pretty diverse department, including government relations, the care and handling of livestock, media and education. “It’s a two-pronged approach, looking at the welfare of livestock and working on the legislative side, as well as making sure our members and committees have the best possible information,” she said. Cindy works with legislators and government relations on legislation and regulations as they come up; tracks animal health issues, disease outbreaks and livestock movement restrictions; the care and handling of livestock, and works to communicate with and educate members on issues as they arise. “There are animal rights groups out there working to ban rodeo, and no matter what we do, how hard we work we’re never going to convince everyone. The best way to gauge our success is whether the public, our sponsors, and legislators still support what we are doing,” she said. “I see packed stands at every rodeo I attend, and that’s all the validation I need.” Media relations, both on her end and throughout the organization, are another big part of her job. She prepares educational material for rodeo committees, members and rodeo queens. “There are any number ways to reach out to media. I work very hard to educate our rodeo committees and others who may deal with the media on how to react, as well as educate them on how to reach out proactively in the meantime.” ”Our reactions are very important,” she continued. “If we just present the facts, things go much better. If you spend time

fighting animal rights group in the media, you give them more credibility. Walking away from their accusations is hard to do, because we all want to defend ourselves, but sometimes we have to.” She also stays in touch with other animal industries. “I want to know what they are doing, and how they treat their animals, so that I can be an advocate for them, and they can do the same for rodeo,” she said. “We have to be a united voice to drown out the rhetoric from some of these other groups who are not actually out there every day, taking care of animals.” Julie Jutten, who works with Cindy as the PRCA’s Manager of Industry Outreach, oversees the PRCA’s youth outreach efforts, helping to recruit the next generation of rodeo competitors. A big part of this outreach is the Association’s championship rodeo camp program which gives youth a free opportunity to learn about rough stock events. “It’s hard to reach kids who aren’t 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation rodeo or farm kids. We bring in the professionals and teach kids the basics and how to be successful. They don’t actually ride livestock, but we show them safety and technique, introduce them to some of the pros who can serve as mentors, and point them in the right direction if they want to continue.” The PRCA sponsors the National Little Britches, Junior High, High School and College Rodeos. State and national high school and college champions receive free PRCA permits, which helps them get a start in the association. They also hold outreach and educational sessions led by pro rodeo cowboys at many youth events, giving rodeo kids a chance to get to know the pros and learn from the best in their events, she noted. By its nature, rodeo is a rough sport, and when the worst happens, help is available. Since it was established in 1989 by Jim Shoulders and John Justin, the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund has distributed $6.6 million to injured rodeo cowboys and their families, according to Cindy, who helps administer the program. Livestock Market Digest

“When our guys get injured, a lot of times they are not able to pay their bills, much less their entry fees when they’re ready to come back. The Fund assists rodeo athletes with living expenses like rent, groceries and insurance, and has saved a lot of our families,� she said. “They don’t have to sell their possessions or lose their home to pay their bills, and most importantly, our athletes can wait until they are healed up to compete again, they don’t feel like they have to come back too early to support their families.� The Fund distributes between $300,000 and $400,000 each year. Contestants must be injured in rodeo competition or traveling to or from a rodeo to apply, and applications are handled by a committee which decides whether to give a lump sum or monthly stipend, depending on the situation, she explained. One unique thing is that 100 percent of donations that come in go to benefit injured athletes. Administrative costs are covered by Justin Boots. Funds are raised across the country at events large and small, from events and promotions at the National Finals Rodeo to fundraisers held by individual rodeo committees, to $15 to $80 checks that come in every month,

Cindy said. “It is truly the rodeo community taking care of its own� Maintaining a united message for such a large and diverse organization is key, she noted. “I think it is important to understand that all I do is administer the programs. The only way I can be successful at my job is to have the trust and backing of the PRCA, and I am fortunate to have that. Our success depends on the cooperation of our staff, our rodeo committees and our members, and it doesn’t work unless everyone in the association agrees on how to handle issues. Is it challenging? Absolutely. But, if we are on the right side of the issues and don’t react emotionally, we can do it.� – by Callie Gnatkowski Gibson

Cindy Schonholtz

We Like our Girls at

Woman Hollerin Ranch

Woman Hollerin Ranch 5LFN\ %HWW\ 0F&RUPLFN


2013 Fall Marketing Edition




Genoa Livestock


enoa Livestock began when Bob and Carol Coker bought a ranch in the Carson Valley near Minden, Nevada. After evaluating several breeds the Cokers chose Herefords. Acquiring the cow herd—Dwight Joos, General Manager, says they started by purchasing half a dozen donor cows in 2006. “We got a couple from Colyers in Idaho, and some from Coopers, Feddes, and Jack Holden, in Montana. We spent the next two years acquiring 300 cows. We also partnered with the University of Nevada (Reno). They had a herd of Line 1 cows that came from Miles City. These acquisi-

A Need for Crossbreeding “Black-hided cattle have driven the market for two decades, and I think there are two reasons people are buying Herefords today. Some have bred Herefords for a long time, and have had good success with the black baldies. The other reason is that some people have been breeding their cattle black for several generations and have lost the hybrid vigor. The reality is economics. This is what influenced people to breed black cattle to start with—to gain hybrid vigor—and now it’s driving them back to Herefords again. They’ve lost weaning weight with the straight black cattle and have reached the point where they can put more pounds on the calves by crossing again,” says Joos. “Producers are looking for more performance, and the black bald-faced cow has performed exceptionally well.” When people started breeding their Hereford cows to black bulls and got outstanding performance in crossbred calves, they thought the black bull was the secret—not realizing it was the hybrid vigor. They continued to breed black, until they lost the advantage of heterosis in the crossbred cow. A good Hereford bull can give those herds full advantage again.


Nevada tions made up the base herd,” says Joos. “We had help from a lot of breeders as we put together our first group of cows and heifers,” he says. “Vern Rausch in South Dakota let us pick out a few from their replacements.” Cokers also picked up five head from the Churchill Cattle Company in Montana (Vanhuizens). “We always started with the pedigrees and then we would go look at the animals, and the herds—to get a feel of what they came from. Many people were helpful, willing to share some of their best genetics. We met and made a lot of good friends, who were supportive in what we were trying to do.” This gave the operation a leg up—obtaining cattle that people thought were their most progressive animals. This produced a foundation herd that might otherwise have taken several decades to build. “We looked for a certain type of animal

that we thought would be helpful and complementary to producers who are raising black cattle—since this is the majority of our market at this point,” he explains. “When we selected the cows, we tried to find some that were run in harsher conditions than most purebreds. We know that once we dropped them into our environment, they had to work here, and also work for our customers,” he says. Fine-tuning the genetics— “After acquiring the cows, we started working on the genetics. We set out to enhance the instinctive maternal side of the cattle, and then bring calving ease into it along with a good growth curve and good carcass merit,” he explains. “First we looked at things that had the most economic impact on our customers. These included having a live calf on the ground, and a steep growth curve— whether yearling or weaning weight


Come check out our Sim/Angus bulls! Increase your hybrid vigor, performance, and profits.


Radale Tinerr, Regional Manager P.O. Box 203 Hempstead, TX 77445 979.492.2663 New Mexico Texas


© 2012-2013 American Angus Association

Livestock Market Digest

and gets him going, and brings him in alive. What makes our operation so much fun is that we are starting with a great breed, a great cow, and are building off the cow,” he says. There are no perfect cows, but some come closer than others. Genoa Livestock tries to select for as much eye pigmentation as possible. “This is something a lot of people are paying attention to, Genoa Livestock facilities and their beautiful landscape minimizing risks for because this is the pay weight. Traditional- pinkeye and cancer eye. As we look at a ly Hereford calves have been a little larger cow we focus on any aspect that we’d like at birth. We also put carcass merit into our to enhance or change,” says Joos. “We pay attention to udders because selection, since everyone wants a good paycheck at the end of the day,” says Joos. this has been one of the shortcomings in “We sit down twice a year and analyze the breed as a whole. It’s not just the all the projected EPDs from the animals. amount of milk, but the conformation of We go back through and mate them, using the udder that’s important. The cattle we a list in which we’ve written the phenotype bought were great because the people we of all the mother cows, and what I would bought them from had already done a lot change about each cow. Then we make a of the udder work,” says Joos. “When we look at a heifer, we look at bull selection to try to complement that cow. This is based on the structure of the her mother’s udder conformation or her cow herself, and the EPDs, to build the best cow we can,” he says. The ranch uses a battery of clean-up bulls that will do the same thing, and complement the cow in the same manner that would have been achieved with the AI sire. Ranch-Raised ANGUS “The selling point for Angus originally Bulls for Ranchers Since 1955 was calving ease. People used black bulls Annual Bull Sale on everything, even dairy heifers,” says Joos. But as black cattle got bigger, they February 15, 2014 no longer have the calving ease a person at the Ranch NE of Estelline, TX could depend on. “If you look at the Angus trend in birthweight from the late 1960s, M.L. Bradley, 806/888-1062 every year they got heavier,” he says. Fax: 806/888-1010 • Cell: 940/585-6471 “We watched the size of cattle change from too small to too big, and now a lot of people are trying to get away from the extremes. We’ve been on both sides of the pendulum and are striving for moderation. We don’t want to compromise the stature of our animals very much, but bring some calving ease into the equation. The growth on Hereford has always been very good,” he says. Herefords have also tended to be very feed efficient. DAVID AND “Our goal is to build on the traditional AVANELL SILER merits of the breed, and much of it has P.O. Box 3 Doole, Texas 76836 been the cow. Everyone tends to focus on the bull, but the cow is more than half the 325/483-5449 picture because she has to raise that calf. She’s what gets a live calf on the ground

Bradley 3 Ranch Ltd.

Santa Gertrudis Cattle

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

sire’s mother. We look at past calves from that sire and dam. We might change our selection if the earlier match didn’t line up right. Every year we find a few more pieces of the puzzle,” he explains. Developing young bulls—There is a lot of value in raising rather than buying seedstock, using AI to create your next herdsire, so you can raise the animals in your own conditions. “Even if it’s the same type of genetics, you get a better bull because he’s adapted to your conditions. This is also our premise for buying cattle from harsher country; it’s a matter of durability,” says Joos. The final package is a combination of genetics and environment. If you start with cattle that can do it, there’s a better chance that their offspring will, too. “We develop our bulls a little differently, bringing them along until they are almost a year old before we do anything with them. They just grow naturally,” says Joos. This is healthier for the young bull and also changes the dynamics of that bull. “He is raised in the conditions he’ll be working in, rather than in a feedlot. We bring these bulls in when they are almost a year old and then start putting a little feed to them. These bulls have already established the way they want to grow, and all we are doing is putting a little more flesh on them. Growing them under natural conditions pulls them back a little in ultimate frame score, but they last longer.” Addressing the needs of the customer— Different operations have different needs. “We run our cattle on 1000-plus acres of river meadow. Just because a neighbor might run on the same kind of ground doesn’t mean he has exactly the same resource. He may need to do things a little differently. We must look at the need of our customer, and what he has to work with. This is why we don’t try to produce bulls that are all exactly the same,” says Joos. “Maybe one customer wants a finerboned calving-ease bull. Another customer wants one with more girth and thickness. We want to make the right animal for each person. We sell a wide range of bulls—and someone can also come here and buy five bulls that are very much alike. There are several different sets, to fit the needs of various customers.” Some seedstock producers make the mistake of thinking that what they like is what their customers should like, but it’s not always what the customer needs. – by Heather Smith Thomas


Lowell Catlett Global Thinker


rms flailing, face contorted, white hair sticking up because he has just run his fingers through it, agriculture’s wise prophet Lowell Catlett is on stage, in his element, painting pictures in people’s minds, giving context to facts and figures and helping international audiences both understand the world in which they are living and get a glimpse of the unlimited potential which lies just beyond the horizon. Catlett is labeled as a Regent’s Professor in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business and Extension Economics and the Dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University. But he is really a great communicator. And he is a boundless optimist. Before one of his speeches, a reporter walked up to Catlett and said, “You are an economist. Just give me a copy of your speech and I’ll plug your numbers into my article.” Catlett reached into his pocket and pulled out a three by five index card with four words written on it. “Catlett said, ‘I just can’t write that stuff down,’” remembers Jeff Witte, one of Catlett’s former students. The reporter attended the speech. Instead of a dry recital of facts and figures, he heard a futurist with positive and upbeat predictions. The unique perspective was delivered in an enthralling, spellbinding manner, and the reporter learned that he was in the presence of someone who could gaze into the crystal ball and see the future. Economists are known as numbers people, and Catlett knows the numbers. He can stand in front of an audience and recite gross domestic product and debt levels for all of the top producing countries in the world. But the numbers are meaningless until Catlett provides a frame of reference for the numbers. When he puts figures into a context that his audience can understand, he explains that the second largest country compared to the


United States in gross domestic product is Japan. Then he extrapolates figures further so the audience will understand that the US output per person is 60 percent higher than Japanese output. His listeners now understand, through Catlett’s careful building of context, that the United States is a very productive country. All this contextualizing comes naturally for agriculturalists, according to Catlett. “At the end of the day you just want people to understand,” he explained. “If I say we have the lowest number of cattle in the US that we’ve ever had in modern times, going back to 1952, listeners understand that we have fewer cattle than we’ve ever had in the last 60 years. However, if we include that the population has risen by one million people, then we can explain why steak is a little higher in the supermarket than it was three years ago.” Catlett’s command of complex situations and ability to put them into easily understood contexts is amazing in itself. Even more incredible is the fact that this white-haired economist controls his audience like a child would manipulate putty in his hands. Educators have been told to be technologically and digitally savvy to relate to an audience which has access to all sorts of entertainment, but Catlett doesn’t even use a power point. His presentation simply doesn’t need one. He paints pictures in his listener’s minds and keeps his facts and statistics relevant enough that the audience laughs its way through the learning. Funny and engaging, he leaves the listeners eager to hear more, whether he is speaking to high school FFAers or harried, jaded health professionals. The message is always positive. “You don’t read history to know when George Washington died,” Catlett tells his audience, “you read history to be an optimist. It provides you with a frame of reference.” In the 1980s, when the song “The Future is so bright, I’ve Gotta Wear Shades” was a hit, Catlett started his presentations by

Lowell Catlett, PhD

bounding onto the stage in huge sunglasses as the music blared in the background. The engaging futurist who has been a visiting professor or delivered presentations to over 75 universities including Harvard, MIT, Cornell and the University of Illinois, has always been an independent thinker. He was on the national FFA officer team which voted to allow girls into the organization. In a true “life is stranger than fiction” story, the man who is in demand as a speaker before Fortune 500 companies and international corporations didn’t deliver a retiring address as a national officer because the FFA wanted to re-write his retiring officer speech . . . and Catlett refused to deliver a speech that wasn’t his own. When his elder sister was bargaining with her parents for an allowance, Catlett cut a deal with his rancher father. “I asked if he would let me join a book club and buy me some books,” Catlett recalls. “I figured if I had books I didn’t need an allowance.” He remains a voracious reader to this day. The little Kindle that Catlett carries in his pocket holds 16,000 books and serves Livestock Market Digest

as another good example of technology which Catlett might have spoken about 30 years ago and is today an accepted part of

wife might be making up their signature wonderful odd pizzas in an old wood horno. Or touring a winery. Or renovating

“... he heard a futurist with positive and upbeat predictions.” life. Catlett carries all the books so he can read while flying or waiting for a speaking engagement. Jeff Witte is Catlett’s former student and now director of the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. Witte noted, “It is great that Lowell is Dean of the college, but truly, when he became Dean we lost one of the greatest classroom professors that we ever had.” Witte remembers, “We didn’t use books much in his class. He was always teaching us to research and find the latest and greatest.” Catlett has been offered opportunities to lead Fortune 500 companies and scores of other universities, as well as the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Labor, Interior, Defense, Education, Energy and the World Bank. He has stayed with New Mexico State University. “All he ever wanted in life was to be a professor at NMSU,” Witte noted. “He is a great ambassador for us in every interaction he has with the government or private sector.” As a professor, Catlett has received every teaching award possible at New Mexico State, including Regents Professor and the Westhafer award. Catlett describes himself as a vagabond who has always been intrigued with people and wanted to be involved in the world. “He spends a lot of time in the countryside working with the people and fully cognizant of the struggles they are facing,” noted Jon Boren, NMSU Associate Dean and director for the New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service. The ranch kid from Texas never lost touch with his roots. Catlett’s office has been described as the biggest playground on campus. Games and memorabilia from all over the world compete for space with Chicago Cubs memorabilia, Thomas Jefferson collectibles, artifacts from men who have walked on the moon, and a giant candy dish. Catlett did research on Thomas Jefferson during one his sabbaticals and wrote two books about the great American statesman and thinker. He once held a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade. When he isn’t reading or doing research, he and his 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

some property. Or restoring an old pickup. Or traveling to see a new place. “Active

and engaged is who I am,” he noted. “There is a whole generation of baby boomers who have no concept of retirement.” Thank goodness. When the deck of life is being constantly reshuffled, Lowell Catlett will be there with his unique perspective to prepare us to anticipate coming changes, and he’ll deliver the news in a riveting style that articulates his vision of future trends, not just for agriculture, but for the world. – by Carol Wilson





STOCKYARDS 14185 S. Euclid Ave., Ontario, California Jeremy Gorham cell: (909) 282-2198 office: (909) 597-4818

Regular Sale – Wed. 1 p.m.

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Buchanan Angus Oregon


ob and Kathleen Buchanan market bulls from their seedstock operation in their annual production sale, held the 4th Sunday in February. Next February will be their 22nd sale. “Kathy and I work as a team on this project,” says Bob. “When you take bulls to a consignment sale, some things are done for you. Doing your own production sale is a big effort. We begin by managing the mailing lists and all the advertising, which starts several months before the sale. Putting on a sale is work, but also gives us more control and we are not dependent on someone else. That, and the money saved in paying a sale manager, makes it worth our time,” he says. “We fit our own bulls, put the catalog together, and then our whole family and some friends step in to help with the sale itself,” he says. Kathy does all the food, with a lot of baking ahead of time and some help from daughters-in-law. “We do a cocktail event the night before the sale with refreshments, and a tri-tip barbeque. The day of the sale she puts on a brunch for everyone.” Kathy juggles fitting bulls and baking. She says ranching is merely management by crisis, taking care of the most pressing things first and working to the next thing. You

Madsen Herefords

learn very quickly to prioritize, and the animals always come first. In putting on your own sale, you learn as you go and discover all the details that have to be done. “There are many tasks and necessities that help make it all go smoothly, like the ear tags/sale tags for the bulls. You just make sure you plan a time to do these things. We keep a record from year to year of when we do each job. It may not be on the same date it was the year before, but we’ll try to do it in that time frame. Then we know we are on track. Once you get behind, you never

ary) parking can be an issue. At the Fairgrounds the facilities are under cover. If the weather is not perfect, it’s a lot better situation,” he explains. This year they had a live auction on the internet, through Live Auctions TV. There are guest consigners at this sale, usually producers who have purchased females from Buchanans. “We allow them to bring their production and sell along with us. Altogether, with our consigners, we usually have 60 bulls or more,” says Bob. The Cattle – “There is a lot of competi-

In putting on your own sale, you learn as you go & discover all the details that have to be done. catch up! And it gives us a mental boost when we can cross something off our list; we know we are moving forward,” says Kathy. “The past dozen years we’ve been doing a live auction at the Klamath County Fairgrounds. We have a sale barn here at the ranch, but that time of year (end of Febru-

tion to sell bulls,” says Kathy. “We strive to produce cattle for the betterment of the breed and the industry. If our customers’ calves can go right to the feedlot and skip the stocker/backgrounding time, there is less money invested in them. For the commercial producer, the less time and money put into the cattle, the bigger the profit,”

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Livestock Market Digest

“We’ve never regretted doing our own sale ourselves. This probably doesn’t work for everyone, but we feel that if we’ve produced the product, we want to promote it, and we shouldn’t expect someone else to do it for us.” The Buchanan Angus ranch is a fourth generation outfit. Bob’s great-grandparents homesteaded in this valley in 1894. Their place is 8 miles north of Klamath Falls, Oregon. – by Heather Smith Thomas

The Buchanan Family

she says. Input costs are what make or break your operation. “If you get a calf that goes right to the feedlot and does what he’s supposed to do in a short time, he will make more money. We’ve been very conscious of carcass genetics for quite awhile, along with moderate birthweight and rapid growth. You also want growth that doesn’t continue to go on too long; you need animals that level off and finish in a short time and have a carcass that you’ll get paid extra for,” Kathy says. Some of their buyers have very different programs. “Some of our customers feed their own calves, some sell to the Japanese, some are in various alliances and grid programs, and our cattle seem to be working in all those different programs. This versatility makes us feel good,” she says. “We are sticklers for the convenience traits, too,” says Bob. “We don’t have time to mess with a cow that has a problem. Our cattle have to do things right and do it on their own. With feeding and all the other things we have to do, the cows need to take care of themselves. We’re calving at the same time we are preparing for our bull sale,” he says. They have to calve on their own and be good mothers. A Family-Friendly Event – Their youngest son moved to Montana but he comes home to help at the sale. “We have two older sons and their families, and grandkids. When it’s time to process the calves in the spring, they come help. And my daughters-in-law still speak to me, even after I work them hard getting the 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

food ready for the sale!” “The sale itself is a family-friendly event, not just for our own family but also for our customers. They bring their families and enjoy this get-together,” says Bob. Not only is there plenty of delicious food, but also a family atmosphere where they can visit with friends. There is extra room in the indoor arena that they use for the sale, so some families bring their ropes and roping dummies and the kids run and play and rope and have a lot of fun. “When people come into the food line, I welcome everyone and thank them for coming, as if they were walking through our home. People want to meet our kids and grandkids. Some of the people have been coming for a long time and some are new customers. We’ve gotten really good feedback from the new people because it’s a little different from what they expected,” says Kathy. “We also have a good customer base that has been with us for many years,” says Bob. “One family has been buying bulls from us for more than 40 years. “We like to let our customers know how much we appreciate them,” adds Kathy. “At Christmas, in addition to what we do in getting ready for the sale, I send them a thank-you and a little note saying that we appreciate their patronage and their confidence in our program,” she says. “By doing our own sale, and doing everything ourselves, we maintain a closer relationship with our customers,” says Bob. “We don’t have a sale manager acting as an intermediary. We have direct contact with the customers,” he explains.


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MILLER ~Angus~


Dink & Mitzi Miller 575/478-2398 (H) 575/760-9048 (C) 174 N.M. 236 Floyd, NM 88118 USA


Jess Carey Catron County, USA


s Catron County’s wolf investigator, Jess Carey has a front-row seat to the impacts the Federal Wolf Reintroduction Program is having on the county and its residents, and it’s not pretty. “Since I’ve been on board, I’ve seen everything go downhill,” he said. “Between endangered species, the Forest Service, and radical organizations wanting to close roads through travel management plans, the threat is at the door.” “It seems like there’s no common sense,” he continued. “Our forests are in catastrophic fire danger, and it seems that people would rather see it burn than put to use. It’s like the federal agencies are actually treating us like we’re in a third-world country, they do what they want to people without any accountability. All people can

do is fight back, and we have to.” Although he’s not a Catron County native, Jess is no newcomer, having moved with his wife from Deming in 1977. He was trapping at the time, and says he looked at map, chose the greenest place, and went to Reserve. “I told my wife, if I can find a job, this is where we will stay.” Since then, he’s done several different things, including trapping and working at Reserve’s sawmill. He served as undersheriff, then Sheriff, and later worked for the Seventh Judicial District as an investigator. He also worked as a field deputy for the Office of the Medical Investigator for over 15 years, handling human deaths for the state. In April of 2006, he started as Catron County’s wolf investigator, looking into wolf/human and wolf/livestock inter-

Working to Protect the Rich Tapestry of the West What They are Saying About Us… • The $206,098,920 Endangered Species Act Settlement Agreements – Is all that paperwork worth it? • Leveling the Playing Field: Support for the Grazing Improvement Act of 2011 • Support for the Governmental Litigation Savings Act of 2011 – Reform of Excessive Litigation Pay-outs • Foreign & Domestic Train Wreck in the Making – More of the ESA • The Secret World of the Animal Rights Agenda


I am/our organization is committed to protecting the open spaces, private property, private businesses & ensuring the responsible use of public lands. Please list me/my organization as a member of the Western Legacy Alliance. I have included my membership dues and my $____________ additional contribution. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ Email: ______________________

Individual Membership – $25



Association Membership – $500

Corporate Membership – $1,000

936 West 350 North • Blackfoot, ID 83221 • 208-681-6004

actions. He is uniquely qualified for his current position, both by training and a lifetime of hunting, trapping and fishing. “When you pelt out an animal, you see the trauma, and see how it died. That experience helps me in my job, investigating bite marks and tissue damage,” Jess said. Jess co-investigates wolf/animal interactions and depredations with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Wildlife Services personnel. Investigators photograph and document scat, drag marks and tracks around the carcass, clip hair to the skin to look for bite marks then do a necropsy, skinning the animal to look for bite marks, compression sites and hemorrhage. Jess submits his report to the resource owner and the county maintains a copy, and Wildlife Services submits their report to the resource owner and the FWS. “I go out and document, and based on my experience make determination and come up with finding of either confirmed, probable, or non-wolf related.” He has investigated a total of 311 potential wolf/animal interactions, and found that of those, 191 were wolf-related, and 110 were non-wolf related, probable and possible. In 71 cases, the cause of death was determined to be unknown, due to advanced decomposition, scavenging by other animals, a carcass not being found in time for necropsy, etc. Of the wolf-related cases, 83 took place on private property and 107 on non-private property. Those numbers, while substantial on their own, don’t present the whole picture, according to Jess. “That doesn’t show the actual amount of damage because the chances of finding every depredation in time for investigation are slim. Ranchers can’t see all of their livestock every day, even though they’re out each day there riding and checking on things. According to the Oakleaf study, for every one carcass that is found, seven more are never found or confirmed.” In wolf/human situations, he talks to the Livestock Market Digest

people involved and documents the details of what happened, whether it was a wolf in someone’s yard, close contact out in the forest, or another situation. He has investigated 177 wolf/human interactions since 2006, with 123 occurring on private property. Having Jess on the job gives Catron County a big advantage, both by having a person on the ground looking at what’s going on and the information record they are building. In Arizona, he explained, local governments don’t have any documentation of wolf/ animal or wolf/human interactions. In Apache County, for example, which feels the biggest impact from the wolf reintroduction, all information is kept by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “The only information the county gets is what the resource owner takes in and shares. There is no sharing from the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Interagency Field Team (IFT) who manages the program doesn’t tell the counties anything.” In addition to investigating individual cases, Jess conducted a comparative study looking at of the program’s impacts on five Catron County ranches between 2006 and 2011 — three of which have since gone out of business. The study looked at the losses beyond confirmed and probable, analyzing what was actually lost over the course of the study. All five had wolves denning in calf core areas, and suffered a total cattle loss of 653 head. One ranch in the study had 255 cows in production, and in 2008, the San Mateo Pack denned on their operation. That fall, they weaned 95 calves, and in 2009 they weaned 116 calves out of 257 calves, losing $131,400 in a two year period. Those kinds of losses are unsustainable, and the ranch soon went out of business. In addition, he looked at wolf-caused chronic stress on livestock, which disrupts the breeding cycle, causing open cows. “The resulting calf loss must also be counted as depredation. Other factors include an increase in susceptibility to disease, weight loss, and decreased carcass value.” The wolves’ effects aren’t limited to just the livestock, they take a toll on the ranchers as well. One rancher in the study passed away five months after selling his cattle, Jess pointed out. While so far the wolf program’s impacts have been largely limited to Catron County, if the FWS and wolf proponents get their way, that may soon change, Jess said. Under the proposed new 10J rule, the wolves’ range would be 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

Jess Carey and friend

greatly expanded. “So far, Catron County has taken the brunt of the wolf program, but if they get this new rule in place, it will majorly affect rural areas across the state.” “Counties need to respond and get prepared, they have no idea of the nightmare

Valley Livestock Auction,LLC 8517 Sun Valley Rd, Sun Valley AZ Derek & Irene Waggoner 928-524-2600 Derek 928-241-0920 Regular sales Wed. 12 Noon Special sales as advertised Latest sale reports visit our website

that’s coming to their area,” he continued. “The program is based on research that is flawed by omissions and misdirection. It’s all about protecting wolves, and there are a lot of personal agendas at work.” – by Callie Gnatkowski Gibson

Bell Key Angus A Few s Choice Bull Available at Private Treaty.

760- 572- 5261 Rand 928- 920- 3800 Alex PO Box 10090, Yuma AZ 85366

lke Dennis Boeh 7 208/467-274 -1612 9 8 Cell. 208/9

NA M P A , I D A H O


Buyer’s Guide Livestock AKAUSHI American Akaushi Association, Bubba Bain, executive director: cell 361/217-0098,, 732 Jeff Davis Rd., Harwood, TX 78632, office 830/540-3912, fax 361/580-3897,,

ALL BREEDS Bow K Ranch, Dave & Dawn Bowman, 55784 Holly Rd., Olathe, CO 81425, 970/323-6833, “Pot of Gold” Gelbvieh, Angus & Balancer Bull Sale. Females private treaty. 30 years of AI breeding, emphasis on moderate size – calving ease – carcass. Cattleman’s Weekend, Selling in March each year. Call for exact date and time. Prescott Livestock Auction, Richard & Janet Smyer, P.O. Box 5880, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, ofc: 928/445-9571, Richard’s cell 928/925-1848; email: Red Bluff Bull & Gelding Sale, 670 Antelope Blvd., Ste. 3, Red Bluff, CA 96080, 530/527-2045. Jan. 28-Feb. 1, 2014.

Weaver Ranch, Maxine, Mourine & Susan Weaver, 970/5683898, 3000 W. County Rd. 70, Ft. Collins, CO 80524. Annual Sale Feb. 2014 – bulls PAP tested; also selling a good choice of bred heifers. White Cattle Company, 31053 Eben Ray Lane, Burns, OR 97720, Doris 541/573-6566 or Mary Lee White, 541/589-1476. Quality Angus, ChiAngus and Hereford cattle. Breeding stock available year round.

ANGUS ABC Angus, 1625 Days Creek Rd., Deep Creek, OR 97429. Brian and Cheryl Arp, 541/825-3550, Performancebred Angus cattle. “Building on the basics.” American Angus Assn., 3201 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64506, 816/383-5100. Call or contact us for breeder information in your area. Aztec Angus, 2467 Arrowhead Trail, Gilbert, AZ 85297. Terry and Kathy Van Hilsen and sons, 480/963-6324. Cattle available year-round. Bagley Cattle Co., 8890 Brookdale Rd., Millville, CA 96062, Dale & Jane Bagley 530/547-5222. Range bulls available year-round. Some females also available. Most AI’d to top trait leaders. The choice of two excellent breeds – Angus & Hereford. Bar T Bar Ranch, P.O. Box 190, Winslow, AZ 86047, Bob & Judy Prosser, 928/289-2619,, Females available October. Selling 400 bulls 2nd Saturday in April, Yerington, NV Bell Key Angus, 9351 Lakeshore Dr., Nampa, ID 83686, Dennis Boehlke, 208/989-1612, 208/467-2747. Private treaty all year. Selling bulls at Gem State.

Breckenridge Partnership Ltd.,

R.L. Robbs • 520/384-3654 4995 Arzberger Road Willcox, AZ 85643


P.O. Box 1973, Roswell, NM 88202-1973, Bernarr Treat, Ranch Manager, 575/623-2999 x 3130, 575/626-5355 cell,; Lawton Heatley, Ranch Foreman 254/5594830 cell, Offering registered Angus bulls & females desired by today’s producers

The Buyer’s Guide is a handy reference to Leading Auction Markets, Order Buyers, Feedlots, Livestock Breeders and Service Providers. If you would like to be included in next year’s guide, please call us at 505/243-9515. Buchanan Angus,, 13490 Algoma Rd., Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Robert and Kathleen Buchanan, 541/883-8471. Annual Bull Sale 4th Sunday in February each year. Breeding stock available year-round. Call for more information. Burkholder and Unruh, 17077 Rd. 6 SE, Warden, WA 98857. Glen Burkholder 509/349-8849, John Unruh 509/349-2945; Quality Angus cross show steers, private treaty. Diamond Oak Cattle Co., 1232 W. Tahoe St., Merced, CA 95348. Steve and Jean Obad, 209/383-4373, Steve’s cell: 209/777-1551. A good selection of choice bulls available in the fall. Annual BullsEye Breeders Sale in September, Farmers Livestock Market, Oakdale, CA.

Doerr Angus Ranch, Registered Black Angus, 113 Crownpoint, Bloomfield, NE 68718-3120, Max & Wendy Doerr. Quality breeding stock available.

Felton Angus Ranch, 02 Felton Lane, Springdale, MT 59082. Richard 406/220-1176, Jim 406/220-1177, Maurice 406/764-2216. Production sale second Monday in February 2014, broadcast live on Superior Livestock Service. Call for more information.

Gonzalves Ranch, 7243 Maze Blvd., Modesto, CA 95358. Joe 209/523-5826,, Mike 209/531-4893, Joey 209/765-1142. “COMPLETE CATTLE to fit your genetic needs.” Also consignors to Bull’s Eye Angus Breeders Sale, Weds., Sept. 18, 2013, Oakdale Producers Livestock Market, Oakdale, CA. Angus & SimAngus breeding stock available year-round private treaty. Hales Angus Farm, 27951 S. US Hwy. 87, Canyon, TX 79015. Richmond Hales 806/488-2471, (c) 806/6791919; Rick Hales 806/655-3815, (c) 806/6799303, email: 18th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale, the 3rd Saturday in March 2013, Canyon, TX. Hooper Cattle Company Steve Hooper, 575/773-4535, fax 575/7734582, email:, HC 32 Box 405, Red Hill Rt., Quemado, NM 87829, Angus and Hereford cattle bred for optimum genetic performance. Livestock Market Digest


Hubbell Ranch, Angus Plus cattle. P.O. Box 99, Quemado, NM 87829, Rick & Maggie Hubbell 575/773-4770. Quality Angus Plus bulls & heifers available.

Jauer Dependable Genetics, 31059 Juniper Ave., Hinton, IA 51024, Roger 712/947-4357, Kurt 712/947-4338, Our program is committed to producing efficient Angus mama cows that are deep, thick and easy fleshing with minimal maintenance requirements.

JR Ranch, 1742 W Hatton Rd., Othello, WA 99344. Jeff & Pam Schmidt 509/750-8671. “The Northwest’s Largest Source of Ohlde Cattle Company Quality Stock.”

K Bar 6 Ranch, 604 Patricia Dr., San Luis Obispo, CA 93405. A.V. Keese and family, 805/543-0955, Quality breeding stock for the commercial cattleman. King Herefords, Bill King 505/220-9909; Tom & Becky Spindle 505/832-0926; P.O. Box 564, Stanley, NM 87056. Come see us for all your herd bull needs – 150 Hereford, 125 Angus & 100 Charolais bulls available this fall. Located 5 miles N. of Moriarty on Hwy. 41; then 1.5 miles east. McClun Lazy JM Ranch, Jim and Jerri McClun and Family, 307/8372524, Rt. 1, 1929 Rd. 60, Veteran, WY 82243, email: Polled Hereford and Angus. Private treaty sale at the ranch. Family owned and generated since 1964. Visitors always welcome. Miller Angus, 174 NM 236, Floyd, NM 88118, Dink & Mitzi Miller, home 575/478-2398; cell 575/7609048. Quality registered Black Angus cattle. Private treaty available. Reynolds Brothers Angus, 4574 Bennett Rd., Kuna, ID 83634; Brian & Joan Reynolds, 208/465-4516, 208/899-0530 cell, Breeding quality registered Angus for the commercial market. Private treaty. 2 Bar Angus, 4020 US Hwy. 385, Hereford, TX 79045, Steve & Laura Knoll 806/344-7444, toll free 1-877/2BARANG. Bulls & heifers available year round private treaty. Annual sale 1st Saturday in Oct.

UU Bar Ranches, 1115 Hwy. 21, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2035, Steve Boyce. Quality Angus seedstock. Breeding stock available yearround.

W Bar R Angus, P.O. Box 114, Browns Valley, CA 95918. Larry and Carol Whithrow, 530/742-3892, Breeding top-quality Angus with the commercial man in mind.









Wagonhammer Ranches, Club calves – the winning kind. Spring and fall born. Myron Benes, Albion, NE, 402/395-2178 or 402/395-6962. Production Sale, 3rd Wed. of March. Top quality females available at all times. Private treaty. Weaver Ranch, Maxine, Mourine and Susan Weaver, 970/568-3898, 3000 W. County Rd. 70, Ft. Collins, CO 80524, Annual sale, Feb. 2014. Bulls PAP tested and a good choice of bred females. Yardley Cattle Co., Gib Yardley & Family, P.O. Box 288, Beaver, UT 84713. Simmental, Maine-Anjou and Angus, plus crosses of all three breeds. Annual Female Sale Saturday prior to Thanksgiving. Bull Sale 2nd Saturday in March.

Hampton Cattle Co., P.O. Box 134, Kirkland, AZ 86332, Steve Hampton 928/442-3438, Bulls & heifers available in the fall.

Havens & Parrott Farm, 2429 Orange Ave., Greenfield, IA 50849, Alvin & Karen Havens 641/743-6610, Quality Barzona cattle. Breeding stock available.

BEEFMASTER Beefmaster Breeders United, 6800 Park Ten Blvd., Ste. 290 W, San Antonio, TX 78213-4284, 210/732-3132, Tommy Perkins,, email: Breed registry. Write or call for breeder listings or information.

Bar T Bar Ranch, P.O. Box 190, Winslow, AZ 86047, Bob & Judy Prosser, 928/289-2619,, Females available October. Selling 400 bulls 2nd Saturday in April, Yerington, NV.

Casey Beefmasters, Watt Casey, Jr., Albany, TX, 325/668-1373, cell: 325/668-1591 text,, Breeding high quality Beefmaster cattle since 1948. Inquiries invited, visitors welcome. Semen available. BBU.

Peets Gelbvieh Ranch, Balancers – red and black, polled and horned. Galt and Shasta. Jeanette and Merlin Peets, 530/865-2513, 25265 Post Ave., Orland, CA 95963.

Cherry Glen Beefmasters, P.O. Box 6897, Vacaville, CA 95696, John & Sue Pierson 707/448-9208, Bulls available year-round.


BARZONA Bard Cattle Co., 18800 E CR 1603, Foster, OK 73434, Nancy Bard-Nunn 217/649-5616. Top quality breeding stock available year round.

Barzona Breeders Association of America, 1007 Cedar St., Adair, IA 50002, Alecia Heinz, Exexcutive Secretary 641/745-9170, Boykin Barzonas, 8727 Lydia Lane, Montgomery, AL 36117. Raymond Boykin, Jr., cell 334/430-0563. Low maintenance cattle that grade. Heat tolerant, range ready. Purebred and percentage cattle. Breeder since 1986. F & F Cattle Company, 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733, Mike and Pat Fitzgerald, 575/673-2346, Barzona cattle – F1 crosses. Also stocker cattle. Stop by the ranch anytime and say hello. Reg. and comm. Barzona.

CJ Beefmasters, P.O. Box 269, Wellington, Ut 84542, R.D. & Peggy Campbell 435/637-3746, R.D.: 435/636-5797. Bulls & females available year-round. Evans Beefmaster, Gayle Evans 435/878-2355, Mark Evans 435/878-2655, P.O. Box 177, Enterprise, UT 84725. Quality Beefmasters affordably priced. Legends of the Beefmaster breed Legacy Award – Beefmasters since 1953. ISA Cattle Co., Inc., Laurie Lasater, Box 60327, San Angelo, TX 76906, 325/949-3763, 51st Bull Sale — October 6, 2012 — 160 Beefmasters, Charolais. – Check out our ad. Lasater Ranch, P.O. Box 38, Matheson, CO 80830. Dale Lasater, 719/541-2855; Alex Lasater 210/872-1117,, email: 63rd Field Day & Sale Sept 7-8, 2012. Home of the Foundation Herd of the BEEFMASTER BREED. Schwoerer Beefmasters, P.O. Box 593, Oakdale, CA 95361. Marion and Karla Schwoerer, 209/847-4722. Range ready bulls available. BBU.





Western States Beefmaster Breeders Assn., P.O. Box 6897, Vacaville, CA 95696, John Pierson 707/448-9208, Saturday, Sept. 28 – 3rd Annual Bull & Female Fall Sale, Tulare County Stockyard, Denuba, CA

BELGIAN BLUE American Belgian Blue Cattle, American Belgian Blue Breeders, P.O. Box 633404, Nacogdoches, TX 759633404, Contact: Steve Dollarhide 580/245-2370,, office 936/652-2550, Beef up your herd with Belgian Blue cattle, the terminal sire of choice for commercial and dairy herds. They are bred for high yield lean meat with less fat and cholesterol than chicken. Belgian Blue beef is very tender because of the finer muscle fiber & lower percent of tough connective tissue. Their docile temperament makes them an excellent choice for club calves. Belgian Blue–The commercial Crossbred Solution!









CHAROLAIS Broken Box Ranch, P.O. Box 760, Williams, CA 95987. Jerry & Sherry Maltby. 530/473-2830 or 530/681-5046, Bulls and breeding stock available year round. Rice straw available. Cobb Charolais Ranch, John Cobb, 406/562-3670, Mike Cobb 406/562-3694, P.O. Box 348, Augusta, MT 59410, Purebred and comm. annual spring & fall bull sales. DeBruycker Charolais, Lloyd & Jane 406/476-3427, Joe & Cathy 406/466-5821, Mark & Belva 406/469-2371, Brett & Kay 406/476-3214, 1690 6th Lane NE, Dutton, MT 59433. 30th Annual Sale 1st Saturday in April 2014. “Creating Greater Rancher Returns.” King Herefords, Bill King 505/220-9909; Tom & Becky Spindle 505/832-0926; P.O. Box 564, Stanley, NM 87056. Come see us for all your herd bull needs – 150 Hereford, 125 Angus & 100 Charolais bulls available this fall. Located 5 miles N. of Moriarty on Hwy. 41; then 1.5 miles east.

BRAHMAN American Brahman Breeders Assn., 3003 South Loop West, Ste. 520, Houston, TX, 713/349-0854,, American Brahmans, often referred to as “Crossbreedings Common Denominator,” are proven to rank #1 in hybrid vigor, heat tolerance, and efficiency compared to all other beef breeds.

BRANGUS Dees Brothers Brangus, P.O. Box 4818, Yuma, AZ 85366, Alex Dees, 760/572-5261 or 928/920-3800 cell phone, Breeding quality Brangus for the commercial cattleman. Selling a few select bulls and heifers at the ranch private treaty. Parker Brangus, Larry A. Parker, P.O. Box 146, 1700 N. Parker Rd., San Simon, AZ 85632, 520/845-2411, Larry’s cell 520/508-3505, Registered and commerical cattle. Robbs Brangus, 4995 Arzberger Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643. R.L. Robb, 520/384-3654. Come by any time and see our herd.

BRAUNVIEH The Freeman Ranch, 38805 Myers Rd., Yoder, CO 80864, Russell & Jamie Freeman, 719/338-5071, Quality breeding stock available. Annual Production Sale April 2014.


CORRIENTE North American Corriente Assn., P.O. Box 2698 Monument, CO 80132. New Address! New Phone! Same great Corriente cattle! 719/425-9151. For a list of breeders visit:

GALLOWAY AGBA, American Galloway Breeders Assn., Put your herd back to work. Galloway genetics are ideal for today’s low impact market demands. Feed Efficicent. High Yielding Carcass. Minimal Back Fat. Easy Fleshing. Moderate Mature Size. Low BW. Email: 970/405-5784. DD Ranch, 12535 CR 23, Ft. Lupton, CO 80621, Debra Vance 970/405-5784, debvance@, Registered white and black Galloway cattle. Herd Sire Atomic is a trait leader in the breed. Contact for more information.

GELBVIEH American Gelbvieh Assn., 10900 Dover St., Westminster, CO 80021, 303/465-2333, email:

Bar T Bar Ranch, P.O. Box 190, Winslow, AZ 86047, Bob & Judy Prosser, 928/289-2619,, Females available October. Selling 400 bulls 2nd Saturday in April, Yerington, NV. Bow K Ranch, Dave & Dawn Bowman, 55784 Holly Rd., Olathe, CO 81425,, 970/323-6833. “Pot of Gold” Gelbvieh, Angus & Balancer Bull Sale. Females private treaty. 30 years of AI breeding, emphasis on moderate size – calving ease – carcass.

Peets Gelbvieh Ranch, Balancers – red and black, polled and horned. Galt and Shasta. Jeanette and Merlin Peets, 530/865-2513, 25265 Post Ave., Orland, CA 95963

"Pot of Gold" Bull Sale 23nd annual bull sale, Friday, Feb. 28, 2014, Olathe, CO. Selling 100 top quality yearlings & two year olds – several herd sire prospects. PAP, trich, fertility and PI-BVD tested – Gelbvieh, Balancers, & Angus. Females private treaty. For information call Mark Covington, 970/249-1453 or Dave Bowman 970/323-6833,

HEREFORDS Bagley Cattle Co., 8890 Brookdale Rd., Millville, CA 96062, Dale & Jane Bagley 530/547-5222. Range bulls available year-round. Some females also available. Most AI’d to top trait leaders. The choice of two excellent breeds – Angus & Hereford. Brumley Farms, P.O. Box 239, Orovada, NV 89425. Donald & Sherilyn Brumley, phone 775/272-3152, fax 775/272-3153, cell 209/479-0287. Horned and polled Hereford breeding stock, and quality range bulls available year-round. Chandler Herefords, Inc., 17528 Chandler Lane, Baker City, OR 97814. George 541/523-2166; Duane 541/523-4265, Charles, 541/523-3570,, Purebred, horned bulls; replacement heifers. Private treaty. Five generations since 1889. Clark Anvil Ranch, 32190 CR S, Karval, CO 80823. Clinton Clark. 719/446-5223 ranch, 719/892-0160 Clinton’s cell, Breeding quality Hereford and Salers. Bulls & females available in the spring. Craig Herefords, P.O. Box 152, Phippsburg, CO 80469. Dan, Karen, Brandon, 970/736-2272, Email: High-altitude, performance-tested Hereford bulls available. Also bulls & females at private treaty.Testing at Midland Bull Test.



D&S Polled Hereford, Dennis & Sonja Gallegos, P.O. Box 306, Abiquiu, NM 87510, 505/685-0717, cell 505/929-4124, Bulls & females available in the spring. Decker Herefords, 28 County Rd. 1332, LaPlata, NM 87418, Jaye & Sue Decker 505/330-3179, Bulls and a few select heifers available private treaty at the ranch. Diamond M Ranch, Summer Headquarters, Laurier, WA – The McIrvins, 509/684-4380. Winter Headquarters – 646 Lake Rd., Burbank, WA 99323, 509/545-5676. Selling 1,500 Herefords annually. Doug Hall Registered Herefords, Doug Hall, 1634 M Rd., Fruita, CO 81521. 970/985-2938, Reg. polled Herefords. Bulls available in the spring – females year-round. Harper Cattle, LLC.,, Mark Mitchell, 817/466-7417 (corporate), 817/565-5426 (c), Ranch-raised Hereford & Angus bulls for the reg. & comm. cattleman. Available private treaty year-round.

Hooper Cattle Company, Steve Hooper, 575/773-4535, fax 575/7734583, email:, HC 32 Box 405, Red Hill Rt., Quemado, NM 87829, Hereford and Angus cattle bred for optimum genetic performance.









Mountain View Herefords, 4320 Hwy. 82, Elgin, AZ 85611. Grace and Michael Wystrich 520/456-9052. Bulls & females available year-round. Also consign to Willcox and Prescott Bull Sales. Nine Cross Hereford Ranch, P.O. Box 310, Eager, AZ 85925, Fred Moore 602/380-4716 mobile. A good selection of breeding stock available year-round. Orvis Cattle Co., 9601 State Hwy. 4, Farmington, CA 95230. Roma Orvis, 209/ 899-2460, orvisranch@, Don Harper, general manager 775/790-0243. Bulls for sale at the ranch and leading sales. Pedretti Ranch, 1975 E. Roosevelt Rd., El Nido, CA 95317. Gino Pedretti, 209/722-2073, 209/756-1609 mobiles, Mark St. Pierre 209/233-1406. Hereford cattle. A good selection of breeding stock available year-round. Robb Polled Herefords, Tom Robb and Sons, 719/456-1149;, 34125 Road 20 North, McClave, CO 81057 (12 miles east of Las Animas, CO, Hwy. 50 north on Rd. 20). Range raised Polled Hereford bulls and heifers. See our ad! Schuster Herefords, 877 Bickleton Rd., Goldendale, WA 98620, Clay Schuster 541/980-7464. A great selection of bulls available this fall. Raised on grass, ready to work. Breeding Herefords since 1938.

Jones Polled Herefords,, 30469 Transformer Rd., Malin, OR 97632. Richard and Cindy Jones, 541/723-2132. Quality Polled Herefords. Registered herd. Bulls & heifers at the ranch.

Schutte & Sons – S&S Polled Herefords,, 1417 Rd. 2100, Guide Rock, NE 68942, Ron 402/756-3462, Polled Hereford, comm. bulls, bred females. Annual production sale 1st Tues. in March.

King Herefords, Bill King 505/220-9909; Tom & Becky Spindle 505/832-0926; P.O. Box 564, Stanley, NM 87056. See us for all your herd bull needs: 150 Hereford, 125 Angus & 100 Charolais bulls available this fall. Located 5 miles N. of Moriarty on Hwy. 41; then 1.5 miles east. Largent & Sons Sale! November 21, 2013. P.O. Box 66, Kaycee, WY 82639, Mark & Cathy 307/7382443, David & Heather 307/267-4491. Visit us at

Summerour Ranch, 4438 FM 3212, Dalhart, TX 79022. Alan Richardson, Mgr. 806/333-0624. Breeding stock available year-round Private Treaty.

Madsen Herefords & Angus, 4351 Mines Rd., Livermore, CA 94550. Louis and Joan Madsen, 925/447-0794. Range bulls and breeding stock available. Pumpkin patch in October. McClun Lazy JM Ranch, Jim and Jerri McClun, 307/837-2524, 1929 Rd. 60, Veteran, WY 82243, email: Polled Hereford and Angus. Private treaty sale at the ranch. Family owned and generated since 1964. Visitors always welcome.

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

North American Limousin Foundation, 6 Inverness Court, Ste. 260, Englewood, CO 80112, 303/220-1693,, Mark Anderson, Exec. Dir. NALF is the official breed registry for Limousin genetics in the U.S., while also offering marketing assistance for producers of Limousin-influenced feeder calves and fed cattle through the Commericial Marketing Program. Running Creek Ranch, 45400 CR 21, Elizabeth, CO 80107. Pat Kelley, 303/840-1848; Joe Freund, 303/840-1850. Selling 200 purebred 2-year-old bulls annually at private treaty. Your call or visit is always welcome.

Seven Mile Limousin, 8917 Butte Rd., Sweet, ID 83670, Eric Herr 208/584-3515, 208/365-8583 cell, Red/Black & Polled Limousin. Lim-Flex available private treaty.

LONGHORN Texas Longhorn Breeders Assn. of America 2315 N. Main St., Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164, ofc. 817/625-6241, fax 817/625-1388,, Also publishers of Texas Longhorn Trails monthly magazine.

MAINE-ANJOU American Maine-Anjou Association, P.O. Box 1100, Platte City, MO 64079-1100, office 816/431-9950, fax 816/431-9951,, Call or contact us for Association business or the breeder nearest you. Yardley Cattle Co., Gib Yardley & Family, P.O. Box 288, Beaver, UT 84713. Simmental, Maine-Anjou and Angus, plus crosses of all three breeds. Annual Female Sale Saturday prior to Thanksgiving. Bull Sale 2nd Saturday in March.

HIGHLAND American Highland Cattle Association, Benefits of Highland Genetics: Enhanced beef quality; Infuse grass genetics; Increase browsing & foraging ability; Improve calving ease; Add maternal longevity; Perfect hair coat for club calf market. Historic City Hall, 22 S. 4th Ave., Ste. 201, Brighton, CO 806012030, 303/659-2399 fax 303/659-2241,,

LIMOUSIN/BRAHMOUSIN KEMI Limousin, Michelle & Willie Pankonien. Email: kemilimo@;; 979/204-9016. Full blood Limousin breeding stock available private treaty.

RED ANGUS American Red Angus Association, 4201 N. I-35, Denton, TX 76207, office 940/387-3502, mobile 417/844-1009, Contact us for breed information, or for the breeder nearest you. Beckton Red Angus, 37 Beckton Dr., Sheridan, WY 82801. Cam Forbes, email:,, ofc. 307/6746095, eves. 307/674-8162, fax 307/672-7281. Annual Production Sale April every year.

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CB Ranch, 23080 Thomas Ave., Gerber, CA 96035, Bernie Hartman 530/385-1427. Herd sire: Lorenzen Santiam Real Grid 8426. Bulls available.

Green Mountain Red Angus, 2435 Logan Trident Rd., Three Forks, MT 59752,; 866/4672269, Bob Morton’s cell 406/580-0348. Annual Bull Sale in March. Breeding stock available yer round.

Gregory/Magee Red Angus, 6801 Weeks Rd., Redding, CA 96002, Daniel & Teala Magee 530/365-2712, Range ready bulls for the commercial cattleman.

Loonan Stock Farm, 1724 Holly Ave., Corning, IA 50841, Judy Loonan and Rick Thompson, 641/322-3921, Judy’s cell 515/423-5642, Rick’s cell 515/229-0920, Breeding quality Red Angus / Red Simmental / Simangus and Red Hybrid cattle. First Sat. in Feb. is opening day of our private treaty sale at the ranch.









Clark Anvil Ranch, 32190 CR 5, Karval, CO 80823. Clinton Clark. 719/446-5223 ranch, 719/892-0160 Clinton’s cell, Bulls and females available in the spring. Breeding quality Salers and Herefords. Figure 4 Cattle Co., 14131 Harts Basin Rd., Eckert, CO 81418, Gary & Gail Volk, 970/835-3944, (c) 970/216-8748, figurefour@, We raise Salers, Optimizers and Angus – Private treaty. Grass genetics. Jacobsen Ranch, Wade Jacobsen & Family, 406/264-5889, cell 406/799-5889, Fax 406/264-5883,, 1282 US Hwy. 89, Sun River. MT 59483. See my December Production Sale ad in this issue! Sale held at Western LS Auction, Great Falls, MT. Sale day phone 406/723-5400. Selling 95 bulls, 200 bred heifers. Salers / Salers-Angus Hybrid and Angus.

McPhee Red Angus, 14298 N. Atkins Rd., Lodi, CA 95240, 209/727-3335. Red Angus “Cream of the Crop” Sale. Your source for proven, superior Red Angus genetics.

Phillips Ranch Red Angus, 5500 Buena Vista Rd., Ione, CA 95640, Cecil Felkins 209/274-4338. Top quality bulls and females available. Schou Ranch, P.O. Box 35, Lone Pine, CA 93545, Lewis Schou, 760/876-1122, Quality Red Angus bulls available. Shuman Reg. & Commercial Red Angus, Lauren & Mel Shuman, 707/777-3695, P.O. Box 185, Bridgeville, CA 95526. Performance tested & quality proven cattle since 1976. Bulls and females available private treaty at the ranch. Southwest Red Angus Assn., P.O. Box 1380, Van Horn, TX 79855, Tim Head, President, (h) 432/283-1141, (c) 432284-9664, Live calves, dams with strong maternal traits.

RED BRANGUS Southern Star Ranch, Michael H. & Claudia Sander, 2702 S. Westgate, Weslaco, TX 78596, 956/968-9650, office 956/968-4528, American Red Brangus bulls for sale.

SANTA GERTRUDIS Lazy E Ranch, FM Road 939, Mart, TX 76664, John & Mary Wilson. Herd #413. Ft. Worth office 817/336-5214, ranch 254/863-5716. Siler Santa Gertrudis, David and Avanell Siler, P.O. Box 3, Doole, Texas 76836, 325/483-5449. Breeding stock available.

Snodgress Cattle Co., 2200 CR 705, Joshua, TX., 76058, Randy Snodgress, 817/645-5200 Off. Randy cell 817/556-8245. email thewerks Home of “STORMIN NORMAN”. Featuring some of the top genetics in the Santa Gertrudis breed. For information please call, or visit our website.

Wendt Ranch, 5473 FM 457, Bay City, TX 77414. Dan Wendt, 979/245-5100; 979/244-4386 (f),, Quality Santa Gertrudis since 1954. Performance tested. Breeding-age bulls available. Also select females year-round. Woman Hollerin Ranch, Ricky & Betty McCormick, 1211 Peach Ridge Rd., Brookshire, TX 77423, ranch 281/3756861, Betty’s cell 281/797-6355, rickydmc@, Semen on Bar 5-E7.

SENEPOL Senepol Cattle Breeders Assn., P.O. Box 429, O’Fallon, IL 62269, Association . Lisa Vorce, Ex. Vice Pres. 910/617-6355 / 800 SENEPOL. The Senepol breed will give heat tolerance, gentle nature, tenderness, Hybrid vigor, calving ease, polled heads, udder quality and maternal efficiency to any breeding program or commercial operation.

SHORTHORN American Shorthorn Association, 8288 Hascall St., Omaha, NE 68124-3234., 402/393-7200. For further information check our website or email us at Bennett Shorthorns, Oakville, WA, John & Donna Bennett. Private treaty year round. Shorthorns are an excellent choice for marbling and high gradability! Call 360/273-9932 for performance data! Yearlings available this fall.

SIMMENTAL/SIMBRAH Gateway Simmental, 2109 Joyland Rd., Lewistown, MT 59457, Jim and Tom Butcher, 406/350-0467. Gateway Spring Sale 1st Monday in Feb. Pine Ridge Ranch, 9876 Plano Rd., Dallas, TX 75238. Bill & Jane Travis, ofc. 214/369-0990, eves. 214/348-1618,, fax 214/369-9132, “Hot Weather Cattle with a Quality Carcass.” High quality Simbrah breeding stock available private treaty year round. Yardley Cattle Co., Gib Yardley & Family, P.O. Box 288, Beaver, UT 84713. Simmental, Maine-Anjou and Angus, plus crosses of all three breeds. Annual Female Sale Sat. prior to Thanksgiving. Bull Sale 2nd Saturday in March.

SOUTH DEVON North American South Devon Assn., 19590 E. Main St., Ste. 104, Parker, CO 80135. Gentle cattle with proven feed efficiency. For more info. or breeder listings call 303/770-9292,

SALERS American Salers Association, 19590 E. Main St. #202, Parker, CO 80138, 303/770-9292, e-mail:, Breed registry.








TARENTAISE American Tarentaise Association, 9150 N. 216th St, Elkhorn, NE 68022, 402/639-9808. Tarentaise cattle – a moderate frame breed – provides hybrid vigor in commercial herds – deeply rooted genetic potential for improvement in: fertility, natural muscling, feet and legs, efficiency in tough conditions, udder quality and profitable carcass traits – epitome of the long lived Momma cow in the commercial cattle world – use for longevity, maternal traits, adaptability, taste and hybrid vigor.

HORSES Brooks Quarter Horses, For cowhorses you can depend on and be proud of, give us a call 209/984-4853. 9700 Rock River Rd., Jamestown, CA 95327,

Camp Wood Cattle Company, 7765 Williamson Valley Rd., Prescott, AZ 86305. Swayze McCraine 928/771-0673 or 928/925-4668. KJ Kasun 928/713-1169. Commercial cattle and registered Quarter Horses.

Feedlots Bamford Feedyard, Kent Bamford, 18829 CR 95, Haxtun, CO 80731, 970/774-6163, Family-owned cattle feedyard — all services offered — growing to finishing.

Bar G Feedyard, Eight miles south of Hereford, TX. 125,000 head capacity. Financing available. Johnny Trotter, president/general manager, P.O. Box 1797, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/357-2241.

Broken Box Ranch, P.O. Box 760, Williams, CA 95987, ofc. 530/473-2830, cell 530/681-5046, Jerry and Sherry Maltby, owners. Capacity 5,000 head. Preconditioning, backgrounding, heifer development.

Cal-Tex Feed Yard, Inc., 381 CR 373, Trent, TX 79561, 325/862-6111; 325/862-6137 fax, email caltexfeedyard@wtconnect,com Rex Bland, pres., 325/537-9335; Rosemary Bland Hayster, 325/232-6498; Terry Brown, yard mgr., 325/862-6159; Jonny Edmondson, 325/338-7692. Full-service commercial cattle feeders. Cal-Tex Beef Coast to Coast.

2013 Fall Marketing Edition





SHEEP American Hampshire Sheep Association, 222 Main St., P.O. Box 51, Milo, IA 50166, 641/942-6402,; Carey Taylor, executive secretary. Write or call for brochures or breeder listings.










Katahdin Sheep, Low-Maintenance Meat Breed – NO SHEARING! – Excellent Maternal Traits. Think about it! Call or write for information or breeders list. Jim Morgan, phone: 479/4448441, Katahdin Hair Sheep International, P.O. Box 778L, Fayetteville, AR 72702,,

American Oxford Sheep Association, David Trotter, Sec., 812/256-3478, 9305 Zollman Rd., Marysville, IN 47141, Write, call or email for free brochures or breeder listings.

New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc., Mark Kincaid, President, P.O. Box 7520, Albuquerque, NM 87107, Office located at 2231 Rio Grande Blvd NW, 505/247-0584, (f) 505/842-1766,, Call, write or email for membership information.

American Sheep Industry Assoc., Inc., Judy Malone, 9785 Maroon Circle, Suite 360, Englewood, CO 80112, 303/771-3500,,, National Trade Association for the Sheep Industry.

North American Clun Forest Association, “When mothering matters.” “Bets” Reedy, 507/864-7585, 21727 Randall Dr., Houston, MN 55943. Email:,

Continental Dorset Club,, “The mother breed.” Out-of-season lambing. Debra Hopkins, 401/647-4676, P.O. Box 506, N. Scituate, RI 02857, Breed information and breeder listings.


Fisher Texels,, 2275 N. Grays Creek Rd., Indian Valley, ID 83632, Gene &Niki Fisher, 208/256-4426, Call for information on The Lean Meat Breed.

Cowley Farm & Feedlot, 546 North Main St., Venice, UT 84701, Ivan, Bradford and Jeremy Cowley, 435/8965260. 5,000 head capacity – backgrounding and finishing on silage, alfalfa, corn and barley. Hedging on request.

Feller & Company Cattle Feeding, Tom Feller, owner, Jordan Feller and Dwight Doffin, Managers, P.O. Box 784, Wisner, NE 68791. “Your Cattle. . .Your Money. . .Your Choice” – Call us today 888/529-6007.

Tucumcari Feedyard, Preconditioning, grow yard and feedyard. P.O. Box 912, Tucumcari, NM 88401, office 575/461-9736; management: Mark Whitten cell 575/403-8152; Dan Estrada 505/652-0195. Call us for further information.

Western Nevada Cattle Feeders, 2105 Meridian Rd., Lovelock, NV 89419, 888/626-4440, Rick Marvel, feedlot mgr., Melanie Hamilton, office mgr. Capacity 12,000 head. Full service feedlot.

Westlake Cattle Growers LLC, 3217 N. Hwy. 191, Cochise, AZ 85606, office 520/384-3761, Gary A. Thrasher DVM cell 520/508-5731. Processing, backgrounding, rehabilitation. 10,000 head capacity.

AUCTION MARKETS ARIZONA Marana Stockyards and Livestock Market, P.O. Box 280, Marana, AZ 85653, 520/6824400; fax 520/682-4191; Joe Parsons 520/682-3917, (mob.) 520/444-0990; Clay Parson, home 520/682-4224, (mob.) 520/444-7650. Reg. sales Thurs., 10:30 a.m., all classes of cattle. Special sales in season as advertised. Pacific Livestock Auction, 5025 W. Pecos Rd., Chandler, AZ 85226, ph/fax 480/839-2938, Fred & Steve Lueck, owners. Wed. at 12:30 p.m. cattle only; Sat. at 11:00 a.m. horses, tack, pigs, goats, cattle. Special sales in season as advertised. Prescott Livestock Auction, P.O. Box 5880, Prescott, AZ 86323, Richard & Janet Smyer, office 928-445-9571, Richard’s cell 928/925-1848. Sale time 11 a.m. Sales Jan-Apr and Jul-Aug every other week; MayJun and Sept-Dec every week. Hosting Cattlemen’s Weekend sale in March each year. Call for exact dates. Valley Livestock Auction, LLC, P.O. Box 4053, Sun Valley, AZ 86029, Derek & Ilene Wagoner, ofc. 928/524-2600; 800/777-4269 (4 COW); mob. 928/241-0920. Regular sales Wednesdays, cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Special sales in season or as advertised. Willcox Livestock Auction,; P.O. Box 1117, Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/384-2206, Sonny Shores, Jr., Sales Thursdays 11 a.m., cattle and horses.

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CALIFORNIA A&M Livestock Auction Inc., P.O. Box 96, Hanford, CA 93230, Richard and Nick Martella 559/582-0358 office, 559/381-2628 Richard’s cell, Sherrie Siloa O/M. Regular sales 12:noon Wed. All classes of cattle. Dos Palos “Y” Auction Yard, 16575 S. Hwy. 33, Dos Palos, CA 93620-9618. Joel E. Cozzi, 209/769-4660 (cell), Joey A. Cozzi, 209/769-4662 (cell), Marie Alfaro o/m 209/387-4113, Regular sales Monday 1:00 p.m. — all classes of cattle, including dairy cattle; Thursday 12 noon — butcher cattle. Special feeder sales in season as advertised. Escalon Livestock Market, 25525 E. Lone Tree Rd., Escalon, CA 95320,, Miguel A. Machado 209/595-2014 cell, office 209/838-7011; Dud Meyer cell 209/768-8568. See our ad and daily schedule in this issue. Euclid Stockyards, Jeremy Gorham, Sale Yard 909/597-4818, Cell 909/282-2198, Ontario, California. Stocker and feeder cattle sale every Wednesday at 1 p.m.; butcher cows Monday-Friday 9:00 to noon.

Farmers Livestock Market Inc., P.O. Box 2138, Oakdale, CA 95361, Steve Haglund 209/847-1033; Regular sales: Mon. 1:30 p.m. butcher cows; Thurs. 11:30 a.m. beef & dairy cattle.

Fresno Livestock Commission, LLC, 559 W. Lincoln, Fresno, CA 93706, 559/2375259. Phil Tews owner/auctioneer, Cindy Tews and Wendy Kenison owners/office managers. Thursday, 12 noon slaughter cows and bulls (dairy and beef). Saturdays 9 a.m. hogs, goats, sheep, horses, beef cattle (all classes). Humboldt Auction Yard, Inc., 707/725-5188, eves. 707/725-6588, P.O. Box 313, Fortuna, CA 95540. Sale every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. — all classes of livestock.

Newman Stockyards LLC, P.O. Box 756, Newman, CA 95360, John & Alana McGill 209/862-4500, Regular sales Tues. & Thurs. at 3:00 p.m. All classes of cattle.

101 Livestock Market Inc., 4400 Hwy.101, Aromas, CA 95004, 831/7263303,, Jim cell 831/320-3698. Regular sales Tuesday – 10 a.m. small animals; 11:30 butcher cows & bulls; 1:30 feeder cattle. Sale live at








Orland Livestock Commission, Inc., P.O. Box 96, Orland, CA 95963. Ed Lacque, owner/mgr., 530/865-4527; Wade Lacque, auctioneer. Sales: Weds., 12 noon, misc. Thursdays, 12 noon, feeder cattle.

Shasta Livestock Auction Yard, 3917 N. Main St., P.O. Box 558, Cottonwood, CA 96002, 530/347-3793, owner: Ellington Peek. Contact Brad Peek cell 916/802-7335, Ellington cell 530/751-6900. Sale every Friday. All Classes of cattle.

Templeton Livestock Market, P.O. Box 308, Templeton, CA 93465, fax 805/434-1816, 805/434-1866. Randy Baxley, owner, 559/906-9760, 559/622-9634 eves. Regular sales: Saturday 11:30 a.m. Slaughter cattle; 1:00 p.m. stocker and feeder cattle. Tulare County Stockyards,, 9641 Ave. 384, Dinuba, CA 93618, ofc. 559/ 591-0884. Regular sales: Tues. goats; Friday feeder cattle. Bull sale annually – last Saturday in September. Turlock Livestock Auction, 10430 N. Lander Ave., Turlock, CA 95380, P.O. Box 3030, Turlock, CA 95381, auction phone 209/634-4326, fax 209/6344396,, Owners Karen Cozzi & family, Max Olvera, Steve Faria. Sale days: Tues. – feeders, pairs, bred cows, cull cows & bulls; ; Weds. – cull cows & bulls; Fri. – dairy replacements, cull cows & bulls. Visalia Livestock Market, P.O. Box 2529, Visalia, CA 93279. 559/625-9615, Randy Baxley, owner, 559/622-9634 eves, 559/906-9760 cell. Beth Baxley, office manager; Sam Avila,yard manager, 559/799-3854. Regular sales Wed., 11:30 a.m., slaughter cattle; 1:00 p.m., stocker and feeder cattle.

Western Stockman’s Market Famoso, CA 31911 Hwy. 46, McFarland, CA 93250-9709, 601/399-2981 office, Dwight Mebane 661/979-9892 cell; Justin Mebane 661/9799894 cell; Frank Machado 805/839-8166 cell; Dennet Mebane 661/201-8169 cell; Helen Mebane office manager. Regular feeder & stocker sales Mondays at 10:00 a.m., 49th Annual Famoso Special All Breeds Bull & Female Sale 10:00 a.m. Oct. 19. Special Opportunity Bull & Female Sale 12:00 noon Dec. 9

Western Video Auction, “Market Your Cattle With Professionals”. 3917 Main St., P.O. Box 558, Cottonwood, CA 96022, 530/347-3793, Ellington Peek cell 530/751-6900, John Rodgers cell 559/7303311, Brad Peek cell 916/802-7335. Call for more information on next sale.




COLORADO Brush Livestock of Colorado, Inc., 29870 Hwy. 6, P.O. Box 948, Brush, CO 80723, 970/842-2801, 970/842-5768 Fax, 970/768-3205 Brian Weitzel Field Representative & Auctioneer, 970/7682804 Kevin Blake Field Representative; email: website: Ours is one of the oldest auctions in Colorado. Monthly Dairy Sale first Thursday of each month 10:00 a.m. Special Holstein Steer Sale the Saturday that follows Monthly Dairy Sale Noon. Hogs, sheep, goats, cattle, slaughter cows & bulls every Saturday 10:30 a.m.

Delta Sales Yard, Inc., 700 W. 5th, Delta, CO 81416, Dan & Holly Varner 970/874-4612, Regular livestock sales, Thursday 10 a.m. Butcher Cows & Bulls; 11 a.m. Sheep & Goats; 12:45 p.m. Pigs; 1 p.m. Butcher Cows & Feeder Cattle. Horse sales 1st Saturday every month. La Junta Livestock Commission Co., Don Honey, 719/384-7781, eves 719/384-7189, 24026 CR 30.25, La Junta, CO 81050, Regular sale: Wed., 10 a.m. all classes of cattle. Also handling special consignment sales.

IDAHO Treasure Valley Livestock Auction, 208/459-7475 ofc., Ron Davison eves, 208/941-8114 cell; 208/845-2090 Frank Bachman eves. Sales start at 10 a.m., Monday – butcher cattle; Friday – beef cattle; 2nd and 4th Saturdays – hogs, sheep, goats and cattle; Special sales as advertised. Out-of-state 800/788-4429; fax 208/4540605. P.O. Box 639, Caldwell, ID 83605. Twin Falls Livestock Commission,, 630 Commercial Ave., Twin Falls, ID 83301. Bruce Billington, Mike Elliott, Stenson Clontz, Jerry Stewart, 208/733-7474. Sales Wed. 11:00 a.m. cattle, and Sat. 11:00 a.m. all classes. Oldest established livestock auction yard in Idaho.

KANSAS Winfield Livestock Auction, Inc., John Brazle, 7168 U.S. 160, Winfield, KS 67156,, ofc. 620/221-4364, eves. 620/221-6647. Sales Wed. 11 a.m., all classes of cattle. Special feeder and stocker sales in season.

MISSOURI LIVESTOCK MARKETING ASSOCIATION, 10510 NW Ambassador Dr., Kansas City, MO 64153-1278, 800/821-2048, We are committed to the support & protection of the local livestock markets. Auctions are a vital part of the livestock industry, serving producers and assuring a fair, competitive price through the auction method of selling.

Livestock Market Digest


NEBRASKA Atkinson Livestock Market, Reg. sales Tues. — all classes of cattle. Michael Tasler. Call for information on special sales, 402/925-5141. P.O. Box 279, Atkinson, NE 68713. Bassett Livestock Auction, Inc., Regular cattle sales Weds., 12:00 noon. Call for info. on special feeder and stocker sales most Weds. 402/684-2361, Box 9, Bassett, NE 68714. Don Painter & Arlen Nelson, owners. Jeri Nelson, ofc. mgr., Crawford Livestock Market, P.O. Box 525, Crawford, NE 69339-0525, Jack & Laurel Hunter, office 308/665-2220, Jack 308/430-9108, Reg. sale Friday – all classes of cattle.








OREGON Klamath Livestock Auction, Inc., 1601 Laverne, Klamath Falls, OR 97603. Pat Goodell, 541/884-9667, Kenny Fay, 541/892-2067. Regular sales Tues., 1 p.m. – all classes of livestock. Call for information on Special Video Sales – special sales in season as advertised.

TENNESSEE Knoxville Livestock Auction Center, Inc., P.O. Box 167, Mascot, TN 37806. Jason Bailey, mgr., office 865/933-1691; cell 865/603-6410. Regular sales Weds., 12:00 p.m. All classes of cattle; horse sales 2nd & 4th Sat. each month. Special Feeder Sales Sept.–March as advertised.


Norfolk Livestock Market, P.O. Box 723, Norfolk, NE 68701, Bart Koinzan, office 402/371-0500, cell 402/649-1029, toll free in NE 800/672-8344. Sales: Thurs. 12:15 feeder cattle; Fri. 8 a.m. slaughter cattle and fats; Sat. 8 a.m. butcher hogs, 10:30 a.m. feeder pigs, baby calves, sheep & goats. Horse sales as advertised.

Smithfield Livestock Auction,, Lane or Dean Parker 435/757-4643, sale barn 435/5633259,, P.O. Box 155, Smithfield, UT 84321. Regular Cattle Sales every Thurs. Dairy sales 1st & 3rd Thurs.



Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction, Inc., P.O. Box 608, Belen, NM 87002, Charlie Myers 505/864-7451, Fax 505/864-7073. Reg. sales: Fri. 9 a.m. cattle; 1st and 3rd Thurs. sheep, goats and horses. Clovis Livestock Auction, P.O. Box 187, Clovis, NM 88101. Charlie Rogers,, 575/7624422. Regular sales Wed., 9 a.m. Special horse sales and cow sales as advertised. Five States Livestock Auction, Box 266, Clayton, NM 88415, Sale Barn: 575/374-2505, Kenny Dellinger, Mgr., 575/207-7761, Watts Line 1-800/438-5764. Active buyers on all classes of cattle. Stocker demand within excellent wheat pasture and grass demand. Supporters of vaccination program of your choice. Four active packer buyers, supported by area feedlots on these feeder cattle. Receiving station available. Sheep sale 2nd to last Wednesday every month! We appreciate your business. Roswell Livestock Auction,, 900 N. Garden, 575/622-5580, Benny Wooten 575/626-4754, Smiley Wooten 575/6266253. P.O. Box 2041, Roswell, NM 88201. Cattle sales Mondays. Horse sales in April, June, Sept. and Dec. Southwest Livestock Auction, 24 Dalies Rd., Los Lunas, NM 87031, ofc.: 505/ 865-4600; fax: 505/865-0149. Dennis Chavez, owner/mgr.; Delbert Autrey, auctioneer. Quarterly horse sales. Regular sales, Sat. at 12 noon., dairy/ranch cattle, horses.

Toppenish Livestock Commission,, 428 S “G” St., Toppenish, WA. 98948, Jeff Wiersma cell 509/952-7299, John Topp 509/865-2820. Sale days every Mon., 1:00 p.m., dairy, feeder and slaughter cattle. 1:00 p.m. Special Dairy sale, 1st Fri. every month. Thurs., 11 a.m. Feeder cattle, slaughter cows. Sale every Sat 11 a.m. all classes of livestock.

WYOMING Torrington Livestock Market, LLC,, P.O. Box 1097, Torrington, WY 82240, 307/532-3333. Shawn Madden, Lex Madden, Michael Schmitt. Fri.: reg. sales all classes of livestock. Weds.: calf and yearling feeder specials. Mon.: calf and bred cow sales in season. NOW OFFERING VIDEO SALES through Cattle Country Video Sales.

Thompson Livestock, Inc., 20265 Superior Place, Whitewood, SD 57793, Tommy Thompson - cell 605/6412323, Ted Thompson - cell 605/641-2000, Charlotte Thompson – office manager, 605/269-2222. Order buyers, buying and selling cattle and sheep year-round. Email:

SALE MANAGERS/AUCTIONEERS Conover Auction Service, Inc.,, P. O. Box 9, Baxter, IA 50028. Al & Jeanne Conover, office 641/227-3537, Al 515/491-8078, fax 641/227-3792. Auctioneering and sales management. Odle-Cumberlin Auctioneers,, email:, P.O. Box 248, Brush, CO 80723, 970/8422822, fax 970/842-2824, Deanna Christensen. Specializing in farm equipment, real estate and livestock auctions. Call us for YOUR next auction. Dub Venable, Inc., Rt. 1, Anadarko, OK 73005, ofc. 405/ 247-5761; cell 405/933-1043. Auctioneer and sales management: “CALL US FIRST!” Chuck Yarbro Auctioneers and Real Estate Services Chuck Yarbro Senior office 509/765-6869, cell 509/750-1277; Chuck Yarbro Junior cell 509/760-3789; 213 South Beech, Moses Lake, WA 98837,,

Services A.I./EMBRYO/SEMEN All West/Select Sires, Leaders in the AI industry since 1941. Semen available on over 100 trait leaders in all breeds., P.O. Box 507, Burlington, WA 98233, 800/426-2697. Call for your free directory.


Hoffman A.I. Breeders,, 1950 S. Hwy. 89-91, Logan, UT 84321. Doug Coombs, 435/753-7883. Custom bull and stallion semen collection, freezing and storage.

California Livestock Commission Co., Howard Smithers, President, John Smithers, Associate, P.O. Box 1292, Brawley, CA 92227, office phone: 760/344-0796, fax 760/3444740.

JLG Enterprises, Inc., Jack Lerch, 209/847-4797, P.O. Box 1375, Oakdale, CA 95361, Bull housing, semen collection, testing, evaluation.

Charles D. Leonard, Feeder cattle, commodities broker, Leonard Cattle Co., P.O. Box 349, Springfield, NE 68059, 402/253-3003, 1-800/228-7301.

Pitchford Cattle Services, Darrell & Shana Pichford, Casey and Gracey, 8565 County Road 3913, Athens, TX 75751, 903/677-0664, Darell cell 903/388-2288. Providing quality services in show and sale cattle, embryo transfer, AI, and year-round gain testing.

continued 2013 Fall Marketing Edition











Caviness Beef Packers Hereford, TX, 3255 W. Hwy. 60, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/357-2333, Beef Product Shipment Office 806/357-2377, Caviness Beef Packers Amarillo, 4206 Amarillo Blvd E, Amarillo, TX 79120, Corp. Beef Sales/Logistics 806/3725781.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Farm Credit of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Tucumcari, Clovis, Roswell and Las Cruces, New Mexico. Whatever your farm and ranch loan needs – Come to the experts! 1-800/451-5997,

LIVESTOCK HAULERS Stuhaan Cattle, Dane Stuhaan, (CA) 559/688-7695 or cell (NE): 559/280-7695. Livestock hauling in western United States.

ORGANIZATIONS R-Calf USA, Fighting for the independent U.S. Cattle Producer: COOL, GIPSA, Animal Health, Beef Checkoff, Animal ID, International Trade, BSE, Market Concentation, Farm Bill Issues and Food Safety. Renew or join today!; 406/252-2516.

PUBLICATIONS Livestock Market Digest, Lee Pitts, Exec. Editor, P.O. Box 7458, Abq., NM 87194,, 505/243-9515, THE source for analysis of current livestock industry issues. Visit our website, call, or write for subscriptions and advertising.

Baker City Realty, 1705 Main St., Ste. 100, Baker City, Oregon 97814, Andrew Bryan owner/broker 541/523-5871, cell 208/484-5835. Your eastern Oregon specialist in rural properties.

Cascades East Realty, 20602 Coventry Circle, Bend, Oregon 97702, Jon McLagan 541/480-4403, cell 541/5199399. Serving central & eastern Oregon. Call for more information and review our listings.

Bar M Real Estate, Scott McNally, Qualifying Broker, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/622-5867, 575/420-1237, Visit me at Farm & ranch sales; general certified appraiser.

Hoover Case Auction Service,

Bottari & Associates, P.O. Box 368, 1222 6th St., Wells, NV 89835. Paul D. Bottari, ofc. 775/752-3040, eves. 702/752-3809, cell 775/752-0952, fax 775/752-3021,, Specializing in farms and ranches in Nevada.

Centerfire Real Estate,

Buena Vista Realty, A.H. Jack Merrick, 521 W. 2nd, Portales, NM 88130,, 575/2260671. Provide quality real estate service to buyers & sellers. Dairy, farm, ranch, commercial, or residential. We are committed to good honest service. Cascade Real Estate, 10886 Hwy. 62, Eagle Point, OR 97524, 800/ 343-4165, Mr. Cowman! Come to our country! Working cow & horse ranches, cut over timberland, lakes and streams. FREE BROCHURES.


LLivestock ivestock AAuction uction

New Mexico Stockman Magazine, Caren Cowan, Publisher, P.O. Box 7127, Abq., NM 87194,, 505/243-9515, Serving the Southwest for over 75 years. Visit our website, call, or write for subscriptions and advertising.

REAL ESTATE Agrilands Real Estate,, Jack Horton 541/473-3100, A great selection of ranches in several western states. Give us a try – thank you! Ken Ahler Real Estate Co., Inc., 1435 S. St. Francis Drive, Ste. 210, Santa Fe, NM 87505, Ken Ahler, broker, ofc. 505/9897573,, eves. 505/4900220, Serving your farm and ranch real estate needs since 1981.


P.O. Box 281, Marshfield, MO 65706, Hoover Case (office) 417/859-3204, (cell) 417/8446020; email: Auction sales, realty and southwest Missouri farms. P.O. Box 1417, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/865-7800, fax 505/865-7822, Cherie Kiehne, qualifying broker, New Mexico’s premiere ranch and land source since 1968. Centerfire Real Estate is New Mexico’s trusted source for properties bought amd sold throughout this Enchanting state. Put Centerfire to work for you. “We Know New Mexico.”

Century 21 Associated Professionals, Inc. / Berry Lucas cell 575/361-7980, office 575/885-9722, 1205 W. Pierce, Carlsbad, NM 88220, Affordable ranches in Southeast New Mexico. Chip Cole, Ranch Broker, 14 E. Beauregard, Ste. 201, San Angelo, TX 76903, 325/655-3555. Comm. cattle. Ranch real estate. Selling West Texas for over 30 years. David Dean – Campo Bonito, LLC, Ranch Sales, Leasing and Management – New Mexico/west Texas ranches., P.O. Box 1056, Davis, TX 79734,, David P. Dean: ranch 432/426-3779, mob. 432/634-0441.

Exit Clovis Realty, Coletta Ray 575/799-9600, 2504 Ashford Dr., Clovis, NM 88101, 575/762-4200, If you are interested in selling native grassland – we have buyers! Call for your land sales or purchases.

Fallon-Cortese Land, 1410 E. Sumner Ave., Box 447, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119,, 575/3552855, 575/760-3818. Sales of New Mexico ranches since 1972.

Headquarters West,

Lane Lane o orr Dean Dean Parker Parker 435/757-4643 435/757-4643 SALE SALE B BARN ARN 435/563-3259 435/563-3259 P.O. B ox 155 155 P.O. Box Smithfield, UT UT 8 4321 Smithfield, 84321 Visit Visit u uss at: at: email: email:

P.O. Box 1980, St. Johns, AZ 85936, Traegan Knight 928/524-3740 office; 602/228-3494 cell; Farm & ranch properties in Arizona.

Headquarters West Ltd./Scottsdale, 8700 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd., Ste. 223, Scottsdale, AZ 85255, Con A. Englehorn: off. 602/258-1647, cell 602/206-1224. Serving area ranch needs. “Call us first” Headquarters West Real Estate/Sonoita, P.O. Box 1039, Sonoita, AZ 85637, Sam Hubbell 520/609-2546, Call us for your farm & ranch needs in Arizona. Livestock Market Digest

S Headquarters West Real Estate/Tucson, 4582 W. 1st Ave, Tucson, AZ 85718, 520/792-2652, Walter Lane cell 520/4441240,, Serving your farm and ranch needs in Arizona. Home Ranch Properties and Equities Inc., P.O. Box 1020, Cottonwood, CA 96022, ofc. 530/347-9455. R.G. Davis, broker 530/9491875, Jeff Davis, realtor 530/604-3655, Tonya Redamonti, realtor 530/521-6054, Huguley Co., P.O. Box 1316, Clovis, NM 88102, Marvin Huguley & Son,, 575/763-3851. Serving NM, West TX & CO since 1962. Kern Land, Inc., Dave Kern, Qualifying Broker, P.O. Box 805, Clovis, NM 88102-0805, 575/762-3707,, Ag real estate services for 27 years in New Mexico. Kiowa Land & Sales, P.O. Box 5, Raton, NM 87740, 575/445-4077, Punch Hennigan, qualified broker, cell 575/447-7758,, email: Serving your New Mexico needs in farm and ranch sales, and land management. Res. & commercial.

Knipe Land Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1030, Boise, ID 83701, John Knipe 208/345-3163, Fax 208/344-0936. Servicing ID, NV, OR, WY, and WA. For assistance in locating, purchasing, or exchanging an agricultural, commercial, or recreational property, please call or visit our website: Call for a free catalog.

Chas. S. Middleton and Son, 1507 13th St., Lubbock, TX 79401, 806/7635331, Sam’s cell 817/304-0504, sam@ Ranch Sales & Appraisals – serving the ranching industry since 1920.

Murney Associates Realtors, Springfield, MO, Paul McGilliard 800/7430336, office, 417/839-5096 cell. Dealing in Farms, Ranches & Commercial Properties.








Premiere Intermountain Properties, Montana farm and ranch brokers. P.O. Box 30755, Billings, MT 59107, ofc.: 406/2592544. Brian Anderson, broker and sales, (c) 406/839-7439; John Goggins, broker/sales, (c) 406/ 698-4159; Roger Jacobs, broker/ sales, (c) 406/698-7686; Patrick K. Goggins, broker-owner. Joe Priest Real Estate, 1205 N. Hwy. 175, Seagoville, TX 75159, 972/287-4548, 214/676-6973, 800/671-4548., Many years serving the farm & ranch needs of the area.

Rivalé Ranch Realty, Raymond Rivalé, broker, P.O. Box 217, Des Moines, NM 88418, 575/207-7484, email:, I specialize in farm & ranch land in New Mexico. RK Auctions, 3489 Hwy. 200 S, Lindsay, MT 59339, 406/ 485-2548, Rick Kniepkamp’s cell 406/9391632. House and real estate auctions.


Annual Production Sale Dec. 9, 2013 Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, MT

Selling 95 Bulls 200 Bred Heifers • Salers • Salers-Angus Hybrids • Angus

AI Bull TRUE GRIT BW -0.4 WW +57 YW +105

CMC Mr. Jamaica M44K

Low BW • Performance • Moderate Frame Thickness • Polled • Reds

Average weaning weight 750 to 875 lbs. Average birth weight 82 lbs. Customers get more pounds and added value with Jacobsen bulls. Call or write for a catalog with complete performance information and EPDs

New Mexico Home Ranch Realty, 130 Cougar Rd., Carlsbad, NM 88220, Joe Cox Qualified Broker 575/981-2427 office, 575/361-5269 cell, Serving SE NM farm, ranch & rural properties.

O’Neill Agricultural, LLC, Timothy John O’Neill, P.O. Box 145, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2341, Real estate services & ranch mapping services. Oregon Opportunities Real Estate,, 548 Business Park Dr., Ste. 101, Medford, OR 97504, 541/772-0000, 800/772-7284, fax 541/772-7001, email: Southern Oregon farms, ranches and comm. properties.

2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Sale Day: 406/727-5400

Jacobsen Ranch Wade Jacobsen & Family • 1282 U.S. Hwy 89, Sun River, MT 59483 406/264-5889 • C: 406/799-5889 • F: 406/264-5883 •

FOR SALE NOW – At the Ranch: 150 Commercial Black & Baldy Bred Heifers, 1,050 to 1,100. 73





Scott Land Company,, 1301 Front St., Dimmitt, TX 79027-3246. Ben G. Scott, qualifying broker, Krystal Nelson, qualifying broker, 800/9339698 day or night; fax 806/647-0950; Ben’s cell 806/341-8988, Krystal’s cell 806/6476063. Selling ranches throughout the Southwest since 1966. Ranches, farms, feedyards, grain handling facilities. Shasta Land Services, Inc., 358 Hartnell Ave., Ste. C, Redding, CA 96002. Bill Wright, 530/221-8100, Specializing in agricultural properties throughout northern California and southern Oregon. Brokerage, appraisals, mortgage, management. Visit our web page:





Terrell Land & Livestock Company Tye C. Terrell, Jr., qualifying broker, office: 575/447-6041, P.O. Box 3188, Los Lunas, NM 87031, Selling ranches since 1972. We know New Mexico and New Mexico’s needs. Waldo Real Estate, 937 SW 30th St., Ontario, OR 97914, David M. Waldo, principal broker, 541/889-8160. Serving Oregon and Idaho farms and ranches since 1976. W.I.N. REALTY, Myrl Goodwin, 6101 W. Country Club Rd., Canyon, TX 79015, 806/655-7171, cell: 806/570-7171, fax: 806/655-1868, Real estate – ranches. Licensed in TX, NM, CO and OK.

Southern Plains Land Co., Kalin Flournoy, office 583/639-2031, 940/723-5500. Wichita Falls, TX. Texas, and Oklahoma farms and ranches. Check our website, See our ad in this publication.

Stockmen’s Realty, P.O. Box 191, Sonoita, AZ 85637, Nancy Belt office 520/455-0633, fax 520/455-0733, cell 520/221-0807, Ranches-Land-Farms. “Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call ‘Cause We’ll Get ‘er Done!” Joe Stubblefield and Associates, 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX 79118,, 806/622-3482, Joe: 806/674-2062, Michael Perez: Nara Visa, NM 575/403-7970. Agricultural land loans. Interest rates as low as 3%. Payments scheduled on 25 years.

Se Seven e ven M Mile ile LIMOUSIN

SCHOOLS Auctioneers & Appraisers Academy, Frank Kitchen, Public Relations and Communications Manager/Auctioneers and Appraisers Academy Recruiter, Auction Systems, 951 W. Watkins Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, office: 602/252-4842 / Toll Free 800/801-8880, fax 602/275-8548, cell 602/301-5482.

American Auctioneer Schools, Continental Auctioneer Schools conducting classes in Minnesota & Iowa. 507/995-7803,

New Mexico Federal Lands Council, Bebo (Don L.) Lee, President, P.O. Box 149, Alamogordo, NM 88310, 575/963-2505,, Representing federal & state trust land users in New Mexico & across the West. Call, write or email for membership information. New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc., Marc Kincaid, President, P.O. Box 7520, Albuquerque, NM 87194, office located at 2231 Rio Grande Blvd., NW,, 505/2470584, fax 505/ 842-1766. Trade organization for New Mexico’s sheep industry. North Carolina Cattlemen’s Association, State Graded Feeder, Stocker and Value Added Sales in spring, summer and fall – over 10,000 head annually. Bryan Blinson,, 919/552-9111, 2228 N. Main St., Fuquay Varina, NC 27526, email: Virginia Cattlemen’s Association, P.O. Box 9, Dadeville, VA 24083, Jason Carter 540/992-1009 or 540/292-7688 cell. Graded feeders & stocker sales, over 125,000 head available. In-barn Tel-O-Auction, load lots & board sales. Cattle available on a year-round basis.

Suppliers & Manufacturers

Mendenhall School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 7344, High Point, NC 27264. “America’s top-quality auction school.” Free catalog. 336/887-1165. Visit our website:

World Wide College of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 949, Mason City, IA 50402-0949, 800/423-5242, email: “The Finest Education in the Auction Profession.” Also annual class held in September in Denver, CO.

BOOKS Double Z Bar Ranch, 230 Raydondo Creek Rd., Cimarron, NM 87714, “Cowboy Day Books”. $15 includes postage. A collection of working cowboys, adventures, romance. Traditions of Cowboys. 575/483-5054, Stephen Zimmer,

Computer Software Turnkey Computer Systems, Inc,



STATE ASSOCIATIONS California Cattlemen’s Association,, 916/444-0845, 1221 H St., Sacramento, CA 95814, Billy Gatlin, exec. vice pres., Call or write for information. Also publishers of the California Cattleman monthly except July/August is combined. New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association, Rex Wilson, Pres.,, P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194, located at 2231 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Ph: 505/247-0584, Fx: 505/842-1766, nmcga@ Representing the beef industry and private property rights in New Mexico and 14 other states. Visit our website/call/write/email for membership info.

P.O. Box 51630, Amarillo, TX 79159, Carey Coffman, 1-800/999-0049, 806/372-1200, Feedyard accounting and management system. National service – financial stability – high customer satisfaction. Before you act, investigate! Call us!

Ear Tags Allflex USA, Inc, P.O. Box 612266, DFW Airport, TX 75261, phone 972/456-3686, fax 972/456-3882, phone 1-800/989-TAGS (8247). Allflex is the world leader in design, technology, manufacturing and delivery of animal identification for traceability systems across all animal production. Livestock identification products: Visual tag, EID tags, Precision syringes.

Livestock Market Digest








FARM & RANCH EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Branson Tractors, 2100 Cedartown Hwy., Rome, GA 30161, 877/734-2022. For information contact us regarding our awesome line of tractors and farm equipment. Check our website: Find a dealer in your area – US and Canada. Conlin Supply Co., Inc., 576 Warnerville Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361. Everything for the farm and ranch needs. 209/847-8977, Merced 209/725-1100. Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales New & used tractors, equipment, parts and salvage yard. Order parts online., 254/582-3000.

Liberty & Rocy Mountain Pipe, 240 E. Frontage Rd. North, Jerome, ID 83338, phone 1-800/764-7473, fax 208/3242168, email: Products: agrelated pipe for fencing, irrigation, culvert, panels, gates, cattle guards, etc.

Oteco Wheel Track Filler, Visit our website: 307/3229415, 307/331-1996. Fills ruts properly and with the correct material. One-man operation. Off season uses include filling ruts in roads and transporting grain.

Palco Livestock Equipment, 1001 E. Eisenhower Ave., Norfolk NE 68702, 800/345-5073 Apache feeding & hay handling equip. Palco Livestock Equip., Henke, Buffalo Farm & Livestock Equip, Sani-Pac Environmental Containers.

Valley Oaks Ranch Supply, Call Jared Holve at 559/359-0386. Certified livestock scales, Silencer hydraulic squeeze chutes, Roto Grind tub grinders; fencing.










FENCING Parmak / Bayguard, Electric Fence Products Featuring Parmak electric fence chargers and Bayguard electric fence accessories. Everything you need to build a complete electric fence for livestock or predator control. For more information see your local farm supply dealer or visit us at: Wedge-Loc Co. Inc., 1580 N. Pendleton Dr., Rio Rico, AZ 85648, 1-800/669-7218. Wedge-Loc™ bracing hardware for T-posts, fencing. No more digging post holes. email:

FLY CONTROL P.H. White Co.,, 800/344-0115, P.O. Box 155, Dyersburg, TN 38025. Cow Life – Cattle Rub. Full season fly control . . . anywhere!

HARNESS, SADDLE & TACK Big Bend Saddlery,, P.O. Box 38, Alpine, TX 79831, 2701 E. Hwy. 90, Alpine, TX 79830, 432/837-5551 or toll free 1-800/634-4502. Manufacturers of fine custom-made saddles, bridles, bits and tack; custom chaps, leggings and belts. Also suppliers of brush jackets, western hats, range teepees and bedrolls; full line of cast-iron cookers.








Roto-Mix, LLC Manufactures of livestock mixing and feeding equipment, compost mixing equipment and manure spreaders. Rotary and Vertical feed mixers in various capacities available in truck, trailer or stationary. Truck mounted Ration Delivery Boxes. Commercial series and Forage Express rotary mixers with optional GeneRation II Staggered Rotor for mixing wet distillers grains. Vertical feed mixers ranging from the smaller skidsteer friendly single auger VX series to twin auger VXT and Cyclone Series with capacities ranging up to 1300 cu.ft. or 620/225-1142.

T&S Manufacturing, P.O. Box 336, Jermyn, TX 76459, call Jim at 940/342-2005. Manufacturer of trip hopper cattle feeders – feed bulk accurately! Southwest Metal Works, Clayton, NM, 575/374-2723; Roswell Livestock & Farm Supply, 1105, E. 2nd, Roswell, NM 88201, 575/622-9164; Cortese Feed, Knox Cortese, Ft. Sumner, NM 575/355-2271; Bell Trailer Plex, Amarillo, TX, 806/622-2992; Randy Stalls, McLean, TX, 806/681-4534. See our display ad!


Blevins Mfg. Co., Inc., 615 Ferguson Road, Wheatland, WY 82201. 307/322-2190. Stirrup buckles. Check out our display ad.

Brighton Feed & Saddlery, Roger Allgeier, 370 N. Main St., Brighton, CO 80601, 800/237-0721, Saddles, custom cowboy gear, rope, bits & spurs.

FEEDER WAGONS Swihart Sales Company, 7420 County Rd. AA, Quinter, KS 67752,, 785/754-3513, 800/864-4595. Feeder wagons for feeding round bales, sileage and TMR.

FEED SUPPLEMENTS Foster Commodities, 900 W. Belgravia Ave., Fresno, CA 93706, toll free 1-800/742-1816. Manufacturers of liquid Fos Pro-Lix supplements. Sweet Pro Supplements, Premium Feed Supplements for all your supplement needs. P.O. Box 333, Seligman, AZ 86337, 602/319-2538, 928/422-4217. Arizona and New Mexico! See our ad!

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

HAY EQUIPMENT Roeder Implement, Email: P.O. Box 228, Senaca, KS 66538, 785/3366103. New Holland self-propelled and pulltype bale wagons. All models available.

LIVESTOCK FEEDING EQUIPMENT Richard Cox Manufacturing,, 25584 Highway 65, P.O. Box 387, Carrollton, MO 64633, 660/542-0967,, fax 660/542-0982. The “Feed King” Portable Cattle Feeder is available in 5 sizes: 90 bushel, 125bu, 150bu, 250bu & 300bu capacities, with or without creep pens & the Portable Round Bale Feeder in 8' & 16' lengths.


LIVESTOCK HANDLING EQUIPMENT Behlen Country, P.O. Box 569, Columbus, NE 68602. For your nearest dealer, call 800/447-2751, or see: Hardworking equipment for the serious livestock producer, heavy-duty gates, stock tanks (metal and poly), squeeze chutes (hydraulic and manual), complete working systems and other products. Bowman Livestock Equipment, America’s premier cattle handling equipment. Write or call for full details, 877/521-9111, P.O. Box 345, Herington, KS 67449. See my display ad!

Grandin Livestock Handling Systems, Inc., 3504 Shields St., Fort Collins, CO 80524, 970/484-0713. Custom corral design service. Humane livestock handling systems.

Pearson Livestock Equipment, Box 268, Thedford, NE 69166,308/645-2231. “Designed by cattlemen for cattlemen.”

T&T Trailer Sales,, 505/8648899, Todd & Callie Gibson, 19480 Hwy. 314, Belen NM 87002. Quality name brands from a dealer you can trust. Circle D, GR, Elite and Calico trailers, parts and service for all makes, CM Truck Beds.

Miraco Manufacturing,, 800/541-7866, P.O. Box 686, Grinnell, IA 50211. Manufacturers of Mira-Fount Livestock Waterers – beef, dairy, hogs. Totally energy-free waterers. Call, write or visit our website for more info.

Power Pipe & Tank, P.O. Box 31240, Amarillo, TX 79110, 800/299-7418. Fiberglass stock tanks, storage tanks and potable water tanks. Delivery available.

W&W Fiberglass Tank Co, 100 N. Prince Rd., Pampa, TX 79065, 800/882-2776, Todd Little. Fiberglass stock & storage tanks 4' to 24' stock tanks and up to 21,000 gal. storage. We deliver in the US.


Circle D Corporation,, 613 North Ash, Hillsboro, KS 67063, 620/947-2385. Gooseneck stock trailers by Circle D. Built to pull better – longer. Flatbed trailers, livestock trailers.

D2 Trailer Sales,, 13246 W. Stockton Blvd, Galt, CA 95632, 800/839-9477, fax 209/745-5484. A good selection of trailers to fill all the needs of the farm and ranch. We can deliver.


SPRAYERS Swihart Sales Company, 7240 County Rd. AA, Quinter, Kansas 67752,, 785/754-3513, 800/864-4595. We offer a complete line of low volume mist blowers.

TANK & ROOF COATINGS Virden Perma-Bilt, 806/352-2761, 2821 Mays St., Amarillo, TX 79114. Suppliers of Lifetime Products. Tank coatings & roof coatings. For metal, shingles, or tar roofs. Long lasting, easy application. Tank coatings for concrete, rock, steel, galvanized and mobile tanks. Call for catalog.


P.O. Box 1540, Mount Pleasant, TX 75456; 2630 S Jefferson Av, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455; 903/572-1741; toll free 1-800/5278616,; Founded in 1964 by Marvin Priefert. One of the largest farm, ranch & rodeo equipment manufacturers in the world. Priefert is considered the leading innovator in the livestock handling industry – building equipment for cattle, equine, canine & rodeo markets and focuses on creating high quality equipment that is safe & durable for both animal & operator. From squeeze chutes to corral systems, stalls to round pens, premier kennels to roping chutes & arenas, Priefert has a product to meet all your livestock handling needs.

Big Bend Trailers, 17257 State Hwy. 166, Ft. Davis, TX 79734, Jim & Kellie Dyer 432/426-3435. Ranch tough . . . at a fair price. Nationwide delivery available

Tru-Test, Inc., 528 Grand Rd., Mineral Wells, TX 76067. Tru-Test, Inc., is an international company that has led in electronic livestock weighing scales for decades. Call or write for further information on our new models!, 1-800/874-8494.


Priefert Ranch Equipment,

Scott Manufacturers, Inc., Gordon, NE. 308/282-0532 or 1-800/4350532, Jim Cushiing. Livestock handling equipment, side roll irrigation systems.


Jones Manufacturing Co., Visit our website: P.O. Box 38, Beemer, NE 68716, 402/5283861; Since 1929 – building high quality, high durability tub grinders.



Animal Health Express, Barbara Jackson, 3301 N. Hwy. Dr., Tucson, AZ. 85705, 1-800/533-8115. Supplier of animal health products, livestock supplies, supplements, equine supplier and more. Please call for a free catalog.

Callicrate Banders, Made in St. Francis, KS, USA. Bloodless, humane, and easy to use. Call 1-800/8585974 for a supplier near you.

Inosol California Bander Castrator,, 1774 Citrus Ln., El Centro, CA 92243, 1-800/847-2533. You gain the advantage of delayed castration. You gain again with a lower cost of castration. pipeline compatible. El Paso, Texas.


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A. “Tim” Cox, 891 Road 4990, Bloomfield, NM 87413, 575/632-8080, fax 575/632-5850, email:, Call or write for brochures. w w w. m i g h t y g i a n t . c o m Livestock Market Digest

Cattle Co. Santa Gertrudis Home of Stormin’ Norman 2200 Co. Road 705 Joshua, TX 76058

The Battle of the Abandoned Horse

Home: (817) 556-8245 Office: (817) 645-5200 WWW.CATTLEWERKS.COM



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REGULAR SALES Tuesday & Thursday – 3 p.m.

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

Real Cowboys & Indians vs. Hollywood & Urban America


he furor of lawsuit threats, animal rights terrorists, gesticulating celebrity actors and ex-politicians traveling the countryside like Barnum and Bailey is finally bringing out those who really have something at stake in the Wild Horse/Domestic Horse slaughter issue. It is easy for a movie star or politician or animal rights advocate to fall under the trance that horses live forever and eventually go to horse heaven, because that is about as deep as they think. Their weak solutions to the abandoned horse problem that they have helped create are like ducks peeing on a forest fire. I don’t wish to ridicule them. I appreciate their compassion, their concern of animals being mistreated, and their wish that horses wouldn’t die. But they live in a dream world. Buster, a life-long cowboy and horse trainer takes it personally when he sees pictures of starving, skeletal abandoned horses. He says, “There are a lot more humane ways for a horse to die than starvation.” The Wild Horse Wreck we have created by not allowing the BLM to cull the herds of wild horses and burros is as big a fiasco as the Forest Service’s misguided policy of banning timber and grazing in national and state forests. Oh, how we have to learn the hard way. The American Indians have always held the horse in high esteem ever since Coronado crossed the border in 1535 and introduced them to us. The horse is revered, valued and used by them as chattel. But the Indians also take the responsibility of caring for the herd and the land. They are now trying to talk to people who live behind a desk about “nature’s balance.” The Navajo Nation in New Mexico, the biggest tribe in the

United States, has now joined the National Congress of Indians and other tribes, in support of horse slaughter in the U.S., “We . . . can no longer support the estimated 75,000 feral horses that are drinking wells dry and causing ecological damage to the drought-stricken range,” they say. They aren’t kiddin’ and they know what they’re talking about. Studies of cost to feed and maintain one horse for a year in a rescue, feedlot, summer pasture, or refuge can be as low as $2,400 to $3,650. Using the lowest estimate, $200/mo. = $2,400/yr x 75,000 horses = $1,800,000. Three of the entities actively involved in preventing the horse slaughter plant in New Mexico are ex-governor Bill Richardson, movie star Robert Redford, and the Human Society of the U.S. I have listened to their speeches and read their quotes. I do not doubt they are sincere. I don’t question their emotional motives. However, I have yet to hear a viable solution for, not just New Mexico’s impending crisis, but for our whole country’s equine catastrophe that was the result of cessation of horse slaughter plants. I would suggest that they put their money where their mouth is. Governor Richardson has had some legal problems due to shady politics, but I would guess he could come up with $250,000. Mr. Redford has an estimated net worth of $170 million, and the recent budgets of the HSUS spending runs about $250 million a year. They ante up together and make the first donation, $420 million. That will take are of the Navajos for two years. Well, we all know they don’t intend to spend their own money, they don’t care that much. But the train is comin’ down the track and they are standin’ right between the rails and they better turn around and see it before it’s too late.


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levins new all metal stirrup buckle in 3" and 2-1/2" widths. The 3" and 2-1/2" widths have the posts set horizontally and fit standard holes while the 2" width has the posts set vertically. Made of stainless steel and heat-treated aluminum, the same as our leather-covered buckles.




ew four-post tongue for 3" buckle. Makes buckle stronger and sturdier. One-piece tongue is also offset to let the sti rup leather go through more smoothly. The 2-1/2" width has one-piece off-set tongue with only two posts.


asy to change stirrup lengths quickly and easy to install – won’t slip or stick. Made of stainless steel and heat-treated aluminum. Sleeves covered with leather. Order either improved, regular or four-post buckles. Also, new all-metal buckle in 3", 2-1/2" and 2" widths. ~ AT YOUR DEALERS, OR YOU MAY WRITE ~

BLEVINS MFG. CO., INC. 615 Ferguson Rd., Wheatland, WY 82201 • 307/322-2190


Top 10 Jumbo Foundation Grants Fund Big Green BY RON ARNOLD, WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM


he American Land Conservancy issued a $178 million grant to the California Rangeland Trust — Although the public image of environmentalist finance has shifted from the 1960s Birkenstock-clad hippie, the results of my new survey of Big Green grant amounts may pop a few eyes. In the past decade or so, there were 345,052 foundation grants for the environment, totaling $20,826,664,000 (that’s twenty billion dollars and change), according to an authoritative database. In the mid-1990s, I began using $10M as the baseline for a Big Green big grant, which is what I surveyed this week. That was generous for a single gift at the time, but things changed. Generosity had less and less to do with foundation donations as “prescriptive grants” appeared and took command. “Prescriptive” is foundation-ese for “here’s some money to do what you’re told, and we want an accounting of the results.” Environmental groups complained, but pioneer “prescriptivist,” Donald Ross, then executive director of the Rockefeller Family Fund, told an audience of fellow foundation executives in 1992, “Too bad. They’re players, we’re players.” Donor foundations formed cartels such as the 200-plus member Environmental Grantmakers Association and the smaller, fartherleft National Network of Grantmakers. Donors began posting notices saying, “We do not accept unsolicited applications,” and “Applications by invitation only.” Foundations had quietly taken substantial control of the environmental movement by 2000. However, I tracked foundation grants to see who was really the power and direction behind the campaigns and protests and lawyers and lobbyists. Today, foundations are the backbone of Big Green. My survey found the Pew Charitable Trusts at No. 10, the bottom of the big-grant heap with $40M to Oceana, a Washingtonbased ocean-only group formed in 2001 by — who else? — the Pew Charitable Trusts, Oak Foundation, Marisla Foundation, and Rockefeller Brothers Fund — foundations creating Big Green activists to satisfy foundation agendas. No. 9: Colorado’s Denver Foundation, a “community foundation” with numerous endowments, as distinct from individual or Livestock Market Digest

family endowed “private foundations,” such as Pew and Rockefeller (both types are classed 501c3). Denver Foundation gave $50M to Wildlife Experience, a museum where you go inside to learn about the outside, in five $10M grants at the same time, a “cluster grant.” No. 8: The Foundation for Deep Ecology was created in 1998 by Douglas Tompkins by cashing out his share in clothing firm Esprit in a divorce settlement. FDE ranks No. 8 for its $70.1M gift to Tompkins’ Conservation Land Trust, through which he rules over large swaths of Chile and Argentina that he purchased, generating conflicts with the government over access to resources. No. 7: The Walton Family Foundation (WalMart money) gave $118M to Arlington, Va.-based Conservation International, a group notorious for meddling in Third World countries with orders from offices that field employees and locals do not agree with. No. 6: The Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust (fortune of the legendary short seller) gave $155M in similar grants to the Nature Conservancy and the Wildlife Conservation Society. Skipping No. 5, No. 4 is the Sierra Club

Foundation (501c3), which gave the Sierra Club (501c4) and its chapters $186M. The Top Three are computer-related endowments: No. 3 is the David and Lucile Packard Foundation that gave $280M to ClimateWorks Foundation and two others. No. 2 is the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation that gave $332M to Conservation International Foundation and others. No. 1 is the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, with its $341M award to ClimateWorks Foundation and others. Now about No. 5, which was actually the biggest single grant, $178M from the American Land Conservancy to the California Rangeland Trust — Hearst Ranch, for a “conservation plan” with a “conservation easement” preventing future development. The point of this green-eyeshade bean counting is simple: If you believe the noisy bolster-President-Obama anti-oil-sands Keystone XL pipeline campaign wasn’t launched by a foundation (the Rockefeller Brothers Fund did it), welcome to reality. The Internal Revenue Service ought to look into this. Washington Examiner columnist Ron Arnold is Exec.V.P. of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise.

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RON ARCHER 505-865-6011 • Livestock Market Digest PO Box 7458, Albuquerque, NM 87194

New Mexico Ranches for Sale ROSWELL RANCH ~ located 20 miles east of Roswell, N.M., adjacent to Bottomless Lakes State Park. 8,679 total acres with 3,910 deeded acres. Private gated controlled access off pavement. Significant improvements; custom 3,300 sq. ft. residence, apartment, 3 good barns, stables, fencing, and water infrastructure. These assets will support a meaningful depreciation schedule that once allocated will make the bargain price of $256 per deeded acre an even more attractive deal! FRANKLIN MOUNTAIN RANCH ESTATE ~ 21,595 acre extremely scenic southwestern Silver City area desert mountain ranch with a thriving mule deer and quail habitat and room for 350 animal units at 5,000 ft elevation. Executive residence and guest house, manager quarters, and pipe shipping pens. No cattle grazing for several years. Reasonably priced at $3,200,000.00 MIMBRES RIVER RANCH ~ straddles one of the last running rivers in the southwest. Stunning river Bosque, water rights, sub irrigated bottomland, historic Butterfield Stage Stop, equestrian facili-

/ %*+%'#* 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

ties. 1,389 deeded and 400 BLM acres. Deer, turkey, and quail sanctuary. $1,500,000.00, make an offer! ARABELA RANCH ~ is a fabulous recreational retreat within the Capitan Mountains nearby Ruidoso. 1,000 acre piñon, juniper, and Ponderosa forest land adjoining National Forest. This ultra scenic ranch has impeccably maintained improvements, paved access, fully furnished lodge, guest house, manager’s residence, spring pond, miles of trail roads, rustic miner’s log cabin, Indian teepee village, and your very own Silver Mine! This is a wildlife sanctuary and a hunter’s haven. The turn-key ranch has a private, exclusive, extended deer hunting season (September to December) and four landowner elk tags. Seller financing available. $2,900,000.00 CAST AND BLAST! Private cold water trout fishery, three miles of wild river, west of Artesia in the foothills of the Sacramento Mountains near Cloudcroft, N.M. 9,000 total acres, 5,000 deeded. Riverside fishing camp; cabins, RV hookups, water, and electric. Mule deer, turkey, aoudad, lion hunting, and livestock grazing. $4,300,000

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Rivale Ranch Realty % located west of Clayton near Mt Dora south of Highway 64. Nice size ranch with live water in the creek that runs thru most of the ranch, good sources of permanent water, excellent fences, corrals with scales in the heart of the best cattle country. % located between Roy and Wagon Mound north of Highway 120. Very well improved ranch with high fences for game, large building with offices, living quarters, hanger for large airplane with landing strip. Good water and very picturesque with Canadian River and Piedre Lumbre Canyon. Good grazing and hunting. % located west of Conchas Dam near Trementina southeast of Highway 419. River runs thru the middle of the ranch with lots of water. Very picturesque and secluded with a large variety of hunting at the end of the county road. Corrals, fenced with two windmills and many ancient artifacts. % located east of Mosquero north of Highway 39. Excellent grazing is provided with the natural playa lake which covers a large portion of the ranch with good water and some improvements. $ !

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Wee can W ccaan help hheeellp you you iinn youurr next next auction. aauuuccttiiioon. your BBigiigg oorr Small Smmaaalll —We —We Sell Seelll Them Thheem All All — W WE E SELL SELL & ADVERTISE ADVERTISE A ACROSS CROSS T THE HE UNITED UNITED STATES STATES w w w. r- u c t i o n. c o m www.r-kau Rick Kniepkamp 485-2548 Rick K niepkamp ((406) 406) 4 85-2548 or or cell cell (406) (406) 939-1632 939-1632



Livestock Market Digest

O’NEILL LAND, LLC P.O. Box 145, Cimarron, NM 87714 • 575/376-2341 • Fax: 575/376-2347 • Good inventory in the Miami, Springer, Maxwell and Cimarron area. Great year-round climate suitable for horses. Give yourself and your horses a break and come on up to the Cimarron Country.

Miami Horse Training Facility. Ideal horse training facility w/large 4 bedroom 3 bathroom approx 3,593 sq ft home, 248.32± deeded acres, 208 irrigation shares, 30' X 60' metal sided shop/ bunkhouse, 8 stall barn w/tack room, 7 stall barn w/storage, 10 stall open sided barn w/10 ft alley, 2 stall loafing shed, 14 11' x 24' Run-In Shelters, 135' Round Pen, Priefert six horse panel walker. Many more features & improvements. All you need for a serious horse operation in serious horse country of Miami New Mexico. Additional 150 acres available on south side of road. Miami is at the perfect year round horse training elevation of 6,200. Far enough south to have mostly mild winters. Convenient to I-25. $1,550,000. Miami Horse Heaven. Very private approx. 4,800 sq. ft. double-walled adobe 4 bed., 3 bath home w/many custom features, 77.5± deeded acres & 77.25± water shares, large 7 stall horse barn, large insulated metal shop, large haybarn/equipment shed, all for $1,650,000, plus an additional 160+/-

deeded acres w/142 water shares avail. $560,000 (subject to purchase of 77.5± deeded acre parcel.) Krause Ranch. 939.37 +/- deeded acres. 88 Springer Ditch Company water shares. Mostly west of I;25, exit 414. Big views. $725,000. Miami Mountain View. 80± deeded acres w/80 water shares & house. $550,000. Miami. 10± deeded acres, awesome home, total remodel, awesome views $295,000. Miami WOW. Big home in Santa Fe Style great for family on 3 acres. $274,900. Miami Tangle Foot. 10.02± deeded acres w/water shares & meter. $118,000. Maxwell. 19.5± deeded acres, water, outbuildings, great horse set up. $269,000. Canadian River. 39.088± deeded acres, w/nice ranch home & river. $279,000.

O’NEILL AGRICULTURAL, LLC “Offers computer-generated color custom mapping service on digital USGS base maps. Hang a map in your office that looks like your ranch, w/water lines, pastures & roads etc. Put your ranch on one piece of paper.”

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3 ( + *.)-2 +&, 735 Acre Show Ranch. Huge modern home. Lake, paved road. Frontage. Excellent grass and water. 3 !+" +"",-*)" *.)-2 Excellent cattle & hunting.

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2013 Fall Marketing Edition


Tom Hardesty Sam Hubbell 520-609-2456

* &'" 1


CHINABERRY DRAW RANCH – This starter ranch is located 17 miles south of Carlsbad. 3.4 sec. BLM permit for 17 head. 160 Ac deeded. 2 pastures, 3 wells, barn, large home and nice manufactured home to boot. Good grass and great opportunity. Close to work, shopping, great scenic views. $399,000.

Properties & Equities, Inc.

PERRY RANCH – Located just west of Carlsbad NM, the Three Twins allotment has received abundant rainfall this year. Grass is knee-high and heading out. 20 sections total with 1300 acres deeded. Nice 3BR 2B home. 150 hd BLM permit. Only $700K. LA PALOMA RANCH – 604 head BLM permit. Numerous waterings all over ranch. Good improvements on this 55 section ranch located 10 miles south of Carlsbad. Priced at $3000 an animal unit. Great price! You won’t find anything else at this price. Come look! BROKEOFF MOUNTAIN RANCH – 348 head BLM year long permit. Two sections deeded with good hunting for mule deer and aoudad. Some flat, some rough country and a little remote. $950K

R.G. DAVIS, BROKER • 530/347-9455 JEFF DAVIS, REALTOR • 530/604-3655 TONYA REDIMONTI, REALTOR • 530/521-6054

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HEADQUARTERS WEST LTD. ST. JOHN’S OFFICE: TRAEGEN KNIGHT P.O. Box 1980, St. John’s, AZ 85936 || 928/524-3740 • Fax 928/563-7004 • Cell 602/228-3494

St. Johns Irrigation & Ditch Company: The farm is located approximately two miles north of the main street (Cleveland Street) in St. Johns at the intersection of Water Street and 2nd West Street. There is 305 deeded acres with 58 shares of St. Johns Irrigation and Ditch Company. The Little Colorado River runs through the property from east to west approximately ½ mile. Farmland is irrigated via flood gravity flow ditch on native and improved pasture utilized for livestock grazing. Price $375,000 Irrigated Pasture: Located in central Apache County, Arizona, between Alpine and Springerville along US Highway 180 in the Nutrioso Valley at the confluence of Colter Creek and Nutrioso Creek with over ½ mile of meandering Nutrioso Creek running through the property. Includes over 118 acres total with grand-fathered water rights for 33.8 acres of irrigated pasture. Farmable acreage has been utilized for livestock grazing on improved pasture and is irrigated via gravity flow dirt ditches. Beautiful views of Escudilla Mountain located in the heart of the White Mountains. There are numerous home sites on the property with excellent access including over ¼ mile of paved frontage along US Highway 180. Additional access is provided by county maintained roads on both the north and south boundaries. $1,200,000 Reduced to $1,000,000 Eastern Arizona Ranch: North of St. Johns in Apache County, includes 1,760 deeded acres with State & BLM leases for 121 animal units yearlong. Newly improved with several miles of new pipeline, numerous storage tanks/drinkers supplied by four wells. Total ranch is over 11,000 acres with a five pasture rotational grazing system and one small holding trap. All ranch fences have been reworked including over two miles of new fencing. Price: $700,000

Livestock Market Digest

BOTTARI REALTY ~ WELLS, NEVADA ~ RUBY VALLEY, NEVADA: 1136 acres of summer pasture located in the North end of the valley. This pasture is well watered. The property stretches between the State paved road and the Humboldt National Forest boundary. Price: $700,000 or approx. $616 per acre. INDIAN CREEK RANCH big spring with high elevation permitted for 60 acres of the 126 deeded acres. This unique property is surrounded by public lands and is only 1/2 mile off a year around County road. No power but you can generate your own with the head from the spring. Prime Elk, Mule Deer and Antelope area. Borders the Goshute Wilderness area. Price $275,000.

RANCH SALES P.O. Box 1077 • Ft. Davis, Texas 79734


HUMBOLD RIVER 650 acre parcel with over 300 acres of surface water rights. Located on I-80 with access onto a Exit. Should be good for future investment as it is in the path of development and borders the new Port of Elko Industrial park. Price: $1,200,000. ADOBE RANGE Deeded with Sheep permit 10,706 deeded acres with a Spring Sheep permit on BLM lands. Half the mineral rights to go with sale and this is in an area now being explored for oil and gas. Could be you’d end up with the land for nothing! Price only $130 per acre. For more information & other properties, check out our website at WWW.BOTTARIREALTY.COM

DAVID P. DEAN Ranch: 432/426-3779 • Mob.: 432/634-0441 w w w. a v a i l a b l e r a n c h e s . c o m

Bottari Realty & Associates PAUL D. BOTTARI, BROKER • 775/752-3040 • Cell: 775/752-0952 • Fax: 775/752-3021 Bottari Realty & Associates • 1222 6th St., Wells, NV 89835

THE RANCH FINDER presents ...

FOOTHILLS RANCH Lincoln County, New Mexico An ideal four season cattle grazing ranch located 50 miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, on the north side of the Capitan Mountains; being 38 sections (24,204.30 acres) — a 500 AU controlled year-long grazing capacity under normal range conditions. ACREAGE — deeded acres: 11,830; NM State Lease acres: 4097.30; BLM (federal) permit acres: 8197.30 plus 80 uncontrolled acres; additional acreage can be added on request. The asking price for the Foothills Ranch is based on $300 deeded acres with all leases acreage assigend, for an asking value of $3,500,000. The ownership will carry back 60% of the total asking price to a qualified buyer. The Ranch Finder P. O. Box 2391 — Roswell, NM 88202 575/623-5658 Cell: 575/626-0636

2013 Fall Marketing Edition



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P .O. B ox 77458, 458, A lbuquerque, N M 887194 7194 P.O. Box Albuquerque, NM 505/243 9515 • Fax Fax 505/998-6236 505/998 6236 505/243-9515 • S UBSCRIPTION R ATES: 11-YEAR -YEAR $19.95, $19.95, 22-YEAR -YEAR $$29.95 29.95 SUBSCRIPTION RATES:

Make with M ake it it Christmas Chriissttmas iinn JJuly uly ffor or ffriends, riends, ffamily amily aand nd business bussiiness associates asssoociates w ith a . . .

~ Gift Certificate Certif ttiificate ~ ~Gift T o:______________________________________________________ To:__________________________________________________ From:__________________________________________ Fr _______ From:___________________________________________ Y ou hhave ave received received a ____ ____ yyear ear subscription subscription to to the the Livestock Livestock Market Market D igest. You Digest.

Approx. 925 acres in Siskiyou County, Northern CA entire ranch certified organic. Currently 167 acres organic alfalfa under two (2) pivots, about 120 acres dry land or potentially irrigated, and the balance juniper/sage range. Excellent wells! 2 wells each reportedly delivering 3,500 gpm - only one used in current operation - expand your irrigated acreage. Mt. Shasta views overlooking the fields and surrounding mountains. Approx. 320 acres just west of Orland, CA south of Red Bluff, CA. Currently irrigated pasture in an excellent irrigation district with gravity flow water for flood irrigation! Well fenced in good fields, ranch house, corrals, barn and a set of scales. Easy access off paved country road. Orchards in the immediate area - take a look, Class II & III soils. Approx. 3,871 acres. First time offered in three generations. Located about 15 miles west of Corning, CA south of Red Bluff, CA. Excellent winter range with good stock water. This ranch has excellent hunting for blacktail deer, quail, pigs, wild turkeys, dove hunting, and bass in the reservoirs. Approx. 340 acre cattle ranch located south and east of Red Bluff, CA. The ranch is flood irrigated with cheap water from an irrigation district. The ranch presently runs 260 spring calving cows. 2 homes, one relatively new, corrals, metal pole barn and shop, ponds and small wildlife area on bottom of ranch loaded with waterfowl. On the east side ranch backs up to the Dye Creek Preserve. Close to town but very country.




Associates JJoe oe Stubblefield Stubblefield & A ssociates TX 113830 3830 Western Western St., St., Amarillo, Amarillo, TX 8806/622-3482 06/622-3482 • cell cell 806/674-2062 806/674-2062 M ichael Perez Perez Associates Associates Michael N ara V isa, NM NM • 575-403-7970 575-403-7970 Nara Visa, Livestock Market Digest

BAR M REAL ESTATE New Mexico Properties For Sale... Bar M Real Estate is a full service real estate company located in Roswell, NM. Scott McNally is the owner and Qualifying Broker and is a General Certified Real Estate Appraiser. Scott is a graduate of New Mexico Military Institute and New Mexico State University earning a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Business. Ranch raised, Scott is familiar with all aspects of the ranching industry operating the family ranch for approximately 30 years. We live the western lifestyle and are active members of the agricultural community. Farm and ranch sales need specialized knowledge that comes from experience. Call us to visit about a farm or ranch property today. Below are a couple of our current listings.

CHERRY CANYON RANCH: Secluded ranch located in the foothills of the Capitan Mountains in southeastern New Mexico. 10,000± total acres located in limestone hill country. Grazing capacity estimated at 200 A.U.’s yearlong. Improved with a two residence, mobile home, barns and corrals. Livestock water provided by three wells and pipelines. Abundant wildlife to include mule deer and Barbary sheep. Price: $1,800,000, call for more information. JACKSON RANCH: Southeastern NM cattle ranch for sale. 8,000 total acres located in good grass country. Owner controlled grazing capacity at 200 ± A.U.’s yearlong. Improved with one residence, barns and corrals. Livestock water provided by two wells and pipelines to four pastures. Easy to manage and operate. Dry at the time, but the rains are coming. Price: $1,750,000. Call or view the information on my website

Bar M Real Estate

Scott McNally, Qualifying Broker

Roswell, NM 88202 • Office: 575-622-5867 •

– Owner rated 2,500 animal units yearlong – 22,000 plus deeded – private BLM – new pricing @ $12,500,000 – 4,100 deeded – 400 irrigated – private BLM – rated at 500 head yearlong – excellent Water ($600/year) – quality improvements – hunting – top of the line – $5,285,000 – 1,080 deeded – over 200 irrigated – private BLM for 397 head (7 months) – owner says sell – make offer – asking $1,995,000 – 471 deeded – dry farm, timber, grazing – private – no improvements – ¼ mile to power hobby/lifestyle – $446,000 – Over 8,000 deeded – 1,200 +/– dry farm – great early pasture or year round cow/calf private, end of road – modest improvements – $3,200,000 – 229 deeded – 139 irrigated – great summer pasture or small yearlong cow calf – modest improvements – $445,000 – 3,326 deeded – 1,758 irrigated – potatoes, hay, grain – 11 modest lift wells – 18 newer pivots – pride of ownership – $10,000,000 920 deeded – 742 irrigated – pivots – potatoes, hay, grain – seller will lease back yielding about 4.5% return to investor – great location with market access – $3,900,000

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

AGRILANDS Real Estate Vale, Oregon • 541/473–3100 •


Nancy A. Belt, Broker Cell 520-221-0807 Office 520-455-0633 Jesse Aldridge 520-251-2735 Rye Hart 520-455-0633 Tobe Haught 505-264-3368 Sandy Ruppel 520-444-1745

Committed To Always Working Hard For You!

RANCHES/FARMS *NEW* 500 Head Ranch, Tucson, AZ Well improved HQ with 3 homes, pool, barns, corrals, airplane hanger & strip. State & BLM grazing leases. 80 Deeded Acres. $2,380,000. Owner may split.


*REDUCED* 52 Head Ranch, San Simon, AZ – Indian Springs Ranch, pristine & private, only 12 miles from I-10. Bighorn sheep, ruins, pictographs. 1480 acres of deeded, 52 head, BLM lease, historic rock house, new cabin, springs, wells. $1,300,000 Terms. *NEW* San Simon, AZ – Indian Springs Farm 162 acres w/pivot, nice home, hay barn other utility buildings. $750,000 *N OW R EDUCED TO $780, 000* +/-128 Head Flying Diamond Ranch, Klondyke, AZ +/-1500 deeded acres, State & (2) USFS Grazing Leases. Main residence, guesthouse, barn, hay barn, & corrals at HQ. Good access, in a great location. *NEW* 314 Acre Farm, Pearce, AZ – Two pivots, three irrigation wells, charming +/- 2100 s.f. home, four car garage, large metal workshop, both with concrete floors, two railroad cars with cover between for horse stalls, hay and feed storage. $750,000 335 Head Ranch, Greenlee County, AZ – Near Double Circle Ranch. +/20 Deeded acres, w/two homes, barn & outbuildings. 58 Sections USFS grazing permit. Good vehicular access to the ranch – otherwise this is a horseback ranch. Scenic, great outfitters prospect. $850,000 *NEW* Graham Co, AZ 78 Plus Head Cattle Ranch – Approx. 640 deeded acres, 3633 acres USFS and 5204 acres BLM; 1 BR, 1 Bath

home/camp. Foothills of the Santa Teresa Mountains. $650,000 *REDUCED* Young, AZ, 65+ Acres – Under the Mogollon Rim, small town charm & mountain views. 2100 s.f., 3 BR, 2 Bath home, 2 BR cabin, historic rock home currently a museum, shop, & barn. Excellent opportunity for horse farm, bed & breakfast, or land development. +/- 65 acres for $1,070,000; home & other improvements. $424,500. *NEW* 137 Head Ranch, east of Kingman, AZ – 40 Deeded Acres, State Grazing Lease, Adverse Grazing, well watered, good mix of browse and grass, 5 wells, numerous springs, four corrals. Remote but easy access to town. Very scenic. $314,000 Terms. NEW MEXICO PROPERTIES Listed Cooperatively w/Action Realty, Cliff, NM, Dale Spurgeon, Broker – 575535-4177

*NEW* 316 Head Ranch, near Socorro, NM, +/-2663 scenic acres of deeded, 1917 acres NM State lease, 24,582 acres BLM. Solid working, cattle ranch in a good location w/excellent access. Good mix of browse & grass. 140,000 gallons of water storage, pipelines, wells, dirt tanks. HQ w/home, good corrals, in the foothills of the Ladron Mtns. $1,400,000


* REDUCED* Virden, NM +/-78 Acre Farm, with 49+ acres of irrigation rights. Pastures recently planted in Bermuda. 3 BR, 2 Bath site built home, shop, hay barn, 8 stall horse barn, unique round pen with adjoining shaded pens, roping arena. Scenic setting along the Gila River. Great set up for raising horses also suitable for cattle, hay, pecans, or pistachios, $550,000 Terms.

*REDUCED* +/- 50 Head Ranch, Virden, NM – 367 Deeded acres, 4,000 acres BLM, nice HQ w/home, barn, corrals, along two miles of the beautiful Gila River. $525,000 $485,000 *REDUCED* Franklin, NM, 28 Acre Farm – Franklin, NM, 28 Acre Farm – 19 Acres of water rights from Franklin I.D., 5 BR, 3 bath Mfg. home, corrals, barn. Great for small farming operation, horses or cattle. Along the scenic Gila River. $125,000 Terms.


HORSE PROPERTIES/LAND *NEW* +/- 480 Acres Oracle, AZ – One of the last remaining large parcels. Currently operating as a small cattle operation. Great prospect for future development in a desirable location. Fenced with a well, electric power, and two mfg. homes. $2,500,000. San Rafael Valley, AZ – Own a slice of heaven in the pristine San Rafael Valley, 152 Acres for $380,150 & 77 Acres with well for $217,000 Rodeo, NM, 160 Acres - on the western slope of the Peloncillo Mountains. 4-forty acre parcels surrounded by BLM land on two sides. Unimproved lots with electric nearby. $141,760 Willcox, AZ 40 Acres – Great views in every direction, power to the property. $85,000.

Thinking of selling? Please give us a call! We have buyers who may be interested in purchasing your ranch!

“Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call! ‘Cause we’ll get ‘er done!”


!% (



' $ $" $ # # "!& ! "

FALLONCORTESE LAND WORKING RANCHES and FARMS Fort Sumner –Santa Rosa Area Emmet Fallon: 575/760-3838 Nick Cortese: 575/760-3818 Office 575/355-2855 Fax 575/355-7611

Place your Real Estate ad in the 2014 FME (Including the DIGEST 25)

✴ Special Real Estate section ✴ Full-color, high-gloss magazine with internet visibility ✴ Appears on the internet for 12 full months after publication ✴ www.aaalivestock is the top-ranking website in the Yahoo and MSN search engines

Livestock Market Digest

NEW MEXICO RANCHES FOR SALE THE EDWARDS RANCH covers over 40,000 operational acres. This extremely well improved working cattle ranch is located near Tucumcari, New Mexico. The terrain varies from low lying flats to elevated rocky mesa side slopes. Fences are good to excellent and the ranch is one of the best watered properties in Eastern New Mexico. Improvements include a good ranch home, new barns and outstanding shipping pens and working pens. Everything is extremely well maintained. This is a rancher’s ranch priced to fit a rancher’s pocket book at only $325 per deeded acre. Offered co-exclusively with WIN Realty. THE 96 RANCH encompasses over 100 square miles of ranch country. The terrain is rolling to hilly with a general open appearance. Scattered to moderate cholla with some juniper in the rougher country. Very well improved with an owner’s home and two nice employee houses. Other improvements include three sets of pipe pens with scales and several adequate sets of working pens. The ranch is exceptionally well watered by numerous wells and a very extensive waterline network. Generally, livestock never travel over 1 mile to water. $295 per deeded acre.

Offered Exclusively By:

Descriptive brochures available on both of these fine w orking cattle ranches. • 1507 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79401 • 806/763-5331 89

Livestock Market Digest


INDEX A A & M Livestock Auction Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 ABC Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Agrilands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Ken Ahler Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 American Akaushi Association . . . . . . . . . . . 8 American Angus Association . . . . . . . . . . 56 American Gelbvieh Association . . . . . . . . . 81 American Highland Cattle Association. . . . 43 American Salers Association. . . . . . . . . . . . 93 GG Armstrong & Sons / Breckenridge. . . . 31

B Bar G Feedyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Bar M Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Behlen Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Bell Key Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Big Bend Saddlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Big Bend Trailers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Blevins Mfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Bottari & Assoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Bradley 3 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Branson Tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

C Campo Bonito LLC / David Dean . . . . . . . . 85 Cascade Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . 48 Cattlemen’s Livestock Market . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chandler Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Cherry Glen Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Circle D. Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Cobb Charolais Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Coldwell Banker / Betty Houston . . . . . . . 86 Chip Cole Ranch Brokers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Coleman Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Conlin Supply Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cowley Farm & Feedlot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Richard Cox Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 D D & S Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Decker Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Dees Brothers Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Doerr Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Dos Palos Auction Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 D2 Trailer Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 E Eagle Creek Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Escalon Livestock Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Euclid Stockyards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Evans Beefmaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Exit Clovis Realty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 F F & F Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Fallon-Cortese Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Farm Credit of New Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Farmers Livestock Market, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 60 G Gonzalves Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Gregory/Magee Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 H Headquarters West / Con Englehorn . . . . 83 Headquarters West / Traegen Knight . . . . 84 Hoffman AI Breeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Home Ranch Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 I Inosol California Banders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Isa Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 J Jacobsen Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Jones Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 K Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Bill King Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Klamath Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Knipe Land Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 L La Junta Livestock Commission . . . . . . . . . 77 M Madsen Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Chas Middleton & Son Real Estate. . . . . . . 89 Miller Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Miraco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


Livestock Market Digest

N National Animal Interest Alliance . . . . . . . . 92 New Mexico Home Ranch Realty. . . . . . . . 84 Newman Stockyards, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 No Bull Enterprises, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

CHERRY GLEN Beefmasters

O O’Neill Land LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Oregon Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Oteco Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 P Palco Livestock Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Pearson Livestock Equipment . . . . . . . . . . 45 Phillips Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Lee Pitts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Power, Pipe & Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Premier Intermountain Properties.. . . . . . 88 Priefert Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Joe Priest Real Estate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 R The Ranch Finder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Rivale Ranch Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 R K Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Tom Robb & Sons Polled Hereford . . . . . . 54 Robbs Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 S Schrimsher Ranch Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . 79 Sci Agra Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Scott Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Seven Mile Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Shasta Land Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Siler Santa Gertrudis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Smithfield Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Snodgress Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 South Plains Land Company . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Stockmans Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Joe Stubblefield & Associates . . . . . . . . . . 64 Swihart Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Bulls available private treaty after January 1, 2014


Make YOU and your BULL happy today! With the new “California Bander”

T T&S Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 T&T Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 True Test Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Tulare County Stockyards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2 Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 V Valley Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Valley Oaks Ranch Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Virden Perma Bilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Virginia Cattlemen’s Association . . . . . . . . 45 Visalia & Templeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 W W & W Stock Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Waldo Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Weaver Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Wedge Lock Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Westall Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Western Legacy Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Western States Beefmaster Association . . 92 Western Video Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Westlake Cattle Growers, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . 21 Willcox Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Winfield Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Woman Hollering Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2013 Fall Marketing Edition

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ourace Y e Sp erv Resrtising! e Now Adv For the 2014 Edition of Livestock Market Digest’s


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 – Commercial Sale featuring Beefmaster-influenced cattle – Preview Purebred Sale Lots SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 – No Host Lunch – Available in the Stockyard Cafe 12:30 p.m. – Purebred Beefmaster Females, Pairs and Three-in-Ones 1:00 p.m. – Purebered Beefmaster & Beefmaster Advancer Bulls

The best read annual publication in the livestock industry! Please contact me to discuss your advertising plans

RON ARCHER 505-865-6011 • Livestock Market Digest PO Box 7458, Albuquerque, NM 87194


Livestock Market Digest

Sustained Sustain ned Fertility enge any urr bull ullss.. Saller ill chal halllen It matt atter ers in you ur ffem emalles es and it matt atteerrs in you ers wil ny lity aand ched lon plu lus ser erviceab brree eed fo for sup upeerrior fer feerti tili nd unmattche ngevit gevity in ffem e alles em es p ble yeear ars in ou urr bullss.. Susta ustaiin ned fer feerttiili hat the Saller ers brreed eed off ffeer e ss.. Bre red up as lity is wha yeear arllin ings, gs, two wo’s thr hreee’ ucer, you con ntro ts it takes e’s and beeyond. yond. As a prro oducer trol the costs akes ers you “K uctiio on. to get a fem fem e ale le into prrod oduc uctiio on n.. Wit ith Saller Keeep ep Her er in Prrod oduc n.”

ebra The Meeaat Anim earch Cen raska, nimaall Reessearc enter er, Clay Cen entteeerr, Neb kaa, tth ka he laarg rgeesst datab atab bas ase fo ffor or mult i-brree mparis s, in its ulti-b eed com parisson ons, eed mean eans ffrrom the Geerrmpla lassm m Evvaalu luattio ojec t, ver erifies ifi fies aga gain in th haat Saler lers are sttill mos ase of sire brree ion prro ost reccen ent relleeas o ject, ill tthe he ntiin reed of ccho hoicee ffo or Calv alvin ing Eas ase and Marrb blin lliingg.. cco ont nen enttaal breed

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Marbling Ma M arbling

Fat F at

Rib Rib Eye Eye Area Area

Angus Angus


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Salers Salers


.349 .349


Hereford Hereford


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Charolais C harolais


.343 .343

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Limousin Limousin




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.363 .363


osst opt optiim Sa Saler lerrs have the loweesst and mo mal bir irrtth eig igh uple ith grro owt perfo forma for weig ht cou pled wit wth and per rmance fo cr cros ossin sing wiitth Anggu uss.. Itt’’s reall simp eally as sim pllee as that. hat.

19590 E. E Main Mainstreet nstreet #1 #104 104 104 Parker Parker, CO 80138 (303) 770-9292 www

2013 Fall Marketing Edition

ep o orrt, ted rep To T o qu ote USMAR M MA ARC in the preesseen nte uo ated to be higheessstt in “Mar rblin ling sco core was estim imate “Marb estim ineen nttaal breed reeds weerre es timatted to to An gus. s. C o ont Angu ntin e-half lf to a ffu ull marb rblin ling sco core lower er th han an be one-h An us wit Anggu ith the ex excep pti tion of SALERS. SAL SALERS.”


Templeton Livestock Market 221 North Main Street • Templeton, CA 93465

733 North Ben Maddox Way • Visalia, CA 93292

(805) 434-1866

(559) 625-9615

85 Top Hand Selected Bulls Angus, SimAngus, Hereford, Charolais at each sale

Visalia Livestock Market’s Cattlemen’s Select Bull Sale

Templeton Livestock Market Presents The Tri County Breeder’s Choice Bull Sale

Sunday, September 29th @ 1 pm

Saturday, October 5th @ 1 pm

Both bull sales will feature BBQ at noon Buyers will have the opportunity t it tto win i a hhandd ttooled l d custom t C Cactus t saddle ddddl ddonated t d bby Pfizer Animal Health.

Your Complete Marketing Service Randy Baxley 559.906.9760 Sam Avila 559.799.3854

For a schedule of upcoming events, visit us online at 94

Also offering calf and feeder specials throughout the year.

Weekly auctions at two locations, internet video marketing, receiving facilities, order buying and direct sales, processing facilities, experienced staff.

Livestock Market Digest


Livestock Market Digest



985 SQUEEZE CHUTE available portable or stationary









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